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|| I I t^mm^mmgmimH^K^t^^^mm^^^K^fimm^i^ 




le/) utilities cemmlttee to be formed 

v^uuncii wraps up 

Spedal to flie ^K 
Tte fttrnfttton irt a public utilities 
xMamittM will be considered next 
Mo^ bf the Virginia Beaclj City 

Cmmcll. / t , 

The oommittee is one pi tbe few 
ren^alni^; recommeodattoiis made by 
ttai Mayor's Coaimittee on Sewer and 
Water Rates wWch has not fi^n taken 
19 by CJWcil. The Mayorfs coib- 
inlttee ^d reoMnneDded that thecom- 
aii4te<B I* composed of ftve citizens 
aot con«*cted with the city govern- 
mwt. V 

Vice Ayrt- Patrick L. Standii«, 
eMcMHt tf ^ origin^ eommittee, 
liGUday aftemocn su^ested that one 

member <d the Mayor's committee 
(exclvriii% tlw Ceuacil members), 
s^uld be inclined on the citizens com- 
mittee for ecmtinuity. , 

The comqiUtee would make recom- 
mendations for ezt«nsion of facilities 
and keeping the pimUc Inlprmed. 

Discussion of the ^Mwaittee followed 
Council's approval of a fesolutioo call- 
ing for the Issuance of |39.9millim 
in doi^ie-barreM bi^s, subject to 
the afffoval d voters ina refer^dum. 
The rs^rmdiun win be held June^l4 
In c«MiJunctl<^ with the Democratic pri- ' 
mary, rather than during the Novem- 
ber etecttoB so as not to conflict wtth 
a state bnhd refenendum scheduled for 

Standing said that "it bothers (me) 
that so much has been msuJ^ of the date." 

He said that durii« the whole six 
weeks during which the Maypr's com- 
mittee was active, politics M never 
beM discussed. He aAl^ that the 
June 14 date had an advantage over 
the November date because it would 
give the city time to pr^are to sell 
bomis, which is done in December. 

Jf tte refererKkim were held in No- 
vember; Uie city might no^ Mi% time to 
I»is the necessary ordiaances to sell 

"The only pe(q>Ie making it political , " 
mayor Clareikce Holland^ said, "are 
from tte outside." 

Councllwoman Meyera Obemdorf, 

Who had cast tlw sole vote against the 
June 14 date, said that her main con- 
cern was attaining the least possible 
cost tfr«u:h hOBsel»ld. 

If the referendum fails, for sanitory 
reascms the city might be forced to go 
ahead with utilities construction any- 
way, by using tlw higher-cost revenue 

Councilman R.L. Riggs «as assured 
by City Manager George L. Hanbury 
that priorities listed could be cinnged 
If a health lanrd exists. Riggs ^Id that 
be could understand changes, but not for 
|x)lltlcal reasons. 

(Coirilaned on page 2) 

Serving the world's largest resort city 



5lst Year, No. 13 

Wednesday. April 6, 1977 

Virginia Beach, Va. 

Two Sections 

15 cents 

Unusual job 

Navyman Leonard G«Uiart df 635 Co(H>erstDWB Coort has 
an uaasital and important job. See page A-6 for Ow photo, 
story on Gebhart and a fellow Chief Petty Officer. (Ptoto 
by Tony R. De Marco) 

Join Beach Marine Corps League 

If you were once a Marine 

973 by «a act B^fldes theJbvUius beoettte of en- BetM^ emefaers voted AI Fleming as 

go to Hi8»«Cy(»»i*i(1Bi^'W streets 
are gnrded hf United States Marines. " 

That {Arase pr<*ably gave origin to 
aa^h^ Iriiarse, "Once a l^rine, always 

f^ «qdrlt de corps is so strtnig 
UMiK Martnes that ma^ erf them seek 
mm» wxt ol atfiUatkm with the Corps 
QM« Vb»f retinp. Soch an affiliation can 
CMBe fIroughttJilCariae Corps League, 
now ^j^( atnwg to Virginia Beach aod 
se^dog^ beoiMne stronger. 

to all Marines, TatawHf <l th>i(ra»it. 
Here in Vlrgiala Beach the chapter of 
the League iMfjiA a year ago aod^day 
boasts 116 nMMnbers aiKl loddhg lor 

Bob Foiey, tairrent commandant of 
the Virginia Btech clttpter, said there 
Jire pordMbily f>S,000 former aM active 
Marines in file TUewater u^ea, and 
as long as th^ served 90 days or 
more of active duty, ttey are aU 
eligible to }(ria the Marine League. 

iMal liarine 'fee«gue chapter pridii| 
Itself 00 its civic involvement. Foft^ 
said iWit in the abort year Oiey've 
been orgaoized, tte local chapter h«! 
participated in a Wood drive, woited 
with city officials iduring the 4th of 
July festivities, spo«K>red a soap box 
deilqr entntat, provided coffee and 
donuts tor travelers daring the Labor 
Day weekend, and worked with various 
phases of the Neptune festival. 
As It was organized, the Virginia 


Tim Finchem declares 
for Beach attorney post 

Vlrgima Beach attorney Timothy W. 
Finchem last week deqjared he was 
a Democratic candidate for the of- 
fice of Commonwealth Attorney for 
Virginia Beach, the seat now held by 
Andre Evans. 

In making his announcement, Fin- 
chem stated he woiHd seek the sup- . 
port of all Democrats, not any one 
faction of the party. 

Finchem filed his candidacy March 
31 with Commissioner of Revenue Ivan 
Mai9, aod held a press conference 
that morning at his Newtwon Riad Of- 

He said to believed the people of 
Virginia Beach desire a stro|ng, vigor- 
ous and effective prosecution of the 
criminal laws ami said he was con- 
fidMt, if elected, he could fulfill that 

Finclwm declined any cmnment for 
or against incumbent CommMfealth 
Attorney AiKire Evans, saying hewooM 
rather defer any cMnment until it was 
established whether Hvans wouU H$k 

Finctem, a 1965 graduate of Prtn- 
CMs Ame High School, received his 
lav «tagree from the Uiiverst^ of 
Vlrgiittk Law School in 1913. ^ is 
prese^y a first lieut^iutt in the 
U. S. Army Reserve. 

In 1972 he was elected vice dair- 
man <rf the VJif inla Democratic perty 
and r»-electel to ttet post at the 1976 
stete Otmocr^c convention. He tes 
served as a 0mtfe in the '71, '72 
and ^16 Itemecn^ state convenUons, 
and a '72, '74 and *76 delegate to the 
utioBal Democratic convention 

"I Isok fDrmni to a ttavogh dis- 
cittMiw (rf tte iSNes <tari4 ttis cam- 
pa^ and later, to seivi^ the cit- 
tsew of VirgMa, nnA," Ftn- 
cheiB said. 

BdO'f #»y woa^tte honorsT As F|em- 
ing and Foley indicated, a lot of vet- 
eraa's groups are in serious tnrable 
because of dwindling membersh^. 

'each year an entirely 

new group of officers 
has to be elected...' 

"TUs Is caused by the older members 
(those from the WWn and Korean War 
era) usually over-riding the ideas of 
younger, newer members. This usually 
forces out tiie younger member," said 
Foley. Not so in the Marine Corps 
League, he indicated. "Each year an 
entirely new groiq) of officers has to 
be elected, and within this groiq> we.r 
try to get a cross-section of all ages." 
Most of the members oi the Vir- 
glida Beach chapter come from the 
Beach and Norfolk, said Foley. Other 
officers elected this year Inclwde Joe 
Backo, senior vice commandant; 
George Meegan, junior vice cratraand- 
,aQt; Gerald Fox, adjutant; Lee Bar- 
onet, paymaster, Wilbur May, detedi- 
ment chaplain; Pat SchmoUer, his- 
torian, and Roy Meotalvo, Sergeant 

Bob Foley 

You'll find former Marines in a 
variety of civilian jclbs. Some of the 
members include Richard Branich, 
head of the city's parks and rec- 
reation department, and Walter Hut- 
chins, head of the city's landfill de- 

Foley satd althoi^ the League is 

ines, afl lurine oa aetnfe dW7 can 
join, so long as he or she has served 
90 days active duty. Foiey himself is 
roundli^ our a 30-year career with 
the Marines, completing his last tcnr 
of duty at Atlantic Fleet headqiarters. 

^ : —*■*>' 

'When the meeting starta» 
It's all business.' 

The League meets once a ramth at 
the Mariner Hotel on the beachfnmt, 
usually the first Wednesday of the 
month. The meeting stertsat7:30p.m., 
and Foley says there's no fooling 
around. "When the meetii^ starts, it's 
all business." 

(Ccmtinued im page 2) 

Ride a bus! 

This is the month to take a Imis ride. 

Virginia Bwch City Council Monday 
afternoon passed a resolution pro- 
claiming the month of April as Pid)lic 
TransporteUon Month. 

In addition to the usual "whereases," 
the resolution urges everyone to take 
a bus ride. 

tin<Btmt Bn^ HarlM aim 







:^|^'^ IL 


jite will 
ion. Tbe 
^Dtt ill b« a 

ice on :)Uiuuy,May22on 
r at the Mariner. "Tbe service 
;s wtto have died 
i«r \iKif wiwnij. said Foley. The 
tutr^ie* will include an lionor guard, 

■emorial wreatli which 

ip by helicopter and< 

-" public is invited to 

:al, said Foley. 

* tne Beach chapter has 

pereetit active members. 

\$, everyone gets involvwi 

la * y- - , We *ant to be l^nown 

as mwe than Just another veteran's 
fn^l sittinc around shooting the bre- 
«» Md downing a few beers. We are 
iM^ved in community affairs, a hos- 
{NRkl program, youtb»:tivities and even 

tave a i^ysleal fits^ss program. We 
a^o believe ttet thr^h wr oatiMal 
I«i^ili||ini iMw teve a vwce la v^t 
Concre^ ttoes about veteran's biM- 
flts^ ^^haslaed Foley. 

&Mi Ffrtey and Flemii% stro^ly 
urge all Marines to l>ecome active in 
tte L^gwi Tte dues are nly $i§ per 
year. Aay former «■ active MariM 
caBMwtaet Foley at 424-1733 of Flem- 
im M 3M'S117, or write: Mariw 
Cco^ LMgM^ P.O. Boi 62553, Vir- 
ginia Iteach, sV2»M2. 

on utilities 

Continued from page A- 1 

As the Council voted unanimcttslyto 
adopt the resolution, CouncilmapR^- 
ert B. CromwellJr. said, "Ijuihqpe 
the public hasn't umuehtrwiblevt^qi 
m this as ve seem to." 

Mrs. (Xieradorf said that .rqwrts 
from eiyte leagw* s1»w tte pw^deare 
in do^ ab<»it vtat ttoy are v^Dtfor. 

Ranbury said tettte city is pre- 
l»ri^ a pectage to inform tte voters. 

The varied cwteats of 
your hMietowtt Mtspaper 
give it a readersh^ that in- 
cludes every afe ftrnp. 

iMeh ha 
%Bt He ^^^ 

af AM Tto^rit BtMli ItefMCeipt 
teaked vltk fMtm a'panaaiMrf 
irwB Ml, datedoMBt «B»n*itf 

Bob Ftfif . tftttM m ittMy» Saater vlet 

im B^, trastee Norm Sape, ad]ttant Geral<l Ftf aad 

trwtat CkarUa Hm. 


ffltef an Mtftac L««aen lUy Ktacy 

Bak wmm CoioM ttd eeaiadtteeaMB GmU Ctkm. 

ach captain gets 

Naval Institute award 

A Vit|^^ B^eb ri^ed 
Ntfi e^Mm will be boaor- 
«^ ^; IS «hM tte VS. 
mwA ^ititMe tolds Ha 
mri MrfHl aeetiagialfor- 

m^ma i. L. McCbM, 
t!& (Set.), winner of the 
tatUtoe's 1977 General 
Prise Essay Comest, will 
receive 91,500, a told medal 
and a life meMeraUp lathe 
Naval tnstltnte far his essay, 
•■Ttio .CBM>rati*«(i Character 

rnis in me urst year the 

Institute's annual meeting 

I be held in the Norfolk 

p"-- 101 consecative 

meetings were 

.uuapolia, Maryland, 

tlte toOBdlng of the 

td last year the 


KTved ^iM y^rs io 
^oary or collateral NATO 
i^f au^^pmrnOa, iMlaffiaf 
da^ as ttreetor of pti^ 
ami opMHttas OB Oie siatf 
(d mt &p%me Allied Cam- 
onaaAn' AtkMe. 

Ike ^tttate bapm m 
geimA sfWmiV m^st 
io W19 ud eirr«My re- 

ceive bctwcM M and 10 
«Btri^ «ieh j^ur intfe^coB* 

The Na^ li»titiAe has 
a Aenbers^ st Abmt 
80,000, cMsistUgofcMcers 
aad nlisted persooMl otthe 
MMf^ Marine Coi^, Ccmst 
Cte(4» members of c^r 
services, fore^ naval of- 

ieaoti cai 

To the Editor: 

It is a pleasw^ for me to» write to you to personally 
endorse the crusade mw W^ undertaken by tbe Virginia 
ta«h OaH of tbe Amtrtean Cancer Society. As important 
as the tani raisiM'tl^to of the crusade are, I am 
vinced ttat ihe crtMHKi will focus attention to the n>. 
slty of regular medlWU cteek-ups and early diagnosis. 
Everyttav I have reM m the subject indicates that this 
is the ttvt preraq^site to corable cancer. 

It is taartwrmi^, to say the least, that volunteers 
in the eommuity wtti te work^ during tbe month of April 
to educate Menis, Mli^bors, their families and business 
assMiatea to the facts abmrt cancer. C^ ciMrsf I r<faffM 
ttat i^Bg with a cte^A-iflJ a lot o* i»q>Ie wlH Wve to seirf 
in cheeks to provUe needed mmey for research. 

Anther a^?ect of tt» crusade which 1 think is eaaunny 

Kemps V Hie 
Rec. Center 
opens Apr. IS 

Tte Vlr^nia Beach Recration Center is eiqwcted to, 
isptiTL AprU 15. 1 

The Dqiartmwt (rf I^rks aad Becr^ti<n is ^miing 
a preview for Cfty CoweU membera and aft op^agday ^ 
ceremoof $a well as a week-l<«g <?)«i hawse fcjrttej 
INibUc. '^ 

The new £icUity on KempsvUle Road is designed Itor 
Si,(»0 i^eq^e. To make it available to restMatsftm aU 
aecMitt «r tie city, a tws service to becBirravei witii 
tte help (^ tte ^hool Board. 

Res^^s will be penaitted to piui^se m«nben^ip for 
$1 a year. Tbe ourds wiU be laralBated aad contain a pic- 
tnre of tte mMMwr. Meaibers' gwite will a^bealtowed 
to use the bkcillty. 

Cit7 Manager George L. &id|ury ^M flte city is cm- 
sldering wse of the card tor admti»iw to c^hear IM^le fa- 

CosncU Monday aftenioon qq^upriated $49,778 to pay 
for irtility, custodial .and traii^orteti(m coats ci the center 
to Qie eod (rf the fiscal yrar, Jure 30. 

patients a1 

As Kepi 

I hav 

break fui 
when fath 

and a check and I hop* 
sent will do the sam- 

BMdl receives |500 ehec> 
or veil's interior design dep» 

Guater, chairman 

Susan Smith 
awarded VCU 

A Virginia Beach student 
at Virginia Commonwealth 
Wversity, Susan Anita 

Whitehurst biH ^sks 
funds for 

flccn-s, aad etvWaps ia- 
lere«^ in the i^pdlves 
(tf tte iDstittfe. 

Second District Vizftnia 
congressman WiUiam 
IRiiteimrst lnsco-qx»a»- 
ed a Rtnise bill which woidd 
J jW^Utary construe - 
projectsffat three VirgiiUa 
Beach milltory installatloas. 

Officially caUed the 1977 
siq^temental military con- 
stntctton authorisattMi tdll, 
it schedules three energy 
saving projects at the Little 
Creek aoqAibious base, oro 
at tbe Oceana Naval Air 
Stati(», and one at the Item 
Neck Fleet Trainiag Cen - 

At LitUe Creek, the bill 
would aethorlze $t,M0,000 
for installing an energy 
m(»itoriBg aad eoatrol sys- 


E. Prices Taidcersley of 
VlrgiBia Bnch i^s etocted 
last monb by the Virginia 
Society fbr the Prevention 
of Blindness to serve m its 
Board of Directors. Tan- 
kersley wiU serve tor thf^e 
years. » 

Also elected were: dr. 
Laurence Boyce, Jr., WU- 
liam T. Cofipage, WiUiap 
G. Hwstoo and Franklin D. 
Kizer. aU of Rtchmoul; G. 
A. CleoteUs (d H^iewell; 
E. H. Graves, of Petera - 
borg; Mrs. James Kirk - 
land at Emporia, Step- 
tm Himim, of MMBon; Dr. 
Alft^ F. Suawa of Fair- 
fax; aad Mrs. Glenn UpdU[)e 
of DanviUe. 

temthat'wottld save $244,000 
annually, |200,000 tor in - 
sulation ami storm windows 
that would save |37,700 an- 
nually, and $550,000 jfor a 

'•"^TftJlKana; the 
authorise $260,000 in funds 
to replace various steam and 
condensate systems and in- 
sulation. Anmial dollar sav- 
ings fnmi this project ises- 

At t^ui Ne^, thet>m 
would astl^rtze ^6Q,O0iQ to 

construct energy conserva- 
tion facilities, heating, ven- 
tilation and air conditioning 
for a projected $114,000 an- 
nual' savii 

(D-MI).' The"Bt!l aas been 
referred to the Military In- 
stallatiots mi Facilities 
subcommittee of the House 
Armed Services Committee. 
We^i serves as , toe sub- 
coisttnittee action is ex- 
pected some time this week. 



News Editor 

Bosiness Manager 

Gmral Manger 

' ^rts Eifitor 

Clrc«]ati<n Haoi^er 

AdwrtiaUv Mamvtr 

PoUishcd ewiir W^$m by By erly Ptf>acations with 
iwda tmm loeaM at 111 inMIMtt Rd,, Virftoia Beach, 
1h. 2»ttt. SaeaoA id^ ^m^I* $M at LyiMavea 
SlattaB in Vlr^tfa Ba^. S2Hrert ^«eriiMM by mail: 
$7. cmwr rates priM^ M l^d pi«e. 

Smith, has received the$50Q 
Bellman Fellowship, award- 
ed by Hubert Bellman, the 
originator of the Greater 
Richmond Anltlques Show. 
Miss Smith, (bi^hter of 
Mrs. ilary Awta.Hamiel of 
Viiiiiifa Beafita,a^Hi^faE. 
Smidi of BinghanMctt. New 
York, is a Juniov in tte de- 
jMirt^ent of Interior design 
at VCU. 

Miss Smith was one of two 
students receiving the fell- 4 

'■*>'" '••hii-')! is awanl- 

in connection 
er RiehmoBd 
, held at toe 
Richmond Arena, lastmonto. 
The show featured more tton 
160 antiqfflis rtMilers, and is 
toe largest show in three 

AfttJA grdu'.iainiii. Miss 
Smith wants to work wito an 
architect -^sidentlal 

space plai:.....^. 

Miss Smith says her in- 
terest stems partly from 
the fact that her mother is 
an interior decorator. 

In Norfolk... 

the frst and finest 

dinner theatre... 

Now in our llto year 




oL i X j ' H 



^rtav ^B Fee Y«ag wMi fri^ rite 

1 1 ^ f Iteya w«M 

^niirifli fi^d rice 

■r Sna , 

mt m^n call fM>^^ 


U:M- 10:00 w»»fcil.»« 

^^v^nk liinl M& L 






t Ri/ffot 


•^m- m m v-'M w f - ^ w" 'P' ■ | 

'W ^ ^ "-W m 

VlifW* Beteli am, AprU «, Wn - A-3 


s spruce up 
Lynnhaven House 


SUN News Editor 

Historic Lynnbayen 
House, located t^u: tt« md 
of Wlsbart Road Just off lo- 
depeiKlence Boulerard, Is 
getting a spring face-Uftii«, 
tianks to the efforts of the 
Men's Garden Club of Vir- 
ginia Beach, Mie Princess 
Anne Garden Club and the 
Great Bridge cMipter of the 

Members of the Usree 
groups last we^ began a 
massive plantii^ of trees, 
shrubs and all sorts of herbs 
to beautify Lynnhaven House 
and ready it for -visits by 

^aeton and tmirists. 

Lyiulttven House, bailt io 
the Ute 1600's, U a perfect 
MHunplt of how p«<9le Uved 
in the "new" oriooy (rf Vir- 
glaia. It is a two-story iKmse 
coo^lett wM cellar, attic, 
well, garden and witttfa, wide 
piw floor planks lead to two 
huge fireplaces. 

The Men's Gtrdn Club, 
ODder tte overall direction 
of famed Tidewater garden- 
er Fred Huette, idMited a 
row ot barberry bushes a- 
long the wooden fence sur- 
rounding the house and 
grMnds. The bayberry 
bushes were donated by the 

OcesM Mai«l Air SUtto^. 
Between Oe bwNs and the 
fence several trees natural 
to Qie arM were »lso trute- 

Captain Jin Wri^, head 
of the clidl>'s committee 
working oa Uie project, said 
the bashes and trees 
wlU provide screeidng for 
Lynidhaven Rouse so that 
visitors wlU get the fW 
impact when they walk 
tlwa^ tte forested path 
\e»St( to the house, uA not 
be able to see it from the 
roiulway. . 

Tlie trees included red 
b«8, sour wood, dog wood, 

hon^ lo<»«t and live oak. 

The PrincMS Anne Gar- 
den Cl«i> irorked over the 
wertend iHairtlag fir^t trees 
m the yard SrooodLyndiaven 
Ikwse, akng with a variety 
of keriw that would be found 
in almost every colonist's 
garden. Herbs planted were 
feverfew, dittany of crete, 
basU, parsley, rue, lemon 
holm aid eomfrey. 

A few yards away from 
the House, the Great Bridge 
chapter of the Daughters ot 
American Revolution was 
clearing away the grave - 
jrard of smne of the first 
residents, the Boush tami- 

^. Mrs. Clyde W. Brad - 
dttw, r^ent of the chai^r, 
nM the restoration of th« 
grav^rd was taken on by 
the chapter as part of its 
bi-c«iteimial pr^ects. The 
Great Bridge dui^r is anA 
named for the area of Great 
Bridge in Chesapeake, but. 
a long-ago area d Virginia 
Beach Out was part of Prin- 
cess Anne Couirty. 

Drive with care, don't be 
a speeder, you might run o- 
ver want ad reader! 

Ji ' ) 

89 ' 








1 is 


Pack 409 Cubs 
honored at banquet 

Bill Genz. A. M. MacKay, Tom Nugent, Charles Goddwyn, Capt. Jim Wright, Joseph 
McClane and Bob Levangie of the Virginia Beach Men's Garden Club lay in a row 
of bayberry bushes tobeautifvLvnnhaven House. 

By Howard G. McKenzie 
SpecUl to the SUN 

Over 100 Cub Scouts, par- 
ents and friends wtre pre- 
sent at the annual BMe and 
Gold Banquet held recently 
at Lake Taylor High School. 
Pack 409 is sponsored by 
Lekies United Methodist 
Church, Virginia Beach. 

Guests were Mrs. Audrey 
Beasley, Mr. Jimmy Beas- 
ley, Rev. and Mrs. Karl 
Crowe, Mr. and Mrs. Dra 
Lancaster, Mr. and Mrs. 
Harold MUey, Mr. and Mrs. 
Howard McKenzie, Mr. and 
Mrs. Theodore Mullenaz, 
Mr. and Mrs.StoartSchwar- 
zer, utd Mr. and Mrs. Doy 
J. Starcher. 

. The "Honor Den fbr the 
Year" award went tot the 
Webelos. The Webelos also 
presented a skit featnring 
The Time Machine. Den 4 
presented a skit, "Ota Those 
Hoboes," and Den 6 gave 
a vaudeville show. 

Webelos activity ba^es 
were woii by Danny Carter, 
Gary MiUer, and Mike Tis- 
dale. Danny Carter was also 
awarded his two-year pin. 
Christopher Lane was a* 
warded a one-year pin. 

The Bear Badge was 
awarded to Billy Nordeen. 
Danny GaskiU was awarded 
a Bear Arrow Point. Wolf 
Arrow Points went to Bar- 
ry Fldnick and Mike Worth- 
Ington. Also Silver Arrow 
Points were won by Eric Mil- 
ler and Jiminy Jones. 

Special awards were pre- 
sented to the following adult 
leaders of Pack 409: Mrs. 
Audrey Beasley, for 27 years 
of service to tiie pack; Bur- 
ton Russel, for 8 years as 
Cubmaster; and Don Lan - 
caster for 4 years service. 

Mr. Burton Russell has 
resigned as Cubmaster, and 
will become pack committee 
chairman. The new Cubmas- 
ter, Mr. PhU Villa-Lobos, 
was introduced to those in 

attendence. Pack 409 is oae 
of the oldest pack« In years 
of continuous service in the 
city ol Virgil Beach. 

•^Doyou want 

a place by the ocean., 
next to the fishing pier., 
to relw and imwind? To j 
commanlcate witti nat- 
ure at its very best?! 
H so, caU (919) m-"' 
or 547-M29 for 



Motel AApts. 
Kitty faawk. N.C. 

The Local Radio 



Chesapeake, Va. - Currituck, N.C. 

• Soft Hit Music , • ABC News 

• Comrriunify Announcements 



Mrs. W. R. Miller Jr., Mrs. Albert GibBs and Mrs. Russell B. Davis of the Princess Anne 
Garden Club plant a variety of herbs in the garden of Lynnhaven House. 

Seniors plan 
^mountain trip^ 


Valentine's Day at the Medic Heoltii Care Coiter was 
enjoyed by the patients while the Tidewater Senior Citizens 
Band idayed old fashioned tnes that brought back memories 
of days g(»e by. 

"CiQiid's swing" was in ftill force by the patients. The 
same iitfections enthusiasm was evident. 

Mary Mitchell has an ^ility to achieve melodic wannth 
on her violin and gave several solo selections. One bond 
member had a severe kink in her back, two members 
had fallen down and three had a bout with the flu. However, 
they did surprisingly weU for the shape they were In. 
The patients seemed to be in better condition than the 
members of the band! 

Good food is always a'contributing factor to an enjoyable 
afternoon to those who meet at Thalia Center for the fabulous 
"covered dish" luncheon. For those who like nostalgic 
music this is the place for people to sUig out and dance. 

The enthusiastic receirtion of the audience greatly ea- 
couraged the liand to play lively musical numbers at 
Aragona Community Recreation Center Sunday. A hearty 
welcome was givra Ruby and Al who have returned from 
fiieir honeymoon. Ruby and her dancing gals, dressed in 
St. Patrick attire, gave us some high sten>ing dancing 
that was quite entertaining. Winnie Chestnut, with nimble 
fingers, was at the piano. Rita Benner and her associates 
had a lovely well planned meal and assisted their full house 
of seniors in their dsnal excellent manner. Dinner music 
was played, and Mary, wltti her ready smile, played several 
violin selecttoof which gave you a stroll down memoi^ 
lone. < 



At The New 




Chez Odette 




Scientific Face Trtntment for Dry SUn 
• Oily SUn •De^draied Skin •PnMem 
Blemish Skin « i^te Wn • Sagging SUn 
ud onny mdPtltfwMn skin cooditlotts. 

Complimentary SUn Analysis and Make Up. By App 
OolyPhone 461-9540 


Va. Beach's best-dressed 
^— __j?toft Mr/f ft usi 1 

Om- line of 100% polyester douUeknit 
is fits start for any smart wardrobe— 
noOlng higher ttan H49 yd. It's hi^ 
fUddon for a iinarter of the cost! We 
can provide dressmakers' names. . . 
bring your favorite pattern! 



Va. Beach >40-5070y 

New consumer affairs post 
at Lynnhaven Farm Fresh 

The Virginia Beach De- 
I»rtment of Parks and Re- 
creation, in coqwrationwith 
VPI extension service, will 
sponsor its sec(mdovernig|it 
excursion for seniors May 
24, 25 and 26 at the Edu- 
cational Center at Smith 
Maintain in Western Vir - 

The program will be at 
your leisure with crafts, 
games, nature hikes, fishii« 
and swimmii^. Evening 
socials are also planned, 
including a camp-fire aiul 
^.^ii^-a'-loi^. Tbeaccommo- 
'mtlOTS are lovely - two or 
three per room, heated 
rooms, hot stowers, large 
recreation hall and cafe- 
teria. A great vacatiwi. for 
men mA women. 

ths bus. will leave Pem- 
broke MaE p<»t office at 
9 a.m. May 24, and return 
at$^30p.m. MayM. 

Cost of food, lo^i^ and 
trtttsportatiM will be $40 
per penw. ReservatiMs 

must be made ami paid for 
by April 29. We encourage 
you to make reservations 
'early tiecause of the demand. 
No reservfticas will be «c- 
c&^tfii without cash. No 
cteeks please. 

For minl-tnis tranqwrta- 
tion, (^1 497-4316 after your 
reservation has been made 
and paid for. Transportation 
to and from Pembroke Mall 
wilt he provided only for 
seniors who live alone. 

A n(rte for pacUng-"ca8- 
ual" is the won!. The nights 
get very chilly in tJ» moun- 
tains. Bring your own bath 
articles (towels, etc), and 
flash light. 

Also, there are no faci- 
lities for the baixlicapped 
and ttere are stairs and 
hills ttait must be climbed, 
so ke^ tUs in mind when 
^ are mUw rrserva- 

Remember reservations 
must be OMle by April 29. 

Susan Mayo, a consumer 
an! nutrition expert, will as- 
sume the newly established 
post of consumer aJtfairs dir- 
ector for Farm Fresh su- 
permarkets, accordii^ to 
Gene Walters, president of 
Farm Fresh supermarkets. 

Ms. Mayo, a Virginia 
Beach resident, was pre- 
viously employed as a Lit- 
ton microwave oven consul- 
tant, and as a program con- 


On Mowbi, Apr. 11 tiie 
Vi^nla Beach City Council 
will bold a piOslic hearii« 
on the pr<q>osed ig?"?/?! bud- 
get. The Marine ^U be 
held at 2 p.m. in the City 
Comeil Chalmers In tte Ad- 
ministration BnUdl^, Prin- 
cess Anne Mvdctpal Cen- 

C<vies of the prt^Msed 
bu^t may be reviewed at 
any ot the five branches of 
<th« Poblie Library. 

sultant in the area of nu- 
trition educatlMi for the 
Dairy Council of Virginia. 

Susan Mayo 

holds a Bachelor ci 
Scioce d^ree in Hmne 
Economics wiwatloa Iron 
Mls«lcordia Cidlefe. 

Ms. Mayo wlU optnte a 
sigiermaiit^ " M o rat ory" 
at Farm Fred's Lynn - 
haven store, worUnf with 
home economics students. 
This lab will help students 
to learn about sqpermarket 
operati(ms including com - 
parison shipping, $electi<» 
and use (rf different ci^ of 
meat and meal pUnninc. S^ 
will also be avafiable to 
disous consumer ofiairs 
and uArition with consnmer 
grom>s or clubs. 

This consumer {Urogram is 
tte first in the Tidewater 
regi(^ by a supermarket or- 
ganixati(a. Ms. Majra's acti- 
vities will i^tiate a growing 
program ofomsmeraklsby 
Farm Fresh supermarkets, 
aecordiig to Walters. 

AniMle tor all <»ns«- 
■en will be meal plaMtag 
infomatioa, tips to moke 
Mopidng Bw^ enjoyable 

recipe Ideas, ways to stretch 
the famUy food doUor, help 
with read^ mitrttioa InfcB*- 
matlott on food 1^^^ o^ 
eurrert inHwaatfam on all 
legHlttkiB and FI^ r«g«- 
lations aflecting food shop- 

Ms Mayo wiU be anil- 
able at ^ Lynriiaven Farm 
Fresh sqtermarket for 
questtDos and advice en any 
issue rating to CQO»UMr 
ofiolrs or AoRiing needs. 
Her primary responR^ty 
is to enable fiie shopper to 
make tbe meet of her food 
<k>llar through cosopara - 
tlve sht^ng and smart pre- 
poratiM practiMS. 

All intormation andguid- 
dance provided by Ms. Mayo 
is givw freely to all con- 
sumers, re^rdl^s <rf 
wb^er or n^ they shop 
Farm Frosh. Her hours wUl 
vai7 sad 1^ be pMted on 
te «Mmn«' afdOni bslte- 
tta boaN tami In ^ Lyna- 
haven Farm Fresh so|>er - 

Mother Nature Says:^ 

Be heatty, be happy' 

Mother Nature Says can fill your 
complete nutritional needs... compare 
our low, low prices on grains and nuts . . . 
try our orguic eggs and dried fruit! 

See our Low Price <» Wheat Flour 
and RoUed Oats. 

Join vs for Iimch iriUle you 
your skopfdng. 

Try our home made 
breads and muffins 

StlS Va. Beach Blvd. 



5324 Virginia Beach Blvd. 






fly wifn me 

Mt. Trasiifiiure 

tory amt photos 
y Gary Full^rton, 
^UN/^ws Editor 

Some flew awl some didn ' t . 
a>me were beautiful works 
of art and some weren't. 
Some looked as thoi^h their 
creators spent hours ai them 
and some didn't. 

They all bad one ttiini. 
common: eager kids trying 
to earn first priae in the 
city's annual kite flying con- 
test, held Saturday morning 
at Mt. Trashmore. 

With the wina ai tneir 
liacks, the first rows of 5-9 
year olds awaited the star- 
ter's whistle to ttit their 
kites in the air. the rules 
were: ;the kite bad to fly 
for two minutes, aJid then 
the owner had one raitoti to 
haul it in (or w^i faS left J 
of it). 

After the younger set had 
their glory (or agoti| of de- 
feat), the 10-12 year olds 
put their cre<"*ons in the 
air, followed , tlte 13-18 
ige group. In more thin 
"70 entries we. logged by 
the Parks and Recreation 

Judy Haddock, esordiM- 
ting Om . contest,.: said the 
. entries were judged on their 
design, workma^i^ neat- 
ness, and how well they fl^t. 

First place in the 5-9 

^ age grotq) went to Krlsten 

I Foerster, 8, and see^od 

place was Tnqr Whlte^ age 

8. ' . 

u the 10-12 year category, 
the best kite was made and 
flOwn by Rowena Fuertes, 
age 12, and her sister Gwen- 
dolyn, age 11, was thesecbnd 
place winner. 

to the 13-lt age grom 
J8S«1« PuertM, 1^ 13, had 
tfo best kite, an! Laura 
C^vn Smith, age 13, had 
tte next best 

Sheri Evans of 232 Presidential Blvd. 
iisplays her 'Big Fun' kite. 

The starter's whistle has blown, and (some] kites flyatWTrdShn^re 

'Stay up there, baby. ' says Robert Marshall, 1919 Port 
Lyautey Drive. 




MOtOfl Snyder, Tlrginia 
Beach artist, kas opeaed a 
(Hie man show at Mutual Fe- 
deral Sa^4igs and l.(»n's 
Rahop North ^ice. Tte 
sliow will rtffl through tte 
BKMtb of April. 

Sujp^T, a life long Beach 
resident, has studied uiKler 
Bertha Fasni^; Taylor and 
Mly Arttiurs of Tkiewater. 
His works have been ez- 
kftlt^i in stews at the Chry- 
sler Mnseiun, Virgutfa Mu- 
anmf RichoioadawitheH^ih 
Mweum in Atlanta, as well 
as 3«rious other galleries 
and imseums thrm^hout the 

SiAjeet matter for the Mu- 
tual Fedn^ show consists 
itf sietal scul{4ures and ab- 
stract, noB-objective paint- 
wgs <h»ie in oils. Synder 
is active in tte Tidewater 
Ar^^ Assmuation and is 
a past treasffl-er of Oe or- 

MnM fnr ttelintM Syqr- 
der simrat Mutaal Federal s 
HiUtop Xortfe i^ce, Laskin 
R^ are from 10 a.m. mtil 
5 fM,, Moad^ ttrc^h 
Tharslay aad M a.a. »til 
f p.m. Oft FrM^. ^Nier's 
woit is displayed for sale. 

plans gala week 

Virginia Beach branch li- 
braries are gearing up for 
Nattcnal Library Week Apr. 
17-23 by planning a variety 
of actifities designed to in- 
terest b<^ jowf and old. 

Soma of the events planed 
include a booknark cratest, 
an aawial pet sbov, program 
ior itory time paraits, a 

horse shoeii^ demonstra- 
tion, plus continuing their 
regular story times and film 

In the bookmark contest, 
young people ages 5 to 14 
are eligible. Entries must 
be submitted on the forms 
avaiWile at all libniriesand 
the booiuMUle. Rirbtvin. 

ning entries will t>e selected 
and reproduced an! used on 
bookmarks thrQagbottttbe li- 
braries during ttie comity; 

The boiAmark contest 
starts Apr. 11, and entries 
must be submitted by Wed- 
nesday, Apr. 27. Library of- 
ficials say tlie art work tor 

LoulM Hall retires with merit award 

Vir^aia Bw^r Uwisa 
C. HUM, aparvlsM7^iUift 
te ^ fael A^arteeat of m 
l^ktk Itena Ai^y Caataf , 
r«etl«M ahMw(^mM-Mte- 
tea ttmm M CsMaaad^ 

cmecr. tuam w. u. oast. 

•a iMr vaeMl tWraiiM^ 
Mia nM, rv^f^^m 
Merttoriim Cfi#M ier ■ 
▼ice Amrd ia ftll, awtt^ 
» yMTS at MN" A MtaMI 
ta Om Air For " tlw, 
sM is Blse m% daugbter ^ 

INvwr mc^matmMBt (M- 
te^, SJMM Mm E. Wood. 
Ittu flitt is a i^Mmtei 
MWal^^itf aatf ptetis 

M«te. (VJ. ffavjr pkrito) 

Beach promotiorvs at Fidelity Amirican 

F^Mf American ItoA of Kc«r ♦» i"="* n**"* 

Vi^iBia B«i^ tas announ- 
ced it fai promoted eight 
Vlrgisia,. Beadi residents 

Mm D. Brteterws^tH 
' om afl^ww 

P^K promo* 

N Jc^P'^re^ Jp. wtl 
niiirted ^om toaa t^c^u 

istant Tlce presidwrt. , 

promtrted from the bnacb 
ntanaier at tin Writ's 
Bkckstone brasefi to 1>raKh 

MBMtttr of flM» ftdttB SftPT 


Edwiu E. LWahi wis pro- 
moted from adjwior to id- 
stment siyenisor 

fatrteii V% Maas was |^« 
flMed (rtBs^r^arytosH''- 
p«nte «Kretary, 

art»ra S. Murden 
wa^ prom<^ from Mlmlois- 
traliTe Mletr to |^rsoiift»T 

Burym ning Winners 

Lay Menarson^ naMgar of tha Bm^ m^ at SMS Bel. 
last KaM li Vtrtbria Baaeh, preseota prlMs t«^ wteeri 
m drawUvs and cootasti iMld to ceMrato Om r«MtaiMd 
^M« tt the raitaoraot. J.P. Kam^ ma ^1^ tor 
•law faaate motareyde; David Lwtat g^ ■ atw Moto-- 
Ciwa Mcycle as Us prUe; aod Murl btarJte tc« aa 
M«M« ^^mH ami^. AU i«Mrt an rasidMtatf Vir- 

the boKdmarks is ^'te por- 
tary tbe e^dteBMSt an^or 
magic yon find in bodes." 

Tlw Library's amiual 
f hlMrea's pet show will be 
beld ^Dday, Apr. 17 at 2 
p.m. at the Graat Neck 
branch library. (Raih date 
is Apr. 24) 

The show is strictly tor 
fun, and kUs i^s 5 to M 
are urged to enter tbeir pet 
in the ccmtest. All persons 
wto enter will receive a rib- 
btm for fun cate^riaa, such 
as longest ears, niost strip- 
es, Uggea^, smaJlest etc. 
One pet per AIM can be 

If ym've got a "th^" 
for a pet, it must be in 
some type of container. Nor- 
mal nm-of-the-ralU pets 
like dogs and em must be 
m a leasb. l^ms tte Ub- 
rariaas dtn't want to teve 
strange "pets" ritnning 
loose around the Ul»^ (far- 
ing or after the contest. 

On Friday, Apr. 22 at 
the Gr^at N^ik branch U>- 
rary, a uncial ^tsgraa is 
offered t^ parents of ^- 
sctoolers. Entitled "Hi^ 
i^ ymr child get rMdy 4p 
^Bd," the prq^nm k M- 
s%Md to M^ paints to 
select Ubnury materials 
that can he^ pri^rt tbeiP 
child for tte process of r^- 
im- Ms. SIw^ Hmrttt.ODU 
master's st^^, «r^ pte- 
s^ the prqiram. 

A qiecla} trert is ia sttnrt 
at the Gt^t N«ek bra^i 
library Wed^s^, Apr. M 
at 4 p.m. Mr. laiitai H. 
White, a ^I Macbmtlh, 
wUl bring aa AnUaa ^rae 
to the mtuf m^in te 
cUMi^ tow tos^ atatw. 


Dfmce for K. Daughters 
' . 3each AAMA 

Virginia ^ch »«, April 8, IWi 

The Virginia Beaeli chap- 
ter of the American Assoel- 
fttioti of Medical Assistants 
will be holding their third 
annual "Charity Ball" on 
Saturday, Apr. 23, this year 
to benefit the Children's 
Hospital of the Kill's Daugh- 

The dance will be held at 
the Commodore Country 

Club from 9 p.m. until 12:30 
p.m. with music for the e?en- 
, ing furnished by Benny Gould 
and his orchestra. 

Tickets for the ball are 
$18 per couple and includes 
set-ups and snacks, plus a 
buffet breakfast at 12 :30a.m. 
Because the event is for 
charity, the price of the 
tickets is tax deductible. 

Tickets for the gala may 
be obtained by contaQtlng 
Mrs. Myrtle Ingvaldsen, 
president of the Beach AAMA 
chapter, at 481-2313 week- 
days from 9 a.m. to § p.m., 
or 486-3073 evenings and 
weekends. Reservations will 
be? taken to accommodate 
your party. 

Virginia Beach merchants 

Myrt Ingvaldsen [left], president of the Beach AAMA.and Jane 
Debban hold just a few of the door prizes donated for the 
AAMA Charity Ball to be held Apr. 23. 

donating door prizes for the < 
Charity Ball include La 
Vogue at HUlt(«, Vilbige 
Butcher at Htlltq[>, Ii^ram's 
Pharmacy on 25th Stre«t, 
Tennis Unlimited at Hill - 
top, Standard Office Sup- 
ply, A. Lee Rawllngs, Hill- 
top Pharmacy, Shore Drive 
Inn, El Greco restaurant, 
Snady's at Lynnhaven, Car- 
mine's Beauty Shop, Ether- 
idge Realty, Taste Unlim- 
ited and Artist Showcase. 
The American Associa - 
tion of Medical Assistants 
is an organization for em- 
ployees in physician's of - 
fices and is designed to help 
inspire its members to give 
honest, loyal and efficient 
service to their profession 
and to the public which they 

Each year the Virginia 
Beach chapter of the AAMA 
donates their charity Itall's 
profits to a community pro- 
ject or charitable organiza- 
tion. Last year the ball's 
profits were given to Beach 
General Hospital to be used 
towards the purchase of can- 
cer-treating e({uipment. In 
1975 the profits were do- 
nated to the Cardiac Care 
unit of Beach General. 

The Beach chapter also 
recently sponsored a blood 
drive for the Red Cross, 
collecting 106 pints of blood. 
Other projects planned in- ^ 
elude senior citizen work- 
shops at Beach General on 
how to file senior citizen 
Medicare an/or suK>lemen- 
tal benefits. 

Iti an effort to increase 
the knowledge and profes- 
sionalism of its members, 
the local AAMA chapter is 
conducting on-going classes 
for Medical Assistants to 
help them study for upcom- 
ag certification exams. The 
exam is very compre- 
hensive, and in order for a 
member to pass it, he or 
she must be very knowledge- 
able about their job and the 
medical field as a whole. 
Upon passing the exam, the 
finalists become a Certi - 
fied Medical Assistant. 


The Spurrlows perform 
for crippled children 

The Kaleidosei^lc sights and soiuds of The ^urrlows 
wUl utfold at the Virginia Beach Civic Center (Dome) 
April 22, p«rformli« their "America,, Let's Celebrate" 
show for the benefit of the Crippled Children Society. 
The SlHirrlows' performance is sponsored by die Virginia 
Beach KIwanis Club, vhieh is selling tickets toraiie fmdi$ purchase i^ysical theranr equiiMnent for the crtjyied 
ehUdrea. lids is me second year that the Kiwanii difl> 
has spoBMred a mosical benefit show, aad they art tskiag 
ttie support of aU Virginia Bnchers. Tickets io advance, 
are |S for whilts avl $1.50 for children. A family plan for 
2 adults and 3 children costs only |9. CaU W-OOU for 
ticket iBformitiw. 



Sunday Services 9:00 a.m. currently 
meeting at: 

St. Francis Episcopal Church 
509 Rosemor^ Rd. 

NMtor J. Hangwi 427-3820 

In Windsor Woods — 
Plaza ' - - Green Run 

TiM Catholic Parish 
of tha l%ly SpMt 

7 pjn. Sat.; 9:30 All ajii. Sun. 
Tal^hona 340-7 1 22 



Mr. and Mrs. Richard 
Lee Hodges Jr., son; 

Mr. and Mrs. Ronald 
L. Short, s(n); 

Mr. and Mrs. Wil- 
bert Eugene Mumford, dau- 

Mr. and Mrs. Wil- 
liam Lawrence Cox, daugh- 

Mr. and Mrs. Earl Sam- 
uel Molton Jr., son; 

Mr. and Mrs. Charles 
Vernon Merrick, daughter; 

Mr. and Mrs. Vinton 
Tazewell Land, jr., son; 

Mr. and Mrs. William 
Louis White Jr., son; 

Mr. ami Mrs. James 
L. Smith, son; 

Mr. and Mrs. Richard 
Lewis Montogomery, d augh- 

Mr. and Mrs. Peter 
D. Longobucco, son; 

Mr. and Mrs. Mich- 
ael F. Coveny, daughter; 

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph 
L. Mal)ine, son; 

Mr. and Mrs. George 
Steven Buckley, dai«hter; 

Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ste- 
ven Petty, son; 

Mr. and Mrs. Rcmald 
Dale Wagner, daughter; 

Mr. and Mrs. B(My 
Joe Schloss, daughter; 

Mr. and Mrs. John Ber- 
nard Beonett, dai^hter; 

Mr. and Mrs. WilUam 
Eldridge Page, daughter; 

Mr. and Mrs. Scott 
Russell, daughter ami 

Mr. and Mrs. Robert 
Ernie Vaught, dai«hter. 


to the Son of David 

W^ Jetw cMered jeniialem, tlie people |^rt(rtU Um «Mi preat reyAe- 
ing. Many spread their ciNiU along the gjtmM aa he rode by aalride a 
colt. Othen iraved pilm hranehea. Jeans waa prodafaned by many to be 
a King and they praiaed Um aayfaig, **Hoaaiua to the Sim of Itevid". 
(Matthew 21 19) Yet in a short time, Jeaiu wOldd be cmdfied as a trattor. 
How tempting it must have ^tm for Him to tay mily thoae tUng* that His 
people want^ to hear, bitt' |eaua spoke on the truth. This Palm Sunday, 
attend the church of your dkOiee and pr»i«e the Son of God in the same 
spirit of the first Pahn Sttldiy. 

Meating^Elac. Sarvica 

2216 N. Great Neck Road 481-7694 
Sewer & Water Connections 

Haynas Furnltura Company 

5324 Va. Beach Blvd. 1^ 


Bayslda Motora 

4747 Shore Dr. 464-4563 
Charies C. Hale, Sr. k Staff 

Kampavilla Phamtacy / 

5266 Princess Anne Rd. 49f-3S16 
Robert W. Qybum-Lynn Leavitt 

Lindsay Bros, Inc. 

Plumbing-Heating-Fuel Oil Del. 
865 Newtown Rd. 497-4633 

C^arUa'a SairfDOdllastauraiU^ 

3139 Shore Dr. 491-9863 
Mary E. Rehpelz b Employees 

Prica'8 Incorporatad 

4580 Pembroke Mall 622-3706 
Brand Name Appliances-TV-Stero 

Willis Furnltura at Hilltop 

1712 LasUn Rd. 428-5951 
. L. H. Bonis & Staff 

All Star Electric, Inc. 

1425 Air Rail Ave. 464-6231 
Commercial & Industrial 

Noma Federal Savings 
S Loan Assoc. 

1635 Laskin Rd. 426-0327 ._ 
Church Accounts Welcome / 


Mill-End Carpet Shop 

4740 Va. Beach Blvd. 497-4854 
Ta;lor B. Carr & Employees 

Weather Makers 

5250 Challedon Dr. 499-7087 
WilUam L. Hendridcs k Staff 

John M. Wright. Raalty, Inc. 

, 1964 Laskin Rd. 

John M. Wright k Associates 

Kellam A Eaton, Inc. BIdg. Supplies 

Princess Ann StatloB 427-32U0 
Frank k David Kellam 

Furniture Showrooma 

828 E. Little Creii Rd. 
2981 S. Military Hwy " , 
Sandy Bolin k Emidpyeeis 

MUlers Plumbing A Heatjng Co. 

1629 Salem Rd. 497-8794 

Sewer ft Water Conn^eticws A Specialty 

R. C. Qreer Phirtibing l( Heating 

Sewer and Water Hook- 
2293 MlaB Uver Rd. 

Contractors Paving Co., Inc. 

3779 Bonney Rd. 347-1161 
Clinton Teets & Staff 

Hilton Appliance Service 

4737 Honey Grove 497-5707 
"Out Of Whack - Call Mack" 

Kellam-Eaton Insurance Co. 

3111 Pacific Ave. 428-9161 

Higgins Realty, Inc. «, 

6620 Indian River Rd. 420-3129 
Cecil M. Harrison k Associates 

Rosewood Memorial Park 

631 Witch Duck Rd. 497-8925 
C, C. Kiricpatrick 

This feature Is made possRile through the co<^eraten 
of our minlatars. It is paid for by these area firms who believe / 
oiMT churches m^ a vltiri iart of our community life. 


If we're not good, 
we're out of business 

U. S. MartM Corps Iwlicqtttrs ready to lift ^froa ^ 
lllKbt deck of U^ Coronado to carry tteir comideBeBt 
d Marines to the t>each. In die twckKroand are laadinc 
craft, also carried by the Hairy ship. (Photo by Milt 
Ptttaan) , ^ 

'Safety Is paramount, and 
that's why we drilL. ' 

By Tony R, De Marco 
Special to the SUN 

Two Virfinla BeachNavy- 

men "ke^ em flyli^" wi 

the 16,800-ton anphibious 

transport dock Ul^ Coro- 

' Dado. 

Aviation Chief Boatswains 
Mate Rondal McCwmell of 
f25 First Colmial Rd. aoA 
AvlatiOT Chief B(»tswains, 
Mate,R<»ald McCtmnell of 
tert of 635 Coqi>er$town Ct. 
are the two drlTing forces 
behind, the excellent avia - 
ttoh safety record that the 
Norfolk-based Coronado en- 

As the flight deck chief 
petty officer, Chief McCon- 
nell is responsible for the 
safe and efficient (^r^ioo 
ta the ship's flight deck. 
Hie l(-year Navy v^eran 
nid, "Landing a helictqiter 
w a moving flight deck is 
risky business, and it takes 
an airdepartmentthat'skeBi 
(81 safety to do it right. 

"Sure, it's dangerous! 
There's 35 people insomeof 
those birds and I want to 
get them on and ofttbe Coro- 
nado as safely as possible." 

His flight deck runnii% 
mate Aviation Chief Boat- , 
swain's Hate GAhart join- 
ed in. "Mac's 100 per cent 
right. Safety is paramount 
and that's why we drill, drill, 
drill. I'm proud to aiythat 
the refueling gang is re - 
liable and respcmsible." 

check it daily and prior to 
refueling any aircraft, " 

Chief GAbart state<i with 
obvious pride, ^'Many belt- 
ciders preler to take ^1 
from Coronado because they 
luDow we're professiqn&l ai^ 
that our tml is 9ft»MM/l(» 
per cw»t pure. We've Mver 
had a eonplaint," eitt^- 
siaed the bearded Navy vet- 

The Coronado has had over 
6,200 aU-craft lamUivsxwits 
flight deck mA has mi^rhad 
an accideirt. The ship was 
selected as an at-s^ land- 
ing platform for testing ike 
, Marine Corps vertical tol»- 
off awl landing Harrier at- 
tack Jet aircraft. Just last 
month, the new, heavy lift 
CH-S3E Sea Staliiw heli - 
c(q>ter also conducted 
flights from the Coronado 
fl^ht deck. 

Lieutenant Commander 
Jim Ellington, the ship's air 
boss, spoke glowlKly about 
his two chiefs. "Those fays 
are si^er. They're good 
friends, hard workers and 
highly professi<»al. They 
demand excellence from 
their men and they get it 
because they're good lead- 
ers. Our safety record at- 
tests to that." 

Vlri^Att IMmA ^Mat LeaoaH M. Gebhart serves as an 
aviaflM lwirtaw»iB'ls mate akoactl ttie amphibious transport 
dod( U^ CoF«ndo, hom^orted in Norfolk. (Photo by Milt 

'...they know we're professional... ' 

Chief Petty OfHeH- LcMard H. Gefekart traria with one 
of his men to check oat iwrt (rf Uie airtatiai tml system 
alMard the amphibious transport dock USS Coronado. (Moto 
by Milt Putnam) 

Seewd tron eztawM 1«A, Navy eUet avUttoi tottaNntai's 
mate RooaU E. McConwU directs MarlMS into a hell- 
■ c«vter OB tte fUgbt deck of VSS Coronado. (Photo bfMUt 

MvtM', R.J. Hitimaa Rbuld E. MeCouiell is fl%ht deck 
chief petty officer aboard the Navjr amphibious tr^port 
dock USS Cor<mado. (Plwto by Milt Putnam) 

Marlinettes match moves 
at Metro march 

SUN Band Reporter 

Bayside's Mareiuog Mar- 
linettes made the scene at 
the l|iss Metropolitan Drill 
Team Pi^eant and Compe- 
tition again this year. 

Yes. our girls from Bay- 
side High School went for 
the title of Miss Metropo- 
litan Drill Team in Fair- 
fax, Virginia this past month. 
Kristi Higgins of W. T. 
Woodson High School in 
Fairfax was crowned Miss 
Metropolitan Drill Team. 
Her winning performance 
was to "Pattern People". 
The first runner up was Me- 
lissa Kay Barritt, repre- 
senting Fort Hunt High 

School. For second runner 
up, a tie between Jaye Al- 
derman of Bayside High ! 
School and Bonny Thompson 
of H. D. Woodson High 
School. A well done is ex- 
tended to Jaye Alderman fur 
her performance in Fairfax. 
Along with the Miss M^- 
ropolitan Drill Team Page- 
ant, there was also drill 
team competition. This com- 
petitiOQ is similiar to the 
Vftrginia Beach music fes- 
tival each year in that the 
units receive a grade of one, 
two, or three for their per- 
formance. The mly differ- 
eiKe between, this &jmpt^-, 
ition aiKl our music festival 
is that the schools that re- 
ceive a grade of "om" re- 

Salary study 

Ab eMCUtives' salary 
sti^y is twi^ considered by 
Vir^t Beach City Council. 

City Manager Geoi^e L. 
HaolMry saM M^day after- 
noon at an informal Council 
smsIm tM • study cmid 
pi^^bly be n«le t^acon- 
•ultt^ firm tor from 18.000 
' IMJ08 

Tl« study would eoiverctty 
executives in the Grade 62 
pay range (|as,200-32,520) 
and above. 

Haitary said it would be 

neces^ry for "a cMBpetent, 
^aliHed pr^ssional to 
make tie stqdy" Md ttat he 
ve^ disc^B^Ce lay wirtici- 

ies a tro|riiy. 

The jiM^es for this event 
were; Lou Mulford, Virginia 
Wesleyan College, and Jean 
Newell, former memt)er <A 
the Texas Rangerettes. Th^ 
chairman for the competi- 
tion was Mike Miller, vice 
president of National SJiirit 
aiKi Sports Camps. Thecom- 
petitioo was behl at George 
Mason University in Fair- 

In the drill team competi- 
tion thf re were Ave orte- 
gories: prop, pom pom, high 
kick, danc6, and military. 
Bayside entered the prop, 
h^h {^[ick, ami military cat- 
Tories. They received a 
grade of three in the prt^, 
and i grade of one in the 
(rfher two: high ki<ik and 

Bayside took 22 girls to, 
omipete inthemeet.Ofttesej 
22, five competed for the! 
title of Miss Metrqnlitan, ■ 
The five to compete were: 
KarM Elliott, Steri Haga, 
Jaye Aldemin.' Micah Al- 
derman, and Nancy JotasM. 

Baysute's next trip of this ' 
type will be to Ki^'s Do- 
minioo for the Natiual Drill 
T^m Fwn^tlcm eompetl - 
\wm m May 28. hjm M- 
dernin wis tfrofmed' Mils 
Vimi^ Mil Team attUs 
meet last year. 

Shari Haga [left] and captain Micah Aioerman aispiay one 
of their 'Grade One' trdphies. 

rutmui-up. Miss >yt ■"•■ --Tfesf. 



Vlrtteta BMcb Bm, April «, im 


■-1 Ba:>a Farenis 
normg a Carniva 

-t-'iturea at tbe Fiut iidptist 
f Vjtrima Beach SFith Mti.i 

y lli« first. 

trip to 

Kfd'S f//fTR 

_ ms will be slK)wn ttna 

pr. 9) at three Virginia 

' 11 DiiiJiL'li librarif^s. 

--t 10 a.m. at Great Neck branch, 

the films to be shown are "Hare and 

the tortoise," "How the elephant got 

his trunk" and "Moon came down to 


At U a.m. at Windsor Woods branch 
the films are "Little Mermaid" and 
"'"hildren's chants and games/' 

At the Virginia Beach branch the 
niras are "Boswelle's Bon Voyage" 
and "Night owls." 

Sunrise service 

Civilian and military personnel are 
invited to worship at Easter sonris* 
services at the Norfolk Naval Shipyard 
Apr. 10 at 7 a.m. 

The services will be held at Trophy 

.Park, just inside >the north end of the 

shipyard, near the 1st Street gate (#3). 

The Rev. Donald K. Edmonds, min- 
ister of Calvin Presbyterian Church 
of Norfolk, will be the guest speaker 
at the sunrise services. 

In the event of rain, services will 
be held in the shipyard's Callagiian 
Center auditorium, Bldg. 310. 

Coffee and donuts will be served to 
the congregation following the servi'-" 

■■ "Jill lH^iAl iSp 

'Jay afternoon. 

ng stud- 
unc- or tioth days. Registratioii ^rms 
snd information are available throurh 

h.iitt. ....fv ,:. ...noi, 111 utryugK Jdaicv 
Chalmers, registi-ation chairman, 117 
Watklns Drive, Hampton, Va. 2S669. 

10411 dance 

The Virginia Beach chapter ot the 
IC-HI (I Can't Help It) Clubs Is spon- 
soriug a dance on Friday night, April 
15, from 7:30p.m. to 11 p.m. Thedaace 
will be held at the Virginia Beach 
Jaycees Building (formerly the Pem- 
broke Manor Community Center). Hins- 
dale Street and Bennett Lane. 

All IC-HI naemb«CBtf«pi'«Bpective 
members in tbe Tidewater area are 
Invited. The "I Can't Help It" Cii* 
is open to mentally and physically 
handicapped persons. 

Tbe dance will feature disc Jockey 
Buster Crab, a karate demossttation 
presented by Cbuck Norris Karate Stu- 
dies, adance contest with prixesaward- 
ed to tke winners, several doorprizes, 
and refFeshraents. 

Contact Mr. Harry E. Baird Jr., 
466-3110, if further information is de- 

presentation oi 

, Mr ic i mi if. -..-I 

Sfef th*> TC-Hi 

Thursday, Apr, 

ownuumei .iiutteran. Cborcb, 

Sbteft Drfve at Virginia Beach 

Blvd. Tlte {mrpose of the meeting is 

to plan fu^re recreational activities. 

igo vp new members and vote on a 

coostitutloa And by-laws for a new club 

being Incoiportted as a replacement 

for tbe Virginia Beacb chapter of the 

"I Can't Help It" Clubs. 

Tbe club's primary purpose is to 
organize mewdngful recreational acti- 
vities for .' liaadlc^w«d persons. 
March's activity vas a dance attended 
))y i^roxlBiately 90 clul> members. 
Plans aria now being made to sprasor 
another dance for our April event and 
for sonie type of tour as our May 
activity. These are some of the kltxls 
of activities the club hopes to or- 
ganiae in tbe future and success of 
tbese events depends iqiOD your in- 
terest, support and participation. 

All parents and families of bandi- 
capped- {Mfnons in the Virginia Beach 
itfftfe.itre tiiged to attend fids tneet- 
log. Other persons interested in help- 
ing handicapped f^aple and wanting to 
volunteer their time or services are 
also iRflcdflie. 

Cortact Mr, Harry E. Baird Jr., 
486-3U0, '* furtfier information is de- 

hristlan Church 

•-lay morning 

ater RegloA- 

u Program and 

- - olood. 

oodmobtle was held at the new 
i.iiufv Way Family Service Center 
at the bi ch. 

Sponsor^ «p of these bloodnioblles la 
vital ^ to the 'Uood Program since it. 
furiUshes a mut needed source of bldod 
to be processed . 'o platelets for leu- 
keumla patients. BivodnvStbeicbravQ, 
taken to theBloodcenteronYorkStr^, 
Norfolk, and processed for plateleta 
within a four hour time frame. Shelf 
life for platelets Is 72 hours no tbey 
cannot be "atockpiled." 

Anyone interested in spcmsoring one 
of the Monday monilng Mooitadiiks 
i$ asked to call l^an VerraqlV donor 
recruitment consultant. Tidewater Bed 
Cross Blood Program, 625-5791. 

Blind m^t 

Tbe nMtbly meetfif of tte Tid«- 
vtter dHvttr of m mtiaml fedM«- 
Hon of ttt bUad wUl be btU on ApHl 
16 at 2 p.m. at 1S16 %i1^ Meadow 
Blvd., Nortolk. 

for transportatlM or iaforraatlon 
call 588-19W ori«l-357L 

Oceana Wives 

Tbe next Naval Air Station OcMOk 
Navy Wives Service Infornuttob Softool 
will be held Apr. 12, 13. iuid 14 from 
^:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. In fbe Ctixpei 
of tbe'^Good Sbepbenl, MAS Oceana. 

The sctool is (tefgned to i^ora 
the Navy wife (rf avalli^ j^rviefts 
and benefits and to answer questions 
tb« migtat lave conceriring the N«tiF- 
Free nursery service is avattible. 

For more tnttHiiatton and t9aer- 
y/iiima, call tbe HAS Oe«ana Ednea- 
ttanal Services Ottice at 425-2611 or 

Psychic/ science 

Ellen Andrew, a psychic who works 
for tli« Assoeiatfpn for Oocitmentation 
and ^nliffhteitment in Virginia Beach, 
will affpear at a special program at Old 
D(MUM» UMvtrslty, Thursday, Apr 7 

Mr. Andrew ami two ODU professors 
will discuss "The scientist and psychic 
lAenomena" at Hoffman Hall on the ODU 
campns. The discusaion is to explore 
tbe potential relationship between 
setelM)e and tbe psychic realm. 

Tbe lecture and question-an-answer 
session will be free to the public. For 
inforaiatlon, cintect leiti Campbell at 
ADE, 425-0715. 

Sen/or Centers M$rlna 

The Virginia Beach Dqiartmait of 
Parks and Recreation cf)erates five 
senior citizen centers and one club for 
the enjoymnet of older adults in the 
City. Transportation ds provided in 
cooperation with SEVAMP for those 
senior citlaeni that qoalify. 

Centers are located in tte Bay- 
side, Beach, KempsvAle, Sea^ck and 
Tbalfa areas of Virginia Beacb. Con- 
tach Parks and Recreation at 4OT-4884 

The Lynnhaven Municipal Marina is 
located on Long Creek and 3211 Lynn- 
hlven Drive off Shore Drive. Rental 
slips are available for power and sail 
boats CD a yearly ba«is. Tbe marina 
is evi^iped with gas and diesel Aiel 
and oil stvpUes, and official weight 
station, restrocnns, and sandwiohes 
and drinks. ;/ 

r» jjlirHier iitformation -contact the 
Lynnhaven ^iiwtelpal "Mhrlna at 481- 
713? M- the Dqiartment of Parks 
and Becnttlion at 497-4884. 

Library bunny f^yffrwmd^ 


Si^^tdogjr, Virginia Beach, now 
loeatadat iOft22Hd Street, has expanded 
hito kit^r quantvqa tp accooiodate the 
Urg» ntebefs dtjtMp|e;i|»ttare taking 
advaatajte ot mif f»«a-^Alredu«toffir 
offef. -f ' ■" ' *»; 

Thdsqteople who waatip,^ haanLer, 
more. aUve, in^X^'^tmS^m 
want to find oat «tat.$c««i«%^jjlai. 
about, can now atteiMI tbe 'fiieijafi^^. 
dnetory course any week nifi^ tt^ti*t: 
to 9:30 p.m. 

Aeocmling to Sev. fiena Alexan&ir, 
tbe Miirst^flrti^J^ .«Q|ira 4<iiiy* 

ter^ me, tUm-t^SSS^Sym. 
To-i!e|l8ter Oir-^'dMNe«iiiformation, 
iM nana lUexaader at Scientology, 
VlivlaUt Beneh; 42«>S23i^v«r drop by 
206 22nit Street. 

Tomorrow (Apr, 7) 3-5 year olds 
going to the r^ular 10 a.m. story time 
at the Virginia Beach branch of the 
public library will get quite a trjeat 
for Easter. 

The library officials have arranged 
for Ms. Jan OUver from Norfolk's 
Lagayette Park Zoo to bring a special 
Eoo animal to tbe story time, and in 
hnoor of Easter, tbe animal will be a 

The Youth Division ot the VirginU 
Beach DqwrtoMBt <if ^drks and Re- 
creatUm operates 25 afierschool play- 
KT^nnds at elementary schools through- 
ont tte city, lliei^ogram rms through- 
oat school year from 3:30-5:30 p.m. 
prcKh^^ active game sessions, spnls 
events, arts ft ciifts, and citywMe^ 
special events. 

For further infonnation contact the 
Departmart of Parks and Recreation 
at 497-4884. 


The Navy, -Wives Clttbs of America 
Tidewater Area Cbilncll's annual sponi 
sors reckon will be held Saturday 
Apr. 16 at Ure Fleet Recreation Par^ 
«n Hampton BotiltrtM^ in Norfolk. 

lfo-<iU6t Cocktaa* wflibe at 7 P; 
with dfrawE at 7:^ip.m. The cost t 
be 13.50. per person. All Virginia Bea 
^wy Wives are touted. R.S. V.P 
caffing 423-4714. 



PFC M.C. Wilson 


Marine Private First 
Class Michael C. Wilson, 
son of Nancy Bunn and st^- 
son of Willis C, BuBh of 
1446 Old Oak Arch, Vi^n- 
ia Beach, has been merit- 
oriously promoted to his 
present rank upon gradn- 
'Hfwi from recruit training 
t' Marine Corps Re- 
cruit Depot, San Diego, 

He received the early 
promotion for his superior 
performance during all 
phases of the 11-week train- 
ing cycle, which emphasized 
physical conditioning, self- 
discipiine and teamworii 

Wilson joined the Marine 
Corps in Novemlwr 1976. 


^.■j-l;u I-. iii'.'i HfiJ- 

..eon D. Daniels, sm of 
William D. Daniels of Vir- 
citila Beach was Pt-Adnatel 

in Recruit Rus- 
sell K. Hughes, sonof R.W. 
Hughes of 5720 Palate Drive, 
and K. E. Hughes of 5306 
Amboy Court, all of Virginia 
Beach, was graduated from 
Aviation Anti - submarine 
warfare (ASW) operator 

During the 12-week course 
at the Naval Air Technical 
Trafning Center, MUlington, 
Tenn., HQghes studied the 
(derating principles andpro- 
cedures for airborne ASW 
sensor equipment. 

He additionally studied 
electronic imagery interpre- 
tation, flight-crew proce- 
dures and aircraft safety. 

A 1976 graduate of Kemp- 
sville High School, Hughes 
joined tlte Navy in Ai^ust 

AiMian CtMkTles E. Lam-; 
betb Jr., wtose mother is 
Mrs. Awlrey R. SalU^er of 
5719 Ma^ie Ave., Vir * 
ginia Beach, has b««a asi 
sigwd to Keesler AFB, 
Miss., after complett^ Air 
Force basic trafning, 
' During the six weeks 
training at Lackland AFB, 
Tex., the airman studied the 
Air Force mission, organi- 
zation and customs and re- 
ceived special InstrurtinR ii^ 
human relation 

Airman LaiuiLfm win nuw 
receive specialized train - 
ing in the avionics systems 

Tbe airman 
of N.B. Brot^Kui u^M 
School, Rateigb. N.e.Wf 
fctber, Claries ' 

Master Sergeant JohnE. 
Rice, whose parents are Mr. 
and Mrs. Philip Klompus 
of 565 26th St^ Vir^^tnia 
Beach, has graduated with 
honors from the Air Force 
Logistics Command Non - 
commissioned Officer Acad^ 
emy at Robins AFB, Ga. 

The sergeant, who re- 
ceived advanced military 
leadership and management 
training, is a weatber«quip- 
ment technician at Langlny 
AFB, Va. 

Sergeant Rice is a 1958 
graduate of Virginia Beach 
High School. .His wife, Re. 
gina, is thedangbter of Mrs. 
E, F. Welch of Del City, 


Stewart'^ WWM^ 


Marine Cbief Warrant 
(Xflcer Gary D. Stewart, son 
Of Mr. Udf. Mrs. Walter S. 
Stewai?t ot Route 5, Box 5003 
Back Bay Station, Virginia 
B««j;h, taas been promoted 
to hfsr present rank while 
serving at the new river 
Ifnrlne Corps Air Station 
(Helicopter), Jacksonville, 

He joined the Marine 
Corps in May 1963. 

Navy Chief Ball Mainte- 
nance Technician Melvin K. 
Willingbam, hosband of 
Nancy A. Wimngham of 373 
Dodge Drive, Viii^Beiich, 
has repor^fer drtyn)x>aBl 
the replenishing oiler uiss 
Savannah, presently under- 
gone overhaul in Brooklyn. 

He attended the University 
pf Texas at Arlington, and 
Joined the Navy in February 

Marine SecOKl Lieotenant 
John C. Bordeaux Jr., whose 
wife BUlle is ^e daughter 
1^ Ifrr'and Mrs. Elliot L. 
Whitehurst of 407 S, Wit<^ 
duck Road, Virginia Beach, 
has been des^ted a Nav-„ 
al Flight OflJc«'(NPd)^ 

Bordeaux received hiii 
VwiBgs of «oia" uponcom-; 
pli^on of the six^week Ad-*: 
Vanced Jet Navigatlob 
Course at the Naval Air 
Station, Pensacola, Fla. 

A 1971 graduate of James 
Barry Robinson High School, 
Norfolk, and a 1975 grad- 
uate of Old Dominion Uni- 

versi^^: Norfolk, with a 
badieli^ Of science digree, ^ 
imisUmi ttie Marine Qjnm^ 'i 
inJrae^S. ;: ^ 


Navy Seaman Mlctael 
C. MaUifc, son of Clareitte 
^tUs of 913 Virginia Bea- 
eV;BM.. «i^ irftiim A. Ha- 
Itts^ of ja6 ttWw St. , brth 
tf Vii^iittfieach^ Ms com- 
rtetea tM Basic Enlisted 
Cwrse a the Naval Sub- 
Wkrine Sctool, Grotoa, 

During the six- we* 
c<wrae, he was introduce 
to the basic theory, con - 
struction and operation of 
nnclear-powered add dlesel 
submarines. In preparation 
for his first assignment, be 
studied shipboard organiza- 
tion, damage control, and 
ubmarine safotv »,'iH p<; . 
cape procedurii 

A 1976 graau4it! oi l-oi 
High School, be joined the 
a August 197F 

FFIM. T. Smith 


Navy Firieifian- Recruit 
Mark T, Snlthi son (tf Mr^ 
wl Jfrs. Ton K. Smith M' 
UB6 CMrk%e^ AM. Vi^^i^ 
fi^ch, tos i»dqdet«3 re - 
cndt tralakg at the Naval 
Training C^r, Orlando, 

I^tdJ^ tl» ^bt-week 
trabbig ^ete, &nith stud- 
ied general military subjects 
designed to prepare him for 
fortber academic and on- 
the-job traiaiiiK in one of tbe 
Navy's 85 basic occupational 

Included in his studies 
were seamaosidp, close or- 
der drill. Naval history and 
first aid. 

Smith joined tbe Nary in 
December 1978. 

Fntc BEES 

You Can't Beat the 



A ttended San Deigo Jw- 

^iipije, and jninM nm 
[•d InM- 



Kickie- U. iiovuiia, whose 
wifp Patricia is ttiedaiurttet 
and Mr 

Jones Jr. of 

^1 finewoixt Drive, Vlrg- 

■a Beach, has been awarded 

wings upon graduation 

" <; Ai- l■^^x^^ navi- 



w>? un-, .., 


A.mpaiDiottS UUt (MAU). 

TormanlolBid tfie Marine 

S.X LOiQAiai High 
'^ived a B.A. de- 
■if IB economics In 1975 Virginia Military 
Institute where he was com- 
missioned through the Air 
Force R<>sprve Oftcer;; 

.\irman William H. Brown, 
n of retire! NavyLleuten- 
)mmander and Mrs. 
.-anura BrOwH Of 701 Prlnce 
Phillip Drive, Virginia 
Beach, has been selected 
for technical training at 
Keesler AFB, Miss., in the 
A!" ''*- - jvlonics systems 
fhe airman recently com- 
tw! hask training at 
FB, Tgi,, and 
uiw me Air Force mis- 
m organization and cus- 
toms and received special 
instriiriirm in human rela- 

Anmiiii crown gradnated 
in 1974 from First Colonial 
High School and attended 

TiHAwafor ("'iimmiinttii r,^l 

if you Nive sometNfig to give away free, give your 
hometovwfj nwifspaper a caH, 547-4571. We'll include 
your item in our ^^EE BEE section tn the ct^sified 
pages Or, If you iViWt somettiing free, like a dog or a 
cat, check me FREE BEE columns in this^issue (rf 
your community newspaper. 

"TyiewaUrn Only 

mm) Watt 
AM Radio Station 






tor mort dtfails 





Iharita"^"^ groups 
Hetter be charitable 

Solicit, in Virginia 

Beach w, i ,; to mett con- 
ditions ol a to^h n«w 15- 
page soUcitatiOD ordinance 
approved last week by City 

Paralleling^ the state's 
mocjifl ordinance, the or- 
dinance is similar to those 
adopted recently by the cit- 
ies ol Sorfolk and Chesa- 
peake. In the Virginia Beach 
ordinance, however, the 
city mtnager, rather than 
the commissioner ol the rev- 
enue is designated to issue 
solicitation permits. 

Co«iicilwom«i Meyera 0- 
berndorl bro^ht the matter 
to the attention ol Council 
when Beach residents com- 
plained d solicitation by 
some grotti^ in the city.i 

The Unifieatioa Church 
whose tollowers are known 
as "Moonies," recently 
challenged tlie Norfolk or- 
dinance iB court tod 4Mt. 
The ease has been aH>^- 
ed to the State S^Hreae 

Under the B^eh iMttt - 
nanee tU orfausti(N» «re 
eligifate to ra^ve pi/nmits 
Ircm tti9 city to s^Cit tor 
charitable pvryMM./ AppU* 
cants ire retiln«; to fill 
out a Ioiur-|N4^ ^ipUaitioii 
st^ii^ parttcolars ttoot tte 
orgaoisatiw, theoists^id- 
ministeriiig tte ftiad-raising 
ellort and a ftiH accnmting 
of where the money is^;)eBt. 

The ordinance places a 
limitation of 15 percent ol 
the gross amooat collected 
as pay for professimial so- 

licitor. Fund raising ei - 
penses in excess ol 20 per 
cent lor the preceding year's 
solicitation will be , con- 
sidered unreasonable. 

Violations will be consid- 
ered misdemeanors with 
coRvictions carrying Ones 
and/or imprisonment. 

Organisations exempted 
from the prdinawe are^: 

Educational institutions 
recognised by the superin- 
tendert of public ins^rue - 
tion and accredited by a 
regional accrediting as - 

Persons requestiog con - 
tributloBs for the relief 
of any individual specified 
by name at the time of the 

Organizations which have 
received no more than $2,000 
a year during previous so- 
licitations or have received 
«>ntributions from no more 
than tea persons; 

Organiaations which so- 
licit ODiy from members; and 

OrgamzatiODS which have 
no (Mce in Virginia Beach 
and solicit by telephone, mail 
or advertising. 

Richard Coradi, U 212S 
Admiral Drive, said that 
some oi^ianizatiORS (fpente 
lia* "personal aggrandise- 
m^^^" in the shadow ot 
freedom. ' 'It is impossitde 
to shop or waUc on the 
streets without someone 
asking to solicit fbr some- 
thi^." It is hard to find 
out whether the organiza - 
tion is legitimate of not 
although it may be dassi- 

lled as charitable: Ttje pre- 
sent city ordinance,, he said, 
am>ears, to sanation just 
alwut anybody. He said he 
knew of one organization 
which disbursed only seven 
per cent of its collections 
fe the public or tor chari- 
table purposes. 

The new ordinance, he 
said, tightens up the loop- 
holes, it's time to protect 
our children," he said. In 
elaboration Coradi said that 
some pe^te have teen op- 
erating in tliis ^rt ol the 
country "influencing chil- 
dren disadvantageously a - 
gainst their families." 

The Rev. Stefton Strick- 
land, pastor of the Bow Creek 
Presbyterian Church, sup - 
ported the ordinance saying 
that "organizations are in- 
fri?«ing on the rights of 
peqple in which we have 
our parishes." 

Thfe Rev. Donald Waldrop, 
pastor of the Beach Lawn 
Baptist Church, said he had 
been approached by unscru- 
pulous organizations. 

ireet m Virginia 
■. hi">n sold, ac- 

lilt ttiui i nomas iJ. 
4- As?(X'{ates Realty 

« .v.i..-, Mr. 

'tiBl Mrs. Joseph T. Cross- 
iKbite, sold the motel for an 
undisclosed amowt -to three 
brothers Nick, Dennis and 
Andrew Ecowmofi, Tide- 
water businessmen. 

The new owners are 
scheduled to open the fecil- 
itv April 1. 1B7T md *hry 

uoodman segar M^an inc., 
has annotfflced the sale «f 
two land parcels in flie Ar- 
rowhead Industrial Park, 
Virginia Beach to James No- 

Nep>tlations for tte 
$50,000 sale were hawlledby 
Robert B. Ricci of GSH's 
commercial division. 

Nocito purchased the pro- 
perty from Unicor Inc. A 
warehouse and/or office 
building is planned for the 

Veteran recycle' 

Harry h. Morris of Vliflala Bkck toraa ta wotfcir tatch 
a Klnminam cans to ttn MfaeUs ttamiemi Ito^jreilnf 
CtBter at 1495 Air lUU ATCM»4A (be Aibl^rt totetrltl 
Park. Mr. Morris, a re«lre«, ^itiite 0nM* «tf Mi <WWt 
.tint coUectiBg tl» cans from tte beaek, wads, wi-, 
taunate and l»rs in VfrftaU BMCh, tad test year was 
one «f nai? VirfUaas vko r«<iyel«l t Mil (rf 9.S mUUoa 
povBds of aluminum cans. (Pboto by Reyiwlds Metals Co.) 

Estes reappointed 
state chairman 

\Sand casf/es I Bradford gains 

nof char ifa/i/e P®"™'"'**® P°** 

• ■^^^ \0mmmmm m m%Mm^m\^ „i„j_i„ D_^j.„„Mh„^K=»» Olivieri also annoui 

Ray Estes,. president of 
Estes Realty Corporation ir 
Virginia Beach, has been 
re-api»inted stale mem - 
bership chairman of the 
39,000- member realtors 
natiimal marketing insti- 
tute. Again this year, he 
will be responsible for 
maximum direct contact 
with prospective qsembers 
in the state and will work 
with the national and re- 
gional membership chair- 
men to achieve the goals 
of the nationwide recruit- 
ment program for 1977. 

Estes is a graduate of 
the Virginia realtors insti- 
tute (GRI) awl was awarded 
the marketing institute's 
C.M.B. designation (Certi-^ 
fied Marketing Broker) at 
the institute's annual con- 
vention in November. He is 
a member of the Virginia 
Beach board of realtors, 
a non-resident member of 
the Norfolk/Chesapeake 
Board of realtors, a difec- 
" tor of the Virginia Associa- 
tion of realtot's, and a mem - 
ber of the national associa- 
tion of realtors. 

^ousins joins 

9ohB p. Cousins of Virginia 
Biftdt has been named com- 
iiM^lal l0isb« r^r^«ita- 
tiw at MetroLease Fumi- 
tfilie RentaU, 3517 Virginia 
Eftach Blvd. Cousins is re- 
sponsible for office furni- 
ture l^ses and' sales, ais 
wi^ as ciMBmercial cflMract 
iBttdskiflg? for bosiaess 
througtort Tidewater. 

A lifelong resident of Ti<te- 

water, Cousins received a 

ft A. degiee in Political 

(SHeoee and Advertising from 

r|Md DominioB Vmversity in 

-Norfolk in 1967, and has been 

Pifctive in a number ol civic 

sictivities in tie Titewater 

Prior to joining Mrfro - 

Lease, Cousins was presi- 
dent of Office Mart Inc. of 
H(wi^, an (rffiee funii&re 
dealer. B^ore thsU. be had 
a Domber of yrars ex- 
perience in industrial chemi- 
cal sales. 

Consias, his wife and tvo 
4:liiMr«tt reside in Virgioia 
Beach. MctfcCiMserinlire- 
iOik^isd and (^<» foand- 
tore from nte sbowrooan 
in Virginia, NOTth Carolina 
an) Sooth Carolina. Metro- 
Lease also (grates a re- 
cently Opened Furniture 
ClMranee Center in Chesa- 
peake, which ^eciaUzes in 
the sales kA reirtal retara 
frunitttre. The company is 
hNkdcruartered in Raleii^. 

What Edward Maynard needs is a frieroily ne%hbor- 
hood hotel keeper to come forth mkJ hire himtolwUd 
his dotles on the sand. 

Maynard, who bills himself as Viifinia Beach's only 
resMent sand sculptor, likes to sculpt masterpieces in 
sand for the joy and edification of beach patrons. If the 
viewers want to show their appreciation, Maynard teks a 
blanket spread out beside him to collect gratuities. 

This money, he told City Council, is used to help fi- 
nance his education s6 that he can learn how to create 
more permanent sculpture out of wood. 

The police, however, told him he could not solicit 
without a permit. 

He isn't a vendor exactly, So a vendor's permit was 
oirt. Besides, vendors are not permitUid on Oe beach xnp 
boardwalk exc^ in ccHj^unction with the Boardwalk Art 

Maymrd wanted to know wither ttie new solicit^n 
ordinance held any hope for his enterprise. He was told he 
couldn't be considered a charlt^Ie oif animation either. 

Ci^ Mana^Sr George Lf HanfeBry, net a^cindly, said 
"He's no mor* than a.h«gg|u:." tte ^d^ that ^ liked to 
locdc at Ok iMft JKndptiui^'Umselt "that'ithe pr^lein. 
Pe<qile enjoynls work, but there's no allowlhce ifor com- 
mercialization on the b<»rdwalfc." 

Ibmbiury said that Maynard may work something out 
in conMcUon with the art show or get some motel or 
totel owner to sponsor his work. They do this sort of 
thiiDf in resorts to the north and to the.5Q^„- 

So is there is a friendly neighborhood hotel keeper 
interested in art.... 

Virginia Bradford has been 
appointed advertising direc- 
tor of the Virginia Beach 
realty firm of Pembroke 
Realty and Insurance, accor- 
ding to Pembroke president 
Richard E. Olivieri. 

Ms. Bradford will coordi- 
nate the coRHJatty'i national 
Gallery of Homes adver- 
tising program. Previously 
independently publishing a 
monthly new home publica- 
tion entitled Home Front, 
Ms. Bradford will also op- 
erate oiit of the Virginia 
Beach office of Pembroke 
Realty in the Pembroke One 

Olivieri also announced 
that his organization has be- 
come the Virginia Beach 
franchise holder Iwr Insur- 
ance Marketing Services 
be, a hational hetwwk of 
progressive insurance and 
rick management agencies 
which have joined together 
in utilizing similar mar - 
keting and public relations 

Olivieri says the addition 
ot IMS toe. Willi help Pem- 
broke Realty and Insurance 
enhance benefits for the buy- 
ing public and improve their 
agency services for their 

(Lawyer's license 

Joh^ I^Mahon, M.D. 

aanouBces die <^>eBing irf his office te- 
tte Practice of Psychiatry 


Pembroke Three, Sidte 342 

Virginia Seach, Vlrgiida 23462 

Office HottTH 
by A|)|»hitmeBt 







JO ,: 

The S^^oBe Courtol Vir- 
gmte, .bst month rendcedthe 
lic«»es to practice law in 
Virginia of Norfolk attorney 
C. Dodson Morrisette and 
Virginia Beach attorney John 
B. James, ^ch char^ by 
the Virginia State for with 
professional misconduct of- 
fenses in s^arate proceed- 

Both M<HTisette, 73, cd 
1202 First 4 Merchants Bank 
Building, Norfolk, and Ja- 
mes, 59; (rf 900 Common- 
imilth Place, S«dte 202, Vir- 
ginia Beach, had toluntarily 
asked the Court to revoke 
their law licenses. Each man 
also advised the Csmii, at 
the time of his r^iuest, that 
a charge (rf^professiotel mis- 
conduct under tte Virginia 
Code ot Pntfessional Re- 
sponsibility, was pending a- 
gainst him l>efore a CKstrict 

Commtttee (attorney dis - 
cipline commitee) <rftl« Vlr- 
g&ua State Bar. 

Under rules of the Supreme 
Court of Virginia governing 
soch license surrenders, u? 
resignation teuiered by a 
lawyer at a time when char- 
ges are pending against him 
before tte ^te Bar Us- 
dplinary Board or a Dis- 
trict Committee of the State 
Bat is deemed an admis- 
sion ttat such charges are 
true, for purpose of at - 
tontty disciplinary proce«l- 

Morrisette was giv» a 
mspended five-year prison 
sratence and placed co pro- 
bation for five years after 
pleading guilty in- Norfolk 
Circuit Ctfflrt m Nov«n- 
ber 24, 1977, to a felony 
charge of embezzling $5,0W 
from the estate of his late 

^ter, Mrs. Nettie G. Dud- 
ley, for which he was the 
executor. Syenite charges 
of prtdessional misccmdnct, 
in conneetiOD with tte' em-' 
beszlfment, were 9eai^ 
before the Second District 
Committee of tte State Bar. 
License revocation by tte 
State Siq>reme Court ended 
the committee's jurisdic - 
tion over the matter. 

James was facing pndes- 
siooal misconduct diarges 
before tte Second District 
Committee which aUeged the 
improper use of ^crow and 
trust accouid fumte imder 
his sqiervision for several 
clients. Tte juri»ttctiOQ of 
the c(»nmittee over those 
charges also was emied i? 
the Court's revocation of 
James' law'Ucense. 





^^ 1 Story Nail Over 
^ 4/12 Pilch 


New execs at Beach ad firm 


The Virginia Beach firm of 
%mm^ * Kennedy has ap- 
prtirted R<*ert W. Krajertw, 
S7, as its vtee presittot tor 
gM3»Miat services. 

Kr»^i*e's respc^iWtt- 
ies wUl inclmfe market pro- 
gnm devek^MMMt. Kmm^t 
Md IteBoedy is <me (tf the 
lion's lading fooctoerviM 
Klvertising and promtrtkNi 

Kennedy and Kennedy al»> 
■iw^K^ tte ai^otatm^ 
ot Ms. CyirthiaC. Buffinanas 
director ^ tN «ewy*s i^r- 
]y ftoKv^ ffUMe matioMJ 

Ms. HuttHB was formerly 
a cqn' editor an! prodiKt 
publicist. ^ wiU Mw te 
responsible for all cliert PR 
programs, which inclotk 
[y. food fMsfnti^, 
annnal reports, tnde show 
?tivity and special ^- 


Ri^cldefitMit ^ Coitim^'ciot Indu strial 

1,000 I^^SWt 076 

• Shinqle Hooling 

• Hriol Rcparr, 

• (iuiicl-Ur; Rue "inq 

• Stale Hcjofing 

• Power 

c* i;HJwrn>yuui 

• ( ,nt: 1 1 



PHONE 4aXsS864 




AltaM^ittoning is meant to mckecthou^comtor^. ftrt 
•Mien a tKHi^ is poolY inailated tt»«»t een ^»s^w*• 
^li topco Foam h^krtlOT acts 05 on ii^iWhQ Ixi^ 
sec* in oool air (Hid *ph 8te(^ tils: b(en homes wltti- 
ojt air a)nditk3nir^ ^ay ojoler skJ dria! 



It compleieiyseaisandlnsuiates wi^Andtjniikedher 
types of iotokw,RQpoo Foam \Mlt nc* settte, 
toow^ winsiAited vwite. 

RopcoftximcanpnieGtVQw hoflMtiMltaniiif. Itsumxinds 
ondinsukMs ooUesond junction boxes w^«ie 
tts^ffis^ ^ecfttetf fires nioy occur. 





P.O.Box 1254 
Qr«at Bridge Shopping Center 

CImapeake, VA 23320 


(804) 482-2148 

NrtM iftit* ^ troi to liw» W»»»l»^ W *«h.*nfl 






^iiOrS cited ISwfers get 250 more it. 


for performance of duty 

: rneeu Navy men from 
Little Creek's Naval Beach 
Group Two comnuuid recent- 
ly received awards for their 

performance of duty , 

a NATO eiercise last yrar 
and a qiecial •? acaatioo of 
clvlUans from Lebftnoa la*t 

Hotline to help 
court victims 

the %ictim or iritness is 
"ttMT fHgfdteB pei^n ia Ws 
eriiUtBal Instice systom," 
accoi^iBg to CommM- 
wmlth's Atty. AsAt9 Evans. 

And he's g«rfiig todtosome- 
tU^ about It. 

By ustng tbte Virginia 
^ch city taMUoe number 
starting A|»>il 15, Erans will 
try torn down on fb$ time* 
and iMonvMience often re- 
quired <tf the "forgotten vic^ 

A eorrtatf docket will be 
furnished hotline so ttat a 
. witness, bf calling, will find 
out wtaflwr he tea fo ^ipar 
in court on the next court 

"He won't hftve to get a 

baby sitter, and he won't have 
to take a day off from work." 

Working with Sam Clay, 
assistant to the city manager 
in charge of public infor- 
mation, Evans Is presently 
drafting another aid to 
victims » patting on the back 
of each subpoena a map of 
the (KWlbouN implex. A 
brochure with more informa- 
tion will also be mailed (n 

Another, more amMtioos 
project bivolvas separate 
waiting rooms fw witnesses 
to that tte victim can be s^ 
anitod trom tAA malefactor. 
Evanji said Iw hopes to 
acciuire a federal grant 
tor ttis project. 

mmin Virginia Beach> 

Plenty of MDs 

Viii;i^ Beach is a heidthy city and does not need 
an abtttotory healtt care c»t^. 

These findii«s of Block, llcGibony and Associates, 
Inc., health and hospital consultants, will save the city 
an>roximately |4 million, the projected cost ot building 
an ambttltat(n7 health care cenler. 

City Manager George L. RadDury said die study on 
hunum resourees made by the consisting firm is Uie first 
tt» city has spraisored which resulted in recommendations 
"not to do something." 

8i» rinnaited that the 130,000 eort of the stwfy ms weU 

^««t in. that tt wiU sav^ ae city frixn buili^ a center 
which is not needed. 

wcMawlell BeUmore, Pb.D., president td the consulting 
firm, presented results of the study at an Informal ses- 

No ambulatory x^Mtw now 

His reoMnmoidations were that: 

—An ambulatory care center should not be constructed 

— ilat ttie City Council should encourage thedevelo|»nent 
of an orgnuixed idgrsieian exchange under the ausj^es <d 
^R^ViiVtniaTMndi Mecttcal Society to he^ isaKev» the 
accMstt>ility dt {diysician services in the city. He said 
that WhUe^ a large number of peqile believe there is a 
plQFslcian shorti^e at the beach, there is a large number 
of physiciaBB looking for patients. The exchange could 
get flM) physicians and patieots together. 

—An orpudxed, ongoing data coUectitn system is needed 
for tiie D^artmnit of H^th, Mental Health and Social Ser- 
vice. lnf(»*Biati«|, collected on services, financial status 
of the reci^ent »uA (M^ socioecoMmic infbrmatiim would 
be comidled according to sip code. 

Dr. Bellmore also recommended that the Office (tf the 
City Manager should «mmine areas where there may be 
duidicatira ot services and that there shouM be more 
awaremss among the D^Mjrtm^its (rf Health, Mental Health 
and Sodal Services <3i tteir respective activities. He also 
said the use ot referrals am<Mig departments has not been 

VAB reasonably wealthy 

' Ammg findings of the study: 

— VUfinia Beach is reasonably wealthy. Twenty-seven 
per cent of the peq)le make more Uian 118,000 a year. 

—Ninety-three per cent ot the people live in the nor- 
thern part of the city. 

—There is a sufiicieat number of idijrsicians serving 
Uie city, except in some areas like gei»ral surgery. 
There are too many pediatricians. 

•r -Virginia Beach residents receive some care fromNor- 
folk-liased ^sicians and the pe<9le are "od iwt out 
by that." 

—An ambulatory care center wouM do nothing to meet 
the BMd lor goeral sui^eoBs. 

—Hie death rate, 4.4 per 1,000 pcqwlaticn, is ttie lowest 
in Tidewater. 

-The mortality rat?, 11.9 per 1,000 births, U the 
lowest in the area — "suiialringly low." 

—The neo-iatal death rate, which reflects the quality 
of pre-natal care and tte ferttUty rate (number of births 
per 1,000 tenales brtwe«| tte ages (tf 15 and 44) are also 
me lowest in tt» area. 

Dr. BeUmore concluded tMt the B«ich has a ycwng and 
heattlv pqNdatiM and that accessibility to medical cu« 
is reaa<Mble. 

CottKilman Phqrd E. WaterfieU Jr. renuui»d that ttere 
are no tiOl-time doctors in tte rural areas of Vwto and 

Dr. Bellmaw r^ed that the i^ber of people in the 
rural area '(t-4,000, with 300 bei<^ tte poverty level) 
4ms not Jui^ify M^tnwtifla of an amlmlatf^y center. 

^ dmrnr to fmilsh taxis 

M nM it nlgM be cM^per to fmirt taxi service 
far tito p^i^e iMo caanot «tt>rd trari^Mtation to tte 
m^^l service, and be Mtod mx csMen could v 
telr own trai^iMtatb». 

m saM is i^^ wA recommend sp^Mag vnn ^»,000 
te mA arM for a ^rter whUe a similar bciUty is giriag 
^ ta (AM^^fce. ne ^o wwM be ^iptadnaMy 10 
nita qMurt ttd nay be vytag tor tMsii^ wittttefew 
clti^iw^ avalUble. 

IMurlMd iMMit a grav M Poago aad Blaekwater resl- 
^m - mtkA 9tmm NMHttoa. tac. - iMch Is 
try^ to oMita WtMOO to AMri tate to operM an 
euipatt^ ee^r aad tw> aatelUte teeUities thimgh INO. 


Rear Admix^ f radert(± 
F. Palmer, Ommaa^r of 
Amphibious Gtm^tw,(AUA 
the men, sMieoftton from 
Virginia Beach, tor tfeeir 
{tt^ssimal exMllence and 
performance 4rf Mj. 

The ^ award the Havy 
CMnoMndattoB M«lal-went 
to CUet Boatswain's Mate 
HOwanl R. AlWUre, whowas 
tte eeuwiB ^ a landing 
xnA ttat evacuated some 
300 Americans and (rther 
civilians from Belmt, Le- 
baa(». Theilavy coromente- 
tton cited Chief AlldOre tor 
his superl) s^mansh4> and 
coolness under a potentially 
dangerous situation. 

Other Beach Groiq> Two 
mn to be ^ed tor toe Le- 
baiwse evaouatioo were Chief 
Boatswain's Mate J<^ J. 
Bradbury, Rwltomen First 
Class Walter H. Tarr, En- 
giBMnan Fi»t Class John L. 
Ellsworth, and Boatswain's 
Mate Second Class R(4>ert 
J. Kroeger. The tour recei- 
ved letters otcommNidatioo. 

Rmt Admiral Palmer alM 
awarded letters of commoi- 
4iMoa to nlM B^ch Gnwp 
Tw) men for t^lr pertor- 
mance of <brty (Miring am- 
iMMms (rfIloadis% open • 
ttons made unter extremely 
dttOcnlt ciMditlons. The 
0|^nli(» was part of Uk 
NATO exercise Teamwork 
'76 c(»ducted last Septem- 
ber in Northers Eurqw. 

The men cited were Lieu- 
tenaat Robert S. Durst H, 
Lieutenant (Ji) ^*^^ B. 
Bivwn, CMef Boatswain's 
Ifate Eug«ie P. Finkley, 
Boatswain's Mate Seecmd 
Class Paul L. Smyer, Sig- 
nalman Second Class George 
E. Orischak, Boatswato's 
Mate Third Class ItevidL. 
BeMin, Seaman ^r«rtice 
Kurt S. Miller, Firwnan Ty- 
lee T. Telow, and Seamm 
Arturo M. Bautista and Na- 
thaniel Lawrence. 

Durst, Brown, Smyer, 
Tarr, Ellsworth and Brad- 
bury are all residente of Vir- 
ginia Beach. 

Naval Beach Groq* Two 

provides specially 6ipd^«l 
t^ms of men to wwtuAore 
duHag an aniptiMms landing 
to heU> control tte flow of 
men and material. Beadi 
Group Two is luder tiw om- 
igaand of Cai^ain G. T. I^er, 

A MW surfii^ ordtnance 
an;>rQved by Viiglnift Beach 
City C(mncil adds abnit ISO 
teet to Oie city's 3,SS0 fMt 
<a ocean froK set asMr ter 

Tte ofdioMce permits 
sv^a$ in an am SOO feet 
to the north of the north 
jetty ot Rurtee Inlet, 8(X) 
fe^ »}i^ at ^ south jet- 
ty. No surfing wUl be al- 
lowed in tte BiiMrth of Rtt- 
te« Met w SOO feet noftii 

^a^ sortb of the woodra fish- 
ily pier. 

. The eitv also aUows surf- 
iie at a designate secti<Mi 
ot Little Islam Pat«, soutt 
of Little islam Parte totte 
state line i^weea suariw 
and swis^, andliiffimtothinr 
areas ot the hMd^lrom sm^ 
rise to sunset exc^t between 
the bq^mof 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. 
from Mj||1S through Sept. 30. 
Lee JcMes iu^esttti th^ 
tte Unitetioes on either sidd 

of tte wooden fishi^ 1^ 
be r^ovm in OiAtag (0i 
saisws. He aim sais^^Ug 
'th^ a groi^ ot pm-sms to« 
tere^sd in suiflng imd| 
like to get ^Mnr wtth m 
city ant find new sur^ 
areu— "or hsU on to «^ 

Mayor Clarence A. Hol« 
land said that until tte cite 
acquires more ocatnfiroil 
for recreation,, notldng muci 
could be done. 

Schell launches 
Beach drive 

John Si^dl, Democratic 
candidate for Attorney Gm- 
eral, has announced toe kick- 
off of a petition drive in 
Viri^ik Beach needed to 
qu^Uy him as a candidate 
in toe Juie 14 primary. 
Speaking before a group of 
Virginia ^Betcb Democrate 
Mar. 8, ScbeU indicated that f 
he would need toe signatares j 
of almost 10,000 people. ^ 

"I am proud to lauacff 
tl^ inassive ^ort wwn 
hera to Virginia Beach," 
Schell said. "This area has 
been one of toe most vocal 

.|arteijDts^,llt*hN*» fl»^ . 
posing titttity ratoittcreases. 
I an sure that it will be 
easy tor you to obtato at 
lea^ 1,000 8%na6ires from, 
Virginia Bea<A alone. ' ' 

Schall named Mrs. Bar-; 
ban Phillips of McLean as: 
his petition drive coordina-' 
tor. Be said that Mrs. PhU- 
^l»s will be mailing ont at 
least 500 petittons immedi- 
ately to siqiportera and vol- 
mteers torougbout toe stete. ' 

Tte Stete Board ot Elec- 
tions, Schell said, requires > 
that the petitions be filed 
no sooner than March 31 
nor. any l^r than April 

Schell eqilatoed toat all ', 
candidates for stete- wide of- 
fice are required to file sim- 

ilar petittons, ccmtaining toe 
signatutes of 9,842 register-^ 
ed virters. This number rep- 
resente potot-five per cent 
of all registered voters in 
toe stete, as of January 1, 

"Altoough it may seem 
like a technicality," ScheU 
concluded, "this is a crucial 
step to the electoral pro- 

cess." Sdiell, 31, is a prac- 
ticing attorney from Fair- 
tax County. 

Rear Admiral Frederick F. Palmer eongratualtes Chief 
BMtewato's Mate Howard R. AUdiire upon receiving toe« 
Navy Commendation Medal for his acfions during an 


evacuation of civUians Itmb Beirut, Lebanon last summer, 
Allshire's commanding' officer, Captato 0. T. Dyer, lo(du| 

.Serving ttib world's largest resort cMy 


Section B, Page 1 

Wed. April 6, 1977 

S/€CTIOfl fr 


JM'i^ff^ "^'J-.- ^^ 

M . ■^^ 

How do you dress 
a bikini ....cake? 


John Schell 

PAVAB scouts 
seek funds 

Story by Bea AHIne y°^ ^^ " y°" **"* '^^^' 

' ' reuse or mauve sweet peas, 

The first report resulte 
of tte SME drive released 
by auditor Bud Blumenthal 
shows ttot tlK PAVAB Corn- 
ell (^i^icess Aime-Virginte 
Bea<A) ban reached n^rly 
27 per c^ ot toeir goal 
to toe 1977 FamUy Sustain- 
ing Membership Enrollment 
(SME) campaign. 

"Hovfever, time is creep- 
ing iQ) and scnne sccnit unite 
have yet to make their first 
rqiort," anantoced Hank 
Peasella, PAVAB family 
district chairman. "Wehave 
to make b^er progress - we 


■ne firm <d A. I^nley 
Mnn^ & Co. (rf Virgtnte 
Beuh tes been airarcM a 
im,183 contract tobuildthe 
Ct^^^us ^reet water tow- 

Um^ tns toe low Mdder 
of sei^ eoatractora i^Unit- 
ting bMs « tto project. The 
M^NW's estimate was 


ViriMte Mach City Cooi- 
eU awarded toe Motraet 

Money tor the project wtU. 
ecM* frui the $i milMi 
to gOMral oblii^^xL bo^ 
^il^fved by mt Co^dl. 
lite aiOB^ to torn wUl be 
mHAM tte ^.1 mttttoa 
to r#veuM boms to be U- 

don't want to be accused 
of being a little lax in beat- 
ign toe bushes for needed 
Scout funds this year," add- 
ed Pezzella. The annual 
drive secures gifte from toe 
Scouting family to supple- 
ment the tightly-drawn oper- 
atii% budget. 

The PAVAB District Boy 
Scout office to the Pern - 
broke n Building, off In - 
dependence Boulevard, will 
be (^n every Thursday from 
7 to 9 p.m. until toe cur- 
rent SME campaign is o)m- 
pleted. Scout Executive 
Sto Schwarzer, says. 

Hie Family SME drive 
xeroes to on the family in- 
volved in Scouting plus with 
present economic conditions 
am co^ng with such things 
as uniforms am equipment, 
toey may fim it a little dif- 
ficult to add(maSMEple<^e. 
Despite all this toey mange 
just as so many dedicated 
volunteers also manage to 
fim the time am the t&- 
tlMce to give toe boys toe 
iMdership wittout which 
PAVAB S&Hrtii« WMdd col- 
late. They are well aware 
ttet S<»mtiiE« is an tovest- 
■Mrt tor tte tatare gom 
of our kids ud (»>mmiaiity. 
The cost is so little iftile* 
toe beneflte are m great, 
ntrted Pexselte to a recent 

Those «mes wito tte most 
Scout units am dieters re- 
porting to (tote ai« tte Bay- 
stde, Bnch am Plata areas. 

If exercising your will 
power leaves you hungry am 
weak in the knees, don't go 
near Billie Edward's cake 
decorating class sponsored 
by toe Virginia Beach De- 
partment of Parks am Rec- 
reation. Take my word for 
it, it's a dieter's dilemma- - 
a person could gain ten 
pounds just breatoing in all 
toe heavenly aromas. Am 
toat's just toe beginning! 

The real fun starts alter 
toe hiitial trimming, shying 
and l»se frostmg of the 
cakes. You'd be amazed at 
the works of art created in 
Mrs. Edward's class. Shape- 
less blobs of icing bloom 
toto a spring garden of flow- 
ers- -even at toe hands of a 
befuner. Accordii^ to Mrs. 
Shirley Lemire, one ot toe 
students in toe class, "My 
whole family is enjoying it., 
toey Uke the bet that I can 
do something like tois. My 
husbam's been after me for 
years to take toe course." 

"I like the fact that we 
make something otoer than 
just practicing the designs,'' 
says Mrs. Marion Manning, 
anotoer stmrat in the class. 
"I telked fo a friend whoiad 
just token anotoer cake dec- 
orattog course am all they 
did was use toe white ictog 
and practice designs on wax 
paper," she added. 

Creativity, imagination 
am just plain tun are stressr 
ed by Mrs. Edwards, wbohaa 
been decorating cakes for 
about four ywrs. Accordi^ . 
to her, "Every cake comes, 
out different be<3ttse it's 
freeham. So I don't wanti 
to hear an^e say, 'mine 
dWnt come out right.' "Just 
let your imagination guide 

go to iti 

But if sweet peas and other 
flowers don't appeal to you, 
maybe you'd prefer to make 
a bikini cake, which, ac - 
cordtog to some of toe stu- 
dents, is quite a popular mo- 
del wito toe guys because 

of its 'peculiar' shape. "My 
brother's taking^is bikini 
cake back to Virginia Tech," 
saVs Teresa Lengel, " 
ought to really be ton on 
his dorm hall!" "Mtoe'sgo- 
ing down to my husbam's 
paint store," says Shirley 
Lemire. "They're all wait- 
ing for it," she laughed. 

Whatever your deUght— 
be it sweet peas, clown cakes 
or bikini cakes- -you'll fmd 
it in Mrs. Edward's cake 
decorating class. Am re - 
member, with the right gui- 
dance, you too could be crea- 
ting edible masteipieces. 


Photo by Debbie Campbell 

Billie Edwards shows now to decoratA your cake 









Cat ra^e draws 


By Bklr Thurmaii 
^N ^rta Editor 

ia Us vUdtst dTMuns did Mite Worrril tUiik tlMt 

I Mdc Hobie Cftt tr^ would develop 

I to be this yesr. 

I BctdtteFort Uaderdile Fls. , 

I two awiBMrt 4|o, Worrell, onwr 

"rcftaiinat/lriifeitclub oo tteVirtlsUBMCh 

stsfe a race which would test sot OBly a 

i sfctUs, iMthiseoduraiiceaiidperserverKDce 

with Ave efltmnts. the First Aanua) Coast- 

reUs m fv his mmr uh* tries to dH%m Ms Om^m- 


boTB. SalUi« from Ft. UadK^le to Vir- 
(M*r to bihe advsiriife oftt»pr«mUi( 
cancfaide the neest the Bh^ tte i^e 
MIrttU started ont. Udays after d^utare. aJter 
•s thst haoctadttreeboatsoirt at «»- 
IMrrMttMalf wa the race. 
^ti m May 20, the SMond Asaaal Coutviae Bace 
, with the toft two BoUe CM saltan fii tite 
WwJd chawpiai Deaa Prone, a SdUag 
ftJM Bawail, u weU as Bichard IiMdak, finaa 
tti MMoi-ntri Mble<^tnUa'. «IU|ifcfN>r- 


SMv Md JMe tr oMBftne rfrwi VlifWa BMdlteve^ter^ 


Worrell has been deluged by eager sailors hoping to eater 
this year's contest, but Worrell has chosen to Invite most 
coatestiats, with eieei>tioos when letters of reeoBnendatloB 
were fttraisbcd. "Wa don't want aoytMog but top sailors ia 
this race," eiplaiaed Worrell. "Itcandaogerous.sDdwe ooty 
want people who caa handle the ocean. " 

Worrell has selected about 15 top<notch Hobie Cat sailors 
iNr the racevUch wiH receive natioD-widapiibllcity. Worrell 
tas seea to that. The m«fdia-coiicioas Worrell has sent bro- 
diores to every newspaper in the country with over 50,000 
drcttlatloB, as well as laforinatioatQeverytelevisioQ station 
ia the country. 

"It has really taken off," said Worrell. "I really dlda't 
ttlak that in just a year, it would become this big." The 
eyes of tte B(Me Cal CMoni^ty ara on Um. 

Z-nmn cr«w 

Last y«ar, ea^ boat hM a twi-maa craw, MCHsitet^ 
i4Mr Mops OB bea^ aloig the way TUs^^r. Wotrvtt 
iHtt cptod flnr a three-maa format, «> Utet the crew ou b# 
eouAa^ retetiig. m^7 "The iriiucrot tt^ raeewffi net 
M^* as«m» WuT^. ne miles s(|piaatafliM ttie saaie 
emr ttat ^rts tte race most fimsh it, ^ttag SMie str^^ 
to tte co^^. "fmi boats cmld be a^E-^d-aedic mm 50 
aOlM to|B," e^laiied WorreU, "bukoaeteatenildlftve ttie 
wnMg paople m it, aad Itey would hatra toconeMfttH^. 
' «fll be important." 

The winner will be be who 
beach in fttmt of Worrell Bros.. «m «i isoth St. Worre; 
diets it Memorial Day finish, projectile a seven --^o 
"Last year we encountered the worst possible w: 
ing from the northeast," said Worrell, "but there is no way 
to predict what will happen this year. H may be flat the whole 

Each boat will have a ground crew thai »-.. .«i.», u,c u««t 
up the coast. Two-way radios are against the rules, creating 

"The witwm of tMs race wl r»t gtcv" 

-Me Worrel 

a MW wridOje. WM-reM eq)lalned, "When the crew meets 
with their gromd crew, th^teve to tell them when and where 
th^ wiU Met thfw. Battle wiadisapredictable. II It din. 
Uien mf Blgtt hne to aiU nmk toogtr thaa aatieipatBd to 
reach the waitiqt grmad crew." lie problems that couU 
arise are ameroos. Tte race will test many skills. 

ne Wonm Bros. OoiMwlse J^ee is aniqiM. All other 
cctovetitiai tot bs^ Oat muA is of the "between -the- 
bwy," ml^n. His race sits m sailor agalast an aqire- 
dictri^ aea wbA scatter. ^KMrwce is crucial. "But the 
best sailor will," said tcrreU. "Th« gvy who has 
to flfht tha ocean least, will Med l«s entaiiBce." 

It shodid be ttoite a race. 

Worrel.cfepfeys last years award 

ity may buy box for 
Beach Tennis Classic 

STUB /Mft/ 


Thi».#nihtatafsd and aairior dttaMas* may gat to ase 
■iiHHm^tt aaata set aaidt far digattaries at the CBS 
ViigiaU Baaeh Teaais Classic. 


ytbfJSMfOr P«trkfc L. Stan«ag said thi« Mat oC the 
iavitMfiNiU vat probaMbr allma Mji ^IjNB— I day 
of the mot. liK&h i« Mhadiid imlSmVi-m. : X 

"l "WMdd hat* to Me odMasHihitt 4111% IT^b^ies,^ 
he i^ !■ tw WHiitart that tia liainilrflmiijail BWinf 
eltlms U iavttad to aac the sa^ wkm tt^ are not in 

His aofgetfioB was indoded in the m^oa to have the 
€Xtf pay tin- the two bloeks <d seats at ^00 a WoA, which 
was sf^ofeA by ComcU 1^ a 1-inU(mm One atal^ioB). 
Coaaett ateo voted to spend |300 ftir a fkU-page aifver- 
tiswaait to tte touiWB^ luropwfe. 
tlBitetfaw^Awre been swt to Pr^Ment Carter, Sev^ 
Mllta.l.c«Biw[bi Jr., 'WawaterMi^iiiMa^ 
tfv«S;ahd4iarau9orsaadictt^llM^Mtf^il!'<=' ?'" '->?i 
tla IMDOO toummnt iM be playad at the Vir- 
ginia Beadi tacfwt CIA on Thoaias fiishop Laae. Ma^ 
Clar«ace A. H<dland, a number of the clid>, abstained oa 
the vote. 

Votii« ^^hBst 9^diBg tta oooey were Coancilmea 

J. Henry ifeCoy, H.L. Riggs and MeyerT Obemdorf. 

McCoy ttbo^ tha club ^mld famish ^ bUick (rf seats 

aad w a iateiwe d that the ci^ has already provided enw«h 



Ike city is ftindshtag Ike blnchers to eqiaad SMtii« 

First Colonial pitchers deep; 
Kempsvllle's Sage is 

hi %JBSO and had 
of tttf prise money 















Stop tGKifiQ ground and cut It 
out— ttie sUtscrpfon tilark 

Your aa^^fon to ttie SUN wl 
g^e you ttie whole pictere-You 
can enjoy rei^ lytxxA tie peopie 
down ftie str^tJ^e^ a»id bright news. | 

initially planned to fiimiA |50,Q00 
The mtmey will uA be needed, how- 

Mrs. (X>emtorf said she is afraid the cl^ will be set- 
tiaf a ivee^^eiA. 

Mayw Bdlaod said if somethl^ dse ^itmum q> tt tte 
Mtow ttat is w^^entl ha scope, it wiU be ^ed on ite 
an Bserits. He saM there U a pMsiUli^ ^t a film 
air^ 00 ttie city will come out of tte evod, brt he nrted 
therw is w gaanuriM. 

Ctty Manager George L. Bubnry am the money for 
tiekiets nd advertising will cone tram tte Eeoaoaiic De-, 
vriopiMat D^artmnt or from the Council FUBD. 


(^owiteaB Floj^ E. Waterfield Jr. said he thii^ the 
e^aadttare will be "more than justified" by tte ^icul 
pdhttdty, wUle Cowdlman J^n A. Butt nid^ wodd 
proMUy be te finit time invited gwsts won't haw to 
pay saaa^tfng tor On honor. 

PA.'8 Jlrwny Howerfci is 2-0 

Once Beach District base- 
ball play begins. First 
Ccioaial coach Ted Pbelps 
probably won't rely on too 
naay pitchers, but if the 
early season is any indi- 
eaiton, the Patriots have 
depth nt the Aouad. 

With five games behind 
them (4-1) First Colonial 
has had as many pitchers 
> receive credit fbr the de- 
cisions. Tom DeLcog, Jon 
Frixsell, Bruce Glaves, Ben 
Smith have all picked up 
wins, while Tom Vambell 
was tagged with the loss. 

Last week, a distytUoary 
action by Phelps prevented 
the scheduled pitcher to take 
the mound in a game with 
Western Branch, and third 
baseman OeLong was called 
on to idtch. 

A first - inning grand- 
slam by firstbaseman Jeff 
Mills gave DeLong a lead 
to work protect, and the 
pitcher went the distance for 

rou'd be dolars, ahead, too. 
Your $7.00 im^tnert n ttie SUN 
wl be returned wtti ttie adverttshg 
vakjes youl ftid your very Irstmje. 

Iff ***3*y *«%-*e»t Twd etstwkerel FUI e^^ J 
^^5L*V^ aM riMQ U vllk yw cheek le: m^te J 
IJ** *ii^ 1» Boeemert Bd., Ttrglaia Bead^ ira. I 

i iun 

— tW- 


The dealer wtth heart 

offers kx^est s^i/i^ 

8-12 en Sat rw warranty 


INO LaAta M. V.B 


the 5-1 wi 

"He diet ii iiecKuva jup, ' 
said Phelps after |hie game. 
"He pitched a Uttte last 
year, btd Princess Anne hit 
him pretty hard aaA he lost 
his coDfideaee. He looked 
good today though." 

An obviously pleased De- 
Loq; said, "It was a real 
sittprlse to fiad out I was. 
pitobiag today.. it«t, I felt I 
was woridag tbepli^ wen." 

Patriot outfielder Tim 
Sayers is leading his team 
tn BBIs with sereR, stolen 
bases (5), hits (8), at bats 
(15), and is spo"^'"* ' ^^ 
hatting average 

The team i5 

look awesome, having crush- 
ed Cox n-0 last week. Mike 
Sage and Tony Tata doiited 

It was Sage's fourth roaod- 
tripper this seaf 

Chuck Reynolds 
collected three hit> 
only three at bats so tar tiiis 

9 as iw tMM 





Virginia Beach Sun, April 6. 1977 - 8-3 

ctnd Kiehold! 
bowling's her bag 

For three days, Kim Lowe 
didn't know for. sure ho* 
well she had done in the 
American Junior Bowling 
Coi^ress tournamiBD); 
(AJBC). But the wait was 
worth It, as she finally dis- 
covewd that she had won 
the senior girl's all events 
top award. 


i thought I might have 
done it," the Princess Aiffle 
High Junior said, "but you 
never know until its official.' 
never know until its of- 

She wasn't too' surprised 
at her top finish, as she says, 
"I usually do well in tour- 
naments," but this is iMr 
first year bowling in the sen- 
ior division, and the win is. 
quite an accomplishment. 
She rolled a, 1458 scratch, 
1863 handicap, coming in se- 
cond in the single's cdm- 

145 average 

Kim will be carrying her 
145 average to the State tour- . 
nament in June. The Rich- 
mond event saw her claim 
fifth-place honors last year 
when she was in the junior 

Kim says her coach, Rose- 
mary Ailstoct deserves 
much of the credit for her ' 
tournament flourist. She ^ 
takes a lot of time with me," 
said Kim. "She helps all 
the bowlers." 


Concentration is another 
key to "her game. When she 
is not munching pretzels, 
Kim thinks about her style. 
"You have to take your time 
on the appraoch," she ez- 
* .plained, "and keep your head 

tdown. Also be sure you fol- 
low thr<Migh." 
'^^f A veteran of Mily three 


Kim Lowe shows her style 

years, Kim bowls in league 
play every Saturday at Plaea 
She also J^eeps herself 

busy practising with the competition at the states. 

Marching Cavaliers Drill but after a win in the AJBC 

Team at Princess Annei her first year in seniors. 

There will be a lot of fop anythit^ can happen. 

\» Til . ♦ w-f, i >-■ r. ,, ■ ■"•.,. . ^ 

Top skaters to invade Beach 

Some of tie nation's top 
roller skaters will be com- 
ity to Virginia Beach for 
the annual Easter Invita- 
tional Solter Skating 

Championships at the Hay- 
good Skating Center. 

800 skaters from 17 
states and Canada are ex- 
pected to compete in the 

event, scheduled for April 

A beautiful sport, roller 
skating has had ifr thepasi, 

to compete with ice skat- 
ing, with which it is simi- 
lar, as well as having to| 
derby projects with which j 
it has M)tting in commcm. 


(A weekly look at Beach high school sports) 

Around The Diamond On The Links 

Leading batters 

(Throi^h games of April 1. At least 10 


Townsend (PA) .800; Coons (FC) .€00; 

Sage (Kemp) .537; Reap (Kemp) .545; 

Cunningham (PA) .534; Sayers (FC) 

.534; JOTOS (B) .428; Smith (Kel) .417; 

Tata (Kemp).416; Reitz (PA) .411. 

Leading pitchers 

Jones (B) 3- 1 ; Howerln (PA) 2-0; Beaton 
(Kemp) 2-1; Sinnen (Kel) 2-1. 

Baseball standings 

Princess Anne 
First Colonial 
Kemps ville 




Across The Net 

Tennis standings 

First ColMiial 






Princess Anne 







Princess Anne 

First Colonial 







(Best track marks at Beach to date) 



The Princess Anne golfers had a big 
w£ek, defeating three teams. They 
slaughtered Indian River and Norfolk 
Catholic 301-344-345, with Alan King 
winning medalist honors with, an even- 
{»r 72. The Cavaliers also beat Cox, 
299-334, with George MacDonald bat- 
tling a breezy day at Red Wing for a 
four-under par 68. Teammate Alan 
King shot a 69. - - 

Kempsville topped Kellam 339-331 
at Bow Creek, with Kempsville's Da^ 
vid Wyatt and Kellam 's Chuck Daven- 
port tying for medalist honors at 80. 

Low round of Qie week: George 
MacDonald, Princess Anoe-68 at Red 


No staadla^ yjet, but Mxt Tuesday, 
kiidi fcho«l socc*r will oake its initial 
appearance at the Beach. Bayside meets 
Kem{»vllle, Cfo. and KelUm will play, 
juid First Colonial tries Its luck witti 
PrlMess Aane. Boys and girls (a game 
at every school). 


Albert awarded 

Virginia Wesleyaa CoUege mior Tim Albert (studi^, 
fMODd from left) «u honored during half-time ceKnonies 
•t a Virginia Weileyan basketball game by the Rawllngs 
^rUng Goods Company. Albert received RawUngs' Big 
Stick Award as tbt outstanding ytter in NCAA District 
m. With a .406 batting average, Albert led hitters from 
all College Division Schools from Virginia to Florida. 
Virginia Wesleyan's first All American candidfte in base- 

bon, Albert currently koMs U college, game, season and 
career records. Presenting Oie Big Stick Award weria 
(second from right) Louis Benedict, sales representatlTf 
tor Rawllngs Sporting Goods Comapny, and (right) Jack 
DoBold, General manager of the Dixie Sporting Good^ 
Company in Norfolk. At left is Virginia Wesleyan baser 
ball coach, Steve Stocks. ^ 

Surfers ride wave of 

The Great Neck Surfers 
won the Alanton Division iii 
the City of Va. Beach Mid- 
giet Basketlnll league this 
year and completed their 
post season play as runner- 
vps in the city championships 

The Surfers, coached by 
Bob Purkey and Bill Emer- 
son, fliUshed the regular 
season with an 8-0 record. 
In the first round of the 
city championships they de- 
feated the Plaza Lakers 39- 
38. In the semi-final round 
they outlasted the Green Run 
Suns 46-44 in overtime to 
advanoe to, tht.^h^tnpipns^p 
game. The BuU^ d^eatM 
the Surfers in the finale by 
the score of 51-41. This con- 
cluded a near perfect sea- 
son for the Surfers who fin- 
ished with a 17-1 record 
for the regular, pre and post 
season compc^tibn. 

The Surfers also won the 
Great Neck William L. Smith 
Memorial Tournament in 
their post season busy sche- 
dule. They received a bye 
in the first round and de- 
feated the G.N. Mohawks 60- 
44 in the semi-finals. In the 
championship game they met 
the G.N. Squires where they 
were victorious by the score 
of 41-38. The WUliam L. 
Smith Memorial T(wrnament 
consists of only Great Neck 
teams am! requires that etch 
boy on the team play a mini- 
mum of one quarter. 

The tournament's name 
sake was a meml)er of the 
Great Neck Athletic As- 
sociation Board of Directors 
and recently passed away. 
He was best known In the 
area for his unswervii^ de- 
dication to the toumamenfs 
principle. His wife, Nancy, 
,.,was fflj hand to present the 
^^opffo-and awards. In her 

remarks to the some 200 
spectators in attendance she 
commented on how delighted 
she was at the inauguara- 
tion of such a tournament 
and how she hoped it would 

Greg Goodall, a guard, 
led the Surfers for the se- 
cond straight year in scor- 
ing with a 21 point average 
fOr their 18 game schedule. 
Teddy Caldwell, at guard, 
was the sparic plug and sticky 
defensive specialist in the 
back court with Goodall. 
Ross Cipriano, seccmd lead- 
ing scorer, provided the 
height ' at center. Steve 
Vermillion, forward, was the 
lading reSxMinder and a 
tough defensive stand-out. 
Peter Coakley, forward, a 
steady offensive and defen- 
sive player teamed with Ver- 
million and Cipriano to round 
out the dynamic rebounding 
strength of the team. Pat 
Newsom and Philip Terveer, 
both swing-men, played im- 
portant key roles in advanc- 
ing the Suriers to the finals 
of the city. Their play for 
the injured Vermillion pro- 
vided the necessary ingre- 
dients for the post season 
victories of the Surfers. 
Evan Riddle, Mark Terveer, 




The first G and G Spring 
Special Softl>all Classic has 
been scheduled for April 23- 
24 at Princess Anne Park. 

The ASA sanctioned, dou- 
ble-elimination tournament 
is (^n to the first 30 teams 
who apply. Entrance fee is 

For further information, 
call John Burt<» at 420- 

I T00,000 WATTS 

aOT-Kru^er (B) 81-5; LONG JUMF-Zollicotfer (F.C.) 
ZO-J 1/2; MGH JUMP-ColllM ^em) 6-7; POLE-VAULT- 
ThoniM (K»t)U'*; OISCUS-HcC^wmU (B) 1S1-I; TRI- 
PLE JUMP- Foreman (iOll) 44rt,* HIGH HURDLES- Foreman 
(Kel) I4.»j 100*WlIliams (P.A.) f.6; MILE-Bufton (B) 
4:19,1; N» IILAV-Bayslde (Dias, Williams, McConwU, 
WWte) 1:W; 4M-Ptrl»r (B) Sl.l; INTERMEDIATE HUR- 
DLES-PiveiDU (Kel) Si.S; BM-McDarteU (C) 1:58.7; 220- 
WlUiami (P.A.) 21.8; TWO MILE-Sparks (F.C.) 10:l«.l; 

MILE RELAY - KeUam(For«man, Barber, Ettridge, Daniel) 

HJRDLES-Motaa (Kern) ll.S; 100-Washington(Kemrtll.«; 
MILE Geer (Mm) 5:41; 880 RELAY-Kem. (Rochelle, Mc- 
Cabe, MotM, WashiiitaB l;4?.ft; 4M-Beleher (C) 1:02.6; 
440-BELAY-F.C. (GraMnsky, Joshua, Leaks, Comer) $1.4; 
880-Wllliam$ (Kemp) 2:44; 220-Hym(ms (B) 26.5; 8t0 
MEDLEY RELAY-(Kemp) Washi^tMi, Mas<ffi. Koster, Am- 
brose, 2:02.1; MILE RELAY-fiay(D.Dot«terty. A.Dougher- 
ty, Shuster, Herbert) 4:41; DISCUS-Cooke (B) 105-1; HIGH 
JUMP-Peterson (Kemp) S-2; LONG JUMP-Herbert (B) 
16-1/4; aW)T-Co<*e(B) 84-1/2. ' 

Chris Karvala, Ricky Savino 
Chuck Petran, and William 
Emerson are going to pro- 
vide the solid back bone of 
next years team. 

Coaches Purkey and 
Emerson highly praised this 
years team. "We can not say 
enoi^h al)out these fine boys. 
They had a lot of heart and 
determination to achieve 
what they did. We are ex- 
tremely proud of each and 
every one of them." They 

went on to edd that the S^r- 
fers have compiled a won- 
lost record of 47-8 over 
the past three (3) seasons 
in regular and extra-sea- 
son play. 

DR Boggs & Assoc 

Private Investigators 

Civil, domestic, child cus- 
tody cases. All inquiries 

PHONE 427-662i ^-^ 

Registered Angus Bulls 

Ready for Service SCIA Records 


Lawrenceville, Va. 23868 

841-2101 848-2593 

Fred Woofter 

Mazda GLC. It'll make a believer out of vou. | 


EPA estimates 45 city - 35-Hwy. with (4>tioaaI 5-speed 
transmission available on Deluxe model only. Your 
mileage may vary depending on how and where you 
drive, your ear's condition and optional e^pment. 
$2875.00 P.O.E. 

Bob Gardiner 

Castle Cars, lac. 

CaU 855-1991 





Ice Skating Lessons 

Itw sessions: Monday, Wednesday and Fridays, after- 
noons and evenings Saturday from 10 a.m. to 12:30. 
p.m. Few qtaces availdMe. Call immediately. 

Youth Ice Hockey Program 

AH equlp-Mient proviaed. Games each week. Age 
groups: 4-7, 8-10, 11-12, only. Registratimis at rink 
during normal (grating hours. 
First come, first serve basis. 

New Operating Hours 

Momhy and Tuesday closed, exc^ fn- special 

troqi and class aciUvites. 

Wedaemiay and Thursday firom 3 p.m. to 10 p.Bi,, 

PrMay from I p.m. to 11:30 p.m. 

Saturday tnm 12:30 p.m. to 11:30 p.m. and Sunday 

troB 12:30 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. 

Beach Mai Studto 422-3741 
KetonRoadRMt 4»l-^04 

Regi^^tton must b« mMte in pM-sot at Om rtak 
beltm t^MM begia-^teB CM A^Mto. 




■ — — ^ ■' 


mA it 



9I« h 

•W tt 

-autf , 


bifiz 1 








.11 .1 


StTVK . on lit, Trasb- 

Virginia Beach at 6 A.M. iUsl^t Sumlay. 

ermon will be by Rev. Uelvin J. Hvtes.^stor 

Anne Plaza Baptist Churek^. The wel- 

« w.iii. .w> uv iiy Mr. George Hanbt^ry, city inau|tr(tf 

Vii'ginia Qeach amd the scripture lesson will be reMl 

by Cbrfpiian Philip &. Jenkius of the Ocean Naval Air 


The public is invited to attend this city-vMe service. 
Ycwiiisy brt^ ywr owg IkMi^f chair , or Uartet. 

at park 


10 Y 








k) 00 

it I 

W .9 




to 9 


- g 


« .» 




1^ loMtioB <a n WW 

NsiMsses At VlrgiMt 
Buck's two inlustrlal parks 
yi ivn cret^ m am joks 
iM prosper tor matf 

Alft^W. Craft Jr., chair- 
SM of tte Virginia B«ich 
DevekifwaeBt Aotkority, re- 
ported to CowcU if(»da]r 
aftemom tfeat Airpcol In - 
dostrial I^rk is i^^fOtiaK^- 
iag cMipMioB witk approx- 
lAately 35 acres remslBiBg. 
IB 197fi, ke saM, 13 new 
conpaales were located in 
tke Park brmring tke tot«l 
ktt^sses tkere to approx- 
imately 4e. These new bus- 
iiffisses created SI jobs and 
aa additioaal 95 |(^ when 
the projects are comideted. 

Value of the new firns is 
$1.350,9M and when thepro- 
^ets are completed will a- 
Bount to 12,500,000. 

Tte Antborlty's major 
land develc^Mieot effort is 
c«Mered in the 100e-»cre 
Ocean West Industrial Puk 
where four new amtpanies 
located in 1976 creatii^ 132 
new Jobs. The land and boild- 
iag value ftn* the firms is 

the lai^st project IqrfBr, 
is the regtoMdshoHdngmall 
ketag developed 1^ &noB 
Associates wUck is eqied- 
ed to create 2,100 aew Jobs 
aad will cost apprraimately 
m miUtoa to IwUd. The 
tnd purchase value will he 
13 million. 

Tte Airtknity aatf tte In- 
dustrial mt^itoi td tt* De- 
partmwt <rf E»»wic De- 
veh^MB*!^ Craft mM, are 
also worfci^r to dtveliv tke 
Little Creek prvpatf, part 
(^ which is tieiag eed by 
Fraser Boiler Company, 
linear Canstniction Com- 
paay aad Ranks S«ifood, Inc. 
A lease for tiie eatire 29 
acres is being smight for 
tke site. 

The Auttortty will ^en 
up apprtHdmately 40 acres 
of light inihistrial land in 
Oceana West toihistrial Part 
witk the ccmstruction of Sky- 
hawk Circle. 

New industries which lo- 
cated in 1916 in Airport In- 
(tastrial Pait were Orkin, 
Stitckes of ViiYinia, Baker 
Road Associate, Seven-Up 
BotOttg (^(mipaoy, Graad 
Funiitare, Adler Furoitore, 
American Goanmteed Light- 
ing, Hiltt, A. J. Beiinato 
It Sons, Jones Safety Supply 
and U. S. Goveimnent, and 
in Oceana West Industrial 
Park, C. A. UndUad, IIU- 
com Systems, A. V. Associ- 
ates, Sikon Associates and 
Tea Pack, Inc. 

The Authority also assis- 
ted other companies to lo- 
'date in ar»s not under the 
Auttority's contnd includ - 
ing the Christian Broadcas- 
ting Nrtwork, Buif ess-fiiy- 
der Industries, Jefferscm 
Screw Corporation and Jar- 
vis Associates. 

U'-r i.Mi 

SUNr^Bders. . . 
great people! 

Mim people read the 
Virginia SXJ¥I. 

At least th^'s the opinion 
C(km HcLaia formed after 
rvuning her "ro«n for rent" 
cbssi^d ad in the SUN. 

There was a lot of extra - 
ip^e f oi^; mused in her 
Great Brk%e lK>me, so Ms. 
McLain deckled to turn that 
space iirto cash. 

aie aerified am working 
people, via the SUN 

"The «1 ran twice, and I 
hi^ a lot (tf calls," Ms. 
McLaio j»id. ae repeated 
that there were a nuoAer of 
people who mi^ed the room, 
any om of whom «o«M have 
been a fine tesaitt . 

"Ttey were all nice 
people," sUte said. 

Ttat oomes as m> surprise 
to us —-it's a story we've 
heard before. We believe 
that "nice people" read our 
paper because we're a true 
community newspaper. The 
pet^le readtag tt are your 

friends and neigUwrs down 
the street, and tiiat means 

your message in the SUN 
reachM exactly the people 
you want to reach. 
. Advertising people call 
that a "weU-defined mar- 
ket," and that means y<m 
g^ the most for ymr ad- 
vertising dollar. 

With our classifieds, we 
can h^ you to rent that 
extra room, sell that un- 
used fishing boat, find a new 
employee for your bns- 
iiMss... And if you've fot 
unletting to give away — 
frte — we'll rvB your ad. 
at no charge in our Free 
Bee sectiM (You migkt even 
be able to find a pet there, 
or some other great give- 
away deals!) Call us right 
BOW at M7-4S71, aad we'll 
show yoa how to do it 

Ctesces are you'll enjoy 
meetta« tte people who re- 
qwod to yonr ad - they're 
Bke peqAe! 

Building is great! 




c ■ 


Virgiaia Beach's building 
indmrtry is anparently in good 
ste^w, aeamtiag to figures 
r^tortod ^ City Mani^r 
GecH^L. Rarimry. 

At an iitformal sessim of 
Ctty QwMil Monday after- 
noon, be uM that during the 
JaMary throngh March 
period, the dty {M^e^sed 
71 siMivlMfltts, wUk last 
year during the same per- 
iod, only 3$ were pnx^ssed. 

Ust jMmr teiflg ^t first 

(^rter, 144 site plans were 
processed ompared to ^1 
this year. 

He reported tte business 
acUvity in omjuiKtion with 
r^liM toeenplainis madelqr 
some CwBcil c»ttstttu»ts 
that ttey were having diffi- 
culty with permits and rite 

- HaalHU7 ad»d Council 
members to r^»rt m indl- 
vktel csMs so th^ can be 

McMahon design 
gets book nod 

MleNel G. McMahm, art 
mtmtOT for the Virttota 
INtA «nr«rtelag firm <d 
On^ A ^muf J^., tes 
1^ Mtatf itf as OM <tf €4 
American desig aers to tete 
their worts Xentnred in n 


m Apaa and ttiMhirted to 
artirts, t^wt^ag i«n- 

CM»), wuo^ges aiMi design 
a^iam wdf^wMe. In M- 
^ta to MObhon's wwks, 
oriM- tes^ deluded wttk- 
la this special isaoe are 
logwjEDT wrtwttoiHtais 
as ATkT, WestinghoHse, 
Mi. Untt^ Way, Urited 
^mm aad Alim 




In the Circmi u^ 

City of Virginia- 

the 30tb D' 


In the matter of I 

tion of Travis Time 

Morton and Ai*' 

Morton by Alviu . 

Orem and Josephine 

ginia Twiford Oram 

The object pf^ 
vis nmc ' 
Arliss Lyle WlltifrJir,;!; 
faat ckildnm OfGMliftMIA* 
Count Morton, (MrniAaMiHy 
fH» tkeir parent, parahta 
or guardians am) to ItAfe 
the Circuit Court of the 
City of VirginU Baieh 
Vir^aia to grant the ' 
aad Josephine Vin 
Twiford Orem for adc* 

K>Ai!MBRM:KiV«:^"')w 'i — v.. fvi Art •nUMww 

w'lwn' V'M.t.'M-li-'"*. JSiM-a*! 

;m«d« and filed that 
1*1 Arthar Morton,, 
known address 
ttratt. N. E.. 
I, Michigan, is 
party to tils 
,bnt dm (ttU- 
i uied tons* 
It eowty or 
is, vtthoot. 
it Morton do 
- nerowimitaadays 
ttd do ^t nay be ne- 
eessarr to protact his in- 
>his auit. 

{(ellarn, Jr. 

4/13. 4/20, 4/27 4t 

the f^towing lwtttti> In a ''^ 
clrciitetton in tlie iitrritory 
days {vlor to the heartbg date 

Lnt I^sftMwty 

NOnci is heraby given that Linwood A. MartMs has 
vn^ed to tha State Corporation ComiaUsion for a <»r- 
ttft(»te ttf public convenieBce and naimiatty as pNfMm 
Iqr Cha^r 14.1 Title S«, Co^f of Vitvlnia. the ^- 
piicurt |at)p')'ses to provide service trm Kndaa toi- 
let to Cape Henry and r«titrh. A niUle lMart:Nl trtll he 
held befort rue Coiodilsaioit In its eottftroma in ttie 
Blanton Building, t^tihmted, Irirgiiiia At 10:00 A.M. 
on May 3, 1977. ^rbtasta ahklfbh filed *lth the Clerk, 
State Corporstioa CdtaMMsftibn, dox 1 197. ttichmond, Vir- 
flBia 23209, at iMti teit «kyk hriar to tDf he«rtMdato 
wtth a copy to LikWMd A. Majiy** NltUAge iadRowi, 
Viistola Beaeh« VI W*. tt484. 
IT IS FURTHER (mEREO that an attested copy of 
this order be Qailed 'to UhWQiid A. Martens, 2012 
Ridge End Roadv VirgloU Beaeh. Vlitii^ 23454. 

VBS4/6 It 




The Virginia |^<^ teard it^ J^MMf Aiioals wiU eo«lB<k 
a special PubUt Attltos cm HiMII. AprU 2S, 1977, i^ 
5:15 P.M. in the Cllcatt CO«t.8ooDt Mo. (.CttyRaU^ 
Virginia Beach, Vlrtlnia. Tli« fo&owli* antUcatton wIR 
appear on the ^^Mtaiv { 

1. Riparian taves^^rts Assotektos by T.J; Lyons reqnasts 
;a variance of .23 f^ ^ ikii^) |e a.4.n foot iwot yard' 
setoaok iasleiKl of 5 .i§m M re^t^ ^^day Imi Coa-^' 
vMtion Cairtett oii. Lotft 4 and S, Block 19, Viri^ Beach 
Devel(9ment Coinon^, 39th l^eet aad Atlaatio Avenue. 
Virgil Beach B(HXfugii. 


W.L. Towers < 


VBS 4/6, 4/13 

Virginia Beach's own nawspapar 

Pkk up a.€0|»y 
of the SUN 

Get elctrii ieopi«$ 6f the Virginia 
Beach SUM U Via. following fist 
of newiatands h»catMt throughout 
tt)e Virginia Beach area: 

CteMA l^ront 

i-UwRirdna«k Rd. 

FlRBdOS JMWKmi|».Paeifle Ave. 
MARnnl|OTiGL-Ufh It. uti AUaatic 
CAyAU|lUintL>acau Friat 
HOLt^ HWrMtt «Md AQutte 
HOtWapi JMWW.*^ ,' dcaaATroot 

^Mmm->Q*m r#oBt 

HOLmAt lMI-2S«i «t ifd AOaitte 
POtr QPAC|-Ufli It aad Atlaatic 
REVS CfiRTRS^-Oeaan Proat 
BARRV PflARMyU^^AOaatie Ave. 

raMada am-Auu^ Avt. 

SCaodfER MOttL'Paelfie Ayaaae 

Court Hoiii# Area 


Kem^eviM Area 


I t^.u^. 



NorfoNt^Va. Beach Line 


LAKE WRiairr MOTKL'NoHtMBptoa Blvd. 


HOLIDAY OOr-NortluaiittOB Blvd. 


NAVY UfpSk-m i* Creak Base 
NAVYMMMyit-Lltae Craak Base 

PEOPtnqRB ttof Ceator 
REVCO^lPdiii^Oka HaaMws Shop Caater 
PEOPLES-Paabrokf libll 

Plaza Area 


trail (liaaf ^Mry) 

_fynahavw ltd. 
lU IMP C«tof 


London Bridfa AHtai 



HINtoa Araa 

1-11 < 


WVIf^Tf V* 

>ter, Princeit Attn* ftarough, Viroinjiei tawh. Vbf 

.xin.^ .. ..U.V.V ^iVifl thot the ^.if 
< .'ourtcii Cbamheft, AdmieiitfOfion 9uiM^, Ms 

.31:00 p.m. en Monday. April 1 1. 1977 for the purpose ot holding o Public Hearing on the propoied budget rw me 
Cty.o' Vlrgmo Beach for the <iical year beginning July 1, 1977 ond ending June 30, 1978. 
Appended hereto h o condensed lummory of the propowd budget: 

mi » ynciNiA beach. Virginia 
ummm OF MvmiE by soubce 

mCAL nM ENDING JUNE 30, 1971 

Qanerai l*roperiy Toiei 

UGVfuv^ I VI mill ono mvHv^v i^vf 
nvin uiv wf fvvonv|r Vw rii^iBf^ 
Tt^nn mv wonvii^^pvmvini 
rrvni mm rmitnt vOTvnanen 

' 'a^W» w'^Wew ^^^^^W^S^^w 

8aiaa ti vaaMiaaiilM and riaiMinM 


ADDi nMMCfaa Fraai wnaapiawioled 






























$117404^ $127,119,102 «74t 


I^W? 7^9^ 

a^i^iy W 

<10M«>477 3124.9S3.9ea $ia04W4» IftMO 





tooiA and Conireiijient 

rmnlHaiNi Nilpectioot 

> f'nnlint rmiiliiif Biiii 

^p^MPvwf ^MPvw^ v%e^^n> 


UMI^fvOibl Setvica 
Hah DmiM IwMilut 
BiiarKa fnf Cowtnoanciai 



' S«7I7» 

















36], 026 
























nscAL YEAR Bmm Mm zo, mn ' 


\ mm 

































4.113,779 3J9 

4778,993 344 

3449494 3.48 

1442400 liO 

S106.334490, 3124,937.093 I1304ai499 100i» 

- »t .tm.i..»^^.fi -UAttn^'m tv\'.r.-r- > : :.i. 


SlOdOr ASSCIEB VAtM i^ft^ ■tTAty 













Mkom Amie Motqiilla 


rUfl^l MOM|vilo 


•Bull— wirnai ii I00» <l Wr iwitl «el»fc 

llittai 1, AMWff Of tiVY QW TAHCPLJ PffSONAI. P fj Q ^ 

TJmm iNi Im IfvM Olid colBdad for ganarol pvrposai fw 1978cal8ndoryaartaxatoii«ll^ 
ki^^kk ptnoiwl pnp9rtf, not «iintpt from tcnwtton ond not othorwita provldad for, at iM rata 
^ itit dolm ^) on ooch ona hundrad dolbn ($100) of oisaiMd valuation tharaof. Hm fola 
hf iMiiicMon ihoR ba oppRad on tha basis of 45% of tha fair morkat vakia of wch 


mffABi VmiCUl CIA! 

:-::nf->:- ii*'^: •F:^f:Kj.«iiMA^bi>:.Ki 

Vmm ifiol b« Mad ond eonadad for qmira\ purpoias for tha cabndar yaar 1978 t«M on ott 
vaKldaa wHImn^ niofer pOwar utad or tfosignoliid to ba otad as mobila hamai or officat or for 
9^ maons of hobHoMon by any panon, on aadi one hundred dollars ($100) of otaanacT 
wd M lio n thafo^ bawd on tfw Minia tax rates t^iplicobta to real estate, and applied on tho boiit 
of ««no IMMmM pafOBiAim of foir moHket vokia. 

1la» iM W iawlMl and e^adad for rtw ralwidor yoor 19^ for ganerd |H)^^ 
bM or wotfftiaft ondar five tons burthen uaad for business or plaoMra, at tha rato of d« 
4iaKbn^m oMl ono hundiod doNon ($100) of osaassad valuation tharaof. Tha rota tmpoiad 
1^ Ml li^ioK #al bo on tha boiii ^ fortyfiva parcantum of the foir morfcat vdue of iikh 

A. AumiT OP uvY tm *q«g«B aomiTiQii 




Ihapa shaN ba Mad and eoNadad for tho tolai^r ^ar 1978 for general purposes taxM en oH 
•ooaMa praporly oi^Rad by rtia Conunonweohh of \%ginta as '1>oHutkm Cet^ Eoi^^RMt 
ond FodHiai^ not ammpt from toxotion, at the rata of six dollars ($6) an a^ onaliMNliad 
£1100) of ;oii8W8d vohmHon thereof. The rote imposed by this section diall be opplied on the 
bodi 4S% of fho fatrnwiM vohie of sudi paronol property. 

tatifaB s. AMOUWr oy WY mMJ^ammtf and tqqu 

Thopa shew be ieiriadcMd 

hmM Mam ^10^ of 

l«r ^ cohndor year 1978 for general pu^KH« foms on 
from tatation, at the rale of one^Bor ($1) On aoch one 
' irariuoMon i^mmt. flie fox impMid by th^ lacHott ihoM ba 
mM <rf M^ flrttfMlNy ami ^ok. 

The bodgat, «09afbaf «M tfia piopONd Itvanua Orttoanee, w^ ba raviaiMd by Aa Qty COond 
on Monday, April 11. (977,fl«%OOpjn.,at«MAtimepersontwUNngil«ppaoriniUMoMof 
ond those opposed to rtw «^^m of tlw bwlg^ nwy publicly «^iasi tfieo'^lMQ^/^ 
ffMMft widn^ «o «dA^*e O^ Co«ie« regording this matter shouU iMMar «ri* ^ CMy 
OMiaaom 311, Qty ^totoWwiHOo iiMing,^foro $Mp.m.,on W«feiaaAw, AprN4 Iff? 

by Mh or talaphono (^MM^or r^tw- rt «ie ObAV^ « *e Ortnrt ttoirtafi ^0* 
lh# meeting opens. 

Hrmn r^Mam^ dMM IrNfeol^ ^ h^get iMtMr t^m ^k^^m wWi to ^^ 





W-' p mwwwW^^W^i^. 



I *nj"f. ijiJLlit ■' 

VlifittiA BMilb Sun, i^Hl 6, m? • B-S 

















IN THE cmcmr court of the city of vraoiNiA 


a Municipal Coloration, 



PAUL M. LIPKIN, Receiver 


a Dtftnct Virginia Conwrttloi, 

804 One Main Plais East 

Norfolk, Virginia; 

FAf 5 E. McLESKEY. his wife, 
28$l Virginia Beach Bbttlevaiil 
Virginia B^ch, Virginia; 

And all other persons haviog an 
interest in the parcel of land 
marked '•Resenred" lyi^ between 
East Stratford Road and Lock 
Haven Crescent oa the PIU of 
Section "D", Oceata Part, recorded . 
Id Map Book 5, pa^ 197, in the 
Clerk's Wftce of the Circuit 
Court of the City of Virginia 
, Beach, Virginia, the names of which 
persons art uidcnown to the 
petitioner, and are hereby pro- 
ceeded against as "Parties Unknown"; 

0.183 Acre of Lant^ More w Less, 
In Bayside Borough of the City of 
Virginia Beach, Virginia. 


In this proceedii^ the petitioner seeks to acquire by 
condemnation the fee simple title of a parcel of land 
containing 0.123 acre for uses and puiixises of the 
petitioner in omnection with its project kndwn as the 

Ocean Park Sewer Project, which uses and putposies 
are more jartictOarly deicribed in the petitioo and ex- 
hibits thereto on file in the ofllce of the Cleili ol this 
court, to which reference is hereby made for a ftill and 
complete description thereof; and tor the qipc^tment 
of commissioners to ascertain Jnst o(H|Bp«aattai to a« 
omers of any estate or interest In the laiiperty to be 
taken or affected as a result of the taUsf w affected 
as a result of the taking and use by the petitioner of 

For such punioses, the petitioner will apflj to the 
court, sitting at Princess Amie Station, Virg^ Beach, 
Virginia, on the 2Sth day of April, 1977 at 9:36 o'clock 
A.M., or as so(m thereafter as petitioner may be heard, 
for the anx>ihtoient of commissioners to ascertain 
Just compensation as aforesaid. 

And it a^tearing by afttdavit tiled according to lav 
^t the jHH^rty taken may have been dedicated to the 
public as a park, or that other perstns ii^hose names 
are unknown to the petitioner and whose names and add- 
resses the petitioner has been unnUe to ascertain after 
due diligence, may interpst in the prqp^iTtYto 
be eondemend; it is ORDERED that all persons who 
have any right or interest In the prqierty to be condemned 
an>ear within ten (10) days after due ptt|>Ucatton Of this 
order in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court (H the 
City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, and do what Is ne- 
cessary to protect their toterests; wnA it is FURTHER 
ORDERED that if any of ttie nid owners (toslres to as- 
sert any objection or defase to the taUog or damagM€ 
of his prqwrty or to the Jurisdiction of tl» oourt to 
hear tbe case and to lUweed witii Qie qipoiitoent 
of commlssi<mers, be shall file Usnnswer and ntwnds 

the taking or daauwing d his interest or tothe jaris- 
diction of the court to hear tiie ease and to proceed 
wlHi the uipctfntment of otmmissioners for the deter- 
mtoatlon of just eoap«isatioB. 

Should any such owner bil to file his answer and 
grtnmds of defense as hereinabove provided, such fail- 
ure shall not predude tlie owner from appearing on 
the date set for ttie auxdntment of commlsslonera 
nor from presoding emence as to the valw^on and 
damage nor frmn sbariog in the amtrd of just eoiqten- 
sation aecoMing to his interrat Qwrein or otherwise 
protecting his righto, but such failure shall preclude 
such owner from any other defense by way of ideas 
in btr, alutemait or otherwise. 
(James M. PickreU) 
1020 First & Merchante Bank BttUding 
Norfolk, Virginia 23510 

VBS 4/16, 4/13, 2t 

IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the anUcant puUish 
the foUowii« notice in a n^spa^r hnvng graeral cir- 
culation in the teiTltory to be served at least twwity 
days prior to the hearii^ (hte: 

NOTICE is heretnr fiven that Linwood A. Martens has 
aH>lied to Oie ^te CMporation CtMnmtesioo In*, a 
certificate of public convenience and necHsity ts pro- 
vided by C^^r M.l, Title 56, Code at nti^a^i^The 
apfAicant proposes to provkle service t^mftaSit blet 
to C^ Hrary and return. A pd>Uc I^rlat viU be Md 
before die Commission in ite c<Mrtro<»i in tte BlMtoo 
Building, Rietaraoad, Virginda at UM» A.M. on May 3, 
1977. Protesto shall be filed with the Clerk. Stete Cor- 
poration Commission, box 1197. Richmond, Vlrgiida 
23209. at least ten days i»1or to the beariaf d^ witt 
a cqty to Linwood A. Martens, 2012 Ridge End Road, 
Virginia Beach, Virgiida 23454. 
rr ISTimTHER OROEReDthatrnttestereopf-allliis 
OTder be mailed to Linmod A. Ifertens, 2012 Ridge 
End Road, VirginU Beach, Virginia 23454. 

VBS 4/6 It 

Virginia Beacli Public Notices 






1662 Kempsville Road 
Viri^^ B«ich, Vii^nla; 
LAW NO. 4475 

MAIONE R. EDNEY, a miirar 

1M2 KM^mdUe ROMd ' 
Virginia Bh<*. Virfinia: 

M>XALD lAMEMCHf, her hi^band 
6327 MUtM ttreet 
PhiU^^la, PeMsylrasla; 

MMrgt Massachusetts; 

RUSELL Q»rEY, slngte 
S2 BaitfJoM Avmne 
RoMrg, Massachusetts. 

and the Heirs at Law <tf 


nmfH ^Mt named tfMre, 
ant tti^ or nU partta 
be ^^CMsM, tts snrvlvtag 
^ottse, if any, heirs at 
law, devises awi as^ipm, 
and Vbt Mm ci^tors tf 

all of sau parties; and 

and imrast to tee property 
to be Mo^emMd Igi this pro- 
ee(^, ttke uaes (rf all of 
wM^jivttts a» uknown to 
ttir{«UftMer and are nereby 

Sroee«ted If at^t as "Parties 

0.005 Acre of Land. More or 
Lflwp. and a Temporary Con- / 
stmcttM Easmnnt on Prop- 
er^ Fnmtiif 01 North Bird- 
neck Road, Vlrgiiia Beach, 


' In ttis proceedity the petitioier seeks to acquire by 

ccMidemnatiQn the f«e simple title of a strip of land con- 
ik'ting 0,005, acre and a temporary construction ease- 
ment adjacent thereto c(mtainlng 0.006 acre, forusesand 
purpc. "s of the petitioner in connection with ite pro- 
ject k. wn as Project UOOO-184-106. RW 201 (North 
Blrdneck ^oad widening), wUch uses and purposes 
are more > rticularly described in the petition aiid ex- 
hibits theret. on file in the office of the Clerk of this 
court, tp iHiich reference is hereby made for a full and 
accurate description thereof; and for the appointment of 
commissioners to ascertain just compensation to the 
owneris of tny estete or interest in the prc^rty to be 
taken or effected as a result df the taking and use there- 
of I7 the petitibner. 

For sncb purposes, tee petitioner will aiqily to tee 
court, slttteg at Princess Anne Steficm, Virginia Beach, 
Vlrfinia, 00 tee 26te day of April, 1977, at 9:30 O'clock 
A.M., or as soon thereafter as petitioner may be heard, 
for tee appointment of commissioners to ascertate just 
compensation as aforesaid. 

And it appearing by affidavit filed according to law 
that the following owners are not residents of tee Stete 
of Virginia: Bomey E. Jamerson and Ronald Jamerson, 
her busb^. Rdiert Edney and Russell Edney; that 
there may be irther heirs at law ai Leon Edney. de- 
ceased, and their surviving spouses, if aiqr. heirs at 
law and devteees, Uen creditors of all of said parties, 
and othei' persras who may l^ve an interest in tee pro- 
perty to )x> cMidemned. tee names and addresses of 
aU of which persons are unknovm to tee petitioner, 
v^ has been unabte to ascertain the same after due 
diligence; It is ORDERED that tee aforesaid owners do 
appear within ten (10) days after due publicati(m of this 
intler in tee Clerk's Office of tee Circuit Court of the 
City of VirginU Beach, Vir^nte, and do what is ne- 
cessary to protect their intereste; and it is FURTHER 
ORDERED that if any of the ^xtve named owners de- 
sires to assert any objection or defense to tee taking 
or damaging oi his property or to tee jurisdicticm of 
the .cmirt to hear the case and to proceed wite tee ap- 
pointment of ciMnmissioners he Shall file his answer 
and groands of defense designating his teterest in tee 
proiferty to be cmidemned, tee grounds of any objection 
or defense to the taking or (tema^ng of Ids interest 
or to the Jurisdiction of the court to hear tee case and 
to proceed with the ^ipointment of commissioners for 
tee determinay<m of just compensation. 

Should any such owner faU to file his ansiltr iod 
grPWjKlf eC^^ense as hereinabove provided, sua fml- 
me !flialKnot preclude tee owner from appeaduiglon 
the d^e set for tee ^ipotetment of commissioners 
nor from presenting evidence as to tee valuation and 
damage nor from sharing te tee award of just compen- 
sation according to his teterest teerete or otherwise 
protecting his ri|^, but such tailnre shall preclude 
such owner from any oteer defense by way of pleas in 
bar. abatement or otherwise. 

(James M. PickreU) 
1020 First k Merchante Bank Buildii« 
Norfolk. VirginU 23510 

VBS 4/6, 4/13 2t 

VirginU: In tee clerk's 
office of the Circuit Court 
of the City of VirginU 
Beach. <« tee 29te day of 
March, 1977. 

In re: Adaption of Jordan 
Mttean Popp 

By: Jona^n P. Gibbs and 
LesUe Mae Gibbs. 

To: llmnns Walden Popp 
CaUe Medina «3 
Malaga. ^MUn 

to Chancery 


TUs day came Jonathan 
P. Gttbs and Leslie Mae 
GQibs, Petttioners, and re- 
presented that the object of 
mty^tcttmeg is to effect 
the adofAion of tee above 
named inteJit. JonUn Nathan 
PoBp. by Jonathui P. Gibbs 
and Leslie Mae C^^ tau- 
band and wih, and smdavit 
having been made and Sled 
that Thanes Walden Po||>. 
a nMaral pnrwt of said child 
te a noBrrttSid^ etthe State 
(rf tOff^iiis^ the last known 
post office adifrass being: 
CaUe Medina «3, Faei«ir- 
oU, MaUfft. Spidn. It te 
thMirtarTOnlered that the 
said Thmnas Walden P^k* 
iWMr before tete Court 
witMn ten (10> days after 
piMcnticM (tftUs Order and 
Indhate Ids atttfde towaitl 
tea pfcpesed adoption, or 
olSbim^M do> itette ne- 
CMSaty to |»t>te<A Us te- 
teEMt la tete matter. 
A eouf ^e: John V. 
V^br«BS« Cterk 
^,9M1 4. Kaenehan D.C. 
HmtiKt» OOtee BMg. (4) 
VU^iteBeMi. Va. 

VK-V*. </i». V». '*/« 


By: Romulus Bass and Reba 

Carrington Bass, Husband 



To: Bob Jackson 

1901 Piiter Avenue 

Portemoute, VirginU 

In Chancery 


This tUy came Romulus 
Bass and Reba Carrington 
Bass. Petitioners, and re- 
presoited that the (Atject of 
tbU inroceeding te to effect 
tee adopticm of tee above 

named infant Penny Naomi 
Bass, by Romulus Bass and 
RObb C^ringtotiBSsS. hus- 
band and wife, and affidavit 
haviitt be«i made and filed 
that Bob Jackson, a nateral 
paroit of said child, is a 
ncn-resident of the Stete of 
VirginU, the last known post 
office address being: 1901 
Palter Avenue. Portemoute, 
VirginU It is tlwrefore Or- 
dered, teat tee said B<A Jack- 
son app^r before this C<mrt 
witete ten aO) days alter inib- 
licatibn of Ms Order and 
tedicate his attitude toward 
^ proposed adoption, or 
otherwise <h> wtat is neces- 
sary to protect his interest 
te tUs matter. 
A &9ii teste: J(^ V. 
F^^ss, Cleric 
ByrPatti A. KeeMhanD.C. 

VBS-4/6. 4/13, 4/20, 4/27' 


opncE OF ns owcvn' 


vomoA wu^at,m the 

2IM DAY^ MMCI. 1977 
te re: A^vtion of P^y 
N«at teas (wither chai^ 

nst mt OF MARCH, 1977 
b re: Un^m of Adrt^oe 
KristNt CiMnU and 
Change M Name to Adrieme 
ber^ B. SehmUR 
Toi^^^teert K. C^rell 

c/o Bud R. Felts 

Joelton, Tennessee 
In Chancery 
#C 77-451 

This day catee R. Dirk 
Schmidt and Klmberly B. 
Schmidt, Petitioiiers, and 
represented that tee dbject 
ci tete proceeding is to ef- 
fect the adoptiim of tee above 
named infant (s), Adrienne 
Kriste«) Cantrell, by R. Dirk 
Schmidt and Kimberiy B. 
Schmidt, husband and wife, 
and affidavit having been 
made and filed teat Gilbert 
E. Cantrell, a natural par- 
ent of said childfren^ te n 
non-resident of the Ante of 
VirginU, the test ktmftipost 
office addrras bdng: c/o 
Bud R. Felts, Routie 1, Joe- 
lton, Tennessee, It is teere- 
fore Ordered that the said 
Gilbert E. Cantrdl upear 
before this Court within ten 
(10) days after publication 
of this Order and indicate 
his/her attitude toward tee 
pnyosed adaption, or other- 
wise dp what is necessary 
to protect his interest u 
this matter. 

A copy teste: John V. 
Fentress, Cleric 
By: Patti A. Keenehan 
Thomas B. Shuttleworte 
211 Pembrdce HI Bldg. 
Virginia Beach, VA. 23462 

VBS-4/6, 4/13. 4/20. 4/27 


te tee Clerk's Office of tee 

Circuit Court of tee City 

of VirginU Beach, VA. on 

the 29te day of March, 1977 

Teresia Aim ^Un Harrell, 



Marshall P. Harrell, 


The object of this suit is 
to obtate a divorce a vinculo 
matrimtmii from tee said 
defendant, upon tee grounds 
of living separate and apart 
for a period of more than 
one year without interrup- 
tion or cohabitetion. 

And an affidavit having 
been made and filed that 
tee defendant is a non-re- 
sident of tee Stete of Vir- 
ginU. tee last known post 
dKlce address being: 803 

C.', If^fHwiFd^tBat 
he do appear here within 
ten (10) days after due pub- 
lication hereof, and do what 
may be necessary to protect 
hte interest te this suit. 

By: ^tti A. Keenehan, De- 

Itonald P. Hammers 
968 Soute Oriole Drive 
VirginU Beach, VA. 23451 


VBS 4/6, 4/13, 4/20. 4/27 


te tee Clerk's Office of tee 

Circuit Court of the City 

of VirginU Beach. VA., on 

tee 31st day of March, 1977. 

Frances Alladine Crews 




James Ray Sanders, 


The object of this suit is 
to obtate a divorce a vinculo 
matrimonii from tee said 
defendant, qxm tee grounds 
of one year separation. 

And an affidavit having 
been made and filed that the 
defendant's last known post 
office address te 4900 Man- 
dan Road, VirginU Beach, 
VirginU, and that due dili- 
gence has been used by ami 
on behalf of the platetift to 
ascertate in what cmmty or 
corporation tee defendant is, 
without effect it is ordered 
tint he do an>ear here within 
ten no) days after due pub- 
lication hereof, and do what 
may be necessary to pro- 
tect his teterest U teis suit. 
A copy-Teste: John V. 

By: Patti A. Keenehan, De- 
puty, Clerk 
Tidewater L<^ Aid 
Society p.q. 
147 Gra^ Street 
Noriolk, VirginU 

VBS 4/16, 4/13. 4/20, 4/27 


te tee Clert's Office of tee 

Ciroit Court of tee City 

of Virginia BeaiA, VA., (» 

the tet day of ApriU 1977. 

DonMR. Rogers, 



Wnte S. Ro^rs, 


liie ^ect erf teis suit 
is to (4>tete a divorce a 
viMttlo matrteiMUU firom the 
mU itetenftM, ^w the 
gn^Hte <rf ^«rtton and 
^M^^tea <tf mice teu one 

And an affi^vtt teving 
been Made^^iMMM (tet the 

been i|sea m* m befaaU of 
tte Ccnt^ntaaiit to ascer- 
tate in wMch county or cor- 
pM^tion the di^ndant te, 
wlthott clfect, tMilartknown 
post Mtt4^ iddrMS bei^: 
817 ttfpan Avemie, Hamp- 
t^ V£^iite it U ordered 
mA she doi^PMrherewith- 
te ten (10) days after due 
publication hereof, tnd do 
what may be necessary to 
proteOt her interest te this 

A copy-teste: Jdm V. Fen- 

By: Patti A. Keenehan, De- 
puty, Clerk 

A. Andrew Ege. Jr. p.q. 
1369 Laddn Road 
ViiwinU Beach. VA. 

VBS 4/6, 4/13, 4/20. 4/27 

In tee clerk's Office of tee 
General District Court of 
the City of VirginU Beach, 
VA., on tbe 28te day of 
March, 1977. 

M & R REALTY, t/a Ban- 
croft Hall Apartmente, 

Lawrence V. WEILL and 

The object of this suit is 
to obtein a judgment against 
tee defendants for rent and 
damages due the plaintiff by 
reason of tee defendants' 
breach of lease. 

And an affidavit having 
been made and filed that tee 
defendants' test known ad- 
dress is 2212 89th Street, 
VirginU Beach, Virginia 
23451, & that a diligent ef- 
fort has i)een made to lo- 
cate tee defendants witeout 
effect k that the defendants 
cannot be served with pro- 
cess within tee stete, it is 
ordered that Lawrence V. 
and Sbekte Ann Weill do 
appear here within ten (10) 
days after due publication 
hereof, and do what maybe 
necessary to protect teeir 
teterest in this suit. 
A copy-Teste: RuteMar- 
tteez. Deputy Clerk. 
By John R. Ward, Esq. 
Parsons, Steffen, Moore & 
Ward i ' ' . 

' N<rf|]S^™nU 23514 
VBS 4/6, 4/13, 4/20, 4/27 

te tee Clerk's Office of the 
General District Court of 
tee City of VirginU Beach, 
VA., OH tee 28tt day of 
March, 1977. 

M & R REALTY, t/a Ban- 
croft Hall Apartmente, 

against j 

AniteLyon, | 

The object of this suit is 
to obtain a judgment against 
tee defendant for rent and 
damages due tee plaintiff 
by reason of tee defendant's 
breach of lease. 

And an affidavit having 
l>een made and filed that 
the defendant's test known 
address is 1110 Kearsarge 
Court, Virginia Beach, 
Virgteia 23452, and that 
tee defendant cannot be 

a diligent effort has been 
made to locate tee defen- 
dant witeout effect and that 
tee defendant cannot be 
served with process withte 
tee stete. it is ordered that 
Anite Lyon do appeir here 
withte ten (10) days after 
due publication hereof, and 
do wlat may be necessary 
to protect her teterest in 
this suit. . 

A copy-Teste: RuteMar- 
ttees, deputy clert. 
By John R. Ward, Esq. 
Parsons, Steffen, Moore k 

Attonieys at Law ' 
P.O. Box 3321 
Norfolk, VA. 23S14 
VBS 4/6, 4/13, 4/20, 4/27 


te Qm ClKt's Office of the 

Circuit Conrt ol the City of 

l^rgtete Beach, VA, <m the 

I9te day of March, 1977. 

Rennan L. Hou^, 



Oi^ Kemp WilUams 



Hm object of this suit is 
to obtete a divmree a meisa 
et thoro tb be at tbe prefer 
time merged into a decree 
a rincilo maMnn^ tnm 
the saM dniewtent, upon tbe 
greolte of itMRften. 

tad ah dlkiavtt Imri^ 
be«i *ade and filed fiat 
Urn d^Mteii is a eon-re- 
MeM el tte Stete of Vir- 
gil tti Iftrt known post 
&a» addi«ss bet^: 6253 
S^ tave. teck«arilte. 
Florid ^BO tt te wdered 
Vmt Ae do^fiMr here wite- 
te tw 09) Suft afta> im 
p^teraei feeti^, and do 
whtt may be ne^sm? to 
^iMe^ Mr iMrMt te tMs 

A copy-Teste: Jolm V. 


By: ntti A. Keenehan, De- 

puty, Cleric 

MiUs c 

5209 VirginU Bea<« Blvd. 
VirginU Beach, VA • 


VBS 4/6, 4/13, 4/20, 4/27 

Virginia: te tbe Clerk's 
Office of the Cingtt Court 
of tee Ci^ i^irginU 
Brach. on the IMi day of 
March, 1977. 

In re: Al^on of Iteryn 

By: John Charles Pastuf 
and Karoi EUtee Wil - 
^ Items Pastep 

To: Kirt Marvte Watson 
3025 Royal St. #325 
Los Angeles, CaHfomU 
te Chancery 
This day came John 
Charles Pastup and Karen 
Elaine WillUms Pastuf, 
Petitioners, and repre- 
sented that tee object of 
teis proceeding is to ef- 
fect tee adoption of tee 
^M>ve named infknt (s), 
Daryn Kirk Watson, by 
Jdm Charles Pastuf, and 
Karen Elaine WillUms 
Pastuf, husband and wife, 

and affidavit having been 
made and filed that Kirk 
Marvte Wateon, a nateral 
parent of said child (ren), 
is a non-resident of tbe 
Stete of VirginU, the last 
known post office address 
being: 3025 Royal Street 
#325, Los Angeles, Cali- 

It is teerefore Ordered 
that tee said Kirk Marvin 
Watson appear before this 
Court withte ten (10) days 
after publication of this 
Order and Indicate his/her 
attitude toward the pro - 
posed adoption, or otherT 
wise do what is necessary 
to protect his teterest in 
this matter. 

A c<q>y teste: John V. 
Fentress, Clerk 
By: PattiA. Keenehan, D.C. 
Charles E. Poston 
6210 Pardue Court 

VirginU Beach, Var— 


VBS 4/6, 4/1^4/20.4/27 

VirginU: te tee Circuit 
Court of tee City of Virginia 
Beach on he 24te Day of 

ttarch, 1977. 







te Chancery No. 

C - 77 - 72 

THIS CAUSE came on 
this day to be heard on tee 
Affidavit of Thomas Al - 
fred Drewett, tee Com - 
pUinant, and tee matter 
was agruged by counsel. 

COURT that Kay ColUer 
Drewett, whose last known 
post office address was 
4609 Austin Lane. Virginia 
Beadi, VirginU, does not 
reside te tee Common - 
wealte of VirginU; and 

an action for tee transfer 
of pn^wrty by specUl com- 
missioner has been filed; 
it te, therefore, 

AND DECREED that tee 
Reqxmdent, Kay Collier 
D^wett appext before this 
Court withte ten (10) days 
after due publication of this 
Order and answer the Com- 
pUint or stete grounds of 
defense teereto, or oteer- 
wise do what is necessary 
to protest her teterest 
herein; anTitt is terther 

AND I^CRjEEO ttiat Uite 
Order A)^^piibltehed in tee 
Virgtag^Beach Sun, a 
newspaper having general 
circidation te tee Virg^ 
Beach area for a peripd 
of one (1) time each week 
for four (4) consecutive 

ENTER 3/24/77 
A C<H)y Teste: John V. 
Fentress, Clert 
By Patti A. Kennehan,D.C. 
I ask for thte: 
James R. McKenry 

VBS 4/6, 4/13. 4/20. 4/27 

VirgiaU: to the Clerk's 
C^ce (tf Uw Circuit Court 
(rf tt« City ^ VirginU 
Beach, m M 28th (Uy <rf 
March, IVn. 

te re4 AdsptteB d Intent 
&qr, MMmI CAriito^^r 
^. Rkiud P. 4 Deborah 

BUD/S, Naval AmpMiioitt 

Base , 

Coronado, San IM^o, 


to Ctencery 
Thte tey eaaw Ridiard 
P. Berabe andDAorahtan 
Beniie, PMttoners, and 
re^iwseotod tesA the (Aject 
of thte proceciHng is to in- 
fect tee adivtton <d tbe 
above named intent (s), 
Michael Christopher Kteg, 
by Richard P. Berube and 
Deborah Ana Berube, hus- 
band and wife, and affi- 
davit having been made and 
filed that Duiel J. King, 
a natural pamt of said 
child, is a non-resideDft 
of ttie State of VirginU. 
the la^ known post office 

address beiu: U.S. Navy, 
315-54-4878BUD/S, Naval 
Amphibious Base. Coron- 
ado, San Diego. CalifomU. 
It is teereft»-e Ordered 
Uiat tee said Daniel J. Kii« 
aivear before this Court 
within ten (10) days after 
pubUcation of thte Order 
and indicate his attitude 
toward tbe pn^sed iiop- 
tion, or otherwise do wtiat 
is necessary to protect hte 
teterest te this matter. 
A copy teste: Joltia V. 
Fentress, Clerk 
By: Patti A. Keenehan D.C. 
Robert B. Cromwell, Jr. 

Guy, Cromwell, Bete, 

Smite k Dickerson 

Attorneys at Law 

Suite 525 Pembroke One 


VirginU Beach, VirginU 


VBS 4/6, 4/13. 4/20, 4/27 

MARCH, 1977. 
RE: Estete of Frank Em- 
ett Pridgen, deceased 

It a];q)earing that a re- 
port of tee accounte of Ro- 
bert Balckwell Pridgen and 
Glenn B. McClanan, per- 
sonal representetives of 
-the Estete of Frank Em- 
mett Prii^en, deceased, 
and of the ddMs and de- 
mffiids against liis Estete 
has been filed te tee 
Clerk's Office of this 
Court, and that ste months 
have eUpsed since the 
qualification, on motion of 
the personal r^resente- 
tives; IT IS ORDERED ttiat 
^e credttors of, and all 
oteers interested te, the 
Estete do show cause, if 
any teey can, (m tee 22nd 
day of April, 1977 , at 
10:00 a.m., before this 
Court at ite courtroom, 
against tee paymoit and 
delivery of tee Estete of 
Frank Emmett Pri<^en, 
deceased, to tee Devisees 
without requiring refund- 
ing bonds. 

DERED that tee foregoing 
portion of this ORDER be 
published once a week for 
two successive weeks te 
tee VirginU Beach Sun, a 
newspaper having general 
circidation te tee City of 
VirginU Beach, VirginU. 
ENTER: Thte 25 day of 
March, 1977. 

A copy-teste: John V. 
Fentress, Clert 
By: J. Curtis Fruit, D.C. 
Glenn B. McClanan 
Attorney and Counsellor at 

425 Soute Witchduck Road 
VirginU Beach, VirginU 

VBJS 4/6, 4/13 2t 


To: O^el J. Kii« 
U.S. BiVT. 311-54-4878 

In tee Clert's Office of the 
Circuit Court of tee City (rf 
VirginU Beach, VA., onthe 
28te day of Man^ 1977. 
Thomas C. Kuch, 
Barbara Kuch, 

The object of this sutt 
is to obtate a divorce a 
vinculo matrimooU from 
tee said defencUnt, iqoi 
tee ground|S of one year : 

And an affidavit havii^ 
been m»iie anl filed that 
tee defendant te a non-re- 
sident of tte ^te of Vir- 
ginU, the last known p(»t 
(pee Vidros being: 153 
Schocd St., Coventry ,C(^. 
06238 it te (Ottered ttet 
she te appear Imre withte 
ten {10) days sAk ^m pvb- 
Ucdten hneof. nnddowh^ 
may be neeennry to 1^*0- 
tect ter mama te thte 

A d^-Trate: J(ta V. 


4r: Mti A^K«BAan,De- 

m^, aert 

Barrw A Lowe 

3164 iUtttc A^^M 

VirgteU Beach. VA 23«1 

VH 4/8, 4/lt, 4/16. ^7 


K^,.-! .- ^ .- ^ -- . .-. -. .. . 


"ti* Peach S«w, Apr- 


JUrk's Office of tl>, 

Circuit Cottrt of the City 

of VlifinSa Beach, VA, on 

the Zr >t March. 


William H. Hydar. 

A^w Rltter 


The i*^t of ttis suit 

to ott^ a di«Mi:e i 


Mawj^tt, ^x» the 

M W>re than c»e 

Mpenttoe, or, Jo tlw 

tMiHTe. m Uw ground 

f wMKery, 

a^P«M Made anttfllcdthatthe 
^^^^tt^Mriaiil is •aoe-rwldeiit 
the Stete of Virginia, 
last known post <^ce 
being: c/Uvlsion 
10. Puerto De Sttta 
ria, Cadiz Providence 
it is ord«^ that 
do appear tere within 
I (10) Ajrs liter dpep^- 
^aition hmof, awMovInt 
ly be Becessar; to pro- 
ber interest in this 

«^ fc'*" * ^"^"^ ° 


"l^^^nby aadPlnme Streets 
.?fl!i?«»'ft»»' *A "510 




fnyabi the Clerk's (Mfiee of the 
9bCirciat Court of Oe City 
gnolflof Virginia Beach, VA, <» 
.zeiothe 18th day (rf March, 

i9}iBXareB E. Clifford, 
-19D Plaintiff, 
-fli dflcainst 

3vi-iitober4 Joseph CUfford.Jr. 

-oiq ne object (rf this suit is 
a-teii-to obtain a divorce a vin- 
9dt sicolo matrlBKnii fkvoi the 
.2973nid defeadaat, upon the 

grooDds of one years coa- 

tlMOHS sq)aration. 

^ And M afUdavlt haviiv 
^ibfeeen aaade and filed that 
<n»^ defcadant is a non-re- 
^, sident erf the State erf Vir- 
-t>^%iBia, the last known post 
^a^mix address being: 3210 
^ "ilnpplySqairfbtin. EglinAir 
Force Base, Florida, it is 
ordered that he do appear 
here wttlte ten (10) days 
aJiM- dne piMicate bere- 
^ nd do wM ni^ be ne- 
cessary to proted his in- 
terest in tUs suit. 
A copy-Teste: John V. 
' ■»Fentress 
»|U Br- Pstti A. Keeoeban. De- 

ry. Clerk 
Calvia Spain 
SfiiflP.O. Bos 2127 

SIM Virginia Beach Blvd. 
•S3i Virgiida Beach, VA 23452 

3/30, 4/6, 4/13, 4/20 4t 

to toe Clerk's Office of the 
Circutt Co«rt of the City 
at Virginia Beadi, VA., (» 
the Itth day of March. 

Loots A. McDonald, 

g> against 

9 iSida McDonald, 

- Defendant. 

9 The object oi this suit 
^ is to (Main a divorce a 
mensa et Uboro, later to 
V. be merged into a fiaal de- 
2 eree of div(n>ce frcm the 
( said defen^mt, qxm the 
groiBids of (tesertioB and a- 
And an affidavit having 
? been made and filed that 
doe diligence has been us- 
ed by or in behalf (rf the 
Coo^ioant to ascertain in 
which coorty or cor- 
t poration the defendant is. 
wltbotd effect, tte Ust 
known post office address 
being: 322 E. Regains Av- 
erae, Virginia Beach, VA. 
it is ordered tiat she do 
4¥«er here wiWa ten (10) 
days after (tee piMlcatiaa 
hereof, and do uML maybe 
necessai7 to iMutec^ ter 
iiterest in this suit. 

• A copy-Testo: John V. 

By: Patti A. Keenehan, De- 
p«ty, Clerk 
Janes W. Brazier. Jr. 
73? 21st St. 
Virginia Betch, VA 23458 

VK 3/30. 4/8. 4/13, 4/20 

Vlf^tt: In toe Clerk's 
Cmee ef toe Orei^Covrt 
(tf toe 4My of Virginia 
B«^ m toe iiuS Day of 
Manh, iHn. 

to re: Mqnm of Ettai 
Janes Cmn» 
^t Umsd MbO'To^, 
Jr. A Mr^ llereae 

To; Mr. Dai«^ Aunw 

•i Lriw FtoiM' A^BM 
auMW Ute. nw Tort 

1 ( \.#uwai^<cri. I 


This day came Edward 
ley Tberea* OToole, P«- 
tttlMitrSk and represented 
that the object of this pro- 
ceeding, is to efltect toe 
adoption of theabovenned 
infant (s^, Ethan Janes 
CoolUer, by Edward John 
O'Tooto, Jr. and Shirley 
Theresa O'Totrie. husfaani 
and wife, ud i^i^vKtav- 
ing been macte ud filed 
tittt Doegto Asms War- 
ner, a Bttaral parent of 
8«M child(ren), to a owi- 
restoent of the l^to of 
Vii^nia, tte last known 
PMt (rffice address ^iag. 
96 Lake Flower Avenue, 
Saranac Lake, New York 
12983. R is tlKreft»% Or- 
dered that the saidDiwglas 
James Warner ^ifear be- 
fn-e this Court withta ten 
(tO) days after pdMfcation 
of this CMer ud indicate 
bto/ber attitttde toward the 
pn^osed adi^on, or 
otherwise do wlat is ne- 
cessary to protect his in- 
terest in this matter. 

John V: Fentresa, Clerk 
By:Pi^A. KeenehuD.C. 
Howard El^jwlind 
551 Board (rf Trade Bldg. 
Nortolk, Va. 235m 

VBS 3/30, 4/6,4/13,4/201 

to the Clerk's Office irf the 
Circdt Coart of tbe City 
(rf Virginia Beacb. VA., on 
the 2Sto day ^ March, 

Artlttr P. Coh», 

Helue F. Cdien, 

• The object of toto suit 
to to (Mkia a divorce a 
mensa et thoro to be mer- 
ged into a divorcee vinculo 
matrimonii vpoa the ex- 
piratioD of toe stotttory 
pertod fhnn the said de- 
fendant, qwQ the grouds 
of desertica. 

And u affidavit having 
been made and tile4 that 
the defeodairt is a oon-re- 
sident of tiw ^te of Vir- 
ginto, toe last known post 
office address being: 6968 
Castle Drive.fiirmiogham, 
Mictogaa, 41010 it to or- 
dered toat Ae do appear 
here within ten (10) days 
after <tee pddict^oii here- 
of, and do what may be ne- 
cessary to protect Iwr to- 
terest to this suit. 

A capyiTesto-..L Joan V. j 
Fentress ' ''---r 
By: Patti A. Keendiu,De- 
poty, Clerk 
Dould J. Coureas 
1M)6 Plaxa One Bldg. 
NoilQlk, VA 23516 

VBS 3/30, 4/6, 4/13, 4/20 


to tbe Clerk's Office of the 

Circutt Court of tte City 

(rf Vbr^nia Beach, VA, on 

the 2lto day Of March, 


Itoaato James Uxuoff , 



Theda Justine Usenet, 


Tbe object of tois suit 
to to dbtain a divorce a 
vincato matrimonii from 
tke said defendant, iqxmtbe 
grouds of one year 

And an affidavit bavii^ 
been made and filed that 
tbe defendairt is a non-re- 
sideat ct the State ot Vir- 
ginto, tbe last known post 
dlice address beii«: 3852 
Watoingbaw Drive, Mem- 
phto, Tennessee 38128 it is 
ordered that die do appear 
here within ten (10) days 
after doe piddicaaoo here- 
of, and do lAiA may be ne- 
cessary to protect her to- 
terest to tUs suit. 
A copy-Teste: John V. 

By:PattiA. Keenduui,De- 
ptfy Clerk. 
JaawsA. Gorry 
P.O. Bn 626 
Virginto Beach, VA 23451 

VBS 3/30, 4/6, 4/18, 4/20 


to toe Clerk's Office of 

Ifie Circuit Court of the 

City of Virginia Beach, Va. 

00 toe 18tb day of March, 


Jeanne Anne Woodruff, 



Ward WMteU Woodruff, 


The direct of tbto suit 
is to (Main a divorce a 
vincuto matriBUMii from 
tlw said Pendant, wfoa toe 
grounds ot otte year separ- 

And u aMlavtt Imviag 
ben ra»]e and filed Umt 
tee dil%c«e tes been us- 
ed 1^ «- to brimlf of the 
Co^MMtf^ ueertoto' 
to v^MMM^A'^vpora- 
ttott toe 4^duA ^. with- 
«tte0e^ toe tost kDown 
lyaM UBee ^ft<»s bei^: 
^0 Shore BiAve, Apt. 301, 
mtf^m BeMdl,VA 23451 
ft is onta«d ttet be (to 
a|f>ear Itore wtttt tea (lOJ 
teys aftw due priMicatiiM 
tereefc atf t» HM nay 
be bMrnan to pMeet hto 

Virginia Beacii Public Notices 

A c^-Teste: Join V. 



Jobn Dt Booker^ Jr. 

2825 Princess Anne R(md 

Virginia Beach. VA. 23456 

VBS 8/30, 4/6,4/13,4/20 


Virginia: to the Clerk's 

Office of the Circuit Court 

of the Cify of Virgtato 

Beach Gtt the 22nd dayof 

March. 1977. 

Catoertoe H. purkitt 



Michael Burkitt, Jr. 


In Chancery No. C77-111 

The object of this suit 
is to effect partition be- 
tween toe owners by sale 
or otoervice of toe real 
property in the City e* Vir- 
ginto Beach, Virginto, 
knowQ as 2833 North Kings 
Road. And Affidavit hav- 
ing been made and filed 
that the Defendant, Michael 
Burkitt, Jr., is not a re- 
sident of this stete, it is 

ORDERED that toe said 
noB-r«sl(tont defendant, do 
appear witoin. ton (10) days 
after due publication of this 
Onter and dO What is ne- 
ceissary to prirtect his in- 

R is further ORDERED 
that the foregoing portion 
of this Order be publtohed 
once a we^ for four (4) 
successive weeks to The 
Virginia Beach Sun* a 
new^iaper pidtdished in toe 
City of Virginia Beach, 

A copy toyste: John V. 
Fentress, Clerk 
Paul M. Lipkin 
GoldUatt, Lipkin, Cohen, 
Anderson * Jenkins 
804 Ptoza One Building 
Norfolk, Virginia 23510 

VBS 3/30, 4/6, 4/13, 4/20 

to the Cleric's Office of 
toe Circuit VowH (rf tbe 
City of Virgtoto Beach, VA. 


A copy teste; Jidm V. 

Fentress, Cleric 

By: PatU A. KeuehuD.C. 

Stimrt L. Nachmu 

Stoingfrfd, ^^ng(M A 


,111^ United Virginto Bank 


Norton, Virginto 23S14 

VBS 3/16, 3/23, 3/30, 4/6 


John Peter Gurski, 


1^ Ot^ect of thto suit 
to to ofatato a divorce a 
vinculo matrimonii from 
toe said defendant, upcni 
the groim^ (rf <ne yea:r 

And u affidavit having 
be«i made ud fUed that 
the defendant is a non-re- 
sidei^ of tbe State of Vir- 
ginto the tost known post 
office address bdag: Col- 
orado it to ordered ibat be 
do appear bere vitoto ten 
(10) days afta>dnepridica- 
lion tmrfoi, aad do what 
may be necessary to ihto- 
teet 1^ interMt to thto 

A cqqr-Teste: John V. 

By: Patti A.Keuehu,D.C. 

147 Granby Street 
Norfoto, VA 23510 

VBS 3/16, 3/23, 3/30, 4/6 

MARCH, 1477. 
to rr Adopti(m of Charles 
Glen Wyfcle 
By: WiUtonr V.Lassen 
aad Beverly S. Lassu, 
To: Vance W]4de 
23(S Sibley Coort 
VlrgiBto Bead, Virginto 

In Ctomcery 

Thto day came WiUiam 
V. Lasses and PeMrly S. 
wLaMea, Petittoner», and 
.rq»^smted that the ob- 
ject (d toto jaD^edtog is 
to dfeettoe adoptioB of the 
above named ioiant.iCbBr- 
,itos Gtoa VyktoK to Wtt- 
Itom V. Laasn ami Bever- 
ly S. Lassen, iiubaad and 
wife, aad attdavtt having 
been made ud filed that 
Vance Wyfcle, a utural 

parent m said <Hri)d, is a 
aoo-reMeM ef toe Mte 
of l^r^.thelaftkMMi 

2305 HU^ CoetrVir- 
giiM^Mtj VfrgWa. 

R to toM^rv m^red 
^rt tbe saM VaweH^kto 
amatr li^oM 9to t^rt 
wMNft tevf^ a^ Aer 
pi^telfcNi or tti^lOrdv 
Mid toi^to Ms amtde 
btorard tte ^niotrnmegn 
tim, M- ottMArtoe^^Mit 
to Mo^sary to ivMect Ma 
MmMt to tMji matter. 

Virginto: to toe Cleric's 
Mice (rf the Circuit Court 
of the City (d Viittoia 
Beacb, oa the 17tfa dajf of 
March, 1977. 

to re; Ado^on erf Willtom 
David Bal(irige and cbuge 
of name to Willtom David 

By: David Reynolds Acbms 
A Naacy Baldrtge Adams 

To: Milton Francis Moro- 

Hickory Acres 
Farmington, Punsylvanto 
In Chancery 
#C 7T-234 
This day came David 
Reynolds Adams and Nancy 
Baldrq;e Adams, Petition- 
ers; and i^resented that 
toe object of this proceed- 
ing is to effect the adop- 
tion of tbe above nmed 
infant, WilltotoltevidBald- 
rige, \ff David Reynolds 
Adams and Nancy Baldrige 
Adams, Insfaud and wife, 
and affi(tovit having been 
made and filed that Hilton 
Francis MortxEowich, a na- 
tural i»rent of said child, 
is a non-resideod of the 
State of Virginto, the last 
known post office address 
being: Hickory Acres, 
Farmington, Pennsylvanto 
It to therefore Ordered that 
the said Milton Francis 
Morctzowich awear before 
thii Court wittin ten (10) 
(toys after publication of 
ttds Onler and indicate his 
attitwte toward the fro - 
posed adoption, or (itber- 
wtoe do what is necessary 
to protect his interest to 
this matter. 

A copf teste: John V. 
Fentress, Clerk 
By: Patti A. KeenehuD.C. 
Anthony F. Radd 
1240 Virginto National 


tBS 3/23, 3/30, 4/6, 4/13 


to toe Cleric's Office of toe 

Circuit Court of the City 

of Virginto Botch, Va., 

GB the 17to day (rf March, 


Beverly Aue Boerlage 




Robert Albert Bott. 


The object of this suit 
to to oUato a divorce a 
vinculo matrimonii from 
tbe said (tofendut, iqm 
tbe grouds of one year 

And u affidavit haviiv 
been made and filed that 
the defendant to a non-re- 
sident (rf tbe State of Vir- 
ginia, tbe last known post 
atfx address being: Win- 
ter Part, Flori(bi it is 
ordered that he do ^ipear 
here wttUn ten (10) days 
after due pd>lication here- 
of, and do what may be ne- 
cessary to protect his in- 
terest in this suit. 
A copy-Teste; John V. 

By: Patti A. Keenehu, De- 
ptrty, Clert. 
Willtom E. Fttlford 
tidewater Le^ Aid 

147 Graidjy Street 
Nortolk, VA 23510 

VBS 3/23, 3/30, 4/6, 4/13 


to Ute Clert's (Mfice <d toe 

Circntt Coart oS ttte City 

of Virginto Beacb, VA. on 

tbe 17to day <rf March, 


Alton l^e MasoQ, 



Janet Lisa Mason, 


The (AJeet of this suit 
to to ol^ato a divorce a 
oMnsa M ttoro to be toter 
merged upu proper ap- 
pUcatiw to a divorce a 
vincttto matrinoi^ from 
toe Mid iMmtoat, ^OBthe 
groHKto of^sertom by the 
MeateM oo Jaaaary 19, 

And u affl(tevit taving 
beu n^to and fitod toat 
tbe MhodtaiM is a bob- i%- 
sto^ (rf toe SMt al Vir- 
ginia, tte iut InoW p(»t 
(rfflM addi^ «(rt«g: 2759 
W^rm» f^mab, CA it is 
(M^nd ttHit she (to appMr 
Mmt* w^te tw (10) (tors 
Mer dM ptfieanoa tere- 
(rf, ui do itet may be m- 
cessary to imlect her in- 
tereirt to tbto suU. 
A eo^-teste: h^ V. 

By: Patti A. KeeaelttB, De- 
puty, Clerk 
Geoif e A. Christie 
245 First Colonial Road 
Virginia Bach, VA 

VBS 3/23. 3/30, 4/6, 4/13 

h tbe Ctork's Office (d the 
Circuit Court d toe Cito 
of Virginto Beacb. VA, ON 

toe 17th day of March, 1977 

Arlene D. Precythe, 



Fraric H. Precythe, 

Tbe ot^ect of tbU suit 
is to (ri>tato a divorce a 
vincuto matrtmonii from 
toe raid d^ndant, QMB tbe 
grouds ^ iteserthM tor a 
period of more ttu ooe 

And an affidavit having 
been made and filed toat 
the defudant isa noo-re- 
sident of the Stele of Vir- 
ginto, the last known post 
office address being: c/o 
Corbett Pa(dcage Coouiuy, 
Wilmington, North Caro- 
lina, 28401 it is ordered 
that he do appear here 
withto tu (10) days after 
due publicanoB hereof; and 
do what may be aeceKary 
to protect his toterest to 

A copy-Teste: Jcbb V. 

By: PatU A. Keuebu, De- 
puty, Clert 
Thomas F. Beto, Jr. 
Pembroke One-Suite 525 
Virginia Beacb, Va. 

VBS 3/23, 3/30, 4/6. 4/13 

Virginto: to toe Clert's 
Office of tbe circuit court 
(rf toe City of Virginto 
Beacb, (m tbe 16 day of 
March, 1977. 

to re: AopUon of Kdly 
KrisUne Loughru 
By: Carl Wayne Ducu 
To: James Terrance 
1»1 Poggi Street 
Atonieda, Califomto 

to Chancery 

This day cane Carl 
Wayne Ducu and Martha 
Gail Duncu, Petithmers, 
and represented that tbe 
cA>Ject of this proceeding 
to to effKt tbe adopion 
of toe above named in - 
fant, Kelly Kristine Lough- 
ru, by Carl Wayne Du- 
cu and Martha (toil Ihm- 
cu, husband and wife, and 
affidavit haviu beu made 
ud filed that February 25, 
1977, a natural parent of 
said child, is a non-resi- 
dent of the Stote of Virginto 
the tost loKnni port <Mce 
address beii%: 1861 Poggi 
Street, Alameda, Cali- 
fonda 94501 It to there- 
fore Ordered tbat tbe said 
James Terrance Lovgh - 
ru appear l>efore this 
Court within ten (10) days 
after indication at toto 
Order and inttcate his, at- 
titude toward tbe |Hrop(»- 
ed adc^Mon, or otherwise 
4o wtet to necesaary to 
prote^ hto interest to tbisi 
matter. -., 

A copy |Mte: John V. 
Futx^ss, Ctorfc 
By: Patti A. KeenehuD.C. 
DoaalH. Rbodu 
228 N. LymdiaTU Rd. 
Virginto Beacb, Va. 

VBS 3/23, 3/80, 4/6, 4/13 

Vir^nto: to tbe Clert's 
Office of toe Circuit Coort 
of the City of Viifinto 
B«tch, on the 16to Day of 
ItorCh, 1977. 

to re: Adoptifm ot Daniti 
Lester Musoii 
By: Lester Allu WUtis 

To: Robert Ins Munsoo 
nitoois Street 
Soott«ate, Califomto 


This (tay came Lester 
AUu mdtto ud Haigaret 
M. WWU. Peittailtta,aBd^ 
repressed ^t toe (^ect 
(rf thto praMwttag is to 
^Bct tbe adop^ (rf tbe 
^^e named Mat, Daniel 
L^er MiMoa, if LMter 
Atom Wbitto am IteMaret 
aad affidavit Mat beu 
made uAfM thatMinl 
Iv«i mmtm, a Mtaral 
partit «tMtf^ld. is a 
Bon-rwtoMt of ^ Stete 
of Vtr^iia, th« toat known 

pm tme» ^amu be^: 
mam Rraet, Mthgalk 
ttHforaSa it to ^r^^ 
JDVM^ that the Mid 
IA«rt ^na Mn^i^PMr 
More toto C^irt wittAI 
Ml (IQ M« ^Wftaiea- 
tton «^ toto and to- 
(ficato Ua MMte toMrd 

toe prop«ied adofUon, or 
<Mberwiu (to what is nec- 
Mtrary to tmtm Ua to- 
terest Id this natter. 
A (xpj teste: J«^ V. 
By: Patti A. KettMlanD.C. 
Leslie Rbatson 
^ N. LyuhairenM. 
Virginto BwK-b, Va. 

VBS 3/23, 3/». 4/6, 4/13 


to toe Clert'8/Officff of 

the GirenltCoitotoftbeCity 

of VlrgiBto Beidi, VA. on 

tbe l«b day (rf March. 


Mamette S. Heato, 



James II. H^to, 


Tbe obtoct (tf thto suit 
to to oMato a divorce a 
vinculo matriflumii from 
toe said d#ra(buit, vptm 
the gnuids of one year 
separatiOB (20-91 (9) of 
toe Code ofVirgtoiaof 1950 
as ameiKled) 

And u affitevit having 
beu made aad filed that 
tbe defendant is a.noB-re- 
aidut of the State of Vir- 
ginto, the last known vast 
office address b^; Box 
8026, P<99 Afr ForceBase, 
FayettevlUe, North Caro- 
Itoa it to orderadthat be 
do miear here witoin tu 
(10) days after due pub- 
lication hereof, anddowhat 
may be necessary to pro- 
tect his interut in this 

A eopf.-tMte: Joihn V. 


By: Patti A. Keenehu D. 


Stuart R. Bays 

Indiu River Professional 


4310 Eut todiu River Rd. 

Chesapeake, VA 23325 

VBS 3/23, 3/30. 4/6, 4/13 

to the Clert'a Office of the 
Cfrcuit Court of tte Ctty 
of Virginto Buch, VA., 
u toe Ifitta day of March, 

ReWe CliftoQ.KUl9)^ck, 
PtaiHtiif, V ■■<~"^^ 

Terry Ltfdanc Kirkpatrick 

-^I^e (Ajeet of this sutt 
to to obnto a divorce a 
vtoeuto nuUrtnonii from 
tbe said defendant, iqxm 
toe gronnda of one year's 

And u affidaitt^iBving'^ 
beu made and filed that 
tbe defuitont to a non-re- 
sident of tbe State of Vir- 
ginia, the last known post 
office address lieing: 7337 
IndqtutoKe Avuue, #30 
Cano^ Part, Califomto it 
is ordered toat ahe do q>- 
pear bere witUn tu (10) 
days after dne piddieanu 
bere<rf, and (to wtat maybe 
necesrary to lurotect her 
intorest to toto salt 
A cf^^Teste: Jobn V. 

By Patti A. Keenehu De- 

Taliaferro and Peaningtu 
Suite 704, Board of Trade 

304 East Plume ^eet 
NtM^oUc, VA 23510 

VBS 8/23, 3/30,4/6,4/13 


h tbe Clert'a OIB(ie Of the 

Cireidt Court of toe City 

of Virginto Bmc)i, VA., 

M toe 9to day of March, 


R(qr D. Akera, 



Jue Rae Akera, 


Tbe oi^ect (rf Uiis sidt 
toto obtoto a divorce a 
nensa e4 tooro to be toter 
netted, qwe ^tyer tp- 
irfica^n, Mo a dtocMrce 
a vinento JMMmaidl f^m 
tbe said (MudaM, 1900 
tbe grouda of deurtion. 

And u affltevlt having 
beu inade and fitod toat 
tte ^^^^h^«i p ^«4 to tCnw-re- 
stdeat (tf tbe Sl^al Vfr- 
giator tte last teon pent 
<Mg» addfwa betoclliwto 
n, mm tM» l^ludte* 
nu. IIOrtb^Qa<Mia 27317 
tt to «ti«n«ttM*e do 
«pwr bwe «^ tea (10) 
A)v tfte- dae iiWieanoH 
to pfattM tor 
A eapy-Teate: Ma V. 

JaaMB. tat 
Virgtoto Baaeb, Va. 

VBS 3/18, 1/23. 8/JO, 4/8 

M tbe 9tt day (tf March, 


&»3tt Alu Salmon, 



Doua Lee Mirard 



The (AJect ot this suit 
to to (Atoto a divorce a 
nun et ttoro ftom the 
said d<^ndant, npea the 
grouds td d^ertton. ^ 

And u affidavit havtog 
beu made and filed that 
the d^HMtoat is a non-i^- 
rideM of tbe Stote of Vir- 
gtida. toe last known post 
(Mce address being: 27 
Parter Road, ^itvate, 
Mus. it to entered ttat 
she do appur he^ wffliin 
tu (10) days after due 
pidiUcanu hereof, and do 
triiat may be i»cessary to 
protect her interest in this 

A c(^-Teste: John V. 

^: IHitti A. Keenehu, D.C. 
Staitfn^ R. Peerless 
8605 Sm Horse Way 
Virgtoto Beach, VA 

VBS 3/16, 3/23, 3/30, 4/6 


to the Ctort's Office of 

flw Circuit Court id the 

City at Virginia Beach. VA. 

u the M day of March, 


Btotoo Lee Cox, 



Peggy Au Garver Cox, 


Tto ol^ject of tttoanit 
to to ebtato a divorce a 
ftneuto matrimonii from 
tte said (tefeodut, up(» 
tte grouds of tne year 

Aad u affidavit baving 
beu made and filed ttet 
tte defendant is a n»-re- 
sidut of tte Stetecrf Vir- 
gtoto, toe tost known post 
offiM addreu being: 1643 
W 208tt «reet, Torrence. 
Califomto, 90501 it is or- 
dered toat sbe ^ tpp&LT 
tere wttbto t«i (10) days 
after (toe piAlicatlon tere- 
of , and do what may te ne- 
curary to protect ter to- 
terut to this suit. 
A c(^-Teste: Jolm V. 

By: Patti A. Keeneban, D.C. 
James A. Gorry, m 
P.O. Box 626 
Virginto Buch, Va. 23451 

VBS 3/16, 3/23. S/SO, 4/6 

cmmmm ptm^ATioN 

to toe Ctort's Office (rf tte 
Clradt Cowt tf toe Ctty 
«t Vtoltt^ BaMh. VA.. 

to tte Clerk's Office of 
tte Clratft Court ot tte 
Ctty ot Virgiaia Baach,VA. 
a tte M day (rf March, 

OaiMD. CteawaB, 

Ruin J. Cteimu, 

Tte ol^eet of ttto anit 
to to <*Ui a ttfM^ a 
vtaeato aatriatoatt from 
tte ttto dafendant, vm 
tte ffomm ar^^MtiMi. 

Aad u ^ditA tntaif 
beu m^i and filed ^t 
toe 4KkmtM to a aw-n>- 
titmi oi tbf l ^o< Vfr- 


Fenkell Avenue, Detroit, 
Michipa, 4SZZ1 it is or- 
derad ttat she (to aiqiear 
bere within ten (10) days 
after dw |wbUcati(Mi tere- 
of, aid do iM may be 
neeusary »toi pnrtect ber 
toterestto tofs suit.^ 
A c(H>y*Tei^e: John V.^^*' 

BY: Patti A. Keueban, De- 
puty Clert. 
William F. Bumside 
P.O. Box 1062 
Virginia Beach, VA 

VBS 3/16, 3/23, 3/36, 4/6 

to toe Ctort's CMfice of , 
tte Circnit Court of tte 
dity <d Virgtoto Beach, VA. 
oa tte 8to day of March, 

JacQUltoe Marie Hughes, 



William Louis Hughes, 


Ite object of this suit 
is to obtato a divorce a 
vincuto matrimonii from 
tte said defendant, iqwn 
tte grounds of one year 
suaratioB pursuant tosec- 
tion 20-91 (9) of tte code 
of Virginto, 1950, as 

And u affidavit teving 
beu made and filed ttet 
tte defendant is a noo-re- 
sldent of tte Stote of Vir- 
ginto, toe tost known poist 
office addreas b^te: R^e 

4,«!i m, reatoi/ii^^ 
xnmm to ivtte^ oAt te 

(toappear tere wittto ten 

(10) days aftordnepnblica- 

tton tereof, and do wtet 

nay te* necessary topu*. 

tebt Us toterest to tois 


A copy-Teste: J<M V. 


By: Patti A. Keenehu, D.C. 

Poafon 4 Menier 

6210 Perdue Court 

Virginto Beach, VA 

VBS 3/16, 3/23, 3/30, 4/6 


to toe Clert's Offftet, of 

tte arcuit Court of toe 

City of Virgtoia Beach.VA. 

on toe Uto day of March, 


Randy Glen Wolter, 



April Lym Wolter, 


The object of tbto suit 
Is to obitain a divorce a 
vincuto m^rimuii from 
tbe said d^endut, ^pon tbe 
gi^iunds M on&year sep- 

And u ^fi(bv|t teving 
beu made and filed that 
the defendant is a non-re- 
sident of tte State of Vir- 
ginto, toe last known post 
office address teing: 6510 ,^ 
Anaheim N. E.,Alburquer- 
qae, New Mexico, 87113 it 
to ordered that sbe do 
an)ear bere within ten (10) 
days after, due {mblieation 
tereof, and <to wtet maybe 
necessary to pr(rtect her 
toterest in this auit. 
A cc^y-Teste: John V. 

By: Patti A. Keeneten, De- 
IMity, Clerk. 
Ricterd F. Holladay 
&iite 211, PUibroke Four 
Pembroke Office Park 
Virginia Beach, VA 

VBS 3/16, 3/23, 3/30, 4/6 

4t '■ 

In toe Clerics OfiiCe oif the 
Circuit Coart ot the City 
of Virginia Beach, VA., or 
tte 7th day of Manfh, 1977 
Teresa A. Newtern, 

Cterles L. NewterA, 

Tte object of tois suit 
toto ob&iri a divorce a 
musa et thoro from the 
said defendut, upon the 
grounds (rf constructive de- 

And u affi(iavit teving 
been made ud filed that 
toe defendant is a non-re- 
sident of the State of Vir- 
ginia, tte last known post 
ottite address teing: P.O. 
Box 145, Powells Point, 
N.C., 27966 it Is ordered 
ttet te doaniear hei*e with- 
to ten (10) days after due 
publication tereof, and do 
wtet may te necessary to 
protect his interest to this 

A copy-Teste: John V. 

By: Patti A. Keeneten, D.C. 

RdnaldJi. Marks 
803 Plaza One 
P.O. Box 33(S 
Nortolk, Va. 23514 

VBS 3/16, 3/23, 3/30, 4/6 


In the Clerk's Otfice of the 

Circuit Court of the City of 

Virginia Beach, On tte 7th 

day of March, 1977. 

Adelaioa M. Valer, 



Pedro M. Valer, 


The object of this suit 
, is to obtoio a (livorce a 
vinculo matrimonii from 
tte »id defeiMtont upon the 
grounds (rf separatioD in, 
excess of one year. 

And u affl(tovit tevii« 
beu m^ and filed that 
tte defendart to a non-re- 
sident id the State of Vir- 
gtoto, tte last teown pc^t 
(Mee addnss iMagt Tubi- 
l^n, B(*ol, PMUwanes. it 
is ordered ttet te do ap- t 
P«ir tere within ten (10) 
4toys aftw i^ie poMteation 
ter«rf, and ^lAat may te 
necesrary toinfi^Ms in- 
terest to this suit. ' 
A c^y-T«te: itOm V. 

By; J. Curtis Fruit Deputy 

Arthur C. Erailitfc 
210 AUaMc NaticMat Bairic 
HortoVt, VfrgiBia 

^3/11, 3/23,3/30,4/8 


ij,"^.^ t. •: **»*»J 

.^».^^/^J i 

Virginia B«tch am, AprU 6, im - &*7 

rv-<i.Vik/Sj T%\i 





OB the 2Stli d»y of March, 



C.P. #4466 
It ai^earing that a re- 
port of the aceiNiits of 
United Virginia Bank/S«a- 
h«rd NatlOBal, Executor, 
(tf EUiAeth Tomlin 
TInmiNKW, (teceased, ami 
^ the <Mts and demamis 
i^ttoat the estate has been 
flled Ifi the Clerk's Of - 
flee, am! that six months 
has elapsed since the quali- 
fi^llm, on motion of the 
pfersmal representative it 
is ordered that the credi- 
tors of, and all caters in- 
terested in, the estate show 
■cause, H any they can, on 

<m, 8lil d»y oi Apru, 
Ift?*. iff ^-M, beftre 
this Court at its court - 
room af alnst Ih* i»yment 
and delivery of the estate 
to t^ l^tees without re- 
qjriri^ ftftBRta^f taidi 

It is ftirtter ordenedthat 
the foregoing portion of this 
order be published once a 
week for two successive 
weeks in the Virginia B^ch 
Son, a newspaper ofiener- 
al circulation in the City 
of Virginia Beach, Vir - 

Enter: S/aS/?? 

A Copy Teste: John V. 
Fentress, Clerk 
By J. Curtis Fruit, D.C. 
J. Hume Taylor, Jr. 
P.O. BOX 3434 
Norfolk VA 23514 

VW? 4/fi, 4/13 Zt 

Virginia Beach Public Notices 




'Dm r^dar meeting of the Council of the City of Vii^inia 
BeadI WIU be held in the Council Chambersitf the A<Uninis- 
tratlM Building, City Hall, Princess Anne SUtion, Virginia 
Beach, Virginia, m Moiday, AprU 18, 1977. at 1:00 P.M., 
at vhidi ume the following antlications will be heard: 

1. PetltiOD of Sterling S. Montgomery for a Change of 
^iZpidit Dl^riet ClassiflcaUon from R-8 Residential Distrtct 

to 1-1 Li^ Industrial Disfrict on certain property loca- 
ted on tlw Southwest side of Princess Anne Road beginning ~ 
at a poini 2600 feet more or less Southeast of the inter- 
ject fA Princess Anne R(Ad and Salem Road, runiung a 
diitaBce of 1063.24 feet alcmg the Southwest side of Prin- 
cess Ajme Roadi numing a distance of 529.53 feet in a South- 
. westerly direction, runnii% a distance of 1015.25 feet along 
the Southern property line, running a distance of 428.50 
feet in a Northerly direction, running a distance of 140 
feet in a Westerly direction, running a distance of 144.59 
fe^ along the East side of Salem Road and running'a dis- 
taaee of 1070.86 feet in a NorthMSterly direction. Said 
parcel contains 25.392 acres. KEMPSVILLE BOROUGH. 

2. AppUeatioa of Sav-A-Top, Incorporated for a Conditional 
Use Permit foraself-servicegasolinesiq^y stationer cer- 
tain property located at the Nk>rtheast comer of Bonney 
Road and Prescott Avenue, running a distance of 270 
feet along tte East side of Prescott Avenue, running a dis- 
tance <A Wi feet alcmg the Northern property line, running 
a distance (tf 2SS feet along the Eastern property line and 
running a (ttstance of 150 feet along the North side of Bonney 
Road. Said parcel omtains .9 acre more or less. (Thalia 


3. Petition of N. S. Gumenick for a Change of Zoning Dis- 
trtct ClassiflcaUon from R-8 Residential District to B-2 
Commuiity-Basiness Distnct (» certain property located 
00 the East side of Rosemont Road (Proposed) beginning 
at^a point 37.54 feet South of Holland Road, running a dis- 
tance of 318 feet more or less along the East side of Rose- 
m<»t Road (Prqitosed), running a distance of 66.48 feet 
in an Easterly direction, running a distance of 40 feet in a 
Southerly direction, running a distance of 52.03 feet in an 
Easterly direction running a distance of 332.37 feet along 
the Eastern pnmerty lin^ and running a distance of 144.65 
fbet alcmg the Northern property line. Said parcel contains 
1.107 acres. (Holland Rose Area). PRINCESS ANNE BOR- 

4. P^UOD of Christqriier Develq}ment Co., for a Change 
<tf Zoning District ClassitiQiit^ j(ncp AC-^jl Afric^turai 
ptetrfct to R-6 B«!«WentiatJlpfiMfe4)f,q«tj^^ 
begianing at a point 2800 f«et Soutti of the intersection of 
HoUand Road and North Laadstown Road, ruBuIng a dis- 
tance of 270 fe^ along tiie West side of Hollaiod Road, run- 
ning a distance of 1372.95 feet in a Southerly direction, 
nnudng a distance of 3073.54 feet along the Southern 
pnqwrty line, running a distance of 633.43 feet in a North- 
iresterly direction, running a distance of 1265.09 feet in 
a Northeasterly direction, running a distance of 407.76 
feet in a Northwesterly directicm, running adistance of 
352 ftoet along the East side of Landstown Road, runnii^ 
a dtstaoee of 1465 feet in a Southeasterly direction, run- 
ning a di^uce of 871.05 feet in a Northeasterly direction, 
running a distance of 170 feet in an Easterly direction, 
ruBAlBg a distance of 911.61 feet in a Southeasterly direction 
aad running a distance of 343.11 feet in a Northeasterly 
directtoB. Said parcel contains 123 acres. PRINCESS ANNE 

5. Petitira of Carles R. Hofheimer, Executor for the 
Estate fA R. D, Hofheimer, for a Change of Zoning District 
ClassificatiOB from R-2 Resideatial District to R.3 Re- 
sidential Di^rict on certain prqierty located on the North 
side of Little Haven Road beginning at a point ZIO feet 
more or less East of Little Neck Road, runnii« a dis- 
tance (rf 1195 feet more or less along the North side 
of Littte HavM Road, nmning a distance of 705 feet in a 
NorUierly direction, running a distance of 915 feet in a 
Northwesterly direcdon, running a distance of 1550 feet 
fai a Westerly direction, running a distance of 760 feet 
along ti» East side <rf Harzis RMd, running a distance of 
1345 feet in a Sootheasteriy directicm and running a dis- 
tance of IM feet in a Southerly directicm. Said parcel con- 
tains 54 acres. (Lynnwood-Little Havoi Areas). LYNN- 

6. AiqdicatiOB of E. Kenneth Day and Jahn Wallace Summs 
for a Condltiimal Use Permit for an c^n space option 
on t^rtaAi property located in the Little Neck area be- 
twe«i Harris Road and Little Haven Road. 
Parcel 1: located at the North^st intersection of Little 
Neck Road aiKl Harris Road, nmai^ a distance of 960 
fe^ more or less on the East side of Harris Ro«l, running 
a distaoce of 1560 feet more or less along the Northeni 
property line, nmni^^ a distance of 960 feet nuHre or less 
in a Sotfheasterly directicm, runnii^ a di^ance tA 705 
feet more or less in a Southerly dire^cm, ranni^ a 
distaiH^of 1195 feet more or less al<N% the North sMe of 
Little Haven Road, and ruonii% a distance (A 1220 feet 
more or l^s along the North side of Little Neck Road. 
Parcel 2: Locat«i at ihe Southeast intersection of Little 
Neck Road and Little iUvra Rwd, running a distance of 
1200 feet more or less aloi% the Smith side tA Little Haven 
lUxid, ruming a dist^ee (rf 460 feet more oi: toss alcog 
the Eastern pnqierty Une and runnii^ a (Bstenee of 1155 
feet mum w less is a Northwesterly directiw. 

Said parcels (KWtala 66 acres more or less. Plats with 
more MaMei informatira are available in tte D^artn^ 
of rtaoviqE. (Lyrawood-Llttle Haven Ar»s).L.YiniHAVEN 

7. Ap^ica^ of Pipeline, Inc., for a Conditional Use 
PemM for a skateboard |»rk on certalo property located 
on the So^ tide of Virginia Beach BcnUevard beginoiag 
^ a pdflt 700 feet Ea^ erf Birdnick Road; rami^ a 
msAum of m tM akM« tte SoiA sUe of Virginia B«iiA 
ttiilerard rw^ng a disUuDce fAWi feet al<»g the Eastern 
o^perty Wm, tttk$B$ adisteiM^ (A 168.87 fe^ alMg tte 
Innnni p^qwily Uae aad rwU^ a disUace of 301.39 
kAtim te muten mpertf Une. Said parcel c<»taias 
1 acre more or less. (§»tack Area). LYNNHAVEN BOR- 

(xxm. . 

PROfCE^ i^ffi M^mi: 

8. A^ieattoi o< Viri^atoBeadi Caaifrowxls, Inc., for a 
CeanttMnl Use Permit lor a miniature goU course on 
mtMs ipmrty ta»ted 240 ^M W^ of Pit^^rity R<nd 
hilliite M a fsm 855 fe^ tun or less North cSPns- 
f^^ mm! as It Mtends buit a^ W^, runniog a dis- 
MM« of 100 ^ ahag m SM^ra ^sperty line, rwmii^ 
%mttm$ of lift ft^ alM| ttw WMlRaimvertylfiK, 

a (UAmce ^ 100 ^ s%cm tte Nttttere pi^ter^ 

Une and running a distance oi 110 feet aloi% the Eastern 
^<9erty line. Said parcel contains 11,000 square Jfiet. 
Richani j. Wel*on , 

City Clerk 

VBS 3/30, 4/6 2t 



Tidewater Regional Office 

287 Pembroke Office Park 

Suite 310 Pembroke No. 2 

Virginia Beach, Virainia 23462 

TELEPHONE: 804/499-8742 







SECTION 62. 1-44.2 




Public NoUce Number: VA-TRO-Mr0050 
PubUc Notice Issue Date: 

The follow!^ discharger has aH>Ued for a reissuance 
for an NPDES Permit and State Certificate ,to discharge 
treated wastewaters into the waters of the Common- 
wealth of Virginia: 
Division Superint^ident of Schools 
City of Virginia Beach 

Courthouse Elementary School Sewage Treatment Plant 
Permit No. VA0023710 
Flow: 0.005 MGD 

Receiving Stream: Unnamed tributary to West Neck 
Creek Basin, Chesapeake Bay/Atlantic Ocean, Section 
la. Class III B 

Discharge: Existing Municipal 

The permittee treats sewage conveyed to the treatment 
facility located at Courthouse Elementary School. 
On the basis of preliminary review and application of 
lawful standards and regulations, the State Water Control 
Board proposes to issue a permit subject to certain 
effluent Umitati(»s a^ special conditions. These pro- 
posed determinations are tentative. 

Persons may comment in writing to the Board on the 
proposed permit within 30 days from the date of this 
notice. Comments shall include the name, address, 
and telephone number of the writer, and shall contain 
a complete, concise statement of the factual basis for 
the comments. Only those comments received within this 
period wUl be considered by the Board. The Board may, 
upon request or upon its own motion, decide to hold a 
public hearing if it determines that public response is' 

All pertinent information is on file and may be inspected, 
and arrangements made for copying, at the State Water 
Control Board, Tidewater Regional Office, 287 Pembroke 
Office Park, Suite 310 Pembroke No. 2, Virginia Beach, 
Virginia 23462, 804/499-8742. - — . ^ . -r— ' 

Following the comment period, the Board will make Us 
determinations regarding the proposed permit? .These 
determinations will become effective, unless the Board 
ferants a imbUc hearing. Due notice of any public hear- 
ing wiU be given. 


SM 4^*21 



The Virginia Beach Planning Commission wiU hold a Pub- 
Uc Hearing cm Tuesday, April 12, 1977, at 12:00 Noon in 
the Council Chambers of the Administration Building, 
Princess Anne Courthouse, Virginia Beach, Virginia. The' 
following ajvUcaUons wiU aiq>ear on the agenda: 
FEBRUARY 8. 19T7: „ ~ — ? 

1. Petition of Boddle-NoeU Enterprises, Inc., for a Change 
of Zoning District Classification from R-8 Residential Dis- 
trict to B-2 Community-Business District on certain pro- 
perty located at the Nortiiwest corner of Cape Henry 
Drive (formerly HoUy Avenue) and SeasheU Road, running 
a distance of 225.07 feei along the West side of Seashell 
Road, running a distance of 150 feet along the Northern 
property line, running a distance of 236.32 feet along 
the Western p^perty line and running a distance of 150.17 
alimg the North side of Cape Henry Drive (formerly Holly 
Avenue). Said parcel contains 33,750 square feet more or 

2. PetUion of Virginia Beach Investment Company for a 
Change of Zcming District Classification from A-1 Apart- 
ment District to B-2 Community-Business District on 
certain property located East of South MiUtary Highway 
begimiing at the intersection of Old Providence Road and 
Providoice Road Relocated, running a distance of 235.84 

- feet in an Easteriy direction, running a distance of 45 
feet in a Southerly directicui, nmning a distance of 74 
feet in an Easterly directitm, running a distance of 189.55 
feet in a Southerly direction, running a distance of 107.40 
feet Ui an Easterly direction, running a distance of 102.96 
feet in a Southerly direction, running a distance of 529.40 
feet in a Northwesterly direction, and running a distance 
df 23.85 feet Ui a Northerly direction. Said parcel ccmtains 
MARCH 8, 1977: ^ 

3. Motion of the Planning Commission of the City of Vir- 
ginia Beach to amend and reordain Section 5 of the Sub- 
division Ordinance relating to recpiirements for curbs, 
gutters, aod.sidewalks. More detail^ information is avail- 
able Ui the Departmmt of Planning. 

4. Ai^caticm of Riclmrd Croul for a Conditional Use Per- 
mU for recreational facUity of. an outdoor nature (water- 
sUde) on certain pnqterty located on the West side of 
General Booth BouleTard begUming at a point 1100 feet 
more or less North of South Mrdneck Road, running a dis- 
tance of 1170 feet more or less alcng the Southern property 
line, rmming a distance of 618 feet more or less along 
the Western property line, nmnli^ a distance of 194.03 
feet along the Northern pnqierty Une, running a distance 
of 879 f^ more or less in a Scmth^sterly direction, and 
ruuung a distance of 50 feet alo{% theEastside of General 
Booth Boulevard. Said parcel is irregular in shape and 
coirfaias 9.31 acres more or less. LYNNHAVEN BOROUGH. 

5. Ap|dlaiti(m <A Crown Central P^roleum Coiporaticm and 
James River RMlty Conmration tor a Conditional |Jse Per- 
mit tor an autcmMrtle service statlM on certain prq)erty 
located at the intersection of the Northeni right-of-way 
lUie of Lynahaven Parkway and the Eastern right-of-way 
Vm (A Smith Lynnhaven Rmd (Relocated), running a dis- 
tance of 155 feet along the East side of South Lynnhaven 
Road (Relocated), runnU% a distance of 175 feet m a North- 
ifirterly direction, runnii^ a distance of 175 feet Uia 
n»itt»sterly direction, rdttiq; a distance of 155 feet along 
the North side of Lynnhaven Parkway and nmning around 
a curw a distance of 20 feet. Said parcel ocmtelns .701 

6. Aj^MtiM of Virgtada Beach Campgnmwis, be., for a 
CotMtiUonal Use PermU for a miniature gcrtf ^wrse oa 
c«*aiB pngjerty located 240 feet West of Prosperity Road 
begUi^ at a point 855 feet more or less North of Pros- 
pAtyfload as U ^ends East and West, runai^ a cUstaace 
^ MO feet ah^ Oe ^nttern pn^w^ Une, rmni^ a 
dlstaace trf 110 feet alMg the Western pn^erty Um, run- 
li^ a Astance of I(W fMt along the NorUMrn profNnrty 
IUm or rum^ a tti^uce of 110 feet aloaethe Eastern 
prq^rty Um. Said parcel sxrtatns 11,000 M^re feet. 


7. subdivision Variance: Ai^eal from OwsisiMs of Ad- 
nUnistntive Cheers in regard to certain elemea^ <^ the 
^bdivislon OrtUnai^e, drixUvlsioB for Rylaad W. Atiraod 
Estate. Pi^opertv legated on the West side of MiiMy Creak 
Road. Pli^ with more tettUed l^orniiittoB Ire i^iftable 
In the Department (A VytSBiM. 


8. Petttitm (^jR(c«ert L. and Marnret C. «^pk«HOB for 
a Change a Zbnli^ District Cluiiflcaticm tma R-S Re- 
sidential District to B-2 Commodtir-^isUMSs District on 
certain property located on Um East skfe of Priaceas 
Anne Road beginning at a poM 330 f«^ more or less South 
of Hanover Drive, numing a distance of 1S9.6 fert alrag 
Qie East sfaie of Princess AnM Road, ruming a dlsUace 

of 516.0 feet along the Soi^n jHiyerty line, nming a 
distance of 369.2 feet along tte Eaatera property Une mi 
running a distance of 472.7 feet along tbeNortteni prqperty 
line. Said pareel conUins 2.86 acres. KEMPSVILLE Bmi- 

9. Petition of M & M Investors for a Change <A ZonU« 
District Classification from 0-1 CMIlce District to A-4 
Apartment District on certain property located on the 
North sido^ Virginia Beadi Boulevard beginning at a fioint 
800 feet West of Button Lane, running a distance of 200 
fe^ along tiie North side of Vii^Uiia Beach Boulevard, 
runnUig a distance <A 484.1 feet aloi« ihe Western pro- 
perty Um, running a distance of 212.5 fe^ al(M« tte North- 
ern praierty Une aad rutming a distant of 415.8 feet along 
tte Eastern prtqwrtyUM. Said parcel cimtaiu 2.25 acres. 
(Eureka Park-London Bridge Areas). LYNNHAVEN BOR- 

10. Petition of Jungle Golf of Virginia Beach, bkc.', for a 
C3iange of Zcming District ClauificatloD ttota A^-l Apart- 
ment District to B-4 Resort-Commereial District on 
certaUi pr(q)erty located on tte South side of 2Srd Street 
beginning at a point 100 feet West of Pacific Avenue, rua- 
ni^ a distance of 100 feet along Uie Soutii side of 23rd 
Street, running a distance of 140 feet alcmg tte Western 
property Um, running a distance of 100 feet along the 
Souttern prc^rty line and nmning a distance of 140 
feet alcmg the Eastern prcqwrty line. Said parcel con- 
tains 14.000 scpiare feet. VIRGINIA BEACH BOROUGH. 

11. Petition of Brandywine Corp., T/A Jamestown East 
Apartments, for a Cha^e of Zcming District CUsslficaticm 

from A-2 Apartment District to A-3 Apartment Dis- 
trict on certain prcqterty located at tte Scrattwest 
intersection of NorioUc Avenue and Caribbean Avenue, 
running a distance of 524.10 feet along tte South side 
of NortoUi Av«iue, running a distance of 388.12 
feet along tte Western prcqwrty Une of which 217.30 feet 
is tte East side of Rndee Avenue, running a distance of 
510.04 feet along the Souttern prc^rtv line and running 
a distance of 267.56 feet along tte West side of Caribbean 
Avenue. Said pareel contains 3 acres. VIRGINIA BEACH 

12. Petition of Carlton E. and Jos^hineC(q)persmith by 
Metro Realty Corp. of Tidewater, for a Change of Zoning 
District Classification from R-5 Residential District to 
0-1 Office District on "certain prcqwrty located at tte 
Southeast corner of Providence Road and KempsviUe 
Road, running a distance of 100 feet along the South side 

of Providence ROad, running a distance of 188 feet along 
tte Eastern prc^rty line, running a distance of 100 feet 
along the Souttern property Um and running a distance of 
188 feet along tte East Side of KemjIsvUle Road. Said 
- parcel contains 18,800 square feet. (BelUmy Manor Area). 

13. Petition of Roxiticus Company by Raymond M. Barrett 
for a Change of Zonii« District Classification from I-l 
Light Industrial District to B-2 Community-Business Dis- 
trict on certain prqKrty located at tte Soutteast inter- 
section of Soutt Boulevard and Eqtressway Drive, running 

Si^^'P^Jfi^^i^** »l™? tte,Swtt-5i|if ojlSoutt.&ule- 
#ifd7 mmig a distance ^531.04 f^^cd)|"ttie^ern 
property line, and running a distance of 650 feet along tte 
East side of Expressway Drive. Said parcel contains 2.744 

14. Petition of Bowden Construction Company for a Change 
of Zonii« District Classificaticm from R-2 Residential 
District to R-3 Residential District on certain property 
located on tte Soutt side of EweU Road beginning at a point 
220 feet more or less East of DuMtan Lane, running a 
distance of 1573.67 feet along tte Souttern prcqierty line, 

^running a distance of 881 .82 feet along tte Eastern property 
Une, running a distance of 1336.01 feet along tte Norttere 
property 11m and running a distance of 393.44 feet along tte 

Westera property 11m df which 240.22 feet more or less 
is tte Soutt side of EweU Road. Said parcel ccmtains 
12.02 acres. (Tteroughgood Area). BAYSH}E BOROUGH. 

15. Petition of David Oglesby and Rocco J. Lassiter for a 
Change of Zoning District Classification from B-1 Busi- 
ness-Residential District to B-2 Communlty-BuslMss Dis- 
trict on certain prc^rty begimiing at a point 150 feet Nortt 
of tte , intersection of Level Green Boulevard and Drew 
Drive, running a distance of 375 feet along tte Western 
property line, running a distance of 86 feet along tte 
Northern property Um, running a distance of 405 feet along 
tte Eastern property line aai running a distance of 341 
feet along tte Scnittera property line. Said parcel contains 
2.508 acres. (Level Green Area). KEMPSVILLE BOR- 

16. Petition of E. A. Smitt for a Change of Zoning District 
Classification from H-1 Hotel District to A-1 Apartment 
District on certain property located at 58tt Street and 
Oceuifront, running a distance of 157.76 feet along tte 
Soutt side of 58tt Street, running a distance of 95 feet 
alo^ tte Eastern property Une, running a distance of 150 
feet alcmg tte Southern prcq)erty line and running a distance 

'of 70 feet along tte westera property line. Said parcel 
is known as Lots 1 and 2, Block 7, Plat of Utermeer. 

17. AivUcation of Roger L.'Longmire and Charles Bukow- 
ski for a ConcUtional Use Permit for a bulk storage yard 
on certain property located on tte East side of Soutt- 
gate Avenue beginning at a point SO feet North of Cleveland 
^reet, running a distance of 75 feet along tte East side of 
SouU^ate Avenue, rmming a distance of 125 feet along tte 
Norttesra propertf line, running a distance of 75 feet 
alc^ the Eastera property Um and running a distance 
of 125 feet along tte Southera property line. Said parcel 
contains 9375 square feet. (Euclid I^ce Area). BAYSIDE 

18. AppUcation of Ectaa F. Umiief for a Ccmdtticmal Use 
PermU for a teme occapatton (h^lqr ceramics) on cer- 
tain prcqiwrty located cm tte Soutt side of Pottera Road * 
beginning at a point 375 feet East of GatewoodAvenue, 
runnii« a distance ci 69 feet along tte Siwtt side (A Potters, 
Road, running n distance Of 200 fert along tte Eastera pro- 
perty Um, ruaaing a disteMe of 69 feet along tte Souttera 
property lii» and running n distsMe ctf tOO feet along tte 
Westera property line. Said pared (»mUlM 13,800 sqoare 
feet. (Gatewood Park Area). LYNlfflAVEN BOROUGH. 

19. Ai^Ucation of Harry ^ruiU for a Ccrndtticmal Use 
Permit for recrMttoul faclUties of an ouHloor uture 
(fishii^) on certain property located at tte Southeast 
porticm (A LcA B-20 as shown on ^ ^t entitled "Re- 
plat <A Radee H^^s, PrkKess Anne Couty, Virginia", 
dated Decemter, 1950, wUch is located on tte East side 
d Soutteide RoaA. PUts i^ more dtftaUed InfHinatton 
are a^laUe in tte DepartnMt of Planning. (Itodee la- 

20. Aj^ication of Leo J. MartoM and Leo J. Martcme and 
As^iciatM, Inc., for a Condltfawal Use Permit for a ccm- 
rinuUm eqM^ent storage yard on cMtUn prqwrty 
located on tte Nortt sbfe of Greonrlcfe Road hagliinlng 
at a point 1500 f«et man or less East of Hcwtom Road, 
nmning a ifistaace ot ItiM fe^<4h3nt tte Mstt side 
Oi Qnmwkk Road, ruudag a distaMe c» S54 feet along 
tte W^en iffoperty Um, ruMiig a ctt^aace <d ltt.40 
feet alcmg ^m Nw^n property Um and ruraiag a lUs- 
tance <A 277.81 feet alcag tte Easten pn^ei^ Une. 
Said pared eo^iu .94 acre. AAYSBNS BOmmm. 

21. AppUcation <A James Pnrfn^s for a (^atttlcMial Use 
I^rmit to opente a partUg M on certi^ ^^eptrty Ion- 
tod on tte East sM c^ AUartic kmm tegiufegata 

po^ 70 fed North of nth Street, runnii^ a distance 
feet along tte East sMe of Atlantic Avenue, ruaniiqr 
kuMM (A ISO teet along tte NorU^rn property Um, 
a didance erf 130 fed aloi« tte Eastern property 
ruuilng a distsMe of 150 feet along the Southera pi 
Um. Mdd parcel ccHdains 19,500 square fed. l^miNlA 

tt. Apfdicatton erf P^dine, Inc. for a ComiUicmal UsejPer- 
aiit for a skateboard park on certain property k 
tte Sooth sicte of Virginia Beach Boulevard b^io 
a pcrfnt 700 fed East of Birdneck Road, nmning a i' 
of IM fed along tte South side of Virginia Beach 
vard, numing a distance of 300 feet along the Ea^ 
pnqterty line, rmming a distance of 168.87 feet 
Souttera prq>erty Um and rtmning a distance of 
fed along tte Westera property line. Said parcel cootains 
1 Mre more or less. (Seatack Area). LYNNHAVEN TR- 

23. AppUcation of Hiram L. Overstreet for a Con 
Use Permit for a buUc storage yard on certain pr 
located on tte North side of Landstown Road 
at a point 692 feet East of Princess Anne Road, 
distance of 138.60 feet along tte North side of : 
Road, running a distance of 455 feet along tte 
I«x>perty 11m, running a distance of 138.60 feet alo 
Northera property line and running a distance Of < 
along tte Westera prc^rty line. Said parcel contai 
acres more or less. (Green Run Farm Area). PRII 

24. question of ^ckteuse. Inc., for a CondUio 
Permit fbr a buUding contractor's yard (parkii% of 
straction ecjuipment) on certain property located 
fMt Soutt of Endian River Road beginning at a poli 
feet more or less West of KempsviUe Road, runnii^ i^ 
tsMe of 400 feet more or less along the Northera l>ra 
line, running a distance of 204.7 feet along the W« 
property line, running a distance of 400 feet more o| 
along the Souttera property line and running a distance 
of 204J7 fed alc^ the Eastera property line. Said parcel 
contains 1.8 acres more or less. (Bonney's Coraer-Area). 

25. Application o'ftCharles R. Pitis, Jr., for a Conditional 
Um Permit for a skateboard park and pro-step on certain 
property located at the Northwest intersection of Virginia 
Beach Boulevard and Byrd Lane, running a distance of 230 
fed sloag tte North side of Virginia Beach Bouldvard, 
running a distance of 415 feet along tte West side ctf Byrd 
LsM, running a distance of 229 feet along tte South side 

erf OcouM Avenue and runnii^ a distance of 480 feetJalong 
tte Wedera property line. Said parcel contains 2.22 licres. 

26. AppUcation of David Oglesby and Rocco J. Laisiter 
tor a Conditional Use Permit for mini-warehouses od cer- 
tain property beginning at a point 150 feet North of tte in- 
tereection of Level Green Boulevard and prew Drive, 
running a distance of 375 feet along the Westera prc^rty 
line, running a distance of 86 feet along the Northern pro- 
perty line, running a distance of 405 feet along the Eastern 
propierty line and running a distance of 341 feet alcmg tte 
Souttera property line. Said parcel contains 2.508 acres. 
(Level Green Area). KEMPSVILLE BOROUGH. i 


27. An>Ucation of tte City of Virginia Beach for ttg dis- 
continuance, dosvre and abandonment of porticms of Ea^era 

Parcel 1: Beginning at the Northeast intersection of Wild- 
wood Drive and Eastern Shore Road, running a di^ance 
of 1899.61 fed in a Northerly direction, ranning a distance 
of 33.71 feet along the Soutt side of Old Donation Parkway, 
running a distance of 1899 feet in a Soutterly direction 
and runnttg a distance of 30,. 11 fe^t ^ng. the Nprtl) side 
Qt.WildwoodJJrifneij A .©".orf "ui, «■..•■«, ,ai»« , 
Parcel 2: Beginnidg n tte Southea^.inlerseatiqaot Wild- 
wood Drive and Eastern Shore Road, nmnmg a distance 
of 958.07 feet more or less in a Southerly direction, run- 
ning a distance of 33.84 feet along the Southern boundary, 
ruiming a distance of 989 feet more or less in a Nortterly 
direction and runninga distance of 30.15 feet alongi the 
Soutt side of Wildwood Drive. 

Said parcels contain 2.07 acres. Plats witt more detailed 
information are available in tte Department of Planning. 

Hats Witt more detailed information on tte above applica- 
tions are avaUable in tte Department of Planning. 
AU Intereded persons are invited to attend. 
RotertJ. Scott 
Director of Planning 

VBS 3/30, 4/6 2t 




Notice is tereby given to the public that Virginia 
Electric and Power Company has filed with the State 
Corporation Commission an application requesting au- 
ttorisation to discontinue its present practice of pro- 
viding and installing overhead service entrance cable 
from the poiut of attachment on the building to the meter 
location for single family residential units requiring 
new or rewired service connections having a capacity 
of 100, 150, 200 or larger amperes. VEPCO proposes 
to continM to provide and install overhead service drcq) 
to tte point of attachment on tte building. 

Insui^ort of its proposal the Company states in its 
appUcation that: (1) Company initiated its present pro- 
gram in June, 1956, of providing overhead service en- 
trance cables to single family residential units because 
such residential units in VEPCO's service area had in- 
adequate wiring faciUUes; (2) Company now finds ttet 
a majority of the political subdivisions within its ser- 
vice area have enacted electrical wiring ordinances 
ttet require residential units to have adequate wiring; 
tterefore, tte necessity to furnish overhead service en- 
trance cable is no longer required; (3) Company ex- 
praded approximately $2,300,000 for this program in 1975. 
Ttese capital expenditures were included in its rate 
teM and eUminatton of ttis program wiU be consident 
Witt tte Company's goal of keeping its rate haM at a 
minimum while continuing to provide a reliable, safe 
supply of electricity to its customers; and (4) Company 
wUI codinue to own and maintain all overtiead service 
entrances ttet U owns as of tte date of a final order erf 
tte Commission in this matter. 

The application and supporting exhibits, are e» file, 
and may te seen, at the offices of the Stole Corpora- 
tion Commission, Bladem Buildiri[, Ricbmcmd, Virginia. 
Also, tte ai^cation aid exhibits will be available ttrongh 
April 15, 1977, for pubUc inspection at all business 
offices of VEPCO vtere bUls can te paid. 

Tte Cennmissiott's Staff has been directed to investi- 
pite VEPCO's i^t^osal and to file its recommendaUc^ 
vltt tte Qmrnission on or tefore April 15, 1977. 
Any Iderested person wte desires to file written com- 
meds with . tte Commission, eitter for or a^lnst 
VEPCO's an^Ucaticm, mud file such comm»to witt 
,tte CommlMtoa on or bdore April IS, 1977, attodlim, 
William C. Yenrng. Clerk, ^te Ceoporation CcAnis- 
sfaM, P.O. Box 1197, Richmond^ Virginia ZMSXt. Aaf 
idereded person wte efesir^ to rec^d a hou^g te- 
fore tte Commissicm on tte w^catmi ittoiM » ad- 
dw tte Ci»miasion cm or before A|pU 15, 1977, 
by writing to tte Clerk of tte Gomiissicm. 


VK 3/23, 3/30. 4/6 3t 





■1 ^m 

wr cote, tt 

i^pittKR . . . 

OrtfBincJs 6u». Hartfnan 
was fifst in the field ^0 years 
ago -.lis . and reiaiiis that 
posittw today. 

Vour ft&rse is torrounded In 
safet^jjnd comfort through 
the (Jfality Ijuiit into a Hart- 
man Trailer. 

Quality aptly applies the 
high degree of excellence 
atlMMt in every manufac 
luring Jeature. 

BeftflWnvesting m jwst any 
hocsjii^^ratler, invest in a 
comrnjj^ication with im. 

See-#»« AH-New 1977 
HoBtiiKin Troiler Here 


S.Jf. RAWl$,Mc 

#1 FriiMN, Vi. 


TABLES - Ifaple, 
merican. Mersman 

'I 238-2062 alter 

QRWI^ STEREO • con- 
solefCon»erUWe stroller- 
carriage. Game table with 
coven Books, Fiberf lass 
drapes, drl's clotUmr 
420-49M. ^^ 

everytiiiag, ideal gifts 
1,000 Regularly |1.80, 
Special $1.50. Handsome 
gumm^. DAWSON, Boi 
134«ii^kesapeake, Va. 
233«^ K 

MOVING AND mast sacri- 
fice. SininoDs Beauty rest. 
NEW, Beautiful cut out pe- 
can beadb(»nl-Two sets of 
gorgeous sheets and pil- 
low castts, 2 iwwiiwjn rub- 
ber pilldws, Lovely jftreadP 
total cost over |tOO, will 
sell complete for $475. 
This bed is from an- im- 
maculate and outstandii^ 
ton^^iiOf decorator. Ml- 
8559U»ks. after 6, any - 
time weekmds. 


check the Want Ads weekly 
for fere values. Turn back 


Open daUy. 3204 High ». 
Portsmouth. All types of 
antiques, cut glass, ciuna, 
furniture. Rankamericard 
and Master Charge. Call 


aOE-BY-SIDE refricera- 
tor/freeEer, $150. French 
Provincial strfa and chair, 
$100. Call after 5:30 p.m. 

SEARS- Portable Kenmore 
Dishwasher. Excellent 
coMlhion, like new. Har- 
vest' gold with dark brown 
formica lop. $165. CaU 547- 

tt-Waated To B«r 

CAgH PAID-for fumi - 
tare, tools, jewelry, or 
any household item. Call 
461-3834 day or night. 


»TE and AUTO 




1 34* BATTLEnELD W.V|> 

COMING TO toUege Park 
Phase IT. Mid-April. Lort 
fbr grand ope^ig. Lafay- 
ette Cms Sh^. 420-9037 


^ACLET Watch, 14 K., 
Gold 1* wide with pear 
shafw onnMHrt wai m- 
m«»ds on tap. Very wlu- 
able. Call 547-18^. 

Ring- ladies diamond sol- 
ttaire. Platinum setting. 
Center stOM 3.85. Side 
stones, .20 each. Ap- 
praised in 1975 for 
$11,550.00. Price-$7,W0. 

U-GtH TMa^ » Bit 

OYSTERS-aiBCked la their 
own juice. Across from 
Hard's Seafbod Restaurant 
off <a LMie Neck Rd. Call 
Eart Smith at 340-5171. 

SS-Lavi aad GardM 

you from enjoying your 
week-ends? Free estimate 
m lawn maintenance pro- 
grams, or garden or other 
yard work. Call 484-0681, 

BAYWa»-l«l|, iwtm. 
imi Site wer fcttkMn 

ished CilJ <l9-4a70. 

PiUlCirrREE - Exw«live 
(telwe, l«4, «• I W, 3 
bedrm.. 11/2 Ntths.E«^ty 
and take ^er lltomo.paf^ 
ments or trade. Call 490- 

4S-*»»rtiNrti t» liirt 

CRADOCK • 2 b«drom, 
st<^re, reft^ntor, no 
pets, deposit required. 

S3-For Rent er Sate 

H0ilESEEKi3iS-Tte Ren- 
tal Pecqile. Rentals 
throughout Tidewater area. 
All prices. AU(k»:ruftioas 
All sitaatiMis. Open 7<faHrs 
480 - 2720. 156 E. Little 
Creek Rd. 

room and outstanding bath 
in quiet and besitlfttl home. 
I deal for prafessitmnl or 
retired man. Mature and 
responsible. (Locatirai - 
Near .Koger Executive Cra- 
ter) Referencw checked. 





Roweriic Shrubs 



114 Cedar Bd. GreatarMie 

Ph^ 547-2244 

TOP SOIL - dark, rich, 
loose, loamy sand and fill. 
Call 587-9077. 


CRANE - 12 1/2 ton, 60' 
boom, exceUoit eooditloD. 
CaU 855-9596. 


KEIKlNGTON-1973 Hobile 
Hrane. 12'x«4', 3 Bedroom, 
1 Bath. Uaftantfjym) ^00 
and assume paymerts of 
$102.88. AvailaUe Jane 1st 

GUARDIAN - 1976, Sbdnn. 
2 loll baths, can remain 
on lot. Shed, patio cover 
and skirting stays, with 
stove and refrigerator. 
Leaving area, mwA sdl. 
$500 and assume balance. 
I pay all ctargra for trans- 
ferring in your name. 485- 


GREEN RUN - CoMempi*- 
ary 3 bedroom, 2 bathhouse 
oa canal and t^mt Held, 
iaduded caipetiag, fire- 
place, heat pump, live-in 
panelled kitchen and patio 
tends and po6I privileges, 
$349. 427-5576. 

CLEAN 2 bedroom home. 
Older or retired tenanbi 
preferred.. Possil>le ipu- 
dn plot. AvaloB Terrwe. 
CaU 420-^64. 


BRIGAOOOM - By sxper, 
BeaotifU Cniao coastrte-^ 
ted randi. 4 bdra., 2 l& 
baths, fan. na. with i^ 
bar and flnpiaee, eat-;Ai 
kit. Witt bay wtadow.dqi^ 
le gar., wooded tot la qdft 
cul-de-sac. |tt,MO. Oil 
424-4601. No agants. 

C4W»,Ajn(E FARM^ - , 
2 3ttory, 4 be^ctn. a4^» 
bath, den wttk Brepliue, 
eicelleirt eoniitioB, many 
extras. CaU 499-0659 or 

3/4 Britt rand, 1 1/2 

haOs, Uving rm., fire - 
place, c/a, w/w carpet, 
feaeed yai'd, jatto, een - 
traU* located, redeco- 
rated. Shade and tr^t 
trees, landscaped, aul- 
ns, gardeaia. cam^ia 
shmlw. AssvBable VA 
148,500, no agwts, 490- 
IS96 after 6:30 aad 

TOWNCRAFT - 1971, 12'x 
60', 2 bedrra.,unfbmished, 
eicell«it location, Pem - 
broke area, lovely noUle- 
bome park, $4500. CaU 

BAYCLIFF - 4 bedrms. 2 
1/2 baths. Panelled tamUy 
rm. with flreidace. Dining 
Living, KitiAea, Break - 
bst and UtUtty rm. 1/2 
acre. Ezceltent coodi - 
tion. By Owner 481-1307. 

bedriteis, ^ 1,^ Mauu,, 
screenwl po^,' nrepHict 
in ^ity i^w, 2 car gar- 
age. Urfe W,JW,tW; No 
agents. 3929 West Coral 
Key. 4M.7067. 

2 story, 4bedrooln. 2-1/2 
bath, Unm rmm, dining 
r(K)m, eat-lD kitchen, pan- 
eled bmily room, attained 
garage. Large lot, com- 
pletely fenced. $39,0W by 
owner. 340-6620. 

late 2 bedr(»m townhouse, 
fully equipped kitchen in? 
eluding washer ud dryer. 
Carpeted. 8 Ueckstoocean 
Owner wlU tetp with fin- 
ancii«. 428-1588 or 340 « 
8348. . 

Wlr^Mi ff hatW, livin 
1^ wiA «B»ta», din. 
im nm, and den, faUy 
M^ti*. «8,lfS4, 486 = 

bedpoom. 2 baths, brick 
ranch. Entrance foyer, liv- 
U^ room, formal dining 
area, WaH-to-wal| ar- 
pet. (^ h^t, central air. 
Garage.. 547-8969. 

He%hts. By owner, 4 bed- 
room., 24Mth, brick ranch 
double gar., trees, $62,500. 
VA appraised. CaU 547- 



S^MMMi Of 

A iisyjjy. 


Qmc ai^ we iK i^oad 
to auMaea Mary tan a 
tap salMBuui fn> Marah 

Pleue can her or. visit 
our eCfice aeiwa Umk 
&ifc«ay ft>r ttwbnt In 
SM litete Strvlce. 

Twetva ageate serviag 
ChesapMte savta dajn a 


Mcardo l^al^rs 
SSI Johmtawi Rd. 



I l/z t -tei con- 

Un^, ium immp, centrti 
air, $39,500 builder 547- 

CO- For Sale Portamouth 

MERRlFIELDS-3 bedrms., 
tri-ievel. 2/3 acre yard, 
fenced. Carpet, drapes, 
dishwasher, disposal, - 
Laire panelled den. 2 full 
baths. $45,500. By owner 

field Farms. By owner, 4 
bedrooms, 2 baths, brick 
wach, CMtral air, family 
ro«n, fln^ce. garage. 
$44,M0. 484-6834. 

vN wUldoser 


* Custom Bailders 
333 Providence Rd. 

Call 464-93 17 




Cadar Rd. A Albermarle Dr. 
7 finished office sites 1/2 
acre MCh. Water, sewer, 
^rb A pttter bxlvM. 
MuBia McCabt A Lester 

ALL types rcmtMleUtg, 
plunMiv, electrical, ma- 
sonary, no J<* tw smdl. 
CaUW7-1301 inytirae.toy 
or night 

LOT ciearwg, Gradw. 
Demolition, Acreafe 
elearii^, SmtU or large 
Jobs. By the hour, or Job. 
FREE estimate - caU 547- 



•^ ^ .AND AIR 



4333 Bainbridga Blvd. 


.Air Conq^saora 
>.Space Haatars 
.(aalaSaws ' 






Hmne Inqtrovementii 
Garage Bailders 
Room Additions 
Aloatana SMiag 
Rood • Carports 
Kitchen ReaodoUag 


Hoi^ E.'Black, St. 
IMM Park Aveaue 
Oesapeake, Va. 

TAYLOawOOD - By owner 
2 y». <rtd bri<A ranch, 3 
bedpooma, 21iatt8,deqwith 
fU-^toce, hardwoodfloors, 
fenced yard. Westera 
Branch area. $49,900, 488- 

tige area, attractive 3 
bedroom brick raoeh. fire- 
place, family room, cen- 
tral air, targe treed lot. 
Reasonable - 482-3808. 


Don P(9e has opemdar^ 
estate j^ce la the Pem- 
bitdte Office Park across 
from Sears to Pembroke 

I List them, SeU them, 
Beat mm, aad Boy them. 

Pembroke Office Park. 
Perabrote Oie Building 
Virginia Beach 

Cal 490-1500 


60 minutes from Va. B«ich. 
R«idy to NUd. 4 sided, 
canal surrounded lot. Ap- 
proximately t acres. Ac- 
cess to Albermarle Sound. 
S^tic tank, deep well, ele- 
ctrictty and bouse foiinda- 
tion. Like a private is - 
land. Call 340-7951. 

8$ - For &le - RMl Estate 

LOT for sale at Massa- 
nutten in Virginia's ^en- 
andoah Valley. En}(^ a 
beautifuUy-green summer 
and a spectacular &11. Best 
of all, get ready for win- 
ter and the best, skiing 
between Vail and Vermmt. 
Special price. Call Nor- 
ris BIy, 627-5020, 

&WS of all description, 
chisels, DriU Bits, Call 

;;hou$e cleaning attics, gar- 
ages, and haalini of ui 
Mnds. CaU 543-7924. 

smaU. Very rmsooable. 
Call 623-2667. 

Carpentry, ro(rflng, siding, 
room additions; storm win- 
dows and doors, pUster- 
ii^, electric, concrete 
work, plumbing, guttering, 
remodeling kitchens ami 
bathrooms, brick and block 
work, aluminum , siding, 
firei^ces, carp^^ing ioA 
painting. Servtng all Tide- 
water. 623-3733. 





O.K. hoinetpwn newsKpaper, I've been reading about how your newsp^ers 
sell, rofit, find and ii^orm wHh classified ads. 

*Aa alioa af gangai aad 


CtnuBle TUa, Brick, A 

Beaia l a aprov em aB la ! 


Homa baprovaataat Co. 

» 99-i«9 m-fin 



General cleaaii«, steam 
eirtradion car^ clean- 
ing, fbwr waxing and 
stripping, winlow cleaning, 
carpet and upliolstery 
shampooing. Bonded aiBi 

1971 or hoaa* eaU m- 

Because our 
ton u« in 
'- aaaiCn'Ov ^ 
ilaim the^ 
is a powerful 

If you're 
iookiiM for a 
powerful way 
to gat results, 
look to 

Here is my classified ad: 

The cost IS only $3.20 for 20 words for one week, 16^ for each additional 
word. Your classified ad will run in *e CHESAPEAKE POST, the 

Please run my ad for ( , ) issues 
or until cancelled ( ) 

payment enclosed ( 
please send bill ( 

Address:— ~ ~ 

Phone 547-4571 for information or to place your classified ad. 





20 WOF«>S FOR ONLY $3.20 

You can trust anni 




1725 Eagle HUl Dr. - Forest BiUs 

Three bedrooms, 2 baths, L-^aped brick randi. Un- 
finished room over garage. Doable cargarage. Cathedra 
ceiUag with oposed beans la tamUy room aad kltdwa,^ 
Orersisad bay iriadow in kitdieo also in front. 


The RaaMOTS bdov are praftsslaaaU M rati MtMa 
iriw satoeri ba to a strict coda of rtMcs as aewbar s 
fl« loealMdit^baaritoaadof flMMatlowl Assaetattea 
at Iteal EMrta Boards. 




yoMT ^vmnmntl St« out of th^m ttnUtig art* Realtors! 

Taybr Bw^hers 
Realty Co. 





1800 speedy Ave. 
Chesapeake. Va. 23320 






Cettlii9 the Coid Shoulder? 

Thaf s the «it ttiiim you mn'i ^t wfwi you call your hometown 
comrmmity fmMw^^r. Wmt y&u call us for a low-coat, quidC" 
actif^ classiftad adj you'll ba tt'Mtld ^ a friendly per«cm vAw't 
ready to lirtwi to ^r titutnon witf telp &A as bMt sfw can 
B^MMe M^MHi ft @XT^ to ^TS^tl Iwnetokm s«rvi(», vw're 
M ywr stda. So #w us a call. Wtviwi^ to Nilp. For class! 
firt, telephwie $47-4171. 






WF'^^^^/m J I . J J ■ f ft Pi 

^ solid whi'*^ 
.ttteied. Both 
. gentle Giviti, 
ause of allerK 
'T loving 1j«.i 
" prefer- 
Vi «ft*r 5 ' 


search of a gwxl 
'"tiw'i . Cuilden Re- 

^11 46B- 

-icns, £ crky, taoule.' 
^ iw»r. CaU 4t4-425Z 

^E PrrORB BOOK for 

hat ex- 

.g babits 

- ■ >'he TW6g 


lire available 

Jier Informa- 

Uon, IHfii. Q., Pueblo, 

Colorado ei«09. 

. ..LE-Spwjal 2 year old 
story hw!^ Chesapeake 
HMitaoailetig Library in 
Gr«ftt BildflREvery Tues- 
/!*»»at 11 ipef 

FIVE puppies tne. Five 
«eei(S old, mother Amert- 
oa JWts, ftther Go]^ 
Cocker SfiiiBiel. 2 nuleF A 
tkm teoiilM, CaU AW-- 
9Wi 'att«r 2:00 week days 
tod »U week-end. 

sTVKvei will five 
te to «U<t owls, ^, 

-'ntt nof* 

i Write: 


l^ted. Re - 



Labrador Re- 
, ^''ree to a good 
httomt. Call S39-Q422 

E^ MOVIES every Wed- 

Lat 12:10 p.m. at 
brary, 801, E City 
Uf»., Nottolk. 

FREJe: to good jhonte-female 
nippy 6 mootlB old. Part 
Terrier vt^ jmrt Spitz. 
Loves diiUMtt^ ^BiaU-good 
«at«U0K. Bpito vltb white 
{orefiead. CaR 487-8363. 

%, VJ^'serveA, Xhe&& arc 
vli^laie "plpeii to fit maay 
taafces and models.Suggest 
ftm, bring >«w oM pipe 
to mike yovr diolce of one 
<a tbeie Hue eld pipes 
' ' ^ (aipteiB Eish. Fran> 
99., 5*MI7r 

aUd one feouHe. Tea weeks 
(dd. UotberKeesbouad, fit- 
ter St. Bemarl Host see 

to apprec'"*" '''"" '■"'" 



AO-«lKta and tNES-healthy. 
Call 424-2MS 

Wtatte cat, male (neu'. 
wd^, i year. oW, I yeUo* 
pvs? and 1 Mtt« ey* Oood 

Oli£ sBuUil aad o«e large 
«Mifii«rctal potato peeler, 

■if '■ Men 

'U mcciUL'. 



MiDday at 

i> ill,, spofisored by the 

ientolofy Mission (if Va. 

■ach. This lecture con- 

ms "The Potential A- 

ities of Man aod How 

Can Realize Ttiem." 

and the emotional tone 

scale. Call 428-5231 for 


FREE PUPPY - Medium 
size, part beagle. Approx- 
imately S months oM. Very 
geetle. Needs a good home. 
Call 483-4582. 

tioo and assistance. Call 
between B a.m. and 4:45 
p.m. Telephone 4fil-3770. 

and give your love and 
home for oar animals. We 
need your help. Ports - 
mouth Homane Society. 

FREE-Part German Shep- 
herd, 9 month old female. 
Good with ebildren, house 
trained. CaU 484-8267, 

Up-io-the-hour. Hami^oa 
Roads area forecast. Dial 

herds female-Sweeks old. 
Call alter six 545-6692, 

FREE-aiby jars. Most are 
tuaior siu, few small jars. 
■m fi»r maidjig jelly.Cali 

FREE-pUH>ies, mixed aod 
shepherd. Both males aod 
females. 9 weeks old: CaU 

FREE TR£ES-Ciit yourself 
suitable fOr firewood and 
timber, Call 463-1448 af- 
ter 4:30 p.m. 

Free to good borne. Male 
collie. CaU 483-2376 or 
399-2403, ask for Kathy. 


Kittens Call 483- 

FREE TO a good home. Fe- 
BUle Cock-a-poo, 18 
months old 486-3400 

i'art liusky. ^ibots ajvl 
wormed. CaU 423-6703 

LONG Haired yellow kit- 
'"1. Free to a good borne, 
a 421-3455 after 6 P.M 

spaded. 18 moflths old. 
Free to a good home, Ic ■ 
children. Call 340-724:' 

BEAGLE PUP-6 months. 
Great with children. Free 
to good home. 486-7246, 
after 6 weekdays 

HORSl ExceUeflt 

for flower and vflKetaUe. 
garden. Located nnrr.rMi 
Brt(ke. CaU 42C 

tej- T PW 

who can give then a . 
weicemed. Hadiuu; 
og. Can br aeen 

^* Id Ail V^w*«w.^m.i**^ 

couple with to other ani- 


m, B East 
'<ew york, 
■ik for their 


ii,:t,'u i:,u', liter*? o ii U.UII 
law to protect you against 
odometer fixing, rolling 
twck the mileage counter. 
Write for the ft-ee folder, 
"Consumer Protectiolt Un- 
der New Antltampenng 
Odometer Law," from the 
National Highway Traffic 
Safety AdminlstratlOD, 400 
^..w..a, o, s^ Wasliinp 

Old PhUco BJiW TV, 
console. Screen is 18" x 
16". 33" h^ 4 28.5" 
Wide, n worka, bat pic- 
ture roUs. 484-0998* 

FREE-Dog, mixed breed, 
6 mos. old male. Very 
atfectionatfc loves chU - 
drea. Free to a. good home. 
CaU 463-4$83. 

TWO DOGS-Part Uerman 
Shepherd, 8 months old. 
1 male and 1 female. FREE 
to a good home.- CaU 482- 

FREE trees aad stutaps 
Ibr firewood. Cut yoar- 
kU. Can 484-«to. 

FREE-Boxes of clothes - 
work clothes, appraxl- 
oiately siae 40's, AU sites 
of ebildrens cloths and 
dresses. CaU 420-3844. 

VITIES-Story aad movies, 
.craft d«ys aadpuppetshows 
Call Children .Co-ordtoa- 
tor, Peggy Forehand at 

FREE Genaan Sbepherd, 
Riayed, ieatale 1 Iftjn. 
old, tree to good hone. 
ExceUeat pet. Call Ma- 

FREE poppy to good home 
Mal^. 6 moBfhs old. C«U 
483-2212 after i p.m. 

CALICO eat-less than 1 
yr. old. Rouse cat. Very 
gentle. CaU 482-1285. 

FKEE-1 1/2 yr. old male 
dog. Mixed breed, medium 
site. Good pet, friendly 
and playtol. Hcadagood 
home with fencodjaM: Has 

>JDe reiruerator to be giv- 
en away. Bm^toiiditloa. 
You pick up, Call 483- 

FREE TRAVEL -calendar 
listing eveirtsscbeduledfor 
the mid-Atlantic area this 
winter and spring. Copies 
are available tqf writing 
Chesapeake Bay Bridge - 
Tuiutel, Dn>t. HB, Cape 
Charles, Va. 23310. 

. itEE library card eattt- 
les yott to aU the books 
yOD can read. Come to any 
of our four locitiMa: 300 
Cedar Road, dvle Ccator- 

lylor Rotd 4 FortsmovUt 
...*vd. • Western Braneb- 
Potbdexter 4 Oecator, 
Soott Moriblk - ladlato 
River Road 4 j^wrrov 
Road. New kieatloa in Jait- 

ry «t Geotve Wasfafggton 

MSIItji'v Hwv. 

t'TQfonttT magaztw. 

^ilukble tbformattM about 

'""s kprocetsed foods. 

'iLraiMdlea, WrHe 

- " — !. St. Ca- 


Old. Btaefc and taa male. 
AU shoU. Keutere<t. Vei^ 
>od with 


<aat WMefeors* 

fuiuiufi tne thd> 

-'Oderfal versatile Iffume 
M irilb-a.aato etloB of 

frtMKl Me. 


1^-8, vinyl top, 
wer steering, 
.'8. Excellent 
>i r« D»ou "raoiuoo, ?I,<9S or best 
^ ' ^f^^S^ 1 o^er. 427-5814 nifbts, 
"' 7^^ 340.0308 days. 


/8££. UOCS-female Chi- 
\w, aial* la part CM-tiu 
aa«:iiia«t)bester. Both five 
imnrvU. Need a good 

rlY for it. Get it 
^■w HI. Ae. Headquarters 
Chesapeake pnbllc Li- 
brary origtaalpaintlncsby 
local arttCtB, Hollywood 
movies, aiid «!«lptnre to 
decorate your tonw. We 
also have loads of free In- 
formatloo to decorate your 

NEED A FILM or speaker 
for your MxtcMibtteeting? 
The CbmmiBt Pvtdia Li- 
brary offerafireeprograflis 
on eultonaliifhln, movies, 

FREE puppies, 9 wfcs, old 
Ready to leave. Seen at 
708 StaUiam Rd. Cbesa - 
peak*, after S;SOp.m. 

SEED TO USE an out-of- 
towo telepbOBedteectory? 
W« have a tOBi of ttem at 
tlie -.Ckmifmiu Ptdalic U- 

FREE COURSE - On per- 
sonal eftidlHicy and 
character traits for peo- 
ple over 21. No obligation. 
Call 428-5231 or register 
at: 20a«4thSL,Va, Beach. 

3 females and X' males. 
2 JtonUHMitdvflaKciaiBese, 
wltkaiattese iBfarUnKs bat 
not colors. FSlEfeio a good 
home. CaU 488-6819. 

facts everyone abould 
know about eye care fhim 
the- Viiidaia Society for 
the . PreveatioB of BUnd- 
ness. For jour free tapy 
of "Yo«r Eye lor a Life- 
time pi, Sl|^" «rile:Pre- 
voHt SSHfimtu, Sox 2020, 
Rlchmo^ Va. 23^6. 

piei, 6 weeks old. Both 
male aid Ibmalea. Free 
to a |opd hone. CaU 421- 

BE THERE when Uie bears 
wake upi Free oolor hro- 
cbuM. tflUa yob abotit va- 
catloalng in the Great 
Smokies, in ^rtng:, or 
ahjrtline. Write AshvUle 
Chamber of Commerce, 
lOU, AsheviUe, N, C. 

Free double bed boxed 
springs ior thetaki]«. 420- 

PREE-For able pe<9>le«bo 
vatit to beeoin? jBore able. 
Learn bow to Inptoveyour 
Ufa, baadlf pnoUem and 
achieve your poteqtlal snc- 
«eas IB lifb, AvallaUe now 
lb VictteU Beach, Seven 
hours licked AiU of useable 
data on eoiUBuplcatioo, 
purpoaes and foaliaadhow 
to acbtew thMt. T«ke ad- 
vajitage of ois ot^rtoalty 
to leanliMr to clauce an- 
waBte4 eowHtldds In yosr 
eoitraoiteiit Fr«e. Wfib 
no oUhntlod. to IntnKhice 
sctesttSogj, ne phUoscpby 
you can anfly to Ufa. Re- 
gister at 20«-22nd Street 

FREE^Canncrttal belt 
racks. Five laft. Call 464- 

Two puppies. Mother is a 

S^ poooe. 6 weeks old, 
Is dliijDed. Beady to go. 
R^qiiMt ' <good home. Call 
488'0828 after 3:30 p.m. 

ONE WAY to make a free 
long distance telc|ibooe 
tAU: dial •OO-SSS-KU to 
Had out tr the nurty you're 
eallii^haa aiell-'frwefSOO) 

MVIiiea^lliied, 5 wks. old 
4Ue aad female CaU 488- 

r, write: 
*U» tU3. 


'3X pippiea, Cocfc-a-pOo. 
5 wks. old. CaU 420-M99 
after 5:30 P.M. 

REE- Labrador retrt- 
ever, 8 years old. Good 
pet, needs, a good bome. 
CaU 483-2394 

tdr for yo«r home, 
igr a study report 

i erttieal asaess- 
mema of the different, 
makes and models. Free 
from PubUe Clttun Re - 
^rch GrM9, SOOH P St 
N^ Wa^lgUm, DC. 

n!Lt,t,"/isns to ute vjjr- 
|Bia Beach jlanetariiim 
every TMSday aod Sunday 
during March. The Pro- 
gram i« "As the Earth 
Ttps' which begins at 7 
p.m. each ai^. CaU 486- 
1971 for reaervatioBS. 

4yr, old part shepherd and 
retriever. White male. Vefy 
pbyfBl, very good with 
chUdree. ExceUent watch- 
dog. Heeds home with room 
to ran and play. CaU 420- 

FREE FUm programs for 
kids at Great Neck, Win- 
dsor Woods aftd VlfUnia 
Beach tnuch Ubnriee ev- 
ery SatKxdar ntomiag. 
Contact 110-2987 for la- 
fonoatian on fUn tiUea, 
tisea and dates. 

FREE GAMES - to check 
oat. Pit, Probe, Monopoly, 
Sean, Bactanmen, Charlie 
Brown, Baggety Ann, 
Cheea. Rubber pnaales and 
many more at Cbesapeafce 
Headquarttrs Llbrarv, 
Great- Bridge Childrers 

PINE STRAW - Free for 
the raking. 1457 ButU Sta- 
Uoo Bd., Chesapeake, . 

WHITE female rabbit - 2 
yrs. old. Nice pet. Call 



ROOMMATE warned - eight 
room bouse, Danbarton 
(KempavlB^ area. |125 
phis half of otUtUes. CaU 

497-1228 or 588-2889. 

II . < 

AUTO JUNK-We buy Junk 
autos, trucks, buses.Call 

BUY, seU, trade. SuppUes 
20% off, state appraisals. 
Viigisla Beach's com - 
pl^ coin, and stamp shop 
BfU HoU, 1516 Tlioroagh- 
good Shopping Center. 464- 

MU&'I'ANG 19t7, 219 «- 
glne, 8 cylladar, Mob»- 
nm good. MeedhbO^f «Mk 
laoo or best offer . GiM 

1975 - DASHER • 14,000 
mUes, like new, autooMie 
factory air. 2 door«iMVe, 
red with white iitferior, 
uerifice at |3,800. CaU 

MaU forwarding, $tat^ tS( 
US and (oretgn, paraoital 
aod.btisioeaa. Free 4lfo. 
D4«K»(, B0XU443,Ghas- 
JapBtfe, Va. 23326. 

car removing. AU cars 
towad^away free. Fast ser- 
vice. 855-4011. 

(tafs. or evenings, in my 
bone. ntS registered, eon- 
fideatial, raasoMbel pri- 
ces. CaU 482<-27S8. 

SHABE-Female, 2 bed- 
room, North end, Virginia 
Beach. CaU 428-3255 after 
5 pjn. 

smoking flreplacea. Old 
fireplaces repaired. New 
fireplaces aaddensdesign- 
ed and built. CaU 4UE8- 
7350>VitglBla Beach Fire- 
place and Chimney Sweepr. 

Check our prices aixl 
snappy offaet quality. We 
also pnrtat newspapers fbr 
cbUeges, Ugh schools, ni- 
Utary bases, chorehea, 
anybody wanting a prdfea- 
alonal product. Qaaltty 
low price, fait service. 
Complete typesetting fke- 
muea. For estimate caU 
Norrla Bly (627-S020). 

TYPING - In my home. 
Mannacrlpts etc. CaU 484- 
7589 after SPMweefedaya,. 

up appUeatiOB lasMetiolia 
Learn mother nature's, se- 
crets to skia are without 
poiiMiaoBS cbenticala. Indi- 
viduals instmettaiqa-or in- 
vite a few frieoeb. No ob- 
tigatiOD. Call mis 424-2137 
CINDY 428-1932.' 

ladlvidnal and SmaU 
Business Tu lle^ 


Oavii K. LbHis^ 


POKtiAC - 197) U Mans 
9ort coupe, 3S0 V-8,pow 
<r iteeriag and Mfikea.alr 
ctttdittonlag, AM-FMra- 
iBo, vinyl roof, raUye 
•bsels, bucket seats, ex- 
ceUent coodllian, |2,S00. 
Price ne^WUe. «4- 




SU. WgB 

, very good 







1970 OL06MOBILE - 4 
door. Delta 88, radio, air 
power ataertag and brakes. 
Needs body work 1600. CaU 

1100. Bine and white, Good 
Cendttlon. CaU «I5-7971. 

door nardtop, black vU^l 
laiMtau roof, also blade vla- 
yl interior, bucket seats, 
nctory air, radio, ateel 
tadild Urea, 41,000 mU«s. 
Garaged when not tii use. 
ExceUent condition. 428^ - 

MERCBDES-I968, 250 ae- 
daa, completely refaaltt, aU 
extras, $4200, CaU S87- 

CHRYSLER - 1974 New 
Yorker, ai,r condittcolng, 
AM-FM stereo, exeeient 
condition, cmlse control. 
MUttary moving, mastseU. 
$2,900 CaU 484-0760. 

Sqaarebacfc, air condition- 
ed, radio, straight trans- 
mlssioft, needs reverse, 
good condition, |79$, 547- 

automatic, 4 door, foUy e- 
quipped, A/C« power steer- 
ing, power brakes. Excel- 
lent coodltlOB. CaU 488- 

DODGE-Maxi Van, 1971, 

Ifirtle top, fuUy inaulated, 

roof top camper air-coa- ; 

i ^*m^ y l/i aatoBKi^c 

«> tranamusian.-'-.^pdwernteir 
erlngaad brakes. |2,O0Cr. 

- 464-1145. 

1975 DODGE VAN, ex - 
celleat coodiUon, FMsbn*- 
eo, cassette ptayeir, air 
conditioning; power st«er- 
ing. Carpeted aad palieled 
interior. Heavy (hdy op- 
tions. Posl-tnictioB, CaU 

BUICK LTD, 1975, Ught 
blue with white landau top, 
alr-coQditloned, aU power, 
tut wheel, cruise control, 
cusette deck, like new, o- 
rlglnal owner. |5,875.CaU 
548-9374 after 5 p.m. 



DODGE-I976, 1/2 torn, 6 
cyL, 3 amed, homemade 
camper sheU, great gas 
mUeage. |4,000. CaU 420- 

1970 FORD F-600, tUt cab 
18 ft. aloffilnuffl box with 
roU up door. |3200, wUl 
ooulder anything of val-> 
Jt^a^^ payment. caU 

COACHMAN - 1971, re- 
creatUaal vehicle, 20', ful- 
ly ooaAalned, sleeps 8. Ex- 
ceUent conditloa. CaU 481- 

FROLIC - 17' sleeps 8, 
•elf contained, exeellMt 
eaadltlOD, |1800. CaU 587- 

KIT - 15' low ptofile^m- 
ping traUer, good cooU' 
tioo, 9800. CaU 420-7844. 


jM^a^ ^ m im 

HARUrr DAVQ3S(V-1974, 
Ele^«EH^h», tow atftaace 
Mm ^oto coaiBboi^ ant i 
|ulM ^00. ^U 517 - 

n-leala. Martw 

SAU.BOAT-0'Day Widgeon 
13 ft., Witt tnUer, |t00. 
Can m» t-M at week- 
ends, 4M)-IS9«. 

CHRS CRAFT - 1985, 86' 
Crater, twin Chris Craft 
aaglnes, 125 hp, Onan de- 
mand generator, 5 kw, fly 
bridge, many extras. Mast 
see to appreciate. CaU 418- 

CARAVELLE - 1974, 19' 
OMC o«t-drtve, 228 HP, 
fuUy eqatpped, traUer, e- 
leetrlc winch, tvU oanvas 
cover, lass than 40 hra. 
Ube new. |55O0. 4M- 

ItHTlta I-OOMC, low 
bows, tail ams, 3000 U). 
traiisr wMi^i^rtcwiHft, 
m^ atras, i^irt eoadi- 
tlott. Qift^^-t7S0. 





can mean a lot of extra 
Uvlngi Bun extra ineone 
in your spare time. Call 


CMoposition, lay-Old, 
camera department. Eu- 
eUent posltton with yomig 
growing printing firm, Ri- 
eated ocean fttmt Vir- 
glida Beach. Must have 
eaperi^iee. CaU Linda, 
P^er Kwli^ Copies. 486- 

EARN 180 weekly at home, 
^are time, staffing envel- 
opM. bdbrmatkm rush 
^.00 aad stanqped self - 
addressed envelope to 
ia)NEY, 44U N. Hancock, 
Daveiqmrt, Iowa 52807. 

BUTfnt is helping many 
persbns earn money work- 
ing two to -four hwrs a 
day. We can help you. For 
appointment, caU 420-0977 

MjBilifc^^^M^— ■■ I m i n i III II 

MlOtlEU -r interviewing 
models . for art classes. 
Saturday, U-5 p.m. call 


Life Aflonts 

This is your 


We have our hands fUU 

enreUlag a group of over 
40,000 Mwldyees la s Ufa 
lasaranee benefit exdu - 
sively theirs. 
*No prmveetillg 
''Ifo rejects 
^Unlimited eantan 

m 184 ^^IWS be- 


Wanted ~ part time. 

$3.00 hour to telephone 
business firms. ExceUent 
' for home nukers withpre- 
school age children. Write 
Aladdin Color, 3nl4Broad 
Street, Florwace, New Jer- 
sey 08518. 

COMPANION - FuU ttme. 
Prefered middle age fe- 
male. Room and board plus 
salary. South Norfolkarea. 
For elderly lady. 543-5512 
aft. 6 p.m. 

HELP . WANTED - Insur- 
ance sales, no debtt, need 
sales pec^le looking for a 
rewarding career with one 
of the larger insurance 
companies in America. 
CaU 397-7061. 

moyock area-Earn extra 
money. SeU subscripUons 
to your hometown news- 
paper, Ches^eake Post. 
Big cMnmisslons. Can earn 
as much as $200 a weA 
in your spare time. Call 
Jim Brown at 841-4571. 


HostMs, waitress, cock - 
taU mltress. &q>erience 
preferred, (This is not re- 
stannnt work) 



Many benefits, complete 

CALL 424-4991 

WORK AT BMIE la raare 

sttfOig am^lopea. Sand 
^( jam stamped self-ad- 
dressed emrriope tO: R.P. 
SAL^ P. 0. Box 8327 
HerrUlvUle, tadiaaa 484«) 

COai ETICS* - a MarsbU 
FMd fasdly owned <»m- 
pav is expaattg In Va. 
Plid &*mmt 1m. Part- 

taiMtte tt eat* $100- 
Un. Coaaia^ sate. 
sm i^. aidfaw, aad 
t lT s a i iosa MbM» to: Bta 
Ittf, C/0 Cbts^iaske 
Pert. C lesM e ak a, \ta., 
2S8S0. >'SmaiI tov^meit 


aart mm m Job traiaiag, 
naid •fkMaeMneet 



ttoa, many 


CAU 424-4091 


HOUSEWIVES -woitfleid- 
Ue hra., eamia(eie.c«n- 
missloa aa BsMlSe Fash- 
loa Stylist, t «ar««bes 
yearly wtthont Isveitment. 
CaU tat personal later- 
view, 547-2417, 4M-1045, 

Cxeeptionibfil ^; 
Opportunity" :. 

Be tralMd for 8als»|Mi L* 
immsdiats Ugh tseim^ , . 
Ossspsake aad sumiMf >\ 

tagemmtlss-. «ni»: 

Qdl lot. msM eritaet 

Call: memif ttoa wtmf 
Wmka Of Mun^ im i 
i^ril m 9 a.m. to f p.m. 
Eqnal Opporludty Employ - 





■ (eii1 ct '•' 
BATON Twirliag, march^ rv ' 
lag and strutt^. &sdb ?^ '^ 
classes ami Mlvite Igs- „,v 
sons. ForflirfnriiformaT,^>,7 
tlon. caU 486-4908 «|g^\,-. 
7:30. BiT ii- ,7 

9b -/If - 

asuiHmHHHnmmmMnaiMlli' -' 


gn r; 

BABWmiNC - myhome 
weekdays, Bayvffle Park 
area. Call 460-1037. 

and up. Hot londies pro- 
vided. Dimedln Apt. area. 
CaU 488-4229. 

BOOfCXEEPQl -aU phases 
including payroU, my home 
or part time m office. 486- 
6997. . 

BABYSlTTDfG-My home, 
any age, days or eveidDgs- 

ROUSESrrtER - Mature 
responsible person will 
provide live in care for 
bouse, pets, plants. AvaU- 
aUe June- August. 484- 

BABYSirnNG - In my 
home. Great Bridge-HaU 
Heights. Ex-first grade 
teacher. CaU 482-3746. 

TENNIS - by professibiaf, ' ' 
private court. CaU 4tt"l-'^' ' 


EXPERT iriano Instrn dBUfa' - I 
on aU levels bf very 11= 
perieaccd pianist anatea- 
cher. CaU 543-7958. y. > 

OUITAR, Banjo, idano, or-* 
tan and drumlessons. Pri- 
vate or groq> Instmetlon. 
Begtoaers and advan ced. 
Accredited teachers m 
Chnrehland, Va. Beach 
Norfolk areas. CaU 

, 4922, if no answer 



Nurses Aides • Orderlii 
Oak HIU Medical Tl 
School, Great Bridge 

22-Dcgs, Cats. MMl OtberW y 


registered. 7 weeks ohtK'}*' 
$150. Call 583-2530. ?t OSi 

CARE fbr two and possi- 
bly three elderly ladies 
in my home. Call 547- 

BABYSITTING - 5 days a 
vreek or p|rt-time. 2yrs. 
and q>. Merrifields'- 
Cburchland area. CaU«4- 

pie. Eqterieneed mirses 
aid. My borne, day or week. 
CaU 482-1883. 

Mcmday through Friday: AU 
agea. Edgefield-Church - 
land area. CaU 184-9578. 

IBM Selectric. My home. 

15-Buslness Opportunity 

Be your own boss! 

Choose your own hours— 
WoriE as many hours as 
desired— Make as much 
money as desired! 

Minimum space required 
(») ft. X 20 ft.). Low labor 
costs (one man or family) 
Manufacture a much-de- 
sired item. Siqiply nation- 
al accounts. Re^res a 
$6,000 investment, which 
can be recouped, plus a 
prdit within 90 days. Pre- 
sent dealers retorting a 
net of $30-50,000 annual- 
ly. We need a dealer la 
this area Immediately, 
tms is an exclusive— SO 
U9S. Oregon 
Tampa, Fla 33606 
Call we^days (813) 251- 
8538 or (813) 258-5901 
CaU Collect 

SeU subscriptions to your 
hometown newspver, 
Chesapeake Pwrt and Va. 
Bea^ Sun. Big commiss- 
ions. Can earn as much as 
$200 a week in your spare 
time. Call Jim Brown at 

POODLES-White toy mal~ 
es, AKC registered)'3|tl'' 
we^s. 543-7970. (Hviov, 

— —. ■ i W i O Kj' 

POODLES - rare blM'l'!!; 
standard, 9 weeks old, AkE*^ 
Registered, shots/worm-^*^r 
ed/cUpped. $100 each. Call 
857-4080. - 
' ', ' X ■ ' ■ ' — — •*HV«V 

AKC registered, champion 
blood line, 6 wks. old, 
avail^e for viewing now, , 

f pick IIP in AjNTll. For,^-. 

. criminating dog toverscm- 
ly, $400. 423-4103. 

AKC registered, 1 mal«^i»t' 
1 female, $75 each. Qi^m^ 
545-4026. vfmV 

AKC registered. CharopiMww 
blood line. 1 male, 1 fe- 
male. Call 422-6097. 

: _L__imiA 


istered, good pedigreewr,ii 

shots and wormed, 7 week$: 

CaU 497-6012. ^'^3 


— ■ iil'lu *^ 

TOY POODLES - 2 b\i^JL^\ 
male AKC registered pufii'" 
CaU 857-6430. ^'"^ 

AKC registered, 4 mal! 
red and blond. Accept- 
ing deposits now for de^irrf 
Uvery in April. 423-7606,i„; 

— — ftrjif 

CFA registered. Champion 
sired, 424-3508. ^ 

registered males, beanUh^.y 
ful. 853-1133. H r< 

23-Pet Services 

Blue Black and apricot toy 
males from championship ^''- 
bat^trounds. AKC regis-'Hi' 
tered. 855-4961. tU4 

BABYSIT MYhomeforcats. 
CaU 428-4064. 



*SHbstenilal aatA«s oo 

halves, ^puiers. 

*€at, vnwsd to your 


wlam vfirj 







The rlaisi^ sectioi of 



tomes to ywr 

^^ totte 



tear ^ 








Gooaman, Dennis mmfi^ 
top Virginia Tech students 

i ^inia Bt?ach itu- 

^ts attending Virginia 
Polytechnic Institute and 
aate University in Blacks - 
burg have been honored for 
their outstanding contribu - 
tions to the school during 
Teeh*s University F^iilers 

John H. Gi^nian, s(» (tf 
Mr. Md lfr& M^rd C. 
Goodman of 7%8 Oceaa 
Fit»t, received tte hcHU)rs 
award lor beinf the t<^ stu*- 
dMt in Tech's College of 
AgriMltnre ai^ Life 

Laura L. Dennis, daogUer 
of Mr. ai^ Mrs, Edwin L. 
Deuis Jr. of G^ei^e Dr., 
iras hfwored for her t<H! siu- 
dent role in Tech's CoUeftf 

B«rth Goodman and Dennis 
received their awards frona 
WiUiam K. Barlow of Smith- 
field, president of the Vir- 

gidi 1%ch Aliuini Associa- 
tioa. The association each 
ywr hours the mc^ 
outstaMlqg sti^eflt in each of 
Tecb's seven colleges. 

Goodman is ranked first 
amoag Vt^ S90 seniors, in ar- 
chitecture witH his 3.9 ^al- 
Ity grade average. Maioring 
ii iwUAit «aMtructiM» he 
was a pilot for five^ars 
in the U. S. Air Force. Mar- 
ried and the tether of one 
diild, Goodmw wa« presi- 
dent oi tte student ehi^er 
of the American Institvte ^ 
Constructors and is a mem- 
ber OS Tau Stgma Delte and 
Sigma Lamda Delta bwir- 

He wiH be rt¥«»wiiE nis 
secoKi bachalor's d^ree 
wlwn hegraiinatM in June, 
teving recidved a B. A: in 
Ei^lish in 1968 from Tufts 
Uniwrsity. He aad ^s wife 
serve as sobstitrte ^se - 
I»rents for tlw Blai^staitt 
Shelter Home. 

Mi^ Deoois, who has a 
3.88 avenge in elrairafary 
ettaoitlM, is a inenber of 
Phi Kat|)a Phi a^ Garnet 
and Gold, scholastic honor- 
arlfs, aui Delta Zeta soror- 
i^. Sl9 has been active m 
various (^npus projects an| 
is a member of the Student 
Education Association and 
the elementary education 
student advisory cor|»s. 

John H Goodman 

Pembrolte opens office 

Vo-Tech posters 

Two senior girls at Vir- 
gtaia Beaeii Voeatiooal 
Techaical Center have won 
awards in the state- wide 
Health Careers poster con- 
test censored Iqr the Vir- 
ginia Council m flealtti and 
Medical Care. 

Kerry Oaksmlth's poster 
woe first i^ce in the coetest. 
an^Katherine Laiard's en- 
try was second. Kerry will 
receive a $100 savings^bood 
aqd Katherioe a $50 atvings 
bond in ceremoues to(tay 

(Mar. 23) at a luncheon at 
Haraptcn General Hospital 
hoBCHlag ^ winners. 

Naarly 100 entries from 
around the state were re- 
ceived, and they were judged 
on creativity, theme de- 
veUipmeBt and overall de- 
sign. The coBtest was es- 
tablished to promote interest 
in health careers. Kerry 
Oaksmlth's senior divisioq 
winniflg poster will be re-. 
produced and distributed to 
schools and hospitals aroimd. 
the state. 

Richard t. Olivieri, pres- 
ident (tf fevOinke Itealty 
and Insurance Agency he.,' 
has attDOifflced the April 1 
qpMiiBg <tf PembrokeReti- 
tf's Hilitop Si^re Gallery 
ot Hom^. 

The office, which contains 
an>r6zimately 1,300 square 
feet of space, wiU be staf- 
fed initially with a mana- 
ger and eight sales associ- 

Beach underwriters give gift 

The VirgiDla Beaeli Association of Life Underwriters 
reeeaUy j^Mtted a gift <tf|»l to flw Tidewater Cemoraid^ 
College (WrglBia Bm«^ (^id|nis) Student l4HUi Food. Oown 
at tfce ctnoMoy are (frmn 1^) At Httbs,asiil8taBt director 
<rf contiMilag educatiott; Dr. E.T. "Im" Bucbaaan, dean of 

Other Council action 

In other actUiiis.Xouncil: 

— Authorizeil' C^ Man- 

er Geor^ L. Ha^ry to 

Lve Continental Telephone 

stem mstall a digital tel- 

system kiKJwn as the 

^-1 system for |3,800. 

--^iproved a decrease in 

Fiscal .1977 Drug Abuse 

ejgram by |17,207. The 
uction is dm mainly to 
tponing the start (rf the 
jaU -drug counselor program 
to July 1. 
— Ps^sed as ordinance 

to secure a bushess license 
from 125 to $1,000. 

— A^roved standard wa- 
ter/seirer agreements for 
Subdivision <rf Parcel C, 
property of Betty A. Brown, 
Lyanhaven (sewer); Ocean 
We$t Industrial Park, I^ynn- 
haven and Primess Anne Bo- 
roughs (water and sewer); 
Farmers Cwirt, Princess 
Anne Borough (water and 
sewer); Oakwood C<mrt A- 
partments. Beach Borough, 
(water); Ronald B. and Bar^ 
bara A. Kledzik,BaysideBo- 
ro^h (sewer). 

—Approved tax refunds (rf 

student services, aceeptfiig the ctrack w bebaU of the 
eoUegt; C.R. Reader, chariman of flie tifft UiMl«rvrttera 
t^taring cmnmittee; ud Darius Ct^n and IMyCarl Mc- 
Cless, Life Underwriters members. (TOO j 

• It 

Etter, Waliis t 
list at The Citadel 

Citadel cadets Rotort Wil- 
liam Etter and David James 
Waliis ofVirgii^Beadihave 
been mmed to the Comman- 
dant's Distingysh«d ser - 
vice List at Uie miliary 
coUei^ The Citadel for the 
first semester of the 1976- 
77 academic y^ir. 

Only those cadets "ad - 
ju^ed to have n»dethe most 
positive contributimis to 
their company and to the 
Corps of Cadets" are select- 
ed to have their names ap- 
pear on the Commandant's 

List. Those meriting this 
distrinction are authorized 
to wear the CDS ribbon and a 
star on the ribbon for each 
successive time they are 
named to the List. 

In his freshman year at 
the South Carolirai military 
•college, Cadet Etter is a 
history major and is the 
recipient of the Princess Ann 
High School Booster Club 
Scholarship. He is enrolled 
in the Air Force ROTC pro- 
Cadet Etter is the son of 

Mrs. Barbara E. Etter, Cam- 
bria Circle, and the late Lt. 
Col. R.L. Etter. USMC (ret). 

As a jimior, Cadet Waliis 
holds the rank of first ser- 
geant within the South Caro- 
lina Corps of Cadets and is 
an Army ROTC stud«tf. He 
is a biology major and was 
one of 14 students to gain 
coveted membership in the 
Junior Sword Drill-a pre$i< 
sion saber unit. 

Cadet Waliis' parents, Mr. 
and Mr^. George R. Waliis, 
reside at 5016 Bliven Lane. 








Co the editor: 
As a candidate for City Treasurer and one who has been a 
proven putdic servant, I cannot and will iKit (^er you folse 
, promises. The position of treasurer is not one that laids 
-^tself ot public policy changes or changes in the style of 
^.jjarbage cdlections or highways; the only campaip promise 
^jiat can be made in the office of treasurer is to devote the 
^l^time and energies to fulfill the needs of ttet (tffice. 1 can 
^ ^assure you that 1 can and wiU fulfill that major obligation. 
I wairt to opress to the citizens of Virginia Beach my 
, determined desire to represent them as tjieir Tr^surer. 
It is my promise to you to be a FULL TIME treasurer 
devoting my time and energies towards that job and fulfill- 
ing the needs of the people. 

Mr. Eiherkige, as treasurer, has held, in the eyes of the 
State, a high professional mark for his tax collections. He 
would have been a most formidable candidate in the coming 
election. 1 must say be was fair in the previous campaign 
in which be and 1 were opponents. I wish him and his family 
the very best in his retirement from political life. 

/As treasurer of the city, I shall study the banking pro- 
cedures of tint office. It is my intention to equate those 
necessary iterating fttnds in dept^its thrcx^hout the com- 
r munity. 1| is also my intentiwi to place those lundstUiat will 
M not be needed on a day-to-day basis in revenue proAiciag 
Lf accounts. 

The accessability of the treasurer is aa(Hher important 
,, aspect (rf my platform. I want to be held acccwntable to the 
people and Iqr domg sol shall make myself available through- 
out the Ctty oi Virginia Beach, in ^ch and every borough. 
I intend to campaip and to work bard toward gaining 
the positRW of treasurer. I am aotf inthe fffoc^s of organ- 
izing v(dunteers and my friends in makbig fliy oOmiaation 
viable to the voter of this community. 

1 cannot nor do I pn^se to ^9^ the moni@ that have 
been ttei^kined recently as necessary to win an eleetioa. 
Ttei^ is no way that an individual can expect to run for 
office at thi^e high costs ami truly be an independent 
^ndkfate (rf tte people .and for the peqpte. 

A 12-foot sectiOD of barrier is lowered into place, pro- 
viding a eootfiiuous barrier to protect highway coostnic- 
tioB workers and motorlsts^altte. 

The truth behind 
those barriers 

A uniq ue new cm 

" H «*llll— (MMMIlW I | J„ II I I I III I LI 

H : 1 1 1 


William H. Phillips 
MOO Holly Road 
Virglida Beacb 

You've driven by them for 
mo^Ois now along the Beach 
toll road, and you probaUy 
didn't realize that here was 
something new and really 

It's tiibse temporary safe- 
ty barriers si^arat^ the 
coBstroction areas from the 
speeding traffic, providisg 
protection for the workmen 
on the other side and, sur- 
prise, much better protec- 
ticm for the motorist. 

The barrier is the stan- 
dard "safety-shape," taipwn 
in highway safety circles as 
the "New Jersey Siape con- 
crete median barrier." 

The barrier is made of 
12-foot long sections, each 
with an interlocking tot^ue 
and groove system which 
gives conttnutfy and e<pils 
the performance of a bar- 
rier that is cast in {dace 
perman^itly, like the «ie us- 
ed on the Wash^tm 495 

With the tongue and 
groove method, any one piece 
of tte barrier can be moved 
without distrubii^ adjacent 
pieces. This allows hi^ay 
c(mstnicti<»i workers to di- 
vert or reroute traffic by 
simply liftii^ and clmnging 
position of a number irfpe- 
ces of barrier. 

The safety claim comes 
from the l»rrier's shape. 
When an automobile hits this 
barrier, the gentle slope 
teuis to raise the car v^ 
ani sbw it down quickly to 
a safe tevel <^ speed. As 
it slows ^wn, te car ree. 

turns Inek to the lane of 
traffic still headed In the 
same direction. The barrier 
manufacturers. Smith Cat- 
ti^uard Company of Midland 
VirgiiBia, claim ttere is no 


other barrier that 
achieve this as safely. 

Now you know what you're 
looking at as you whiz by 
just inches away from that 
con<yrete shape. 

Select Tait'sieids 
For Your Veg^able 
^rden This Year! 


V2 Pack ...,$1.65 
Pack $2.65 


»/r Pack ....$1.75 
Pack $2.85 

Al^ ON 

CMimQB Plants 
Bunittaof 25..9M 

Tan's Haib iiMa tmn fms 

Teirt Magic GrMa ii MvNdMl octmNiq » A» 
Kw A« CxtMiMwi Smi^ and V«Mite PofaiM^i, 
Vir,^ MNJ r»dm«* «,,«. &,rt« si iw 

timU iM MMI Ol llli >d« •f'OM ^omM «w 

GSH appoints managers 

Goodman Segar Hogan Re- 
sidential Sales Corporation 
has appointed new managers 

to Its 0fflCP.s in Kt-mn^vilTo 

and \ 

iMrtsofi wa* oameo to pead 

tte, Ita^nftfte em mm, 

1n NorMk. M is a licensed 
brolwr, tes hum wih <^ 
AAce M3 anI Ms been a 
AtfMritf^^e Mttkn Dol- 
lar Sales Club for two yMrrs 

AMtber two year vetean 
of the MilUoo DoBar elab 
is Jerry Sykes. He was pre- 
liomly manager of GSH's 
j^ce a^ tos been 
tte real ^ate firm 

nee 1972. 

Q»mr B. ferebee Jr., 
pendent §{ mn, said the 
ajvolntme&ts represent 
GooiMan S^u Ropa's po- 
licy ^ recs^Wng mauge- 
ment ability aniingsalM as- 
sociate and iMvoottagitea 
to sales mau^mMi ]K»t- 

(^ ^««^ tM sales 
offices tbro^wttt Tide - 



10 »• 


. $trjoo 

. SS2J0 

Select Tdit's VegetabI* Seied 

To, give your jjarden it's very best start, select the high- 
ast quality seed from ToilV Toit'4 *e«ds hove bean the 
b#$t by ffiit for over 1(X) years. 






ihiliscount furniture 

sales with fbbulous 

doiiar savings 


1 0% 



f mONU^»l2s! 


IKE new! 

Introducing MetroLease Famiture Clear- 
ance Centet The largest furniture rental 
return outlet between Atlanta and Wash- 
ington.' featuring everyday savings up to 
75% an: 

RwiM IMum Fumllur*: MetroLease rents new 
furniture to Individual*, apartmente arKi tmsineiMt 
throughout Tidewater Virginia and the CaroJinaa. 
Wher» ttw lease period expires, we often take the 
liimtture twck and dispose o( it, aHer steam 
cleaning and reconditioning. This is stylish, wetl- 
buitt furniture that must be sold at a small fraction of 
its original retail vakje Most is late-model furniture 
in exceflem condition. 

New FunMurv We also feMure outstandihg bar- 
gains in new furniture at similar savings. Both first 
quality and MCOnds, aH at factory-to-you prices 
Often at dealer costs or less. See our great selection 
of showroom samples, factory closeout and special 




iFURt*i-ruRE Battel 






%% IM 

Bes^ by Ted for omrlW yearn 

<^a«i Man fMo ht t o m M %M p m . $ot. m I p m 

Mon.-Frl. 10^ 
Saniniiays 10^ 

k ^ 



Indian River Shopping Center 

(in formtr Granti Dipt. Store building) 



* H you wo fwt i;^^^^ » 

* sMlf MM . r«tmt mmmmn- * 

* *t» wMhm 30 *yt to *i« • 

* relurvl at mirchj^ f^m * 











rik STATE LIfla*RT 
RIOHMOMD ¥A 23319 



opens door 
to new growth corri 

SUN PnbUc AfllBirs Writer 

A 2,000 acre trut tiortlMut of (lie 
Coorthoiwe may provMe ViTfj/^ Beacb 
with its second growth oM*Mir. 

A ttuUr piao is brt^ prepared 
for the entire tract to fventaally in- 
clude siiicle - family and townltouse 
coastmetiaQ comn«f<Ml«l development, 
an la-HoIe ga)( course, two ialces and 
reemtiooiljpiltieft. , 

iteuviiflVfeEoninc of the first 157.8 
acres of the land to R-5 Residential 
Was approved Monday aitemoonbyClty 
CouncU. Qirplopers plcfi to constnict 
438 single'tfitnily boiAes on this land. 

' f • 

"...iBr^st single 
lBn€l9V0lop9tl land 
mmlning In the city.' 

R. K. Stell, repnseqtihi the A. T. 
Taylor E^e, 0«tar of twq of tt^ 
fonr parceia ncooed llooday, said pe- 
fihons ibe^kiboatngtha remaining li^rop- 
eiity ahwd be ready to presedt to 
Council in sU itanths. He s||d J^e 

GbenKkrf ^u^lMHIao and C^Naetl' 
maa^A^jpSriWreU ai»6daiq|. 

Exdndei^|R» the f«seaiag vare 
^n»ifflateiy 3.2 a^«s at ttw mt- 
trance oo Londm Brtdfe Rted irtiich 
ms lOMd for preMnration, vlUch 
liMna the kod i^ not be developed. 

Vrs. Bartan U. Umif, represurt' 
ing: Uk Back Bay Civk League, vho 
opIKMMd the Bayshore petititw, also 
oppQpBd m IfelbOta-lhykir petitions. 
Sffiia Mid that devel(9^est pf the prcp- 
m^ U in irtolatiim oltiielfty's pte 
ttK- Sedh Virginia B^ch and maln- 
teiiied ttat thM« was sufficlait vacant 
Ijuid already coned resid«rtial. 

Henley: 'you*¥e opened 
the door for defOlopment 
In the southern korrldor.' 

By approving resooteg, ComKil was 
iettbig a preoedcat, ahe sd4 vA 
"you wtU lunre Biait* spplicatio«i pow 
that i^'ve il|pd»d Ow door for devel- 
opmMit in the southern corridor." 

CooBcilmah i. Henry UcCi^, who 

*r*ct is probaUr the ia,gertsfii^^Wi«^>^ef^**»e. ''''er* ^ 

oMleveioped land reuaiiaing in th# 
ity. The tract is 2 1/2 times 
I of Green Rta. 

tShmrs of the prcfierty, he saM, 
however, decided against a jdaimed 
Unit Oeveloi^flift, such as Green Run, 
jutk plaa to itevekv V» ^xverty wh 
div ttie cooventionat soBing. 

^fm>^ *t<m^9^ Ke^d«|ttilDis- 
tri^ to K-S Reididi^ial District were 
S2.8 acres on the 1^ Side of Umbn 

west of L«ill|«Pmmd,|i^thof 
ttM ittterseetfon el Prto^s Amelbad 
fad Oceana fioBleiard, Prineaas hmt 
Borough. 1%»,iH#ef^ la wnied by 
John B. llalbon, H;£nM$tfttn^W.R. 
MalboD, T. M. Brom, MatiMail. Mal- 
Iwh, Jean T. MaltKm and Barbara 11, 

Coimc// ¥0tes 9-1 

RMimed from R-3 R^dratlal Dis- 
i^A to R-S ResidMtial District were 
m acres OB tte south side of Llnadon 
ii^e Boad and e«Bt of HaipenRoad, 
and ftxNB AG-4 Agrila^r^^strict 
to R-5 Residential Distri^, ^.H acrn 
en tte south side (rf L^idm Bridge 
Jtoad aad we^ of Barpers Road, P«to< 
cess Anne BortHigh. This pinpWtyls 
^Amed by the A. T. I^lor EtMe. 

City llaaager George L. Hadwry 
poised out tiat Coue^ oo Jan. 10 
denied flu-ee pettUom to. rezone 198.6 
,«:res from a6-1 mi R-S to R-5 and 
M^6. This property is affi^dmately 
IDOO feet southeast of tteMhttxn prop- 
erty ud 4000 feet southeast of the 
Taylor prc^erty. BayshOTe Develop- 
ment Conwrati(« is c(»testing the 
CmmeU's decision in court. 

The Bayshore petitiM was deiied u- 
nanimously to ittesefve the rural 
flavor of the soutteni end at the city. 

Monday's iKte Xv d«^ of the re- 
tODing request was 9-2 wiU) CnncU- 
wunan Heyera Obemdoarf and Floyd 
E. Waterfield v^ngforlhemoUon.The 
vote for approval was f-1 iMh Mtw. . 

city's tuta g|o«tfa eerridor is lo- 
cated, said "We'im^ to have growth 
a»A we cu't afft>rd to have all the 
growth in Knipaville." 

Attorney Grover Wright, r^resent- 
ing the lialbons, pointed dut fliat two- 
tbiitla of the land was already soii»d 
restdautial aad that the prq^rty zoned 
agricultural was not devoNfd ^ agri- 
oilture and was heavily wbcMJwI. The 
also are served by f a,ter and 

liSH ifir owners are ' 
1.^ ian$t Iff 
idtooU MM oae JdiM0r Ugh fotUiiMs- 
tir plan tor fbe 2000 acres. He said 
tte slni^e-tamily homes which wUl be 
constructed oa the 157.0 acjres wttt 
be priced at aM>raxinat^ ^,000. 
Hi^r^rtced homes ( |70,000 to 
|K,0Q0) idU be iNiilt in tlw area of 
t^ .g«df course. The first phase will 
talte three to four years to coaqdete. 
The Plaraint CommissloB rec- 
ommended apF^wral of the petitions 
while the adoi^stratioe recommrad- 
ed deferral uid& a decision is reached 
on the Bayshore Development Corpm-- 
atfon Ifwsidt. 

At a Glance 


See. Page A-8 for timely 
tips on home improvement. 

-** " ■ ■ T -■■■ — ■■ -■ — ....I , ■■■■ — . ,» 

Two no-hlttere thrown at 

Beach; track records fall. 

See Page B-1 for SUN 
sports. < 

v; ' , . «^ - , — • 

Hundreds turned out for 
the annual Virginia Beach 
EaMer Egg himt. See 
Page A-6 for photos. 

TMs Weekend 

mTMs i¥0eifemi™™*i™ii^™"ii"i^ 

Beach scouts aim 
f Qr Council Camp 

Almost S.ttXf^oy, Se«^ tnm the 
tMwater ani Albeii^l^«Miafltorth 
CM^tt, ti^Mttv ^rospa ft^ Jihe 
PATAB Wstriet, wW ecnvM^oate 
V S. Naval Ra^ Facflity to C^- 
^^e tite mekead. li$M »-t7. 

The bofs, trtm tmmmuOmxm*, 
irfU parCteiptte is teftrstlttew^r 
CmmM CMV««11 to be teM siace 

9mfpm iHiarm of tte^mponU 

- Mwttky mmm - MM ^ 
pg»«d fl^ M#^m^p pkteMys, aad 

wwtiag MtodlvlMMMvaaeM^^i>- 

pctt. Jr 

deaoMtntlM (A mnqr S^»t ddUs. 

« A. yrogran covering speeteUMd 
j^MtUag topics. 

TMn^u «»UHaiMMTepvMirt^ 

in tt» fjnpnrill MKlaletMM«A,fir^ 

ginia i^^ Ci»s^>eake, I^rtMMtfi, 

and the AttMurto ana irf M»tt (^r- 


The ^iU-O-Ram nay iM^ude SKh 
tttawB as nve ^eiag, first aid, gua 
VHtm 1M% tart pM^v. ud 

Dn^ f. PeiMtf, C aad P TM- 

IteM t^,, mmm cteirMA lor tta 

evc^ said eat tte "piMIe la laHMd 

M vl^ tta c^npmtt a^^wt tat- 









Houj do uou spell RELlEf 

if II S 

HfmCISS mm STATION i '-.V ! 
ACI»055 f(»OM CiT* «AIL . '^-.7 

T /. ^^ -f C- 

AMr. see/ 

Jesifs has a new ad campaign! 

Could be.-at least, it's not 'Jesus Saves, you can too. at blank bank.'- 

Beach Commonwealth Attorney 

Evans seeks re- 

Cmmmonwealth Attorrmy Andre Evans 

After 10 years on the job, Virginia 
Beach Commonwealth's Attorney Andre 
Evans has announced he wHl seek 
another term. 

At press conference last Friday in 
his office, Evans told reporters he 
was seeking to be re-elected l>ecau$e, 
in his words, "the public is entitled 
to honest, efficient and non-political 
law enforcement." 

Evans faces the first ot^Msition he 
has had since he was elected Common- 
wealth's Attorney in 1967. Last weelc, 
Virginia Beach lawyer Timothy Fin- 
chem filed for the post. They will 
face off in the June 14 Democratic 
primary election. 

Evans said he would run a vi^r- 
ous campaign and believes at this 
point the major issue is "who can be 
the most effective prosecutor", citing 
his staff's professional capabilities. 

Evans, his wife Nell, aad their two 
sons, Jim and Avery, Uve in AlantoB. 
He is a native of Ahoslcie, North Car- 
olina, but moved to Virginia Beach 
while wrviag as a legal offi<^r tti 
ttK Army at Ft ^ry. Ater his dis- 
charge he bagu Us law practice here 
ud has become active in Inaay Beach 
civic affairs. 

In 1966 he wm honors as Virginia 
Brack's "Young Man (^ the Year" 
while a [art (d the Virginia Beach Jay- 
cees, and ms also seteeted as qm (rf 
the Out^ndtag Young l^iaAmwIca. 

EwB said "Wej^rtmMornevd, 
a de^e oT iirrli'i In Sb pfrHi 
of Virgiaia Beadi. n tte ptts «• 
off«- action, wA proaises." 

A new column sMrts tft/s 

1^^ In tim Stm *Pailnmm 

Me MMmV awR^^^i^P 
SHvens.' ^md^e^et 
re¥k»w on A^^ A«A 



- - - - ^ — ^ - — "• ■. -. 








or opposition f aiis 


wiite to get office bidg. 


micd to dMnt a swlar 
vluat9 iriiich will permit 
M« eoastf^ttw t4 an iMce 
MMioK iatiMliewUteBeigh- 

'iMrhood. Bf a vote of lO-l 

VifKiaia »Mek City CmocU 

MBnday aJRwrwon a||Hm«d 

rf sooiag front 1i-l Stsldra- 

>:|ltl District to 0-1 itfBce 

OUtrict m tM acres lo- 

itktcd on tte Mrtft side of 

'"Mian River Head ai^na- 

^Hnattly ISO feet ^st at 

'TlnmiikiDs Um, Kenj^ - 

ifUIe Bor«i|k. "^ pcmiiui 

*!(iiFas filed 1^ ^m Sandler, 

AHarry Sandler, TaviaGor- 

, vMb, Daniel Gordon and Al- 

f>^tai J. Ge^oa. 

.^^^ Robert WUsod, president 

I o< tte Newlite Civic Lc^ue, 

•i^siM^ ttie r»^Hrts oHMsed 

-^ r»oaiif bMSsne of the 

tuifeidM ttat iKMl#te^Mr- 

vttiA ^^Hidiu River doera't 

^oinve to be eMtnereial. Now 

--•mwa tryim toeiirt." He 

'fMt^ cbaM^iroiddbeapot 


i£ -CmrUwmmb libera 0- 
lobttttioif hid «wgM denial 
mvm petltioR but mis s)«>- 
pwM by edy om other 
Cooieil member, J<rim it 
Hi^. ae said tlat "these 
pMirie have worked very 
httrd to make it a^eea^i^ 
hMMXri aadtt^areoivosed 
to aa office ramplez." Mrs. 
OmnKlmrf cart th» scde vote 
litiiist antrond. 

Owrcrs cl tte parcel were 
d^ed a petittoa io Nov - 
*Wer of 1968 to resoae the 

pRfierty from RD*1 Resi- 
dnrtttl Divlex District to 
Ch-i United Coronerclal 
Mstrlct aad CG-2 General 
Commercial District . Also 
itaied then was a use per- 
mit to cmstruct two faso- 
line siqvly stations for three 
parcels, tm^ of wUch in- 
clwied 'the pn^erty m- 
der coBsiitoratftM. 

la iMher MUons, Coneil: 

Approved the petltimi of 
Howard Laderberg to re - 
iMe frMsr lR-6 Reside^&l 
District to B-2 Commmiity 
BwtoMS District a tin>*acre 
parcel smitlf^(tf Virfinla 
Beach Boideinurd aad east 
td $ad|«Beld Avenne, Bay- 
side Borootb. EiistinK ttm- 
iat allows seven sia{le-fem- 
ily hom^ while the new 
Milaf allows a variety of 
butMss estaUiskments. 

Anwovad the petition of 
W. W. Reasor for a chmi^ 
of sooiag from R-8 Residen- 
tial Distriet to B-2 Com- 
Buuity - B»iaess IHstrict 
on two parcels conprisiog 
t.t acres on tte cast side 
<if tad^nteBce Boolevard, ' 
Kempsville Boroafh. 

Approved by a vote of 
l-t a petition' of Colony A- 
cres, Inc., to resooe ITchd 
R-1 to R-S ResMeotial IMs- 
trict, 26«41S acres on ttae 
iKSt ^de trf Bridle Ro^ 
sosOk of Jody Lane. Council 
previmidy approved five 
other soidBg changes fin- Ccf- 
lony Acres but <kferred this 
last one nttU devel<9ers 
rectified condittons result- 

d^ton twirling 
jmet Saturday 

flO I 

am A baton Mrling raatest 

jjpMH»%d by the iadepoi- 

bajiiiM Jmior ^b SdKxd 

,,J^aifi Trent's Association 

iriftbe held i^irU 16 attte 

Jaator High 

in VirgWa Beach. 

>U eat^jries fntaragM^, 
Awt and groop pertorm- 

Iffir endi evert aad aU oi- 
trias rtKMld be received by 
i^irU U to vnAA late-ertry 
HM. A qiectators chatfe 
of one difllar tor adilto and 
N cents for driMrra under 
12 will becoQeetedrtiie 

.,^ Tie cortert will bq:tB at 

,, 5IJ nan. under Ute direction 

of Sdffa ^wbnek and all 

t^jfVHts will be Jodpd by 

„l tarn Rowe with tte asrtrt- 

.}«M of National Baton 

Twb-ltag Assodaficm judges. 

There will be a entry fee 

Catepnies to* wtryto- 
elode daM» twta>l teams, 
twta'Uag teams, bertappear- 
tag, tuacf stmt, solo hi|^ 
Mhooi aa^ortite, solo Jr. 
U^ n^erette, trtos, dnrt 
rtmt, smt twjfl, bnsicstnit, 
boys solo, novice soto, irt- 
cnMffirte sotof -adnnead 
s(^, parade majorette, mil- 
itory strrt, flag, hoopandtwo 

Citizen planning 
group meets 

Virginia's three major gu- 
bermitorial candkiates will 
^address the issue "^oidd 
flrglBi^ Have aGrowth Plan? 
u part of the 27th am^l 
eoirfereoce of the Virginia 
Ctesens Plaiming Associa- 
tion, May 1-3, at tbe Shera- 
|i» Motor Inn, Fredericks- 

Jotto Daltm, Henry Howell, 
aad Andrew Miller will ap- 
p^r on a panel moderated 
if Dr. R(wald Carrier, |fre- 
s^ ot M»iison Qdlege, 
on Mmday morning. < 

The ccmference will am- 
ttMe tbrot^h Tuesday morn- 
Ittt with sess^s coverii« 

recert rtate and federal 
dttiges affecting hoa^«, 
eommwd^ devrtopmoi and 
tocal and state j^^^. 

Virgirta CiU^ Pla^ag 
Assoeiafion (VCPA) is a 
statewide, todqienl^ and 
Bon-pr^t association wttfe 
membership open to every 
eitiSCT ot Virgtrta wto is 
irterested in tuning (or e(- 
ficiert, attractive and pros- 
penMS eommmiities. 

Sam HoBstm, Sr., of Vir- 
ginia B«ich, is flrrt vi<%- 
presidert ct the Virginia 
Citisens Planning As»>cia- 

ia^ from ill^al filling ami 
rther land distitrbing activi- 
ties in the flood plan in vi- 
olattaB of the Erosion ami 
Sediment C<mtrol Ordinance 
Voti% against the change 
were Councilwoman Meyera 
(N)emdorf and Council - 
man Joto A. Bawn. Baum 
remarked that he "wouldtt't 
want to buy a lot there" 
AMK>inted viewers to in- 
vestigate tte ctosure of a 

portion of Dyer Road at tbe 
eastern extremity ctf Old 
Dam Neck RMd, PriMess 
Anne BormigiL rt the re - 
({uest <4 toe Hami^On Roads 
Sultatitm District Com- 

A,. vreA ordinances 
cbaBginc doe ctetes and hir- 
ing dates tor rral estate 
taxes to conform toa.cbar- 
terclttnge maU^ the city's 

tax year ct^nc^ with ^ 
fiscal yMr. 

(^ the r^mmendaticm of 
City Itti^er Oewge ^. 
Raalmry no action iras UM- 
en on aa ov^muks i^uir- 
ing rertrooms tor all toll- 
service and self-service 
artomcMle service stations. 

AKMTOved a raffle permit 
for m Virginia Beach Cit- 
isen ^nd Radio Club, Coun- 
try View Recreation Hall. 

City provides support 
for civic activities 

City Dq>artnk;;its offered 
services air. nting to 
$24.2«$.$6 to t. > 1976 Nep- 
time Festival. The same type 
of sqiport tame to $17,220 
for toe Boardwalk Art Show 
aad varied amounts for otoer 

City Maaager Qeorge L. 
Baabitry mM that whenever 
there is a civic activity, 
toe municipality has to per- 
from some services which 
toclude the departments of 
ecoaomto development, gen- 
eral »rvices, libraries, 
parks and recreatton, police 

aad iwblic works. He said 
services wiU also be arail- 
able (hiring the qKomtog 
CBS Tennis T«imam«tf, 

He added tlat no enitoy- 
ees were added to toe pay- 
roll to perinna tbeM ser- 
vices, ud that the saiaoles 
tovcdved would be peM to 
any evert. Tte BoanN«lk 
Art Show, he sato, has bera 
well worth Vbe ipjoa^. 

The report was made on 
toe request of Cooncilwomaa 
Meyera Obemdort. 

Haobury also said that 
while lart year's Festival to 

• • 


for Whittier 


FitHfl GS-13 supervisory 
personnel staffing specialist 
to Honoluhi, Hawaii, to G8- 
14 a^ervisory Persomel 
Muiagem«it Specialist at toe 
Nortcttk Naval aiipyard is toe 
appototment tort broi^ht 
iniSr area. 

On his first ai^intment 
in tUs area, Whittier as- 
sumed duties as head of 
toe Industrial Relatfons Of- 
fice's personnel q>eraticos 
diyirton. Prior to ertertog 
toe yard, Uniittier served 
a 28-monto tour of duty as 
GS-13 director of toe Em- 
idoyment Division in Pearl 
Harbor, Homduto, Hawaii. 
Starting to govemm^t at 
toe GS-7 lewl to 1967, as 
a personnel maaagemert 
q>edalirt at the Naval Wea- 
pon Certer, China Lake, 
Calif., Whittier cnfied all 

of his assigamerts "chal- 
lengtog eqwriences that 
were part of my develop- 
ment, and stepptog stones to 
better toiags." 

He received promotions to 
toe W-9, -11, aad-12raUngs 
to toe personnel management 
'rt^» b^re leaviiv toe Na- 
val WeapoBs C«^[ftr; to »71, 
'^sJiaisllMterSf thff^ifcic 
Bay Naval Stottoa as a GS- 
12 Emptoyee Relations S^- 
ialist, and was later pro- 
moted to a GS-13. His re- 
qKmsibllities toeluded being 
asrtstort labor and dvUiaa 
advisor to the Commairter 
in Chief, Pacific Represen- 

Whittier sees hto work as 
an toterrelated effort of im- 
plemmttng Ezecrtive Or- 
ders, Civil Service Itegida- 
tioas, aad Coogresstoaal 
Stotrtes, and remairtng 
withto toe guidelines of all 
toree to beting the manai^r 

Jotm L Whittier 

accomplish his mtosion. 
Whlttier's career in pri^ute 
indistry toeluded work in 
boto toe persoDuel aad mar- 
keting fidds. 

He explatoed toe import- 
aaoB ot toterpersonal reto- 
ttonships and tbe atolity to 
■ nupifiin rlniiitiHrbmrttoBi ? 
to the iHuticfllar environ - 
meat wtere oae flads him- 

Whittier received his B. A. 
degree to bustoess admto- 
istration and economics 
frcmi Whittier College, a 
Marters to public adminis- 
trrtk»i tixm the University 
oi Southern Calif orrta. 

Tbe WUttiers tad toeir 
iteugrter, Kimbra, five m 
GrayrtoM Court to Vtogtoia 

in finals 

Two advertising woria 
created I9 Davto 4 Om^vcsf 
of ViJ^Wa Beac^ have been 
selected for final NKbV ^ 
ttie 1977 Andy Awards com- 
petition sponsored l^toe Ad- 
verttoing Clito (rf New Yoit. 

To be jw^ed to nattonaT 
compettUcm to be heM to 
New York to May are a sales 
IfftwiQtion ideee dMipedfor 
^pertner Jewelers' diamond 
remounting service, and a 
full page ctAor n^spaper 
ad prq»red for tteNortoto 
Coca-Coto Brttling Wovks. 

For Beach treasurer 

Phillips states Tm independent' 

Touch, feel bunny 
at Beach h'brarv 


H.OOO to the hnte, N^ttune 
matoferiMrt tomiktagaa^- 
toii to rrtw aoa^ to pay 
otf tbesn dcbto. He said he 
to re<»mn«idli% $28,000 
for toe ftnttvaltotitisyetf's „ 
bw^rt afatort a requert 

He said, that tiie Botrd- 
i«lk iUl^ow^ whi(A makes 
a i»«fit for the Art Cwter, 
wtnto to expand its activit- 
ies into the Neptime Fes- 
tival. Under toese platfs 
toere wUl be two stews. 

mum, viiiinia Beach SUN: 

Mtt earatolly reviewing recent poltUoU evMto witUn 

* !^n«^lc Committee trf tte Ctty <tf Virgiaia BMch, 

nade tbe foltowing decision: 

(11 not be a caadfdato ia the Democrat peinu7, 

tiall nu as nn indcpendert candidate to fl» ^wrai 

election in Novemtwr I feel Uwt I mart l« perfectly 

andid with all my many friends and si4)p<Hlent to saytog 

that tbe cost of nwln g in tke primary and tbe general 

election would be totolly probibitive. 

It is also apperont ttat OMny members of the Democratic 

Committee hav^ 
tefMU. They h 

frtMB some of «' 

. Democratic 
i «lonk and hu 
'tOB of tbe Onn 

formed a ticket of tour owa to- 

' (^OWMerable hMUlii! ii^gpj 

^^ and the bai^^Mi^ 

•'torn to ttnOm pMtos 

.^> has c^^ flpp^ 

Now m Hm elMngrt 

as ai 

Ttere is m question to my mind toat several of toe old 
polifieal na^MM Uertenaoto flnm Mb cam^ tm^pt^^eA^ 
toeether to form toeir own p(Aitial MmMNt. t^iU 
and win not be a party to macUrt coBtwued priittcs to 
ttw City ^ Viitinia B^ch. 

Wito ttos to mi»i, Alam «M my dedi^ttM to p^Uc 
service ud freeitom frMi dtotrti^ ^uargroqxx- g^^} 

I HMF, tben^Mf declsfe myself as atf tot^pa^tert caadi- 
Aito kw Treasurer of the City erf Virgtoto Mtt. 

I stall work diligently to toe election this toll to assure 
m iw^e Qi tois community a rMl etoiee. At ^t time I 
staU make myself available to toe electorate of Uiis City, 
^MWiftoff miFigoito and c^eettves. There can be no sub- 
sUMe for teMsty, tot^r^ and indf^i^nd^nrf -:>[») ;ift»r 
*U, ttttt is wtet BUI PW%s stands 

WtUiam H. PtoUips 
3^ RoUy R<^ 

VlrrfBla B#«r«fc 

During story hour at the 22nd Street branch of Virginia Beach 

Library, tots got the chance to feel how soft a live bunny really 

is. Thebunnywasprovidedby Jan Oliver of the Lafayette , 
Park Zoo. 

Jan Oliver hokfS^Bugs' the bunny so tots at the branch library 
story hour could touch and feel. 

Vo-Tediers win 
in state meet 

VirgWa fench'slroat- 
tiMal-TectoioU Edw^on- 
rt Center VICA (Vocatkm- 
al Indartrial Ctota erf Amer- 
ica) i^mben Ma Imt first 
platt, OM WMwl ^U0 and 
..ttme t^||^]ia0e cwaids at 
^ yir^drta^ateLeidership 
and adACoBpetttton Cm - 
toimee Mm to BrirtM, Vir- 
#nto mrUier toto mitiKk. 
i n <^iprt^« for various 
vfmAa ii^r* 1300 itoiHto 
Irom thre^bort Virgil. 

Tte l^wrtag an Vm 
statort wi^rs aad tiwtr 

Irt l^ce, conmeretot art 

Irt nuM, port giwiuate 
(^nmercial art. Catty Hoi- 

1st Pl«i'» nrtriKf* Tftrr* 

Irt. Sfaice,^ ^^t fri^uu 
M*^ tmrf ^tfp - 

3rd Ptoce, eaUnrtmaking, 
Charles Olfeal, and 

3rd Ptoce, open^ aad 
closlv ceramoiqp (team), 
Dennto Gekrdts, Randy 
JMrnipm, Phillip Grau- 
bevi^r, liary Kate Bowltog, 
Krt Leonard, A^e 


and Kfin McColl- 

TlK first pUce wimesrs 
are eligible to CMipete to 
VICA U.S. am Olymi^cs 
to be heU to Ctocinaati. Ohio 
June 21 thru 24. 

Special Olympics 

tea P]^s,.«HMn«cli^«s, 

ne Vii|0^ tmA P^m 
Schorts fontt aimil^^P^a 
Olym^cs for stwtorts wM 
en(M<Ml a^ptqpsinl handi- 
cap will Ik held rt Ke^n 
H^ SetecA, Ttoursctoy. A^H. 
14, 1977, b^l^v at 9:30 

Kwrly m elem«tory, 
iwAM M0, ud MMhUgh 
w^ rt^ls are wri^Ml^ 
ed to parttdpate to tnMk 
^ fl*M,fynMstic,aBltes- 
^tett ^^iMttoB *rii¥ 
^ M«rt. 

An . tq^wsive ^ul^ 
cere^uv will kick Mt iii> 

^ieoal Olympics to whiiA 
^^prt^m wUl be Iqr ^- 
grtMps and sklU-^Uty di- 
vtoions wtth sqmnte eate- 
gwies for boys and girto. 
Itore tea 100 rt tiie par- 
tictonrts to tto (toy - long 
evert will tave a ehaaee to 
coapefb to ^ R^faw^l 
%Mtol 4%^eB rt mi- 
Itom^ui. Viigl^ May 7 

M m 

Vtftoia flMK&^ecui Uiy- 
mpM irtU be beM Fr^y, 
Am^J|..JI77, rt WUm 

Hwh Rfhnni 


p * » i^ www f 

IP ij I I iiw-ww w^wr 

^•^■w ^ 

Virginia Beach Sun, April 13. 1977 - A-3 




All'City Elem., Jr. bands 
sparkle at annual concert 

Beachers dominate 
Wesle^an deans list 


SUN BuKi Barter 

Tbe All-City Elemeotary and Junior Festival Bands and 
Orcl^stra heM tMr aoaual c(Micert at Plaza Junor Higli 
&:hool receof^. ' 

^in tms year, as in years i»st, they played before a 
captdty crowd of over 000 pe(V)le. The auditorium at 
Plaia *as pakid, iwt an empty seat in the house. Every 
concert this year by our local schools, has been b«bre a 
capacity crowd, tbis has got to be one of the most pop- 
ular events tte School Board has pAi^ tw ^m at this 
time. Not even the sports dei»rtments can boast of tike 
continuing outstanding response that the music department 
is generatiag, 

The dttlrperscm for the festival this year was Us. Weeda 
Ben, music director for Bettie F. Williams intermediate 
sdiool; ^t tas Charles Warren, music director for Plaza 
JuhiojC a%h S^ool. 

Qneftt coBttector for the sixOi grade band was H. Richard 
DUl. music director for Churchland High School, P(»1s- 
monttt; guest conductor for the seventh grade band was 
Em^ry Fears, music Erector for the Norfolk ^te College. 

Music played by the sUrth grade band was: A Mig^ 
Fortress is Our God, Marching to Pretoria, Ritual Daneef 
Spanish Ballad, Pentatonic Polka, First Tai«o for Trum- 
pet, and the Swii^lng Kudy. Music for the seventh grade 
biuidl was»Men of Harlech, SiciUano and Gavotte, Traces, 
SNkfbro^ Saga, Shenai^h, mi Hosanna. 

^Didents participating in the sixth grade band were: 

Flfit«s-^-Ser0ia Ashmore, Vincent Brisson,Cbristi Chris- 
tensen. Barbie DonovaJi. Michelle Doran, LiiMia Falrcloth, 
Di^liiie Fleeger, Michelle Flor, Megan Grant, Wendy Hod- 
iHili, Kim Jetisen, Elezabeth Keton^ Michelle Kmiec, Tay 
Lullen, Christina Miller, Brennan Murphy, Heidi Nance, 
Valeria Proctor, Anne Majrle Sievers, Dawn Sorenson, 
Wanda l^raUey, Pbonda Thompson, Charl(^e Williams, 
Katiiy Wilson anlJulie Wright. 

(Xwe-ffllton Rubin. 

Clarinets— StqAanie Adams, Teri Brewer, Cindy Block- 
Inger, Trina Brickbart, May Bugtong, Margie Bump, Mike 
CiUlaghan, Mia CUrtc, Liz Dudley, Kathleen Garvey, Mau- 
reen Harrison, Linda Hill, Jeff Hoover, Peter Johnson, 
Lisa Kahler, John Kellam, Debora Lake, Nancy Leary, 
Scott Lffiids, Diane L^g, Kaarin Lumebargm Beth Marvin, 
Kareen McComas, Tim McConville, Kathy Mclntyre, Andy 
Metes. Ari Miller, Brenda Morgan, Allison NaH, Mtiragre^t 
R^Mdtt, Mimi Reeves, Tammy Speelraan, Deana Spencer; 
UiqiMeUe Taylor, Stecey Werling, Terri Walls and Theresa 

Bass clarinets— Juanita Bennett, "Scott Quintan and John 

Horns— John Harder and Kevin Warren. 

Alto saxtydiones— Robert Alexander, Gay Camacho, 
Jett Clark, Lisa EUund, James Ingeldue, Danny Kelly, 
Margaret McCullers, Steve Mund«i, Joe Rank, Rod^ 
Siaff^r and Lisa VHiitney. 

Tmnpets— BGllbert Alford, Tommy Allen, Danny Amidm, 
todd Bak«r, ^m«k^umk, BlUQiiinb^ 
Owen Cowan, I^vld Eitfebart, Mllef^Ue, 
Floyd, Mark Forraum, Bm Foster, Ifttt FoddA, Mike 
Green, Mike Halsi^, Keith Hughes, Daniel HuB|iiireys, 

Tom Kelly, Debbie Kii«, Tracy Kaapp, Ben Uke, John 
Luter, Van Mathews, Richie Nlcerson, Melvin Sal»ter, 
Steve TbaoMS, Billy Waters, John Westtrarg and Mark West- 

Baritones—Mike McDooougb and Jeff Rogers. 

Tubas— Colin Kennedy and James Anderson. 

TromUmes—Etevid Bocock, Mark Edwards, Kathy French, 
David R«^, Tommy Mwde, Bi^dty Minzenmayer, Luke 
MitcheB, David Peteraim, Joey Swanberg, Eric Hinkle, 
LwBie Lane, Jimmy Olsen and Jonathan Colbus. 

Snorts pariie^tii^ in the seventh, grade band were: 

Flotes— Richie Amujo, Lisa Lindsey, AonicaSayles, John 
Fnmzer, Belimta EscamUla, Marlene Mara, Kristy Kyle, 
Yvette Mclnnis, Robin Canis, Mancy PUschall, Kirsten Lun- 
neiriwrg, Datra Craig, Valerie Maynard, Dawn Williams, 
AnUgony K^wa, Kristina Brisson, Susan Hiezenga, Carol 
Bennett, Lanra Stacey, Patricia Culpeper, Paula Ingledue, 
Sandra Mancinin, Ramona Mitchell, Pixie Shaver. 

(Xxw— Patti Jacc^sen, Felisa Aycud, Lynn Schooley and 
Chris Bonney. 

Bas»>oiis-"Edwar<i Ambrose. 

Clarinets— Paul Deiss, Linda Henningsen, B<A)by Higliea, 
J«mifer Chabot, Laura CerniU, Mona El-Kadi, Mary 
ly, Bedni Fisher, Rc^in Earl, Diana Cressey, Amy 
RetdeVi Susan Cardwell, Lisa Kinzig, Jennifer Pyles, Ray 
Amoid/Katherine Jeffords, Cknly Clarkson. Carla Cherry, 
Lorraiiie Hall, Wayne McKitrick, Leland Henderson, Kara 
Peake, Danny Kirby, Glen Wilscm and Linda Hunsinger. 

Alto clarinets— Eric Marshall and Junior Linsangin. 

Bass clarinets— Eric Nachman, Barbara Gaise, Steve 
Moton, Dexter ZolUcoffer and William Schriver. 

Alto sazofdiones— Pat Doughtery, Scott Martinez, Perry 
Hawkios. JoseiA Pisciotta, Willie Cooper, Robbie Palmer 
and CurUs Vest. 

Temr sazoplKme— Richard Blackburn, Gilbert Domingue, 
David Praetzel and Wayne Hammond. 

Trumpet comets— Sharon Eward, David Sacks, Daid 
Hines, Jason Li^iday, David Whitby, Sean Blocker, Chris 
Motn^, Stanley Rockwell, CoUn Amos, Kenny Miller, Gary 
Williams, Roger Rdbinson, Ron Matthews, Amanda Dud- 
ley, Doug McCall and Charles Field. 

Trombonee— Eric Mitchell, MagonKinzie,MikeSeifridge, 
Pat Baker, Steve Burba, Richard Ross, Steve Davis, Todd 
Mullins and Jeff Bump. 

Baritone horns— Rickie Arnold, Christine Gephari, Glen 
Domett, Clark Mandigo and Jeff Hutchinson. 

French horns— DetAie Kahler, Ruth Johnson and Joel 

Basses- -Chris Brandt, Lewis Henkel and Bnicef Ridge. 

Percussion— Bobby Groves, Romeo Delloro, Doug Mont-* 
gomery, Billy Pease, Jay Luttier, David McCabe and David 

The SUN would like to take this opportunity to congrat- 
ulate all the students that made ttie sicth and seventh 
grade All City Buid this year. Ninety per cent of these 
students will go on into high school and continue witii 
their music. This is where the basics for all th^ music 

ifarts. ' •' ' "^ "■ ■.,.' '■'- ". ' >.*■>- ,.Mv'i 

lir>«U 1p^«ipe^4MM|irs jotj 1iwidiliBi»wit'48l>urtiitM y 
scbo«^4 ciui be proorm the accomplishments fof their 
yomit ^lyes 'this year. The concert was truly a pleasure 
to listen to. 

Forty-two Virginia ^ach 
stwieirts have be«i named to 
the fall semester Dean's List 
at Vii]ginia Wesleyan Col- 
lege. In addition, 22 Beach- 
ers received honorable 

Tbse students earning a 
place on the dean's list had 
a 3.50 grade average; honor- 
able meirtions carried a 
grade average between 3i25 
and 8.49. 

Virginia Wesleyan is a 
private, coeducational, li- 
beral arts college on the 
Virginia Beach-N^olk line. 
The college, whttSn opened 
iA 1966, has an enrollment of 
657 students. 

Ttiose Beachefl named to 
the dean's list were: 

Deborah A. Allen, daugh- 
ter of Mrs. Elizabeths. Boy- 
ette; Sharon A. Allen; Wendy 
K. Ath^rton-Ely, daughterof 
Mrs. Harriet E.Harvey; Ka- 
ren E. Babalas, daughter of 
Mr. and Mrs. Peter K. 
Babalas; Cynthia E. Black, 
daughter of Mrs. Jean C. 
Eriksoh; and Jacqueline M. 


Mr . and Mrs. Ronnie Clyde 
Bennett, saughter; 

Mr. andMrs.WUUamEari 
Soule, soa; 

Mr. and Mrs. Ray Crea- 
ger, daughter; 

Mr. and Mrs. Bemerd 
Benjamin Cowdoin, daught- 

Mr. and Mrs. William Ry- 
land O'Brien, son; 

Mr. and Mrs. Dante R. 
Marzetta H, Twin sons; 

MrVind Mrs. Patrick Jo- 
seph Krause, ddaughter; 

MiC and Mrs. Kenneth Ray 

Mr. ^ Mrs. David /ohn 

Mr. and Mrs//^ George 
Michael LotEanrd^hter; 

' Mr . and Mrs. WUliam Rid- 
dick Waterfield, son; 

Mr. and Mrs. William John 
Sw^flz, SOI^; 

Mr. and Mrs.' Hughes 
Jennings Rhodes HI, son; 

Mr. and Mrs. David Ar- 
len Hucks Jr., daughter; 

Improvements are the logical solution 

Finding that they arv vit- 
nally priced out of the market 
for new and larger homes,' 
American homeowners are 
turning to remodeling as the 
logical and most workable 
sobition to their shelter 

^re is no shortage of 
taaiia available for home im- 
provements and homeowners 
are investing tt in room addi- 
tions, siding, roofing, floor- 
ing, plumbing, heatiqs, air- 
cfwditiooing - and* wtth tfie 
continuing concern aboirt, en- 
ergy supplies and c»sfs - 
many homeowners are in- 
vesting substantial amounts 
oT^Miaey in insulation. ;, 

According to the National 
Home Improvement Council, 
Americans spent a record 
breaking $30 tdllKm in 1976, 
as compared witti 126.6 Ul- 
lioo in 1975. 

Honeowiwrs last year 

added well over foot; mil- 
HoD rooms, the equlTHtent 
ot 700,000 , new six- room 
homes, while builders rais- 
ed only S70,000'TOW Mie - 
fkmily homes. 

Hie uidition of new liv- 
ing qurters accounted for 
%l of every |5 of the home- 
care investment, according 
to the Census Bureau. Half 
the money spent on remod- 
eling and maintenance went 
into do-it-yourself projects. 

This increased activity 
among (to-it-yourselfers is 
c(uifirmed by a study by Frost 
b SoUivan which finds that 
wttUn the last yrar or two 
more than half of all build- 
ing materials for borne re- 
novaticm w^reporchaseddir- 
ectly by homeowners rather 
than by contractors. 

Even so, tiK Nati<»al 
Home Improvement Coimcil 
cautions would • l>e do - it 
jwurselfers to grt some 

sound advice before tack - 
ling larger projects, espe- 
cially plumbing and elec- 
trical work. 

A homeowner eontem - 
{dating^ a bode improvement 
project usually asks the 
questton: How much do im- 
provements increts the 
value of your home? It var- 
ies according to the imiHwe- 
ment, but in few cases should 
you expect the sales value 
oiF your house to rise dollar 
for dollar with the money 
spmA for remodeling. 

The value of a house will 
rise inost-perhaps by^60 to 
75 per e«it d improvement 
cost - tkHT a new kttcben or 
bathroom and heating/atr- 
coBditloning system. 

A tourtta bedronn or new 
fkffiUy room are also <te- 
sirable features home buyers 
look for in houses uidttiere- 
fore the fMtures th^ pay 
the most for. 

Other improvements 
while not increasing the value 
of the iKNise substantially, 
will aid in speeding iq> the 
sale ttme. 

The Council urges home- 
owners who are about to 
select a contractor in their 
community to consider a 

member of the National Home 
improvement Council who 
displays the NHIC Member- 
sh^ Iwl^ ^^ advertising. 
His auoMrship means that 
he ift a r^lMable, well-es- 
tabUUMd |iirofessi<»al con - 
tractor' who subscribes to 
the Council's Code of EUiics. 

New insulation method 

Ivy and vines are nature' 
Ivy and vines are na- 
ture's insulators. Planted on 
masonry waUs, or on trel- 
lises or arbors adjacent to 
wooden walls, they help block 
out hot summer sun and keep 
Imildings cooler on the in- 

A convection current al- 
so develcqis l>ehind the cool 
green Inves that draws 
warm air away from the wall. 

^ In winter, ivies and vines 
planted on the windward sides 
of a building help block out 
chilling winds and serve as 
insulation to keep beat in and 
cold air out. 

The wide variety of ivies 
and vines not only ke^is sur- 
roundings refreshingly green 
but, the American Associa- 
tion of Nurserymen says, 
they help save money on 
uUlity bUls. 

100,000 WATTS 




Craig C Bran, son of 
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bram; 
Janet L. Brinkley, son of 
Chaplain and Mrs. William 

D. Bruner; Laura M.Darwin, 
daugtter of Mr. and Mrs. 
William C. Darwin; Brenda 

E. Diggs, daughter of Mr. 
aiHl Mrs. Luther S. Diggs; 
Richard J. Doleshek, son of 
Dr. and Mrs. Neil P. Ram- 
sey; and Gary P. Edwards 
son of Mr. and Mrs James 
M. Edwards. 

Rustin B. Godfrey son of 
Mr. and Mrs. Burt K. God- 
frey; Richard F. Gonzalez, 
son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank 
R. Gonzalez; Nancy S. Gor- 
don, dai^hter of Mrs. Doro- 
thy M. O'Cranor, Clifford A. 
Hart, son of Mr. and Mrs. 
Clifford A. Hart Sr.; Doro- 
thy W. Hilliard; Kristen D. 
Hoffman, daughter of Mr. 
and Mrs. 3<M A. Hoffman; 
and Alex S. L^tdholdt, soAof 
Cdr. and Mrs E. M. Leid- 

Julie Lineberry, daughter 
of Mr. and Mrs. George M. 
Lineberry; Philippa A. Lips- 
comb; Richard L. Magalis; 
Patsye D. McKenzie; Ronald 
R. Meardy, son of Mrs. 
Hazel A. Meardy; Thomas 
R. Michelsen, son of Mr. 

and Mrs. B.R. Michelsen; 
and Harold Mullins. 

Sharab E. Oliver, (fougfa- 
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley 
E. Oliver; Cornelius B. 
Owens Sr.; Willim T. 
Reece, son of Mr. and Mrs. 
W.T. Reece Sr.; Pamela S. 
Riley, daughter of Dr. and 
Mrs. H.S. Riley; and Pat L. 
Sawyer, daughter of Mr. and 
Mrs. Emmett C. Sawyer. 

Steven M. Scarcelli, son 
of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony 
Scarcelli; Edwin A. Shu- 
man, son of Capt. aiMi Mrs. 
E.A. Shuman; Gary P. Smith, 
son of Mr. and Mrs. Amie 
L. Smith; JiMiith A. St. 
Laurent, daughter of Mr. and 
Mrs. Paul Huff; Gene H. 
Stocks; Kevin B. Sutton, son 
of Mr. and Mrs. Hobert B. 
Sutton; Robert C. Sutton; 
Nancy E. Thrasher; Evella 
A. Walton, daughter of Mr. 
and Mrs. Charles R. Walton; 
and Leigh E. Yaple, daughter 
of Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm L. 

Winnii^ honorable men- 
tion honors were: 

Phyllis C. Adkins, daugh- 
ter of Mr. and Mrs. George 
A. Cardwell; Cheryl A. Bar- 
ber, daughter of Mr. and 
Mrs. Walter T. Miesse; John 
E. Boon, son of Mr. and 

How to make a 
bedroom sparlde 

Mrs. John E, Boon; Jaj 
G. Close, son ot Mr. and Mrs 
James G. Close Sr.; Rose 
M. Escajeda, daughter of 
LCDR and Mrs. Jose G. fls- 
cajeda; Joi^ S. Guarni^i, 
son of Dr. and Mrs. L^is 
J. Guaranieri; Isabell Htfr- 
vey, dat^bter of Mr. 4ind 
Mrs. John Harvey; 4nd 
Christopher J. Hinds, yon 
of Mr. and Mrs. Tboiias 
Hinds. ,1 

Frances S. Howell, daugh- 
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Mopte 
P. Howell; Susan L. Hii^- 
phrey, daughter of Mr. ^od 
Mrs. Monte P. Howell; Sus- 
an L. I^umphrey, daughterof 
Mr. and Mrs. L.R. Humph- 
rey; Richard A. Maddox,#on 
of Mr. and Mrs. John hA. 
Maddox; Roger A. Moos-e, 
son of Mr. and Mrs. Ffled 
E. Moore; Laurel A. Ore, 
daughter of Mr. and Mrs.oH 
Horton Ore Sr.; JamesizR. 
Pipkin, Christine E. Sing)e- 
tary, daughter of Mr. 0nd 
Mrs. James D. Singletafy; 
Julia E. Tucker, daughterof 
the Reverend and Mrs Bev- 
erly D. Tucker; ScotteV 
Wagnor, son of Mr. aiui Mf s. 
•Harry L. Wagnor; and Shar-'' 
on L. Wilson, daughter lof 
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas oR. 
Wilson. q 

■:■'< ■ ■ sftr.. 

Q. We are remodeling our 
home and have added a mas- 
ter bedroom suite. I wish the 
tiedroom were bigger tnit we 
were restricted by budget 
so I am trying to make it 
look as large as possible. 
I like waU-paper but am 
afraid that might m^e the 
room seem smaller. 1 do not 
like lots of mirror so that 
room looks like a fun house. 
Do you have any suggestions 
for an interesUng wall treat- 
ment? - T.D. 

A. The area of wall cover- 
ings Is huge today and ttie 
choices are almost unlimit- 
ed. Of course, you wiU find 
many scenic and graphics 
which are designed to extend 
the eye and to provide plenty 
of decorating drams as well. 
They are generaUy more ex- 
pensive ttiantradittonal wall- 
paper. Jack Senst Designs 
had just created an inter- 
esting wall covering moral of 
realistic-locAing dune grass, 
silk-screened on mirrored 
Plexiglass which reflects the 
furnishings of the room and 
provides dqrth in the room. 
Also, slnee yon do like 
waU-paper, you might find 
something In a light color 
comblnatloa and a medium 
to small aUover design that 
would be pleasant, covld add 
nnlty to the room and give it 
a definite •personality with- 
out curtailing Its visual size. 

Q. We have moved from an 
apartment to a condominium 
we are buying and I am try- 
ing to use the same furni- 
ture we had in our old apart- 
ment . However, our beige and 
white natural Haitian cotton 
L-shaped sofa looks very 
drab in our new living room 
with its white carpet. Mike 
neutral tones and do not want 
a riot of color yet feel I 
am going to have toadd some 

color to get away from the 
monotonous look we have. 1 
need to buy curtains for the 
windows, some new end and 
coffee tables and prol>ably 
a chair or two for the room. 
Would you suggest painting 
a wall a bright color? I 
want to use lots of live plants 
in my room which is fairly 
sunny and bright. T.C.P. 

A. You don't have to add 
personality to a room. You 
can just add as much in- 
terest with different textures 
and wood tones and come iq> 
wtth a far more sophin lfc a a - 
ted blend of design. 

If yon like natural things, 
why not sttek to nataral ma- 
terials and nataral loacs and 
vary them In aU their great 
noamces? For ezamide, U 
your sofa is beige and irtdte 
and your e^ietlng off-white, 
try a medlun bnnm grass- 
doth on the walU fOr'a 
wifBi, contrasting Iwjk. At 

the windows, Instead of tra- 
dlttonal drajteries, why not 
try to find some honey 
colored or tortoiseshell le- 
slgned matehsttck orbamooc 
slat Idlnds for delightful 
light control? |^ 

mss plenty of green pints 
throughout your room and or, 
tables of de^, natural wood 
tones to iHrovMe more con- 
trast with your carpeting Ind 
sofa - two very large itimi 
in the room. 

For a chair of chairs, you 
might like the texture of a 
riitton -or wicker for hmjiv 
variety. You might add back 
and seat cushions in a very 
lovely fabric that might 
introduce a few natural sha~ 
des you especially like - p^r 
haps browns, soft blues and a 
soft, burnt tagerine. These 
shades might l>e repeated 
elsewhere in the room [ in 
plant containers or other ac 



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up to $2,000 

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Try us Wt'vegotmofelooffrr 

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296 N. Witchduck Rd. Virgrila Beach 
499-0041 499-6888 

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583-0441 583-9649 

J^ -Jk -^i«L-%L"^ 

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24-4-8 T^^^n^ 

■ Formula used by turf A a n \ 


■ Builds green, healthy 


.10,000 sq.ft. 

BeM by Test for over tW years 

9(X) TMewotef Drive 
at Viq^MO leodi Mvd. 

■- ■■ ^^ ^^^.^^j^.^^.Aja^^,^- 

t Point, Annapolis 

Stolle, Tata, Kelly 
to begin academy IKe 



::«tressmu WiUiAn 
W JtiAnrst tes uMWC«d 
tt it ttrM ViiiMte Mftdi 
p Hf neo are )MHf Mk^ 
tt be stiMed Iw itetsideii 
U the mMb's servlee aca- 
d ntestUsJue In- tbe class 
o IMl. 

CMataphw P. Snm, a 
f Mfcttte orC(«H^S(dtori, 
a t Antkony J. Ti^.as^- 
1< f at KeB^fttle n^ 
S Imd, have ben selected^ 
a MdtteU S. Maval Aa- 
d Of irt Am^dUs, Mary- 

]>a«l C. K^ Jr., also a 
a ahNT at KMq»vilIe High, 
h s been Mlected to attend 
ti e U.S. Air FM%e A»iMi9 
a ^oloraA) ^[ffiBKs, Ctfor- 

Clab, and aau^ Mm seteol 
activities ws tTMsarer M 
tte Key Clrii ant a JROTC 
officer. Acadrattea^, he is 
in tte tc^ tHi per ceat of 

Us elass aad is ysted ia 
IM's m» «r AneriwlBH^ 

Tate is tte n» <tf Miert 
and Jeraldiae Tata «t the 

ftam were amiiMtfed 
«In) said tte s^^M pro- 
e ss is aet jreligaiiicte by 
t] » service a»iMies, and 
a «tt»OBal miMv^atMoi- 
B es nay be ac«!yled, 
i^teharst aiMwmiaated 
a seAior at 
5, «riioms«%^pl«d 
V. S. Ilililary Aea- 
at West P^^ New 

is tte SOB ef retired 
ConuHuder Edmrd S. 
le and Firtrieia SbUe ot 
tsm bioek ef Eendafl 
Us h^ sehoid let- 
rarsi^ track, was 
er, captein and vice 
rfesidiBrt 01 tte Coi Soccer 

Academy selectee Tony Tata 

/ former employee 

4SQ». tatodc ^ (Hi 
IMtre, Vbtlala l«|diiv<9e 
is a aMBbof of the Stote 
»»infflyj< ;iii biMbill tMH aid 
a M[^]( rated i^s^. 
*Toi^ Is alwMtffelBthe 
Sbu^st CecyerMw As- 
i^iatira, a K^ CIA taen- 
bm. uA Iota wntaiMerttlM 
Vir^te B«i(A Beaew as a 

KeBy is tte s<n of Pad 
nd Beverly KeUy tf the4^» 
bleek of Post Oak Ortva, 
Vbftala BMcb. He Itts at* 
teted tt» ruk a( aif le 
scoBt, iiM?ti^pMes^ii^- 
BHffal footballMdbasklttaU, 
and is a maBii» at tte 
itoi^yi^ Cn»s Coutry 

nefoor VlMiRMt Mi- 
ntaattoos, iA» t^ttt Uu^ 
tratailBC Ms ^mmer, ai« 
tlM first of tbe area's re- 
presentatives for tlie class 
of 1961 for tiieir res|iective 
senriee academies. The ad- 
iBtssioDs procets is still io- 
complete, and addttlooal no- 
minees may receive notice 
of admission. 

Concressmaii Wbiteborst 
is atauttriat his annml pro- 
gram to iafora youK men 
and wornm from Norftdkaad 
Wsi»^ Beach abwt the na- 
Wtal service academies. 
TUs year's event will again 
be held at the Bre«9 Point 
offieen' dabatttieNocll^ 
Naval Air Station, AgeQU, 
at 1:30 p.m. The ptugramis 
op« to all junior idgh and 
Ugh acboolstadents and their 

«,,* Wftt 

■■M* I, 

Only one criticizes 
new city bu 

Jeep Bennett's Dixieland Band spreads joy at tbe Off- 
Site Bar in Hilltop Sunday evenings from 6 o'clock... 
siq)po8edly until 9, but some weeks the crowd has called 
for overtime. If the band and management had not com- 
plied, their fate would have been more dlsasterous than 
a bum referee's after a Texas football game. The imbitwrs 
react as if it were New Year's Eve, and for good reason. 
Serving up "let-yoar- hair-down kind of fun," this s^et 
is a fountain of youth, and the young react as strongly 
as the Dot-so-young. 

I Ginnot tUttk of anything more infestlous than the 
interweaifiiig of trumpet, clarinet and trombone, backed 
by a virile rhythm-section. 

Tbe leader leaves his vibes and guitar at home on Dix- 
ieland Jobs, and why not? Who could ask for more than 
his fluid clarinet? He literally Jumps for joy, and spon 
has the t^filers (toing UlEevise. Trombonist Al Monis 
is not to be iqtstaged; he sii^s, clowns, growls witlihis 
plm^er-mute, and plays provoca^ve sm^r^ with, his 
d^de. JSmlli^ Toai ikr^rd is a man for all season, 
slyly intermingling modem runs with ^tnulitiaal effects, 
displaying a gorgeous tone that sings In Uie high r^(ister 
and is "fat" la tiie low. Alton Smith's roaring electric 
bass ac^lly steals the show from tte lun-ns at times, 
wUch is nojqean^^ lor a jMckgrcn^ instrument, brum: 
mer Lee Guthrie anchors the prooN^uogs, iwt Billy Mit- 
chell's k^rboard work i$ ^ good to be rendered inaudible 
Iqr the fdet ptamo. VoiNWe Vernon Piland <»>vers the 

ions, and sometimes plays with the band. He is 
•jov. y> «ent on Wednesday nights, dueUng with Jim Kelley, 
which will be covered in a later column. Jeep's wife 
Polly accents tbe fun with enthusiastic vocals reminis- 
cent of BUlie Holiday and Lee Wiltey. 

Even when one knows bow many iastniments Norman 
Bennett plays, it is a shock to discover towvAraatlle^ 
is off the bandstand. Extremely well-read, he spMkii as 
he plays, philosophizing on diverse ^cs, ^^i^ Ids 
broad vocabulary as be might use m^oitt m^M, or as 
he might splash color into one of his paiUl^s. An entire 
book could be written about him; indeed, he has wrtt^ 
a book liimseU, In Hok Slgno Vincis, which iM etOMes 
not to publish for personal reasons. Ie# «UnM Nfis 
not a typical Leo, but his playing belies ttils, as AmIsUs 
choice of Sandbrldge fbr a home. He n^ onlyMattte 
entire seqgod floor, but has used solar bwt adMeltH! 

Jeep fe% that history must repeat itself; tiK ^oimg 
have "discovered" Ragtime, so the wxt stq> wi^ bea 
Dixieland revival, followed by the return (tf b% ,>baads. 
Benny Goodman only wanted to presmt a fuller; mn^ 
refined Dixieland, says Jeep; antidipatlBg Ms, J^^^ 
is building a "library" of Goodman ons^tratftms, pd 
will offer a big band sound in the future, I am sure, hcWr- 
ever, that he'll never abandon DixieUiMl, just as Po- 
land hasn't caused him to forget his guitar and t^^ 
when the setting is apropos. 

The Off-Site abounds with interestii^ pe^le. Tinf But- 
ton, former assistant to Congressman Downi^, has "sat- 
in" on drums. Other patrons have included C(^ress- 
man Whitehurst, attorney Tom Ammons, Norfolk SfifitiSSf 
conductor Russell Stanger, ex-Squire star Larry MlUePr; 
former TV celeb Po^eck Pawy (Horace Mellinus^' 
Mmorist-Iecturer Rebekah Ben Verlyn, and Washington 
«miie Mark Russell, whose political satire has delighted 
l^rattons of presidents; Mark is a pianist who has re- 
canted comedy albums, and was seen recently on his owi^ 
30-mlnute special TV broadcast nationwide. 

Coagratulati<His to the new owners, Knobby and Jean 
ClarN, who resUe in the Claiitleteer Apattmairta. An 
Ei«Iishman, K«M9 brings Brttiidi iieer tt4 Jbod to us, 
but more importantly, he wa^ to have a ^merwtaiR^ 
reminiscent of an English pid>. In England p<i^e m«ttly 
drink tea at home, aiKi if tiiey reaUy Ukeyou, w^tte 
you to the ne^Umrtiood ,p«d> for ^wr, slicing, andtei 
for the enti» family, imiliidkg Ihe 4og. 

Located just sou^east of the intersection, of I^uklng 
Rd., and First Colonial Bd., near tite titter, the QIS- 
Site (^ers plentlltal parking, tasty food, agt«eald« tai^, 
and a de(»r U>at is congruous vAtb be N«| (Cleans 
sounds. , 

' 'HappMings' ' w9Te s^nxteedly a jd>enom«K«(rfthe 196(^'s, 
but one never knows wiuit wUl^ o<»ur next at |^se fNtive 
bruits. There may be a gniU (ipeidhg sora'incteradiiE- 
ferad ume, bM I ibm't plan to wait; 1 fdel sorry for Vb§,. 
people who are mlsftag tt- 

Virginia BeacH's 
«S0.82t,3St bodgetlbrm?- 
Ti tmt^i^ed only a ripfde 

c(munat from the <^- 
z nry at a pddic tearing 

1 oo^iy aftenoen. 

Of theslzp«)|dewho90iEe 
I tte budget only oae was 
h ghly critical. Be was Cla- 
r »ce R. Htason, a fonwr 
e npk^ee of Uie assMsor's 
Bee, who claimed teequi- 
t ss in ^praisals. 

'He said he was fired be- 
ihaait «l hisitfsaflprMalwil^ 
tit 1^ tbe offiM w$s run. 

'Htaisoa had kxAed 19 as- 
^^Mmenfts in vai^>ra sec- 
tions (rf tte dty and saM 
te foond fbmn warn "no tii- 
erease la qprysals'* to 
Thor oug h g oo d , Kinp GrMtt 

wid i^Sier afibMitf aeighb^- 
teods to if^ «wr 197S. 
Be also aaiMd individual 
SNToperti^ iMdk had been 
r^n»«lsed Anmward mr 
•Omts ■aUnersMedaecord- 
tof te vatae. Me claimed ttet 
tte U09 block of Jeokias 
BatA, iriwrete lives, seem- 
ed te te ^uniscd I to tt 
percM^ hi|^r, claiming that 
iris wMe n d gMbbite od waa 
peuliaed beonte <>< kim. 

Aaott^ I9ml»r, ^eldOB 
Corner, thoqght tte method 
erf pr^ariag tte bodget 
^rald te changed. Tte line 
Hem sy^rai is no longer ad- 
equate for a bodget tte size 
orvfirgtatt Beach's, Maid. 
Tte bn%rt ^oold al^ de> 

fine tte goals uid olject- 
ivM tf tte dtf and tram- 
late tten into dollar costs. 
Mrs. Joseph Ste^rpw- 
ideat of tte Library Board, 
anted tte ^ to esiAteNlto 
sappOTt of tte Ittnry qrs- 
tera. Ste said tte Beach htt 
more Ittraiy eud-carf^ag 
fiatrane (n,09^ tttai ngii*' 
tared vi^rs. One bodoeo- 
Ule in tte City tas a larg- 
er etrodation than wa^ in 

Ms. ^saane Kelly, pres- 
ident e( tte Vir^i^ Beach 
iitaealian A88eci^on,att- 
od ttnt tte seted bndgttte 
adoplat wttboit eris. Ste 
said ttat l^^ib Beach las 
tte knmt-pnr-stadott emd 


^Mlrey Bnperatl, a part- 
time dtf emplc^ee, noted 
Onrt part-time emplofees 
received no salary ttcrease, 
11^ otter eityenq^ees, 
birt alTO rec^red no bene- 
Ifts tfoia tte cdty's ^ to 
p^ MO percoit o^tte re- 
tironent eost of full-time 
envkqrees. Part-time em - 
I^^ees are not in tte re- 
tir^arat pufogram. 

Ms. Jane Smwell, amen- 
ber of tte Sehia^reida 
Foaaiattn at ytegUa.ask-/ 
ed tte Cmmeil to eon^der 
ameAiar aaa^honieior 
acMiopfcreries who do aol 
need to be instttotionallxed 
bat need some mqwnd^n. 

Sewer Urw$ to bare lots 

To connect 

Jeep Bamett aad his IMxtelaad Bnd tidM a fewlwtlta^ 
at tte OH Site. Ob tte darlMt, Jeep Benett; Tom Ar- 
chard an. tte ^mmh Bsb" Mdalir»«7t trombone; Lee 

Gvttrie, drums; Al ^litt, bass; ^j^ 
aad Vernon Piland , banjo. 


W^ for March of Dimem 

Cm tte etty of Vlrgiaia 
Beach reqftfre pMi^ wttt 
oaiMeloped lots to ranneet 
to wwwltoes? 

Coaaeitotaa l^teit B. 
CimaiiMl Jr. nid IMMay 
iMasoe tiat tetedi'tbeea 
able tolttd tiie aasaer. 

B^esaa tftfia of tte 
tei^ide Ori^iaB Ctarcb 
en tte u- 

or not connect... at Beach this Sunday 

fnrgiiria «mpaon Mat owners of un- imperty owners lAo cannot «p one pared. Tte otter ^^ ^ ^^"^^^^-^^wp mm mm^^ ^immmm m^mmmW 

....-^a^ SAL iti a ifi hl ng >n j4 t^a atnael^l eu^ lh««>A **--■* *- ^^^ ..t^m^^. Mt^^^ IlkA ulii mnl i n iM ftfl «^«Mk*t nelai ^ ^^ 

nmpBon tet owners of an 
(fevekped iBis woald not have 
to pay whea ttn^ ai^d City 
CoaneU Mr a srtidM^m 
va^uee Moada|r afteraen. 
fko ehuw|wld<ft owns two 
adj^caC pmi^ of ted on 
Gre«i i»ll Bond, w^a to 
avoM paying a ^h mmN-- 
age fee and does n)t wtnt 
to tee credit avyU>le to 

pr op erty owners 1A0 cannot 
a«0Rl to fv Jtoe 1»t». "m 
dw^ reqaestod a varlaaee 
penoidtttng it to redlvide its 
|fft!perty so that it wadd 
lave to pay a fee (rf Mly 
Vnt io«> 1.37 aerwmnrtAdi 
tte darek is i^ntftytod- 
tod. As tte laadJs amdt- 
vi<tod(^tte fee woddte^N 
Mr 2.M acr^ ,iM<AmakM 


Learn about our 
service academies 

A .r ..^ifflyoong 

men - 1 Jii-tiftJala 

Beach aad Norfolk dhwt tte 
Mtiooal service academies 
will te presented Saturday, 
April a A tte WwUk fc- 
fal Air W^mt. Tte AU- 
^ideniy D^p pN^Mi is 


M 1.30 p.i- 
IMart Offici: 
m tte Norfolk N< 
~3^ - Tte progrdm isuj«-i. 
.- high and high school 

rtude^ wto live in Virgiua 
St^f«r norkOi. Parents 

Tte paa^MB iKov^M m 
CH IKghatty to (Mcuss with 
re^^ieirtattves fH m^ aca- 
^My tte (^Matl^ m* 

to I^Bow %MM ar 

Coast C^ard, Merchant Mar- 

ne bMipt^M material 
presMtod tf tte AH - 
Ae^M^p Day inrogram 
sbMM pnnre te^riU to those 
wrtim itfor^rtton about 
aeadeaiy entranee require- 
aad wticfe academy 
ippty tor adiaiaaiOB next 

«p one pared. Tte otter 
dHirch-<nnMd pared eoa • 

Tte Itov. Edgar wmiur 
tdd Conncil tiirt tte L37 
acres is tte mly used por- 
tton of flit <teieh's 2.75 
Mres. Um (^u^ isiimall, 
te M^, uA has only 275 
meadKBa. H also (Mers two 
woflms vMidi nve tte city 
mw^. b enyvBctioe Witt 
tte B^Me ^niMdaa 
CimkU, it oporateatood- 
badE wfflctft^ diret^y a^ 
tte f^< SsGial ^c^ees 
D^rhaet and alltti tts 
iicilWM at a wa^al fte 
to tte MayM-^s Com^ttoeon 

CromweU noted ttat tte 
requested stbi- ^ 

property "Wtt ob..,™,., a 
gimmick to avoid paying 
$1,000 more in Ban toes. 
Be sdd ttat tte elt^ las not 
waived line fMa for otters, 
and ia referaaee to a re- 
aurk on tte need for re- 
U|iaa, te said, "Oar uUl- 
tttas dapnrtiaat has a vor- 
acious appetite, too— for 
awney." Bays: 

TUs Kinday wt^ dm't yon 
go to asyrdlaitiwB^ch.., 
and hdp the March cdDimes 
at tte sense time? 

It's tte seventt aim^ 
Vii^a Itaaeh March (rf 

mmiM^'t^mti ut ft'a 

^heMed to g^nderwayoi 
^ beach at M aad AUaa- 
tic AvMRtt ^ t:30 a.m., 

So Izr, 7,000 waiters teve 
reg^^ml to. parUcUj^ in 
tte is Uloaeter mtUc, and 
mere are vrged to par^i- 
p^ Sq^MratUn formsare 
ai^lable at all Virginto 
Beuh U^ scteols, jinto# 
1^ s^xris and 7-llSlQres. 
For Stt graders vfmnA, 
i^strattai towr ttwralso 
avalkble at B^ch eleinn- 

lary schools. For info, call 
WaUc-a-thm b^dqiartersat 
4M-1001. , 

Eadi Mai^h ot DKtaes 
waller must teve a mini- 
mam at om teeker wte wUl 
{Ae(j^ uy amOM over five 
crats tet &LCh kilometer 
walked during tte errat. 
E^ watter nuy teve as 
many ted^ra as te or ste 

Bowl with IC-Hlers 

Tte fM^ SMMasMralde 

(MawMl pM^ is M« teU 
A 12:10 "M i 'It 
Fata- iMms imu », oitO 
B. mmuf ^^way,lf«^ 

teve raeei^ 

sntre. crmi ia« *v>uuim 

piys liM 



6 to M ywrs d ^c. Eatt 
boiwltt mmA tew an mh 

^ i t^ouMt ptnm. 

M^ta^dB M f^urad 
by^Mag IO|h#Mrt4tte 
#ftwdi» tjM||p bwr- 

tm vnrim 
aim iMMve a parttc^ti^ ; 


m«rts wm bf ipi^^eitf 

e^ada. l^-tawlers willte 

tte wAi7 tee to tone 
^mea, i^u^g bowlim 
dues, will te ^. AU m- 
^MMi^t te ia w taterOit 

mmm ^, Pr^^ IC 
nCMta. be.. tmUMf- 


The walk gets WKiwiay, 
a short intwtlteonftattote} 
servh^ will te te^ so th^ 
BO indlvidiai B»Ki miss ati 
toding chttvh. Andfor thoai 
wte stUl teve tte stamlte 
aad droog t^ sitertte 
mlk, tiw Salt and Pepper 
band firom ChMapeake wiB 
provMe live made to free 
ducifls on tte l^ach from 
1 to 3 p.m. 

A i^eeba. iNi^ will ge 
to tbe Vln^da Bdteh sdMd 
(^ediag tte grMtod 
aiMNfflt of idedgM m a per 
capita basis, i»Wa&-a-ttoa 
ofUclds ask thd yoo gd 
year pMgM toto ttem 

Sa«h parti(#ad wlO re^ 
cdve a "walk amf ' iM^ 
hM to te sM^ at at 
^ed^olatt akattttfedM^ 
M ^t tte MTd^teAora 
to ^KMumetoMevtevto 

tardag to 
to te 
M^ of MiM wiU rm- 
"•tw • ^mttnA bed" 
Mt jnu d tte Walfr«- 
•nm^ ItM a.d. 
Am n. 


- MJ ■ "' 




P W ' p p"»»^»p» 


j,- jLip » ^m^^^mmwWWWWW^ ^ ^ ■' 


P'P ^^P" WP"- P 

P •■ p IP ^ •-' ww^W pi pi pi P I" P P- pi p p p p p 1^ ip p p p »- W^^ IPL 

■pi J P » 


VlitUita Betcfe Stu, ApriJ 13, 1971 - A-S 



Hide at Trinity 
horse show 


Ron Co/e gets his horse 'Merry P§ach" ready for the Trinity 
Horse Show. 


A horse show sponsored 
by the Trinity Church of Vir- 
ginia Beach will be held Sat- 
urday, May 7 at 9:30 a.m. 
The show will take place at 
Suashine Acres, 1064 Lon- 
cton Bridge Rd., Virginia 

Five ritibons will be 
awardM (n the English, Wes- 
tern ami Hilter classes. 
There will also be seven di- 
visions in championship and 
reserve judgii^s. Ann Hile 
will be the judge for the 

There will be an entry fee 
of $'3 for each of the classes. 
Proceeds will be used for the 
church building fund. Trinity 
Church is a multi-denomina- 
tional church open to indivi- 
duals and families regard^ 
less of race, religious back- 
ground or national origins. 

Admission is free and the 
show is open to the public. 
Food and soft drinks will 
be available. A rain date 
has been set for May 21. 

For entry information call 
Mrs. Ron Cole at 427-1114. 


Susan Leigh Palmei^ and 
Leslie Adler, both of Vir- 
ginia Beach and l)oth sopho- 
mores at the Universi^ of 
North Carolina at Chapel 
Hill, have been initiated into 
the university's Kappa Alpha 
Theton sorority. 

Ms. Palmer, daughter of 
Mr. and Mrs. N. H. Palmer 
of 216 50th Street, is 
majoring in secondary educa- 
tion in Ei^lish at UNC. 

Ms. Adler, daughter of Dr. 
and Mrs. Theodore Adler, 
110 75th Street, is majoring 
in physics. She is also a 
member of Phi Eta Sigma. 

Grooming the horses for the Trinity show. 

ChirlM R. urn* n (scMod tnm Left), mb ef Bmu- 
Adninl ud Mrs. R. W. UM» of Virgiiya BMch, is a 
lep diabtter at Frederick llUitery Academy. Other mem- 
bers of tte Frederick debaUog team which dfai well In 

Ike gtete dlkoUe ForMsles B««t rMMOir irt (firaa IM) 
Jofej^ P. Pndy, Kenoetli R. Westlund, Robert W. Schmidt, 
and Col. William E. Haaz, president of FMA ud de- 
bate team coach. 

fieacher top debater 
at Frederick Academy 


Rivers of Liv ing Water 

If you wish to enter into life, keep the commamJ- 
• ments. ., 

kemember thi> .sablmth day, tu kt-i-p it holy. 

Six days you slull labor ami du all yuur work, but 
the seventh day is a sabiuitb of the Lord your God; in 
it you shall not do any work, you or your son or your 
da^;hter, your male or your female servant or yuur 
cattle or ywir sojourner who stays with you. 

For in six days the Lord made the heavens and the 
earth, the sea and all that is in them, and rested on 
the seventh day; therefore the Lord blessed the sab- 
tMth day and made it holy. 

If you love Me, you wiH keep My «<w mandm€«t 8. 

Matt 19:17 (NAS) 
Ex 20: 8-llfNAS}{ 
John 14:15 (NAS) 

Charlec R. Mehlell, son 
of Rear Admiral and Mrs. 
R. W. Mehle, 2217 Leeward 
Shore Drive, Virginia Beach, 
is a mettiber of the Freder- 
ick Military Academy debate 
t«im which won the state de- 
late championship at the Vir- 
ginia Catholic Forensics 

In a full day of competition 
at the University of Richmond 
March 26, Mehle and his par- 
tner Ken Westlund went un- 
defeated (the only team to do 

so). Their companion team, 
Joe Brady and Robert 
Schmidt, su'fered only one 
loss, and they were crowned 
as the state's runner - up 
team. All four debaters will 
carry the Virginia flag to the 
Catholic nationals to be held 
in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 
May 26-28. 

In individual awards, Mehle 
was the tournament's second 
place speaker. Mehle is a 
senior at Frederick Military 

b^ wtaever drinks of the w.)ter ttet 1 shall give 
Urn ^all Mver thirst; but tte water that I shall give 
him s^U beewne in him a well of wu^r spring!^ 
qi tu etenslltfe Jofcn 4 14 


MkMm Ii^. 


In WJndsor Woods — 
Plaza - --GreenRun 

The Cftthollc Pwish 
of the l%Hy SpMt 

7 p.m. Sat.; 9:30 & 1 1 a^n. Sun. 

T«topiiofie 340-7 1 22 


mdW. ImwUhym 
to M close of the agt. 

Aftir Hit rMurrection, Josua rMppMrod to Hi* iri«Mn 
diiciplot on a mountain in Girtiloo. Whtn ttw dlicipiM 
Him, ttMy wonhiMMd Him, biit Mrnii doubted 
that Hi was Jatus. Aftar all. tti^r had saan Him cnici- 
flad only a faw days bafora, but Jasua raaaaurad tham 
arith thasa word*. "All poivar is |^van unto ma in 
haavan and aarth." And Jasua gave tham thte clMri*— 
"Go ya tharafora, and taach all nations, baptizing ttiam 
hi tha nama of tha Fatlwr, and of tiM Son, and of tfia 

Hia parting worda to His diaciplas ara alao a prom- 
isa to all mankind. "And lo, I am with you aways, 
avan unto tha and of tha wmld." This la tfw 
■aga of Eastar. Attand tha church ef your choica 
and calabrata Chritt'a victory ovar daath. 




m »r 

bfi I 

b t 

1 >1 

Oii Z 



bfl X 


in 2 

Charlle'8 Seafood'RiBtaurant 

3139 9ioreDr. 491-9863 
Mary E. Rebpelz k Emidoyees 

Millers Plumbing & Heating Co. 

1629 Salem Rd. 497-8794 

Sewer & Water Connections A Specialty 

Haynes FurnltureCompany 

5324 Va. Beach Blvd. 

Bayside Motors 

4747 Shore Dr. 464-4563 
Charles C. Hale, Sr. & Staff 

Kempsville Pharmacy 

5266 Princess Anne Rd. 497-3516 
Robcil W. Clybum-Lynn Leavitt 

Lindsey Bros, Inc. 

Plumbing-Heating-Fuel Oil Del. 
865 Newtown Rd. 497-4633 

Weather Makers 

5250 Challedon Dr. 499-7087 
William L. Hendricks & Staff 

John M. Wright Realty, inc. 

1964 Laskin Rd. 

John M. Wright & Associate 

Kellam A Eaton, Inc. BIdg. Supplies 

Princess Ann Station 427-3200 
Frank & David Kellam 

Andy's Plumbing ft Heating 

1003 Canal Dr. 485-5000 
State-Registered-New k Old Work 


Todd Electric Company 

Henry k Moses Todd k Staff 

Furniture Showrooms 

828 E. Little Creek Rd. 
2981 S. MiUtary Hwy 
Sandy Bolin k Emidoyees 

Chesapeake Savings ft Loan 

Frank N. Wood and Associates 

Engineering Media Inc. 

60€^R Liberty Street 
CharUe Hackworth k Staff 

R. C. Greer Plumbing ft Heating 

Sewer and Water Hook-ups 
293 Indian River Rd, 420-7003 

«I.D. MilM ft Sons, Inc. 

J.D. Miles, Jr. and Associates 

Astro Realty Corporation 

1800 ^iTOdy Ave. 424-1710 
W.C. Barlow and Associates 

Rosewood Memorial Park 

. 631 Witch Duck Rd. 497-8925 
C. C. Kiricpatridt 

Willis Furniture at Hilltop 

-T--17irUsen Rd. 428-595I 

L. H. Bums k Staff 

All Star Electric, Inc. 

1425 Air Rail Ave. 464-6231 
Commercial k Industrial 

Home Federal Savings 
ft Loan Assoc. 

1635 Laskin Rd. 426-0327 
Church Accounts Welcome 

Smith Sales ft Service 

460 Battlefield Blvd. N. 547-2929 
Elwood Smith k Employees 

Mill-End Carpet Shop 

4740 Va. Beach Blvd. 497-4854 
Taylor B. Carr k Employees 

Contractors Paving Co., Inc. 

3779 Bonney Rd. 347-1161 
Clinton Teets & Staff 

Townsend Fuel, Inc. 

James Van Dyke and Employees 

Hilton Appliance Service 

4737 Honey Grove 497-5707 
"Out Of Whack - Call Mack" 

Preston's Pharmacy 

1401 Poindexter St. 545-7337 
James L. Marshall, and Employees 

Keflam-Eaton Insurance Co. 

sill Pacific Ave. ««-9181 

Higgins Realty, Inc. 

6620 Indian River Rd. 420-3120 
Cecil M. Harrison k Associates 

Linda's Hair Boutique 

846 Providence 424-1975 
Linda Holcome k Staff 

Overton's Market 

1419 Poindexter ». 545-9496 
The OvertOBS k Em{doye^ 

Plasser American Corporation 

Managemei^ waA Personnel 

Southern States 
ChMspeake Co-op, Inc. 

1764 S. Military Hwy. 420-2841 
L. BelBMmt Williams k Pei^Mnel 



This feature is made possible through the cooperation 
of our ministers. It is paid for by these area firms who believe 
our churches are a vital part of our C(Nnmunlty life. 


*pril 13, tt77 

Hundreds enjoy annual 

'each Easter 


[At t!i» startiBg wUsUe, 

W lil» a tail mve of 

-|ud«d, «tcwn clean- 

noviiv over ^ Uod- 

$A JPiincess Aiue 

Part. Tlie oceasioli was tlw 
^rks and Kecr«itton de- 
partnent'$ sev^th anml 
E^t«r Ea IwDt tor kUs heU 

Kids by the hwidredstiirD- 
ed up, atoig witb liomnyaBd 
DiMy. to stan^ for some 
10,000 eaady ns& spread 
G9W IB acre of playgroind. 

Tlie ki^, ra^ii^ trom tod- 
dler age to day sckool, Ua- 
dergartea and first graders, 
were ready and eager to 
s«ireli tor ttelr stare (tftke 

4^s, especially six Ug un- 
nsual ^gs whicli wwldbri^ 
a prlie of a J(arge clwco- 
late lister B^y. 
tta Satter Bmsg, cnqw- 

eiil loutoPait^andRe- 
OTMtloB, hoHMd arottid te- 
fore tte tant began, talking 
to cbUdrcB and Incrensliig 
Owir aattdpatioB. At 11 t.m. 
the whistle blew, and the 
children moved to tte egg 
tant area, By 11:10 a.m., 
almost every egg was nest- 
led la a task^ or OB its way 
to a luyn' stomach. 

Those who werai't ^siA 
MMgh (nr who got ttere a 
Uttle late wwt toteetta Eas- 
ter M^, «ta hM a lew^ 
^jwre candy eggs. 

1^ lucky childrm tomd 
ttie 9MU «cp, Ug. flut^ 
pUtow-Ufce e^, wUebttey 
tomed in ftnr tte iyedal 
pillse. Tta Winers w«« 
ItoaMiH' Mfyer, 6, CtXti$ 
ChriiAiusen, «, ttathew 
Itobe, 7, Chas Palsoa, S»f 
hdtibf Smtth, 4, and RtolitHI 
Hayoes, age 16 monttis, who 
.tomid its Ineky egg irtdto 
perched on his fitter's 
shoulders. The winner^ tap- 
pily lined q> to receive their 
giuit choo)late bimdM. 

A hapfyyjiierd of youf^sier$l:hargesjtci^fikstartlng line at Princesis AtinePark looking for Caster 
delights during the seventh annual W^mis^Beict) £a^^^^ 

A basket full of candy Easter eggs meatn 
this youngster had quick hands and sharp 

PtHOos by Gary FuKertoft 

OS. Boggs4A$$i^ 

Private Igvestiipikaf 

Civil • donestie • CUtt 
Costo^bf • Onmestle Cases 
AU iaqniriM fMrfldimfial 

j No stone was left unturned, and no egg was left without a t>asket 

The kids moved so giMck the 
get their names. 

Plumbing Repairs 






•REfflDEMTlAL Emergmey Refttir Work RENOOELDIG 

can 421-3427 

C.O.D. Service Ctai^ IISSO. Time starts li ends in 

your driveway. 


Rumbing & Heating Co. 

\\m Bweflt Road Cbemeake, 


Shoot straight tor buyers, 
sellers, renters, finders. 
Use classified ads in your 
commnntty newiqiaper to hit 
tta target (d potratial pros- 
pects in your ne^Utorhood. 

Chocolate Easter bunny winners were [I to r) Heather Meyer, 6, Cathy Christiansen, 
6. Mathew Bable. 7,Qhas Faison, 5, Bobby Smith, 4, and Richard Haynes, 16 mos 



Busy executive of natltma] 
concern is seekii^ an in- 
dividual who has strong <to- 
sire to leai« the woridng 
(d a suGces^U corporatiw. 
Tl» person selected will te 
ttroo^y trained to tidce 
over bote re^onsfUiti^. 
Car nee^nry. Ej^eriMce 
in d«aing witt the wMLc 

fw Coofktetial totarvtow, 
wn, weshday s. 


You Can't Beat the Price 


Ft. Story tests 
air cushion mover 

Hm Army's air eadrioa 
wtmt^, mm bttat t^tei at 
Ft. ^ffy. to rrnxMrn tts 
mnH wMteMt to a nfiitary 


la Oia^aMI a^ to tta 

um to a limguim « 

■a^ ^ a^ ^ A1k 

mlUtory's alWty to move 
cwtaiaerized cargo (^dUy 
ttfm it^ to store. 

Firat n^rM C<mgrws- 
Pm« TriM and ie- 
«nd DMriet CotgmnMn 
G. WUtov wmomm ftHd- 
«d a ihtm of ina nMNMir 
^iitartoi oteervl^ tte 
Wft ofti^MiltoMky. Ear- 
Uer ^iiaiy itey visUed Ft. 

^(»7's pareirt (^mmaad, Ft. 
Eustis, lev an ori^rtkM 

Tta ?tt TnuuyrtatloB 
Gray troa Ft, iBtta and 
ibort to miy ] wf awi i tf irem 
LBOe Craak Mmrf AaqM- 
mt tta C^o 
utt Pert Groap or 
WUtoasiiiof pirtfclpated to 
tte Ltfre. AtallfOOServtee^ 
■ea were tovMnd. 

Mother Nature Says: 

'Be healty, be happy' 

MoOmt Nature Uj* eaa flU yim> 
ei»|toto iMrltioaaJ Ma(to... em^^n 
om tow, lowj^MseagratosMdaato... 
irj mar ergaide ens and dri«l firaiti 

See ear Lev Price ra WMit Fltrar 


J(ria us tor iHch while yM 
your shf^^i^. 

Try «v hame itaAt 
breads wa nMOtoB. , 

tm Va. Bm«^S^ 

If you te^ somftthing to give away free, give your 
hometown new^^ner a call, 547 4571. We'll include 
your item in 6ur FREE BEE section in tlw cl^siWW 
pages. Or, if you want something free, like a dog or a 
cat, dieck #4 FREE BEE columns m this issue erf 
your communti^ mm^^ti 




"'w-^ w" » ' 

r w m 9' r 

f ^ ^ f w- W- T w ^-^-w 

www -i^^^4»j--p- 


ii |unp # 1 1 y y. 

Vlfftnia B^ch Sub, April 13, 1»77 - A-7 

ceana wives show spring's fastiion magid 

iijiou^ii ihtiiiaglcoffash- 
ioft, Oceani Officers' wives 
previewed Spring and what 
th0 fashionably dressed Vir- 
ginia Beach woman will to 
vtariiig this season. 

^ffhlqphting a recent 
monthly luncheon meeting of 
,th« Oceana Officers' Wives 
Club, the fashion presenta- 
tion« entitled "Fashion Mag - 
le'V (eatofed styles from 
Bra#fl>rd's . Ltd., of Kemps - 
vllle, complemented by 

slioes froiii lite oiiop ioi' t'ap- 
lagallo at ?^yslde Village, 
The fashions were maieled 
by members of the OQWC: 
Nacy Byng, Cathy Inderlied, 
Shelly Moss, Pat Strlffler, 
Susie Wolf, Susan WolU and 
€leanor Ui^er. '' 

Spring, according to the 
fashion commentary, will 
feature a softness in ladies' 
fashions carried out in soft 
fabrics, flowing lines and a 
gentle silhouette that repre- 

sents the softening of the 
very tailored look of past 
seasons. Scarves will pro- 
vide a wrapped look and will 
be used on the h^d, at the 
neck arK) around the waist. 
Attention will be on the 
waist and whether ihe waist- 
line is wrapped, belted or 
tied, it will be in View. 

The/^U and winter gaucho 
fashion will carry over into 
spring and summer with 
style-perfect boots givii% 
way to string-tied ghlUeys 
as the weather warms. 

Colors for spring will be 
tradjtiwial — some bright, 
some soft sM the classic 
navys and blacks teamed witbi 
reds airf whites. 

Fashion commentary was 
provided by Jean Ford, who 

co-owns Braeford's , Ltd., 
along with Louise Brady. 

Gymnasts Nancy Ambrose 
ami Tammy Arrington of the 
Academy of Virginia Beach 
Ballet presented exercise 
ami gymnastics routines de- 
signed to slim ami trim the 
figure for spring's focus- 
' on-the-waist fashions. Gym- 
nastics demonstrations were 
coordinated by Nancy Finch, 
director of gymnastics for 
the AcacAmy of the Virginia 
Beach Ballet. 

"Fashion has a certain 
magical influence over all 
of us," show sdirector Kar- 
la Needham told the audi- 

But, fashion needs to be 
tempered with a sense of 
balance and proportion as 

proved by Donoa Meister, 
the show's "Magic Make - 
over". By prearrai^ement, 
Donna was seated in the au- 
dience find at the appropri- 
ate moment in Karla Need- 
ham's fashion pointers, she 
presented herfeU on stage 
for special assistance. 

Donna was gartied in a 
collectin of fetshionatble 
finery, all very much in 
vogue, but totally overwhel- 
ming on her small stature. 
As Donna walked, the run- 
way, Karla pointed out the 
mistakes in balance and pro- 
portion in Donna's costume. 
Whisked backstage for a 
"make-over", Donna ap - 
peared later in the show 
complete with new hair - 
style, proper makeup and 
attractively gowned in a cos- 

tume better suited to her 
personal proportions. 

Models' hairstyles were 
created by Greg Colpo of 
Trendsetters and makeup 
was done by Nancy Gilles, 
Germaine Monteil repre - 
sentative from the Navy Ex- 
change at Little Creek NAB. 
Music throughout the fashion 
display was provided by the 
Navy Show Bami Combo. 

"Fashion Magic" was 
produced and hostessed by 
Air Wing Seven wives and 
wives of Oceana-lased 
sqwdrons, VA-65, VF-33 
and VF-iOl. Committee 
chairmen included: Kathleen 
HahD, backstage and set de- 
sign committee; Artyce Wy- 
man, p(d>licity; and Marty 
Davis, hostess and luncheon 

Sosan Wdfat demmistrates the versatility of scarvts 
^ring fashion. 


No other medium is bound 

iq> with the everyday life of 

your community more than 

your hometown newspaper. 

The varied contents ov 
your hometown newspaper 
give it a readership that in- 
cludes every age group. ', 

Mazda GLC. lt*ll make a believer out of vou. 




EPA esUmates 4S city - 35-Hwy. with optional 5-speed 
transDission available oo Deluxe model only. Your 
mlletge may vary d^peodiiig on how and where yoa 
drive,. your jCMfl, Mf0im.vnLt9*ioaMl tqfiifmiai^ 
12875.00 P.O.E.'"' 

Bob Gardiner 

Ctstle Cars, Inc. 

Call ISS-1991 

Etooor thvH- prMts Hm softiMd siOMMlte eoapto- SktUy Moss' gandw outfit will remain a thshion featnre Eleanor Unger presents ■ Spring dassic-the Jacket dress. 

mented with a cnicbeted shivl - fashion perfect fbr ^rta« f(»r ^ring «Bd Summer. 

evenings. • « 

For next year 

See school 

your child will use 

The new textbooks which 
will be recommended to the 
School Board for ado|Hiao 
uid use in the Virginia Beach 
Public Schools during the 
1977-78 school year are on 
public display at libraries 
throughout the city this 

The texts will be display- 
ed at all branches of the Vir- 
ginia Beach P*lic Librair 
during the library's regular 
Iwurs of operation, April 
11 thro^h 15. 

Parents and other in- 
terested persons will have ah 

oHwrtunity to review text- 
books for elementary hairf- 
writing awl spelling and for 
secondary notehand, typing, 
office practice, health, bi- 
ology, chemistry, earth sci- 
ence and physical science. 
Evaluation forms will be a- 
vaUable at all displays to 
provide an i^ortunity for 
interested persons to make 
comments on the textbocAs. 
The texts which wUl be 
00 dijn>lay are the only ones 
scheddedJor adc^on next 
year. All texts ad<*ted by 
the School Board for use 

are recommended by curri- 
culum committees composed 
of parents, teachers, admin- 
istrators and students, after 
being reviewed by teachers 
in the varimis subjects 
throughout the school divi- 
sion. All new texts are ad(9- 
ted for a six-year period of 
use and are reviewed 
regularly during this time. 
In addition to the schedul- 
ed library displays, the 
books to be recommenited for 
next year will also be on 
display at the Virginia Beach 
School Administration Buil- 

ding on April 19, prior to 
the School Board's decision 
on their adoption. 

-^ Do you want 

a place by the ocean... 
next to the fishing pier... 
to relax and unwind? To i 
conminicate with nat- 
ure at its very best?j 
If so, call (919) 261-2661] 
or 547-8629 for 


Motel A Apts. 

Wtty Hawk, N.C. 


Navy Midshipman First 
Class Loren R. Plisco, son 
(rf Marjorie W. Plisco <rf 
4411 Bennett Lane, Viif inia 
Beach, has been named to the 

Dean's List at the U.S. Na- 
val Academy for the 1976- 
77 academic y^r. 

The D^n's List honors 
midshipmen wiw achieve an 
academic avenge (rf at least 
3.4 of a possible 4.0. 

Va. Beach's best^dressed 
start with us! 

Tamtfr Arringtoe of the Acadeffi nia Beach Bal- 

let sh«ws how to achieve a slim \k...,. .v. Sprlaf fashions. 

R egistered Angus Bulls 

Ready for Service BOA Records 


.1101 %m-mi 

Fred moMtt 

Our line of 100% polyester doublekait 
is the start tor any smart wardr^te— 
Dotfali^ higher flaa |4-49 yd. It's Ugh 
teshlM for a quarter of the cost! We 
eu pi>vide ^ssoukers' names. . . 
brii* your te^^ ptttMn! 



^ '/ t& LMfOmi m. CTR 

out! i 


Stop fooling around and cut it j 

out—the subscription blank | 

beiov\^, that is. | 

Your subscription to the SUN wl | 

give you the whole picture.. You { 

can enjoy reading about the people | 
down the street-.fresh and bright news„ | 


You'd be dolars, ahead, too. j 

Your $7.00 investment in the SUN I 

wi be returned with the advertising | 

values you'B find your very first issue. } 


— 1 

Enjoy reading about your friends and geighbors--ttdafs S 
you and your family naa'i read elsewhere! Fill out Uw ! 
form below and mail it widi your ^eck to: Virgil | 
Beach Sun, 138 Rosemont Rd., Virginia Beteh, Va. I 
23452. I 

NAME — - I 



WittiiB 6-city Tidewater area: . I 

AU other areas: S 

Ox Months— $4 ^ Months— 15 | 

OaeYear-|7 OneY^r-lf | 

Two Year$-$12 Tw Years-llS j 

' I 



iMfai's new at home? 
Creative jiving centers 

— TheFlrepImm — 

An Alterria 

RitpoBsi»e t« CMSonvr 
inMt cad escai»tla( MM- 
1^ ccMits is tkc Cr^tive 
lA^tm Cmter, a Mu- 
qm tkrec - ii - oae ac- 
tivity centtr tMit combines 
ikv "living" s^M (tf the 
tome into a single laife, 
matU-taoctton ar^. 

C(»e^ulised from the 
results erf a survey l^r Pro- 
fesSMUl BqlMer, «. ted- 
Inc ,H#i^ IwiMiiK Joarul, 
the "room" iaclirics faa- 
tsres ewsvmers indicated 
vert anoig the most ia^eM*- 
t«i4 wlKt selecttag a new 

TheM eoisumer «»ceni 
ftttures %ere traulated ii- 
to a ^>r plan by WUUam 
J, Ketcteffl. ehief kiteheo 
{duiBer for General Eleebic 

On^e lOTmolated, tte plan 
WiS reyieved hy members of 
Oie WMiM's AwUary (rfthe 
l^tt>Ml As«>elatM» <rf 
Home Mttders (NAHB) be- 
caAise it iMliried desigB 
treads as t^erved by «iv«5 
Q( bdMers wttoKMde. 

"Oor ttM^TOs to owae 
19 Witt a UtAen -laraily- 
lao^Ary ai^i ftat made the 
m^ effective tse (ui squara 
ioo^e lAUe bicta^ ttose 
fMMfes aad UM^tes that 
ko^-n^Mts molt" Ket^- 

tie momst-^iced de - 
sign concept was presented 
to the nation's builders at 
tteir amnial meeting in Jan- 
uary, and featnred in a 
^ring issue of Good Hoiise- 
keeping magasine. 
^ The Creative Living Cen- 
in>- aeeomraodates a wide 
variety 1^ activity areas tor 
tbe entire temily. The com- 
pact - approximately 455 - 
sqaare - feet - area incor- 
porates a iaHey Utcfeen, 
faamy/living/<&ntng room 
with eirtertainntdBt, s^ - 
aad-sound, tearing, study 
and koii^ centers, a lam- 
dry area and a sewing cen- 

As a ^i^iict oltt|finM» 
Ketcham pmnte 4irt 4tet tb^y 
aspect (tf the d«ri^ Is its 
flexibility. K allows tl*lkmc- 
ttual areas to be r^MMid 
or w^^^ tuf ^Wln^t 
floor plus. Ami it can be 
complemented byaddlticml 
livi^i^t^j ^A as a Imr- 
mil Uvi^^ «r i^pg fomi, 
OT »t^iQiBg bathiDon m* 

ScrviAi; as IIh> n»p« «f 
thf home, the "CLC* is a 
"perfect cuminatMn of »11 
those things needed aai de- 
sired in today's lifej^es 
to provide fu and hMcUoe," 
says K^cham. 

Tbe {amily/Uving ar» is 
action - centered with two 
main jotats: a librai^/ 
learataig c^er andasii^t- 
aad-sound coita- foraotto/ 
visiai et^poiJM ranging 
from the te«M^rs' ^ereo 
to dad's CB base ^fira. 

"There'^re also piac^ to 
stody, to relax and even to 
entertain the PTA or bowl- 
ing team," Ketcham says. 
"And to he4> danqici boise 
so that several' fitmily ac- 
tivities could be in place 
within tbe sane ares, the 
ceiling is completely acous- 

The corridor kttdieD is 
eipiipped witb GE vffUm- 
ces in the new Almond color, 
a warm, neutral shade that 
goes well witb natural and 
bright accents. 

The Utcben's cooking 
ceirter iaclwtes a self-clean- 
in electric range and a 
JET90 microwavewreob^t- 
4n at eye-level. 

There is also a l$-cubUc- 
focrt, no-froi$. Ice-maker re- 
frigerator - freezer and a 
complete clean - 19 ceirter 
with dishwasher, tra^ com- 
pactor and Dispt^all food 

For storage needs, a wicte- 
wall pantry is located at one 
end ot the corridor. 
Des%ner Ketcham claims 

tbe UHHdry -sewtnf aite (tea 
also serve as a Inrae 
maMgemest center'. In addi- 
tion to a tall-size GE hope 
lauhdry pUr, there isacMi- 
plete sewing tecBity. built - 
in Iroa^ board, Mddwage 
for preand pMtwash cloth - 


"Altbmgh only IIS s^ftre 
feet in area, it i^ys a mi^Dr 
role in hcnsAs^Nsc* *bd 
it's also a ^ee to hindle 
family paperwork when pri- 
vacy is necessary, "Ketcham 

Flooring sunburns 

So you think ttat only 
peqple f^ sw-bnrned? 
Sb caa ymt cvta^ your 
t^Urti^, |ov Imtftare. 
Md e««i ystr flow! 

But b«r«*s u aasjr and 
attndIM tif to adt pro- 
tMUM frahi m aw't dk- 
stmeito* tfbrM^M rays 
HiMi Jsewillfw shades st 
tte wndoiv. 

B aatwaUy lollows ttttt 
tttey itti ^ h^ ctrt heat 
loss te viniar nd b«U i^ 
ia ammm 

RoMD-(krke^^l wlb - 
dow shades ia {u-elty col- 
cqrs are a bom to ^ild - 
TM's rooats. Ttey block out 

U^ lor Mrly bedtimes nd 
aafs-while adding decora* 
Uve. ww-allerfic wlnlow 
treatments to tbe room. 

Fw muipMt. a Mwrocwa- 
(terk^^ wia^i shade wtti 
a Iresb, m^ look, teatwis 
a bevy (d junfifm ^rinrs 
p^rtteal to fteVs h^Mpen- 
ing ^W in the borne fuiD- 
isUnt* <i^- TUs means 
ttttt one can^cklyestablirt 
an i^to-tte-mtew irtntow 
tr«ttmeirt tai time wltt th« 
rest J?i the roon tttt*s as 
fuiKtftmal and prMcettw as 
it is app«sling to the eye. 

Tie it in with patat, 19- 
holstery,' nigs or accessor- 

The winter of 197. 
ri'iirtv nn itx-onl as t^i> rolcl- 
i'.nI «»l lb»> ri'iiluiy. MiiM^wttli 
its accoinpanyiiv tool short - 
afes has focusted mw atten- 
tion by Amerlctt tome- 
owners 00 the firq)lac4 as 
an inywrtant SMree ot ami 
liary heat. 

Hesearcbers at Heati- 
lator Fireplace, lit. Plia- 
sairt, Iowa, pdot wit that 
b^ Ar^Oace de.«4n> Mi 
tbeir use by owners are cri- 
tical in martmisteg teatmit- 
iwt from the fir^kce and 
cooserviag scai^ ceMral 
h»tiag taels. 

Most efficient ia bmU pro- 
du^ion is ae heat einula- 
ti^ type si flraidaee wUch 
can produce a Mt ^t gain 
for living anas even Mder 
extreme weather comU^ms. 
Under tests &m&miitAMaM- 
tilator Fir^Aace labortitor- 
ies, this type <rf fire^ce 
produced tte e^valent vt a 
ccwsta»t.?e-4l^p«t (Fahrro- 
beit). DarlBg tte test, tte 
Are cottumed U powda of 
wood per hour abd dMver- 
M heat at the mt 4f ItOO 
BTUs per pound oflMod per 
hour. Wbiie overall fceatout- 

treme teraperatvnw, evM at 
^ d^raes below zero ttis 
tti^lace would produceaMt 
bMt gain mm a pnperly 
m a i i ^a H fld flri^ amrdii« to 
rasearA aMta^a*. 

Tto basic Mteoi^ st tbe 
heat elrcttlatt^ flrii^ee, 
fli^ tevel(«)ed Wf flMMlator 
Fir^teee on? W ytara ago 
abd reflnedsiM»,istheirtdi- 
ticn of special beet ewteng- 
iag ctambem M^tb«'side 
<rf a Mmf i^-taUt ftre- 
plaee str«^i«. As tfeeflre 
teats flr^^ewtfls, tee air 
insidl^ tbM* chUB^rs is 
hwted a n d passw tewii^ the 
boUt-iD 4mi syftsai to the 
Uvfaig ar». Ws piMslUe to 
cwtrol tbe «it-pnt and even 
direct it into other livini; 

Owaer "kiMw-bMr* is al- 
so a key U) ^Mng mazi- 
mam tenting benefit out (tf 
teat eirealating flrsfdaees 
as 1^ as tn^timal flre- 

MMt iraportaM, say Heat- 
iUtor Pin^Jace experts, is 
tte (^mpMBy itan^r which 
serves as a '*door* for the 
ebimbey. Like any other 

iadeoi' air to escape if left 
open when a fire is not bum- 
ing. Ifoat commottly, users 
will leave a damper open 

out at bedtime, thus aliow- 
Ing warm air to fs^cuper^ 
through the ci- all^ 


give the beat advice 

We love.» 

to telp with your planniag and 
aad fairest treatment available 



AliMBlBiim AwBiavs " Patio Cover^ 

Ftaees (All Types) - Storm Windows a Doors 

AlBBlwmi Sidiog - Rooflnt A Guttering 
Concrete Work 

S200 HoUy Road 
Virginia Beacb, Va. 23451 

Newport A 34tb Street 
Norfolk, Va. 23S17 

Beautify your bathroom 

with a bright, revitalizing facetif t 

tven If it's «bl andciauip- 
ed and its fbntfshings are 
rooted to the floor, ttere's 
much you cxa do to revita- 
liK and beautify tte family 

Wben you redecorate ycwr 
bome, don^ f<stet to ^ruce 
10 tMs "everyme's room." 

Here are some decorating 

ti{s 'Which will work e<|ually 
well for renewing tliedassi- 
catty - small, apartment- 
style bath and its coimtry era- 
sin, the more spacious, pri- 
vate-tome powder room: 

. Cover wOls with a bright, 
colorful waUpaper. U your 
bathroom has a winA»r, have 
tte shade nude from extra 

wal^Mper to match tte walls. 

. Rai^(a CiDcy afeoiweu'- 
taia. Almaal M9r Mi^tadde 
iBab»i1al eu te HMd.aiFleig 
as yoa w^«i tte "vet aide' 
Witt a waterpnNrf shower 

.Kei^ it shining. A clean 
tethroom is always a plea- 
Mire. Protect your fUally 

You don't need special 
reason to plant a tree 

Alt along wt' have had the 
tettel ttat a tree or i^aat 
within a landscape needed 

Home financing 
industry clianging 

I'ht' liDiiii' liii.iiii'iii|- inttu:. 
Iiy SOCHI may experieftre 
ma)c)i- chaii^os It could 
liave a tremeiKlottS impact 
on ttit tyi»f of loans offtr- 
eil to future liome buyers aiid 
the amount uf loanable fuints 
that will tie availabff. 

Some savings aad loan 
associations are already 
granting variiMe rate mort- 
gage loans with interest 
rates ttat periodically float 
to the level of currently pre- 
vailing rates, l^ese sre 
meeting witb varying degrees 
of consumer aeceptaaee. 

Ottier lending institutions 
are now seriously consider- 
ing a super short-term home 
loan, as a simple but effec- 
tive means of protecting 
themselves against being 
locked- in to a fixed interest 
rale tfiiit rould be far below 
prevailing rates in future 
years Instead of ttie normal 
mortgage loan a mortized 
over a 20-lo- 30-year period, 
the loan would tK> written for 
i five-to-seven-year term 
At tttat point tlie loan would 
be rent^got lilted. II could be 
extcDded fur another short- 

term at the higher or lower 
rate (|iK>ted by the lender. Or 
if the borrower ^cts, the 
oi*^oal loan can be ter- 
minated and other arrange- 
ments can be made. 

Another new concept that 
will probably "try its wings" 
in 1977 is tbe flexible pay- 
ment i^nie loan. With such a 
loan, a young family could 
purchase a home alxl pay 
very minimal monthly pay- 
ments (slightly more than 
interest charges) for several 
years. As the family increas- 
es, their home loan payments 
also increase, biting off lan;- 
er chunks of thi- principal. 

As for tlie availability of 
loaaaiMe funds, this could te 
seriously threatened if cur- 
rent proposals are imple - 
mented by Coi^ress. 

An in-depth study of the 
operations of financial insti- 
tutions in relation to the need 
of our total economy was 
auttorized.^' Coi^ress. Tte 
Financial Institutions and tte 
Nations Economy (FINE) 
.study was tJiu_ result, lis 
findings and recommenda- 
tions, designed to reorganize 
our nation's tanking system, 
Wdulil vilually turn .saving 

and loan associations and 
(rtt^r thrift institutions <mto 
commercial bank operations. 
Thrift institutions would te 
given power to makestort- 
term commercial and con- 
sumer Ic^ns, issue credit 
cards, service checking ac- 
counts and provide other 
l»nking services. 

ao special eKtise for its 
existence teyond tte b<rauty 
and stede and pmh air and 
quiet it gives frei^ and na- 

Bdt ihef're t«imr «« 
ttese things save ftel bills. 
It seems you can't teve 
sometUng aromd fast te- 
cause it's Dice and jkm like 
it; ttere has to be a ^Uar 
sign attached. 

Some university MiiBUsts 
noade m«isuremeiits i^Soutb 
I^kobi and teU «s a bouse 
with a wiaiftreak of ever - 
green trees m ttree sides 
used W per oeol tess fuel 
over tte winter than an i- 
deatical house wittout tte 

Tte sante trats la Asters 
states, where vMer winds 
are not as rowdy, stowed 
ftel savings etoscr to 10 

per cent for booses stelter- 
ed bf trees <m tte nortt and 
w^ sides, and evea ttat Is 
a signifieant figure. 

Tte Anmlcan Asso^tlon 
itf NnnerymM, petyle wto 
lave aa obvttNis liMwest in 
sut^ matters, «g4iaBi ttat 
wind blowttg ^rtfa^ A mU 
rote tte structure oi its teat 
-io aaytitfng ttet cote tte 
force <tf ttie wtaid, like a rcw 
el trees. wiU i^aduce tte ai^ 
(rf hating energy. 

We go along wittttatSav- 
iff etorgy thMMi days is a 
necessary tbiqg.'Bat Mr po- 
sitiM is ttis. PieA tte trees 
in yoar part of ttie irorU 
}iist because tb^ deserve to 
te ttere. Tke «wrgy ttey 
cposerve is oily $a tMe4 

from Ulneis-disiitfeet and 
deod(»lse tte betttiiUD Mile 
yoa cleaa it witt F^^tesUk 
ItetbMMm ClMner. SprayM> 
aiidkEBia> floors. tttes,6Din- 
(er tops aad otter wasteble 
snriaees wttt tte foaming 
tethreom eUaner aad w^ 
off Witt a paper towel, clean 
clott or damp spoage. 

In addition to kiUii« 
stsph, str^ and otter house- 
told germs, you'll also telp 
prevoit mold and mildew 
growtt tor up to two weeks. 

.Add soiae decorative shel- 
ves. CaMAet space is often 
st a premion in tethrooms. 
A few goM-er sUver-trim- 
med stelves will pnnride ex- 
tra storage Jpuca Md land 

oH pretty bebUe hath, tett 
oil and perfbme and cologne 

. Cultivate a green thumb., 
plants look great in aay room. 
Including tte tethroom. Try a 
hangiag plant n»r tte window 
or by tte siiri(-}uM te tme to 
chob» a ^Mt which •Qasts 
well to mrtst^ ami ttat 
doesn't need x Wt of direct 

,^t:^W^'"'&j;S^^"'\{U^ ^ddt=p 

We Have Most 



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anytime n^ht or day 




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iAii PM m, -* I 

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HMO wnfs. 





wea v^F a 9^1^ r^^ 

•Mwn f Am 4k ionna 

4af4iM *—- ^" 

litsiiloli' I nutii 


Summer attic temperatures 
soar to 1 50" or more . . 
supertieated air penetrates liv- 
ing areas making it unbearable 
clay and nigtit! 

KOOL-0-MATIC Automatic 
Power Attic Ventilator auto- 
matically replaces hot attic air 
witti fresh, cooler outside air. 
You feel tjettec, live t)etter! 

SAVE UP T0 1/3 ON 

H.;(;.iilM' KOOl O MA I If; i>: 
»i»ov(f'. Mi((i,'rh«!;it<;»l .itlii. .iit 
tefore il can iiivuili; livini| 
aMia<>, iiii r:on(iilioMiii(| wiiikv 
up to 30% more etticieirtly; 
you save virioahle stergy and 
dollar»i Also protects roof and 
insulation in vw^nter. . 


• C(»ts Only PmsI^ A Day T« Cerate 

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• itome VeatUi^ luttMte Car tU^rtloa 

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• httw^s A Coder teltr l^re 

Matateaaaee Free Home 

• Three Year Goiraatoe 

For Fartter ta^rmMm C^toci 

■McMMBr A MMIaa. Inc. 

BriUdtaf Ititt 

ia«f IM Tears ;tfCwtt^M» S»»tea 1IT1. 
IS05 GraAy A, NerMk, Va. #WI9 , 
P^ mt) tfS-2SM 




This is the lock thaft 
MM) ^lOM) on TV bMng 
UN^hed Witt) tismners. 
crowtiars and sledgw— 
and surviving. 

deadlocic was iMaten, 
pri(^, wrendied— 
virtually desboyed. &A 

To help pnste^ you from soarlno 
crinoe rartes. we have a os^Hete 
^ocAof thiise ru^edlMMMindt^'ass 
lodes vnth all thesA aepurtty ta^ures: 

• l"8olid-i^e«ltMM 

• Stoeicyflndef houtfng 

• ^lai Meal roktfordng rings 

• Heavy-d^Utch 

• V4" steel fastening t)olts 

• Pir)-tuiut)l©r cylindtr 
No hortw should 6a withotA at toa« 

one. If s a matter of sunrival. 

AMfA.fEft0l or JACK CH 


MrA B*A ig^mm Wa avvMi lij M* \m * ^m %= 









• " w ^ 





as does F. C. s rnzz,&i 

Sage on mound during no-hjtter 

SUN Sports Editor 

As the current higti scbool baset«U s^son got iiad«rway 
a few weeks ag&, It looked like Ray Barlow's Kemim'Ure 
team lacked only pitching in what appears to otherwise 
be a powerful lineup. 

Del Moody, Tom Reap, Gino Wood, Mark CreekmQre 
and Ri<fli Graham all carried impressive offensive cre- 
dentials as weU as teing strong defensively. 

Ah, but ttat mound strength, Probably 90 per cent of 
Ugh school baseball. How good is KemfsvlUe's. 

Barlow, teced^iththeprospectcrfhavlngnoretamii^ 
pitching starters tnm last year's Eastern District regular 
season champims, decided to put Hike Sage, ttie Chief's 
out^Adb^ firstbasenui, ia the pitching rotation. 

Sage responded by pitching a no- hitter in his second start 
of the year. The victims were the Braves of Indian River, 
who didn't reach first until the sixth inny^. KempsvUle 
won, 6-0. 

The burly hurler pitched some in Babe Ruth League last 
summer, bat didn't expect a no-hitter to come his way. 
"When 1 was eight, " said Sage, "I pitched a one-hitter in 
little Irague, but they still got seven rubs oU me. I tiunight 
that would be the closest I would ever come." 

Keepiiq; the Braves off balance with his curve. Sage 
taooed eight, while iraUUng only three. It was his second 
win of the year against no defeats. In his first outing, he 
beat Norview. Iq VbnA game, he could have allowed 26 runs^ 
and still won, as KempsvUle totaled 27 runs, but instead 
they managed only three. 

In the Norview game. Sage also ripped two home-runs, 
one a grand-slam, tast year, First Colcmial's Tom DeLong 
led Beach ballplayers with four home runs, but Sage has 
connected on four in his first four games. Pitchii^, he says, 
does wA bother his batting. 

On the foUowii^ afternoon. Sage returned to first, as 
Kenqaville faced Great Bridge. John Stanton picked up the 
win with Del Moody hurling relief. Thie afternoon was 
frigid, and the Wildcats watched in disbelief as Barlow 
adjusted^ his lineiQ) in the middle of the game for what 
seemed an eternity. Players were shuffled on and off the 
field as Barlow tiled to find a way to protect a one-run 

The scheduled Great Bridge batter, Kevin Mahoney, 
waited for 10 minutes and sputtered through blue lips, 
"Y-yoo'd t-think it was t-the World Series!. " Kempsvilie 
u|q)ed their record to 5-1 with the win over the Wildcats, 
Barlow's strat^y working. 

First Colonial's Ben Smith i«^ his pitching record 
to 2-0, as the Patriots skunked Manor 7-0. Firstbase- 
man Jeff Mills cracked his second homer of the year, 
while outfielder Tim Sayers collected his ninth and tenth 
hits of the young season. 

On Saturday, Patriot pitcher Jon Frizzell hurled a no- 
hitter ag^st Mehchville, the only team to beat First 
Colonial so far this season. Frizzell upped bis personal 
record to 2-0, while First Colonial went to 6-1. 

FriEieU whiffed eight batters and walked six, two of 
them tutentionally in flieaO-2 win. Tim Sayers brought 
his RBI total to 10 wlOi a htnue run in the Mencbville 
game. By going tbree-for-^ee,(shortst(9 Tom Gilliland 
raised his batting average to .500.^- 

: Bayalila nilBrt v^oi^eheader at Norfolk Catiiolic, Pa«l 
Tyner (3-0) ind Dohny Jones (4-0) picking up the wins. 
Marlin second baseman Larry Jeffries hit a home run 
in the opener. 

Princess Anne absorbed their first loss of the season 
at the haads of Great Bridge, 1-0. Jimmy Howerin allpwed 
just four Wildcat bits, but his teammates collected only 
five. . 

Stanton laments ump's call 

No dugout benches for KempsviBe 



Wednesday, April 13.1977 


Sectton B Page 1 


Kellam tennis coach Jo 
Ann GuUunann promises her 
girls will get better, but 
last week they drq>ped a 
'6-3 decision to Cox. 

The Cox squad, coached 
t^ Bridgett HamiNSon, was 
led t>y number tme player 
Betsy N«agley, who van - 
quisbed her Kellam adver- 
sary Tracy Duke, 6-3, 6-2. 

On the number two court, 
the outcome was the same, 
with Cox' Marion Hinze liest- 
ing Debbie Caldwell 6-2, 6-4. 

Individual winners for 
Kellam were Dana Salmons 
and Michele Walsh. 

IS^t otf^deri somertffies appear confused 

AS asAMl prtures lor tts 
^•eh <Mirt tUi wmk, ttere 
la QM toMi ^Mt iemtttmn' 
«9trtMM alraaify. Kwfi- 
vUte kM a MiMl • 1-1 
ne&ek, ttM latest iM a IS- 
14 4mMib sim'GrMtBHd- 
f*. St« tertts ^^M'/ 
abm-Wv Vleki Hodges rtady 
tor play. 

Kelam's Tracy CXike volleys 

— n-r-"-— ■*" ' *- 


en th 

SUN Sports Editor 

JMCh lii(h sebool track performers ke^ exctUim 
Ai UMir pewjmA rate, Uiey should be able to seM a Baadi 
.atOagmA to tke Olynpics In IMO. 

'!. o-rformcrs everyone expects big thl^s flron, Dan 
<vnieger (Bayside), Ron Foreman (Kellan). Jess* Wil- 
liams (PrliieeM Anne) to name but a few, are MiprwiBf 
ott ttteir ova superlative marks, but even tkQ» iM io not 

lire to records and glory are rising to the §ftro^^U 

tar instance, the case of Bobby RecUinc. 
llig, a staior at Princess Asm Higb, rons the mediaa 
M, wttb, by his own admission, medium qwed. Ha 
-natttred }okes aimed at him by his teannates are' 



^ily lsi«l^ off, but his most cob^^mmis. finish Uds 
«M viMBhdUiidMd last in the 440 in a 1^-i|eet 
Btysite, aaftrtpiwd ovtr Ike MA toe. 
tuft yw mt*i get a pietar» «t amtt* edaimed Reek- 
vhen be saw the camera arowid my Mdc. 
i'lfo," I aasired him, "I'll wait imtU yov win," thinkiat 
y l«ve a 4tll» to wait. 

hurt wMir to a hone meet with Kellam, Reddial 
I Ms wmmM. 

mif Cavalier wtered to he 440, Reckling was 

liitwitt the two Kdtom tibrants to tb^ stagpred 

tokvt his ptettioB » Ibr aithefirsttnra, of the 

■iqi n0e, M bepui to lMe.Q»Mtoeba<A-stret(*, 

I etoariy b^iad, bM hto teammates screamed tor a 

i» ttlrd torft case toe rvrnwrs, Redding still 

Md to flto tosA tvB as well. As the race pro- 

^ni m hMBO-^retdi, the P. A. totthfal watdMd 

ftnr tt OB, ud cheered as he made hto way past 

aad e«||ed cl(»«- to the leader. Then, at the 

^littag ta«i4 forvnrd, wimiinf ^ the siie of Ito 


a^M by hto friends, who pooaded hto 
iMe he p/^cd for ^ and tried to smile. Hto ttoie 
SI.^ not the swtftett 440 ever nm, bat it did the job. 

of you wHI go fc) Sleep tight. WHh 
your nNnd douded . . . wHti ttie 
c^ilr^ spnnk^g Thousands of you 
doltniQ^a^night. Andthe 
more Nghts y©u do it ... the more 
r^gt^ you tKn« to do it. AfKl you 
hate it. Wfte or call in confidence 
fbrfactson the program for 
tietraotmentof olcohotem. In a 
oomfbrtdbie, earing atmosphere. 
Speck3tis^ ccn he^ you fbxj tt^ 
wG^ to a good Nghf s ^eep . . . 
without your having to go to sleep 


1701 \MIO-\Msp(MMa. VtginiaBwKh. Va. 23454 
CdN 481-1216 

AccradMd by 1h* JoH ConvTMon on ttw 

wOCfJBJIIIjn Cf nuplCM. 

A|BpDvsdtarlkwQfoii,Champut, MtOoan 

m offantMO Akshoi lioMnea caapii>lc aeivkM: 
» or (Perinaula) fl77-NBP 

Recking lunges for 440 victory 

Foreman. Thomson 
excel at Kellam 

It doesn't he^ hto pertormancM any, bat helps the team, 
aad toat's wiqr Keltom's Ronald Foreman is shuttled bade 
and linrto across the track. Foreman competes to at least 
five evMto a meet, s(»i^mes winning toem aU. Assis- 
toat coach Larry Itarton looks at him wito iwe. "It'll be 
tong time b^i»« an atofete as versatile as RoaaM diNnes 
to Kellam agato," said birton. 

Foreman's specialties are the Icmg jump, tri]de jump, 
totermedtote Imrdtes, 220 and 880 relay. Althotyhhtomaits 
and time8bavebeMgoodsofkr(Us21.7 is tte best 220 
time at Beach toto ynr, and has run a leg of the mile 
rctoy tut enoo^ to tap ^ best 440 time, and Usmile 
relay's team has toe best Beach time to date-3.26.1), 
^rton says Forraian to being bra^ along stowiy. "We 
mat him to pieak during toe state meet," said Burton. 
"XlgM now, 1^ are trying to get bim to changrUs hurd- 
ling ^to so it'll come ute^y at toe end of toe saismi." 

He ffi^^ned fttrtho*. ^mieB Ronald ruis toe hordios, 
he gOM mwr irito hto right foot first. Whra he goes aroond 
a cttncr. tof ecrtrttleal force jiolls him oei. We (feik^ 
^tliipcilto) are gettiog bin telad 




lG9 Skating Lessons 

Foremaa Emitted ttat toe new style was a Uttle awk- 
ward, bnt-toat to toe long ran, it should heto hto tinMS. 
"I stin have to think aboot putti^ my left i O o fe wwhat l; 
bM when I get it down, I think I'll be toster. I j«rt almiys 
Bsed my right fo<A, even though the left foot is more aataral." 

Teqnille isnt sure how Fweman will be ttsed dnrtog 
poBt-sMsoB cM^etitiea. "It all d^mds on wMat evento 
Ronald to dcriag weU to at tte time," said toe KeBam coach, 
"that, and how toe competition to toe varioua events looks!" 

to tost wttk'u dual meet with Princess Amie, Foreman 
beat ^itiMto BoUobmi, the Cavalier's premier toii^er to 
toe MenMflate hurdles, wito a time of 41.3 (Fere- 
man has ran Om intermedtotes to 39.3, best at toe Beach). 

Foremu^'s totmnwte, Randy Thomson is toppfi^ Beach 
pole vai^en so tor toto seasw. Against Norfolk Catholic 
two werts ago, Tlnnson vaulted 13-9, which hidds as 
toe top mart at toe Beach to date. Thomson woe the P.A. 
meet wito a 12-0 vault. 

Tidewater Relay marks 
Ml to l^ichers 

Tiro Bendi trad perfomwrs who can aqtect to nake it 
to the j^ilM, are Bsyiide's Bu Krve^r and Princess 
Aaae's JesM WilUaBis. Boto conpeted to laM we^eod's 
TIdemter Retoys at Willtom and Mary to WilUain^mrg. 

bwger led Bayside to toe team title (30 p<^Bto} wtth a 

r, We*esdayaadPrMByt,idtM>- 
M»«qp ttm 10 a.B. to 12:St. Paw spsees ati^Ato. CW tmrnadhtfi^. 

YiMtti ^ Hodcey Progran 

prided. Gmms 
fraiVBi »-% S-IO, U-U, e^ 
mmgmnM op^dtog hen^. 
WM fSaw, flnt Mfwhssto. 



Itew CH>wdttig HkMrs 

%1 aad Tuesday mmt^ «h^ Iv spedal 

I aad class acittiMH. 

ly aad Thatsdqp frM S pan. to 10 p,ai., 
PrMqr Irem I p.m. to a:SOp.a. 
MtHtf from 12:10 pjB. to 11:30 p.m. m 
from M.IO p.m. to 10:10 pji. 

Mydto 422-3741 
MM 4M-M04 


I to pmse M 


The dealer with heart 

dfers longest service 
totfs fitown 

750-9 Mon.-Frl 

8-12 on Sat, no warranty 

iMis - wivKf - Piuns 




^■Mi* mmm iippr»>»f 


IMM UAto M. V B 


Foreman leads with left foot in mt. hurdto win 

Thomson has cleared 13-9 

P.A.*s Calvin Mundin hands baton to Wiams in 880 reilay w*i over Kelam 

Tidewater record tmn^ ihe discas (163-4) aad a mert 
record put of toe shot (00-03/4). am} was nanrad the meet's 
outstoading atoMe. 

WOltoms iet everybody iitterested know that Us as- 
sault on 100 times to tor r«tl, wito sprtoto (^ 9.7, 9.S, 
9.6. Two intehes duri^ the 9.1 run read 9.3, brt nsiAiston 
among toe ofiieiato resulted to tte9.5. Only Alvto Hti^, 
a m grai^te oi KeUam, has ran ^ lOOas qrickty, to 
f idSwater competiticm. 

Kempsville tied for toini i^ee to toe mert wito Den- 

bigh (19 p(tf]^), wito Chris Lowery wtoniog tlm Ugbjvmp 
at 6-4, regtoteiing tower mtoses tlmn m teammate Brock. 
Coi' Ray IfcDanieto nn a 1:54.4 860, taking toird to that 

Ftflow Falcen BHan Riendeaa idaeed third to tlw shot. 

, Fw Bayside. Aton Aift^ ptocei second to toe mile, 

Mtoe llcConnell was third to toe dtoctts (157-2), and Leon 

Hymons fintohed toird to toe totermedtote hurdles (40.2). 

Kempsville's Jefl Simms w«s toini to toe pole vaolt 

Kempsville, P. A. girls tough 

mdto the iof'a track stors 
are grabbii« all the head- 
Ua», toere ue sime girfs 
bm-^lg 19 tte tra^ as well. 

Jist ask Kempsville coach 

"We have Mme d the tos- 
test girls frooDd," said Mor- 
ris, aad no one to going to 

i9fy Wastongton, just a 
sopbuMre, has alr«idy set 
s Mhocd record to the 100 
(11.1) iridch to alsfrtte best 

Win nV ^■■r 

Hoim Stttry^ 

flHi ee^WOTM jqwtom 
M«e yMT lamH^' a •»•■ 

OtA or wrtta for 

DtetMuttig Co. 

bneMw Mg., Mte K 

f»tl» 430*S4«S 

(frMi l-l p.«.) 

time fw girto A tte BMdi 
so tor Ihto y«r. I'm hop- 
tog ste'Ue»BMdowstol0.9," 
said Warner of her speed- 

Stouip Gecfr to toaitog q> 
the tra^ irtien dm rtn» the 
mile, Fovrto to the stoto 
last year, Geer hasrmatc^H 
Bcaeh Bifle of i-.U- Thefleet 
Mtfor has nm it to 5:22 
(la^ year)/ 

Stasan Peteism WMt totoe 
$^\m last year to toe h^^ 
jo^, and toto j%Kt tea 
cl««red S-X. 

nw Ke^pinrtlto 440 retoy 
\x$m 9i A^aaaeltochelle, 
KeUy llefttiM, ITattiqgtoa 
aad Tn^ Wilsob las na 
ttat evMft to a fleet 51.6, 
ti3|» at toe Beadl. 

ivaaiQI^utr, IteitoBnm- 
■er aad S^ ft^ are all 
fapaWr el pistf Miif 

MJ. WaMmaa also has swie 
ittvers. to to^ 91-19 nt^ 
ove r Kritoai tost week. P.A. 

took first to. every event 
cxe^ one, vtere Kellam:s 
&^e i^nrell took the dtocus 
^rfte a toss of 93-6. 

Sandy Yowig ol P. A. nm 
toe Inrdln, was third in toe 
SSO and nn a 1^ (rf wlnnii% 
800 retoy toam. 

1^ Jarrett wm toe 100, 
the 220, MS secoQd to the 
loor jUBp, third to toe aftot 
ud toird to tte discus, ac- 
<»iriitftog IS pctfnto on ter 

Marilyn Smith to re- 
cmeratiag from a knee to- 
jury, tnit to retomlng to the 
form ttet carried her to a 
SBcmi ptoce finish to the 
shot last year. 

Carol Uster, Patty Van 
Pattra, MarUee ItosseU and 
Carolyn RoM»oe lave also 
excelled to trai^ thto ynr. 
giving Princess Anne a solid 



Dot'i jMH to ^MMmI uMi a 
IM3W let a he- 

Sctaiol and N yon neat wf 
UiiSWIi^rii, fm^m to mtn- 
ad to ^nriMriiMl bMniS' 

Inin an a f^ Urn iWi 1^. 



vfU'rwiA ai 

Tte taster iHBiy arrived a few days eariy ea toe 
of VliTtoto Wesleyaa CeUegt. Asstottog toe Boaay ^'n 
Egf HMt for children of the College's toculty a^ statf 
MMkMV vwre toe mentors vl toe Maaogna CM, an 
^pM^ttM flf «MpH atototos. HeN Ri^el Cariaoa Mm- 

^te ttitt'* to flfiMiWes^meer and base- 
ban stoitoM MMy Juoto. lOis Carton, 19 msBtos, 
to te An^tor «r ft;, aad Mrs. Mmnnd D. CartMS. 
Vl^^ leach. 





I I I I pp^Pf^l^^Bp^ppiipilipiipiipiH^Pi^^iii^ipq^P^iVp^ippi 



Virginia B«ach 8m, April 13, lf77 - B-l 

Top tennis tourney tickets stili avaiiable 

Tickets are still available 
for the CBS Virf Inla Bttaeb 
TwBis Classic as well as 
tile Celebrity-Guest DouUes 
ExhiUtiott at ^Viiftela 

BMcb HaoiWit Club. 

The ^^ffly Bsteb is 
scteAiM lot April IS. wltb 
ft&el K«UM(^. Qttd Ev- 
erett. Lkfd Bri^^aatf Ad- 

ttiral JerffiniahDi^»«>tt- 
Bitted to fiaj. 

The Temda Classic vUl 
iMve several ofthtKqxiawes 
IB tennis and will nm April 


For tb(we vltb Clai^ tic- 
kets, i^ls^n to ttn eele- 
ta-tty matches is^. OOwr- 

For tte Cbssic, ticketa 
for TMwdif Hd Wt^m^ 
id^ aro #, ilnrstejri^^ 
m, Friday irickt, 112 and Sat- 

Series tickets fn* all five 
days are $42. 

Ticket ^ifonnatton ann- 
ate at the Virglola Beach 
Bac^wt Clnb. 





on sale 

Tickets to the Slst Annal 
airfiie O^r B«vl C^e 
b^wmn WUllam t liaryand 
East Gsroltaia UMvend^ at 
Fefreii^ B^ on November 
120^ flrtff gone on sale. 

T|H» lister Bowl Office 
at t39 West 21st Street, 
Morfolk, Va. 23517 wUl be 
open fiiom 9:00 a.m. until 
12:00 noon Monday through 
Friday. ReservntioBimay 
also be made by ph(me (804- 

Re^lar reserved tickets 
wUl sUU be Usted at 17.00 
each. Two reserved seats 
in the Bowler Secti(» (be- 
tween tlie 30 yard Unes) 
are available with each 
125.00 contrilHitioa ^ the 
ShrUietis fltaiidtals fbr Crip- 
pled SB d BuriKd Children. 
Additional Bowler seats are 
112.50 each. 

This viU martc tiie first 
aniearance ol the East Car- 
olina Pirates in Khedive 
Temple's annual charity 
football classic. 

The Indians have three 
Oyster Bowl victories 
(V. M. I. -1948; N. .C.State- 
1950; So Mississippi- 1965), 
and a l<»s to V. P. I. in 

The Oyster Bowl has con- 
trilNited over 2 million dol- 
lars to the Shriners Hospi- 
tals for Crii^Ied and Burn- 
ed Children since the first 
game in 1946. TIds has ma- 
terialfy aided in Uie heal- 
ii« and rehatulitation of 
ff{ nearly 200,000 children, that 
I Idalejo assume 
pBice In 


(A weekly lock at Beach high school sports) 

Tides to 

The lidewater Tides. AAA 
fflioiM' league team ol tte 
New Yotk Mets, will open 
thtir season at home ttis I 
Friday at Met Park tA 7:30. >s 

The Tides will play Rocli- «» 
eiter, with J^ Grose T 
te sdieduled TMe idtcher,nX 

Is their a better way isil 
to spend a Friday evaitag? no 





Around The Diamond OnTheLinks 

Leading batters 

(llirough games of ^|h11 9. At least 
IS at bats. Biyskle, Princess Anne not 
included) Speelman (Kemp) .533 ; Gil- 
liland (F.C.) .500; Sayers (F.C.) .478; 
Sage (Kemp) .421; Creckraore (Kemp) 
.400; DeLODg (F.C.) .400; Mills (F.C.) 

Basaball ttandingt 

First Colonial 
Princess Anne 



Kempsville coach Bobby Braun has 
been in the hospital for two weeks, 
the victim of a Idood clot. He ap- 
pears to be recovering. Meanwhile, 
Punchy Marshall has been coaching 
the Chief squad, and last week, de- 
spite Bayside's John Andersen, who 
shot a 74, KempsviUe bested the Mar- 
lins,^ 322-338 at Red Wing. Princess 
Anne towed First Colonial, also with- 
out benefit of the medalist. Patriot 
Mike Hayes won that honor with a 
78. at Red Wing. Louis Slmonic's 77 
at Bow Creek led Cox past Kellam. 

Low round of the week: John Ander- 
sen, Bayside, - 74 at Red Wing. 


1 story Nail Over 
4/12 Pitch 



Check Y<H/r» hoofing 


Residential, Commercial industrial 

1,000 HOMES IN 1976 

Track Superiatives 

(Best track maits at Beach to date) 



Shot-Kmeger (B) M-S; LONG JUMP-ZoUicoffer (F.C.) 
21*5 1/2; ffiGH JUMP-Collins (Kmf) 6-7; POLE VAULT- 
Thonason (Kcl) 13-9; DISCUS-Knteger (B) l««-3; TRIPLE 
JUMP-Foreman (l(d)44-8;HIGHHURfiLSS-HoUomaB(P.A.) 
14.9; 100-WIUlms (P.A.) t.t; WLE-MeDialtU (C) 4.22.0; 
ItO RELAT-Baysidn (Dlggs, WUliama. McConneU, White) 
1:30; 440-Uwsaa (F.C.) SO.C; DfTERllEDIATE HURDLES- 
Foremu (Kel) 38.3; 880-McDdnlels (C) 1:58.0; 820-Fore- 
jndt OM) 21.7; TWO JflLE-Sptrtl (C) 8:57.4; MILE RE- 
LAY-I«lfi* <Fort«a«,"ii|p^lllirtat«, tiiltl) 8:2«.l. 

HURDLES-Motoa (Kemp) 11.3; 100- Washington (Kemp) 11.1; 
MILE-Geer (Kemp) S:S3; 8a0RELAT-Kenq»vUle(RoclMUe. 
McCabt, Moton, WashlttgtM)l:4l8;-440-Heiliert(B) 1:02.1; 
440 RELAY-KMBpsvllle (SocheUe, McCabe, Washington, 
WUsM) S1.6; 810-WilliUBS (Kenp) 8:44; 220-Hymons (B) 
M.5; no MEDLEY RELAT-Kem^rUIe (WasUi«ton, Ma- 
son. KMter, Anbroie) 2:01.1; MILE RELAY-Cu (Derrick, 
EvtrtOB, Home. Donn) 4:38.5; DISCUS-Cooke (B) 113-6; 
mCH JUM P-Joshna (F.C.) 5-6; IX>NG JUMP-Herbert (B) 
It-I^ SHOT-CookeW 84 t/l. , ;, ^ >«i; *^. . 

• Shinqle HootiiKj 

• .(Vi«j| Ropnirr- 

• Buildup Roc liny 
£• Aluminum SirJirKj 

• Slate Hooling 

• Wood Shinqlos 

• Pow(;r HiX't Veuls 

• Seamless 
Gulleii; ^ Oownspout 
* Clwrnnoy Caps 


PHONE 487-8854 

720 Geo. Wash. Highway North ^ v 





Paint Centers 


• One Coat Covers Most Surfaces • Resists 
Blistering and Peeling • Superior Color Re- 
tentici • Dries dust and bug free in 30 
minutes • Soap and Water Qean-up • 12 
Colors and White. 

REGULAR $12.75 

April 14th through April 24th 


Exterior House Paint 

• Non Chalking • Excellent Hiding & Cover- 
age • Permanent Color Pigments, Colors stay 
fresh and new looking longer • Pure linseed 
oil for penetration and protection • 10 Colors 
and White — PRIMER also on sale. 


*6iir Best 

NEW... Improved Interior Paint 

Vlliyl nit *Walwl Bert fay li id a p e n il Mt UborHery Tette. 
CHttM Miar HidiM - BMar Spraadlni iWe - 
~ ttirSWn neeWMira 

REGULAR $1135 

Rated BMt oMT — aMfuki - 
MWIWll' KfH-IONE. Dutdi 

Ml nm^eMmmm's 



601 SoiMt Hivwi Smtt BMmora. Itorytond 21224 










Recommended for kitchens, luttiraoms 
and wood trim. It's TOPQUALITY AT A 

^^ .>^ 

REGULAR $14.75 



Decorative Mirror UilcS 



65^ Indian mver Road 



ml^mm^b^ ^ 

— — ' ' ** ^ ■ ^ ^ _ - ^ — - - ~ — — -- . -^ ^ J _ .J ... ^ -t -^ , 

— — *■ 




Deposit for urban ore... 

such as newspapers, maqazmes, bottles and cans at the £COS Recycling Depot, 
located in front of King's Department Store, London Bridge. 

ix Beach policemen 

.jeceive promotions 

,^lq. Tfee Virginia Beach Poltee 

' j^^ wptrtmait recently pn 

(juanlWTtiti six of its pcdice d- 

CMAdHlMrs- Roberi F. Allgor ind 

' llefeird F. Uppert were 

fTMioted to liMrteaaots. 

lUliaiD L. DeaiMs, Jos^ 

«. Malesky. OtHis C.Wat- 

mm ud Eari S. Wttte vere 


UCitomt A^w, a fern- 

er pcdiee (M^t in Ber - 

gaiifi<M, Mew Jera^, one 

to the VfrsinU Beadi PoUce 
Dept^rtmeat in Uarcb 1968. 
He served in tbe patrol and 
investi^ve dtvisions both 
as a ptdice officer and as 
a seiieairt. Mr. AUfor re- 
cently received his B. A. 
degree in criminology. He 
is married and Vbe litter 
d three ddldreo. Lt. Allgor 
is assigMd to the TUrd 
Timtwajt Uppert is an 

f.^w , 

Vh'glni9 Beach's own news/taper 

Pick up a copy 
of the SUN 

Get «dra cities of the Virginia 
Baadi SUN at «ie foltowing list 
of newsstands located throi^hout 
the Virginia Bewh area: 

Ocean Front 

«-ll-MrdMA Bd. 
PEOPLES-Uskln Rd. 
MEDCO-Lasktn Rd. 

fWmmm BOOKfTOBE-Padflc Ave. 
MAMOaat IIOTH.-5<li St and Attantic 
CkVUJSSL ttaTa.-€t«mm Front 
HGUDAT DDI-Mii and Atlaatie 
mm^aanaaSOIPS - Oeeaa Fnmt 
SBOAfOlf-Oean Front 
BtMJDAT mH-aft ». aid AUaatte 
POSTOfWCE -l^ 8t nd Aflame 

mis cnms-OMHi Ftn^ 

BABt'S MAUIACT-AtiaBtle Ave. 
WILVm mi-Attmtte Av». 
BAMADA Om-Atiaatic Ave. 
SCBOONBt wyrEL-PadHc Avcmie 

Court House Area 


KempevNIe Area 

FASII FREira-lteiiipsvUle 

Norfolk-Va. Beach Line 


LAKE WRIGHT MOTEL-Morthamiten Blvd. 

KHJDAT mH-lte4mi^on Kvd. 

Baytide Area 

NAVY UXDGE-Litdc Creek Base 
HAVraeTAniAirr-Uttla Cro«k Base 
P^PLES-nqf|oed awp CMter 

tunreo- piaami m awpcertr 

PE(»Ln>PMikn*e ItaU 

Ptaa Area 

?-ll * BoiMy Rd. 

7-II - Lya flMraa KC (Thalia) 



muy$ - fane Plan TnU 

7-11 - Sam nm Trail (near Iflmr^ 

Ml-B^mdM. ■ 

U-year veteran with the Vir- 
giida Beach Adice O^art- 
ment. He was previously as- 
^ned witii flie Special Pa- 
tnd (^rations and Tactics 
^POT) bureaa. Liniert is 
a graduate of the University 
of Louisville's Southeni Po- 
lice tastitBte. Ha is married 
and has two dUldren. 14. 
L^^ert is assigned to the 
niird Precinct. 
Sem«nt Dean^ was inv- 

iOT the past fiwr years. He 
served with the NtNrfidk Po- 
Uce Departmeat two years 
befiare joiaiag tte Viifl^ 

Beu:h PoUee Dqiartment in 
isn. Sgt. Oeaaes Is nar- 
ried and is the fatiier of 
two childreD. He has b^en 
assigned to tiw Second Pre- 

SCTgeant MaleAyhasbew 
1^ the l^fWa Bnaeh Po- 
lice Dqwrtment fen* twelve 
years. Bs previons a^sign- 
meids have iiKlnded pre- 
dnets, n«flle 

Detective Bureau. Sgt. Ma- 
lesky is married and the fa- 
ther of two children. He has 
been assigned to the Special 
Patrol Operati<»s and Tact- 
ics (SPOT) Boreaa. 

Sergeant Watson has be^ 
with tite Virginia B«suA Po- 
Uce Dqiartmetf to^ t&a 
years, nuist of this time 
sprat la the .tavoite Bu- 
raau. He holds an associate 
degree te poUee stance 

emm^m- IMtti«&)» mar- 
ried and Us three children. 
He Itts been placed in com- 
mand of Uie Warrant Unit 
in ^ S»vlces Diviskai. 

Sargeut WUte tesheoi 
witti fhe Viii^Wa Bftich Po- 
Uce Deputamt ipr tieven 
years, (^^ Of wlAch were 
qieat in tte Juvenile B«- 
re«L fie hol&^tssoclato 
degree te ^rimlhlQiQGr. S|t. 
White is married and is ttie 
fMher Ot three diiUbren. He 
has been assi^ed to the 
Flrrt Predmit. 

Lt. RF. Allgor 

Lt. a^i^mrt 

Sgt.WlDeanes SgtJ.G. MaJesky 


mWMKn - LyMftavaiM. (mm HaH) 
pranUB- ^m atey Cinlir 



vuiwui'a i/ituvf - LiWMHNi Ditdge Arw 
1-11 • Gnat iMk Bd. (Mmt UadonR^i^ 
7-11 • Grant SadtM. jM lit Cataaw 


To inctucte your & ffi PJNDial, 

mail to aJN, 138 Rose- 

>krtification of events taking place after W«<*»t^y, 
the aiN's publishing ^y, must be received by 
5 p.m. the previous Friday. 

AnX^tst^ww Sm^ot iEH«^9w l^Ui^tal 

Tte amwal member's show at tte 
Virgil Beach Arts Centfr is now on 
view to tiie priUie. His jtakr tte ]uror 
ms New York artist Charl(meLivl^$- 
toa, a not^ watercolorist and the first 
wcMBiaa artist to be admitted to the ven- 
eimUe SaUiagawtt Cltfi. 

Mtos Uvii^ston ^ve awards (rf oc- 
ceUence to ten artists, certificates (d 
achievement to ten mwe, along with 
a aomber of htimraUe menttw;. 

7%e ten vrUmers are: AMUi S. Allen, 
Harvey Ackisa,adn)yAntersc»,GeM- 
ra Beavera, Tim DoFresi^, I^ve Free- 
man, Fred M^,Stfly Tipping, Thomas 
F. imte, and AUce Wolf. 

Included in the rtow are woits by 
167 artists; the ^ow wUl be Umited 
to award winners only. U will cooUoue 
throngli i^>ril 24th. Tte Arts C«it«' 
is located at Mth and 'Baltic Ave. 

Flea Market 

Navy Wives Cltfw^Aperica, Prin- 
cess JkBoe #143, wiU hold a Flea Mar- 
M and Half-Priee sale on fttturday, 
i^ril 90 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. in 
front of the Thrift Shop at Oceana 
Nai^ Air Stati(m. The Thrift SItop 
is tocated next to tbe Commissary. 

White Elqteot items, toys, games 
and hrte-a-brac wiU be featured, to 
coQiuttCtion wiUi the Flea llaitet aU 
items in Oie Thi^ Siop wiU be on 
sale at half {nice. Rain date will be 
May 7. 

dusfch singles 

Tte formation <rf a new church sqpon- 
sored groi^ was annouced today by 
Ms. Rite Button, Executive Chairman. 
According to Button "the new inter- 
d«iominattonal group wiU henceforth 
, be caUed Interfaitti Singles of Tide- 
wiier, and wiU provide social activ- 
ity for shii^s over the ^e <rf 24 
years. Initially, social AmctiGns will 
be held at participating churehes od 
an every-oteer-Fiiday night baMs. In- 
formatiai wiU be piddished at later 
dates on tee singles gnwp's fortb- 
eoBiing meetings. 

Astrehigy ckiss 

An intermediate class in astrology 
begins toidght, Wednesday, April 13 
at 7 at fli« Virginia Beach eu^us 
Hi TldeirirMTComaimity CoDege. Usii« 
the basie ibowIedlEe frmn levti I, 
teis eonrae wUl go into w>«nti«fml ele- 
meids related to individaal p<owth, 
i.e. iecandary intigrestfims, sotatf arc 
progressions, tramOte, decUoattons, 
soltf and linar reteras, Vocatkmd 
inditiatffin and teteU^em^ factors. 

TWb eli^ 1^ he tan^ hf Joaraa 
Graziaao and &ndra McDow and wUl 
ma fte h period of ten wedu. Ho state 
fttids are used to siqiport this coarse. 
For fhrteer iaformatton and toreiserve 
a space, call the Office of Cmttnuing 
Eduotiaa at 427-3070. 

Smut course 

PAVAB Dlstttet of Tidewater Scout- 
ing will hold ah adutt and troq;* lead- 
«r awne tt CuB9^9akBT ta Chesa- 
peake 00 Saftuday, Apr. 30 at 9 a.m. 
The course wUl finish at Sunday Noon. 
Anyone i^ ios coaqileted the out- 
door aqM^ee is eiieoiraged to at- 
tend, nds 'is a mast for Scouters 
plannii^ en attrading Woodbai^e. 

> For fhrther informatbm caU Bob 
Metcalfe, 340-8!!^. Scouters are also 

. adeed to bring their Troop Lea^s 

The CiNms^ing Center of tee Vir- 
ginia Beach oimpus of TidewaterCtwi- 
mnalty £^^e wfll hold String inre- 
vlew wograms for arra hi^ school 
seuojhi duri^ ttie month ot May. 

Programs are siSbeduled for m 
sclKwls as foltows: C(a and First 
Cokmial Ugh schools, Mai^lD; Kellam 
and Kemi»viUe U^h sclK}dbB, May U> 
sad Baystde and Princess Mm ht^ 
sdKiols, May 12. All programs ut 
scliBdded tor 3 p.m. in Bttildli% B, 
Room 100. 

Gnduting sentors who plan to en- 
roll in ttw coU^e for weith^ tee sum- 
mer ({Barter begiuteg Jwe 14 or the 
telT qnrter beginning in Septnnber 
should attMd. 

Father taformation is available 
from tte ndemter CMBniptty Col- 
lege Counseling Colter Iqr calliiv 427- 
3070, Ext. 156. No reservation is re-' 
quired for the programs. 

Legal secretaries 

Legal secretarfes from Vb-ginia 
Beach will meet at tee aierat(» Inn, 
Buipton, on April 29, 30 and May I 
imr tte 16te ammal convention (rf tee 
Vtrgtela Assoctetion of Legal Secre- 
taries. The Newport News association 
wiU be tee hostess for this event. 

Mrs. Ramooa R. aianh, PLS, stete 
presUent, will preside at the busi- 
ness sessions, and her agenda includes 
amnal reports of officers and chair- 
men, election of 4|tficers for the com- 
ing year, pr^ntetion of scholarship 
award and history bode awards. High- 
light of tee ctmvoition will be tee 
anneuncemmt of stete LepU Secretery 
of the Year. 

For f&rtiier infomuition concerning 
tte c(Hivention and reservaticms, cmi- 
tect Mrs. June P. Jones, PLS., P.O. 
Box 4U>, Newport News, Virginte 23607 

Yoga weekend 

The Aquarian Age Yoga Center offers 
you tee qynrtunity to leave behind all 
yonr proUems and wo^n^aadenj^ 
a WM^iUii of pwi*"""^^' ' 
and Mv 1. This Is 
ni<|u<ls rietreat which wiU revitaUsetee 
body and talm the mind. 

The retreat wUI include buddhist 
medltetioa techidques, Tai Chi, Sitfi 
dancing, <9ffldle |^^ meditiUK»« 
waUdng medftettoD, and Hate Yoga. 
Bote begimien «il more «lvanced sta- 
dente are invited. 

For tttrlhcar informstion about tee 
retreat contect tee Aqmrian Age Yoga 
Center at 620 14te Street, Virginia 
Beach. The amiber te 425-9414. 

Two Virginia Bttch stod^t music- 
ians WiU preset a jotet recitel at 
Viifinte Commoswealte University, 
AfWtment d music, this Thursday, 
Apr: 14, at the VCU music auditorium. 

MaxweU GeneHahn, tenor aaioplnne, 
and Pamete Faye Miller, trombone, 
wUl {MTforai works I? Schmidt, Du- 
«ay, Wl«m, larsson, Rms mWm- 
1^. The pirioronKe tejiheiiled 
to begin at 8:30 p.m. ud tee pAUc 
is invited. 

Mr. Hito, son of Mr. ud Mrs. MU- 
t«i Haho, is a 1971 gnAMrit««t First 
C(d<mial High School. He teperfMiaing 
his Juntor recital. He is also a mem- 
ber <d Uk VCU S^rnpNMleCiVieert and 
Jasx Bant He has N«o • B^tmber of 
tlK All Stete CoUegtete and forttte 
past teree yeara. 

Miss MUler^ dau^ter of Mrs. Janet 
MUler, is a 1976 grwtaite wf First 
Toinnial and a fiieslmtan at VCU. 

Beta SIsnna Mil 

On Ttnirsday, A|b>. 14 Om mootely 
meetiqe of Tidewater Council of Bete 
Sigma m WiU be held at 7:30 p.m. 
te tee Virgttte B«ich Saviagi and Loan 
Associttto^ at mi ViK|bU Beach 

The electioB tor 1977-'a i^cera for 
coancU wUl he held. After the election 
Preceptor Atpha A^du ahd Zete wUl 
serve r^frahmente. 

NImltz WIV08 

The US8 Nimitz EaUsted Wives Club 
wttl hold tteir month^ busteess meet- 
ing, Thursday, April 28, fnmi 10 a.m. 
to 2 p.m. at the adp^N-^ore Wives 
Club, Norfolk Naval Base. 

Balqrsitting is provi^d. For more 
infomuMon contect Faye Morgan at 

REACT meet 

Tidewater Ri»«t wiU bold tte semi- 
modhly meeting m April 14 at 7:30 
p.m. to the Ubrary of the Indian River 
Jmitor High SchooL Interested nm- 
members are also tevttetf to attud. 

Lynnhavmi Jr. I^A 

The I^rmdaven Juntor High School 
Band Parent's Associatton will be hold- 
ing a meetteg tomorrow evenii^, April 
14, at 7:30 p.m. te tee sctool's band 
room. T%e meetii^ is of interest to 
^ed^te (aad partite) of tee Ite and 
8te grades whit^ wiU he atfrodiag 
Lymhavn Jr. H^h next year who 
iKNdd he i atereited to partlt^ling to 
the school's band. James Kreger, band 
director of Lynnhaven Jr. High, wiU 
be the pest spetjEO*. 

Also, BiUy Coqwr, band directca' of 
Cox ^h School, and Max GmuBBo, 
band director oat First Colonial High, 
WiU speak to paroite and studente on 
te6tr spool's hiHd programs, tedudteg 
6rma ma^, major^es, rifl«B, color 
guards and iMU team. 


REACT is tee heU>ing hand 
Ot faitttfttl volmteers 
Provi<big teelr assistanee 
Wtenever need Jippwrs. 

U there has be«i a drowning, 
A kwed one has bees tost. 
The REACT Team stands ready 
No matter what tee eost 

Accidrate, sometimes oeeor— 
Hdp sow te Oh ite way 
Relayed by REACT membere 
(te <tety night and day. 

A need for Uood was urgent. 
REACT (m chunel nine 
Made calls teroughoul the ev^iing 
Becoming a life-line. 

The viduntiers d mercy 
Man a roadside co^ee break; 
This kee|» the vreary traveler 
Alert and wi^avnte. 

REACT grows by team-work 
And tove for feUow man- 
Be a REACT m«nber 
The best om teat you nn. 

PAVAB Webeloree 
scheduled mid May 

esperiMoe te (mI^mhis 
Ufe a) tee Wehetoree. Tbe 
biqrs wlU aitotmn a cha^e 
to see Cuip P^^^ first- 
hud .belM« goteg Mo Boy 
Seo^ and gidag Umi* tut 

The PAVAB Webetoree 
wlU be h^ at Camp Wip- 
ttm near Samy, Va. onlfoy 
Hand 15. 

Caao I^stoo mM seie^- 
ed Iw |U« «iwil beimm 
nesBtaf water te ^Ume to 
ea^ cfi^p site. W^telos 
Seorts Mmndqg into Boy 
S^Mrtg. wiU pin a mti^fle 

Litter bit of cost 
alorH) toU road 

Anyone (toiiteg to mS>- 
mtt a d^ttn tor a Wdwlo- 

S0. ER. ¥mte 

Sgt D.C. Wa 

Hie state ^nray <^iart- 

nil II 'i y° "I II It ~t"H" Hi I i*- - - * 

nwR repormr < vm n ^Mi 
$7,051.44 te taxpayer dollars 
eloiaiag np the Utter along 
tee Virginte Beach express- 
way te the I975-78 fisrai 

tioo of the $1,470,404 spent 
on Virginia Intarftetes and 
r „ ~r — • to that per- 
iod, getting the stete cleaned 
op for tee UcenteonUl. 

Hh itate te ^ate «a- 

docti^ a "qwteg elean-iip," 
but stete U0H^mMim- 
uce engineer C. 0. Leigh 
said teat most of his mate- 
tenance crew is tevolved in 
rtinUriog damagadL nads 
>m thte iwtaMMtte 
.lag Virginte HHmI- 
dente to pitch VTV' help 
spruce up tbe Exoressway. 

Leigh sa... ^,i..ficns can 
help by keeping litter wiUUn 
theU* cars ud by Mlag Utter. 
tercU dHg tti mMMm. 

ree pateh otiUxing tee theme, 
*'oiddoois Ufe," idMse 
mdmiit year mtaf for Judg- 
ing priw to J^Hll 30. The 
patch dnwing must be (fo- 
teUed u to mixffB, and Vie 
ike of ^e paM WHrt be 
np gTMter ^n three inches 

Ui^ l«r^ip|rty« te the 
W^Mtorce avi exacted to 
provide ttetr mi tood tatr 
te a^ivAiy wmtat and 
Suiiy WMidig IM^. ^4di 
penon jriMiM Mag a n^ 
tai^ 1^ flttSttsfl^Mon 

B ei dte g, t^to ud oter 
teteted e^plpgwat nest be 
tenished by the individual 
^Ks. Ofl^Mi teitems aad 
itovM may he idtUsed brt 
he tawBed oidy tij u 
, V «hnwoal ud ae- 
hMMr are to he 
be me$ J^'Miflty «^. 

on tee Into Steele 
Rft«* «BBP Swry, Va. T« 

Vir^iM Ba^i, tab tee MI 

rowl to l-ZH, to nramUe- 
tc» Ave., to tee Mi^owa 
Tuuel, to U.S. n Xorte 
to P<»tsmmth, U.S. 17 Norte 
to U.S. 258 to Sbtte VlMd 
10. ^e tdiil 10 to Snr- 
17 aad^^ teen toitov the signs 
to Camp P^(». Hie We- 
betoree wfUhe hetf teoiv. 
A tmt. dU of #«-|teA- 
1^ mut fBtete Btehteg tWs 
emat a sacews. If you are 
wiUing to ^m of yowrttiM 
and muwt^U0^ iM reg- 
i^eriit a^, ^uriag 
aftofWM pmM vr a Sit-^ 
icday i^eM oi^flrt, or 

site, itottte uiMirt Itte 
Moe at MhMS itf mm- 

AU leaters are asind to 
sud anilea^u to: nte- 
mte- MmA, i(9 Semta of 
A^d^ Vm UoMMk 
Am., ffOTMt, Virgh^ 


of ^tu MM wtmMk tif 
Matm^m iteift jwnr rai 
Wtt to of mmal Um^- 



^ — -^ — 


. I l^^iJiJilBI 









VliiUt teudi Sin, i^m ii, i«77 • »-9 

each Navy officer | Vo-rech business students win 

takes top Institute pic 

- ComntoderDcMttUR. Ea- 
ton^ at Bay Breei« Drive la 
BAjrclUf is one of «ni wia- 
^n ia dw 1977 Nam and 
Mlritim* Piieto Contest 
Axmaored by the U. S, Ha- 
ni iBstitute. 

Eaton's wtmUiiK black and 
HMIe pboto, "CoirtaiMrSWp 
Off Port Storey," vas se- 
lected from more tliai $00 
««<ries io tbe contest vldcli 
Mul been annaaUy apon - 
■ored ty tlw Naval ^titttte 

la addition to acu^atMrd 
tor tlie iilwtocrai^iM-, «kch 
fiuaat pkotofraiik viU be 
pauisbed in an l«siw crfttte 
U. 8. Naval Institiite 1%^ 
eeediflfs, a Jiwmal vUch is 
received by ntcffetban 60,000 
Aeniben and stfkscribe». 

Eaton said ht took tlue 
•mrd-winniag 0K>to shixHly 
Ifler suirtse me nKnulafis 
Ik) «u vall[taig aloi« tbe 
beacA ttf Ft. Staty. He said 
tkms an amatMT sbutter 
bnc vho became interwted 
in pbotoipqdiy a few years 
ifo wben ids carrier was on 

a Med erolse. 

Rt beeane dlssatisitted 
with the results <d sMdiaf 
Us natives (^ to be print- 
ed, so, la additlM) to boyiog 
a eoqde of professional 
cameras, he also iavestedin 
da^troom eqMpmentandmw 
prints Us own pictures. Ea- 
ton to<A the idioto witb a 
2 1/4 '• I 2-3/4" Hamiya 
RB 67. 

All ten wianinc i^KrtosidU 
be m display In Oie Chrys- 
ler •mm.trB IxMy, SCOPE 
cpmidez, Aftttf 15, (taring die 
Naval Institate's aniwal 
meMii« in Norfolk, the 
103rd meettav (rf the Insti- 
tote. the 60,000iwn^r pro- 
fessional soci^ of the na- 
tton's sn senses, is being 
held in the Norfolk area for 
ike first time. 

Entries for the next photo 
contest must be received 
in tbe Naml Institute by 
December 31, 1977. Informa- 
n<m and entry details may 
be ol4ained by writing Photo 
Coldest, U. S. Naml InsU- 
tote, Annapfriis, Maryland. 

U^Hdul dealers 

two Virginia Beach bnsi- 
aessmen have placed among 
tlie tcp 100 U-Haal dealers 
in the United SUtes aadCan- 
idi, according to anodal 
raldags eoiq^edbytheU- 
Bad Rental Sfii»m. 

Each year, the 10,000 V- 
Haal dealers are evalniied 
ieconHng to their reirtailn- 
^oiie, profier acconniing 
IVOcedBres, and customer 
'Wrvie^. Thb fbo 100 dealers 
are W» awarded an engrav- 
ed certificate? 

Those local dealers chosen 
and their place at business 
are Jdm Argona, Argona 
Moviiv Center, 4950 Virginia 
Beach Blvd; and George C. 
Owens, Texaco Car Wash, 
24tt & N. Binhieck Road. 

The U-Haul System ui - 
nually serves Qie do it your- 
self household moving needs 
of more than six million peo- 
ple with economical rental 
trucks, trailers, and mov- 
ing aids. 

Commander Donald Eaton with camera 
that took prizewinning photo. 

ieach ad firm 

I — " 


FraidElin H. Friend, 4405 
Wakefield Drive, VirglnU 
BMch, has retired after 43 
years of service to Oie Ford 
Motor Co. Friend will re- 
side hi Virginia Beach fol- 
lotring 11 years in an exe- 
cutive post at the Norfolk 
Ford Motor Assembly Plant. 
He had previously been em- 
ployed in ButbUo, N.Y., Chi- 
cago, ni., and LottisviIle,Ky. 

Jerome R. Davis, presi- 
(|«tt of Davis * Ciwipaiqr,Inc. 
Baa announced the adv«1ising 
atn^'s . Diove to larger 
oiirters tti ^te 300 of the 
Bead! Tower Building, Vir- 
glitfa Beach, the new suite 
wMiaes the size of the of- 
fices tbe agency previously 
oeeqM on the fourth flioor 
of Xti nne building. 

"We are most pleased to 
find it necessary to again 
have to double our qxce," 




Princess Anne- Virginia 
Beaek (PAVAB) KstrictBiqr 
Sooot ud Cub Scout units 
ib^ achieved neariy SO per 
ewttf their goal in the 1977 
ttmHf a^aUng Kember- 
ship EnroUmnt campaign, 
MCordiBg to UUti^ figures 
lyleased by PAVAB auditor 

"However, we are in our 
pmrOk wHk and some units 
Hive yet to make ttieir fint 
i^qwrt," MldHankPesxelU, 
PAVAB OistrictFamilySME 
cNiirman. la a recwt, 
0tK^ PtsstilasUted, "in 
have a oompetei^ team4h^ 
is resalt-<»iMted bat hustft 
and MOHWiasm will in4>ro«t 
(Mr dm^ or tO|i|^ 01^ 
goal aarty". And he adde4 
to have a aaccM^a Mn, 
ftrt^^atiM by all scM 
uMti is needed. 

The Zone Ssmt LMderi 
vko are ptnriding the energy 
Md eoButottiMt to maM tt' 
att Jivpn if eo B ii MMtiag' 
tlw «forts olarii^itorimtf. 
«M and Mrdler in^unteMs 

■^ride, Charies Lloyd; i 
NmA, B6k Campbell; 
KMipsviUe. WatterSdnttt; 
fba, fiai VUlmrf; Sea- 
iMe,^yC«^: ndUt- 
ter-Day-^AMs, 1^ Cai| * 

said Davis who noted his firm 
had doubled its bclUUes 
twice in the past year. 

Davis A Company is a full- 
service advertising, market- 
ing and public relations firm 
with clients in tbe financial, 
soft drink, real estate, au- 
ti^otive and retail in- 
dustries. In its first year of 
eperation, the agracy has 
acUeved over SI million in 


Kenneth W. Farmer, Pre- 
sidrat of Fidelity American 
Bank, Virginia Beach, has an- 
nounced the promotion of 
Mrs. Renee K. Sharp to 
Branch officer. 

Mrs. Sharp came to Fidel- 
ity American Btunk, Virginia 
Beach in June of 1969 as 
note tnUer and^Reraslwrt 

time with the bank was pro- 
moted to branch supervisor. 
Her recent promotion to 
branch officer was spriidc- 
led with accolades by Mr. 
Farmer for. the outstanding 
services rendered during her 
association with the bank. 
Mrs. Sharp is married to 
Kennard W. Sharp, and they 
reside in Chesaneake. 

MivMaris ate ple^ 
|IM«r nor* wiU betf^ 
Mt to receive one of variew 
teoMHw SME plaonea. OidU 
ptrttelpatlig u a wbdealM 
will reeelve ME id^iM. 


to K^ entfe 

Demctrat m 
(rtMt, rl|^. 

was IMMpto btt 

Ot^ braver raittdatoJoelSBitt,Mictael 
la noiiii tor a SMt fr^ toe 
3Mh ttstrict (ItorMk). SmIS Joe Smith. 
and leadera id the Vir^a Beadi braa^ 
^ toe N-Ow^-A-C-P. Ae to^k&at- 
tolk ma apon s ored bf (he VtffUte BwA 
Jritorsoetan Clri>. 

Virgiitfa B«ch Voca^n- 
al Teclmlcal Center FBLA 
(Future Business LwS^niH 
America) members anitoeir 
advisor, Mrs. Lillto Jgmi 
attended the R<%iMal ^Ihf 
iMdership Conference and 
Competitive Evwits at Nor- 
folk State Ci^ege on Satur- 
day, kpra Z. 

Members making the con- 
ference were Rhonda Blanks, 
Katoy Barbate, fondyBrocOu 
Monika Dalgle, Beth Dickin- 
son, Bridget Ocelli, Dawn 
Seder, and Tammy Upchurch 

The Vo-Tech chapter re- 
turned home with the follow- 
ing awards: 

First PUce, Data Process- 

ing, Itewa Seder; 

First Place, Bulletin 
B<»rd (etepter event); 

Larry James, a Junior ma- 
joring in business adminis- 
tration, of Virginia Beach, 
U participating in tbe U.S. 
Small Biminess Administra- 
tion's Management Assis- 
tance program, Imown as the 
Small Business Institute 
(SMI), at WichiU SUte Uni- 
versity in Kansas. 

There are 21 Junior, sen- 
ior, and graduate students 
participatim in the ^ring 
semester aree-credit hour 

First Place, Exhibit (ebap- 

Second Place, YMrtadc, 
Janet MUler and Cindy Gor- 

Second Place, idb te- 
terview, Uwada Blaifts; 

Third Place , Public l^eak- 


Third naee. Essay, KeUf 

The chi^tor is tngu^ 
tor the steto convpUttio^k 
to be hdd to Rietaond, 
April M-M. T 


Saddle up Sat. 
at P.A. Park 



Hunter and Western hor- 
ses and ponies will com- 
pete for ribbons and tro- 
phies at the Bayside Junior 
Woman's Clid> annual charity 
horse show, vdiich begins 
rain or shine at 9 a.m. this 
Saturday, Apr. 16, at Prin- 
cess Anne Park. 

Virginia Beach Horse Show 
Association Rated, the pro- 
gram will be composed oi 
36 classes sponsored l^ local 
banks, toustoesses and mer- 
chants. Mr. Bob Brown will 
judge the hunters and Mr. 
Guy Walters will judge toe 

western divisions which will 
probably begto around 3:00 

The grace of Jumping horse 
performances mixed wito toe 
Western Pleasure horses 
will provide (yport unity for 
horse - lovers to show off 
toeir particular animals to a 
competetive situation. 

Proceeds from toe horse 
show will be used for a 
scholarship, a campership 
for a handican)ed child, and 
siqqiort of toe Virginia Eas- 
ter Seal Society for Crij^led 
Children and Adults. 


News Editor 

Business Manager 

General Manager 

SporU Editor 

Circulatioa Manager 


Advertisiag Manager 

Published every Wednesday by Byerly Publicattons wito 
mato office located at 138 Rosemont Rd., Virginia Beach. 
Va. 334S2. Second class postage paid at Lynnhavea 
Station to Virginia Beach. 52-week sitoscription byaaU: 
|7. Other rates published on legal page. m 



Virginia Beach Public Notices 


'^''l.^^.'i**^ ^^'^^ ^^"* °' Zoning Appeals wUl conduct 
nt?"^"*iw "!?/*"« °" Wednesday, May 4, 1977, at 7:30 
P.M. in toe Circuit Court Room No. 6 City Hall, Vireinia 
Beach, Virginia. The foUowing appUcations wUl aniear 
on the agenda. 

h Sam Crtien by Ed Roehm, Agent, requests a variance 

of 4feettoa6footsideyard setback (east side) instead 

S^ wi*l! ^ ^red of Lot 15, Block 23, Cape Henq' VBS - 4/13, 4/20 2t 

114 77to Street. Lynnhaven Borough. ^ ' 

2. Robert R. Dibben requesto a variance of 17 feet to a 13 — 

foot front yard setoack (Carnation Avenue) instead of 30 
feet as required of Lot 1, Block 7, Section 12, Aragona 
Village, 500 Brian Avenue. Bayside Borough. 

I, Paula Coi^oratton by Charles R. Hofheimer, Atton»y, 
requesto a. variance of 17 paricing spacer to "0" parking 
spaces instead of 17 parking spaces as required of Lot 
12, Block 32, Virginia Beach Devel(q>ment Corporation, 
1826 Atlantic Avenue. Virginia Beach Boroi«h. 

4. Matthew L. Kukrall requesto a variance of 2 feet to a 
3 foot side yard setback instead of 5 feet as required (souto 

^n^rty Une-detoched garage) (m Lot 1, Block P, Birch- 
wood, 528 Lynn Shores Drive. Lynnhaven Borough. 

5. Keito G. Samples requesto a variance of 1.3 feet to an 
8.7 foot side yard setback (north property Une) tostead of 
10 feet as required of Lot 16, Block F. Resubdivision of 
Section 1, Cardinal Estotes, 1321 Old Clubhouse Road. 
Prtocess Anne Borough. 

6. Jess G. Ross requesto a variance of 8 feet to a 2 foot 
side yard setback (west property Une) instead of 10 feet 
as required of Lot 8 and toe East 8 feet of Lot 10, Block 9, 
Section D, Cape Henry Syndicate, 107 83rd Street. Lynn- 
haven Borough. 

7. Beautiful Homes, Inc. by Kent Hackman requesto a var- 
iance of 3 feet to sign height to 27 feet to height instead 
of 24 feet to height for a free-standing sign as allowed 
on 3.087 acres, Birdneck Potot (White Heron Motel), 
1284 Laskto Road. Lynnhaven Borough. 

8. L. C. Hudgtos requesto a variance of 40 square feet of 
sign allowance to 280 square feet of allowance instead of 
240 square feet as allowed m Loto 8,9, 10 and 20 feet of 
Abandoned Railrdad Right (rf Way, Block 84, Map No. 3, 
Virginto Beach Development Company, 3613 through 3627 
Pacific Avenue. Virginto Beach Borough. 

9. Thirl D. Jdmson re<piesto a variance of 30 feet to a 
"0" front yard setback instead of 30 feet as required of 
Lot 209, Section 3, Lynnhaven Colony, 3101 Dolphin Road. 
Lynnhaven Bora^h. 

10. E. A. Smito requests a variance of 9 feet to a 6 foot 
side yard adjacent to a street (Holly Avenue) instead of 
15 feet as required of Lot 19, and toe Western Half of 
Lot 17, Block 6, Section E, Cape Henry Syndicate, 218 
72nd Street. Lynnhaven Borough. 

II. Mark Mousouris by Citadel Enterprises requesto a 
variance of 5 feet to a 5 foot side yard setback instead of 
10 feet as required (east prcqierty Une) on Lot 38, Block 
10, Woodland, *%" Street. Lynnhaven Borough. 

12. Frank L. and Liiuto M. Miller requesto a variance 
of 1.5 feet to an 8.5 foot side yard setback (west property 
Une) instead of 10 feet as required of Lot 6, Blodc J, 
Section 2, Stratford Chase, Violet Bank Drive. Kempsville 

13. A. L. Henley, Jr. requests a variance of 5 feet to a 5 
foot rear j«rd setback and of 5 feet to a 5 fo(ri side yard 
setback (west pn^rty Une) instead of 10 feet each as 
required (detoched ^rage) (» Lot 3, Block 17, Section I, 
Arrowhead, 5756 Susqnehauia Drive. Kemi»ville BonNvh 

14. Gerald G. Havlena requesto a variance of 10 feet to a 
20 foot troat yard s^Mek (Brookbury Court) tostead of 30 
feet as required of Lot 11, Block X, Sectifon 4, BeUamy 
Manor Estotes, Eastwied Road. Kempsville Boroi«h 

15. Hi^o Developm^CoiicnrationbyHandd James requesto 
a rariance of 157 iNuttog qiaces to 134 parking spacea 
turtead of 291 parking naces as required of Lot 27 and 
Part taUA », OcMna Gantons, Old Virginto Beadi Road 
Lynnhaven Borough. 

16. Walkley E. Jdmsra, Jr. requesto a variance of 15 feet 
to a 5 foot sMe yard setoadc instead of 20 fe^ as reqidred 
^st property Une-detached itonge) aalAAA, &d)divtoiaa 
of Part of Cedar Bend Farm, 3906 Richardson Road. Bav- 
stoe Borffiigh. 

20. B. N. FUnt requesto a variance of 5 feet to a 25 foot 
front yard setback instead of 30 feet as required of Lot 
14, Block X, Sectton 4, BeUamy Manor Estotes/ East- 
wind ROad and Brookbury Court. KempsviUe Boroutfi 
W. L. Towers 
Secretary , 


llie Southern Railway 
Company and ConsoUdated 
SidMidiaries hereby give no- 
tice that (m April 5, 1977, 
they filed wito the Interstote 
Commerce Commission, 
Washingtcm, D.C., toeir sys- 
tem diagram and accompany- 
ing descriptions of Unes of 
railroad. The system dto- 
gram is required by section 
la(5) of the toterstote Com- 
merce Act (49 \JX Section 
to) and Secticm 1121.20 of 
the ICC's reguUtions (TiUe 
49, Code of Federal Regu- 
totions, Sectim 1121.20 
(1976)). Those, regutotions, 
to Section 1121.22(c), fur- 
toer require that a portion 
of a bUck-and-white version 

at toe system dtogram map 
the accompanying line 

descriptions be pnbltohed in 
a newqiaper of general cir-r 
cutotion to those counUes in 
which certato of toe ; 
railroad of thecarri^ 

PubUshed betow to] 
tion of the system 
map dqdcttog aU 
railroad subJecttolCC 
diction owned or oper 
Southern Railway Co 
and subsidiary carrie 
located to this and 
counties. The accomp 
legend to that m^ : 
the present stotus of each 
Une of railroad shown. 

Upon the request (tf any 
toterested person, a copy of 
toe Soutoem Railway Com- 
pany and ConsoUdated Subsi- 
dtories' system diagram nuqt 
wiU be furnished at reason- 
d>le cost. 



Southern Railway Company 
& Consolidated Subsidiaries'' 

(A»-26, AB-27, AB-28, AB-29, AB-M, M-M Al-llS, AB-I2J1 





« C.f.R. 1121.20 
APgIL 1, l»77. 
■ n 50 T5 

■JL I , ■ .- t , ,^, - i .. ■*— . 

100 MtlCS 


D««isn<>^><3n of Corriars and AB Nuirtber^; 

At-26 Souttum Roilwoy Compony (SOUl 

AI-27 Thi Alabann Graot Soulhem Railroad Ctmpany (AGS) 

A6-28 Cwtrol <rf G^ofgio RoilrcxKi Conpany (C of G) 

AB-29 Ttn Cincinnati, N«w Orloons ond T««oi Pocific Roilwoy Company (CN04TP) 

AB-30 Giorgio Southern and Flori:lc Roilwoy Company (GS&F) 

AI-44 Chottanoogo Stoticm Compony (CHT. SI 

AR-IIS Albany PoiBfngor Tomiinol Compony (AFT) 

At-12: Norfolk Southam Roilwoy Company (NS) 

*APT i> on offiliottd compony ownod jointly by C of G ond SCI R>. 

Cotogory I: 

O w w rMwO Cotogory 2; 

O^mmO Cotogory 3: 

at ttSl liiMC'rt«»<»T *■■ 

C otig ory S: 

Lines likely to be tKe lubject of on ICC 
or discortttmjonce application witfiin three y«on. 
tines which ore undor itudy ond may be the wbfect of 
o future ICC obondonment or diKontinuonce applicotion. 
Linei for which ofaondonnient or discontinuance opplice- 
tioni ore pending before the tCC. 
Lines operated under roll service continuotien «nll- 
tance provisions of 49 USC Io (61 (ol. (None in A» 
cotegory at this time.) 
Alt other lines, wvned ond operated. 
Linei (Categories 1-4) hw Aert to designate deorly at riiit tol*. 

Standard Metri^olilon Sitrtisticnl AtKi -SMSA. (County or Mmtici 
with at leost one city of 30,000 inhabiianli, Thaee 
shown here ore within S olr wiles' of o rail lltH.) 

O Ctttee. (Showing thoee with 5,000 population or greoter located within 

5 sir miles of o roil line but outside dt en SN&A, In 
odditivi to other selected paints on the line.) 

Stole bowedarlas. 

County boundaries. jOn)y counties in wMdi e line in C » »» | » y 1,I,S 

or 4 is located ore i 



Cra^ II. 
foot side 

^1^J!^^^*1H^ << 4.5feettoa 
, ^s. ^1^ setbadt instead of 10 feet as reoulred 

OBorth pn^ierty Une-detoched »u«e) « St 11 BtoA Ss 
^on 6. Arrowhead. tt4 irtJKS K^^m^^l 

. v^****"' **nsoo reqo«to a varinc^ of s fe«t in . 
2 fbi^ lide yuH setback (eist tfde) to^ of 5 mL 

^) mm of 10 feet as m^TtMOmotki 

^peike 1^, 46M Ocean^^TiTft^ Bor- 

(Dodtot Ho. AB-12S (^ Mo. 1) 

a) Carrier's DM^atton - Ikrtttt Soitten Railway 
cm^uKj't Uamond %Nrings-ai^taB line, Tb^ntoBa^ 
Dirtri^-lfivto lUMto 

c) C^ea^-C^ si Virgiida BeMii 

d) MitalloM - ILP. Ltm to M.P. 1.6 SM 

•) Agnqr or Twaito^ SMtomMMw on ttw; toa^ 
m Iton «»M be recMved and Ito wai dad mmm Ito-- 
telk - MP. 0.06M 


-' -■— - 

w — i ^ -'-ja^ ^- 

















irgiDia tieacb Sun, April 13. 1977 


Notice It hereby given to the public that tbt tlrtlnii 
^te Corpontioa Commission is consideriw wSuMam i 
requtrenuit that aU ps conputM diieoatiiiiie If Am^ 
Mr 1, 1977, all fas senrlce tor outdoor ligh^ stnrtee. 
Any interested person majr submit written comiwitco tke 
n-oposal by maiUng same to William C. Y(MMr. Clerk, 
SUte ConwraUon Commission, P.O. Boi 1197, mebniMid. 
mi^rii ^m. Also, any person who wishes to <^r oral 
tafWHar ftir «r ^Unst tbe proposal may do sb to apiMar- 
li( at tte C^NuMsion's Courtatton. Btaaton BdMnf. Rich- 
moBd, VirgUa at 10:00 a.m., May 10, 1977. A^petson 
wtoMf to be »> bMTd will please so mitify tte ConnUaoloD 
i« I^Kmact tf V» bullae by vrltii« to tbe ^(we-MiMd 
wmiam C. Tom*, Clerk. 

A natioiial gas shortage exists vhM eausad tte'shM- 
4EMn^ at bestaess this past i4tf^ nd las ledtolnple- 
QM^^M JBf oMr ^^ervi^on ine«mrfs such as lover 
ttwnitW^ MtttafS and diorter i^k amM- AUiidlaLtiotts 
are ttttt the Mortage will coattaK IMa the More. Every 
reaMMMemeaos must be uodertalnM to consent ^« lor 
ttie essential usm (Hf prMeat customers, and to asaare 
avaffidde gas for uses for which ttwre is no attematlYe. 


VBS VIS. 4/20 2t 

Virginia Beach Public Notices 

Maria, Cadis ProvUfeace 
S}Mln. It is onctered ttat 
she do awear tore wflthin 
tm (10) (teys after i^pub- 
licatiin h^-eof, iaddowhat 
may \» necessary to pro- 
tect her Interest in this 

A c<W-Teste: John V. 

By: Pam A. Keenrtaa D 

Andrew S. Fine 
Granby and Plulne Streets 
Norfolk, VA 23S10 

VBS 3/30. 4/6, 4/13, 4/20 





Notiee is henNi? givm Qiat Jam^ D. Paiker, 14tt Harris 

Road. Vl^ala BMch. Virginia has mflied for a Certi- 

flcate of C«B|dlance from the State Water ContrU Board 

pursuant to Section «)1 irf the Federal Water PidMloo 

Coirtnd Act Am»dm«its of 1972, P)d>Uc Law 92-SOO to 

Place R4i Rv For Erosion Control. 

The decision whether to Issue the Certificate of Com- 

pUaaec irill be based on an evaluation oi tte effect of tiw 

proposed activity on State waters. 

Wt^ton eoanaeals or inquiries relative to this notice 
shonM be aAlressed to Uie State Water Control Board, 
P.O. Bon U14l,RlclHmiad, Virglida 23230 and should reach 
the Board not later than 15 days after this piMication. 

VBS-4/13 It 


ChaaAer S. Denlis. Saadbrtdge Sqiernuutet, 201 Sand- 
bridge Bond, Vliflnla Baaeh. Virginia. Vtrginla Beach 
intends to apply to the Virginia Oqartneirt of AlctAoUc 
Bevwi«w OmknUi at »s affi^s in Rtebmond, Vlrf^ 
tor a Uceise to sell beer and wine-(^ premise at the 
above location. 

The naaas, adifresscs. and nature of hrtereat. pf 
every person interested, or to be Interested, in the 
bnslnesa. to any extent whatsoever (exclusive of own- 
ersh4> of stock if the andlcant be a Corporation); 
are as follows: 
Chandter S. Dennis 2212 Sandpiper Rd.. owner'-. 

Signed Oiis 25th iby of Februu7. \Vn. 
Omndler S. Deuis 

VBS 3/2 It 




In the Clerk's Office (A the 

Circuit Court of the City 

of Vlrgini# Beach. VA, m 

th« 18th day of March, 


Karen E. CUfford, 



WbKri Josq* Cllflbrd,Jr. 


The object of this suit is 
to (Main a divorce a vin- 
culo matrimonii btmi the 
said defendant, upM the 
grounds of one years con- 
tinuous sqjaration. 

And an affidavit having 
been made and filed ttiat 
the defradant is a non-re- 
sident (A the State (rf Vir- 
ginia, the last known post 
office address b^ng: 3210 
Sqifdy S^iadron, EglinAir 
Force Base, Florida, it is 
ordered that he do aH>^r 
hei^ within t«i (10) days 
after due publlcdion here- 
of, and do irtoit may be ne- 
cessary to protect his in- 
terest in this suit. 
A copy-Teste: John V. 

By: Patti A. Keenehan, De- 
puty, Cleit 
H. Calvin ^»ain 
P.O. Box 2127 
3184 Virginia Beach Blvd. 
Virginia Beach, VA 23452 

3/30, 4/6, 4/13, 4/20 4t 

Virginia: In the Cleric's 
Office of the Circuit Court 
(tf tte City <rf Virginia 
Beach, on the 2aid Ony oi 
March, 1OT7. 

In re: Adoption of Ethan 
James Coullier 
By: Edwurd J(An O'Toole, 
Jr. k Shirley Theresa 

To: Mr. Douglas James 

96 Lake Flower Avenue 


In the Clerit's Offiee of the 

Circuit Court fH the Ci^ 

of VirgliMa Beach, VA., on 

the 2Sfii day (rf March, 


Artftar P. Cohen, 



RelMie F. Odien, 


The ol)r|ect of this suit 
is to oMain a divorce a 
fflensa et thoro to be mer- 
ged 1^ a divorce a vinculo 
matriflionlt qxm Uie ex- 
plratko M ^statutory 
period fran the said de- 
fteatettt, upon fiie grounds 
of desertion. 

And an affi<byit having 
been nude and filed that 
the defendant Is a mm-re- 
sMent of the 8Ute of Vir- 
ginia, the last known post 
office addms being: 6968 
Castle IMve.Birml^m, 
llidilgan, 48010 it & or- 
dered that she do appear 
here withto tan (10) 4^ 
after dm poblieatioa tere- 
of, and do what may be ne- 
cessary to protect her in- 
terest in fids salt. 

A cqqr-Teste: John V. 


By: Patti A. Keenehan. De- 

pnty, Clerk 

IXmiid J. Cooreas 

1106 Plaza One Bldg. 

Norfolk. VA 23S10 

VBS 3/30, 4/6, 4/13, 4/20 

Virginia: In the Clerk's 
GMlce of the Circuit Court 
of the City of Virginia 
Beach cm the ZUA day of 
March, 1977. 
Catherine H. Burkitt 

Michael BurkiU. Jr. 
. Defendant 
In Chancery No. C77-111 

The object of this suit 
is to effect partition be- 
tween the owners by sale 
or (^erwise of the real 
prqperty in the Citoof Vir- 
gtoia Beach, Virginia, 
known as 2833 North Kings 
Road. kcA Affidavit hav- 
ing be^ made and filed 
that tto Defendant, Michael 
Burkitt, Jr., is not a re- 
sident of this state, it is 
ORDOtEC that the said 
non-resident d^eodant, do 
appear within t«i (10) days 
after due poldlcationof this 
Order and do what' is ne- 
cessary to prefect his in- 
It is' further ORDERED 

that the forgoing portion 
of this Order be published 

once a we^ for four (4) 
successive we^s in The 

Virginia Beach Sun, a 

newspaper puldisbed in the 

Ctty of VirginU Beach, 


A cq>y teste: John V. 

Fi^ress, Clerk 

By: Patti A. Keenehan, D.C. 

PaulM. Lipkin 

GoldUatt. Lq^kin, Cohen, 

Anderson & Jenkins 

804 Plasii One Building 

Norfolk, Virginia 23510 

VBS 3/30, 4/6, 4/13,*^/20 

William E. Fulford 

Tidewater Legal A^ 


147 Granby Street 

Nortolk, VA 23510 

VBS 3/23, 3/30, 4/6, 4/13 

Sarancac Lake, New York 




In the Clerk's Office of the 

Circuit Court of the City 

of Virginia Beach, VA., on 

the 18tfa day of March, 


Louis A. McDi»ald, 



Linda McDonald. 


The object fA this suit 
is to obtain a divorce a 
mensa et thoro, later to 
be merged into a final de- 
cree of divorce from the 
said defenbnt, i^wn the 
gromids of desertlcm and a- 

And an afffabvlt taving 
been maite and filed that 
(foe diligence has been us- 
ed by or in b^alf of the 
Complaint to ascertain in 
which coarty w &x- 
poration the ^fmburt is, 
wtthoot effect, the last 
loMa post (rfllce address 
being: 322E.RegrtsAv- 
enae, VlrgMa Beach, VA. 
tt is Mtered ttat ^ do 
4PMr ta« wnun ten (10) 
days alter *ie poMicaticm 
har^, and do wtat maybe 
a^nary to protect her 
MwMt in this tnOi: 

A MRr-Twte: Jota V. 

B^PatttA. K«ei^Mtt,Oe- 

MW.»Mta'. Jr. 


Vlr^iria B«H*. VA 2MS8 

1^.^, 4/11, 4/a» 

In Chancery 

This day came Edward 
John O'Toole, Jr.andadr- 
ley Theresa O'Toole, Pe- 
titicmers, and r^reseoted 
that the object of Uiis pro- 
ceeding is to effect the 
ad(q>ti(« oftheaboveumed 
infant (s), EUian Jaaaes 
Cottllter, tor Edward J(An 
O'Toole, ft. and Shirley 
Theresa O'Toole, husband 
and wife, and affidavit hav- 
ing been made and fited 
that Douglas James War- 
ner, a natural parent (rf 
said child(ren), is a non- 
resident (rf tke State of 
Virginia, the last known 
post office address being: 
96 Lake Flower Avorae, 
Saranac Lake, New York 
12983. It is therefore Or- 
dered that the saldOonglas 
James Warner appear be- 
fore this Court wittin ten 
(10) days after publicatiim 
of this Order and indicate 
his^er attitude toward the 
prt^wsed adoptton, or 
otherwise do what is ne- 
cessary to protect his in- 
terest in this matter. 
A copy test: 

Jolm V. Fentress, Clerk 
By: Patti A. Keenehan D.C. 
Howard Elspelind 
551 Board of Trade Bldg. 
Norfblk, Va. 23901 

VBS 3/30, 4/6,4/13,4/20 


to the Clerk's om^ of the 
Circuit Cwirt fA the City 
(A Virginia B«ich. VA, on 
tte t^BA (faiy of March. 

WiUiam B- Hytter, 

^tefiaa Adaa Rttter 



The (AJect of this s^ 
is to (Mato a Ana^s a 
vi^^do nutria^olfronite 
said MMiiud, mm te 
grMott of more twui one 
y«r ^jnunAtoo, ta*, to tte 
atonMfiva. on tk» gtomA 

And an^^^itt^lt^ 


iM 10, Pu«4e 


In file Clerk's Ofllee of the 

Clrcdt Coort of the City 

of Virgittia Beach, VA, m 

the 24Kh day of March, 


R<nald James Usooff , 



Theda Justtoe Uzoioff, 


The <d»ject of this suit 
is to obteto a tf vorce a 
vinculo matrimoidi from 
the said defandant, upcmthe 
grounds of mie year 

And an affidavit having 
be«i made and filed that 
the defendiJrt is a non-re- 
sident (rftoe ^tecrf Vir- 
ginia, the last known post 
office mUress bei^: 3852 
Walsingham Drive, Mem- 
phis, Tennessee 38128 ills 
(Uttered ttotf she do appear 
here wifiito ten (10) days 
after due pdrtieatlon here- 
of, uid do what may be ne- 
cessary to protect her la- 
tere^ to tMa suit. 
A cspy-Teste: Jdu V. 

By: Patti A. Keenehan, De- 
puty Cleit. 
James A. Gorry 
P.O. Box 626 
Virginia Baadi. VA 23451 

m 3/30, 4/6, 4/13. 4/20 


to the Clerk's Office of 

the Circuit Court (A the 

City Of VirginU Beach. Va. 

M the !8th (toy of March, 


Jeanne Anne Woodruff, 



Ward WendeU Woodruff, 


the object of this suit 
is to obtain a divorce a 
vlacnlo matrimonii from 
tte saU d^MMtonf, qnntfae 
gn»Bds (A toe year separ- 

And an affl(bvit having 
been muto and filed that 
due dUi^M^ has been us- 
ed by or in behalf of tte 
,Coip^aiwit to ascertato 
to wudlcM^<»'eoti»ra- 
tion tte dtfoMtant to, with- 
out effect, the last known 
p(»t vO^ adfrMsbel^: 
2810 Shim IMva, Apt. Ml, 
Virglida Beach, VA 23451 
it to iMtln^ ttat he do 
appear hen tMMdn taa<10) 
^a after Am iiiM^aM 
pntf^/, md do i4mI My 
be M^NiMry to ^^Us 
Mbn^ to tua sidt. 

A mm-t^. Jeta V. 

%4^«1 A. K««iehMii DC. 
tm Pttmm AimRmM 
Wrgtoto Bmi*, VA. tS4M 

W3/». 4/^,4/13,4;^ 


on the 25th day of March, 

'^ -.J.*.-,., C»P*44466.t... 

-, MM'immim 4hit a-rt*- 
,< pen,; of toe aeeounts of 
United Virginia Bank/A- 
board National, Executor, 
of Elixabett TomUn 
Thomps(», deceased, and 
of the debto and demands 
against the estote has been 
filed to the Clerk's Of - 
fice, and that six months 
has elapsed stocetoequali- 
ficaticm, on mction of toe 
personal representotive it 
is ordered fimt toe credi- 
tors of, and all others to- 
terested to, fiie estote show 
cause, if any toey can, on 

toe 21st day of April. 
1977, at 9:00 A.M., before 
this Court at ito court - 
room a^Unst the payment 
and delivery of toe estate 
to the legatees without re- 
quiring refunding b(»ids. 

It is further ordered that 
toe foregoii^ portion of this 
order be ptd>lished once a 
week for two successive 
weeks to toe Virginto Beach 
Sun, a newspaper of gener- 
al circulati(» in toe City 
of Virginia Beach, Vir - 

Enter: 3/25/77 

A Copy Teste: John V. 
Fentress, Clerk 
By J. Curtis Fruit, D.C. 
J. Hume Taylor. Jr. 
P.O. BOX 3434 
Norfolk VA 23514 

VBS 4/6. 4/13 2t 


to the Clerk's Office of toe 

Circuit Court (tf toe City 

(A Virginto Beach. Va., 

on toe 17to day (rf Mar(di, 


Beverly Anne Boertage 





ne abject <A tUs suit 
to to (Mdn a (Uvorce a 
vtacdo matrimoidi fiim 
toe said (tefendant, iq>« 
the gronds (A om y«ir 

And an aflMivit Mrtiif 
beM Mdt and iOed that 
toe MnAut to a mm-n- 

rtdirt W toe »ate of Vlr- 
*«a, toelst inown post 
•iwa address ^ng: Wln- 
*«• Hrk, Flwlda It to 
pterrt ttat te (to u»ear 
hwa i^ta ten (10) days 
^y tm WWtoao nnhan. 
«l^«Md0«tM aM# be ae- 
emm to proMt his te- 
Amsf'ftme: J(Ad V. 

Prty, Clerk. 

b the Cleric's (Mfice of tte 
Circuit Court ot the Cihr 
of Virginto Beach. VA.. ON 

toe 17to day of March, 1977 

Arlene D. Precythe, 



Prank H. Precytoe, 

The ol)ject ot fids suit 
is to obtoto a divorce a 
vinculo matrimonii from 
file said defendant, uixttthe 
gnwmto of dei»rtton for a 
period (A more than o^ 

And an affidavit having 
been made and filed that 
toe defem&At is a ngh-re- 
sldent ot fiie Stotettf Vir- 
ginto, the last bwwB post 
office address belnig: c/o 
Corbett Pa(d[age Company, 
Wilmington, Nortt Caro- 
lina, 28401 it is ordered 
that he do an>ear here 
wlthto ten (10) days after 
die pidilication hereof, and 
do what may be necessary 
to protect his toterest to 
fids suit. 

A cc^y-Teste: Jolm V. 

By: Pittl A. Keenehan, De- 
puty, Clerk 
Thomas F. Bets, Jr. 
PembndEe One-Suite 525 
Virginto Beach, Va. 

VBS 3/23,*3/30, 4/6, 4/13 

the tost known post (tffice 
ftUress being: 1861 Poei 
Street, Alame^, Cali- 
fornia 94S01 It is ttere- 
fore Ordered toat toe said 
James Temnce Lough - 
ran ai^ear l»fore this 
Court within ten (10) days 
after iHiblicatitm of this 
Order and tallcate hto at- 
titude toward fiw propos- 
ed adof^on, or otoerwise 
(to what is necessary to 
protect Us interest to, this 

A C(9y teste: John V. 
Fentress, Cterk . 
By: Patti A. Ke«iehanD.C. 
Donal H. RhQ(toa 
228 N. Lymhaven Rd. 
Virginia Beach, Va. 

VBS 3/23, 3/30, 4/6. 4/13 

By: Patti A. Keenehan, De- 
puty, Clerk 
George A. ChrisUe 
24S First Colonial Road 
Virginia Bach, VA 

VM 3/23, 3/30, 4/6, 4/13 

Virginia: to the Clerk's 
Office of file Circuit Court 
of file City of Virginto 
Beach, on ttie 17to day of 
March, 1977. 

In re: Adoptton of William 
David Baldrige and chai«e 
of name to Wffiiata David 


to file aerk's Office of 

the Circuit Court of the City 

of Virginto Beach, VA. on 

the 14tt day of March. 


Iftmette S. Heato, 



James M. Heato, 


The oAijecf of ttts suit 
is to (riitikto a divorce a 
vtoculo matriffl(mii from 
toe said defendant^ upon 
the grounds (A one year 
s^parafion (20-91 (9) of 
file Code of Virginto of 1950 
as amended) 

Ami an affidavit having 
been made and filed that 
the (tefendant is a non-re- 
sident of toe Stote of Vir- 
ginU, the last knom post 
(^Sce address being: Box 
8026, P(q)e Air Force Base, 
FayettevUle, Norto Caro- 
lina it to ordered that he 
dq appear here within ten 
(10) days after due pub- 
Ucatton hereof, and do what 
ma:y be necessary to pro- 
tect his interest In fids 

A c(9y-Teste: John V. 


By: Pattt A. Keen^an D. 


Steart R. jpays , 

^IiKUan '||,Ten<l^rofeibional 


In toe Clerk's Office of tt» 

Circuit Court (A the City 

of Virgtoia Beach, VA., 

on the 16to day of March, 


Revie Clifton Kirkpatrick, 



Teny Lablanc K^t-kpatrick 


The object of tois suit 
to to (dMato a divorce a 
vinculo matrimonii from 
the said defendant, upon 
the grounds of (»e year's 

4lnd an affidavit havii^ 
been made and filed that 
the d^endant is a non-re- 
sident itf toe Stote of Vir- 
ginto, toe tost known post 
ofltoe address being: 7337 
Ind^jiradence Avenue, #30 
Canoga Parte, California it 
is (ihiered that she (K> ap- 
pear here within ten (10) 
days after due publication. 
Imi^f and do what may b^ 
ne«eiRtoi7 to protect her 
interest in ttis suit. 
A copy-Teste: John V. 

By Patti A. Keenehan De- 
piky Clerk 

Taliaferro and Pennington 
Suite 704, Board of Trade 

304 East Plume^reet 
Norfolk, VA 23510 

VBS 3/23, 3/30, 4/6, 4/13 


In »e Clerk's Office of the 

Ciroat Court of the City 

of VirginU Bea^Ji, VA. on 

the 7to day of April, 1977 

Susan (Bartee) Hughes; 



Dana Karl Hughes, 


11^ (*ject of tois suit 
is to obtoin a divorce a 
vinculo matrimonii from 
the said defeMhuit, upon 
toe groujKls of ojie (I) year 
separation immediately 
preceding institution of the 
suit filecl herein. 

And an affidavit having 
been made and filed that 
the defendant is a non-re- 
sident of the State of Vir- 
ginto, tire. last taownpost 
Office address being: Route 
2, Cordova, South Caro- 
lina it is ordered that he 
do appear here within ten 
(10) (Uys after due publica- 
tion hel-eof, and do what 
may be necessary to pro- 
tect bis interest in this 
suit: ■ 

A copy-Teiste: John V. 
By: Patti A. Keenehan, De- 

,puty, Clerk . . 

P.O. Box 3291 
jfjOrfQlk„yA 23514 

VBS-4/13, 4/20, 4/27, 5/4 

Nuey Btldrigi Adam« 
TO: Milton Francto Moro- 

Hi(ikory Acres 
Farmington, PennsylvanU 

to Chancery 

#C 77-234 
This day came David 
Reynolds Adams and Nancy 
Baldrige Adams, Petition- 
ers, and represented that 
the (^ject of this proceed- 
ing is to ^fect toe adop- 
tion of the above named 
infant, WilUam David Bald- 
rige, by David Reynolds 
Adams and Nancy Baldrige 
Adams, hudbsuid and wife, 
and affi(Uvit havi^; been 
nude and filed toat MUton 
Francis M(Bmowlch, a na- 
tural pfteat ot said child, 
to a mm-resident of toe 
Stote of Virginto. file last 
known post office address 
being: Hickory Acres, 
Fannli^ton, PennsylvanU 
It is thereforeOrderedUmt 
toe saM Mflton Francis 
Mor(MEOwlch appear before 
this C<Hirt wifiiin ten (10) 
days after publicafion of 
tWs Order and indicate hto 
atttote toward toe pro - 
posed adoptton, or other- 
wise do what to necessary 
to protect his toterest to 
this matter. 

A copy teste: J(An V. 
Fenti^s, Clerk 
By: Patti A. Keea^ianD.C. 
Anto(«y F. Badd 
12«) VliitoU Natt(»al 
Norfolk, Virginto 23510 

VBS 3/23, 3/30,4/6,4/13 

Cheteipi^e. y4 233125 

VBS 8/2S, 3/30, 4/6, 4/13 

VirginU: to Uw Clerk's 
Office of ttut Circuit Court 
of file City of Virginia 
Beach, m the Mitt Day of 
March, 19Tr. 

to re: Adoption of Daniel 
Lester Mmuwa 
By: Lester Allan Whitis 

To: Robert Ivan Munson 
niinoto Street 
Soufii^te, CallfomU 

to Chancery 

This (toy ctine Lester 
AUan Whitis and Margaret 
M. WUtts, Petitioners, and 
n^resented th^ fiie (*jeet 
oi fills iHToce^fing is to 
^fect the aitopti(Mi of toe 
above named iafant. Daniel 
Lester Mags(m, by Lester 
Allan Wlttls and Margaret 
M. Whitis. husband and wife 
and affidavtt totving been 
made and filed fiiat Robert 
Ivan MonsoB, a neural 
parad^ (xf said chUd. is a 
noB-4^idait of toe State 
oi VlrgtoU. toe last Imown 
post office address being: 
Qllnus Street, S(wfi«ate, 
CallfornU It to toerefore 
Ordered that toe said 
RcAiert Ivan Mim8(mappMr 
Msre this Court wlfida 
t« (10) days afterpdiliea- 
tUm of this Order and to- 
di(»te his attitode toward 

VirginU: , , 

to toe Circuit Court of the 
City of VirginU Beach on 
file 30to Day of March, 

to the matter of toe ad(v>- 
tion of Travis Timothy 

The object of tois pro- 
ceeding is to separate Tra- 
vto Tim(^y Morton ami 
Arliss Lyle Morton, to - 
fant chU(toen of Genna Anne 
C(Mtot M<Mlnn, permanentiy 
from ttieir parient, parento 
or gaardians and to have 
toe Circuit Court of toe 
City of Virginia Beach, 
Vlrgtoto to graid toe Pe- 
tition of AlvtoNiAsonOrem 
and Josq*toe ^Virginto 
Twiford Orem for ad(^ton 

witlwut toe consent of said 
lidBiito' togal and biologi- 
cal totter. 

And an Idf^vit having 
beei made and filed Uiat 
Michael Arthur Morton, 
whose last known address^? 
to Grand Street, N. E., 
Grand Rapids, Michigan, is 
tl» proper party to tUa 
proceedings; twt due diU- 
i^nce has been used to as- 
cerWn in what county or 
conwratioB he to, without 
effect, it to ORDERED Uiat 
MlclMlArttHr Morton do 
app^r here wlUito ten days 
after doe pdbllcation here- 
in, and do vtet may be ne- 
cesnry to protect his to- 
terest to fiito suit. 

Floyd E. Kellam, Jr. 

4/6, 4/13, 4/20, 4/27 4t 

Virginia: In toe Clerk's 
Office of the Circuit Court 
of the City of Virginia 
Beach on the 8to Day of 
April, 1977. , 
In re: Adoption of Robert 
Richard Sager, III, by Ai- 


THIS DAY came Aileen 
M. Sager aoid Robert Rich- 
ard &ger, Jr., Petition- 
ers, and represented that 
the object of tlfi»4proceed- 
ing is to etteci tte adop- 
tion of the above named 
toUnt^J^rt Richard Sa" 

been aMdeb^md filed that 
Debra K. a^eb, a natural 
parent of said child, is 
a non-resident of toe State 
of Virginia, the last known 
post othce address being: 

, 1505 S. W. Second Street, 
Apartment 2e2( Fort Lau- 
derdide, Florida, 

It is toerefore ORDERED 
that'4he said D^ra K. Sa- 
ger an)ear before this 
Court within ten (10) days 
after publication of this 
Order and indicate her at- 
titude towanl the proposed 
adoption, or otherwise do 
vhat is neces^i^ to pro- 
tect Wr ittterlst. in Uiis 

A c(^y teste: John V. 
Fentress, Clerk 

.a^:Wttl A. Keenehan D.C. 
Richard F. HoUaday, Jr. 

Suite 211, Pembroke Four 
Pembroke Office Park 
Virginia Beach, Virginia 

•VBS-4/13, 4/20, 4/27, 5/4 

Virgima: to fiw Cleric's 
Office ot the drcnit oiurt 
of file City «f VirginU 
Bea^, OB the 16 day of 
March, 1977. 
to re: ul^ka of KeUy 
Kristine L(Ntftew 
By: Cart Wayne Ikm»n 
To: James Temnce 


18(1 ft«gi Street 
iOdtote, CaUtonU 


TUs ^y came Carl 
Wayne Dneu and Martte 
Ctofl nn^n, PMt:^rs, 
and r^nMM tti^ fiit 
otptt^ criPUtt ivaaariMg 
is to rttoct te (tfipOdB 
of tt* rim* aMHd to - 
tet, KeMttoMeLoivh- 
flM, l^fitriJ^^Jte- 
«m and HhMh GaU Mi- 
Ma, ^rtHMt and wife, and 
titeidt ImlS bm made 

Md nmsmWitmmf m, 

mv, a iMma.ftfMi (rf 
aaU (ttU, to aMi<«^- 
deM d tte Stote af Yftgl^ 


to file Cleric's (^ce ot Uie 

Circuit C(Mrt of Uie City 

iA VirginU B«ich, VA. on 

the ITtt day of March. 


Allan Lee Mas<», 



Jawt Lin Mas(», 


"ne (MijMt of thto suit 
Is to obt^ a (Urorce a 
nwsa M tt(m.lo«t toter 
■•nred i«wa |H«per $p- 
pli(»tta tea ^ome a 
vtoe^ mtrinott frMi 
Uw Middi«n«MLipdftUw 
fMRMda Of de^Mmlf fib 
<*Nrt«t OS immtj 19, 

And an amiavlt tev^ 
bMB m^ and AM ttat 
tte Mm^M to a in^rt- 
Bidwt of tot ^e oi;^- 
^U, the last Inown nst 
^e« addraM btftt: mt 

aA»r m ^UcattH hare- 

tf, and doj^t nay be w- 

^mrf tojwittrf herto- 


A c^r-to^: Ma V 



to toe Cleit's CMce of toe 

Circuit Court of toe City 

of Vlrgtoto Beach, VA, on 

file 7tt day (rf Aprtl, 1977 

Brenda H. ElUs, 



Nanbon T. EUto, Jr., 


The ^i^ct iA thu suit 
to to obtoto a divorce a 
mensa et Uwro to be later 
merged into a (Uvorce a 
vinculo nutrimonii from 
tte said defMdant, q>on 
the grands ol (tesertt(». 

And an tffMavtt hari% 
be«i ma^ and fitad that toe 
d^mteaft to' a M»-resi- 
denl tA am ^te of Vir- 
gil, tte U^ loown pest 
(^toe Midr^s being: Lot 
21 Baastey'sTral]«-C«ut 
Hwy. 32 8(Mitt» M«o^. 
NC tt to w§mM t^t he 
do ^^paar hun vtthin ten 
(10) tejnaMritepobUca- 
w» hereoT, ud te what 
may be aa^wy to pro- 
tect Ua MifM to ttls 


A Mpf-Teste: J(te V. 

^ nm A. K a a n oha a. De- 

Grw k <^9f, LTD 

2471 &yrt Uttie Crert Rd. 

VHoMk, VA 23518 

?M, 4/lJ,4/»,4/27.S/4 


to the Clerk's Office of 
the Juvenile aiod Domestic 
Relations Court of the City 
of Virginia Beach, on toe 
5to Day of April, 1977. 
Commonwealth of Virginia 
In re Baby Girl Thissell 

The object of this irtio- 
ceedii« is to separate toe 
above named infant, child 
of Janese Thissell and Un- 
known father, permanently 
from its parent, parents, 
or guardUn and to com- 
mit said infant to the care 
and custody of tte Vir- 
ginU B^ch Deiartment of 
Social Services with the 
right lA said agency to 
C(»sent totoe infant's adop- 

AkI an affidavit having 
been made and filed that 
Janeaa TWssell and un - 
known Ut^r is a prt^r 
party to ttls proceedii^; 
brt due dillgewie has been 
used to ascertain in what 
coiwty or mrvotuUm he 
is, without effect, tt is 
ORDERED that Janese 
TUssell and Unknowf 
Fatter do appear here 
witUn 10 (to^ after due 
Ili*Uea^» ^rw«, ar« do 
wtol may be necessary to 

SMrtect their toterest in 
lis suit. 'V 

A w^y-T^te: EllE^eth 
^. H^ef, Clerk 
Kathy S ft^»h«rt Deprty 
Clerk '^ 

Demaris i ^ica.De^. 
^ial tevices 


* » r »■ i p p p p ^ f f p p pi» ■ w t p 11 11 p pjp WWT www^w^^ ' 

» r pi ^ p p 


'P P'^FP FPPPIPPPPP i^^^p^^^^^^^^^p^i^ii^PT'^^^^ 





a Muntctptl Corporatkm, 



PAUL 11. LIPKdl, Receiver 


a Defunct VliftBia Corporttitn, 

804 Om llaiR Plau East 

Norfolk, Virginia; 


FAYE E. McLESKEY. Wa wife, i, > 

2«59 VirKinla Baaeii Boulevard 

Virginia Beach, Virginia; 

And ail other persims having an 
interest in the parcel of land 
narked "R^erved" lying h^ween 
East Stratford Road and Lock 
Haven Crescent on ttie Plat of 
8&Mm "D", Oceaa Pai^, recorded « 
in Ifap Book 5, page 197, in the 
CleiNc's Office (rf ttie Circidt 
Court of the City of Virvintat 
Bet^ch, Virginia, the nanes (rf which 
persons are uricnomi to the 
petttl(»er, and are hereibjr pro- 
ceeded against as "Parties Unknown"; 
LAW NO. 4*74-A 

0.12$ Acre at Land, More or L^s, 
in Bajrside Borough of the City of 
Virginia Beach, VirginU. 


In tMs luroeeediag the pi^timer seeks to acquire by 
condemnation the fee simide tttle of a parcel of land 
containing 0.123 acre for uses and purposes of the 
petitioner in ctnnection with its project known as the 

Ocean Patt Sewer Project, which uses aad purposes 
are more particularly described in the petition and ex- 
hibits thereto on file in the ofllce of the Cl^c of Ms 
conrt, to n/hich reference is hereby made for a full and 
conqdete descripttim thereiMf; and for the appt^nUnent 
<rf commissioners to ascertain Just conqmisation to the 
owners of any estate or interest in the mtverty to be 
taken or affected as a result of the taku« oi'ldfected 
as a result of the taking and use by the petitioner of 
said prqwrty. 

For such purposes, the petitioner wiU apply to the 
conrt, sitting at Princess Anne Station, Vir^nla Beach, 
Viffinia, on the ZSth day of Aitril, 1977 at 9:30 o'clodc 
A.M., or as soin toreafter as petttioner may be heard, 
for the iwointm«it of comralssloaers to ascertain 
Just compMsation as foresaid. 

And it appearing by affidavit filed according to law 
that the property taken may have bwa dedicated to the 
pid>lic as a piit, or that oUier persons whose names 
are unknown to the petitioner and whose names and add- 
resses the petitioner has been unable to ascertain after 
due diligmce, may have an interest in the property to 
be omdenend; it is ORDERED that all persons who 
have any ri^ or interest in Hie property to be condemned 
appear within ten (10) days after due publlcatioo of this 
order in the Clerk's Office td the Circuit Court of the 
City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, and do what is ne- 
cessary to protect their Intereste; and it is FURTHER 
(HtDERBD fliat if any of tte said owners desires to as- 
sert any objection or defense to tte tMag or damaging 
of his property or to the Jurisdietioii oi ttie conrt to 
hMT tte case and to proce«l witt tte qiptrintment 
of lewwBiss ionera , he shaUfael^ateina>ai|dgM^nids 
i,tf 4efe«w desigttitiag his Intennf in-tie Npeo^y to be 
eoodenuwdt tte grounds of any objection or defense to 
tte ttking or damaging of Ids litterest or totike Juris- 
diction of the court to henr the ease and to proceed 
Witt the ^ipointment of commlssicmers for tte deter- 
minatiMi of just conqiensatioo. 

Should any such owner fail to file his answer and 
gnninds of defense as tereinabove provided, such fkil- 
ure shaU not preclude tte owner from qipearing on 
tte date set for tte appcdnbnent <rf eommiraioners 
nor fram presenting evidMice as to tte valuatidn and 
damage nor firom sharing in tte award of just ccMnpen- 
satiM aeconling to his Interest tterein or otterwise 
protecting his rights, but such faUure shall preclude 
such ow|ier fnmi any otter defense by way of pleas 
in bar, abatement or otter^rise. 
(James M. PlckreU) 
1020 First k Merchante Bank Buildiw 
NorfoUc. Virginia 23510 

VBS 4/ 6, 4/13, 2t 



Hie Virginia Beach Board of Zooiic Appeals wUl conduct 
a special PiAlic Hearing on Monday, April 25, 1977. at 
5:15 P.M. in tte Circuit Court Boom No. $, City Hall, 
Virginia Beadi, Virginia. Tte foUowiag app^tion will 
aivear on Utf agenda. 

1. R^Mtrian Investmrate Associates by T.J. Lyons requeste 
a variance of .23 feet (3 indies) to a 4.77 toot, front yard 
settack instead of 5 feet as required (HolMay Inn Con^ 
ventlon Center) on Lots 4 and 5, BUxk 39, Vin^ Beach 
Develoimient Corporation, 39tt Street and Atlantic Avenue. 
Virginia Beach Borough. 


W.L. Towers 
VBS 4/6, 4/13 

Virginia BMch &m, April 13, 1977 - B-7 

Virginia Beach Pubfic Notices 







Vbflala Beach, ViifiiU; 
LAWW. 4475 

MAXINE R. EBSEf, a minor 
Virginfa Beadi, VirgttU; 

RONALD JAMEI^ai, ter hesbaad 
ft327 MUton Street 
PUIade^feia, Peimsylvaida; 

R(»ERT QHTEY, sii«le 
UonSiartt iiassachusrtto; 

RU^U^L EmfEY, si]«te 
52 HuBb^A Avenue 
Rw^i^, Ma s sa^use tts. 


^e^ ttoM named ilWM, 
btde cMiit .ltowBf^tog 
9oue, tfaar. Mrsat 
Itw, di f l me tad inlia, 
and tte Uen creditors ta 

all of sua parties; and 
fM flttwr persms having 
and i^i«st in tte pn^rty 
to te eoniemned by this pro- 
eeediflg, tte mmes of all of 
wUcb partfM are noknovn to 
tte petitfamer and are nereby 
procteded i^inst as "Parties 

O.OOS Acr<^€tf Land. More or 
Less, and a Temporary Con- 
structtott Easomeirt oi PT(q>- 
crty Frohtbig on Nortt Bird- 
neck Roa#, fiitiida Beach, 


In this proceeding tte petiticmer seeks to acquire by 

eoddemn^Qn tte fee simide title of a strip of land con- 
ti. ling O.OC^ acre and a tenqwrary construction ease- 
ment adjacent ttereto conteinttg 0.006 acre, for uses and 
imrpc "s of tte petitiMer in connecttcm witt ite pro- 
^ k. wn as Project UO0O-134-106, RW 201 (Nortt 
Blniaeck *loaid widening), iiltlch uses and purposes 
are more ^■ rttcukrly dracrtbed in tte petition and ez- 
htbite tteretv on file in tte office of the Clerk of this 
conrt, to which rtference is tenriliy made for a full and 
accurate description ttereof; and for tte anwiotinent at 
commissioners to ascertain Just compensation to the 
oimers of any estate or interest in tte prtverty to be 
taten or affected as a result of tte taking and use ttere- 
of Igr tte petitioner. 

For such purposes, tte petitioner will ai^ly to tte 
conrt. sitting at Princess Aniw Stetion, Virginia Beach, 
Virginia, on tte 26tt day of ^>ril, 1977, at 9:30 o'clock 
A.M.. or as so(» ttereafter as petifi(mer may te heard, 
for tt» qipolntmcnt of commissioners to ascertain just 
cmnpensation as aforesaid. 

And it appearing by affidavit filed according to law 
ttitt tte following owners are not residents of tte State 
of Viii;lnia: Bontey E. Jamerson and JUmM Jamerson, 
her hudiand, Rotert Edney and Russell Edney; that 
ttere may te otter heirs at law of Lecm Edney, de- 
ceased, and tteir surviving spouses, if any, heirs at 
law and devisees, lien creditors of all of said parties, 
and otter persons wte may have an interest In tte prb- 
perty to te condemned, tte names and addresses of 
aU of ittlch persons are uidoiown to tte petitioner, 
wte tes been unable to ascertain tte same after due 
diligence; it is ORDERED that tte aforesaid owners do 
app^r within ten nO) days after due p^llcatim of this 
order in tte Clerirs Office of tte Circuit Court of tte 
City of Virginia «^ch. Virginia, and do what is ne- 
cessary to protect tteir intereste; and it is FURTHER 
CHIDERED ttet if any of tte ateve named owners de- 
sires to assert any objection or defense to tte takii« 
or damaging of his property or to tte jurisdiction of 
tte court to hear tte case and to proceed witt the ap- 
pointment of commissioners be shall file his answer 
and grounds of defense designating his interest in tte 
property to be condemned, tte gnrands of any objection 
or def^e to tte taking or damagii% of his interest 
Or to tte Juri8dicti<m of tte court to hear tte case and 
to proceed witt tte amMintmeot of commissioners for 
the4l«tnrataition of Just compensation^ 

Shodid iiAy such owner fell to fite his answer and 
grounds of d^ense las terettabove provided, such fail- 
ure stell hot preclude tte owner fixun appearing m 
tte date set for tte anwintment of commissioners 
nw from presenting evMnce as to tte valuation and 
damage nor from stering to tte award of just compen- 
satton according to his interest tterein or otterwise 
protecting his rights, but such failure shall preclude 
such owner from any otter defense 1^ way of pleas in 
bar, abatem^ or otterwise. 

(James M. Pickrell) 
1020 First k Merchante Bank Building 
Norfolk, Virginia 23510 

VBS 4/6, 4/13 2t 

Virginia: In tte clerk's 
office of tte Circidt Court 
of tte City of Virginia 
B»ch, on tte 29tt day of 
March, 1977. 

b re: Adoption of Jordan 

By: Jonntten P. Gttbs and 
LMlte Mae Gibte, ■ 

To: Ttemas Walden Ptm 
Calle Meettna «3 
Malaga, ^nln 

In Chancery 


Thte day came Jonathan 
P. Gflbbs and Leslie Mae 
GWbs, Petitioners, and re- 
pr^eirted ttet tte object of 
thte procedding is to effect 
tte adoption of tte above 
named Infanl, Jordan Nathan 
Popp, by Jonattan P. Gibbs 
aad LesUt Mae Gibbs, hus- 
biad and wife, and affidavit 
teving been made and filed 
ttet Tlibmas Waliten Popp. 
a oatana parent of said child 
is a non-resident of UH»ai^ 
of Virfiniii, ibt last known 
poet oK^ address being: 
Calle Medtea #3, Fuengir- 
ola, Itolaga, Spain, tt te 
ihiition Ordered ttet tte 
■akf Thonas Waldm ^ipp 
49nr b^re ttte Court 
wlttte tm m) <tays after 
pgUleatteB oi ttia Order and 
ImHcate Ms attitude toward 
tte |««pos«d adtoptioo. or 
elim^ae do wtat is ne- 
cessary to pnrtect Us tt- 
taTMrt bttte nmtter. 
A Mpy teste: Jote V. 
FMtriMS, Clerk 
^: Pattl A. KecnehanD.C. 
mM It <Xirieri p.q. 
Pembrote Office Bldg. (4) 
•mfiU^ Beach. Va. 

VBS-4/6, 4/18. 4/20, 4/27 

/: Romulus Bass and Rete 
Carrington Basst Husband 
and wife 
To: Bob Jacks(m 
1901 Parker Avenue 
Portemoutt, Virginte 

In Chancery 


This day came Romulus 
Bass and Rete Carrington 
Bass, Petitioners, and re- 
presented ttet tte object oS 
ttis iHtKeeding is to effect 
tte adoption of tte above 

named infant Peony Naomi 
Bass, by Romulus Bass and 
Rete Carrington Bass, hus- 
band and wife, and affidavit 
teving been made and filed 
ttet Bob Jackson, a natural 
fUKBi of said child, is a 
noB-resident of tte Stete of 
Virginia, tte last taKiwnpost 
fMw address telng: 1901 
Parker Avenue. POTtemoutt, 
Virginia It te tterefore Or- 
(tered ttet tte said Bob Jack- 
son appear b^ore thte Court 
within teBaO)daysafterpub- 
Heatton of thte Order and 
imttcate his attituite toward 
tte itfoposed adoptloii, or 
ottwwlae do wtet te neces- 
sai7 to protect Us interest 
in ttte matter. 
A coiqr teste: Jote V. 
Fwdress, Cleric 
By: Patti A. Keenehaa D.C. 

iS VUtod Va. BaiA Build- 
ing., ROrtoik, Va. 

VM-4/6, 4^3, 4/20, 4/27 
4t ' 

Vli^A.- tt TRECLraK's 

oprKt Of THE cnam 

nmOk MACH, (Mf THE 
arafiAT OP MAKR, 1977 
to MI MaKMi 9t P^ 
lus (wtttoit ehaip 

vm!imA: m thecleioc's 


v^nmA BEACH, m the 

31st DAY OF MARCH. 1977 
la re: Adepttv mAMenn^^ 
Oma^ of Iteme to Adrienne 
By: R. DM SchniA^ lum- 
ber^ B.S^iMt 
To: fU»«t E. Cantrell 

^0 Bud R. Felte 
Route 2 

Joelton. Tennessee 
In Ctencery 
#C 77-159 

Thte >' day came R. Dirk 
Schmidt and Kimterly B. 
Schmidt, P^tioters, and 
r^resented ttet tte object 
of thte proceeding is to ef- 
fect tte adopfioB ^tteabove 
named infant (sV, Adrteene 
Kristeen Cantrell, I^R. Dirk 
Schmidt and Kimterly B. 
Schmidt, ted>and and wtte, 
and affidavit teving been 
made and filed ttet Giltert 
E. Cantrell, a natural par- 
ent ot said child(reD), is a 
non-r^idMit of tte aiate of 
Virginte, tte last known post 
office address telng: c/o 
Bod R. Felts, Rcmte 2, Joe- 
lton, Temessee, It is ttere- 
fore Ordered ttet tte said 
Giltert E. Cantrell anwar 
tefore this Court wltUn ten 
(10) days after pubUcatlon 
of thte Order and indicate 
Us/ter attitude toward tte 
prqwsed adoption, orotter- 
wtee do wtet is necessary 
to protect Us interest in 
tUs matter. 

A copy teste: Jote V. 
Fentress, Clerk 
By: Patti A. Keeneten 
Thomas B. Shuttlewortt 
211 PembnAe m Bldg. 
Virginte Beach, VA. 23462 

VBS-4/6, 4/13, 4/20, 4/27 

In the Clerk's Office of tte 
Circuit Court of tte City 
of Virginia Beach, VA. on 
tte 29tt day of Ularch, 1977 
Teresa Ann Aplin Harrell. 
Plaintiff, : - 


Marshall P. Harrell, 

The object of tUs suit is 
to obtain a divorce a vinculo 
matrimonii from tte said 
defendant, upon tte grounds 
of living separate and apart 
for a period of more tten 
one year without interrup- 
tion or cotebitetion. 

And an affidavit teving 
been made and ffied ttet 
tte defendant is a non-re- 
sident of tte Stete of Vir- 
ginia, tte last known post 
office address telng: 803 
W. Lee Street, Witeon, N. 
C, 27893 it te ordered ttet 
he do aH)ear here witUn 
ten (10) days after due pub- 
lication hereof, and do wtet 
may te necessary to protect 
Us interest in tUs suit. 

By: Patti A. Keenehan, De- 
puty, Clerk 
Ronald P. Hammers 
968 Soott Oriole Drive 
Virginte Beach, VA. 23451 

VBS 4/6, 4/13, 4/20, 4/27 


In the Clerk's Office of tte 

Circuit Court d tte City 

of Virginte Beach, VA., on 

tte 3lst day of March, 1977. 

Frances AUadtee Crews 




James Ray Sanders, 


Tte object of tUs suit te 
to obtete a divorce a vteculo 
matrimonii from tte said 
defendant, vfoa tte grounds 
of one year separation. 

And an affidavit teving 
been nude and filed ttet tte 
defendant's last known post 
office address is 4900 Man- 
dan Road, Virginte Beach, 
Vir^nte, and ttet due diU- 
gence has been used by and 
on behalf of tte plaintiff to 
ascertate te wtet county or 
corporation tte defendant te, 
witteut effect it te ontered 
ttet te do ai^earherewitUn 
ten (10) days after due pub- 
licauon hereof, and do wtet 
may te ne<»ssary to pro- 
tect hte teterest te tUs suit. 
A copy-Teste: Jote V. 

By: Patti A. Keenehan, De- 
puty, Clerk 
Tidewater L^;al Aid 
Society p.q. 
147 Granby Street 
Norfott, Virginte 

VBS 4/6, 4/13, 4/20, 4/27 


te tte Clerk's Office of tte 

Circutt Court of tte City 

(tf Virginte BMch, VA., on 

tte tet day of April. 1977. 

Dcmald R. Rogers. 



Wretl^ S. Rogers, 


Tte (A^ect of ttte sUt 
te to obtete a divwm a 
idw»lo matrimoelt trim tte 
nM defendnt, qxn tte 
grounds of itesertioa ami 
s«fKU«tii» <a moi% than one 

ited an affiitevlt teving 
be« Mde aad ftted tt«t tte 
d^Mdnid «ie «Ugen» has 

bera usee or in b^ilf of 
tte Comj^iMH to aseer- 
tete te wUch uNoty or ctn*- 
pmtfiOB tte d«f«idaiM te, 
wtthoitf effect, ttetestknowa 
post offiM adATMs being: 
317 TupoB MtBue, ttmp- 
toB, vTr^ It te ordered 
ttet ste oo^penrterewitt- 
in ten (10) days after due 
publication tercof, and do 
what may te necessary to 
protect ter interest te thte 

A co|^-teste: Jote V. Fen- 

By: Patti A. Keeneten, De- 
puty, Clerk 

A. Andrew Ege, Jr. p.q. 
1369 Laskin Road 
Virginte Beach, VA. 

VBS 4/6, 4/13, 4/20, 4/27 

te tte clerk's Office of tte 
General District Court of 
tte City of Virginte Beach, 
VA., on tte 28tt day of 
March, 1977. 

MAR REALTY, t/a Ban- 
croft Hall Apartmente, 

Lawrence V. WEILL and 

The object of tUs suit is 
to obtate a judgment against 
tte defendante for rent and 
damages due tte platetiff by 
reason of tte defendante' 
breach of lease. 

And an affidavit teving 
been made and filed ttet the 
defendante' last known ad- 
dress te 2212 89tt Street, 
Virginte Beach, Virginte 
23451, A ttet a diligent ef- 
fort has heea made to lo- 
cate tte defendante without 
effect b ttet tte defendants 
cannot te served with pro- 
cess within the stete, it is 
ordered that Lawrence V. 
and Sbelda Ann Weill do 
appear here witUn ten (10) 
days after due publication 
hereof, and do what maybe 
necessary to protect tteir 
teterest te tUs suit. 
Ac(vy-Teste: Rutt Mar- 
tines, Deputy Clerk. 
By Jote R. Ward, Esq. 
Parsons, Steffra, Moore A 

P. O. Box 3321 
Norfolk, Virginte 23514 
VBS 4/6, 4/13, 4/20, 4/27 

te tte Clerk's*Office of tte 
General District Court of 
tte City of Virginia Beach, 
VA., on tte 28tt day of 
March, 1977. 

MAR REALTY, t/a Ban- 
croft Hall Apartmente, 
AniteLyon, ^ 

The object of tUs suft is ' 
to <^tain a judgment against 
tte defendant for rent and 
damages due the platetiff 
by reason of the defendant's 
breach of lease. 

And an affidavit teving 
been made and filed ttet 
tte defendant's last known 
address is lUO Kearsarge 
Court, Virginte Beach, 
Viiiinte 23452, and ttet 
tte defendant cannot te 

a diligent effort tes been 
made to locate tte defen- 
dant wittout effect and ttet 
tte defendant cannot be 
served with process within 
tte stete. it te ordered ttet 
AUte Lyon do i^year here 
within ten (H)) days after 
due publication hereof, and 
do wtet may te necessary 
to protect her teterest in 
thte suit. 

A copy-Teste: Rutt Mar- 
tinez, deputy clerk. 
By Jote R. Ward. Esq. 
Parsons, Steffen, Moore A 

Attorneys at Law 
P.O. Box 3321 
Norfolk, VA. 23514 
VBS 4/6, 4/13, 4/20, 4/27 


In tte Clerk's Office of tte 

Circuit Court of tte City (rf 

Virginte Beach. VA., on tte 

29tt day of March, 1977. 

Heninn L. Moore, 



OaMa Kemp WUUams 



, Tte object of tUs suit te 

to (Atein a divorce a mrasa 

et ttere to te at tte pn^r 

time merged into a decree 

a vinculo matrimonii from 

tte sate A^A^urt, qton tte 

gron^ of (teertioe. 

AM an afSdavtt teving 
been mate and ffied ttet 
tte defndant te a non-re- 
sfctent of tte l^te oi Vir- 
gbda. tte iuA kMVB post 
offiee adteess beteg: 6253 
8^^ ik^, iwateOBvm e, 
Ftorida, »» It te ordered 
ttet rte do appear tefrewltt- 
te ten (10) Aijn after tee 

wliat my te neeeasary to 
^oteet hw MbmA te thte 

A comr-Teste: . Jote ' V.- 

By^.Pattj A. Keenehan, De- 
puty, CI»k 
IC. i^ Milte 

S»)9 Virginte Beach Blvd. 
Virginia Beach, VA 

VBS 4/6, 4/13, 4/20, 4/27 

Virginia: In tte Clerk's 
Office of the Circuit Court 
Of the City of Virginte 
Beach, on the 28th day of 
March, 1977. 

In re: ad^cm of Daryn 
Kirk Wateon 

By: Jote Cterles Pastuf 
and Karen Etetee Wil - 
Hams Pastep 

To: Kirk Marvta Watson 
3025 Royal St. #325 
Los Angeles, California 

te Chancery 
TUs day came Jote 
Cterles Pastup and Karen 
Eteine Willtems Pastuf, 
Petitioners, and repre- 
sented ttet tte object of 
tUs proceeding is to ef- 
fect the adoption of the 
above named infant (s), 
Daryn Kirk Watson, by 
Jote Cterles Pastuf, and 
Karen Elatae Williams 
Pastuf, hustend and wife. 

and affidavit teving l>een 
made and filed ttet Kirk 
Marvin Watson, a natural 
parent of said child (ren), 
is a non-resident of tte 
Stete of Virginte, tte test 
known post office address 
telng: 3025 Royal Street 
#325, Los Angeles, Cali- 

It is tterefore Ordered 
ttet tte said Kirk Marvin 
'Wateon appear before this 
Court witUn ten (10) days 
after publication of this 
Order and indicate his/her 
attitude toward the pro - 
posed adoption, or other- 
wise do what is necessary 
to protect his interest in 
this matter. 

A copy teste: John V. 
Fentress, Clerk 
By: Patti A. Keenehan, D.C. 
Cterles E. Poston 
6210 Pardue Court 
Virginia Beach, Va. — — 
23462; .- 

VBS 4/6; 4/18,4/20,4/27 


Virginte: te tte Circuit 

Court ofthe City of Virginia 

Beach on he 24tt Day of 

March, 1977. 






te Chancery No. 

--- — C - 77 - 72 

THIS CAUSE came on 
tUs day to te heard on the 
Affidavit of Thomas Al - 
fred Drewett, the Com - 
pteinant, and tte matter 
was agruged by counsel. 

COURT ttet Kay Collier 
Drewett, whose last known 
post office address was 
4609 Austin Lane, Virginia 
Beach, Virginte, does not 
reside in the Common - 
wealth of Virginia; and 

an action for transfer 
of property by spectel com- 
missioner has teen filed; 
it is, tterefore, 

AND DECREED that tte 
Respondent, Kay Collier 
Drewett appear tefore this 
Court within ten (10) days 
after due publication of this 
Order and answer the Com- 
pteint or stete grounds of 
defense thereto, or other- 
wise do wtet is necessary 
to protest her interest 
herete; and it is further 

AND DECREED ttet this 
Order te published In the 
Virginia Beach Sun, a , 
newspaper having general 
circulation in the Virginte 
Beach area for a period 
of one (1) time each week 
for four (4) consecutive 

ENTER 3^4/77 
A Copy Teste: Jote V. 
Fentress, Clerk 
By Patti A. Kenneten,D.C. 
I ask for tUs: 
James R. McKenry 

VBS 4/6, 4/13, 4/20, 4/27 

Viitinia: In tte Clerk's 
Office of tte Circuit Court 
of tte City of Virginte 
Beach, (m tte 28tt (tey of 
March, 1977. 

b re: Ad^pttM ot bdhit 
Boy, Micteel Christopter 

By: Ricterd P. ft D^>orah 
Au Ben^ 
To: EteUel J. King 
U.S. Haw, 315-54-487t 

BUD;^, Naval AmpUtAous 


Coronado, San Diego, 


te Chancery 
This day came Ricterd 
P. Berube and Deborah Ann 
Benibe, Petitioners, and 
represented ttet tte object 
of tUs proceeding is to ef- 
fect the adq;>tion of the 
ateve named infant (s), 
., Michael Christofriier King, 
by Ricterd P. Berute and 
Deterah Ann Berute, hus- 
tend and wife, and affi- 
davit teving l>een made and 
filed ttet Daniel J. King, 
a natural parent of said 
child, is a non-resident 
of the Stete of Virginia, 
the test known post office 
address telng: U.S. Navy7 
315-54-4878 BUD/S, Naval 
AmpUbious Base, Coron- 
ado, San Diego, Califomte, 
It is therefore Ordered 
ttet the said Daniel J. King 
appear tefore tWs Court 
within ten (10) days after 
publication of this Order 
and indicate his attitude 
toward the proposed adop- 
tion, or otterwise do wtet 
is necessary to protect Us 
teterest in tUs matter. 
A copy teste: Jote V. 
Fentress, Clerk 
By: Patti A. Keeneten D.C. 
Rotert B. Cromwell, Jr. 


Guy, Cromwell, Betz, 

Smith & Dickerson 

Attorneys at Law 

Suite 525 PeiMroke One 


Virginia Beach, Virginte 


VBS 4/6, 4/13, 4/20, 4/27 

MARCH, 1977. 
RE: Estate of Frank Em- 
ett Pridgen, deceased 

It appearing that a re- 
port of the accounte of Ro- 
tert Balckwell Pri^enand 
Glenn B. McClanan, per- 
sonal representetives of 
^ tte Estete of Frank Em- 
mett Pridgen, deceased, 
and of the debts am de- 
mands against Us Estete 
tes been filed te tte 
Clerk's Office of tUs 
Court, and ttet ste montts 
teve etepsed since the 
qualification, on motion of 
the personal represente- 
tives; IT IS ORDERED ttet 
the creditors of, ami all 
others teterested te, tte 
„Estete do show cause, if 
any ttey can, on tte 22nd 
day of April, 1977 , at 
10:00 a.m., tefore tUs 
Court at its courtroom, 
against tte payment and 
delivery of the Estete of 
Frank Emmett Pridgen, 
deceased, to tte Devisees 
without requirteg refund- 
ing bonds. 

DERED ttet tte foregoing 
portion of tUs ORDER te 
published once a week for 
two successive weeks in 
the Virgteia Beach Sun, a 
newspaper teving general 
circulation in the City of 
Virginia Beach, Virginte. 
ENTER: This 25 day of 
March, 1977. 

A copy-teste: John V. 
Fentress, Clerk 
By: J. Curtis Fruit, D.C. 
Glenn B. ffcClanan 
Attorney and Counsellor at 

425 South WitcMuck Road 
Virginia Beach, Virginte 

VBS 4/6, 4/13 2t 

In the Clerk's Office of tte 
Circuit Court of the City of 
Virginia Beach, VA., ontte 
28th day of March, 1977. 
Thomas C. Kuch, 
Plaintiff, , 

Etertera Kuch, 

The object of this suit 
is to obtein a divorce a 
vteculo matrimtmii from 
the said defentent, ^xm 
the grounds of me year 

And an affidavit teving 
teen made and filed that 
the defendant is a mw-re- 
sident of tte Stete of Vir- 
ginia, the last Imom post 
office address teli^: 153 
Scteol St., Coventry ,C(mn. 
06238 it is ordered ttet 
she do appear tere withte 
ten (10) days after duep^- 
lication hereof, anddoitet 
may te necessary to pro- 
tect her teterest te kite 

A copy-Teste: Jote V. 

By: Patti A. KeaaiM^ De- 
puty, Cleit 
Barrow A Lowe 
3104 Arrtic AMNe 
Virgtete Beat*, VA 11^ 

ym i^, 4/13, 4/tt. 4^ 











U jm have a ck)( or cat or uqrWai ]Kw 
Mit to give awy, »e will run your dius- 
-tfled ad abGolutelT FHEE. Yes, thM's r^, 
well rua your ad in owr popular FIttlE BEE 
sMtflo*. TUs is a prttUc servin provided 
lqr,]r^ tonetown conminity aenspaper. 

YcRir FREE BEE «l will reach jMttlie 
right pe<9le who will provide a alee Warn* for 
your animal. Aad if it's sometUiv else yon 
lave to give away, your friends and neii^-. 
bors will appreciate your generositj. So call 
547-4571 to place your FREE BEE ad today. 

cWldreft to help work- 
ing parents, for cbildren 
ages 3 to 6, oa Wednes- 
days at 7 p.m. and Satur- 
days at 11 a.m. Chesapeake 
Headquarters Library in 
Great Brii^e. 

FREE - Two cats. One is 
•'i solid black female, spay- 
ed, other is a solid white 
male, nuetered. Both cats 
are very gentle. Giving a- 
way because of allergies. 
Need very loving home, 
older couple preferred. 
Call 547-S268 after 5 p.m. 

F( UR CUTE tdack, furry 
pu 5 in search of a good 
ho ne. Mirther-Golden Re- 
tr >ver, father - big, black 
te rier. Please call 488- 
42 ;3. 

Kl rTE!^, 2 gray, female. 
GJ w awaf . Call 424-42S2 

p: e- schoolers that ef- 
p lins good eating habits 
ai d nutrition, "The Thing 
T le Professor Forgot. 
F 'ee copies are available 
fi }m: Consumer Informa- 
tim, Dept. Q., Pueblo, 
C ilorado 81009. 

f^ !EE-Special 2 year old 
st try hour at Chesapeake 
H adquarters Library in 
eat Bridge. Every Tues- 
di yat 11 a.m. 

FIVE pi^fiies free. Five 
ks old, mother Ameri- 
Srittt, father G(^^ 
ker S|»itfel. 2 raal^Pft 
females. CaU 499^ 
8M3 after t:Or» week days 
and «Q «»ek>ead. . 

mvitfe tarMer will gtw 
fiW bCNoe to wild owls, 
hairics, or aay birds aot 
wanted Iqr owner. Also free 
care Ibr injaredbinte. Sta- 
tdj penatt no. 00064 Write: 
Rkk at P.O. Box 13426. 
CJwsapttke, Va. 23325. 

German S^lmiuers. 
are pregnant. House 
titrate or both. 

FREE-four Labrador Re- 
triever pups. Free to a good 
home. Call 539-0422. 

FREE MOVIES every Wed- 
nesday at 12:10 p.m. at 
Kim Library, 301, E. City 
HaU Ave., Norfolk. 

FREE to good home-female 
puipy 6 months old. Part 
Terrier and part ^itz. 
Loves children. Small-good 
watchdog. Bliwde with white 
forehead. Call 487-8363. 

TAILPIPES. You waatoM, 
m've got a large selec- 
tion. FREE, first come, 
first served. These are 
vintage fipes to fit many 
makes and models. Siinest 
jm bring your old pipe 
to mite your choice of one 
of these fine old pipes. 
Cal 1 Captain Cash, Frank- 
lin, Va., 562-6171. 

PUPPIES-Black, one male 
and one female. Ten weeks 
oU. Mother Keesbound,&- 
ther St. Bernard. Must see 
to aK>reciate. Call 340- 

FREE BOOK-"Propbet 
Elijah CiHBlng Before 
; C&rist." Writ* Megiddo 
k Mission. ni'nm^BBM., 
r Rochester, M.Y. 14il9. 

C WHITE female rabbit - 2 
r yrs. old. Nice pet. CaU 
V 414-1071. 

. White cat, male (nerter- 

; ed), 1 year old, 1 yellow 

'< eye and 1 Uoe eye, Good 

; home only. 428-W64. 

i (WE sattll and me toge 
C covaereial pottto peeler, 
:< Call «4-101t<ff^^-4363. 

TWSEnniM-part Ger- 
man tt^0M^ Free to a 
good l»me. Call S47-4341. 

CATS-two black - fixed, 
weald tike to ^ as pair 
Call 4M-7S19. 

FREE Ufr et home ap- 
^UMi ii^ttw lUe-cydt 
eMi Qwttu* prlM pt» 
mntf &M. For yoir 
sm to '^A Lii*-Cyd« 
rmmt «t AppUuccs," 
wrttt Mwaaner News, 
^^e af CMnpatr Af- 
aurs, Wiuttmim, DC 

sta. a(Min^nnd,OUR- 
ce^rte iMk m «Mw anl- 
m^ls perferrat . Qdl tt- 

ndbtrt S. R^ef aqrs: 
Km* ta ^«a«»^3irMto- 
ti^ . yl^rtMl • irMI 
Mfk pertoM'low Mrtsds 
and jmr »Mm 9 

dsitt. nm 

ten y« haw toa*iMt- 
p^«ted - pRMMUced 
BtartffltK ^^mtU, A* 
■ukig^ M^nte. #rtte 
tm^ imm niE tm- 
cnmn to : l^ert K. 
R^.fce.ff,0. ■wtM. 
GMsvM>, m lM6i 

3 yr. old mediiun site dog 
Mixed breM. Foule, 
spay«l. All sints. Long 
reddish brown hair. Lovn 
ootdoors-needs yard. Lttc- 
es ckiUm. CaU 543^1191. 

FREE WOOD -Used. Large 
l^cces. Call 427-2211 or 

the public, (m Sunday at 
3 p.m., sponscH^ by the 
Scientology Mission of Va. 
Beach. This lecture con- 
cerns "The Pot«itlal A- 
bilitles of Man and How 
He Can Realise Them." 
and the emotlcmal tone 
scale. Call 428-5231 for 

FREE PUPPY - Medium 
size, part beagle. Approx* 
imately 5 months old. Very 
gentle. Needs a good home. 
CaU 483-4582. 

FEDERAL TAX intorma- 
tioD and assistance. Call 
between • a.m. and 4:4S 
p.m. TriqriKme 461-3770. 

and give jHNir love and 
tome for our animals. We 
need your help. Ports - 
mouth Humane Society. 

FREE-Part German aiep- 
herd, 9 month old female. 
Good wiOi children, boose 
trained. Call 484-8^7. 

Up-to-the-hour. Hampton 
Rouls area fiHvcast. Dial 

3 lflX£SH]tmiAN Shm>- 
herds female-tweeks old. 
CaU after six 545-6692. 

FREE-Baby jars. Most are 
junior size, few smaU jars. 
Good Ibr makmg jeUy. CaU 

FREE-pnniies, mixed ami 
shepherd. Both males and 
females. 9 weeks old. CaU 

FREE TREES-Cut yourself 
sidtable tor firewood and 
Umber. CaU ^3-1448 af- 
ter 4:30 p.m. 
for rent 

4yr. old part shepherd and 
retriever. White male. Very 
Idayful, very good with 
children. EzceUent watch- 
dog. Needs htaoe with room 
to ran and play. CaU 420- 

FREE TO agoodhome. Fe- 
male Cocfc-a-poo, 18 
OKWths old. 486-3400 

Mixed breed funalepivpies 
Part bft^. Shots and 
wormed. CaU 423-6703 

MDIUTURE lale poodle- 
Registered. 2 yrs. oM Ap- 
ricot. CaU 417-7009. 

FEMALE -Cock -a -poo, 
spaded. 18 , months old. 
Free to a good home, toves 
children. CaU 340-7243. 

BEAGLE PUP-6 aootfcs. 
Great with diiMren. Free 
to good borne. 486-7246, 
after 6 iraekdays. 

HORSE miaBra. EieeUcnt 
for flower and vegetable 
garden. Located nenrCrMt 
Bridge. CaU 420-7037 af- 
ter 7 PM. 

F(WR mixed toeedpeppio* 
E%M we^ old. Aayooe 
«Ao can give dMs a good 
bcnne welcm^. Medlin 
sized dog. Cm be sen 
anytime at 1204KeapevUle 



joiA maUing lists. Write 
to the Direct Mail Market- 
ing Associatira, 6 East 
43rd Street, New York, 
N.Y. 1001 7 and ask for their 
"name removal form." 
They'U get the job dcme, 
no eharge. 

you're in Uie market for a 
used car, there's a firm 
law to protect you against 
odometer fixing, rolling 
back the mileage counter. 
Write for the free folder, 
"Consumer Protection Un- 
der New Antitamperi^ 
Odometer Law," from the 
National Highway Traffic 
Safety Administration, 400 
Seventh St. S.W., Washing- 
ton DC. 20590. 

LABRADW R^rtever. 
Bitfk male, I yrs. old 
GeaUe. Free to good borne 
wm no cbUdren. CaU 547- 

FREE-Dog, mixed breed, 
6 mos. old male. Very 
affecUoute, loves chU • 
dren. Free to a good home. 
CaU 483-4983. 

TWO DdOS-Part Uernao 
Sb^erd, 8 mcwths 61d. 
l male and 1 female. FREE 
to a good home. CaU 482- 


FREE trees and stamps 
for firewood. OA yoer- 
self . CaU 4M-6S29. 

FREE-Boxes of dotbes- 
worfc cUrtbes, ajiprasl- 
mately size 40's, AU sizes 
(rf diUdrens ctoths and 
dresses. CaU 420-3844. 

^ ^ — ,'- ji ' I -, ' 

VFTIES-Story and movies, 
craft days ami puppet shows 
Call Children Co-ordina- 
tor, Peggy Forehand at 

FEMALE mtA Setter pq»- 
py. 6 mooOs fM. Good 
with CbUdren, free to a 
good home. 4S3-16^. 

FREE puppy to good home. 
Male, 6 months old. CaU 
483-2212 after 5 p.m. 

ONE .male Wae-iKy 
beatthy .Uttrn wltb wUte 
paws. Verypiayfnlbotfen- 
tle. Can 4M-30S9 before 

FREE-1 1/2 yr. old male 
(tog. Mixed breed, meittum 
size. Good pet, Mendly 
aad idayM. Needs good 
bome w^ fenced yard. Has 
tad shoto. 4BI-3I71. 

One refrigeratw to be giv- 
en away. Rmudng eoa^ttoo. 
Ton pick np. CaU 483- 

* » ' ' " ■ 

FREE TRAVEL -calendar 
listing vivtits scheduled for 
the mid-AtlaoUc area this 
winter and spring. C^es 
are availaUe by writing 
Chesapeake Bay Bridge - 
Tunnel. D^. HB, Cape 
Charles, Va. 23310. 

FREE Ubrary cud aatlt- 
les yon to aU Uk bo(*s 
yon can read. Come to any 
<a oar four loeattons: 300 
Cedar Road, Civic Center^ 
Taylor Itoad t Porisaoatt 
Blvd. - WMten Bian^ 
Potodexter 4 Decatur, 
SooUi «forfo]k - Indian 
River Road 4 ^trtcm 
Road. New loc^im Is Jan- 
nary ^ Geone WaaUwtoa 

tWf WFFIR? Free 
"Prevvker" Mfeaxiae. 
ValaaUe Mort^lmttaa 
poisoa in ^tKessed foods. 
HOBAL rmetttM. Write 
ProvelBtr Pvws, 9. Ca- 
IberiaM. m, Oirtario LZR 

<»fE WAT to mate a Int 

long AiHea '%itafMme 
eaU: dM «0O-9W^^ to 
ftad 08btftit4iH^]ta're 

Is soM i»v, MIM, lall 
In tte,iMl,«iiaMiBi 

FREE to 

Virgin ialMMifsrae 
large pddded imMtwUcb 
itteU aad i» aMea aad 
cenlactiow. For taienaa- 
ttoa oa hov to store this 
wooderM vtrfitUe Idpime 
atoag with a aeltetton of 
reeipta to eelaferato Pea- 
h, write: 
PXi. Wk 11<3, 
RMHBOiri, Va. 2»0>. 

FREE DOGS-female CU- 
tzu, mile is part CU-tsn 
and mancbester. Bdh five 
year*. 4^. Need a good 
home. CaU 487-69%. 

DON'T PAY for tt. Get It 
free at the Headquarters 
Chesapeake PubUe Li- 
brary: original partings by 
loeal artiste. Hcdlywood 
movies, and scidpture to 
decorate your bome. We 
also have loads of free in- 
formati(» to decorate your 
mind: ^._^____ 

NEED A FILM or speaker 
for your next club meeting? 
The CbesiHpeake Public Li- 
brary cHevs free prcgrams 
on ealtural a^rs, movies, 
and new books. , 

FREE puppies, 5 wks, old 
Ready to leave. Seen at 
701 Stalbam Rd. Chesa - 
poake, after 5:30 p.m. 

NEED TO USE an out-of- 
town telqihuie directory? 
We have a ton of them at 
U» (^sapeake Public Li- 
brary Headquarter. 

FREE COURSE - On per- 
soUl ettidiency and 
character traits for peo- 
{de over 21. No obligation. 
Call 428-5231 or register 
at: 200 64th St., Va. Beach. 

3 females and 2 male's. 
2 months old. Half Siamese, 
with Siamese maricings Imt 
not colors. FREE to a good 
home. Call 488-6819. 

fads everyone should 
know about eye care from 
Uw Virginia Soctoty for 
ite Prevwrtioaot Blind- 
ness. For nmr tree asfiy 
at "Tour Eye for a Life- 
time of Sight" write:Pre- 
veat Blindness, Box 2020, 
Richmond, Va. 23216. 

NINE PART ColUe pup- 
pies, 6 weeks oU. Botti 
male and females. Free 
to a good bome. CaU 421- 

BE THERE when the bears 
wake up! Free color bro- 
chure teUs you about va- 
cationii^ in the Great 
Smokies, in Spring or 
anytime. Write AshvUle 
Chamber of Commerce, 
lOU. AshevUle, N. C. 

Free doable bed boxed 
springs for the taking. 420- 

FREE-For able people who 
KUd to become more able. 
Learn how to improve your 
life, handle problems and 
achieve your pot«itial suc- 
cess in Ule. Availibte now 
to Virginia Beach. Seven 
hours packed full dusealde 
data on comaumlcatlon, 
purposes and goalsandbow 
to achieve them. Take ad- 
vantage of this opporttstty 
to leam how to dnnge un- 
wanted conditions in your 
environment. Free. With 
DO obllgattoo, to introduce 
sdentology, the pUlos^y 
yon can apply to life. Re- 
gteto at zm-UoA Street 

FXEE-CowBereial belt 
racks. Five Mt. CaU 464- 


Two popples. Mother is a 
tof ponUe. 6 weeks old. 
tails dipped. Rea^ to go. 
Retpiest food tone. CaU 
488-m26 after 3:30 p.m. 

PintM-Mixed, 5 ilu. old 
Mato aad fenale. Odl 412- 

niS-insits to tte Tir- 
ftfa- Beadi idanetarinm 
evwy T^«lay aad Smday 
darbig Mardi. Ae nrb- 
iram is "As tta Earth 
ttu' wU<A bcflas at 7 
PM. each nigM..Ctfl4M- 
1971 ta€ reservatkos. 

SX pqipiM, Codt-a-poo. 
5 wto. oU. cm 4^W»9 

afte- 5:30 P Ji. 

FREE- LriWador r^ri- 
e^, 2 years old. Good 
pet, needs a good home. 
C^ 483-2304 

wnmt rmtm a sbua* 

tltMoT Mr i^M' bM*, 
fn* a rfai^ nfKt 
ertttcal asMM- 

id the dlfer^" 

a^s and nMdMs. Fret 
&WE PMMto OMhr Re - 
itutt Gnuf, wn f M. 
R.W., WttMMB, D.C. 

that means a friend near- 
by. Help drive crooks 
crazy! For free member- 
ship information write: 
SmtMf ^ilr 1, CB Posse . 
Hwd^puPtora, 1100 NE ' 
12Sth'at:« Miami. FU. 33161 

FREE GAM^ - th check 
oat Pit. Probe, MmH)poly, 
Scan, Bttdnamen, CbarUe 
Brown, ; ngfety Ami, 
Ch«», Rubber puzzle and 
many man at Chesapeake 
HMdquarters Library, 
Gr^t Bridge ChUdren^s 


FREE FUm programs for 
Udaat Great Neck, Win- 
dsor Woods aad Virginia 
Beacft branch Ubraries ev- 
ery btnrday morning. 
OnUd 340-2987 for to- 
iormattoa en fUm tiUes, 
Umei aaddtates. 


ROCAIMATE watted- eighi 
rocnn bouse, E^abarton 
(KMnnsvUle) area. |12S 
pIuTtalf of utUities. CaU 
W-lUi or 588-2819. 

AUIt) CRUSHER-A-1 junk 
car removing. All cars 
towed away free. Fast ser- 
vice. 855-4011. 

TYPWG - in my bome. 
Manuscripts etc. CaU 484- 
7589 after 5 PM weekdays, 
anytime weekmds. 

Ibdlvklual and SmaU 
Business Tu Help 

I>avld M. Lindsey 


Automatic, V-8, vinyl top, 

power brakes, '^^went 
cmdition. |1,699 or best 
offer. 427-5314 nigMs, 
340-0308 days. 

1970 OLDSMOUUE - 4 
door. Detta 88, rwfio, air 
power steertog and brakes. 
Needs body woit ^00. CaU 

1975 - DA^ER - 16,000 
mUes, like new.^utomktlc 
fiictory air. 2 door ooipe, 
red with white toteHor, 
sacrifice at |3,I00. Call 


1966 V-8 

SU. Wga 

., very 

Call 587- 




AUTO JUNK-We buy Junk 
autos, trucks, bases.CaU 

BUY, seU, trade. SiqipUes 
20% off. state iq^raisals. 
Virginia Beach's com- 
plete oAa, and stamp sbop 
BUI HuU, 1516 Thorough- 
good Stopiting Center. 464- 

smcfting firq>laces. Old 
flr^daces r^iaired. New 
fir^ilaeea and deaf ^ten- , 
ed aad bum. (^"^-i 
7350. Virginia Beach Fire- 
place and Chimney Swe^- 

Chedc our prices aad 
svupgir offset quality. We 
also print newsptywrs for 
eoUeges, U^scbods.mi- 
Utery bases, churches, 
i^Amdy wanting a profes^ 
sioaal. prodod. QualUy 
tow price, fast service. 
Complete typesetting fac- 
Uittes. For estimate caU 
Ken Curl«y(547-4571)or 
NoiTis Bly (627-5020). 

6-A«ioaBflUln for Sale 

1967 RENAULT ^-R^O 
Needs nUnor I'^ialr, but 
good nmaing eoamtloi. 4- 
qpeed manaal; MidHtUa ra- 
dlalsv pwd coadltiOB. |150 
CaU «9-6777. 

DODGE-Mazi Van, 1971, 
turtle top, ftiUy insulated, 
roof top camper alr-con- 
diUoaer, 3/8 automatic 
transmission, power ste- 
eriagand brakes. ^,0(X). 

autoamtic, 4 door, fiiUy e- 
quipped, A/C, power steer- 
lag, power brakes. Excel- 
lent eoadltioa. Call 488- 

Sqimrdiack. air caadttiw- 
ed, nuUo, straight traas- 
missioi, needs remne, 
good eoadiUim, |7K, S47- 

PONTIAC - 1973 U Mans 
SffOit cmqie, 350 V-8.p(Nr- 
er steering aad brakM, air 
cmdittoUng, AM -Fllra- 
dto, vtoyl roof, raUye 
wheels, buetet seated ez- 
ceUent condtttoa, ^.SOO. 
Price negt^iable. 'tt4- 

BWCK LTD, 1975, lli»t 
mtwm iriiite laaiia top, 
alr^conWtioaed, aU power, 
tilt wbeM, cntfM coBtrol, 
eaasettedKk, like acv, o- 
r^^nal owner. ^,875. CaU 
S43-9314 after 5 p.m. 

CHRYm-ER - 1974 New 
y^riwr^ air ccarttl<aiiag. 

AM-FM stereo, aceM 
cMMks, cruise eMtnS. 
Mfltery Boviag, mnt i^. 
11,900 CaU 4H-VM0. 

|L ■ jj !■■ ■■iiran^BHi^i-.iianVa^ui ii i 

nSKs}q-i9M; w^*. 

^im, cwaple my ramnt. aB 

Mh»(wtf, ateMiM«a> 
yl litote. tatfrt Matsi 
fiw^ air, jBMMv fltoet 

cyM^ wtea BQl to va 
ft c tHw d tsBBUiam. 4S8 • 

1972 MGB Roadst^, low 
mUeage. fovm wMi Uad^ 
Wertor, 1^91 atrlpM. 
AM-FH 8 trade stereo, 
chroate Jag-wlre wlieais 
luggage ndt. tooaeau co- 
ver. ExMUeat eoiditira, 
$2900. Must mU tnmed- 
iately, 423-4406, 421- 
6336 or 4S9-M23: 


IJiraC-Hini Motor Home on 
Dodge chaMs, 1912, fuUy 
self-coriained, oidy »),000 
mllee. Seeps 6, fuUy air 
coadttloaed, gas stove, gas- 
eledrlc rtl^raUH-, bath 
wlfii idwwer. TV aito»a, 
I' attadted«aaimr, 30" 
steer «itMSlott bed on bade 
for stoirage. loany extras, 

72 raOWLER - Travel 
TraUer, 18 ft. New c(ndi- 
tion, ^600. CaU 497 - 
4912. « 

KITt IS'^lowpn^Iecanr 
pbig tnUer, good coadi- 
ttoa. 1800. CaU «B0-78d4, 

FROUC - 17' sleeps 6, 
self contained, exceUdit 
mattUon. $1800. CaU 587- 

COACHMAN - 1971, re-< 
creatkmal veUde, SO', M- 
ly contained, sle^pa 8. Ex- 
cdlat coedition. CaU 481- 

1970 FCMU)F-600, tut cab. 
18 ft. altmiaam box wta 
roU 19 door. $SHM, wUl 
consider anytoiag (tf val- 
<w as partial payment. CaU 

DODGE-1976, 1/2 ton, 6 
cyl., 3 sp^ed, Immemade 
camper sheU, great gas 
mUcage. $4,000. CaU 420- 


1970 KAWASAKI - 250 - 
Electric start, good eoadl- 
tt<». $275 cash. CaU 421- 

Electro-glide, tow mUrage 
dww room ooadmoB, sale 
price $2900. CaU 587 - 


13 ft., with traUer, $800. 
CaU after 6:30 w week- . 
ends, 490-1596. 

CHRIS CRAFT- 1965,36' 
Cruiser, twto Chris Craft 
eagiaes, 229 hp, Ctaan de- 
mand gmerator, S kw,fly 
iHidge; ttaay extras. Mast - 
see to apiMeiate. CaU Ml- 

CABAVELLE - 1974, 19' 
caiC But-drive, StI HP, 
toUy eqaf^ed. tralto-. e- 
tocMc wta^. fttU caana 
cover, less than 40 bn. 
Like new. $5500. 499- 
5389, 497-7908. 

liAIKWIS - 1?', 6S hpHer. 
can oA bcird, UIw aew 
MBdliton. Galntfxed km 
traUer. Qitt a4-af?l 




Hodess, waitress, cock - 
tiU wttrMH. Eqiertatee 
prrf er red. (f%ts is not rer 



l^r heaeflte. <»m|det» 


A^ir &/ A little extra mofiey 
can mean a lot of extra 
Uvlofl Vm»m» income 
in your gptre time. Call 

WJUrm — part iutt* 
WftWHwf to m^tmt 
bMMMM ftrms. ta^Mt 

AhdiuqM-, 3i«ftBmtf 


NntMii Oi^lfiBMt. Ezc- 
ellMt foaftltHilriUi you^ 
|FMH^ ilMttt firm, to- 
catod :ee«n front Vir- 
ginia BeMh. Most have 
advertence. Call Linda, 
Peter Kwick Copies. 486- 

CCSMETKS* - a ManlmU 
Field femUy owned eom- 
paay is expaaiU^ in Va. 
Field Cl^Ioas lac. Airt- 
urae eoo«iltaM needed. 
Possible to ram $100- 
$175. Commission sales. 
Send ume, address, and 
telephone number to: Box 
1327, C/O Cbesapmke 
Post, Chemeake, Va., 
233^. "SmaU'tovestment 
' ■■ ■"'-- ■■■•■'■- 

HELP WAirrE]} - Insvr- 
aaee salf s, ■» d^tt, aeed 
sales peofd^e tooktog tor a 
rewardiw ca»er with one 
(d tbe larger tosurance 
eompaates la America. 

EARN ATH(»IEaddres- 
aing aid mdUgg. Ruli 
stamped, setf v addmaed 
No. lo envelope. SUPE, 
Box 5068, Ft Wayae, tod 

BUTOR Is toU^ awny 
persons earn laaiey wait- 
ing two to four bomrs a 
day. We can help you. For 
ippointi&eat, call 420-M77 

WOXma - totervlewiiic 
models for art daases. 
&tKiday, U-5 p.m. call 


Ule Agents 

This It your 


We tave our kaads ftdl 
sarMUag a group of ever 
40,000 e^^taiiMes iaaUto 
taaacaaee bsadlt ezda - 
■^i^eete.-. ■ isatt-. 
^m^Mltod eandaas 

cd m osd^^orabte- 

tfeea n aji. ndnaaoa 
tu aimlataiaato aad per- 
soaal aiande*. 

WANTED - start sales ba-, 
mediately witt local Gnat 
Bri<%eageacy. Loads fbra- 
ished. CaU Mr. Fraldc 4tt- 
2882 or 547-2759. 

PART TIME-Average coa- 
mlsstoe, 6.50 per boar, lib 
experteaee aeeded. nMee 
340-5463 betweea 2 aad 5 
for i^ipdatmtat. 

moyock area-EanMntra 
money: SeU subscrlptioas 
to your hometown news- 
paper, Gbesapetice Post. 
Big orannlnioBs. Can ears 
as mnch as $200 a wedc 
in your qare time. CaU 
Jim Browa at 547-4571. 


start now oa Job traiaing, 
rapid advancemeet. 



ProfU xhariag, pak) vadi- 
U(m, many bMcflte. 

GALL 424-4902 

DON'T IffiiO 




$10,000 PER YEAR 

$40,000 PER YEAR 



No adliac » warnkmix MceMary*. foTwOl i«(tpd[ 
bawMId mgfixf* vrtto aa c«i^7*i ft^Mt ^Ulng 
asttoatfly adyntlaed %m U 1^ traffic dimpaiqr es- 
taUbAad vmam that wUl be tv^ed over to you. 
Tov reordM Witt be ^ailiter ^vcMmd by om 4f the 
(Adart aad largeat braMi vnjie «9 aMiMaleiv la toe 
U.8. Ai^dMs nuat be r«vidaMHt. itta to nrite de- 
diAMB. aad be canaMa milummm^mmj»A to- 
or «»0 * WOi MiSMaBseJbay bad(. 

Can Mr. BeU: ToU Fret Mqt «»«. l-MO-621-7725, 
Ext. A121. Su&y eaUs accqited. 

BABYOTTTING - my home 
»«*«lays, BayvUle park 
area. Call 460-1037. 

BABTSrrnNG - Ages 2 
ahd up. Rot luoches pro- 
vided. Dunedto Apt. ana. 
CaU 483-4229. 

BOOKKEEPER -all phases 
iadMlbig payroll, my bome 
or BMt ttaie ia offlee. 486- 


any age, diya or evenlags- 
490-0962. <. 

HOUSiaTTER ~ Mature 
respo n d ble perwn wlU 
proirida Uve la otre for 
bouae, pets» idaato. AvaU- 
aUe June- August. 484- 

CARE for two and possi- 
bly three elderly ladies 
to my home. CaU 54*^ 

nui Sdeetric. My home. 

BABTSITtUKi my bome. 
Moaday throagti Friday: AU 
ages. Ei%e0eM-CAurdi - 
laad area, d^ liMBll. 


SeU sabser^oaa to ^our 
hometown newspaper, 
Cbeaapeake Post aad Va. 

.Beadi 9am. Big commiss-. 

' ioBs.. Caa eara as much as 
$200 a wedc to your qwre 
time. CaU Jim Brown at 


BATON Twirling, B«rch- 
iB« and strtitttaig. SmaU 
classM and private les- 
sons. For torthertotorma- 
■ tton, eaU 486-4908 after - 


TENNIS - \ij pn^esslbnal 
private court. CaU 428 - 

PIANO aad oifaa iastruc- 
ttcm to yooThoaie. Va. Beach 
area, dll 461-'79tt. 

GUITAR, Banjo, piapo. or- 
gaa aad drpm lesaoas. Pri- 
vate or groqp to^mdion. 
Beginners aad advuced. 
-Aeeredaed teadidrs to 
Cbarchlaad. Va. Beach aad 
Norfolk areas. CaU 420- 
4922, if BO aaswer 588 ^ 
S«)$. . 

Nnraes Aides 4 (Merlies- 
Oak HiU if edical Tratolni 
School, Great Bridge. 547- 

22-Degs, C^, aad OMtor Pete .. 

registered. 7 weeks old. 
$150. CaU 588-2530. X 

POODLE PUF - Apricol/jl 
tiBViaB whito. Female, s'^f 
wks. aU AKC registerwl.^^ 
Can 484-1794. * 

Mei^*^' *'iflaw'tiwaf ^'^ 
staadard, 9 wedu old, AKC 
Regiatered, shou/vorm- 
ed/dUiped. $100 each. CaU 

AKC rMistared. Cbaaqdoa ^ 
blood Uae. 1 male, 1 fe- 
male. Call 41»r6097. 

istered, good pet^free, 
sbote aad wormed, 7 weeks. 
CaU 497-6012. 


i<aT flETTM AHVwtgne? — 


BE A I8STBIBim» With Top Name Breads 


LaoMcu 4siablkAed by St year old eoapaay. Fdl^ 
or part-ttaM, taral^ig toeladed. $4995.00 iaveatmeat 
re^pdred. Gaaraateed 1 year mercbaadlae rqmrchase 

Call mt. WlUans (toU free) 1-800-848-1970 or edleet 

Or wiie: FOOSftniE PBOTO CO. 

Stawe 1946 162 N. 

Third St, Colmirima, quo 4$21$ 


How to kelp solve aueey 
worries! Ld elaaaified ads 
to you l«9Detown news- 
paper sdl things you no 
longer need aad caa do with- 


BABYSIT MYhomeforcatsi 
Call 428-4064. 













tm 4SMtt71 






ip fJ p p- |P-i» jML » pjp' P IPt ^^^^^ 




^1^ vith hand brakes, 
liSi Oae spider bike with 
ciiMter brakes, $10, Call 

^WmOlG STEREO - con- 
note. Convertible stroller- 
talTiage, Game table with 

«er, Books, Fiberglass 
pes, Girl's clothing 

4 ^ ■ ■ 

fcND TABLK- Maple, 

Hy American. Mersman 

}{ 1 commode twi l doiwh 

4 Call 2SI-2062 after 

* i 

Wmt WASHER, 9100; 
>ffi« lutfrjrer, |100; 

treeser, $150. All 
iood i^mdttioo. 499- 


..jVING AND must sacri- 
lia<^mmons Beauty rest, 
NEW; K^antiful cut out pe- 
c»Bjlea<ftcart-Two sets of 
gorgeiMs sheets and pil- 
low CAses, 2 new foam rub- 
ber ptllows, Lovely spread 
tWal cost over $800, will 
sell complete for $475. 
TUf bed is from an im- 
maeulate and outstanding 
home of decorator. 46!- 
JBS59, wks, after 6, any - 
time weekmds. 


check the Want Ads weekly 
for rare values. Turn back 

Opea daily- 3204 High ^. 
^rtsnioirtb. All types of 
antiipws, cut glass, china, 
Ainiltui^. Rankamericard 
and Master Charge. Call 

m^HKuy graDdittter 
clock $ll50; earvBd wal- 
nut »rm<^re $495; 2 wal- 
Dot bumus $300 each; raa- 
hopmy dresser $225. 480- 
2234-3 to 8 p.m. 



SH)E-BY-SIDE refrigera- 
tor/freeier, ^$150. French 
Provtocial sofa and chair, 
$100. Call after 5:30 p.m. 

countMM^ Ittft new. Her' 
vest gold with dark brown 
formica top. $165. Call 547- 

2t-Clragt Knamage 

GARAGE SALE-429-26thSt. 
Va. Beach. Moving, variety 
of Item*, attte to btse"- 
ment. i^l Itth md 17th- 
10 to 4 p.m. 

CRURCHLAND - American 
pjt^oD Hall, Saturday, 
•Airtl 16, 10-2 p.m. Cloth- 
Hi^, iMxuebtdd items, TV's 
•Benefit CCO-kbidergarten. 

8t-Waited To B<qr 






iFlnaiH^e Co. 




«^.ruvi^ V-Vtl10 

Norfolk's most complete, 
buy, selltrade, buying sil- 
ver coins, 42 Southern 
Shopping Center, Norfolk 

COMING TO College Park 
Phase II. Mid-April. Look 
for grand op^^. Lafay- 
ette Coin Sh(^, 420-9037. 



BRACLET Ifttch, 14 K., 
GoM 1- wUe wtth p^r 
sla^ onianeot and dia- 
noAda on t^.. Very valu- 
able. Call 547-1802 

Ring- ladies diamond sol- 
itaire. Platinum setting. 
Center sto» 3.85. Side 
stones, .20 each. Ap- 
praised in 1975 for 
$11^50.00. Prtce-$?,200. 
Call 489-1748 or 423-7113. 

88-Gw>d -migs In Eat 

OYSTERS-Smcked in their 
own Juice. Across tnm 
Hurt's S«ifood Resianrant 
off of Little Neck Rd. Call 
Earl Smith at 340-5171. 

35-Lawii and Gafdea 

How to help solve mon- 
ey worries! Let classified 
ads in your tometown news- 
paper sell things you no 
longer need and can do with- 
out. Low cost and quick act- 




Flowertng Shnto 



724 Cedar Rd.GreatBridgc 

Phone 547-2244 

TOP SOIL - dark, rich, 
loose, loamy sand and fill. 
Call 587-9077. 

40-ltoUle Hones fn- 


CASTLE - 1975, 12X64', 3 
bedroom, like new, nntnA- 
ished 0r pairtiallV itoiish- 

GUARDIAN - 1976, Sbdrra. 
2 full baths, can remain 
on lot. Shed, patio cover 
and skirtli^ stays, with 
stove and refr^erator. 
Leaving area, must sell. 
$500 and assume balance. 
I pay all charges for trans- 
ferring in your name. 485- 

41-MoUl* Hone Sltta 

LA7 rge corner 

lot, to Oceanii. 

»5S Can 426-6902. 

45-AyirtiBWtt Iw Bit 

CRADOCK - 2 bedroom, 
stove, re&'^^rator, m 
pets, deposit feared. 

il-For Rent or Ms 

tal Pe($le. Ratals 
thnNfhotf Tfalewaterarta. 
All ^ces. All«tetcrto&Mis 
AH siburttaa^ OpM i4m 
480 - 2720. 1S6 £. yttle 
Creek Rd. 

roOn and oirtxtaiidiag bktti 
in quiet aadlMtutttathMne, 
I deal for imfesitoBd or 
retired mui. VbtttH ai 
responsible. (Location - 
Near KogerERC«tiTe Cen- 
ter) RefersBCW dieeked. 

MOYOCKN.C. -Luve re- 
creational svlmffliBg po(d 
for roit. Great for gnnip 
CaU S47-5117, nl^its *tt- 

Drive with e^ire, don't be 
a speeder, you m^t run o- 
ver want ad reader! 

GREEN RUN -Contempor- 
ary 3 bedroom, 2 bath boose 
on canal and open field, 
Included carpetuig, fire- 
{dace, teat pump, live-in 
panelled kitchen and patio 
tennis and pool privileges, 
$349. 427-5576. 


2 story, 4 bedroom, 2-1/2 
bath, living room, dining 
room, eat-in Utcben, pan- 
eled family room, attached 
garage. Large lot, com- 
pletely iewed. $39,000 by 
owner. 340-6620. 

BRIGAOOOM - By owner. 
Beautiful Cerlno constmc- 
ted ranch. 4 bdrm., 2 1/2 
baths, fam. rm. with wet 
bar and firqiUce, eat-in 
kit. with bay window, doub- 
le .gar., wooded lot in fuiet 
cd-de-sac. $82»900. CaU 
481-4601. No agenU^' .'' '^>* 

I a yatT.'-; h-Hiti»if.-i'>» 

I --r' ri>'?f «> -'--^ ~ 
2 story, 4 bttam. 2 1/2 
bath, den with fireplace, 
ezceUent condition, many 
eirtras. Call 499-0659 or 

M-For Sal* Va. Beach 

KINGS FOREST - 2 story 
Colooltl on cul-de-sac, 4 
bedrooms, 2 1/2 baths, 
screened porch, flr^lace 
in family room, 2 car gar- 
age, large lot, $63,000. No 
agents. 3S29 West Coral 
Key. 486-7067. 

iaN(s K>iNT -im.m 

4 bednim raa^ ^MO, 
assMi* VA loM availidde 
in 45 «iys. Owner «^- 

MAOdWLAWN-bnmara - 
late 2 bedroom towifeonae, 
fsUf «4ttippad UtekM la- 
cUnag wuter and dryw. 
CvtpMi. 8 blocks toocMn 
Owner will M> with fln- 
aiM^. 428-^ or 340 - 


I It's so easy... advertise the 

^things you no longer need in 

pbe classified columns of 

lyott hometown newspaper. In 

ipractically no time at all, 

toMple in your neigMiorhood 

^1 know.wtot you have4o 

sell. You're oa the road to 

Wra cash... somebody will 

{^d your ad and buy! 

CASH PAID-for fumi - 
tiire, tools, jewelry, or 
any household item. CaU 
^1-3834 day or night. 


TM danifled section of 

fl!^ ttftatowii MWapaperis 

MS^iaUy ihetaOMitt board 

and muM. placeof thecom- 

maiif. R locates the in- 

taresfnd customw as no 

oOwr i^vcrtislng can do. 

g TUs is because tte cas- 

I tamtn in jmu-ne^hboitood 

' ten to tte ctoMtfied pages 

and scanAoottteadvertiae- 

■Mt t» whtf te or ste 

wants to buy. 

ZIMMER-1974, 12X60', 2 
bedrooiQs 2 baths, com- 
pletely Qirpeted. Partial- 
ly famished. No equity just 
assume payments of 
$154.70. Possible to stay 
on lot. Talk to manager. 

PEACHTREE - Executive 
deluxe, 1974, 12' x 70', 3 
bedrm.,11/2 baths. Equity 
and take over $110 mo. pay- 
ments or trade. CaU 490- 
0254, 460-0391. 

3/4 Brick ranch, 1 1/2 
baths, living rm., fire - 
place, c/a, w/w carpet, 
fenced yard, patio, cen - 
trolly located, redeco- 
rated. Shade ami fruit 
trees, landscaped, asal- 
eas, gardenia, cameUia 
shrubs. Assnmable VA 
$48,500, no aguts, 490- 
1596 after 6:30 p.m. and 

BAYCLIFF - 4 bedrms. 2 
1/2 batte. PaneUed fUnUy 
rm. with fir^lace. Dining 
Living, Kitchen, Break - 
fast and UtlUty rm. 1/2 
acre. Excellent cmidi - 
tion. By Owner 481-1807. 

58*For Sal e Va. Beach 


bedrooms, 2 baths, living 
room with fireplace, din- 
imt room, and den, fully 

^peted. 428-1754. m - 

88'f w fate Ctea^>eri» 

bedroom, 2 Intte, brick 
ll^h. Entrance fc^er, liv- 
ing room, formal dining 
am. Wall-to-wall car- 
pet. OU teat, central air. 
Garage. 547-8969. 

t^e arM, attractive 3 
bedroom bride ranch, flre- 
piaee, family room, t»n- 
tral air, laife treed lot. 
Reasmable - 482-1808. 


TAUhmVOOD - Sy owner 
2 yr. old brick ranch, 3 
bednxms, 2baths,itenwitt 
firefdaee, terdwoodffa|(n«, 
fenced yard. WwtMv 
Branch area. $49,K0. 411^ 


i todMmi. 1 1/2 bett, 
brick TW^. 75 3L IMS' lot 
AU ^dlanees, tew m> wax 


6S - Per Mt- 'I 





^ ■ >AND AIR > 




.Air Com^vssors 
.^ce Heaters 
.Chain Saws 




Home hnprovements^ 
Garage BuUden 
Room iUMttfans 
Aluminum Siding 
Roofs - Cirports 
Kitchen Remodeling 


Hugh E. Black, Sr. 
1800 Park Avoiue 
Chesapeake, Va. 

*m m»*:mtixaitm and 
afladMdguaies. . 
^Convert garage to a dan 

Ceramic Tile. Brick, * 

We spedallse in 
Home Inprovemantst 


Some Inquttvement Co. 
8M-8459 397-7171 
AMrriME EVEHni(» 


General cleaning, steam 
extraction carpet clean- 
ing, floor waxbig and 
stripping, window cleaning, 
carpd and upholstery 
stempooing. Bonded and 

1971 or home caU 467- 


Because our 
nadfti^ tuHn 
to ui In 
March of 
items ttey 
is a powerful 

If you're 
looking for a 
powernil way 
to get results, 
look to 

Call us today 
to place your 
low-cost ad. 




You can trust a 


Ctelee waterfront 
For tte first time foa can 
bigr a beautiful home oo 
moving water in Great 
Bridge. Dock your boat in 
yMr own back yard. These 
Custom brick homes in- 
dode ecoQimical teat pump 
tittstom kttcben cabinets, 
hay window and mai^ ex- 

147.959 and up 

Models Open 

racardo Realtors 

351 Johnston Rd. 


gtt-Por fiale ^rtssMirih 

MERRIFIELD6-3 bedrms., 
tri-level. 2/3 acre yard, 
fenced. CaipeL drapes, 
disbwaster, disposal. - 
Large panelled den. 2 full 
baths. $45,500. By owner 


HOME arm fm bale 

PeqMn^uadM Hmnes 
sales OFfiCE. . . 
333 Providence Rd. 

CaN 464-03 17 

FnisBED orncE loti 

Csdar 8d. A Aneniarla Ih>. 
7 Onishod QlBee sites 1/8 
•ere each. Vhtor, stwer. 
earit A gatter indaded. 
Atems MeCate i Uater 


Don Pope has opened a real 
estate office in the Pem- 
broke Office Park across 
from Sears in Pembroke 

1 LUt ftem. Sell them. 
Rent Ihem. and Buy Item. 

Pembroke Office Park 
PeralMrdte One Building 
Virginia Beach 

Cai 490-1500 


60 minutes fram Va. Beach. 
Ready to build. 4 sided, 
canal surrounded lot. Ap- 
proximately 2 acres, Ac- 
cess to Altermarle Sound. 
Septic tank, deep well, ele- 
ctricity and house founda- 
tion. Like a private is - 
land. Call 340-7951. 


LOT for sale at Massa- 
nutten in Virginia's Sten- 
,;^andoah Valley. Enjoy a 
teantifuUy-green summer 
and a spectacular fall. Best 
of all, get ready for win- 
ter and the test skiing 
between Vail and Vermont. 
^)ecial price. Call Nor- 
rts Bly, 627-5020. 

8UFF0UC- Bei^ttsCreA 
3 bedroom raadi, t batt,* 
feattr room, tMag room. 
AttMed garage. 1^ acre, 
friM trtes, p«dM. Uq sf- 
ents, tt4-lNli^ 07-51^3 

7>-lfaate ianrtf 

LOT K,»»rv^, Gradtag, 
Demolition, Acreage 
dnring. SmaU or large 
Jobs. By tte hour, or job. 
FREE estimate - caU 547- 

ALL types remodeling, 
plianbiBg, electrical, raa- 
sonary, no job too small. 
Can 587-1301 anytime, (tey 
or night. 

ELECTRICIAN will do ser- 
vice work, new work, re- 
wire, service ctenge. Free 
estimates - 20 yrs. ex- 
perience. Call 424-5647. 

Saws of all description, 
chisels, Drill Btts, CaU 

Carpentry, roofing, siding, 
room additions, storm win- 
dows and doors, plaster- 
ing, eledric, concrete 
work, plumbing, guttering, 
remodeling kitchens and 
tathrooms, brick and block 
work, aluminum siding, 
fireplaces, carpeting and 
painting. Serving all Tide- 
water. 623-3733. 




■ I'M 


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t605 Elklart Street - Deep Creek 
three bedroom bui«alow wltt den. Electrie base- 
board heat. Double detai^ pnge, Storm win*nrs 
and doors, aluminum sididg. Large eomnr let. VA 
^ipnised 132,000. 
Astro RMlty 424-3720 

Bill Barlow 417-1663 

The Realtors below are pr ete s slo aris to retf Mlite 
who si^cribe to a strM «ide^ Mtes is msnAers 
of ^alsndstetebeifttoandetttMNsHo^ Association 
of RMl litoto Bonrte. 

Prot9Ct your ln¥9$mwitt S— om of timso loading oroa fiooltorsi 

Taylor Brothers 
Realty Go. 

K»™wOUTH. ViiCWlA. 




1800 Sptedy Ave. 
Chesapeake, Va, 23320 



5700 ChwcMnd Blvd. 

, 4tM*M 



Over 100 new cars in stock, serviced and ready for 
immediate delivery. 

On the spot financing 
G.M.A.C. or bank 

M.I.C. Insurance 

and 36 month or 36.000 mile 

warranty available. 

Hundreds of dollars in 
FREE prizes, nothing to 
buy. Just come on down and 
visit us. 

_ Bar-B-Que 

FREE <»>' 

■ ■^** Chicken 


•'You'll get a better deal during this sale than any time during the year. Hurry on down 
and save!." 



FHzabeth City. North Cardina 
REMEMSIER - You always win «^en ycm deal with Gentte Ben 
Phone (919) 338-2131 


-*— ^^ — ■ 


'irttMi iMch Bm, Apill lA. 1971 

ingston ki 
urns into 

A ^rtm walk ended in 
luter l«n for m Jdader- 
pirtea stiri^ fron Xiogs- 
b» EtenMtery tekool last 

Ycw^sters from tlie kw- 
dei^rten chsses valk^ 
witk tiirir (^smales and 
tnekers to locrii tt and lean 
aiXHit nature aiKl'^1ng..Eaek 
class walked to tbe home of 
a M8rt9 dafsn^te wbere 
ai Easter sAaek awaited 

VB Litt 

On Friday, Apr. 15 at 8:30 
p.m., the LItUe Tlwatre of 
Wrgtoa Bea«k vfUflpenQit. 

English ameOf, 'Sw Stot^ 

i^i^yM UMar^ttd Mu-- 
days tteoogh *p rf1 30. A 
3 p.m. matinee will be held 
OB Sunday, Apr. 24. 

Included in the cast are 
Aime Peoingtap as Mre. 
Hardcastle. M. well taonni 
4^uraeter actress andctuoe* 
dieane, Mrs. V^tagtw iras 
last seen in tt^^flBLT pro- 
duction of Taxt^. 

Her . soQ, Toi^ Lui^fAia 
will be played l^ Stevra K. 
Malik who has tad wide ex- 

periency a a «i>oreogra^ 
«r. dir4^, aid a^r.Qnce 
900 alHittre«, mOt Ab- 
ner, KiiDMt, Uamimumi 
Kiss 1^ Jlato, tad Tarteffe 
are mm^ ^ ilMNnittte- 
LeattiK rolM wlU a^ be 
played ]y SU^Aoie ficrrim 
as Misi ^nteisM; Ames 
Craft t^ her suiler, foang 

Harlow; NueyM^sShriver 
as Miss NeriUe; Join lUaide 
as the ard^ Mr. Hastings; 
and B. EUfoH Foster, ^ack 
GaJe, ^ao Kl«mstine, attd 

Vslenii actor aod dtroc- 
tor BiU Brittm has erecated 
tte Mte and c^tanws as well 
iMriflg (Urector d tUs classic 

comedy. The King and I, and 
Tartuffe are among his dir- 
ectoral eradite. 

Reservations can be made 
by calling 428-1523. Ticket 
jtrtoM $3.25 adults, $1.75 
stadMts, wfth ftDiq) rates 

• • • 

Fair used VNB 'checl(-out' 

Four Food Fair sqiiermar- 
kets in Virginia Beach tare 
become the first stores ot 
t^ BiOaml siqiennarket 
0ia to p^ticipate in Vir- 
iNa National Bank's 
"Che<* - Out" program. Al- 
fred R.- Murter, am man- 
ager for Food Fair, said the 
senriee b^an March 31 in 
13 Tidewater area outlets, 
biclDdiag Jhfr loiH' in Vir- 

"'Ctack'.CM' wiU provide 
our cutaners more convra- 
i^ce bf act cmly speeding 
^txk eaiAtag procedures iRit 
dso nablbg custimiers to 
use one cte<± ^horlaation 
card for numerous Food Fair . 
locatioia. It will give our 
persdnnei mco-e time for 
bandUng individual cust- 
omer's re4Mets.,taadd^)B 
it will reduce our b«l check 
loMCs and thus pass mem 
savjbigs <m to tbeccmsumer", 
a^A Murtar. 

David A. O'Coaiwr, Vl» 
senimr vice |»%sUent, nc^ 
thiA 29 area iMrctants are 
|i!M^y participating in the 
^ogram, In 91 stor^. 
0'ConB«r stod the bank ms 
awotiaaBg ' witk MvwA 
other uttoaal chains to lb- 
clnde tt« j^ndce ia ttAr 
Viri^ ontteU.. 

"Cbaek * Out" «Mble» a 
ctmsum^ fo hav« Ms check 
i^roved te 12 tv 15 ^- 
<»ds. Vi^pUua Katlo^ cas- 
tonnrs &m use (bt service 
by pcaatotfag tteir CASH 
now cards with ttelr per- 
sonal dle<^. Nm VNB cus- 
t(Haers can andy for a 
"Check^W card at partlc- 
ipateg merchants. VNBcw- 
tomers canhavectecks auth- 
orised for ai^ amou^, qt 
to tbe balaM^intbeirebMk- 
ifi accouai idiUe bob VNB 
customera em lava ap to 
4200 a we^ ai^roved. 

Hk foor Viri^ Beacb 
Food Fdhr istoras iiftieb have 
tin Mnrtce are ti lOUtary 
Rtghway aad ProvUMcelUi., 

Firat . CoAoidal and Laakte^ 
Bd., «76-l Pambrsfcelii^ 
aad 4MS Virginia Beach 

£te^ Ai^ Oai^CpMial 


atalaqi ^ rao foapi wiOl Mad rice 


^ Sweet 4 8e«r Perk Witt flrfadriea 

(y«B 7 days WHk 

m par ciM 

Tab oit orinra liO 10-)MkO 

IhlA-l&SO wedcnds 
U:SQ-1^09 wa^idays 

In Norfolk... 

the first and finest 

dinner theatre... 

Now bi our nth year 




5324 Vir^iaaeacA Blvd. 



mm) Wttti 

AM liadio Station 






IN AUiif 




So you want to sell real estate 

■ ■ ■ 


SUN Nmts Editor 

For a lot of r«MORS, a lot of peo- 
^« ch^t to t^ ft i^rt-tint J(^ to 
sapj^uMOt tlMir laeome If you'r« bcH 
fovtunate to be able to work in aa 
ana la vUch |km are trained, you 
often tum to a part-time lob tbat 
smm to be fairly easy, one ttat 
wwldB't take a*wtole 1(^ of tx^n- 
iq( or ^oU and yet would still brta« 
i£ Moq^b iB<»iae to make it wortfa 

Que ol, those part-time tabs that 
seems irery attractive is ttat of tte 
ml estate salesrau. On the airlice 
it se«igM^ all a real «state salesouui 
has t^dots show a bouse to a teyer, 
B$ ^<f jMpers aad close tlw site; 
Rifht? Wroi«! 

Most frustrating 

(H all the part-time (andfW-tine) 
isi» in Virgiua Be«cb, the jc» of a 
rMl a^staftft Ml^maa is pwrhaps the 
mtot (SenMMt, ^ most technical, , 
the moi^ frttstrati^, and the most 
time-c(ms4Ud^; idb ci all. 

First, jBst to iMscMae a real estate 
jHlkisaiaai a pu«» has to^^iro, n 
Ucease, «il tbdImetMre ctm ttf» 
op. to three montte. Tten, when ac- 
eefHai by a raal estate broker as a 
adesniaii, ^t persoo has to leara the 
trade, tte miirMrt, and esWUsb hiffi- 
aelf or herseffas.a good, reliable 

In the first couple of years, per- 
haps one out of 10 persoos viUlie- 
come a protoisional sad stte€»ss6il real 
estate salesman. That's a {Hfetty heavy 
statement, Mii>i<l*ri]if that 2-300 per- 
sQtt take w moathly examinatioo in 
Tidemter W receive their license to 
Ml real ^ri^Xe. 

This article is not meant te be dis- 
couraging to a peraoB inlerefted ia 
selling real estate, hjA rather meant 
to ezaminie the many phases Involved. 

Let's use "Joe Smith" as aa e<- 
an^le, and see what '*Joe Smith" has 
to HftthnMigh to become a auccess- 
fsl real estate salesman. 


the Tidewater Community Collie. 

&M of the private scl^ols in Vir- 
ginia Beaeh is the Tidewater Real 
Eitete School, owaed and rw by Her- 
ald Pardae, who also owas Pardue 
Realty, The scho<d is located in Par- 
due Court, Just off ImUan River Road 
near College Parte. 

PaiifM'« school is one of three that 
he knows irf that t^ers the "princi- 
ples" course to people waAting toUke 
the liCMse exam, The (HhersareSure- 
■ tty Real Estate School on Newtown 
IUM, and Ii<»ely-Plint Real Estate 
SdKWI te Pf mtatriw OQIob Puk. 

Tift cost of Pai^iw's course en prin- 
ciples is $M. For another $34, Par- 
due offers a lipase jmptnitory 
course which lasts one weekend helps 
the |»t}spective salMtman cram to take 
tt» licmse exam, 

Althqugh^ be can. accoamodall up to 
22 stadeats, pardue keeps Jds «llass to 
about lO'^lS because he can give the 

stiMfentS/ more iiMHvidual attention. 
Otter real estete brokers often send 
prospective salesmen to Pardue's 
seho(d aiKi pay their tuition. Some 
don't pay tuition and leave tte cost 
to the a{^licant. 

'&» state of Virginia requires that 
an ai^Ucatioa to take each mcwth's 
j^^im te submitted no Utter than 30 

days prior to the «xam itete. Once 
tte nam is taken, it takes about 
2-3 iKeks to get flief results back. 
Time involved from starting tte school 
to receiving tte ttcense: about three 
months. Moi»y involved: $120 for tte 
principles and cram coarse, plus $30 
for tte license itself. And "Joe Smith" 
hasn't b^un to sell a boose! 

Musf acf/Vaf# 

Now "Joe Smith" has Us license, 
but unless teis. hired by a real 
estate broker, tte license is ineffec- 
tive. By law te must "activate" his 
license in one year. "Activate" means 
to te hired by a broker and actually 
(Continued on page 2) 

Herald Pardue 

Pantile has opeiated his school for 
the pa^ three years tea does most of 
tte tttdiiog UmseU. A iww class te- 
gins each moath,^ and Pardue crams 60 
hours of real estate principles into 
Moailay through Friday night classes, 
7 to 10:30 p.m. 

He also teaches a twlce-a-year li- 
cense preparatory course at Kemps- 
ville High SclRxd. It's an adult course 
run by the Viifinia Beach mstribu- 
tive EdQcatioB program. 

Work togithor 

Some groups have suggestions 


ol boundary changes 

by mo^ PTAi 

vprio^l^^^lP ^ ^ prlDclptas of 
^^ MHHP tnatniction is avail- 
able in avinnjrof «»ya: aottethnai^ 
a lajiee broker, such as GoiMbnan Se- 
gar Hogaa, , which op^tes its own 
tisalBing Bdbotiti lkunmj^% |»riva(e real 
estate sctlial-, ortt mi^ BMcb, at 

Pardue takes his lehclidag veryseri 

onslf aad wfiU n^r dlo M teach 


SU)f Rq»rtar 

A sampling of the 20 Virginia B^ch 
etemokUry schools J^ted by a 

fadoDdinx modlffi0itii 

and would not have a half-hour bus 
ride each morning and afternoon. 



i f i w iw ii 

nlM (ik«l1M tt^MurlMople ia tte 
profMirtPB ttati i^MwDtt irfth in 
tte futere," said pardae. "li«t way 
wheo an agiHit frooi my school goes to 
work tor ano^r realtor, we will have 
greater rappdK, it will be mudi easier 
to work tofittar: 

Petttions have also been circulating 
,ai9(Ma^ tte pnqwsal 

Brickell explained the need for re- 
districting because of fluctuations in 
areas of tousing an population. Some 
schools at the elemaitary level are 
sufferieing from over-crowding lAile 
some have been termed "under-uti- 

No alternative 

The lack of feeiB»ck from some 
schools does wA mean ttet parents 
at all schools totally aH>rove of the 
pn^sal. As one PTA president said. 

Pardu6 trains class on mock-up contrltcl 

tm U odf to say^^f aU"A tte 
schools are itftMwed .with>ttie Idea of 
relocaliBg mai^r ttt the 2-3060 students 
ai*wtia, A 

The ctenges are pnqiosM ton two 
ma^r areas: Tte Beach anil ^-rat 
Neck areas {Ctxske, Linktor^ Pait^ 
Seatack and TraiAwood school^; and 
tte Bayside, Kempsville and Plasa 
areas (Arrowhead, Aragona, Brpqk- 
wood, Bayside, Fairfield, Greem J^, 
BoUand, Kempsville, Kemps Lai0iog, 
Ltttibrd, Old Donation, Peml»Nte, 
Pembrfdce Meadows, Point O'View, 
Plaza and Williams will te affected). 


Mrs. Coleen Lineterry, president 
of Old Donation Elementary PTA, said 
ttet her group was circulating petitions 
in tte Pembroke Couris, Altert Courts, 
aad Aragona Village areas to amend 
tte pn^sal. She suggested dividing 
Indian Lakes elementary students a- 
m(mg Aragona, Luxford and possibly 
WiUlams schools. As the pnqwsal now 
stands, Old 0(Hiation School's memter- 
diip w<^ te distributed among those 
sana ti^ee schools while Indian lake^ 
stedente would occqpy Old Donatlcn 
01^ tte new Indian Lakes school 
oiWBS sometime in 1979. 

Mrs. Lineterry eq)ressed concern 
tor all students involved but said ttet 
<»e of tte roksons many parents had 
moved to their Mighterhood was »> 
that their children wtmld te close 
enough to att«id nearby Old IkHtttion 

coramMt (m tte specifics of tte a- 
moKlments to tte pnqx^al his group 
is qwnsoring until after April 21 but 
attowed ttet the changes would te sub- 
sb^ial. April 21 is tte deadline for 
reeifBmendations on the boundary 

School siqwrintendent Dr. E.E.Bric- 
kell outlined the boundary ctenge pro- 
po!»l March 24 to principals and PTA 
presideirts of tte affected schools. 

Bridcell said tte plan, afMdi waa 
drawn up t)y tte assistant superin- 
tendent for research, planning and de- 
vel(H>ment, James C. Mounle, is de- 
slgMd to move as few students as 
possile. PTA presidents were asked 
to take the plan back to their groups 
for discussion and aiq>roval, amend- 
ments or alternatives. A final plan will 
te submitted to the school board May 
17 for an>roval. 

we can't come (^ irifh any trther al^ 
temative in my group for our school. " 

A few schools will just receive ad- 
ditinial students and will not teve to 
transfer any of its own. Accqiteace 
of tte proposal is obviously easiest 
ttere. It is the qirooting that con- 
cerns most parents and understand- 
ibly so. 

Mrs. Myrt Ingvaldsen, president of 
the Virginia Beach Council of PTA's 
(Continued on page 2) 


Sandra Peters finds 
rocky real estate road 

Tm ^Ini ai^ iMm Swlra Peters 
^tt«r s«mg real eMite, '*t was a 
vm W. rOM^^m. fii tm. I WKS 
clBwwigli afraM. jifraM of nMng a 

^Mat SMb« iwMt two year* ago 
after gn^vtfi^; bw tte niMator 
9mjft§Mt9 S^nl is parted a |«r- 
feet example of the difttcalities en- 
ediMered tqr a person eatoring tte 
real estate business, ettter part-time 
or full-time. 

After a rocky sUri. Sandra is well 
Oft ter m$ te betof a U^-aaiA mi 
erfBb aa mpariflB . it ^'f •* U- 
re^ ttilamr. ><(te<^miBg a rMl ea- 
tete w Oaapiiao B) is ataMA like git- 

"fw haw % Mdn ap>av iriad it's 
0m ^ tmfc. VUH^vA it;*' ler 
bon, real MtetobnAerHeraM Pardue, 

iMMn tea Mrvivwl te first M^e 
f^^te r«l esttt wame- 

Mttf-Md ^ r*i^^HM 

Sandra Peters 

a debandii^ (»e, requirii^ hours pi 
wori[ aad sacrifice, and not tte Ui^ 
paying glamorwa Job one eavisioas 
iHtea taUnc a look at tte high ^1«e 
of iMMSes nomdays. 

Sandra said ste found it hard tog mt 
ter time to nming a household, nis- 
iag chUdrM) and tryii« to sell rnl 
«^^. M, after ter first sale winch 
iM^ped ter eoaMehee, ste deei(M to 
"^irqi ia witt Mh fe^" and woit full 
time, "liat first sale really ^to the 
sfim in yoir ' Mw saiUed. 

Itow Saatta fiatt ttie tetdest part 
is ttndiag ttae to work itallin. "Hard- 
ly two sales an alite, tt^'re almys 
di^rent,*' ste saM, "widch mMas 
mA sate Ms to tew iadivlteal at- 

Tte Mwida ftnr tel^ a succenM 
nal ^Mi aMMpwMB: "You ten te 
teve a peMlve attMM." ste reeiMB- 
meads, "te sure it's «tet you want, 
aad te j M M Miftln wirf* " j^r IMi<! 
and I 


Goveraor MlUs Godwin s^ ^tew 
tte UrA aolar IW in tee state fd 
Virgiate. Oa hand tor te slgai^ were 
(fttn MQ Vir^nia ^ch Del^ate 
Glean B. McCkMn, ^onsor of tte 
UU, aad Iteania A^erman aad Kent 
Mortaalrai Viniite flaatA. m Wr- 

First solar bill in Virginia 

^ala Mtr Mrn^sf A^ witt peutt 
te ft^m waAeaml&m to ezenit auter 
mmrf$ egi^BMt tnm real ^te 
tanttoa, elter totally or pwtla^. 
Ite equipmeM must first te eerti- 
fted bf tte ViifWa €m» a Hous- 
ttg Mte^i^^K ltt>. 

Md Mr. Mmi^ aie executives of a 
VinWa JaaA Mw taw Mmpriv 
iteaqpiiM DMaglie IfeCteu im 
partlaat m smi Um toe ^^Mm te 
Vli0ik Alter Eattp Act. mm*ff 
Virglita Dept. <d Rlgtewys aad Trau- 


x^ / 

«j«i^ ^^^^^ @^^« 

Ap-ii m, wi', 

SelHng real esldte... i ^©""F'' ^^^^ ^^^P 

CContimjed from page 1] 

PMt ttit iWense <» tt» bnAtr's wall. 
tees Mtiwted, the UcMse is p»A tm 
two ^n, ftt wMck timt It must he 
NM«^ 1^ iirit&wt ^ real estate 

Nov Joe ^Mth is vttk a cMipaqr, 
tmi Ms Ufe ,to TMl estete (w^tlwr 
part^time or taU-tlnc) hM Just be- 
gM. Nov iM B«st l«n« f$» trade 
(tf a^l^ pMl estate: »ies teeM^p»s, 
MtfM aMt3«is,s^tfaKt9hisowne(M- 
biets, teuilm how to d^ withpe<^e. 

tt's at ^1 ^(ditf whnre te It^la- 
MT is imrt Uketf to bRome dls- 
c»un«ed. says I^rdue. After he sells 
his B<4her-ia - law's hmse and his 
MMd's kt^, te fiBds ttet he is 

woiittag many days and Bights, IM 
Iw's i»t nuUng timt many sales. WhM 
te gets th^ comnisston firom Ms first 
bMafiite sale, he must match that in- 
cone against all the hours spent on 
apptdntments, c(»tracts, stowing 
hMses, etc. In the beginnii^, the pay 
is relatively small. 

Bat those that stick with it find that 
real estate can be a very challenging 
and rewardii% career. Viifiiria Beach 
tes aboit i.QOO Uceosed salesmen 
and hndters, and more are needed to 
help stay abreast of the boomii« real 
estate market. Just remember, it's jnot 
the piece of cake it ayipears to be. 

Whether or not ^ idan to become 
a real estate sal^men, tte "Prin- 
ciples of R^l Estate" course can be 
of benefit to almost anycne. Your 
home is j^rhaps the most important 
and targest purchase of your life, and 
such a coarse would Itelp anyone be 
aware (tf tte teets and proceteres in* 
volved in buying or selling r^l es- 

"I feel strongly that whether or not 
you will become a salesman or broker, 
you should take tte couit« if you are 
goii« to iNirchase r^ ^qperty (a 
home, business, or iaveftmeM)," rec- 
ommends PardM. 

on PA area rezoning 

By LEE CAiOLL re^dentlal INstrict on a 113 

SUN iNbUc Aifairs Writer aci« jmrcel 2.8(W feet south 

For two weeks in a row, of the intersection of Hol- 

Virglnia l^ch City Cmm-^land R(»d and North Lands- 

eil has reiOMd agricolta- town R(»d, Princess Anne 



Continued from page A-1 

md ttat the scHocd board "hottine" 
s^ ap ta- ^^«w ted ree^Nd abo^ 
m eaUs. a«rt he^ttg wIttUniU in- 
tanntkB. Ste nfed aU coKeraed 
fKMits to cfeaaM their recommeB- 
di^itt IM-operly to avoid flare-qn 

in what can Iw an emcrtio^, is';j<^ 
Dr. BrickeU is accosting su^st ; 
dirw^y in wrttiag, and tte scii .1 
board hotliM aomber is 421-4643 
during the day Monday through Friday. 

Dorothy . J. Garrison of 
3508 Cedar Grove Circle, 
was aming the students rec- 
QBised at the 1977 Hwors 
Day prognm at Madi»» 

Tke VtngiBia B^ch sto- 
d«it received the JcAnstoii 
Award for excellence in phy- 
sical ^ducatioo. 

na land In Princess Anne 
Boroogh forresidentlaluse. 

While Cmucil's aM>roval 
of these moolnii seems to 
support the devetei>m«t of 
tiw area north of the Court- 
house as a Mw growth cor- 
rhior tor the city, Com- 
cU also dmled three sinilar 
i^fdieationB oh Jan. 10. The 
T9UOH givw for the denial 
(rf tttt MrUer petittais was 
to retate tte rural flivor of 
the area, tat most ol ttie 
land nwauei at meetings 
Umxli^ aftenMsm and last 
we^ is also recomme»led 
for agrioiltoral .use in Vbe 
Little IMwdt-tyiuteveB De- 
vekfoiat Plan. 

UdMby's action granted 
the petitton of the Chrtsto- 
l^r OevdoiaiMd; Cta^uf 
for a change at soning tr^ 
Agricoltwal District toR-6 


The Christopher Com{»ny 
developed Lake Christc^Aer 
on KeiniKviUe rR«id. the 
WW tadtg will allow the 
company to Iniild 431 single- 
fftmily homes on the parcel 
where presently an>roxi - 
mately SI si^le fomily 
homM and a variety of ag- 
ricultural-related acUvities 
are permitted. 

The vote was 7-3; Coun- 
cilman John A Baum was 
absent. VtMiiit against the 
reaoning were Vice Mayor 
Patrick L. Standing, Coun- 
cflwomaq If Qwra Obemdorf 
and CottocUman Floyd E. 

Stanliug said that he could 
consider H-5 zoning which 
provides for 10,000 square 
foot lots, tmt jiot R-6 which 

provides tor 7500 square 
foot 1^. He saM 7500 square 
fj»t lots cause a pr<*leai 
with recr^tioml bcilities 
parked on pilvate property. 

Mrs. Oberadorf anl Wa- 
terfleld wants to stick with 
^ricultural use. . 

The developer is plumii^ 
to dedicate a 15-acre scho<d 
site to ttw rtty in exchange 
fbr a paynent by the Sctool 
Boird for a pr(yortimate 
share of the utiliti^. Dmig- 
las Talbot,' engineer for the 
project, also asked tint the 

Last week four tracts of 
land t^taUw 157.S acres 
were reicmd to R-5. Of 
these ^u-cels, 89.4 had been 
Eon^ agricultural and the 
remainder R-3 a lower-den- 
sity la^ use. 

Owners of 66.7 acres are 
John H. Malbm, H. Ermst 
Brom, W. R MalbdB, Paol 
MalbM, Olive W. MalbOB, 
LeoMlne Frances B^wn, 
Matilda S. Malbon, 4mM T. 
Malbmi ami Bart^ra M. Mal- 
bon. The T^ (tf tte land 
is owned by the A. T. Tay- 

deveiq|>er not be asked tof^ lor Estate which plans even 

Dr. Sears moves up 

VAB Audubon tours Back Bay I tQ TCC SerVICeS 

Tte Vbflaia Beach AodB- 
boii So(dety bo^ed ame^ing 
of Vtoglada AbMmo Chi^r 
rqvMeotatives to (Hscuss 
c»BservatioB priorities and 
chapter openiboBs. Tte 
mteting was tek) ^tarday, 
April IS in tte Utevy of 
tte AstocfatHoaforReseanA 
aad EH^hleiMflrt biiildii« 
in Tirgiiia BMCbl 

Representatives tnm tte 

Iforttera a«ttiKtoah Valley, 
RielmoBd and Cape Henry 
charters were then invited 
to Join tte Virgiaia Beach 
diapter in a morning toer 
(rf tte Back Bay Nati<»al 
Wildlife Refuge and an af- 
teraoon of meetings at tte 
ARE cmter. Topics includ- 
ed in discussion were oil 
spills in Virginia waters, 
tte bald eagle in Va., coas- 

tal Booe managemrat and 
federal water control pro- 

Of immediate interest to 
tte memters was the pere- 
grine falcon that has been 
stilted on tte logo of tte 
Viitinla Natiqaal Bank 
buiMlng in Norfolk. Several 
meipters have spent lunch 
hmirs watehing the bird 
its own lunch ot local pig- 
eons in* the downtown area. 

Tte varied omtents of 
your hometown newspaper 
give it a readership that in- 
cludes every age grcnp. 

Hr. Geoif e Pass, presi- 
deid (tf Tidewater Community 
College, has announced the 
qVK^traent oi Dr. James 
C. Sears as dean of instruc- 
tional ami student services 
effective as of last March 1. 

Since 1974 Dr. Sears tes 
been servbig TCC as ctoir- 
man dthe industrial and pub- 
lic service technology divi- 
sion at tte Virginia Beach 
camims. His new position will 
take Dr. Sears to the TCC 
Skills Center on 21st Street 
in Norfolk. 

From this growing and 
central location Dean Sears 
will serve the entire college 
community. Included among 
his new respcmsibilities will 
te tte devetopmeat 

Council stand: 


stmctiooal uaA stadmt ser- 
vices program. In additicm. 
Dr. Sears will provide lea- 
dersh^ in tte area of insti- 
tutlooal research which in-i 
eludes community and occu- 
pational research surveys... 

Snrs received his doctor- 
ate in Higher Educatira- 
Commonity College Adminis- 
tratiOB from tte University 
(a Virginia in 1976. His mas- 
ters in Counselor Education 
was also earned at the Uni- 
versity of Virginia in 1971 . 
Prior to entering higher edu- 
cattoB at the graduate level, 
Dr. Sears earned his B. S. 
degree in physics from Roa- 
noke College in 1968. 

Dr. Sears is married with 
two eUbliiei. 

buiM two lanes of R(»emoirt 
Road, a four-lane road (» tte 
master sti^ and h^hway 
|dan. Rosemoot g^ies through 
tte tract, dividing theschod 
site from the remaining laixl. 

Council decided ttede- 
velc^r should still be re- 
quired to IwUd cults, pf- 
ters and Me 12 foot lane 
m RosemoM Road. 

Owners were denied a use 
permit (m Jan, 21, 1974 for 
a cbahge of zoning from AG- 
1 to H tor 7.82 acres and 
a coixUtional use permit to 
(^mte a cemetery for tte 
remaining 117.32 acres. 
Schools are considered in- 
adequate for the children 
expected to te generated by 
the construction. 

timlly to develop a 2,000 
acre tract which tibe devel- 
qper telievewillbe^tteteck- 
tene of tte new grOwtti cor- 
ridor in the southern part 
ct the city. 

The Bayshore Dcvelq)- 
m«it Coiixirattoo wU^ ted 
been denied pe|itions to re- 
K>M from AG-i to R-3, R-5 
am R-6 Quree tracts in - 
volving 188.6 acTes east of 
Oceana Boulevard near Nim- 
mo CterCh, is now soing tte 
City because (tf Council's 

The administration had 
recommended ttet the new 
rezoning petitions, which 
were ai^roved, be deferred 
until a decision is made on 
tte court case. 


James Sears 

c\ SheralQgilnnHlllliteuyCircle 

Drop the toll on 44 
but make improvements 


News Editor 

Business Manager 

General Manager 


^rts Edii 

,3B «>•. 



Advertising Manager 

Piddished every WednesAy hgr Byerly PiAUcatiais with 
main office located at 138 Rosemont Rd., Virj^yaSnch, 
Va. 23452. Second class postage paid at Lyalteven 
Statton in Virginia Beach. 52'we4^ aitecrlptfoe b^^ mall: 
|7. Odier rates published on legal lage. 

Virginia Beach is inter- 
ested in dropping ttie tolls 
from tte Virginia Beach- 
Norfidk Expressway, but on- 
ly if improvements can te 
made for oo and off ramps 


You Can't Beat the Price 

and six-laneing Ite road. 
Mayor Clarence A, Hoi* 
land instructed City Man* 
ager George L. Haidmry to 
write to tte State Highway 
Commission reiterating tte 
city's stand. Holland said 
ttet tte Commission is ex- 
pected to make some decis- 
ion on the Toll Road at a 
meeting Oils we^ and he 
wants to te sure tte city's 
stand is understood. 

Hollaad said ttet while 
te was interested in getting 
a reduettoo in tte tolls te 
was agaiosttevingtte ramps 
and the six-laneing idaced 
low OH Uie State's list of 

Had}nry Mid fliat te 
thmi^ tte State was think- 
ing ta> terms of eitter/or: 
drop the tolls orimpnnrette 

Tte city is interested in 
teving tte Expressway which 
was designed as in Interstate 
raur, indoded la tte brter- 
mte System. Hanbnry said 
tte State attitude seems to 
te ttet this can't te d«ie 
because tte road (toesn't go 
anywtere. On tte west coast, 
he sai4 ttey (ton't say, "It 
won't go anywtere but the 
Pacific Ocean, "Haabuiy ad- 
ded ttet Virginia Butch tes 
teen extremely agressive in 

tryii^ to se^re urban fund- 
ing for ttte road. 

Tte Council is concerned 
ttet if tte road is given 
urten funding ttet it would 
te placed low on tte prior- 
ity Ust. 

Council also l^^iwd ttet 
Virginia B^ch |k>glewrd 
improvement to ^gfat lanes 
is at l^st eifAt years a- 
way and ttet First Colonial 
Road improvement is also 
eight yeara away. 


^ If y<w tave soneihing to give away free, gtve your 
hometown new^aper a call. 547 4571. We'fl inclucte 
your rtem m mrP^^B BEE section m the cl^sifitd 
pages. Ch-, if you wmnA fomethmf free, lik« a dog or a 
cat, d^ «w FREE Br- -imn^-m tt»s isrtie^ 

CM or write for 





mes Hme Out for Bahy 

Sti// Loses 75 Pounds 
Credits Conway Diet Institute 

Mrs, Kathy Zlmmer- 
mart. tias lost 75 pounds 
and reached her goal 
weight while following 
the Conway 100G Cal- 
orie Diet and attend- 
ing the weekly Insight 

The interesting part of 
Kathy's i«tory is that 
mid way through her 
weight loss she took 
time out to have a baby 
daughter. Six weeks 
after delivery, Kathy 
went back to the 
Conway program and lost the last 33 pounds. 
She's now at goal weight and 75 pounds lighter. 
Kathy, a registered nurse, says "I felt miseralale 
when I vwis overweight. I knew the harm obesity 
was doing to my health. I had never been able to 
diet successfully before. I fouruJ the Con««iy Diet 
easy to follow, nutritious and satisfying. The 
Insight seminars were stimulating and informa- 
tive. The interaction with other members was a 
real support." 
You will save ttie usual Registration Pee of $5.00 
S. if ^w trmg this coupon with you to any meeting 
I IWed. C^Br expires Friday, April 29, 1077 ; , 

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Now Is The Time To Plant 

Snap leans 
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■^■^^"F"V* v^<*'«" *" 


Virginia Beach Sun, April 20, 1977 - A-3 

At Beach conference 

Emergency officials 
iiear disaster plans 

SUN Repdt^ter 

A disaster preparedness 
coolerence was held at the 
Hew Cavalier Hotel in Vir- 
ginia Beach Apr. 7 in ad- 
vent of the hurricane sea- 
son which generaUy runs 
froin June into late Novem- 

About 80 local elected of- 

ficia)s from the Tidewater 
and Northern Neck areas met 
with meml>ers of the Coast 
Guard, the United States 
Corps of Engimers and the 
^ate Emergency Ser - 
vices bureau to discuss pos- 
sible plans of action on lo- 
cal leve^ls In the event 
of a disaster such as a 
Congressman William 

Wbitehurst delivered the in- 
troduction which was fol - 
lowed by state and national 
directors of weather, civ- 
il defense, hurricane infor- 
maticm preparedMss on the 
national level. 

Dr. John Zei^ler of the 
Virginia Institute of Marine 
Science gave a report af- 
ter lunch on the Chesapeake 
Bay Storm Surge Study. A 

Coagnssmaa WlUten mitehnnt gives opMii« rtoiarfcs 
at ttie state disaster preparedness conference. 

storm surge is the increase 
in tides and water levels 
created by high winds such 
as may result from a hur- 

The conference was con- 
cluded with iniformation on 
available flood insurance 
prognuns and the new Vir- 
ginia Emergency Services 
and DisaStet. law given by 
Robert Gay of the SUte Wat- 
er Control Board and Neil 
Chapin of the Virginia Of- 
fice of Emergency Services. 

Several |»iictical mea- 
sures for Tidewater resi- 
dents were given at the con- 
ference as the hurricane 
season approaches: 

1. After hearing of a 
tropical cyclone advisory, 
keep tuned to the radio or 
television for future mes- 
sages from the National 
Weather Service. 

2. When you hear a hur- 
ricane wamii%, leave low- 
lying areas, moor your boat 
securely, secure outdoor ob- 
jects, remain indoors and 
monitor the storm's po- 

3 . When the hurricane has 
passed, avoid loose ordai%- 
ling wires and report them as 
well as broken water or 
sewer mains to the utility 





Heidi Robitshek and Oolin Worth in Coppelia 

Civic baiiet Coppelia 
Friday at Plaza JHS 


Tbe Virginia B^ch Civic 
BaUet will present its first 
l»txbictioB of the season, 
"Cowelia", Friday, Apr. 22 
at 8 p.m., Saturday, Apr. 
23 at 2:30 p.m. and 8 p.m. 
and auday, Apr. 24 at 2:30 
p.m. Tbe three-act toilet 
will be performed at Plaza 
Jwior High Sctool. Ad - 
mission is 12.50 fbr adult 
aad 11.50 for children. 

Ravaged and choreo- 
gr«|iMd by Civic Ballet di- 

rector Colin Worth, "C(^- 
pelia" is the lively tale of 
Franz, a young swain, who 
iaHs ii) love with a mechan- 
ical doll, Ccq^lia. The plot 
becomes more complicated 
when Frana's girlfriend, 
Swanhilda, decides to trick 
her dim-witted suitor and 
pretends tobe Cqw^lia come 
to life. From there, the fun 

lancing the part of Franz 
will be Gary Barton. Per- 

forming the role of Swanhil- 
da at the Friday evoung 
and Saturday aftenuxm per- 
formances will be Heidi Ro- 
bitshek. Saturday evening 
and Sunday afternoon the part 
of Swanhilda will be danced 
by Dri)bie Benvin. Portray- 
-ing the role of Dr. Cop- 
pelius wiU be Civic Ballet 
director, Colin Worth. 

Dancing the ndes of the 
six friends will be Debbie 
Jakubec, Ann Tate, Eliaz- 

faeth Hurd, Ann Watkins, 
Dawn Dodson, and Nancy Lew 
Guamieri. Nancy Mac Don- 
ald will dance "Prayer" in 
the third act and Tony Pisa- 
ca&) and San Bender will 
portray the lead character 
couple in the first act. 

Artistic director for the 
production is Colin Worth. 
Music is by L«o Delibes. 
Tickets can be (Atained by 
contracting the Academy of 
the Virginia Beach Ballet, 

Plumbing Repairs 

FBI Director Clarence Kelly presents Captain James Hundley with his graduation 


■■1 ' - . ■_ 

Beach fire captain 
FBI academy grad 


SUN Reporter 

Capt. James E. Hundley 
of the Department of Pub- 
lic^ Safety- Fire-Inspections 
of Virginia Beach graduated 
from the Federal Bureau 
of Investigation's National 
Academy recently. 

Capt. Hundley is only the 
third person from a fire de- 
partment to graduate from 
the academy since 1934. For 
him it was a rewarding ex- 
perience but as he said, 
"it was tough." 

After making an applica- 
tion and having his record 
checked, Hundley was for- 
mally invited by FBI di - 
rector Clarence Kelley to 
enroll in the Academy in 
Quantico, Va. where he at- 
tende4 from jg^n. 9 to March 
24 ■■''-- -''^-' 

His course load included 
law enforcement education 
and training, applied crimi- 
mdogy, criminal law and a 
document course. As elec- 
tives, he chose a course in 
forensics, basic homicide 

investigationand study in a 
tactical unit similar to a 
S.W.A.T. team. His time out 
of the books was spent on 
the pistol and shotgun ran- 
ges, defensive training and 

A man of self- improve- 
ment, Capt. Hundley has been 
with the city almost nine 
years. He said he hopes the 
fact that he is from the 
fire department will open the 
door for other firemen to 
attend the academy. His at- 
tendance there will give him 
better expertise in court and 
beef up his overall abilit- 
ies for investigation of fires 
and related incidents. He 
is now a meml)er of an FBI 
sponsored law enforcement 
association which will keep 
him informed on updated 
methods that would be val^ 

Hundley's voluntary at - 
tendance to the Academy is 
invaluable in better serving 
the city and has generated 
interest within his depart- 
ment, Hundley said another 
member of the Beach Fire 

Department is considering 
the same procedure, and this 
could only mean improve- 
ment of services to the city. 
Invitation to the academy 

is indeed an honor as only 
1,000 law enforcement offi- 
cers are invited to enroll 
each year. 

this summei. 

Be warmer 



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Steak Special $2.95 

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Now is the best time to irmjlote b^we the hectic IM nsh. Arxj 
toodd some extra inranthewe'w (^BfinQ a 10X(»s(XJWTt 
onalKwlioationsphcedbeloreJuly 1 977 








B^tfcSw, April 10. W? 

Vo-Tech hosts 
career fair 

Tte Virgiiia iMCk Voea- 

pntnm fttf sMents vi tte 
Tidewater area AprU 12. 
Army persooMl from Ft. Eu- 
sti« deoMMtrited over 20 
career firid* open to young 
and eoneo once tiiey 

l^ve h^ school or col- 

Tke Army was asked to 
presMt the program because 
military communities cAera 
wide representation of car- 
eers in almost all areas of 
American life, said Vo-Tecb 
center officials. 

Tran^wrtation, sUnii%, 
construction, law eaforee - 
meirt, (teta process1i% and 
appliwl lAysics were some 
at tke fields displayed at 
the Mr. Also on display was 
a ISO-foot Army boat, a , 
troop transport helicopter, 
a tl^ht simulator art CMitrol 

tralMr, and a large ship 

Students from the center as 
weU as olascGS from^ oearby 
North t«Mtav Elementary 
School toured the fair. An- 
other similar pn^nm is 
schedule for Kempsville 
bifh School AprU 26. 

A seMod frader from Nertk Laadinc EleBaBtary triet 
oat the e^tlon seat display bvt keeps a close eye m the 

Story and photos 
by H/lmlc Richard, 

Mary K^p 

Mo the 

ndKana Crowley peer Us ^tupareet hdl. Seeh a eUp Is osed 
tf a model ship throofh by the Army on port operatlMS. 


ijii, l |g ii|||Kiii|i>»iiii i \ i\tmmi,mtim, ^i^mwmr ■i^>f>< >' f i ; '*.>>i^=>^%. 


to liiis BKri^ tad 

■eatey School. (SDlf phoioe hy Mirk Blehard) 

Seott PoweU, Chico Stral^r. Tim (MMt, 
KetlB Diiber and Biehurfri«ritilse tr 
Army Oiitf Wamnt Officer Dm Laaeas- 

ttrie mettiod for oatyta* tiilit kaotai asiar 
a marllaiqW^- ^ 

Painting the 

Why is it so muy musictans are "characters?" Imagine 
M^ettv here from Fkirida! That's how Nicky James 
fits uoMd. Be gets aromni the keyboard at the new Icha- 
bod** Steak HoMe, too, on Lakia Road at foartdre Im. 
All the way arowd. From Jazx to classics to ^i^ong. 
Word had beM toakjtag Its way around tte ansiciaas' 
tnvatte: "Hatw you heard thU mw dude thid Just Ut 
tOM!9 Meiqr soiietUBg-er-other, Really PLATS!" So I 
bait 8 Ittt pea to the iM Gotf Raaeh Motd, now the Sea- 
^re taa, aad tM ae e ror e d tter «m% so ri^ 

Cole Porter's "It's All Rii^ With He" was anch more 
■all r^. It «aa Miowed by a romantic "VlwCanI 
Tan To?" , $a»r w«ch Nicky ofler«i oae(rfttK»e 
•aaga tearyoae bean, oftea hat few eoe^ ida^: a 
jais wM 1u Belgfatt^E^arist-whistlMr-hanMiaiea^ytr 
TooU ThtalHUB, ot^d "Bli»sette." Taste arfFlm^Elna- 
tioa. Jaat as a taa^H* «■ leetau^r mi^ nMaptmn 
aaitteace by whiaperim, Nicky Aiwa^Md into* tonS^ 
"Claire de L«M;" eiMerwMaM tm^mA^mm t^pns 
seemed to realise Ih^ ttto was no ^Hitmtf coaiail 
pi b it hs^ 10^ to* mt gmd wUcle for 

kejw^.u »,,.«ssiM. '*VttSMmmtmt^^^^i,mA^^kA 
tt tbroqfh the basket wttt the^^H*«f Dr ). iB% a ^uk- 
danlu Crittes will y|| yeH.M traitee maaMias mat 
smKMllocapy iB9aae,Mtt(»Mliai^MaMa]^nist 
1^ ^^t driWtt te intMg ta Emd (^raiv's gtoras, 
Md m^ la ae Mepttea; mmflt th^ hedo» it ^^pttenl- 

It IS appnpnau laai ne sooua come rrom ne mm^ 
lag Cai flH i M dty af Ifiaml, lor there is a ceiRMiialitaL 
air of Bjutart about this young man Or is he youag? 
'Thirty, I'd gvess, but musicians have a way <ri looking 
youager thaa they are, Anyway, It somehow seemed in- 
■IVMiriMt te aA lAar he hMttMOy Idid ae Ua la«t aame 
ii JaaM. Looks too £attoo for ttat, but I reapeded his 

privacy too much to pry. Good thing, for he is a secretive 
Scori^o, as evidenced by his beachy itinerary: Cocoa Beach, 
tte Bahamas, iww here. Also likes to surf. And paiat. Sea- 
scapes, I'U bet. 


with Eric Stevens 


That idu», BO doubt, still raonat^ good vibra from a 
previou praetttit^. "Top" S^aeer, nha is hopMilly 
tte n^d of a lattr ccduaa. 

It fifBTea tet Nicky James wiuld te booked by resUu- 
nnteur Eraie Gray, who Ims preseated so much mature 
oniric at his i»«t^oo8 MterlM, My BroUMr'a (Axagooa 
fUki^ aad Paeffie Aveme), Ernie's, ^^sare Hone lu, 
and the origiaal Ictabod's, on RoseoMt Road. W(»d ia 
ttat Eraie ms obm quite a tramp^erud viMri. 

Hw new Ichabod's hast Utfee rocms. The ^aao kmse 
has a view of the golf coqm, witii a paras<d (tf ^nes; 
tte naiB room tas a fir^ace, aad mrettai^ ]^^;tw» 
MH^ Mpper l^es (hMce the iNrevloi» name); the ter- 
race presents a view of tte irr^pilar-staped pool, which 
la spotUi^ed and sprinkled t^ fngtaJni. 

The men faatarei prime ittw^ii* 4i*rtiq>-M^^rt 
mlcnoa. aad Niefcy highly reeMiia«idvrte aalata. The 
daily happy-hour offers mms^M^^^stJ^rs d'oMnrr^ 
((|Bick! close your ey^ and saiA ttutt om!) mm^ 
Mabod's is near the Ocma, tt is ^Imarily a year-^md 
«po( for Beach resldenU,aBdlf tteton^bh^pM ^r, tihat'a 
fine, too. 

t various times the "Who's Who" mifbt include ei- 

ire Larry Miller, bandleader ZiggyHarrell, whose trum- 

graeed the Toaight Show aad the Woody Rerman Herd, 

suteur Jim Mackey, aad a battery of attoralee such aa 

Joe Lyle Jr., Roa Hammers, Dick Brydgea, Jack Rfatey, 

Mike Cavlsh, and the iconoclastic Pete Decker, whose 

smooth singing can be beard on various Juke boxes arouad 

the Beach aad oa local radio. A former bassist and piaaist. 

Pett BOW brtna Metro anctdae, in addition to his lav 

pctetlce aad hi- Jude's Hospi' 

THnay Thomas. _. ,_ -iv^* n<f -r 

n his records I ualerstand 

^tekf Jama la ripiitadly '*aometuag eise' w&ea &aaed 
\iut aad dnflu; with dlr withont. rn be hack 

Father, son birdwatchers 

J kAd SDO Rich* SMCh 

a« Am MaOMff Md $m iwatta^ qnwtair it 
to m beadi m^ ktt wttv rsnw ^to^ 





'W='W^ Wr^ 9^'W'r r- rW 


-rr^r-''^ r'r^w^w* 

VftTinia Betek Son, April 20, 19?? - A-S 




club hot 
In games 

Bf Ckrts Jester 
^EWdal to the SUNT 

Tb» B^'s Club secticunl 
IftttM ropm toaroameatins 
tilt ia Rlcliinoad cm &(• 
^tliy, April 2. Tbe new 
Vl^inia Beach clob todc a 
hoaload of Ix^ to partici- 
J^te ia the twniaip^t. Two 
dt tfae boys i^,^r(livi- 
^lob cham{40BsUps aad 
he^ the Viiflnia Beach 
i^ah place selttxi in the 

,, Robert McKlpney, 14, woo 
the (^i«s ehan^itottiUp for 
tte senior divtsiw, bojrs 14 
and Bp. David Staub woa the 
checlqir champioiiship for 
tte JaniOF division, boys 10- 
13. Onr tlonks to the boys 
'^ who attended for our club. 

Seminary Sunday worship 
at First Presbyterian 

Dr. ^mer H. KeUy, Au- 
brey Lee Erodes professor 
of Biblical Theology at Un- 
i(Hi Theological Seminary in 
Virginia, will preach at the 
service of worship at First 
Presbyterian Church, Vir - 
ginia Beach, on Apr. 24 in 
celebration of Seminary 1^- 

Seminary Sunday, a day 
devoted to emphasizing the 
importance of theological 
education for the church, is 
celebrated each spring in 
congregations through - 

out UTS'S two suniorting 
synods of North Carolina 
and the Virginias. Students 
faculty and alumni nrfil vis- 
it more than 500 congrega- 
tions which have expressed 
a williqrness to participate 
in the evmt. 

Founded in 1812, UTS is 
the oldest of four Presby- 
terian churches in the O.S. 
seminaries and the oldest 
seminary in the South. It 
ranks among the tc^ ten of 
the nation's 134 accredited 
theological institutions in a 

1974 survey of school deans 
published in "Change" mag- 
azine and in "The National 

The student body of more 
than 300 is made up of men 
and women from 29 states 
and seven countries outside 
the U.S., with living alumni 
numbering more than 2,800. 

Uni(w, a school which em- 
phasizes education for the 
pastoral ministry, offers 
professional degrees-- in- 
cludiiv doctor of ministry 
and master of divinity- -and 

research degrees— master 
of theology and doctor ol 

UTS president Fred R. 
Stair Jr. , in expresidnghis 
appreciation to members of 
Oie UTS community and sup- 
porting congregations, call- 
ed Seminary Sunday "a great 
oivortunity for us to get to 
kiK>w each other and at the 
same time strengthen the 
aims of theological educa- 

Cancer crusade needs 

See new textbooks at ii^ry more Beacti volunteers 


Ginny RKwls^ot tte t2nd St. branch of the 
Virginia Bea^ Public Library looks ttirough 
some of ttie textoooks displayed there. 
The new books are being considered by 

ibe Virginia Beach School Board for use 
next year in Beach schools. (SUN photo 
by Mark Richard). 





ieachers to be 'Friends' 
to Virginia Wesleyan 


V FcNirteen Vii^inia Beach 
business Mid civic leaders 
have be^ aaoied to head the 
"Frieudsxtf Virginia Wesle- 
yan CoUq^e" prc^rktii in 
Viifinia Beach, Mcording 
to a jbi^ unonncement this 
week Igr "Friends" general 
chiirmatt William J. Vaug- 
han, aad Vii^nia Beach city 
chairman James N. Flet- 

S^irilig aa Virginia Beach 
team cqittaais for the annual 

fund raising program are 
Geoi^e D. Duvall, A. Ray 
Estes, . Dorris W. FaidMr, 
Ms. Oorcas Helfki^, Charles 
C. lariqntrick, James G. 
KontopKnos, the Honorable 
Dr.. J. H|pry McCoy Jr., 
Thomas B. Matthews, Mrs. 
J. Harry Mote, Charles Ol- 
iver, C, B. Neal Owens, 
Clentni W. Shanks kbA Wil- 
lard P^ Whitehurst. Frank 
A. Jag^r is serving as 
Civic Club coordinator. 

Funds received in the 
"Friends" program go pri - 
marily for unrestricted op- 
erating support, library 
books and materials and 
scholarship aid. Virginia 
Wesleyan, a private liberal 
arts college, receives no 
direct state tax funds for 
operating support. The goal 
in this year's "Friends" 
program, for the fiscal year 
ending June 30, is |150,000. 
Virginia Weselyan's current 

operating budget is 

"It is very encouraging to 
- see the increasii^ number of 
people in this area who rec- 
ognize the vital importance 
of Virginia Wesl^an Col- 
lege to our communities and 
realize the critical need for 
continued financial support 
of our privately ponsored 
colleges and universities," 
says general chairman 

Top Beach musicians 

tb<0 3i.,_»i%mtm 







SUN Band Reporter 

Tte All-City Elementary tnd Junior Festival Bands and 
Orchestra held tteir annual concert at Plaza JuOor High 
School recentty. 

Again this year, as in years past, they played before a 
npacity crowd of over 900 people. The auditorium at 
Plaza was paked, not an empty s^t in the house. Every 
concert this year by our local schools, has been before a 
c^nclty crowd. This has got to be one of the most .pop- 
ular events the School Board has going for them at this 
time. Not even the sports departments can boast of the 
eonUttuii% outstanding response that the music department 
is generating. 

The chaiiTJerson for the festival this year was Ms. Weeds 
Bell, music director for Bettie F. Williams intermediate 
school; host was Charges Warren, music director for Plaza 
Junior High School. 

Guest conductor for the sixth grade band was H. Richard 
Wll, music director for Churchland Hi^h School, Ports- 
mouth; guest cowhictor for the seventh grade band was 
Emery Fwrs, music director for the Norfolk State College. 

Music played by the sixth grade l»nd was: A Mighty 
Fortress is Our God, Marching to Pretoria, Ritual Dance, 
SiMnish Ballad, Pentatonic Polka, First Tango for Trum- 
pet, aad the Swinging Kudu. Music for the seventh grade 
band was— Men of Harlech, Siciliano and Gavotte, Traces, 
S^ebrush Saga, aiaiandoah, and Hbsanna. 

Students partici|Miting in the sixth grade band were: 

Flutes— Serena Ashmore, Vincent Brissraa.ChristiChris- 

tensen. Barbie Donovan, Michelle Doran, Linda Faircloth, 
Daidme Fleeger, Mi$belle Flor, Megan Grant, Wendy Hud- 
son, Kim Jensen, Elezabeth Keton, Michelle Kmiec, Tay 
Lallen, Christina Miller, Brennan Murphy, Heidi Nance, 
Valerie Proctor, Anne Marie Sievers, Dawn Sorenson, 
Wanda SpraUey, Phonda Thompson, Charlotie Williams, 
Katiiy Wilson and Julie Wright. 

Oboe— Hilton Rubin. ;, 

Clarinets— Stephanie Adams, Teri Brewer, Cindy Block- 
inger, Trina Brickhart. May Bugtong, Margie Bump, Mike 
Callaghan, Mia Clark, Liz Dudley, Kathleen Garvey, Mau- 
reen Harrison, Linda Hill, Jeff Hoover, Peter Johnson, 
Lisa Kahler, John Kellam, Debora Lake, Nancy Leary, 
Scoti Lewis, Diane Legg, Kaarin Lurneburgm Beth Marvin, 
Xareen McComas, Tim McConville, Kathy Mclntyre, Andy 
Meiggs, Ari Miller, Brenda Morgan, Allison NaU, Haragret 
Ral^itt, Mimi Reeves, Tammy Speelman, Deana Spencer, 
Michelle Taylor, Stacey Werling, Terri Walls and Theresa 
Wynne. \ 

Bass clarinets— Juanita Bennett, Scott Quinlan and John 

Horns- -John Harder and Kevin Warren. 

Alto saxai^ones— Robert Alexander, Gay Camacho, 
Jeff Clark, Lisa Eklund, James Ingeldue, Danny Kelly, 
Margaret McCullers, Steve Munden, Joe Rank, Rodney 
Sjaffer and Lisa Whitney. 

Trumpetsr -BGUbert Alford, Tjpuiay AUe^ Damy Amidon, 
Todd Baker, James Barum, Bill) Bussey, L.J. Casey, 
Owen Cowan, E^vid Englehart, Mike Fonville, Lance 
Floyd, Mark Foreman, Brad Fpster, Matt Fudala, Mike 
Green, Mike Halsey, Keith Hughes, Daniel Humphreys, 

Volunteers are making a 
tremen^Mis difference in the 
fight against cancer, and the 
Virginia Beach American 
Cancer Society needs more, 
according to Ken Farmer, 
president of Fidelity Amer- 
ican Bank, and American 
Cancer Society Chairman. 

"This April, during Can- 
cer Control Month, our vol- 
unteers are visitii^ their 
friends, neighbors and bus- 
iness associates with impor- 



Nimitz wives fete 
elected officers 


No other medium is bound 

up with the everyday life of 

your community more than 

your hometown newspaper. 

In Virginia Beach the Al- 
sohol HoUine, (grated as a 
public service by the Alto- 
holism Rehabilitation Center 
of Tidewater, completed a 
very successful second year 
ending April 15. 

The Alcohol Hotline which 
can be reached by dialing 
481-HELP, went into opera- 
tion two years ago, and as 
of March 31 , has received 
4,000 telephone calls re- 
questing HELP. Based on 
the success of this public 
service to the community, 
the decision was madeto ex- 
pand it to include a toU- 
free numlier for residents of 
the Peninsula 877-HELP 
hotline number. 

Both hotline numbers of- 
fer confidential, no-cost 
counseling to callers re - 
questing help with either 
their own or family mem- 
ber's alccdiol problems. If 
satisfactory help cannot be 
given verbaUy, the caller 
is referred to an appropri- 
ate helping agency. 

Of the 1,654 caUs received 
this past year, the counse- 
lors referred 473 to Alco- 
holics Ancmymous groups, 
45 to private physicians, 23 
to Oie Navy Alcoholism Pro- 
gram, 57 to the Virginia 
Council on Alcoholism and 
Drug Dependence, 214 to lo- 
cal divisions at alcoholism 
services, 81 to the courts 
and 550 to various other 
available services and pro- 
grams in the community. 

iy CynUiia McBride 
-^lecial to the SUM 

The USS Nimitz EiUisted 
mvts Club former aadMw- 
ly ^teded board Mei^ra 
held a "changing <rf the 
borttf" luncheon on April 
5 at tiM hMne of Mrs! Di- 
ane GasUU. wife ^ Q^. 
^terd GaskiU aad a spon- 
sor of the Enlisted Wives 

A dellcliws lunch andd^* 
sert «re «ij<^ed if all. 
rtU^TOg te m«l U»*«»- 
officers turned over^ir 
iiiaterials and sharrf tWr 
eia»riei«:e and informiattrtJ 
with tte Mwly eleeted c^- 

ilrtlc^ting in tte af - 
i^ were ^onsor Mrs. Na- 
ncy Bedtagfttld, termer and 
mnij alerted presldwits 
Joan 01»»«* M«l Vera ^Mt 
former vice jffwMert tm 
SUrley, former uA wW 
eMM r«m^ ««« * 
tarys Cta^r McBri* «• 
Twry Lrtm», *»■«« «» 
Mwly lected correapwdl^ 

Mc^rys JMBnlt McLe^ 
«li CMl^ Taylw; loraer 

and newly elected treasurers 
Ethel Piercyznski and Shar- 
ron Evans, and parlimenta- 
rian Rusty Howard who re- 
mained in office. 

Those unable to attend 
were newly elected vice 
president Sue Shelton; form- 
er ai4 newly elected chap- 
lains Linda Houcbln and Lo- 
is A(toms. 

The installation for the 
new idtlcers of the Nimitz 
Enlisted Wives Club took 
place on March 28 in the 
UtUe Cre^ Amphibious 
Base Chapel. The officers 
were installed by Mrs. Di- 
ane Gaskill in a candle - 
light ceremtmy. A social fol- 
lowed with presentations and 

In Windsor Woods — 
Plaza — Green Run 

Tht Catholic Parish 
of UM ^y Spirit 

7 pjn. Sat.; 9:35 & 1 1 ajn. Sun. 
T^^hona 340-7122 

Rivers of Livha Water 

Those who love Thy law have great peace, 
And nothing causes them to stumble, 

"You shall have no otter gods before Me. 
"You shall not make for yourself an idol, or any 
likeness of what is in. heaven above or tm the earth 
beneath or in the water mder the earth. 

, "you shall not worship them or serve them; for 1, 
the Lord your God, am a jealous God, visiting tte in- 
iquity of the fathers on the children, m ttie third and 
the fourth generations of those who hate Me, 

, but showing loving kindness to thousands, to those who 
love Me and keep My commandments. 

! "Do not think that I came to aboli^ tte Law or the 
Proptets; 1 did not come to abolish, but tofulfiU. 
"For truly I say to jwu, until heaven aad earto pass 
away not the smallest letter or stnAe steU pass away 
from the Uw. until all is accomplished. 
Pso. 119:165. Exodus 20:3-6. Matt. 5:17-18 (NAS) 

but whoever drinks <rf the water that I shall give 
him stoU never thirst; Iwt the water that I stell give 
him stell become in him a well of water springing 
q> to eternal life. John 4.14 



mm liACMNE 

111 E tiftoTfiflierr N-joFp. 


i^Wi^VoiK, V* am 


tant life-saving imormation 
about cancer safeguards and 
warning signals." He said, 
"at the same time, they are 
asking for su^wrt of the 
American Cancer Society's 
three-fold program of re- 
search, education and ser- 

While more volunteers are 
needed to make this year's 
educational and fund-raising 
crusade the most success" 
ful in ACS history, the so- 

ciety also needs volunteers 
throughout tte year. 

"Our volunteers drive 
cancer patients to outpatient 
treatment centers, teach 
schoolchildren the hazards 
of cigareties, run educa - 
tional film showings for a- 
dults about personal cancer 
control, speak on radio and 
TV. These volunteers are 
tememakers, professional 
pe(q>le , young and old. Their 
ranks include physicians. 

nurses and dentists. Each 
individual has a reason why 
he or she volunteers-- one 
person may be a recovered 
cancer patient, another vol- 
unteer might have lost a 
loved one to cancer. 

Farmer noted, "whatever 
our reasons for volunteer- 
ing, we ACS people in Vir- 
ginia Beach shared a com- 
mon desire — we want to 
wipe out cancer in our 

So then faith cometh by hMring and 
^ hairing by th« word of God." 

— Romans 10:17 


Faith is but an idle canvas, 

Flapping on an idle mast, 

If It not be found within thee 

As the work of IHe at last. 

— Samuel Miller Hageman 

Charlie's Seafood Restaurant 

3139 Shore Dr. 491-9863 
Mary E. Rehpelz & Employees 

1629 Salem Rd. 497-8794 

Sewer L Water Connections A Specialty 

Haynes Furniture Company 

5324 Va. Beach Blvd. 
Fumiture-Bedding-Carpeting ^ 

Bay Side Motors 

4747 Shore Dr. 464-4563 
Charles C. Hale, Sr. b Staff 



Kempsville Pharmacy . - 

5266 Princess Anne Rd. 497-3516 
Rotert W. Clybum-Lynn Leivitt 


Lindsey Bros' Inc. 

Plumbing-Heating- Fuel Oil Del. _^ ^^ - 

865 Newtown Rd. 497-4633 

Contractors Paving Co., Inc. 

3779 Bonney Rd. 347-1161 
Clinton Teets & Staff 

Kellam& Eaton' Inc. BIdg. Supplies 

Princess Ann station 427-3200 
™ -Frank & BavidXeUam^ . ._,/ ..: . .a ■ 

Price's Incorporated 

4580 Pembroke Mall 622-3706 I 
BraiKl Name A{mliances-TV-Stero I 


631 Witch Duck Rd. 497-8925 
C. C. Kiitpatrick 

Willis Furniture at Hilltop 

1712 Laskin Rd. 428-5951 
L. H. Bums * Staff 

All Star Electric, Inc. 

1425 Air Rail Ave, 464-6231 
Commercial k Industrial 

Home Federal Savings 
& Loan Assoc. 

1635 Laskin Rd. 426-0327 
. diurch Accounts Welcome 

Smith Sales & Service 

460 Battlefield Blvd. N. 547-2929 
Elwood Smith t Employees 

Mill-End Carpet Shop 

4740 Va. Beach Blvd. 497-4854 
Taylor B. Carr & Employees 

Townsend Fuel, Inc. 

James Van Dyke and Employees 


Andy's Plumbing & Heating 

1003 Canal Dr. 485-5000 
State-Registered-New & Old Work 

Kellam-Eaton Insurance Co. 

3111 Pacific Ave. 428-9181 * ' 

Furniture Showrooms 

828 E. Little Creek Rd. 
2981 S. Military Hwy 
Sandy Bolin i Employees 

Chesapeake Savings & Loan 

Frank N. Wood and Associates 

Engineering Media Inc. 

606 R Literty Street 
Charlie Hackworth t Staff 

Brentwood Restaurant & Lounge 

1312 Geo. Wash. Highway 
Ctesapeake, Va. Phone 487-0611 
Tom 4 Linda Rapier A Co. 

R. C. Greer Plumbing & Heating 

Sewer and Water Ho(A-ups 
2293 Indian River Rd. 420-7003 

Plasser American Corporation 

Management and Personnel 

Astro Realty Corporation 

1«K) Speedy Ave. 424-3720 
W C. Bartow aiMl Associates 

Weather Makers 

5250 Challedon Dr. 499-7087 
WilUam L. Hendricks & Staff 

Hilton Appliance Service 

4737 Honey Grove 497-5707 
* • "Out df WKack - Call Mack" 

Preston's Pharmacy 

1401 Poindexter St. 545-7337 
James L. Marshall and Employees 

Todd Electric Company 

Henry & Moses Todd & Staff 

Higgins Realty, Inc. 

6620 Indian River Rd. 420-3120 
Cecil M. Harrison b Associates 

Linda's Hair Boutique 

846 ProvUence 424-1975 
Linda Holcome b ^atf 

Overton's Market 

1419 Poindexter St. 545-9496 
The Overtons b Employees 

J.D. MHes & Sons, Inc. 

' J.D. MUes, Jr. a»i Associates 

Southern States 
Chesapeake Co-op, I Inc. 

1764 S. MUiUry Hwy. 420-2841 
L. Beimc«t WUlians 4 Perscmiel 

This feature is made posstole thrcxigh tt^ cooperatk^i 
of Oir ministers. It is paid for by these area firms who b^teve 
our churches are a vital part of oi^ community «fe. 


A « - VlrsiBla^*ch»m, April m,mi 

Marines march on 

rch UT ui 

Ctmpuy "C" , 4tb As- 
sanlt BftttaUon ^ the VS. 
lUrim C(»ps Reserves 
nardwd .from the Reserve 
center on Shore Drive to 
Ft. ^rr and faaek Satiirdav 

In conjunction with tte March 
d Dimes WaUcathon. The 
ISO mile march was also 
part of their annual readi- 
ness intigram. 
The men secured jqxm- 

sors, as in the Walkathon, 
and the monies pledged will 
braefit the March of IMmes. 
Congressman William 
Whitehurst and March of 
Umes poster child. Amber 

Aldri(%e, mM wtth the m^ 
draint > cho« Iniddway 
through their march inside 
Uie West Gate entrance to 
Ft. Story. 

For Kings Daughters 

• I* 



in Pembroke Mall contest 


The frogs (tf Mirk 
Twain's Calavar^s County 
came to Pemtadce Mall last 
wedc, as the Mall featured 
a three-day frog Jump - 
ing cortest in suppcnrt of 
the King's Daughters ChU- 
drens Hospital. 

The ium^ngof tbe frogs 
was matdied in pqwlarity 
I7 VirginU Beach and Tide- 
water celerities participa- 
ting in Satairday's "Cele - 
brity Jump." 

ChoosiQg^rom the stable 
frogs, shoivers at Pern - 
bttke donated |1 to see whose 
frog entry would jump the 
farthest on Thursday and 
Friday afteinoonis and even- 
taigs. Charmaine Miller (rf 
Uie Pembroke MaU Mer- 

chants Association, sponsor 
of ttie event, said $106 was 
raised for King's Daughters 
Childrens Hospital. 

From the two days of 
jumping 17 persons were sd- 
ected whose frog had jump- 
ed the longest, and they com- 
peted Saturday aftenKxm for 
prizes donated by the Pem- 
bn^e Mall merchants. First 
place winner was Dolly 1^- 
liford of Walden'sBo(ric store 
in tte Mall, whose frog leap- 
ed a gigantic 5 ft. 7 inches. 

Second place went to Pe- 
ter Schamell of 465 Thalis 
Road, Virginia Beach, wtose 

" ' ^rges Michael Saltismk, 
utnhaza Traii 

jumping frog went 4 ft. 8". 
Third was Tribly Osterling, 
221 Bermuda Court, Vir - 
ginia Beach, with her en- 
try's leap of 4 ft. even. 
Fourth was Laura Knoche 
whose "Calavaras" entry 
went 3 ft. 9 inches; and 
fifth place was Martha Grell, 
a eacatiooer from Michigan, 
whMe entry went 3 ft. 2 

Celebrity competitors 
. Satantey afteraoon \ were 
Beach Mayor Clarence Hol- 
land, city manager George 
Hudbury, tte tcp "leaper 
with 3 ft. 6 inches, city coun- 
.^man Henry McCoy, c(m- 
" vention agent Nel Grant, Vir- ' 
ginia Beach. Bracon editor, 
Gepe Owens (second with a 
Jump of 3 ft. 2 inches), 
coltamnist Lawrence Mad- 
dry, president of Tidewater 
Campfire Girls WUla Red- 
ding, CommoDwodth At - 
toniey Andre Evans, Com- 
mander Jack Martin,' Pid}- 
ttc afiairs otR<»r for the 
Sth Naval District, Jeamde 
mehard of WNOR Radio (3rd 
lllace Winer witbajampof 
S ft. 1 inch). Mike Beesoo 
of WNOR Raitto and WAVY 
TV's "Mike and Lpn" show, 
iad Lynn Fl^er, al«> at 
WAVY-TV'S "Mike and 

For taking first place with 
his Texas bullfrog, city man- 
ager Hanbury bad $500 do- 
nated to the American Can- 
cer Society by ttePembwAe 
Mall Merchants Associa - 
tion. Second place fiaister 
Gene Owens had $300 dtmat- 
ed to tte Nort&em Cffligre- 
ption (rf Jehovah's Witness- 
es, and third place winner 

Jeamiie Richards bad |200 
donated to Uie March of 

Contestants and celebrit- 
ies were advied ttet wten 
in tte jumpUig area ttey 
could not touch their frog, 
jptoi or molest him in ady- 
way. BiA fbiBf coold Jump, 
scream, yell and even pray 
to ttrge ttelr entries to tte 

longest leq>. Tte frags could 
have eared less. After tte 
coldest, Oey were i«ttred 
to tte Itorfl^' Botanrical 
Gardens, wtere prMiiiattUy 
all those shoiviigans st|i^ 
ed uxl tti^ cmild ai|Dy a 
life's siq^y of Joicy fli^s 
andjooqi when tiwy wanted 

jfyjnj ■ 

'That's not lai onuuyn oanj -vUchael. 


tIkB th^' says David Ford, 1480 Watersedge Drive, to Nsjrog 

entry nirlfrmnrt Rnhin Pi^nt^k PP?5 Cofbe** A v/p NortesOf 

aif^M^ m I 

VirgMa Beach Sub, jMvU 20, 1977 - A-l 

Star of the Sea winners 

Two stMtorts of Star of (be ^a CaUuilic Charcb School 
vere vtauwrs et Om llrite of Virginia" contest sponaor- 
^ed reeenttf Ity the Inoie Walton I^igtte of America and 
^«^llMi Viri^yala Game Canmlsslon. Andjr Mine of the 601 
^prade mmI Muvaret Coonelle (rf tt* 7th received |50 
mjmti^Hata tot their winning idioto entries. Teadier 
CHirs. Panelln Anton of Star of the Sea was coordinator 
^ of the contest. (SUN photo by Mark Richard) 

More citizen 
input aslced 

A mem^r of the newly- 
anwinted Virginia Beach 
Water and Sen^r Commit- 
tee wo^ld U(e to see more 
citis^«%E^ 00 setting 
priQtiihfes on vtilities con - 
Tstmction over ^ next five 

tired engineer and com- 
tf^ifettta»> aqo^ said ^ 
would Uke to see public bear- 
ings where Uie people 
can suggest priorities. He 
said that priorities have al- 
ready been s^ for tte first 
|9.1 revemie bond issue ap- 
proved by CqoAcil and many 
of the projects are under 
construction. However, pri- 
orities need to be establish- 
ed for the 139.9 mUlicm pro- 
jected for utilities expendi- 
ture over the next five years 
IH.The elty is asking voters to 
^Approve the 139.9 milUcHi 
t,^ "do^le-barreled" bonds 

in a referendum June 14. 

Mayor Clarence A. Hol- 
land named the five-man citi- 
zens' committee last week. 
Included, in addition to 
Chewning, were Charles W. 
Gardner, motel owner and 
retired city councilman; C. 
G. Harris, vic«|iresideni of 
the Tidewater Builders As- 
sociation; Garland IsdeU, 
former councilman and gen- 
eral contractor, and Donald 
Merrick, retired manager of 
the Norfolk Ford Assembly 

Chewning, flarris and Is - 
dell served <m the Mayor's 
Committee on Water and Sew- 
er which also included Vice 
Mayor Patrick L. Standing, 
and Conncilman John A. 
Baum. It was this commit- 
tee which recommended tlie 
formation of a citizens' com- 
mittee to inform the public 
and to advise council. 

Saynard completes 


Lana Patricia Baynard of 
Virginia Beach, aninstaller- 
repairwoman at the Virginia 
Beach location of Continen- 
tal Telephone of Virginia, has 
Completed a course in sta- 
tion repair at the Ccmtinen- 
tal Telephone System Train- 
iiC Center near Amherst, 

Each stiulent who com- 
pletes the 10-day course is 
able to effectively analyze, 
,tit>id>leshQot, and r^nir cus - 
^^^mer teIeiriK»e equipment,' 
^^•Incliiding station carrier 


The first part of the course 
concentrates on the basic 
principles of electricity as 
applied to modem telephcmy. 
Before graduation, students 
^uch as Ms. Baynard are- 
able to read a circuit dia- 
gram of the customer's tele- 
phone line and equipment; 
locate ami repair troubles 
using special testii% equip- 
ment; aiui locate faults in and 
replace AML, CM4 and CHS 
carrier systems. 

Baynard has been with the 
Continental System since 
August, 1974. 

100,000 WAHS 



This space sponsored in the interest of Private Property Weeic 
by the following Virginia Beach Realtors. 

Anchor Realty 

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5M8 Inttan River Rd. 
(^ce: 424-5360 

Landmark Realty 

5724 Princess Anne Road 4H-7077 
2339 Virginia Beach Blvd. S40-S8S5 
248B E. Little Crvek Road (Norfolk) 480-3500 

Hudgins Real Estate 

3701 Pacific Ave. 428-(»46 
"The Resort Peqide" 

M.P. At>el Realty 


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iDclades F.E.T., Batnusias, AUpmo^, 
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»i!P-V!f!|l'JW?^^^^WP^^'iP^^"' 1 1 1 i p I II I II I II 111! 




At weekend Camporall 

Jimmy <m^ an* Clttflis Alcorn of Troop 366 of Vir- 
dBia Beach challeflged any comers to try to climb tte 
tricky rope stairs for a dollar at the top. Few could. 

Beach Scouts enjoy 
good outdoor life 

The Flaming Arrows of Virginia fiiiei *rn»p 4U uy tw 
avoid rope bums in their T(xpe making display. Imr<dved 
in the joint effort are Mike Hshak, Robert JiAnsoo, Jon- 
athan Bailey, Brian Crawford, James Fuel, Jess KoA 
and Tim Simpson. 

Stor^ and photos by Mark Richard, SUN Reporter 

Over 3,000 Boy Scoub 
from the Virginia Beach, 
Norfolk, Chesapeake, Ports- 
moutn and Albermarle areas 
parti^ated in a Camporall 
at tip U. t. Naval Radio 
facility in Chesapeake this 
weedend. More than 160 
troops ent^d into the acill 
0-Rama «A)rday aftemoOT 

crafts and camping. 

Patrols took part in 85 
different events during the 
afternoon and were given 
overall }udgii« by District 
Camporall directors. The 
presentation of awards was 
made Sunday morning. 

A Havy parachute team 
wu me Hr^iit^ l^^ngfts 

Saturday afternoon. The 
team performed aerial acro- 
bats with smoke trails and 
special cutes that they land- 
ed pinpoint in the field where 
the Skill-0-Rama was tak- 
ing place. 

The Camporall was th# 
first one to take place in 
the Tidewater Council since 

great deal of enthusiasm on 
the part ot^ leaders and 


Some of the activities 
demonstrated were: axe 
safety, pioneering, first aid, 
arrowhead making, Indian 
lore, cooking, whittling, 
leatbereraft, tracking and 


Donald Rhodes supplies i littie breeze to the coals so can get on with the cook^ of the sausage. The boys 
that Keith Edwards, Chris Ellsworth and Mike Schafer are from Va. Beach Tnx^ 372. > 

Patrick StudtiMker 

The Black Knight Patrol flag placed in the final pitrol 
flag competition. The flag was designed by the seiMli 
from Kempsville inclwling Mike Smiht, Grtdy Hanis 

9nii triam Wp<:t>w>rrv 

Mtb tra^fag a stUl alive and welf as a part «rf any Boy 
mm get tof^her as Teddy KeUy and Steve Shirey of 
Troiv *W hMOCle over two older i*tches. 

Allan Fletcher, Jeff M(ieertvy and Jeff DMia of Troop 
401 mix sand and tmi in the sand painting eriuMt. 


.A. .^_i , 

-■- — ^ 









ch evtat «t Uie B«adi^ 

s. ati(«t for tte MM-' 

tKij^steally laiMicaHied «f 

') iwwridt «8 ilUctic ooUM 

tf «IMM th* thrill «( vlcterf 

, till ^Msid by owself , ui 

Olijr of dfhtt is Ufe its^. 

w,.. .. ^^ ^ pictiirt of two 

. UtUt f Irl hoHped o« 

^«, tbrev her arms uroAnd mj 

<Bd QlantMl • fiftRt kiss 08 oijr 

<nu)t to five her up, ctm 

r to ylay with' my caaent 

tnalntaia her iaterest in 

A i«w lAlmtes later, I sav t«o boys 
abevt im yean old walktoc aloaf , itap 
m0tl0h ant eBteace,«MiklsstoMie 
iitre BO OM ■Isealcidaled qm's feel- 


Thw I rMU^I ^ dWtrence 
bM«^ "tten" ud flw. 

inMrttoM ^UK^wenbon with- 
al hMMsqa are MkMbi birtter m, 
mtn Is ^tteMMMt ^ «« Min 



annual event 

The special Olyi^m is 
a nttOMl imfimBft h«MM 
bf E«dM ^Ivw, iMch 
pro«eto« attl^ parttet- 
KMsB IH- enelknaUy aad 
^nftaMy baadteapped 

TMs ma tte Awulh MB- 
■eotffc jMr ttat tte Vk-- 

has ^Kmuti the eveat: 
BeM^ Ktftatn Hifb. a- 
boit »0 tmmm at aU 
ag^aoMipMtf lathe 90- 
yir4 ^tash, jN<&aU ttrow, 
^aatfif loag J^p, 2^- 
yard dash. hi(h Jaaip. 440 
yard rw, aUe rw, 440- 
yant rAy ud two idieel- 
dttir eieits - a qHriat aad 
a slalom. 

Crom ^se od «.i 

In l^ir world, uncluttered by 
iN^Mems and trattmas of taxes, w 
e^Uce boards aoddeterf ents that n: 
1VU whites whiter, they have some- 
tUng we don't or at least don't dis~ 
^y. I^K^aneous love 

IfMMsciMsly bMded togettwr by 
tl^ nental and ^ysieal handf a^ Qny 
wlU kaow forever, ttey banbe«eora- 
pM^ted with a ifiicllity to love w 
vmtionint^, aayoM fewrMseaoagh 
to stare I smile ilto ttmm. 

It (k)esn'l teke noeh to make tttem 
katVf A tewtt pia(» flysher Is tte 
SO-jnrd dash Witt &Af lout piAei- 
paMs Is innrlaUy as eaatenf tt ^ 
idater, lor <rosslai tte tMsh l&e to 
thMi is a idctory to itself. Tb see 
ttw ffiy or firl in lart place sross 
ttH flaish line with arms ral^ in 
i^e#il sati^ctioa. is to wmd^how 
ma^ advaMa^ you take (tf ywtfowa 
ahiUty to excel. 

Those who^pead ttelr tine wtfh me 
(tfsaUed dUdrea are to be ^pliated 
tor th^r imstiflA dinls. TImI rest 
of OS slK»M deteb^ wtat we art 
tortonate to tave, ami stare whea w 
am. i 

DanieBe Day. Larry TurneriincKa frier^d cheer their budch'es in 50-yard dash 

srun /pof 1/ 

Matt Sinnen new mound ace 
for Kellam Knight knihe 

SUN ^rts Editor 

Matt Sinnen's bvorite position is catching, bidttof a base- 
ball is wtat he does best, but It is as a piteher ttat Wayne 
Sfkts, coach of Kellam 's baseball tnm, is hoping ttoit 
Sinnen WIU come ttnm^. ^ 

Last Thiirstky, tta eve of Kellam 's first district Ioh 
Qb First 'Cdo)&lil);^SfilA«i satt he vom:pttibMami^^,Migl^Mmm 
imm^ matmmmm-mmaii. The Patriots •taMHifF^WliRR!r>«ar 

37 tatters to S2 2/S imiiigs, almost exdasively with his 
flistoaU. "I lost try to throw hard." said Sinnen, "I don't 
ttrow mai7 earvtimlls." 

At the plate, SfaoMi has been eqoally effective, fce^lii|> 
to the .MO tn^fiStmitooi all 8ea«». Carionsly, lariyieasoia 
as a flrsttasemaa. he hit to tte tow .ax>'s. "Bitt wul 
hitting tte faaU real hard,"said Sfku, "but it seemed ttat 
he always Ut it rigtt at sem«me. I <»alito't take Mm out 

Brbn 6wel ^lows Richard Layton Ns nbbons 

^Men OS "m mus^amstwttim, efmttaoif^w^miag 
6-4. but ideations are ttat it wUl oak always be sim|de 
to hit the swior righthander. 
Seine tte Finrt Orimtfal poie, Stoaw hhd giniA out 


■ it 








Stop foofng around and cut tt 

tour subscription to the SUN wl 
gh/e you the whole picftjre.You 
m% ftijc^ readhg alxxjt tfie people 
doWnfie streeLfresh and brigM news. I 



"Tideumten Only 

AM Hadlo Station 


Ydit! be dolars, ahead, too. 

oar $7m investment h tie SUN 
^ be returned w^ the adverfeiig 
v^ues youl find ^xr very first issue. 

tm wi MB tt^ i«h ynr Aeek Ik fbcWa ■ 
Sm, m %MMrt U.. J^iMa leadl, fT I 


lUiDIO SMftf 




ihml of 

Thto Tear it's averaging oirt,< He worl»d wItt wi0» 
over tte wl^r aod his strengtt is paying otf to battii^ 

SiBce last year, Smum has grown two indies taller «nd 
has pIdBijI jft^w otra KOpowids whidi he^ hU throi^. 

Matt Sinnen f^c^ws against Frst Colonial 

1324 ykgiKm B«Kti BMI. 



' ^y N ^p «i ^p >^p> ^^ ^>^^ 


nn jMia^r he i« better Ktjimted as weU. "Last year I 
^rted worrying tltm toyself tostead of tte team. If I'd 
P9 «. I'A mat abOBt it wimi weit ovt to^tiA, ami ttat 
wodd m«BS me op. Thto year I'm tttokiag about tte team." 

WWm te to not OB tte nuiimd, ^hm does tte pnAective 
•V^mcrt of a catcter. and do» ittat te likes b^. "I< 
doa't Itte pliytag wtere tte adton isn't," saM Sinnen, 
r^erriag to hto ex-flnttasemaa cteres. 
. WUte b^tod tte ^te Airli« a r^ent game wItt Ctairdi- 
land, ^mton was hit m tte arm i^ a Buddy M^ies pitch: 
StaBM tdto wtat hanpond, "My ann si^tod v^d efery-> 
one thongtt I vwb tart. Sp I threv a coi^ balls down to 
se«Md oh ttree hops. 

Vhmi tte game storied tte guy on first trt«l to steal 
aad I pea«d hito. ' 

But te does tave hto pitching goato. "I wanttobeat; 
Keaqwvilto," eq>ressed^nn«i. "I've Mver beat thrai to 
Little League, Pooy League, Colt League, Jayvee of 

Vten Stonra thinks (d KeaqtsvOle, tte inu«e xd Chlet 
flntta^nma Hike S^e loms large. ^'Last year I ttrew 
Sage two itftetes," mourned Simien. "One te hit for a 
home rm, and tte dher was a dodde." 

M^pea aad J^ Wolfe tave tnraed to SMie good ^tddi« 
perfnri^HMS Mi year. Wdfo won hto first game of tte 
seaaoB tost wtk against Brewttaker Academy 5-2, witt 
Us as«Hftm«rt of "Jtmk." lAves has struck «rt more tei| 
a tatter an |tali%. 

^idon feqttg to le«i Kellam to tte top dtte Btadi 
Ustrtot are %^ Siyth, wto to sttU toelii* tte litods 
ct a knee tojwy sa^iaod duri^ fodlwU smmm, Terry 
Ni^er, ToMmy BaroM, Davto Kins, Mike F^eH and 
Jimmy Aid. 

keeoimf U aanen. tte 1^^ dwoU do weU thto 
mamm. "We'n mtUm lAod fl^ii^ at tte top," te muidi 

^M nys ttat scoring four mu on FIrrt Colodal 
afta- Mag down f-0 ptve Us eUb semt oM^iMee. And 

At The Hbw 

Chez Odette 

BTOCEmc KM CMti' CUrrn toeatod ab 


^mme r«» ftnttMBl IwDryMi 
• (N^ Ma •MVtoMM^^^ tfreMm 

m Ma^m aM Mdw 


IMnntmrtumti^lm^ M(ia« s 


^w»«ff rtiiimr »!■ ImM 111 • 


Den'tiiM be 


tor a fto- 

•d by 
Ms on 

T-i — ^ "^rr Thii limfc t'li 










Vlitinia Beach Sun. April 26. 1977 - R 3 

i^nncess Anne, 

survive InitMxB^^^ play 

District lM$«baU began 
last Xnatxf, witta eacb 
BeacI) tmm ikying two 
games. Close games abouodT 
«d, If ndli^ cfMnicfi to c^y 
tlieorjr that tfae winqftf- erf 
tte Beach District *ill sur- 
i^ve a play-off eam^ re - 
•siting froth a two-way tie 
for first. Tbeir reeords, I 
tiiink, wUl be 8-2. 

KempsvlUe's Mark 
Creekmore socked Bay- 
side's Donoy Jones' f^t - 
iMll over rlghtfielder Chris 
Sdssom's hold for a triple, 
driving home Tony Tata in 
the process. The sixth inn- 
ing . blast gave the Chiefs 
a S-S win over the Mar- 
Una. "It was just too hot," 
said Jones as be left the 

Kempsville had a tough 
time against Cox three days 
later, as the Falcons took 
the Chiefs into extra inn- 
ings. Falcon burlerJonathon 
Rowe kept the powe^ul 
Chiefs to two runs through 
seven innings. But in the 
eighth, reUef pitcher WU- 
liam Wpodioqaie gave q) a 
twQ-ruB sacrifice flybyGino 
Woods, and Cox had lost 

Dave Meadows (center) smiles after hitting grand-slam. Tom DeLong (left) watches 

their second ^me. 

Princ(»s Anne remained 
undefeated by beating Bay- 
side 5-S (m Friday. Cava- 
lier ace Jimmy Howerinwon 
his second game in three 

days, having bested First 
Colonial in their c^ner, 4-2. 
According to Cav coach Don 
VanBenshoten, Howerin won 
the First Colonial game 
without a good fastball, re- 

P.A. golfers undefeated after 8 meets 

Princess Ante High's golf 
coach, Leo Anthony is defi- 
nitely satisified with the way 
bis duffers are strddng the 
ball this year. 

The Calavliers are 8-0 
thus far, receiving strong 
performances right through 
the line-up. George Mac - 
Donald at number one, is 
winning medalist honors 

right and left, which was 
more or less expected, as 
MacDonaid is thought by 
many to t)e the premier high 
school golfer in the district. 
But it is at positions five 
and six that Anthony has 
witnessed the strong play 
that consistantly wins golf 
matches. Devin Johnson and 
Kenny Downes "won the 

First Colonial match for 
us," said Anthony of their 
recent 328-332 win over the 
Patriots, "they are really 
coming throi^h." Johnson 
shot an 81 in that match. 

lying on his curve and dnq). 

"This was not the same 
team that played Saturday," 
said Ted ^helps after his 
Patriots dron)ed the P. A. 
game. Just three days be- 
fore. First Colonial had beat 
Menchvill 10-2 on Jon 
FrixEel's no-hitter. "I think 
we're better than they (PA.) 
are, but they beat us today," 
said Phelps. 

On Friday, the Pats re- 
turned to what Phelps hopes 

is their true form, beating 
KeUam (1-1) 6-4. Second - 
baseman David Meadows 
bashed a grand-slam in the 
fifth inning for the Patriots. 
Tom VamBell (1-1) picked 
(9 the win with relief help 
from Friazell. xj 

By the end of next week, 
there will be no undefeated 
teams. The only two left at 
this writing are Princess 
Anne and Kempsviller land 
they play Friday at P.A. 

Last week, 
aid shooting 
creek, P.A. 

with MacDon- 

a 72 at Bow 

beat Kellam 

Bayside girls tie First Coioniai 

CNef pitcher Joe Beaton reveals ball during Bayside win 

Beach soccer debuts 

Soccer as a Beach High 
School sport made its de-^ 
to» taurt n^. BM was al- 
litttr ovei«iail»#M by the 
airiVal of something anti- 
e^ted at least as much- 
warm WMttaer. 

Very warm in fact. May- 
be too warm. 

The girl's coach from 
Kempsville, Joy King, pian- 
ilBd for the beat, telling her 
g|rls the night before to 
'^t plenty of popcorn and 
^ lots (rf salt but it did 
no good." said King, 
"We've practised in rain, 
snpw, and mud, but not heat, 
and it had an effect on us. 

f course it had an effect 
on our opponent too." 

Their c^q;>onent was Bay- 
side, and tbe two teams bat- 
Ued to a 3-3 tie. "We mis- 
sed some chances to win," 
lamented King, "but overall 

1 was pleased with how we 
looked. I think both erf us 
(Bayside and Kempsville) 
will be strong at the Beach 
this year." 

Kempsville's Mary King 
scored two goals, and-Le- 
anne Foster me. Cited Tfof 
defensive play was Amy 
Braun, Betsy Foster and 
Sharon Burnett: For Bay - 
side, ttie forward line front 
line <a Ann Craig, Cheryl 
Carmack and Ethel R(d>insoQ 
were all outstanding. 

The Kempsville boys 
started off tbe season with 
a S-0 win over Bayside. 
Scoring for the Chiefs were 
Steve Prince, Steve White, 
Mark HelUi^er, Mark Slay- 
man and Richard Cardenas. 

Johnny Cooke's Kellam 
boys beat Ctn 3-1 in their 
opener, with forward Ken 
Gebbie scoring two first- 
half goals, lltinte Buricey 
scored tbe (^r Kellam 
r»l- l^osi Qk<^wo had 
two assists, Kilt KiegerMie. 
Kni^t gcttUe Mark Durham 
had U saves. 

The Cox f(Al was scored 
i^ JohoJMpscomb, ttvemin- 
irtes into tbe seeo^ half. 

Tbe Princess Ame girls, 
coached by Vicki Errln, were 
in (or a "Dutch treat," as 

■ Vfe Scbolten sisters, FMfee 
and Myrte, from flollaad, 
^ch scored goals in tteir 

■ 3-1 Victory over First Col- 
oniaL Kim Brown aiM^ <»e 
for P.A. 

OR Boggs S Amtc 

Prtvatt JMMt^tan 

Civil • dontstte • OUU 

Coftody • DoBtiM Cm^ 

JUl tafiMM ffortlftntlal. 

PHOm ttT-^ 

"We looked good," said 
Ervitt) ''considering it «as 

so hot." -d«,#4H tt'iJWMt'ii 

In other boys action,. First 
ColpniaJt_ . jRpB^,, Princess. 

The Bayside girl's tennis 
team, coached by Ellen Par- 
ker, defeated First Coloni- 
al Monday, S-4, tying the two 
teams for first place in the 
Beach District. Both are 4-1 

For Bayside, Peggy Sch- 
aefer, playing the ni^mber 
four position, remained un- 
de:(eated t|4s season Infiye 
raatchesu 'Tmccf iBtB^iimt 

is 4-0 while playing the num- 
ber five spot. In the number 
one position. First Coloni- 
al's Tracy Eubank beat Beth 
Lake, 6-2, 7-5. 

Bayside has not lost since 
its first match, that with 
Kempsville. "I think that 
first loss gave us a jolt,"- 
said Pa^6r, whose team 
UriU host leoqisville tttftx ' 

(A weeUy look at Beach high school sports) 

Around The Diamond 


Loading batters 

(Through games of April 16. Bayside 
and First Colonial not reported) 
Townsend (PA) .648; Cunningham (PA) 
.489; S^eelman (Kemp) .474; Slnnen 
(Kel) .464; Mann (PA) .462; Reap 
(Kemp) .429; Sage (Kemp) .417; Moody 
(Kemp) .348; Creekmore (Kemp) .346; 
Reynolds (C) .333; Simpson (PA) .325. 

Soceer Standings 

Boys Oirls 

Baseball sti^ndings 

Softball standings 





Princess Anne 






First Colonial 

1-1 . 













First Colonial 






Princess Anne 




Friday in a return match. 

Four of Parker's top six 
players- are seniors, promp- 
ting her to say, "this has 
got to be our year." It may 
weU be. Friday's match with 
Kempsville and nect Fri- 
day's scheduled home match 

.with FJrM Coli^ual could 

^t«ttlife«6ry. -■^■'-'svmm 

starts i 

Fast-pitch softball was 
played in district, competi- 
tion for the first time ever 
last week. A 10-game sche- 
dule will determine a reg- 
ular season champion. 

Bayside, behind a two- 
home-run, six rbi per- 
formance by Beth Freeman, 
topped Kempsville 17-7. 

Princess Anne bested 
First Colonial 7-3. P.A. 
coach Wayne Purcell said 
pitcher Diana Balog "start- 
ed fast and got stronger" 
as the gtdR^rogressed. 



Ice SIcating Lessons 

Nw sessions: Monday, Wednesdayand Fridays, after- 
noons and evenings Saturday from 10 a.m. to 12:30, 
p.m. Few spaces available. Call Immediately. 

Youth Ice Hockey Program 

All equ^^uient provided. Games each week. Age 
groiqis: 4-7, 8-10, 11-12, only. Registrati(ms at rink 
during normal operating hours. 
First come, first serve basis. ' • 

New Operating Hours 

Monday and Tuesday closed, except for special 

groiqi and class aciUvites. 

Wednesday and Thursday from S p.m. to 10 p.m., 

Friday from 3 p.m. to 11:30 p.m. 

Saturday from 12:30 p.m. to 11:30 p.m. and Sunday 

from 12:30 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. 

Beach Mall Studio 
Kellam Road Rinic 


Registration must be made in person at the rink 
before classes begin-Skatii« Club Available. 



Tmntostandinai : . 









First Colonial 




Princess Anne 


Princess Anne 




First Colonial 







Bayside <, 


First Colonial 






Princess Anne 







HOMES IN 1976 


fflOT-Kmeger (B) 6S-S; LONG JUMP-ZolUcoffor (FC) 
82-ft; HIGH JtJMP-CoUlns (Kemp) 1-7; POLE VAUU- 
Thomson (Kel) IS-S; DlSCUS-Krueger (B) 168-3; TBIPLE 
JUMP-ZolUcoffer (FC) 4S-S; HIGH HURDLK-HoUomaa 
(PA) 14.2; 100- Williams (PA) and Feltoa (FC), tie, l-S; 
880 RELAY-Fir8tColoalal(Forbes, LawsM, icmeM$r, 
Feltoa) 1:28.1; 440-Uwsoo (FC) 49.4; OrrEaRMQJIATE 
HUROLES-Foreman (Kel) St.f; IW-MdJiidtls (C) I:M; 
aO-WnUams (PA) 21.8; TWO MILE-Spartx (C) »:S1.4| 
MILE RELAY-Ktilaa (Foreman, Ettirii^e, Dui%\ Buber, 
ElM4(e, Datf el) 3:26.1 

Track Superlatives 

(Best track marks at Beach to date) 


RUROLES-MotOB (Kemp) 1L3; IOO-WasUi«tOB (Kemp) 
11.0; MILE-tiMr (Kemp) S.IS; jMO RELAY-Bayside (Mos- 
ley, Hickman, Hymns, Jordan) 1:45.8; 440-Herbert (B) 
1.02.1; 440-RELAY-KempsTiUe ^BocheUe, McCabe, WU- 
soo, WasUagtm} SO.S; 880-DoMn (C) 2:34.4; 280-JflSbua 
(FC) and Beldier (C). tie, 26.0; 880 MEDLEY RELAY- 
KempsTiUe (Mi^», Coster, Masoi, Ambrose) 2:01.9; MILE 
RELAY-Cox (Derridc, (krtwr, Rhbc, D<»an) 4:25.2; DIS- 
CUS-Ceoke (B) 113-1; HTCH JUIIP-Joshua (FC) 5-6; LOHG 
JUMP-BeldMr (C) 17-7; SHOT-SnIth (PA) 35-9. 

Check Yw/*^oofir^ 

Residential, Commericai, industrial 

• Shingle Roofing • Slate Roofing 


Su»iay After ChurA fecial 
ChUdrens menu 

^rlmp Egg Foo Youg with Cried rice 

Sweet 4 Sour Porkwitti fried rice 

?S( per chUd 

Take out orders eaU 340-1820 

lliao- 10:30 wtekmu 
11:30 10:00 wecMays 

M WMw Mi tinl Opsi Mr 


%r — ^ 

Mother Nature Says: 

'Be healty. be happy 

Molber Natere Says cu fill your 
comidete aabrittooal Meds,.. compai e 
our low, lowprieesoagntatf aiKinuts.. 
try our orgaaie aggs and, dried fruit! 

See our |.ow Pric* <» Wheat Flour _. 
and Rolle<Cptts. 

Join as tor loDch while yw 
your shep^g. 

Try rar home in^ 
br^^ nd mvO^. . 

tm Va. UMA M«d. 
across ftim 



• Wood Shingles 

• Power Roof Vents 

• Roof Repairs 

• Buildup Roofing 

• Aluminum Siding 

• Chimney Caps 


Phone 487-8854 


Gutters & Downspout 



720 Geo. Wash. Highway North 

ji ^ .» - 

-^ ^ ^^ M ^ ^ ^MlAihi^iiaai 

Fn» m iHU«nlk, Jiriy UliMr. lob OMwr, HafetiM 
m D t r mwm of inifWa B«Mfe catA ssna 

vo!ir group'?; activities 
Notification nis taking pt: 

thf ajN's iMjblishing day, mi 
5 p.m. the previous Friday. 

iv«d toy 

ThmllB carnival Sumnar classas 

60 WiiMm A|». 13, ttaUa Ele- 
nentaiy tetool will to^^lding its 
aaai^ ttntfral tt the sclnol, l<M:ated 
at 411 UMiUa Road. Caraival doors 
open lA U a.B„ tad ytm can stay and 
enjoy the actnrlti«i ratU 4 

^methi^; mv for tbe Thalia carn- 
ival this 3n^ viUlie tlw Flra Mar- 
1^, wfth irett tie^p^e from dcmating 

Coine alBd en}^ yitarself and help 
nake tte Thalia carnival a bi^ success. 


,B#l Al«BMer, theufp^wdinc- 
tor «f Se^rttfogr, Vii^Aia feeach will 
be t«tt^^ a eovrse in lMutic(»»9»ffl- 
la^M ^ m A^ftamMitals of sne- 
CMs lor tte TWCA pn^rara at West- 
v^ fm Aqttst ClHKh ^ 865 Wood- 
8to<& Bd;3if iala Bttcb. 

Tte coorses will te held <m Thurs- 
(bjrs, starttag (» April 21, and will 
eontlirae for six weeks. 

orlal Day 

Bcmnlw^Jk obsarvers 

rayi aid seea to eoBteflqUatttteapaHaiBg simnieri 
(SUM plMlo hy Mark Riefcitrd) 

Ofchestra workshop at Wesley an 

VlfsteU Vealeyan CoUefe 
wiU iosi Itl seventh aranal 
oreautn workstep tnm 
Ai«. 14 tkroich 20. 

Uiotfer ttedireeUooof Ito- 
sett Htu^tft nMiak director 
^ tte likidtiik Smpteny Or- 
J^«f4A»|feft wortfiHp Q^ra 
ftm^ nmietim an opp^- 

timttv for 

trated study witt cmtstand- 
ing teacters in string, wood- 
wind, brass and percussion 
instmiaMts. Instruction 
•daring tte we<d[-long pro- 
gram is ctrtied on at tte 
personal as well as tte or- 
^estral and class levels. 
Tte woTtabof, iriiich hosted 
more than tO jrooaf pe<9le 
last jraar, is open to stndents 
hi graite seven thrm^h 

twelve (others by special Wesleyan Drive, Norfolk, 
permissicn). Virginia 23502. AHdicaHon 

deadlineis JulY 1. 

Applicati(M>s for this- 
year's Orctestra Workshc^ 
are available through high 
school and junior h^h or- 
chestra direct(H^ or by writ- 
ing Or. David Claj^ at 
Virginia Wesleyan College, 

For a wide ctoice of tay- 
ers, renters, woriwrv in. 
your neighboriKWd, lUte low 
c(wt classified ads in jeour 
hometown newspaper. Get 
resoits jfjuick! 

^ B%a&9'9 own imufspapw 

Pick up a copy 
of the SUN 

Ott extra <^ies of IN» Virginia 
bMCh SUN vt tie following list 
of newsstands idcrted Ihroi^hout 
the Virginis BMdi srea: 

Ocmh Front 

i-ll-Birdneck Sd. 


flMBDE MOKSTORE-Paeiilc Ave. 
IttUmR HOTIL-Mai St. ami Atlantic 
IttJMff I Wi->W hMd i^artic 
■OWASD JO BOGt P S ' Oeeaa Front 


>qgr O FnCE -l«> St ami Atlaallc 
MCWI CBITBE-Oeaii Frost 
■ABB'S niAnMCT-Atbatle Ave. 
■LIM Tini IMHili Ate. 
MUtaUL Onr-Alltttie Ave. 
fCMOROt MOI^t-Paeiflc Avsm* 

Court HOMM Arta 


Kimptyito Ar«a 

f»am FBESBrKempsvUle 

Norf oIk-Va. Baach Una 


MIS mUGiT MOTEL-IlorttemptM 

f •U'^Mitf Bd. 

■RAkAT om-lforttamptM M«d. 

Bay^da Araa 

RATT LOOGE-Uttte Creek Base 
HAVT SBTAOSAirr-Littte Creek Base 


WWI^^aaf^ed Asp Center 

I M tid Wfi aep C^er 

P^am Araa 

f-11 - BoHwad. 

Ml - tjmmmm M. (ThaUa) 



^LO^ - Stea Vhtt Trail 

%-U ' tmtk Mm l^iflfMu- tfbnry) 




rt<j»;j.M p.,.-\r/^^ 

At«Ut C. Bedfifrev, president of 

Ttdamter Veterans Association of 

be., which rapreseats over 

Q(KK vetanu in tte Virginia Beaidi 

ndiwater arn, anmninced ttet this 

*% MMBorial Day program will 

h^ OB SttBday, May 29, at 2 p.m. 

Rosewood Memorial Park, 631 N. 

l^ttdidtck Road. Virginia Beach. 

Veteran's Uiltsre|Mr^(eBting all ser- 
vieef vill ptrtic^te in wreath laying 
cnreBumies. Tte Bayside HigbSchocd 
Baiid, nader tte directioB tA Job^ 
ygert, will provUe music for ttie 

fce craam social 

Ite So^KMBdre Class of Kempsville 
Hi^ ScliOQl hM planted an Ice Cream 
Social for Saturday, May 7th. It will 
te tfom 1 p.m. mitil 5 p.m. inside 
and in fnwt of tte school. 

Admission will te <S$ and ttere WiU 
te wwdttriag minstrels, clowns, and 
two pr^bumed shows. 

Ite ran and lee. cream is designed 
tor a^s. 

t ■ - ~ • - 

Registratln for snmmer classes at 
Viitinia Wesl^ta College is current- 
ly underway, according to CoU^e 
R^iirtrar Eky^^ E. Mclntyre. Tte 
IVQppsed snmmer class sctedule Ut- 
(dwtei 24 courses, most of which will 
te ^erai dwi^ tte siz-w^ period 
betwfHm.M«y 23 and July i. 

Tte sammer sctedule l^ules 
courses in bloioKy, tttii^s, eeo- 
Mmlcs, educatfam, French, human ser- 
vices, joumalisn. roathemafles, ^1- 
iHMiAy. political MieMe, psyctelo^, 
science ud iw^logy. CM«ii«s viU 
range tr<m brfrc^tactory Horticaltnre 
&A Current Issues ani Pi^lens in 
&^»tion to the Pn^leins of Mar- 
riage and ^Politics <d Morality. 

For n^^i^tta Itformatioa, era- 
tact Ua D^Ce of tte rc^trar at 
JMppqia Wesleyan, 461-3232. 

'SaagaH' Citing 

Tte Vlrg^ B^ch Parks and Rec- 
reatton perlwmi^ arts .unit auMuiu:es 
<9ett ^istii^ and auflt^ for tte Read- 
ers Timtre production (rf "JoaaOan 
Uvingstoo Seagull". 

Ite astiag call is for Sunday, Apr. 
M, at t:30 p.m. and 00 Momtey, Apr. 
25 at 7:30 p.m. at tte new Virg^^ 
Beach Recreatitm Center theatre wUdi 
is located at 800 Monmoutt Une 
or at the end al Lock Lane beUad 
Kem|»vllle Junior High Schoid. 

Tte cast for ttds multi-media |u*o- 
ductioD, consists of 15 roles/readers 
plus two narrators. 

Opera auditions 

Tte Virginia Opera Associatim an- 
nounces opportunities to audition for 
positifflis in all sections of tte 1977-78 
Opera Orctestra. Please suimiit a 
written resume of training and {»- 
perirace immediately to the Vii^ihi^ 
Open office, 261 West Bute Street, 
Norfolk, 23510, ,in order to apply for 
tte Open Orctestra spring auditions. 

Tte deadline for aaditloB requests 
ara to te received in tte VOA ofttce ' 
is Iby 1. AiplicanU wtli te Mttffed 
of andittOD time, (tate and idace im- 
mediately fliereafter. 

Family hdp 

"The Seven Year Itch" is a tamiljr 
life education program for co«|il«s 
married five to ten years wte wairt to 
continue enriching tteir individual and ' 
family Ufe. FrequenUy, this stage of 
marriage is cteracterta«d byaho-hnm ' 
attitude. Through informal discusslota' 
and the presentation of valuable lnfw> 
maUon, the program participants wlir 
have a stered, positive ezptrienee of , 
learning more atout themselves. 

Subjects to te explored include: Wtet 
is growth? How do we cope wlUi fmt* 
tration? Is conflict necessary? Wtet '; 
makes our relationship eontiinie «bUe'; 
otters end? , and How do childrea in-;' 
JBuence a marriage. 

"The Seven Year Itch" will include 
five sessions, meeting from 8 to 9:)0 ' 
p.m. Tuesday evenings starting May; 
17. ; 

Tte cost of the program is $12 per ^ 
coqde miless ]>roliibltiv» to aayaae's 
participation. Particlpatkii to this pro- 
gram whill assist you to (urtter de* | 
vekip yotar relationship. U ibterestedi f 
contoct Irv Loev or Barbara Larww,^ 
Jewish Family Service, 489-3ni. \ 

Cub's samlhar ^ 

Mrs. Aodrey Beasley of PAVAB 
IMstrict (Princess Ante, Vicginfai 
BMCh) has anaoonced ttet ttere wttl 
te a Den Leader's Coaeh Seminar at 
tteiia Pr^Tteriag Church, Satofday, 
Apr. 30 tvfm 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. 

Baby sitters will te tarnished. Ttere 
WiU te a |1 charge to eovtr toe cost 
of refreshibMis and materiil. 

Mrs. Beasley tes Asked ttet aU 
Dm Leaders pl«ise attend stoce this 
is a very important seminar. 

For ftorUier intormatfdn, please caU 
Mrs. Beasley at 461-8490. 

Blo Rhythms damo 

A discttssirai and detKinstrlttoB oa 
Bio Rhythms wiU te preseitfed at 
tte social meeting of NWCA Dam Neck 
#207 (» Thursday, April 20, at 10:00 
a.m. to tte j^iecial Seirfices buiildini 
aboard toe Dam Neck base. «| 

AQ Natpr, Coast Gnaitl and Martte 
wives are welcome. Free liarsery. 
For mpire informatiob, eaU 424-2430. 


Council open space action 

draws Li 

Necker's anger 

KeHam students learn 

r V .■-'■'- 

about Beach crime 


l^mlMi Ar^^ Araa 

mmiA m^i wwital 
Ml titnillifalfl rtinitnio 



Virgil B»di's first iq>- 
pUcation under tte new open 
space <^0B came under fire 
ii^ was awoved uiani- 
mouly hf CityCoancUM(»- 
day afieraocm. 

E.wK«»eto Day and Jote 
Wallace Simms were grant- 
ed a coodtttoial use permit 
for an open ^a^ oiAion on 
66 acr» to tte Utile Neck 
area bc^MW Harris Road 
and Uttto Baven Road, Lynn- 
tevcB Boraigh. 

No chaagf to tte number 
of miis (93) aUowed (» tiie 
IHtiperty 1^ result from 
ttie ose Qf.toe onltton, bat 
toe devetoper vlU te per- 
mitted to ^ice toe temes 
on saaaUer Ms aad reserve 
tte reiaainiag land tor perm- 

11c atotoimB rwpire - 
tMsA tor a tract of thto 
-stse is 9.9 acres of open 

qnce. Tte developer is set- 
ting aside U.4 acres. 

However, Atiomqr Jos^ 
Gawrys ai^aed toat aU but 
sii acres are ontatoed to 
narrow strips along Littie 
Haven Road, LitUeNeckRd., 
and Harris Road wUeh are 
merely bofton and teve no 
practical valfie as recrea- 
tional areas. Tte sto-acre 
tract is divtted troaaiite 
rest of tte iffoperty by Lit- 
tie Haven Road. He said 
tte idan doM lot eqotorm 
to tte iatMtt of tiie open 
space provisicm. 

Mrs. Stortoy^ Marlowe, 
wte objected to tte use per- 
mit, said ttet ste understood 
ttet a school was to te 
bttUt on toe site, tod has 
learned fmn tte Schocd 
Board ttet tterearenoplans 
to bulk! any more scteds 
to tiie Utile Neck Pento- 

suUu bdieatim; tint tiie de- 
vetoj^Dent of toe tract was 
a breaidi cd faito wito tiie 
Uttto Neck^Lymdrnves De- 
velopmrat Plan she tore tte 
copy of tiMf idan into i^eees 
aM stollwd out of tte Coun- 

Ite aitoitoistration ted 
some reservations aboot 
matotnmtee of tte better 
strip and tiie recr^tion area 
sqiarated from tte devek^- 
mwt, hot WiU wort wito tiie 
developer tm an tecqitible 
conBi^ivtioo oi femmmA 
opeiii jqiace or recrMtkm 

CooB^ aUowed toe wlto- 
draiM of a related p^on 
te OmiM R. ftOateer, 
omeMa- (tf tte EsUte (tf 
R.D. Hoft^mer, for a otenge 
Of soi^ tmn R-2Resi(ta- 
ttal District to R-3 Resi- 

deotial IXstrict oo Uie 54- 
acre parcel m tte north side 
of tiie tract (aotit of Uttle 

U anotoer sooing matter, 
CguteU approved a petitiim 
of merUq; S. Mmdgomery 
for a change of K»ing iram 
R-8 ResiteMial Distirtct to 
I-l Industrial Dis^ct oh a 
25.932 acre parcel located 
00 tte sontowest side of 
Princess Ame Road, sooto- 
east of tiie intorsecUon of 
PrincMs Anne Road and 
Salem Uo^, KempsyUlete- 
roogh. Excepted ^m tiie re- 
xoidng was a ^0-foot strip 

Part of tte prqierty isoc- 
eo^ed by tiie KenpsviUe 
BiOldiBg Materials sawmiU 

and tiie r«naining prc^rty 
is vacant. Tte sawmiU is a 
noH^otformiog use which 
was located <m the tract te- 
fore tte adoption of tte Com- 
pr^M»sive Z(»ing OTdl- 

Gerrit W. Benson, at- 
tonMy for Mcmtgomeiy, said 
tte cnnpany has no plans to 
commercially develt^ tte 
area, only to cMitinue tte 
larg^ (9eratt«i (tf tiiiskiiid 
to Virginia Beach. 

to otter Eoning matt^^. 

Granted a conditicmal use 
permit to Sav-A-Ton, Inc., 
for a self-service gasoUne 
siqi^y station at tim mrth- 
Mst corner of Bomey Road 
and Prescott Avenne, 

KempsviUe BcMrtej^. 

Approved a chaige ltfs<»- 
ii« to N. S. Cwneiiidt frtim 
R-8 ReSideatial Osfirtet to 
B-2 Communis V Buidaess 
District (m I.IW acre par- 
cel located on tte ^st 8t#» 
of Rosemont Road ^n^ed 
extension) alpt^miteiy 40 
feet souto (a bUudRMd, 
Princess Anne BorowiJi. Tte 
existing sodnr im^aitova 
variety of busiBess estob- 

Granted a conditional use 
permit to Virgil Beach 
Canuvrounds, toc^ to op- 
erate amtniatoregoifeoHCMu 
to te located west of Pros- 
perity Itoad to te part of 
KOA CampctMadSfBdosed 
oBly by cai^frMHd pMsis. 

1^ Walter JaevMs 
^ledal to tte SUN 

One a^ect oS teving a 
goveram^ ctoss which cer<> 
tainly Md^es l^rvii^ more 
iiteresttag is tte fre g a wey 
tsi IMd t>^ Mri ptirt 
iqmlnn iriiM aid te M- 
chers to^i^nMag Immm. 

Mrs. Wkte' fommsmmit 
ciaa^ 1^ plMsed to 
ten as a g^it, Ddeetiw^ 
tmr of toe Vir^nto Bea^ 
Polica Dspartneat. 

AMtesgh Detective Rorer 
rii«inic««(| icveral aspectoof 
'wlah n^iM reQuire 
us£ work of a dMective, tte 
coarersstiaB was generalff 
ta^ t^nrd Jweaile 
crime. Qm toteresting sto- 
t^M poh^ out by Detcc- 

whUe Juv»U«s coBstttute 
only 11 per oMttf Vtepop- 
iMM* «t 1Qbq^W» Midi. 
4 per cent it aO ertine 
to this city to cMSHtted 
I9 Juveniles. 

Detective Rorcr also 
pointed ort tttt tte porpose 
of tte ^n^Oe deptrtment 
to to Wb>^ todivlAial, oot 
terass t^. Ttere are, to 
IM^ torw phases to which 
fmtmmi^ dial wito 

Tte first is to prolset 
toe Jivemie from boto hb 
peart and. to some eaaas, 
llrom Us parento as «nU, 
ProtscttoB from parents 
dMto naiBly wito abw* of 
«hich tterahftlMtypie*- 
physical and neiif 

Tte second pt.». :o 
prevent stigma, or dis - 
gfiev frott Mat wnvtt 

voo tte (dtoiter. Ite tolrd 
Md itaaj phase is toe re- 
hiA^atlM of toe Jtt^- 

DHe^w Rttv M^dttet 
Jov^Uc attoMnv aretmt- 
ed tuttm mMem^ ^ a- 
^(MH offeidera i ^UBi a war- 
rait to iu^ Im^ toe ar- 
vm dl an ^dt, a pMillai 
tovlMHd tor a ^Mite; 
Mdto are ar^Md, wMto/ 
prikim a» MM M»|W- 
to^^ After b^ ar^^tf, 
an adnlt tosenttolMt'wtere- 
as a laveoile to pUced to 
a detsiUoa teiac while in 
tasto dy ! WMrp «n adrit is 
inmd 1^ jdweaito L, 

M t^ C^Mi^toF nftiifffitfMft 

Rmw, ^Itoa 
tei« mM ^ali 
tall IkNrt^^ M0^ to sec 


te ^^M «i ev ef toe ■Iimji i Wig 
g g^m Fnd Meto. WMte of tte 

»IP »J#11HI PtlPLJ^ 

pii^J* *"• W www W W ^ 9 "T^ W-'^ 

Virginia Beacii Sun^ A{>rH 20, JIW - B-5 

Pima P TA 


Mrs. Beverly Cross aol Mrs. Nancy Powell, co-ctoir- 
meii for the school tart show on April 21 and 22, announced 
ttet tkfl^ne would be " You Gotta Have Art" . The winners 
wUl kfneopUed at the Open House tm April 2S at 1:30 
p. or., which is the regular PRA meeting. All art stow 
entries^^ will be on exhibit and Mr. Perry Williains, (Ay- 
si^ edwatim teacher, will present 9 "Peek St l*laza 
Physical Education". 

Mrs. Sylvia Virostek, by-laws coromlttee chairman, and 
her cdtnmittee will present recommendations for the changes 
in IHm by-laws. AU parents are invited to attend. 

Mrs, Evelyn CO^r, as active PTA member, eonrauB- 
Ity scoirt ^rtieri and Kellan bairi i»rent, was recogidEed 
by ttaiflasa Glementary School PTA at its last meetinl as 
ttw irieiplent of an Honorary Life Membership to the 
VififUl CfH^resi of Parnits and Teachers AssociaUon. 

Mrs. Elaine Van Valkenliurgh was recognised with a 
DistingQished Service Award certificate for her outstand- 
ing service to the Plau Elementary PTA. Mrs, Glenn 
MeClinan, president of ttie plasa PTA^ tluisked both women 
for their many hours of service and endeavor on the be- 
MUfol young pe<^e in the community. 

Mrs, JoAnn Ryan, program chiarman, then introduced 
the evening's program, a "Spectrum of Specialists" and 
Uieir j«Jbs at Plaza EI«nen^ry School. Mrs. Nancy Powell, 
art twcher; Mrs. Pamela Lawrence, librarian; Mrs. Ruby 
Pool, music teacher; Mr. Perry Williams, physical educa- 
tion teacher, Mrs. Genevtcive Harrell, reading resources 
teacher, and Mr; Jack Sharpe, speech instructor, each 
presented his qr her field with slides, pictures, child- 
fen participation and parent participation. 

Mrs. Lee Locklear, carnival chairman, announced that 
^e recent carnival produced over flZOO in pnAts for tte 
school's treasury. She also extended speciSl thanks to Stu- 
4rt Forster, Jan Harrison, Mary Rockett, Janet Creo- 
tbaw, Jan Hanson, Evely a Coofier, Anne Harrisra, Eve- 
lyn Goode, Mary Uhrin, Kay Blaochard, Laura Fowler, 
UM) Jo Ryan as Well as the manny , many parents and 
friends who helped to make the carnival a success. 



Itinerant pavers using the naide ' 'Williams Paving Com- 
pany ," address uidmown, have been approaching area 
iKHneowners with the old yam of leftover maferials from 
other ]6bs. Itinerant pavers of this type have been known 
to leave Jobs unfinished or use sid)standard materials to 
cbiq>lete the work. 

In ho way Is this itinerant Williams Paving Co. con- 
nteted witt WiHisms ^wtng Cor; Ine.y ntf Biii^nil lad 
^gS^ Wil^lg^So„ Im. of Viriinia Beach. llMKe two 
P^iessesnaive satisfactory buslhessperiormance records 
lb date, according to BBB files. 

Please check with the BBB, WlUiams Paving of Hampton, 
or E. V. Williams Co., Inc. of Virginia Beach, b^ore you 
fall iOr any "doorstep'^ pavers in unmarked trucks, sing- 
log about cheap jobs with leftover materials. 

In the Qerk's Office of 

the Circuit Court of the 

City of Virginia Beach, VA. 

on the 13th day of April, 


Laura Gayle Dunn Green- 




James Ronald Greenhill, 



The rtiject of this suit is 

to ofa^bi a divorce a i^n- 

cvlo matrimonii from the 

said defendant, upon the 

grtMinds- of one year 


And m affidavit having 
been made and filed that 
the defendant's last known 
post office address is 613 
DeLaura Court, Virginia 
Beach, Virginia, and that 

due diligence has been us- 
ed by and on behalf of the 
plaintiff to ascertain in 
what county or corporation 
the defeiKlant is, wlttout 
effect, it is ordered that 
he do appear here within 
ten (10) days after due pub- 
lication hereof, and do what 
may be necessary to pro- 
tect his interest in this suit. 
A coi^-Teste: J(4n V. 

By: Patti A. Keenehan, De- 
puty, Clerk 

Tidewater Legal Aid 


147 Granby Street, 

Office 350 

Norfolk, VA 23510 

VBS-4/20, 4/27, 5/4, 5/11 


The Vlr^nia Beach City School B(»rd will offer the 
following fVehiycles for ^saile at piriilic auction- fOp. cash- 
on an "as is" basis. 

66-Passenger Buses (18) Models 1964 \_ 

36-Passe%er Bus (1) Model 1964 

Vaa (1) Model 1969 

I>iek-yp Trucks (3) Models 1962. 1963, and 1964 ^ 

Can (4) Models 1965, 1966, and 1967 

Foridifts <3) 4,000 lbs. and 6,000 B>s. 

Mlicelluecws furniture Items for sale are as follows: 

Maple Uning Room Furniture 

FoMlBg Chairs 

CaA^rto Tables with benches 

&de at Schddl Bus Oarage, 1617 Indiana AvemM, Vlr- 
glitti Beach, Virginia (Oceana), Saturday, April 30, 
Ifff, at 9:(K) a.m. E.D.T. Vehicles may be inspected 
at «:<K) a.m. m tte bay of the sale or by anwlntfflMt 
with Mr. Sorqp, pbcme 428-4361. 
AS Vff&s nn^red to certify vehicles and/or fumltare 
pwie^sfld will be used to' ocnTdiscrimjAa^ use, 
PajM^ Knr Items may be made bfcbeck, up6n proper 
i<lnttfteition, or by cash on day of sale. S^n^ Board 
resgnes flw right to reject any and/or all U&. 




VW-4/M, 4/27 2t 


h The aty ^ Wrgirftti B«;h. Vlr^a, will rwelw 
^td Mis ftv the ftndsM^ of aU plant, eqidimttrt, 
i^V Md a^Wli^ uA^ tte ^riormltf (rf aU work ror 
m rtow ^eHb«l pt)ject uatll: tm P.M. current 
^^ « ms^l, 1977 at m Office ^ tte UtUiUes En- 
l^aer, S^aA^ ^ M^ Wttttes, MmrielpHlCHMr, 

Virginia Beach Public Notices 

VHiliiia BMch, VirtinU. Bids will be publicly opened 
and r»Hl aloud at 2:^.M. current time on May 5, 1977 
at tte CMKce 0^ the Utilities Engineer, Department of 
Public Utilities, Municipal Center, Virginia B«ich, Vir- 
glilla. Wds are to be submitted on the attached form 
<tf Bid Pn^osal, in sealed «jvel(q>es bearing tl»bi(Mer's 
name aal aMress uid clrarly marked with he an>licable 
following Utle: 

"Bid on Seatack Area, Phase 11, Sanitary Sewerage 
Facilities, City of Virginia Beach, Virginia. 
CONTRACT I - Gravity Sewerage System." 

"Bid (» SMtack Area^ Phase U, Sanitary Sewerage 
FadUtles, aty of Virginia Beach, Virginia. 
CONTRACT n - Sewage Pumping STATION." 

10. Wi Grantee will refrain from entering into any 
co^i^St or contract modification with ccntractors and 
suh^c^ractors deterred from or who is ineligible for 
go^iament contracts and federally assisted omstruc- 
tioh cmtracts. 

The HUD Area office will utilise the current consoli- 
dated List of Debarred, Suspended, and Ineligible Con- 
tractors. The Comptroller General's Consolidated List 
of Persons or Firms Currently Debarred for Viola- 
tion (rf Various Public Contracts Acts Incorporating Labor 
Standards Provisions will also be utilized. 

WIge determination rates shall be made a part of the 
bid document and every subsequent contract and sub- 
contract and subcontract for performance of construc- 
tion work on this project, and the wage rates contained 
therein shall be the minimum wage rates to be paid 
under such contracts by contractors and subcontrac- 
tors on the jcb. 

11. All Bidders must consider the project area (Sea- 
tack, the City of Virginia Beftch) for suppliers and 
subcontractors when gettii% bid costs before making 
their bid pr(^sals. ^tisfactory evidence may be re- 

2 The words "Owner", "City" or "Grantee" shallbe used 
to designate the duly constituted municipal government 
<rf the City of Virginia Beach acting through the properly 
auUiorised rq>resentatives. ^ „ 

3. The Ownei* i^erves tte riiJit to reject any and all 
bids in accordance with applicable State and Local law, 

rules and regulattcms. . ^ . ,^ ,.*iir~^^_JQII®E OF SALE 

4. No bids may be withdrawn for a period of sixty (60) Pursuant to a decree of the Circuit Court of the City 

VBS4/20 It 

days after scheduled closing time for receipt of bids , 
except that porsuuit to Title II, Chapter 4, Section 
11-Z0.2, Code of Virginia, Option No. 1, and Sections 
3 and 3a in the Instructions tp Bidders as to method of 


5. BM documrats may be obtained by contractors from 
the Office of ttie Department of PiAUc Utilities, Muni- 
cipal Center, Virginia Beach, Virginia, with the under- 
standing that Plans and Specifications will be returned 
in good condition within five (5) days after opening of 

6. Bids must be accompanied by certified check or bid 
bonl, for not less than five percent (5%) of the total 
Wd, made payable to tte City of Virginia Beach. Per- 
formance and Payment Bond with an acceptable surety 
to ttie tmooA equal to 100 per<»nt of the Contract price 
will be required as a condition precedent to the award . 
of the Coiitract l>y the Owner. * 

7. CtkWtact Maclodes the construction of a gravity, 
sanitai7 sewerage system complete with manholes, 
cleaoouts, risers, force main and aKwrtenances. The 
approxinute quaniUtes of items to be Included are as 

(a) 4 Sanitary Sewer Cletoouts 

(b) 24 l^tary Sewer Manholes 

(c) 5356 L.F. 6" Gravity Sewer Line 

Id) 1180 L.F. 4" Sanitary Sewer Force Main 

(e) 3 Force Main Air Vents 

Cootract n Includes the constmction of a reinforced 

concrete and masonry wall pump station, includii% pumps, 

electrical wort, pipework and miscellaneous related 

work, complete and ready for operation. 

8. Contracts I and H are separate contracts. Contrac- 
tors may bid either or both ccmtracts and the Owner 
may selCKct sqiarate bids for each contract. 

9. This project will be financed by Community Block 
Grant Funds from the United States Government. Bidders 
i»^ite wfsk will be r^iaired to comply with the Labor 
Staodarte prrr< «int.c j^riHrahii* to CoBtracta .C0V€rin| 
KdSiSf niMced aA^sfsted construction which ari 
iwaoded in the ^ecifications. 

The Contractor performing work on Contract 1 and Con- 
tract n of this project will be required to ftrifill the 
raqldrements <rf the (1) Davis-Bacon Act, the (2) Ct^e- 
land Anti-Kickback Act, the (3) Contract Work Hwirs 
Safety Standards Act, (4) President's Executive Order 
No 11246, (5) Titie VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, 
(6) Section 109 Titie I of the Housing and Community 
Development Act of 1974, and (7) Section 3 of the Hous- 
ing and Urban Development Act of 1968, (8) Executive 
Order 11246;Sectionl30.15(b)ofTiUe24CFR, Part 


(a) All construction contracts awarded by Grantees and 
subgrantees shall include a provision for compliance 
with the Davis-Bacon Act and as sui^lemented by De- 
partment of Labor Regulations (29 CFR, Part 5). Un- 
der this Act COTtractors shall be required to pay wages 
to laborers and mechanics at a rate not less than the 
minimum wages specified in a wage determination made 
by the Secretary of Labor. In addition. Contractors 
ah^iii be required to pay wages not less often than mice 

(b) All contracts and subgrants for construction or re- 
pair shall include a provision for compliance with the 
Copeland "Anti-Kickback" Act as suM)lemented in De- 
partment of Labor Regulations (29 CFR, Part 3). 
TUs Act provides ttat each contractor or subgrantee 
shall be pndiibited from inducii«, by any means, any per- 
atm emj^oyed in the construction, completion, or re- 
pair of public work, to give up any part of the compen- 
sation to which he is otherwise entiUed. The grantee 
shall report all suspected or reported violations to the 
grantor agency. 

(c) Where applteable, all contracts awarded by grantees 
and subgrantees in excess (rf $2,000 for construction 
owtracts ud in excess of |2,500 for other contracts 
which involve the employment of mechanics or laborers 
^all inclnite a provision for compliance with Section 
103 and 107 of the Contract Worii Hours and Safety 

..Stendards Act as supplemei^ed by Department of Labor 
mi^ttons (29 CFT, Part 5). To compute the wages 
ot every mechanic and laborer on the Iwsis of a stan- 
<ibrd work day of • hours and a standard work week of 
40 hours. Work bi excess of the standard work day or 
work we^ is <K>mpensated at a rate of n(^ less than 
1 1/2 times tiie basic rate of pay for all hours worked 
in access of 8 hours in any calendar d^y or 40 hours in 
the woit week. Sectiim 107 (d the Act is aH>licable to 
OQiutrwEttoa work and provides that no laborer or mechan- 
ic shall be required to work in surrouitflngs or under 
workli^ conditions which are unsanitary, hasardous, or 
^ngeroia to his health and safety as determined un- 
der constructtoD, safety, and health standards promul- 
pted by tl» Secr^ry of Labor. 

(d) All contracts and stdbgraats in excess of $10,000 
i^aU include iH*ovisims for compliance with Executive 
Qnier Mo. 11246, titled "Equal Emptoymeirt Oppor- 

. tmity", as npplemteted in D^artment ^ Labor Re- 
^latioBS. Eadiontractororsidigranteeshallbere- 
oBired to have an affirmative action plan which declares 
nat it dow oot diserimiaate 00 the basis of race, color, 
nliftoo, creed, natiouil origin, sex, and age and which 
spcoifiM r>sls snd target dates to assure the imple- 
■MrtatioB oi ttat plan. 

<e) Tm VI or CivU RtgUs Act of 1^4. N(W-diserimina- 
MB la pngnms (»■ activities receivit^ federal ttma- 
ml assiatance extends to all federal departments and 
^pm^w ei4>oweredto extmd fiaaaeial assitance to any 
prqf riMt ttr activity 19 way (rf grant, loan or c«itract 
otMr fluuD Billet ol iasaraiM:e or giaranty. 
(0 McttOB in d( jTitle l-Rousing and Commimity De- 
vel^MnMt AM (A 1974. Non-discrimiiuitton in any pro- 
gram or activl^ Inject to the provisiM of this Titie. 
5) Sectton 3 oi UitBoiuia| and Develtfiment Act of 
1961. ^fioa 3 is to promt to tiM greatest ex^t 
feasibte, training and em{^^rment oi^orturiti^i lor lower 
raildMis within tte project locale and Iwsi- 
q^mstaltlM for tmslness located in tte project 
«■ inm«i in sriwtaattal part by project area re- 

tte^TtOrder UlM; SeettM 130.1S(b)tfTltte 
Crt, Put 130. All cMtraetors must iKlade a» 
Eq^I tapurteity CUuse m any Cmtract ol $10,000 
OT m«*. ^ A»e^ix for Executive Order 11246; 
RiOn and RepA^Mi teet^ ISO.lS (bV 

of Virginia Beach, Virginia, made and entered on the 
9th tey of August, 1976, in the chancery suit of City of 
Virrinia Beach, Virginia, a Municipal Corporation, vs. 
THOMAS McNEIL, et als, I wiU on the 6 day of May, 
1977, at 12:00 noon, at the front door of the Court House 
of the Circuit Court for the City of Virginia Beach, 
Virginia, offer for sale to the highest bidder the follow- 
ing described real estate: 

. ALL THAT certain lot or parcel of land, being 
* Lot No. One (1) in Block No. Thirty-Five (35) 
on Map of the property of Sunny Brook Incor- 
porated, known as Sunny Brook, suburb of 
Norfolk, Virginia. ^ 

IT BEING exactiy the same property conveyecK- 
t to the Defendant herein by Deed from William H. 

fci Hlldebrand, unmarried, on June 1, 1931, which 
1 I said deed is duly recorded in the Office of the 
* Clerk of the Circuit Court of Virginia Beach in 
Deed Bo<A 164, at page 248. 54*. 

Sale subject to confirmation by the Court. 
TERMS: CASH. Ten (10%) percent deposit required at 
sale tqr purchaser. 
BALANCE within thirty (30) days. 

In the event of inclement weather, tax sale will be 
held in a vacant Courtroom, as available, and respec- 
tive bidders will be advised at that time. 
Bruce B. MUls 
^cial Commissioner 

I hereby certify that bond required by said Decree, 
conditiOEffid according to Law has been given. 
John V. Fentress, Clerk 

By. J. Curtis Fruit, D.C 

Bruce B. Mills 

4145 Virginia Beach Blvd.^ 

Virginia Beach, Virginia 2S4! 


'. t3^-'"v,A»r«RJe''-/f'.jir«(,«v. 





There having been presenter) to the Court a certified 
Mflf of an ordinance adopted by the Council of the City 
MJ/Jr^a Beach on April 11, 1977, requesting the Court 
to order an election on the question of issuing general 
obUgation bonds of the City in the maximum amount 
of $39,900,000, additionally secured by a pledge of the 
revenues of the City's water and sewer system, to fin- 
ance a portion of the cost of a capital improvement 
program for water and sewer, and it appearing that 
such ordinance has been duly adopted in accordance with 
ikrticle VH, S^tion 7 of the Constitution of Virginia, 
it is hereby ADJUDGED and ORDERED as follows: 

1. Such ordinance is hereby filed. 

2. The regular election officers of the City of 
Virginia Beach shall on the 14th day of June, 1977, 
that being a day not less than sixty days from the 

'. date hereof and not within sixty days prior to a 

general or primary election, open a poll and take 
srase of the qualified voters of the City of Vir- 
ginia Beach on the question of contracting a debt 
and issuing bonds of the City in the maximum 
amount and for the purposes set forth in the afore- 
said ordinance. 
3. The voting machines and/or ballots to be used at 
the election shall pose the question in substantially the 
following form: 



Special ElMtion 

June 14, im. 

QUESTION: Shall Uie City of Virginia Beach, 
Virginia, contract a debt and issue its general 
obligation bonds In the maximum amount 
of $39,900,000, additionally secured by a plec^e of 
water and sewer revenues, pursuant to Article 
VII, Section 10 (a) (2) of the Constitution of Vir- 
ginia, the City Charter and the Public Finance 
Act to finance a portirai of the cost of a capital 
improvement program for water and sewer? 


^ The election shall be conducted and the ballots 
dbunted and the returns made and canvassed in the 
manner provided by law, and the results thereof shall 
be certified to this Court aad to the City CouncU. 

5. A copy of this order stall serve as the writ of 
dection. The ^erifi of the City of Virginia Beach shall 
fcrthwith serve a certified copy of tiiis order upon 
in Secratary of the Electoral Board of the City ol 
^rginia Beach. The Secretary of the Electoral Board 
ikall hereupon forthwith cause certffied ccyies of this., 
OTder to be posted at each voting place and at three 
other public places in the City. The Sheriff andttie 
Secretary shall make their respective returns to the 
CMrt that ttey have executed the same. 

6. The Clerk of this Court shall cause a certified 
oqpy of this order, preceded by the caption "Notice 
flf B<md Election," to be jM^Usted twice in tta Vir- 
iJnU Bm<A Sun, a MW^taver laving gewral circula- 
tion in the City, at least one (rf which ^Mications stall 
be made not less than tea (tays before tte electi(». 

7. The Clerk of this Court stall forthwith s«^ a cer- 
tified c<vy of this order to tin ^te Board ot Electiims. 
fifTER 4/13/77 

A wpy teste: JvM V. Fentress, Cleric 
By: Doris S. Hale, D.C. 

VBS.4/20, 4/2T 2t yj 

The Virginia Beach Ctty School B(»rd is interested is 
obtaining a policy for group dental care firom a state- 
registered company. Iitformation pertaining to types 
of desired coverage as well as* of prescribed Umitations 
may be acquired between 8:00 A.M. and 4:00 P.M. 
weekdays at the following address: 

Purctasing and Supply 
Virginia Beach City PubUc Schools 
5120 Cleveland Street 
VirginU Beach, Virginia 23462 

Sealed bids will be received at the above address untU 
4.00 P.M., EDT, on May 12, 1977,andbids wUl be opened 
9:30 A.M. EDT, May 13, 1977, at the School Adminis- 
tration Building, P.O. Box 6038 Virginia Beach, Virginia 
23496. Hie School Board reserves the right to reject 
any and/or all bids. 

VBS-4/20 It . 


The regular meeting of the Council of the City of Vir- 
ginia Beach will be held in the Council Chambers 
of the Administration Building, City Hall, Princess 
Anne Station, Virginia Beach, Virginia, on Mcmday, 
May 9, 1977, at 1:00 P.M., at which time the following 
applications will be heard: 


1. Petition of Jungle Golf-«tJ^inia Beach, Inc., for 
a Ctange of Zoning District Classification from A-1 
Apartment District to B-4 Resort-Commercial District 
(HI certain prqperty located on the South side of 23rd 
Street beginning at a point 100 feet West of Pacific 
Avenue, running a distance of 100 feet along the South 
side of 23rd Street, running a distance of 140 feet along 
the Western property line, running a distance of 100 
feet along the Southern property line and running a dis- 
tance of 140 feet along the Eastern property line. Said 
parcel contains 14,000 square feet. VIRGINIA BEACII 

.2. Petition of Brandywine Corp., T/A Jamestown East 
Apartments, for a Ctange of Zoning District Classifica- 
» tion from A-2 Apartment District to A-3 Apartment 
District on certain property located at the Southwest 
intersection of Norfolk Avenue and Caribbean Avenue, 
running a distance of 524.10 feet along the South side 
of Norfolk Avenue, running a distance of 388.12 feet 
along the Western property line of which 217.30 feet 
is the East side of Rudee Avenue, running a distance of 
510.04 feet along the Southern property line and running 
a distance of 267.56 feet along the West side of Caribbean 
Avenue. Said parcel contains 3 acres. VIRGINIA BEACH 

3. Petition of Bowden Construction Company fot a Ctange 
' of Zoning District Classification from R-2 Residential 
District to R-3 Residential District on certain property 
located on the South side of Ewell Road beginning at a 
point 220 feet more or less East of Dunstan Lane, 
^-rwinlng a tliata»» ofedWS>67 feet, id n i n ih > 8 aw »w ^ 
" pr(^rty line, running a distance of 381.82 feet along 
' the Eastern property line, running a distance of 1336.01 
feet along the Northern property line and running a 
distance of 393.44 feet along the Western property line 
of which 240.22 feet more or less is the South side of 
Ewell Road. Said parcel contains 12. 02 acres. (Thorough- 

4. Petition of Virginia Beach Investment Company for a 
Ctange of Zoning District Classification from A-1 
Apartment District to B-2 Community-Business District 
on certain pn^rty located East of South Military 
H^hway lleginning at the intersection of Old Providence 

: Road Relocated, running a distance of 235.84 feet in an 
Easterly direction, running a distance of 45 feet in a 
Southerly direction, running a distance of 74 feet in an 
Easterly direction, running a distance of 189.55 feet in a 
Southerly direction, running a distance of 107.40 feet 
in an Easterly direction, running a distance of 102.96 
feet in a Southerly direction, running a distance of 529.40 
feet in a Northwesterly direction, and running a distance 
of 23.85 feet in a Northerly direction. Said parcel con- 
tains 0.923 acre. KEMPSVILLE BOROUGH. 

5. Petition of Carlton E. and Josephine Coppersmith by 
Metro Realty Corp. of Tidewater, for a Change of Zon- 
ing District Classification from R-5 Residential District 
to 0-1 Office District on certain property located at the 
Southeast comer of Providence Road and Kemp>sville 
Road, running a distance of 100 feet along the South side 
of Providence Road, running a distance of 188 feet along 
the Eastern property line, running a distance of 100 feet 
along tta Southern property line and running a distance 
of 188 feet along the East side of Kempsville Road. 
Said parcel contains 18,800 square feet. (Bellamy Manor 

6. Petition of Roxiticus Company by Raymond M. Bar- 
reti'Ior a Ctange of Zoning District Classification from 
I-l Light Industrial District to B-2 Community-Business 
District on certain property located at the Southeast 
intersection of South Boulevard and Expressway Drive, 
running a distance of 290 feet along the South side of 
South Boulevard, running a distance of 531.04 feet along 
the Eastern property line, and running a distance of 650 
feet along the East side of Expressway Drive. Said parcel 
contains 2.744 acres. KEMPSVILL BOROUGH. 

7. Petition of David Oglesby and Rocco J. Lassiter for 
a Change of Zoning District Classification from B-l 
Business-Residential District to B-2 Community -Busi- 
ness District on certain property beginning at a point 
150 feet North of the intersection of Level Green Boule- 
vard and Drew Drive, running a distance of 375 feet 
along the Western property line, running a distance of 
86 feet along the Northern property line, running a dis- 
tance of 405 feet along the Eastern property Une and 
running a distance of 341 feet aloi«theSouthera prc^rty 
line. Said parcel contains 2.508 acres. (Level Green 


8. Af^lication of David Oglesby and Rocco J. Lassiter 
for a Condition Use Permit for mint warehouses oncer- 
tain property beginning at a point 150 feet North of tta 
intersection of Level Green Boulevard and Drew Drive, 
runni!% a distance of 375 feet along the Western prq>erty 
line, niuiing a distance of 86 feet along the Northern ' 
prc^rty line, running a di^^ance of 405 feet along the 
Eastern property line and ^unniqs a distance of 341 
feet along the Southern property line. Said parcel cm- 
tains 2.508 acres. (Level Green Area). KEMPSVILLE 


9. A^lication of Crown Central Petroleum Corporation 
and James River Realty Corporation for a Coaditional 
Use Permit for an automobile service station on cerUin 
prq)erty located at the intersection of the Norttem right- 
of-way line of Lynnhaven Parkway and tta Eastern rigM'- 
(rf-way line of South Lynntaven RMd(Relo^tod). ruMiag 
a distance of 155 feet along the East side of South Lynn- 
RMd (Relocated), runnii^ a distance cS 175 feet in a 
North«isterIy direction, runnii^ a distance ol 175 feet 
ia a Soutteasterly directitm, runni^ a ittsteiiK (rf 155 
feet aloi« the North side <rf Lynntaven Parkvfty wid rm- 
Bing arouttl a curve a distance of 20 feet. SM parcel 
CMtaias .701 acre. PRINCES ANNE MROUGH. 
Rletanl J. Webbon 

City Clerk 

VM-4/tt, 4/27 - 2t 


Virginia Beacli Public Notie 


HLm^ ^LB^"^^^. ***""» ^^- « City H»U, VlT^talt 
Sf^-S^^- ^ WlowiDg applications will ^w 
OB at t|CMlt. 

ii ^^^•^!L!l^ ***™' *«•'>*• requests a Tariance 
^ <*^toa*|iiet^dtyart s«tbaelc (east side) instead 
n J^'^Ji f«Nnd of Lot 15, Block Ei, Cape Hearty 
IMTroafwt. Lyittha?enBoroi«h. -'^ 

tja*ert R. Dii^«i reqwsts a variaace <rf 17 feet to a 13 
fort fr«iA ^rd setback (Cantttloo Avenue) tastwd of 30 

1^1^ i2?^ <^ ^ *• ^«=* '- ^««tioB 12. Ancona 
Vitt«e. 500 Briaa Avenue. Bayside Borough. 
3 PMla CorporatloB by Claries R. Hofteimer, Attorney. 
reqtwts a variaacfe of IT parUat spaces to "0" ptrkiw 
mt^ i^tead <rf 17 park^ spaces as re<»iired ot Lot 
ifu^**.*^' Vif*^ »«•<* Dewtopment Corporation, 
liM Atlantic Avenue. Viniala Beach ^w«l». "^ ' 
4. lUtttew L. Kokrall re^iests a wiriaace rf 2 feet to a 
J footjute yard s^iaek instead of 5 feet as-required (south 
pregertj ltne-d«^ched prage) on Lot 1, Block P. Birch- 
»ood, S2t Lym Shores Drive. Lynidiavea Boroi«h. 
• » J?!? ^- *"°P*«s requests a variance of 1.3 feet to an 
».7 &K^ sUe jnrd seOisck (north property line) iatteid ctf 
10 feet as required of Lot 16, Block F. Resubdivision <rf 
Section 1, Cardinal Estates, 1321 Old Clubhouse Road 
Princess Ame Borou^. 

*• Jess G. Itoss reviests a variance of « feet to a 2 foot 
si* yard s^back (west property line) instead U 10 feet 
u mp^red of Lot 8 and Oe East 8 feet of Lot 10, Block 9 
wcUon D. Cape Beory Sjmdicate, 107 83rd Street. Lynn- 
haven Boroi^. / 

7. BeaBtifiil Homes, 6k:. by Kent Hackman requests a w- 
iuee of 3 feet in sign height to 77 feet in height instead 
of 24 teti in h^ht for a free-standb« s^ as allowed 

?5.A®*lJi^' K»*>e<* Point fWhtte Heron Motel), 
1284 Laskte Road. Lpnhaven Bor(H«b. 
8^. C. nrigins requMts a variamse of 40 square feet of 
8|Ea allonnce to 280 square feet of allowance instead (rf 
240 sqaare ieet as allowed on Lots 8,9, 10 and 20 feet (rf 

ytrgiiya Bea<AOevel(qMnert Cooqiaqr. 3613 through 3627 
Padilc Avinae. Virgiida Bea^ Borough. 

8. TWri D. JohBSoo retpiests a variance of 30 fe^ to a 
y tnmi yard setback instead of 30 feet as required of 
Lot 209, Section 3, Lynnhaven Coloqr, 3101 Dolphin Road 
Lynnhavea BOToi«h. 

W. E. A. Smith requests a rariance (rf 9 f eet to a 6 ftxrt 
wie yard adjacent to a street (Holly Av«nie) instead of 
IS feet as required of Lot 19, and the Western Half <rf 
U* 17^ mock 6, Section E, Cape Henry Syndicate, 218 
12ai Street. Lynnhavea Borough. 

llrjl** MowMris tqp Cit«tel Ei^iwises reqiwsts a 
wtoce of S«et to a 5 foot side ^itl^eftack instead tf 
}2 S^^^J[*lSC^ («*5t property line) on Lot 38, Bktek 
10, Woodhnd, "C- Street Lyaahavea Boroi^. ^^ 

3i f^ b "t h^ " MUler reqrtKts a variance 
toiC iI£-S S *J 1^ *"* y«rt»«btci (west prtiteHy 

IJMOB 2. Stratford Chase, Violet Baak Drive. KempsvUle 

13. A. L. Henley, 3t. ruQi^s a variuu:e of S feet ta* 5 
foot roar yard stttMCk and of 5 fert to a S foot side wrd 
**^'*.^!?!* '"^'^ *^) instead of 10 feet eao&as 
5!3!£SJ?1fe^«»"^> OB Lot 3. Block 17. Sectifli 2, 
AiTwhMr 5W8 ^tsqu^aniti Drive, XenpsviUe BwqM. 

14. Genu G. Havlev reqn^tts a variaMe of 10 feeHo a 
20 foot front ^yard setbacrFBrookbury Court) instead e(30 
S** "^f??***** *^ ^ "• ™ock X, Siafon ♦, Beltatty 
Itoaor Estates, Eastwiad Road. KempsviUe Borough. 

15. itado QevelopraeoConorationbyBarald James requnts 
a variance of 157 parking spaces to 134 narkiw soHces 
^^ ?J^l parting spaces as required <rf Lot 27 ttd 
Pan irf Lot 38. Ooeaaa Gardens, OU Virginia BMch Bold 
Lyaahavm B<»-oi^ 

16. WaUd^ E. Johnson, Jr. requests a nriance <rf 15 feet 

to a 5 foot side yard setbwA Instead lof 20 fleet as reqrtred 

ifS.irfjSJ*"!''!!!*^'*** IMMO) OB Lot A. Subdivtaton 
rf Part of Cedar Bend Farm, 3906 Richanlson Road. " 
^de Borough. \ 

17. Craig M. Merrill requests a variance of 4.5 feet tea 
5.5 foot side yard actback instead of 10 feet as requ^ed 
(north proptfty line-deta<ted garag^ on Lot 11. Block 23, 
Section 6, Arrowhead, 224 Iraqaoia Itoad. XempsvUle Bn-- 

18. Gary N. ColehauMr requests a varfaaeeof 20 feet to a 
30 fMif fhiBt yard Mffiack instead of «> faet as reqitfred 
of Lot 18, Section 3, Trent B«nAdre, Mowbray Coart. 
Lyanhavoi Borou^. 

19. Itobert M. J(dmsoa reipieste a variance <tf Sfe^foa 
2 foot side yard seOack (east side) instead (tf 5 f^ as 
required and(tf7feettoa3fbot side yard setback (west 
^e) instead <tf 10 feet as requirod of Lot 29, Block 6, 
Chesqieake Part, 46») Ocean View Avenue. Bayslde Bor- 



Notice is hei^y glv« to the pubUc ttat the Vi^inia 
State Corporatlw Commtssion is consideriBg. attach a 
re(^eaieBt tittt aU gas cMnpaaies distwttawi by mem- 
ber 1, 1977, aU i^s service tor «hh»r UiH^sen4i%. 
Any inttrestod person may subnUt vrittM conoBrat m tie 
proposal by mUim same to muiaui C. Toui«, Ciert, 
a^te C<MjoMitt« Commission, P.O. Boi im, RictonMd, 
Virginia 23209. Also, a^r persra wto wishw to offer orol 
tesOmmy tor or against Uw propoaal may ifo |o 1>y aiyear- 
ing at tte Cmmisskm's Coartr«)ffl,Blant(nBttlldtiur.Rldi' 
mond, Virginia at 10:00 a.m., lUy 20. 1977; Ai^ person 
wishte to be so heart wiU ptease»>iiotU|r tiie Commissfon 
in atfwnce of the tearing by wriU^ to the above-named 
William C. Young, aert. 

A national gas stortage exists which caused the '^slmt- 
down" ot business this paat winter and has led to imple^ 
mentation of c^r conaerVatitHi measuros such as lower 
tiiermoatat setting and shorter work wedcs. Allindicatioas 
aro that tte shorta^ will continue bto th^ffuturo. Every 
reasonable means must be undertaJ^ to conserve gas for 
the essential uses of present customers, and to assuro 
available gas for uses for a^Jch ti»rf is no atternattve. 



VBS 4/13, 4/20 2t , 

20. B. N. Flint requests a wriance of 5 feet to a 25 fOot 
front yard settiack instead of 30 fM as required d Lot 
14. Block Z, Action 4. Bdlamy Maaor Estatot, fiutt- 
vind^Itoad and BrooMwry Court. KempsvUle Borowh. 
W. L. Towers 

VBS - 4/18, 4/20 it 

Gmselidated R^KMt of Condition 

ViA^my A«aW/.a« 

of hidhteit on . 

: MifrTi V 



|rtala , , ^^ ■ . . . . ;,JkBd Jotgci a|id DonH^ S 
Z39 '^L, ,^' Kbde to 'llw State Camnration I 

l>bde to 'llie State Corporation Comi 

Dcdlar Amounts in Thounndi 

1. Caih and dme bam banks (Schcchile C, Item 7) . . 

2. VS. TreMury securities (Sdieduie B, Item 1 , Cktliinin E) ....>..-............. ™.„.»^™..^......„^ 

3. Obl%^ons of other U.S. Government agencies and c<Hparations (Schedule B, Item 2, Cdumn t) 

4. Olifigatioas of States and political subdivkions (Schedide B, Item S, Ck>iumn E) 

5. Otber bonds, notes and debentures (Sdieduie B, Item 4, CUriumn E) .. ., 

S. Coepoimte stock . _... ™...._.,„» „. .__„„ . .., 

7. lowing account securities . . ...... „„....... ...... ..........^„.„.... 

8. Ftdmd fui^ sold and securities purdiaaed under ^reements to resdl (Sdieduie D, Item 4) 


a. Loans, Total (exduding unearned inccmie) (Schedule A; Item 10) ' 

b. Less: Keaerw for paenble loan Iohcs „...„..„.„.....„^...^.„..„, 

Lrans, Net j.. 



Direct lease *inannng ............ 

Bank premises, furniture and fixtnre*, and odier assets representing bank piemiaes 
Real estate owned other than tank prcmHC* 

IniFestments in onconsididttcd s^isUiaries and assodated companies .. 

Customers' liability to tiu< bair>k on acceptances cutstantfing ............. 

Other assets (Schedule G, Item 7) 

is. TOTAL ASSETS fsum of Items 1 thru 15\ 


17. Demand deposits of individuds, partnerships, and corporations (Schechile F, Item IF, Q>lamn A) ........... 

18. Time md savinp deposils of wdmdads, purtncrshipa, and cmporatiou (Sdieduie f, Item IF, Columi B-t-C) 

19. Deposits of United Sutcs Covemraet^t (Sdieduk F, Item 2, Columns A-^-B-K^)-- . 

20. Deposits of States and political subdirisions (Schedule F, Item 3, Columns A+B+C) .......... ..„ 

21. Deposits of foreign gDvemments and official institutions (Schedule F, Item 4, Columns A+frfC) 

22. Depcdu of coramerdal banks (Sdiedvde F, Item 5->-6, Columns A-t-B-KI) ^ 

23. Certified and officers' checks (Sdieduie F, Item l'. Column A) _«,........... ...„...„...„..„.. 

24. TOTAL DEPOSITS IN DOMESTIC OFHCES (sums of items 1 7 thru 23) 

a. Total demand deporia (Sdieduie F, Item 8, Column A) ......... ~.^ 

b. Total time and savmgi depodu (Sc^ethile F, Item 8, Columns B^) . 



VSS. FedRal funds purchased and securities s«rid under agreements to rqturchase (Schedule E, Item 4) 

25. Other ttabilities for borrowed money .~ — „.«.«..........„........._ ....._„........,„.„...„ „„„. 

27. Mor^afB indebtedness _ „.. — .. .....».».....—„......„.... 

28. Acxcptaaces executed by or for account of this bank and outstasufing 

29. Odm infaOities (Sdie<htle H, Item 9) 


TOTAL U ABILITIES (cxdu&ig nibordimted notes nd debenture^ 
S<^or<fiwit^ notes and debentures ..««««...«.,.........»...,........... 

to the Clert's Office of the 
Circuit Court of the City of 

Virginia Beach, VA., on the 
Virginia BMch, VA., on 
the 14tt day & Ajiril, im. 

I<esUe Clayton Anderson. 
Plaintiff, ^ 


won Pyles Anderson, 
— ^The object of this suit 
Is to obtain a divMtse a 
mensa et thoro frtMu the 
said defendairt, apon tlK 
grounds of des«rti<m. 
And an affidavit haviiw 
been made and filed that the 
def^idant is anon-resident 
of the State of Virginia, the 

last known post office add- 
ress being: 15 Cortland St. 
Springfield, Hass.. 01126 it 
_ is ordered that she do ap- 
^uu- here within ten (10) 
days after due publicattra 
hereof, and do what may be 
necessary to pnrtect her 
interest in this suit. 
A ropy-t este: John V. 

puty; Glert 

Mason k Robinson p.q. 

Suite 1612 

101 St. Paul's Blvd. 

Iforfolk, VA 23510 

VBS-4/20, 4/27, 5/4, 5/11 



32. f>* fe ir rf stock ..... 
99. C<Hnmon stock .-... 

„...., a. No. shares outi^mduv 
_„... a. No. shares authorized 
b. No. shares outstanding . 

34. 5wplus.«.................»...»........................«....M....M..*..M..... 

35. IS^dhdded profits »....»„.»...........».»». .......•.«•.»....,. 

SC. Reserve for contingendes and other capital rese r ves 

37. TOTAL EQUITY CAPITAL (sum of items 32 tbu 3«) . 

3i. TOTAL UABIUTIES AND EQUITY CAPCTAL (sum cthtaa 30, 31 Mid 37) , 

Par Value 

Par Value ...SJSi^Q0.. 










A«er^ for 15 or 30 calendar days endng with call date: 

a. (^sh and due from banks (corresponds to item 1 above) 

k FadHd funds sold aid sccuritks purchoed nMkr aftwments to leseD (coine sp oodi to item I above) 

e. jMii hMM ( cowcsp ei ^ to iton 9a ab^ive) 

4. Tine deporits of llM^eO w more (eormposids to Memomda ittma 3a plus 3b bdow) 

e. Tocri dq>anis (cow e ^ on ds to item 24 tbtm) 

f. Federal fasids pwchased and twurities kU under ^cements to reptirchaie (ctfncspomh le item 23 ibove) 
f. tMmtMKAm for borrowed money (correspontb to item 26 ibow) ^ 
Studl^ leOCTs of dcdb oMUaB^ftig 

HiK deperiti of lidi^Mt or auR 

fc lime MTtScata of d^osit m denominadoea ei $100,000 or 
k (Ma time deposits in unounu of $100,000 m mme 








of ^u tbom-tmm*4 bmmk do 

liaiMii sail BB« w ticatuuK sr Kj^mmia 
itifpurttng idkvArfn) « Imt to $lu b*st of my Imotritt^ mtd kt^ff. 

Wt, At mud^i^Md Skteton, »tttst tAc e^rtcb^ 0ftkmMeport tfConiMem (\ 
^^mm^^bfmamtuAt^ttofmimkfmmM^mdi^^iitnu ' 

W0fMt 7Vt f»0»t tmitt^t tigiui ty ^ nw^kn$ 0r C^U*r ^ Ou 
amit, <f ifthtrt w *o (U^MT k) tht Trtamr*r mdaUttitd Itf m0t 
imstkm Ourtt ^tet^ atfur (Am Ou offk» ti0m^^ rwpmt, 

iitu •f \ ^ r^^j^^^^ Cmuayfmj "f Nr^ ' M.a f\c 

Amm mmStu^n^dktf^t mt tkk t4 Ay «/_£ 

MO n 


VirginU: b the Clerk's 
Office of the Oreult Court 
^ the City of yutlnla 
Beach, on the 2ltli day of 
March, IIW. 

hi re: adoiithMi (tf Darvn 
Kirk Watson 

By: Jirim Charles Pastitf 
sni Karea Elaine WO - 

To: Xtrk Marvin Watson 
3025 Sojttl St. ills 
Lm Angeles. CalifimUa 

to Chancery 

tills day nme Jonn 
CterlM Past9 unt Karen 
Elaine WUliams Fattaf , 
PetttloiMn, sad Hpt^- 
Ihat tiw obtect of 
proMe(UMt to toaf- 
tlM atatfoa o( the 
enaneduiiaftCs), „ 
\ ^Mryn Kirk WatKNi, by 
^^25^ Mm Charles PaatHt, and 
^^ Karen Elaine WUUams 
Pastut hnsbairiaiid wtf«, 

and affidavit havtti been 
made and ffied i& Klrfc 
Marvto WiOsott. a natoral 
parent of said child (ran), 
is a Boa<re^de9ft m tke 
State of Vtiflato. tte last 
kaown poet ofHee ad^ess 
beii«: MIS Royal Street 
#m. Los Angeles, Cali- 

It ts therefore Ordwed 
that the aaid Kirk iUrvlB 
Watson iimriar balhru Thin 
Govt uMttitaa (TO days 
titer palitette Mh tkis 
ovdM- and fattoite Ms/her 
attttwte temrd the i»o - 
pond adealhM, or otter- 
vise 46 mat to ne^anry 
to protect to MfteresT to 

A eetf tMte: J^m V. 
Ite AdttA. HapMiMi. O.C. 


tle^h vs. 













m (mtltuUtig At 

VBS 4/t, 4/u, 4/^. vn 

» «f l^caidcBt w CaAkr 
f Ikt twfpo) tb%i MthttMrnJlmd Stdmt titof It km 



^^tr OP tft^o w ^ Mtt kmk. My Commurimt np^tt it»l^-Sf ' 

%U& 4rfMMl oriy . wiMn a# imfi to: BUREAU Of MfflQNG, 100 ILAiritW BOflLBINO, KraUKWD, ^aiffimA»2B2l# 

Vm^DflA: to the Circuit 
C«rt rt tte City rt Vir- 

Kda BMCh M tte irai 
y of April, 1977 

* ^ Of tte Er- . 

MM dr Ma ran^AM, de« 

to Chancery No, C-76-452 

IHe ob)ed of this sidt 
is to (tectore thecompiato- 
aiU to be Oie owner <rf the 
stock certfficates listed to 
the bill ^ comidlaint, now 
listed to ttie name of John 
Yon^nu, ^ reason of gift 
And anaflltbiithairiiHfbeen 
made that the heirs, de- 
visees and successors to 
title, if any, td ItAn Yuy- 
knnx are uhtaiown, except 
tor Mary Reuncnan who 
resides to Vin^nia Beach, 
Virgtoto, it to 0RDi3tE0 
the persons hereby ni«uie 
defendants byttegeneral 
descr^tficHi of'parties'u- 
known", being the heirs, 
devtoees and successors 
in tiOe, if any, of John 
Yuittkunz, deceased, do ap- 
Un^cutt, dec^ised, do 
app^r withto ten (10) days 
after due publication trfthto 
or^r and do aittt to ne- 
cessary to protect their 
toterests. It tofurtherOR- 
Oi^BEOithat Oe fore^w 
portion loj HUB brttfrU ' 
pnbltohed Stee a week tor 
four (4) successive wedcs 
to the Vtrginto Beach Sm, 

?„i?S'*fP*'*^ pBbltohed to 

Vinlnto Beach. Virginto. 

EMTER: TUs I2th &y of 

ApHl, 1S77. 

A c^ teste: ixM V 

FentnMs, Clerk 

By: J. Curtis Fruit, D.C. 

Fine, Fine, Legw A Fine 

Law Building 

Norfolk, Virginto 2S510 

4/20, 4/27, 5/4, 5/11 4t 


Virgbda: to the Clerk's 
Office of the Circuit Court 
<tf the City of Virginto 
Beach, on tte 16th Day of 
Itorch, 1S77. 

to re: Adapti<» fA Daniel 
Lester Munson 
By: Lester Alton Whitto 

To: Robert Ivan Miaison 
SoMhgate, Califomto 
Thto day nae Later 
AUan Whitto and Maifaret 
M. Whitto. PetHloners.and 
represented that the o^ect 
<tf ato proceedtav is to 
effect tte MlQiiUon td the 
above Muned infut, Di^el 

V^LSS***' «»yl'««tor 
Alton WhtttoaadMargaret 
M WUtto,hitf)aadandwi{e 
and affidai« hat«« beea 
nade and ffied that Robert 
Inn MaaN», a natural 

parent or said ehud, m' a 
Bon-restdent of tte Stote 
ofVto^, thnlartlMvn 
poM Office MttreMbiii«: 
Wtooto Street, SoiNttate 
Calitenia tt to hmtee 
(MMed teat the said 
MiMt Imn ItaMM anear 
Mm llto Cowl liSi 
tan <]m'd^^^jMMm- 
^^ HtMMatomid 
tte iMpoMd MMttw or 

(Aerwise do what is nS- 
^wy to ^ato<4 m to- 

A m9 ^m^•, Ada v. 

M.JP«W A. K^AmD.C. 
|B-S^.S/», 4/1^13 


to *»/Cltlt'8 Oft!.. 

Cinwtt Court tf Ite City 



ag aiwrt 

Mietoel Aagel SerraM, 


IHe o^ect of this suit 
to to ^MUn a divorce a 
vtoealo UM^moaii from 
the nid d^ndHi. iq)«Mthe 
grwnds Id (MM y^r 

And an affidavit haviu 
been made and flled thu 
^ d^teadaM is a nra-re- 
sUent (Ctf the Stote U Vir- 
gtoto the last laowtt post 
office adita^s b<i^: 
Clevriand, OhiolttoonWr. 
ed Itet he ito ^pMr here 
altldn ten (10) days after 
due iwblication hereof,, and 
do witot may be nec^sary 
to protect his toterest to 
this salt. 

A wsgr-Teste: itM V. 

By: INttti A. Ke«iehatt, 

Tklewater Legal Aid 

147 Grutqr Street 

VBS 4/20, 4/27, 5/4, 5/11 

lae oiiiect of this suit 
is to obtain a divorce a 
vinculo matrimonii from 
the said defendcM, upon 
the grounds of living se- 
parate and apart since Oc- 
lol»r 1975, a period of 
time to excMs d MteyMr. 

And an oaaivit ^ing 
been made and lltod that 
tte Mwtet toiponrre- 
sidett^ Uw SMe.^ Vir- 
ginto. Uie last kaom pMt 
office sMress b^: &. 
Co. WTB CMCRD)7Ed . 
son Jtooge Area, Canu> 
PeoAeton, CaUlonito 
9^55 it is ordered tost he 
do appear h^r«-irtttto ten 

(10) days afterdaepiMtoa> 

tion Jienirf, aB4 dQ what 

may be necessary to pnn 

tect bis toterest to tUs 


A coiv-teste: John V. 


By: PattiA. Keenehan,De- 



1^ Latidn Road 

i^.O. ma. 625 

Virgtoia Beach, VA. 


<O|^/20, 4/27, 5/4i 5/11 


to the aertc's Office Of 

the Circuit Court (tf Oie 

City of Virginto Beach, VA., 

on the l«ai day (rf April, 


Diane Margaret Carroll 




Michael Lawrence Moore, 


The object d toto ratt 
is to <4>toto a divorce a 
vtocuto matrtnK»ii from 
the said deiandaat, qw^ 
the grounds of one year 

And an affidavit havii^ 
beea made and filed toal 
the def«idaot's last known 
post office address to 616 
Sandy ^»iags Lane, Vir- 
ginto Beach, Virginto and 
that due diligeacehasbeai 
used tff and on belmlf of 
the ptototill 

^ . i, With- 
out effect, it to ordered 
that he do appear here 
wlthto t«i (10) days aft«- 
due pdil^ijon her^ and 
do wtoit may be neeessaiy 
to protect hto interest to 
this suit. 

A cowr-Teste: J(dm V. 

By: Pam A. Keenehan, De- 
Tfatowater Legal Aid 
147 Gratinr street 
Norfolk. Va. 23510 

VBS.4/20, 4/27, S/4, 5/11 








io ■ 





to the Clerk's OEtice of 
the Circuit Court of toe jv 
City of Virginto Beach, Va. „• 

' Li»Ue Wade Darnell, -v > 
Ptototiff, ni 

against in 

Date Itorcus Darnell, ' ^-> 

ThS ob^ of tUs suttiV 
is for the said complainant r. 
to secure a divorce a vto- ^t. 
cttlo matrimonii from toe :• 
Defendant, Dale Marcus 'I 
OiiMlI, and to necessito- 
ted by the toct that said 
Defendant is not a resi- \ 
deirt of tte State of Vir- i' 
ginto and cauiot be per' ' > 
sooaUy served wffii pro- oi 
cess. > . m- . , ,„o 

And an afSttovit Aaviag itt 
been ma(te and filed that'* 
the defendant is a non-re- l. 
' si<^t of tte.StMe of Vir-.^i 
gtatov lie 4iiie iali«fe> psatbi .' 
office addmssfbitog! 1537>u> 
Daphne Drive, San Jrae. . 
CaUlonda. it to ordered w 
toat he do KHpoM. hetv ". 
wi^ii tea* m)6»js after *A 
due iwblication hereof, and ^et 
do what may be necessai^ •( 
to protect hto interest to •<• 
thto suit. 
A o^jy-Teste: John V. : 

Fentross ;._^ '-tvj 

By: Patti A. Keenehan, De-.i» 
PBty, Clerk ,*j 

George M. Kelley, ni ^' 
M6 Watowright Bids. 

y^-4/20, 4/27, 5/4, 5/11 % 

to the Clerk's (»ff<» erf the 
Circidt Court of the Ci^ 
of Virginto Beach. VA., 
on the 14to day of Aioll, 

J<Ab Itobert Bodnar, 

Lena Dean Bodnar. 
■ Defmdaflt. 

Hie object of fids suit 
to to obtoto a divorce a 
vinculo matrimonii fi-om 
the said di^ndairt, qioo 
tte grounds d toatthepar- 
tlM hate lived sqtarate 
and ipul tor mof% ttea 
(me year. 

And an affidavit hariw 
been made and filed tte! 
the defendant is a non-re- 
skient of the State of Vir- 
ginto the laid: kMwn post 
office addTMs betof: 1S26 
Third a., N. E.rMinor, 
Norto Dakota it to ordered 
toat She do mv^x tore 
wlthto ten (10) ^s after 
*a» publK^on hereof, and 
<to what iuybenecenary 
to protect her tiderest to 
thto Slit. 

A e(99-Teste: Jolm v. 

Br, IMtt A. Keeneten, Oe- 

1%MUu W. Goodman, Jr. 
121S Laskto itead 
Vlrgtitt BmiA, Va. 23451 

VW, 4/20, 4^, 5/4, 8/11 

to toe Clark's <mm d 
tte CiK^ Conrt of tte 
City td VlffiiM ltaach,VA. 
OD the IM day of Api^ 



29TH DAY OF MARCH, 1977,:. 
to re: ^ioption of PemyH 
Naomi Bass (withoid changeui: 
of name) /.<, 


. /: Romulus Bass and Reba <^i 
Carrtogtoa Bass, Husband>'-i 
and wlto '^"^ 

Petitioners ^'> 

To: Bob Jai^son 
1901 Farter AvMHie "'< 

PortonoM, Virginto '" 

to Chucery '^^ 

#77-305 '^'^ 

Thto day canA Rfflnuluii''3 
Bass and Reba tlarrim^'" 
Bass, PetlttmteJrs, and re^^^ 
pre^toted Ontt the o^ectcrf''^ 
thto iaoeeedii« to to effectff 

the wtoptien (A the above^l 


named iateid I^nr fkim^> 
Ban, 1^ AMBulHsBass and^' 
Setaa Caniflgtw Bus, tas- ^ 
band and wiis, and afOdavlf'^ 
hnylK becft Inade and filed ^ 
ttat tA Ja^s<n, anatan)'" 
pai^ d nid ehttd, to i'^ 
BQtt-radd«rt (tf tte ^te 0^- 
Viri^itfa, the tost tamnpwt^ ' 
iMf» ^drau Mtog: UW-' 
I^rter Avenue, pMtemort^« 
Vtrgiite It to tbertf^ Or- 
dered ttat ttoMld Job Jack-' ' 
mmwum b^otefHsConrt^^ 
^^Ma tenm)«^»Mterp<ib- 
U^Mi A m <^der aial 
toA»te Us attttote toward 
M ^(ioaed wieMm, or 
oMnrtse do i^A to a»«s- 
i^ to pr^ct hto Merest 
totttoM^H-. " 

A o# tertt: J^ V 

^: f^m A, Ke^etea DC' 

tog., PMfctt. Va. 

r. Maone,Jr, ^-4/«. 4^, 4/», 4/27 



ji » > pw ^# ji ji-^.^# p^p^^^^^p^^p^f 1 1 p 4 J ^p I J J J J ,^i^p^p^p^i^p^^m^^^^^^^n^^^^^^^^99^ppppppppp^miipp^ppp 

Virginia Beach Sun, April 20, 1J77 - B-7 


Vi yjr iriB cm OF 


E Adoption of Adrienne 
«li Cantrell and 
f of Name to Adrienne 
Krlste|i Schmidt 
iy; R.Dirk Sclimidt & Kim- 
Wrly h. Schmidt 

To: Gilbert E. Cantrell 
e/o3MKt ft; Felts 
RO«t« 2 

loeltoit, Tcinessee 
In Chancery 
#C 77^459 

TUs day tame R. Dirk 
Sehmtdt and lUmherly B. 
ScbnUt, Petitioners, and 
r^resented that the ^ject 
of this |irOceedii% is toef- 
^ite aifoptton of the above 
namtd itfant (s), Adrienne 
KmtMft Qato«U, by R. Dirk 
ScMiM and Kimberly B. 
^iftldt, hratand anl wife, 
and affidavit having been 
made and filed that Gilbert 
E. Cantrell, a natural par- 
ent of said child(ren), is a 
non-resident of the »ate of 
Virginia, the last known post 
office address being: c/o 
Bud R. Felts, Route 2, Joe- 
ItOB, Tennessee, It is there- 
fore Ordered timt the said 
Gilbert E. Cantrell ai^ear 
before this Court within ten 
(10) days after puUication 
of tills Order and indicate 
his/her attitude toward the 
pnvosed «l(^on, orother- 
wise do what is necessary 
to i^-O^t his interest in 
this matter. 

A copy teste: John V. 
Fentress, Clerk 
By: Patti A. Keenehan 
Ttomas B. Shuttleworth 
211 Pembroke m Bldg. 
Virginia Beach, VA< 23462 

VBS-4/6, 4/13, 4/20, 4/27 

" "" ' *''■ '.' ' ■ "' 


In the Clerk's Office of the 

Circuit Court of the City 

of Virginia Beach, VA. on 

the 29th day ^ March, 1977 

Teresa Ann Aplin Harrell, 



Marshall P. Harrell, 


The object of this imt is 
to obtain a divorce a vinculo 
matrimonii from the said 
defendant, up(» the grounds 
of liviiig separate and apart 
for a period of more than 
one yeai'^ithout interrup- 
tion or «riiabit^ion. 

And an affidavit havii% 
been made and filed that 
the defffldaiU l&a ncm-re- 
sidoB^of^ tiw »att'OC Viir^ 3 
glBBrj,?1he/lait?lEi(Mtt posT 
offic« Iddress being: 803 
W. t^ Street, WUson, N. 
C, m9S it is ordered that 
he do anwar here within 
ten (10> days after due pub- 
licamm hereof, and do what 
may be necessary to protect 
his interest in this suit. 

By: Patti A. Keenehan, De- 
puty, Clerk 
RMald P. Hammers 
968 Soutt Oriole Drive 
Virginia Beach, VA. 23451 

VBS 4/6, 4/18, 4/20, 4/27 

This day came Jonathan 
P. Gibbs and Leslie Mae 
Gibbs, Petitioners, and re- 
presented that the object of 
this procedding is to effect 
the adoption of the above 
named infant, Jordan Nathan 
Popp, by Jonathan P. Gibbs 
and Leslie Mae Gibbs, hus- 
band and wife, and affidavit 
having been made and filed 
that Thomas Walden P^p, 
a natural ^rent of said child 
is a non-resident of the State 
of Virginia, the last known 
post office address being: 
Calle Medina #3, Fuengir- 
ola. Malaga, Spain. It is 
therefore Ordered that the 
0aid Thomas Walden Popp 
aiqwar before this Court 
within ten (10) days aAer 
publication of this Orderand 
Indicate his attitude toward 
the prt^sed adi^ion, or 
(^imrwise do what is ne- 
cessary to protect his in- 
terest In this matter. 
A copy teste: John V. 
Fentress, Clerk 
By: Patti A. Keenehan D.C. 
Vincent R. OUvieri p.Q. 
Pembroke Office Bldg. (4) 
Virginia Beach, Va. 

VBS-4/6, 4/13, 4/20, 4/27 

Virginia Beacli Public Notices 


In the Clerk's Office of the 

Circuit Court <A the aty 

(rf Virginia Bach, VA., on 

tite 31st day of March, 1977. 

Fraa<xs Alladioe Crews 




James Ray Sanders, 


The object of this suit is 
to (Atain a divorce a vinculo 
aaU^monii from the said 
defendant, upon the grounds 
of aae year s«»ratu)n. 

And an amdavR having 
been made and filed that, the 
defendant's, last km>wn post 
<Mlce address is 4900 Man- 
dan Road, Virginia Beach, 
Virginia, and that due dili- 
gewe has teen used by and 
on behalf oi the plaintiff to 
ascertain in what couirty or 
^wporation the defebdantis, 
vi^Mit ^ect it is ordered 
^t he do aiqiearterewtthiQ 
ten (10) days after due pid>- 
Ueatkm hereof, and do what 
may te necessary to pro- 
tect his interest in this suit. 
k . ca|>y-Teste: J(^ V. 

By: Patti A. Keenrtan, De- 
My» Clerk 
VUewater Legal Aid 
Itaciety p.q. 
Hf Graidliy Street 
^erfcdk, Virginia 


fB 4/6, 4/13, 4/20, 4/27 


to t. the clerk's 
of the Circuit Court 
flf Uie City c^ Vii^ioia 
^ch, on tte 2Mh day (^ 
Maroh, 1977. 

pi Tt: kdtotfKktm of Jordan 

^ Jw^an P. GMs and 

3*0: Tboftaa l^lden V<m 

f kC^w^ry 


In the clerk's Office (rf the 
General District Court of 
the City of Virginia Beach, 
VA., on the 28tt) day of 
March, 1977. 

M * R REALTY, t/a Ban- 
croft Hall Apartments, 

Lawrence V. WEILL and 

The (A>Ject of this suit is 
to obiaina judgment against 
the defendants for rent and 
damages due the plaintiff by 
reason of the defendants' 
farreach ol lease. 

And an afH^vit having 
been made and nled that the 
defendants' last known ad- 
dress is 2212 89th Street, 
Virginia Beach, Virginia 
23451, & that a diligent ef- 
fort has been made to lo- 
cate the defendants without 
effect & that the defendants 
cannot be served with pro- 
cess within the state, It is 
ordered that Lawrence V. 
and Shelda Ann Weill do 
appear here within ten (10) 
days after due publication 
hereof, and do what maybe 
necessary to protect their 
interest In this suit. 
A copy- Teste; Ruth Mar- 
tine*,' Deputy^lerfcr'' ' 
By ^SMir'^fn«i'«U!# 4liV. »> 

paritofts; 'S^Hfefl;'TO<jre r ' ' 

Him r ; 

P. 0. Box 3821 . 
Norfolk, Vitgiia 23514 
VBS 4/6, 4/13, 4/20, 4/27 

In the Clerk's Office of the 
General District Court of 
the City of Virginia Beach, 
VA., on the 28th day of 
March, 1977. 

M & R REALTY, t/a Ban- 
croft Hall Apartments, 
Anita Lyon, 

The object of this suit is 
to obtain a jiKlgment against 
the defendant for rent and 
damages due the idaintifl 
by reason of the defendant's 
breach of lease. 

And an affidavit having 
been made and filed that 
the defendant's last known 
address is 1110 Kearsarge 
Court, Virginia Beach, 
Virginia 23452, and that 
the defendant cannot be 

a diligent effort has been 
made to locate the defen- 
dant without effect and that 
the defei^nt cannot t>e 
served with process within 
the state, it is ordered tliat 
Anita Lyon do appear here 
within ten (10) days after 
due^ublication hereof, and 
do irhat may be necessary 
to protect her interest in 
this suit. 

A copy-Teste: Ruth Mar- 
tinea, deputy clerk. 
By Jolai R. Ward. Esq.- 
Parsons. Steffen, Moore k 

Attorneys at Law 
P.O. Box 3321 
Norfolk, VA. 23514 
VBS 4/6, 4/13, 4/20, 4/27 


In the Clerk's Office (rfthe 

Circuit C<»rt of tte City <rf 

Virginia Beach, VA., dn toe 

29th day of March, 1977. 

Herman L. Moore, 

Plainttfl, -""^ 


Oneida Kemp Williams 



Tte i^ct of this salt is 
to (Attain a divorce a nbssa 
et Aoro to be at t]» pn$er 
time merged into a di^ree 
a vinculo matrimonii from 
the said defendant, upon the 
groipis of desertion. 

And an afflc&vit having 
been made and filed tiat 
the ^teteA is a Doa-re- 
sidMt of flte State of Vlr- 
^aia, tte last kmnm pMt 
crfK» aikU'ess beli«:;i253 
Sage Drive. JacksM^iUe, 
Florida. SIUD it it or^red 

that slw teaivearhere with- 
in ten (10) days after due 
publication hereof, and do 
what may be necessary to 
protect her interest in this 

Virginia: U the Clerk's 
Office of the Circuit Court 
of the City of Virginia 
Beach, on the 28th day of 
March, 1977. 

In re: aA^tion of Daryn 
Kirk WatSM 

By: John Charles Pastuf 
and Karen Elaine Wil - 
liams Pastup 

To: Kirk Marvin Watson 
3025 Royal St. #325 
Los Angeles, California 

In Chancery 
This day came John 
Charles Pastup and Karen 
Elaine Williams Pastuf, 
Petitiohers, and repre- 
sented that the object of 
this proceedihg is to ef- 
fect the adoption of the 
above named infant (s), 
Daryn Kirk Watson, by 
John Charles Pastuf, and 
Karen Elaine Williams 
Pastuf, husband and wife, 

and affidavit having t>een 
made and filed that Kirk 
Marvin Watson, a natural 
parent of said child (ren), 
is a non-resident of the 
State of Virginia, the last 
known post office address 
beii«: 3025 Royal Street 
#325, Los Angeles, Cali- 

It is therefore Ordered 
that the said Kirk Marvin 
Watson appear before this 
Court within ten (10) days 
after publication of this 
Order and indicate his/her 
attitude toward the pro - 
posed adoption, or other- 
wise do what is necessary 
to protect his interest in 
this matter. 

A copy teste: John V. 
Fentress, Clerk 
By: Patti A. Keenehan, D.C. 
Charles E. Poston 
6210 Pardue Court 
Virginia Beach, Va. . 

VBS 4/6, 4/13, 4/20, 4/27 

been usea or m behalf of 
the Complainant to ascer- 
tain in which county or cor- 
poration the defendant is, 
without effect, the last kitown 
post office a(Mress beii^: 
317 Tai^n Avenue, Ibmp- 
ton, Vlitinia it is ordered 
that she do app^r here with- 
in ten (10) days after due 
publication hereof, and do 
what may be necessary to 
protect her Interest in this 

A copy-teste: John V. Fen- 

By: PatU A. Keenehan, De- 
puty, Clerk 

A. Andrew Ege, Jr. p.q. 
1369 Laskin Road 
Virginia Beach, VA. 

VBS 4/6, 4/13, 4/20, 4/27 


Vlr|pfi,i;|9 IM i»rcu«h<yi 
Court .of theCity^ Virginia- 
Beach m he 24th Day of 
March, 1977. 




In Chancery No. 

C - 77 - 72 

THIS CAUSE came on 
this day to be heard on the 
Affidavit of Thomas Al - 
fred Drewett, the Com - 
plainant, and the matter 
was agruged by counsel. 

COURT that Kay Collier 
Drewett, whose last known 
post office address was 
4609 Austin Lane, Virginia 
Beach, Virginia, does not 
reside in the Common - 
wealth of Virginia; and 

an action for the transfer 
of property by special com- 
missioner has been filed; 
it is, therefore, 

AND DECREED that the 
Respondent, Kay Collier 
Drewett appear before this 
Court within ten (10) days 
after due publication of this 
Order and answer the Com- 
plaint or state grounds of 
defense thereto, or other- 
wise, do what is necessary 
to protest her interest 
herein; and it is further 

AND DECREED that this 
Order be published in the 
Virginia Beach Sun, a 
newspaper having general 
circulation in the Vii^inia 
Beach area for a period 
of <me (1) time each week 
for four (4) consecutive 

ENTER 3/24/77 

A Copy Teste: John V. 

Fentress, Clerk 

By PatU A. Kennehan, D.C. 

I ask tor this: 

James R. McKenry 

VBS 4/6, 4/13. 4/20. 4/27 

In tte Clertc's Office of tte 
Ctre^t Coiul eA tte City 
of Virginia Beach, VA., on 
Uk^ U(t «^ of Aprtl, 1977. 
Donald R.' Rogers, 

Wr^iaS. Rogers, 

The (Aject of ttiis suit 
is \o (4>taia a divorce a 
vinculo aatrimoaii from the 
said defendant, wtm tte 
gtiMids of desertlM) and 
s^ttntin vi more than trnt 

Am! an affidavit toving 
beea made a^ filed that the 
defentoM dw dlligMMe has 

Virglala: In the Clerk's 
Office of the Circuit Court 
of the City of Virginia 
Beach, on the 28th day of 
March, 1977. 

In re: Adoption of Infant 
Boy, Michael Christopher 

By: Richard P. & Deborah 
Ann Berube 
To: Daniel J. King 
U.S. Naw. 315-54-4878 - 

BUD/S, Naval Amphibious 


Coronado, San Diego, 


In Chancery 
This day came Richard 
P. Berube and DeborahAnn 
Berube, Petitioners, and 
represented that the object 
of this proceeding is to ef- 
fect the adoption of the 
above named infant (s), 
Michael Christopher King, 
by Richard P. Berube and 
Deborah Ann Berube, hus- 
band and wife, and affi- 
davit having been made and 
filed that Daniel J. King, 
a natural parent of said 
child, is a non-resident 
of the State of Virginia, 
the last known post office 

address being: U.S. Navy, 
315-54-4878 BUD/S, Naval 
Amiriiibious Base, Conm- 
ado, San Diego, Cali!^^ ^ 
It i&.thei;etoi» 0roMe4.»^ 
that the said Daniel J. King 
appear before this Court 
within ten (10) days after 
publication of this Order 
and indicate his attitude 
toward the proposed adop- 
tion, or otherwise do what 
is necessary to protect his 
interest in this matter. 
A copy teste: John V. 
Fentress, Clerk 
By: Patti A. Keenehan D.C. 
Robert B. Cromwell, Jr. 

Guy. Cromwell, Beta, 
Smith & Dickerson 
Attorneys at Law 
Suite 525 Pembroke One 

Virginia Beach, Virginia 

VBS 4/6, 4/13, 4/20, 4/27 

In the Clerk's Office of the 
Circuit Court of the City of 
Virginia Beach, VA., on the 
28th day of March, 1977. 
Thomas C. Kuch, 

Barbara Kuch, 

The object of this suit 
is to obtain a divorce a 
vinculo matrimonii from 
the said defendant, upon 
the grounds of one year 

And an affidavit having 
been made and filed that 
the defendant is a non-re- 
sident of the State of Vir- 
ginia, the last tnown post 
office address beii^: 153 
School St., Coventry,Conn. 
06238 it is ordered that 
she do aiq>ear here within 
ten (10) days after due pub- 
lication hereof, and do what 
may be necessary to pro- 
tect her interest in this 

A copy-Teste: JcAir V. 


By: Patti A. Kennehan, De- 

{Nity, Clerk 

Barrow h Lowe 

3104 Arctic Avenue 

Virginia Beach, VA 23451 

} VBS 4/6, 4/13, 4/20, 4/27 


In the Clerk's Office of the 

Circuit Court of the City 

of Virginia Beach, VA, on 

tte 18th day of March, 


Karen E. Clifford, 



Rotert Jose^ Cliftord,Jr. 


Tte object of this suit is 
to «A*aiB a *vorce avin- 
c^ matrlmwii from the 
Mid defewlant, txgm the 
grounds of OM years con- 
tlnuMs separatiw. 

And an affidavit having 
been made ai^ filed that 
tte det^dant is a non-re- 
sident ctf jie State of Vir- 
ginia, the last known post 
office «klress teiag: 3210 
Supply Sqwdnn, EglinAir 
Force Base, Florida, it is 
ordered ttet be do appear 
here within ten (10) days 
after due publication here- 
of, and do what may te ne- 
cessary to protect his in- 
terest in this suit. 
A copy-Teste: John V. 

By: PatU A. Keenehan, De- 
puty, Cierfc 
H.Camn Spain 
P.O. Box 2127 
3184 Virginia Beach Blvd. 
Virginia Beach, VA 23452 

3/30, 4/6, 4/13, 4/Mj4t 


In the Clerk's Office of the 

Circuit Court pf the City 

of Virginia Beach, VA., on 

the 18th day of March, 


Louis A. McDonald, 



Linda McDonald, 


The object of this suit 
is to obtain a divorce a 
mensa et thoro, later to 
be merged into a final de- 
cree of divorce from the 
said defendant, upon the 
grounds of desertion and a- 

And an affidavit having 
teen made and filed that 
due diligence has been us- 
ed by or in behalf of the 
Complainant to ascertain in 
which county or cor- 
poraUon the defendant is, 
wiUiout effect, the last 
known post office address 
bemg: 322 E. Regulus Av- 
enue, Virginia Beach, VA. 
it is ordered that she do 
appear here within ten (10) 
days after due publication 
hereof, and do what may be 
necessary to protect her 
interest in this suit. 

A copy-Teste: John V. 

By: Patti A. Keenehan, De- 
puty, Clerk 

James W. Brazier, Jr. 
737 21st St. 
Virginia Beach, VA 23458 

VBS 3/30, 4/6, 4/13, 4/20 

Virgiria: In the Clerk's 
Office of the Circuit Court 
of tte City of Virginia 
Beach, on the 22nd Day of 7 
March, 1977. 

In re: Adoption of Ethan 
James (ouUier 
By: Edward John O'Toole, 
Jr. k Shirley Theresa 

To: Mr. Douglas Jannes 

96 Lake Flower Avenue 
Sarancac Lake, New York 

In Chancery 

This day came Edward 
John O'Toole, Jr. and Shir- 
ley Theresa O'Toole, Pe- 
titiopers, and represented 
that tte object of this pro- 
ceeding is to effect the 
adoption of the ateve named 
infant (s), Ethan James 
Coullier, by Edward John 
O'Toole, Jr. and Shirley 
Thrifea O'Toole, husband 
angwHe, and affidavit hav- 
ing teen made and filed 
ttet Douglas James War- 
ner, a^ natural parent of 
said child(ren), is a non- 
resident of the State of 
Virginia, the last known 
post office address teing: 
96 Lake Flower Avenue, 
Saranac Lake, New York 

12983. It is Uierefore Or- 
dered that the said Douglas 
James Warner appear be- 
fore this Court within ten 
(10) days after publication 
of this Order and Indicate 
his/ter attitude toward the 
pressed adoption, or 
otherwise do what is ne- 
cessary to protect his in- 
terest in this matter. 
A c^y test: 

3fM V. Fentress, Clerk 
By: iPatU A. Keenehan D.C. 
Homrd Elspelind 
551 Board of Trade Bl(^. 
Noitolk, Va. 23501 

Vffi 3/30, 4/6,4/13.4/20 


to tte Clerk's Office (A Uie 

Cireuit Court of the City 

of Virginia Beach, VA, M 

tte 22nd day of March, 


WilUam H. Hydar, 



J(^efina Adan Ritter 



"fte (^ject of this suit 
is to oirfain a divorce a 
vt^o matrim<M from tte 
$M|: defMKlant, qxn tte 
greinds of more than one 
y^ seoaratiott, or, in tte 

alternative, on tte ground 
of adultery. 

And an affidavit teving 
teen made and filed fliatttie 
defendant is a non-resident 
of the State of Virginia, 
the last kiK)wn post office 
address being: c/Dirtsion 
Aaul 10, Puerto De Santa 

Maria, Cadis Providence 
Spain, it is ordered that 
she do an[>ear here within 
ten (10) days after due pub- 
lication hereof, anddowtet 
may te necessary to pro- 
tect her interest in this 

A copy-Teste: John V. 

By: PatU A. Keeneten D. 

Andrew S. Fine 
720 Law Bldg. 
Granby and Plume Streets 
Norfolk, VA 23510 

VBS 3/30, 4/6, 4/13, 4/20 

A copy-Teste: John V. 


By: PattiA.Keetehan,D.C. 

Jota D. Hooker, Jr. 

2625 Princess Anne Road 

Virginia Beach, VA. 23456 

VBS 3/30, 4/6, 4/13. 4/20 


In the Clerk's Office of the 

Circuit Court of the City 

of Virginia Beach. VA., on 

the 2Sth day of March, 


Arthur P. Cohen, 



Helene F. Cohen, ^.i'- - ^ 


The object of this suit 
is to obtain a divorce a 
mensa et thoro to be mer- 
ged into a divorce a vinculo 
matrimonii upon the ex- 
piration of the statutory 
period from the said de- 
fendant, upon the grounds 
of desertion. 

And an affidavit teving 
teen made and filed ttet 
the defendant is a non-re- 
sident of the State of Vir- 
ginia, the last known post 
office address being: 6968 
Castle Drive, Birmingham, 
Michigan, 48010 it is or- 
dered that she do appear 
here .within ten (10) days 
after due publication here- 
of, and do wtet may te ne- 
cessary to protect her in- 
terest in this suit. 

A copy-Teste: Jote V. 

By; PatU A. KeaialiaB(De< 
.puty. Clerk, ,.,,;^ ^ 
Donald J. Coufras- •► ■< ~ 
U06 Plaza One Bldg. 
Norfolk, VA 23510 ' 

VBS 3/30, 4/6, 4/13, 4/20 


In the Clerk's Office of Uie 

Circuit Court of the City 

of Virginia Beach, VA, on 

the 24th day of March, 


Ronald James Uzenoff, 



Theda Justine Uzenoff, 


The object of this suit 
is to obtain a divorce a 
vinculo matrimonii from 
the said defendant, upon the 
grounds of one year 

And an affidavit teving 
l)een made and filed ttet 
the defendant is a non-re- 
sident of the State of Vir- 
ginia, the last known post 
office address teing: 3852 
Walsingham Drive, Mem- 
phis, Tennessee 38128 it is 
ordered ttet sh^,do appear 
here within ten (10) days 
after due publication here- 
of, and do what may te ne- 
cessary to protect her in- 
terest in this suit. 
A copy-Teste: John V. 

By: Patti A. Keeneten, De- 
puty Clerk. 
James A. Gorry 
P.O. Box 626 
Virginia Beach, VA 23451 

VBS 3/30, 4/6, 4/13, 4/20 

In the Clerks Office of 
, the Circuit Court of the 
City of Virginia Beach, Va. 
CMi the 18th day of March, 

Jeanne Anne Woodruff, 

Ward Wendell Woodruff, 

The object of this suit 
is to obtain a divorce a 
vinculo matrimonii from 
the said defenlant, upon the 
grounds of one year separ- 

And an affidavit teving 
been made and filed ttet 
due diligence tes t>een us- 
ed by or in tetelf of the 
Complainant to ascertain 
in which county or corpora- 
tion the deiendant is, with- 
out effect, the last known 
post office4(Mress teii%: 
2830 Siore Drive, Apt. 301, 
Virginia Beach, VA 23451 
it is ordered ttet be do 
ai^ear tere wiUun ten (10) 
days after due publication 
here<rf, and do t^t may 
te necessary to prtrtect his 
interest in this sutt. 


Virginia: In the Clerk's 

Office of the Circuit Court 

of the City of Viiginia 

Beach on the 22nd day of 

March, 1977. 

Catherine H. BurkiU 



Michael Burkitt, Jr. 


In Ctencery No. C77-111 

The object of this suit 
is to effect partition te- 
tween the owners by sale 
or otherwise of the real 
property in the City of Vir- 
ginia Beach, Virginia, 
known as 2833 North Kings 
Road. And Affidavit tev- 
ing teen made and filed 
ttet the Defendant, Michael 
Burkitt, Jr., is not a re- 
sident of this state, it is 

ORDERED ttet the said 
non-resident defendant, do 
appear within ten (10) days 
after due publication of this 
Order and do wtet i^ ne- 
cessary to protect his in- 

n is further ORDERED 
that the foregoing portion 
of this Order te published 
once a week for four (4) 
successive weeks in The 
Virginia Beach Sun, a 
newspaper published in the 
City of Virginia Beach, 

A copy teste: Jote V. 
Fentress, Clerk 
By: PatU A. Keenehan, D.C. 
Paul M. Lipkin 
Goldblatt, Lipkin, Cohen, 
Anderson & Jenkins 
804 Plaza One Building 
Norfolk, Virginia 23510 

VBS 3/30, 4/6, 4^13. 4/20 


In the Circuit Court of the 
City of Virginia Beach on 
the 30th Day of MarcK, 

In the matter of the adop- 
tion of Travis Timothy 
Morton and Arliss Lyle 
Morton by Alvto Nelson 
Orem and Joseidiine Vir- 
ginia Twiford Orem 
^The Object of this pro- 
ceeding is to separate Tra- 
vis Timothy Morton and 
ArUss Lyle Morton, in - 
fant chUdren ofGennaAnne 
Count Morton, permanenUy 
from their parent, parents 
or guardians and to teve 
the Circuit Court of Uie 
City of Virginia Beach, 
Virginia to grant the Pe- 
tition of Alvto Nelson Orem 
and Josei^ne Virginia 
Twfford Orem for adoption 

without the consent of said 
infants' legal and biologi- 
cal father. 

And an affidavit teving 
teen made and filed ttet 
Micteel Arthur Morton, 
whose last known address 
is Grand Street, N. E.. 
Grand Rapids, Michigan, is 
the proper party to this 
proceedings; but due dili- 
gence tes been usjd to as- 
certain in what county or 
corporation he is, without 
effect, it is ORDERED tiiat 
Micteel Arthur Morton do 
appear here within ten days 
after due publication here- 
of, and do what may te ne- 
cessary to protect his in- 
terest in this suit. 

Flo^ E. Kellam, Jr. 

4/6, 4/13, 4/20, 4/27 4t 


to tiie Clerk's Office of Uie 

Circuit Court of the City 

of Virginia Beach, VA, on 

tiie 7th day of April, 1977 

Brenda H. Ellis, 



Neubon T. ElUs, Jr., 


The object of this suit 
is to obtain a divorce a 
mensa et ttero to te later 
merged into a divorce a 
vinculo matrimonii from 
tte said defendant, iq»n 
tte grounds of deserUw. 

And an affidavit tevii^ 
been made and filed ttet tte 
defeiMlant is a n<»-resi- 
dent of Uie State of Vir- 
ginia, the last known post 
office address teii%: Lot 
21 Beasley'sTraUer Court 
Hwy. 32 South, Plymtwth, 
NC U is ordered Uiat te 
do ai^ar here within t^ 
(10) days after due i^lica- 
ti<m hereof, ani do wtet 
may te necessary to pro- 
tect his interest to this 

A c(9y-Teste: J(Aa V. 

By: Hatti A. Keeoetea, De- 
puty. Clertt 
Grey* Grey, LTD 
2476 East Little Creek Rd. 
Norfolk, VA 23518 

VBS, 4/13, 4/20, 4/27, 5/4 


In the Clerk's Office of Uie 

Circuit Court of the Ctty 

of Virginia Beach, VA. on 

U»e ?th day of April, 1977 

Susan (Bartee) Hugtes, 



Dana Karl Hughes, 


The Object of this suit 
is to (Main a divorce a 
vtoculo matrimonii from 
the said defendant, t^pon 
tte groimds of one (1) year 
separation immediately 
precedii« institutirai of Uie 
suit filed terein. 

And an affidavit tevli^ 
been made and filed ttet 
tte defendant is a non-re- 
sident of the State of Vir- 
ginia, tte last known post 
office address teing: Route 
2, Cordova, South Caro- 
Una it is ordered ttet te 
do appear here within ten 
(10) days after due publica- 
tion hereof, and do wtet 
may te necessary to pro- 
tect his interest in this 

A copy-Teste: Jota V. 

By: Patti A. Keenehan, De- 
puty. Clerk 
Ricterd J. Tavss 
P.O. Box 3291 
Norfolk, VA 23514 

VBS-4/13. 4/20. 4/27, 5/4 

Virginia; In the Clerk's 
Office of tte Circuit Court 
of Uie City of Virginia 
Beach on the 8Ui Day of 
April, 1977. 

In re: Adoption of Rotert 
Richard Sager. HI. by Ai- 
leen M. Sager 


THIS DAY came AUeen 
M. Sager and Rotert Rich- 
ard Sager. Jr., Petition- 
ers, and represented Uiat 
the object of this proceed - 
tog is to effect Uie ad(9- 
tion of the ateve named 
infant. Rotert Ricterd Sa- 
ger, m, by A^R M, &- 
ger, and alfliivft teVtog 
been made and filed tiiat 
Debra K. Sager, a natural 
parent of said child, is 
a non-resident of tte State 
of Virgtoia, the last known 
post office address teing: 
1505 S. W. Second Street, 
Apartment 202, Fort Lau- 
derdale, Florida, 

ft is therefore ORDERED 
ttet the said Debra K. Sa- 
ger appear tefore this 
Court within ten (10) days 
after publication of Uiis 
Order and indicate ter at- 
titude toward tte pressed 
adcqition, or otherwise do 
wtet is necessary to pro- 
tect her interest in this 

A copy teste: John V. 
Fentress, Clerk 
By: PatU A. Keenehan D.C. 
Ricterd F. Holladay. Jr. 

Suite 211, Pembroke Four 
Pembroke Office Park 
Virgtoia Beach, Virginia 

VBS-4/13, 4/20, 4/27, 5/4 

In the Clerk's Office of 
the Juvenile and Domestic 
Relations Court of the City 
of Virginia Beach, on the 
5Ui Day of April, 1977. 
Commonwealth of Virginia 
In re Baby Girl Thissell 

The object of this pro- 
ceeding is to separate the 
ateve named infant, child 
of Janese Thissell and Un- 
known fatter, permanently 
from its i»rent, parents, 
or guardian and to com- 
mit said infant to the care 
and custody of the Vir- 
ginia Beach Department (A 
Social Services with tte 
right of said ageecy to 
cmsent to the infant's ad(9- 

And an affidavit baving 
be« m«le and fUed ttet 
Janese Thissell and ua - 
known fatter is a proper 
party to this proeeedtog; 
but due diligence has be«i 
used to ascertato to wtet 
county or corporation te 
is, withmit effect, it is 
ORDERED Uiat Jaoese 
ThisseU and Utfaravn 
Fatter do appear here 
within 10 days after (hie 
publicaticn tereot, and te 
wtet may te necessary to 
pnrtect tteir interest in 
this suit. 

A c(^y- Teste: Eliaabeth 
E. Henley, Clerk 
Kathy S. Brotters D^M^ 

D^uris YMrtck, D^. 
Social SenrlcM 

VK-4/I», 4/20, 4/rr. 5/4 



If ]Kw bave a dog or cat or aaytUw pa 
wart to give away, we will nm jrow ens' 
ified ^ absdutely FREE. Yes, tkat's r^, 
we'll nia jmr ad in cwr pepalar FREE BEE 
sectim. Iliis is a puUic service proriiled 
t^ your tenetown commuiity new^Mper. 

Your FREE BEE ad will mcJi Just the 
right peoide wte will provide a nice liome for 
your animal. And if it's sometbiflf else you 
bave to give away, your friends and iw^lih 
bors will appreciate your generosity. So call 
S47-4S71 to ^ee your FREE BEE ad Uxky. 

children to help work- 
ing parents, for children 
ages 3 to 6, on Wednes- 
days at 1 p.m. and Satur- 
days at lla.m.6iesap«kke 
Headquarters Library in 
Great Bridge. 

FREE - Two cats Oae is 
a solid black female, stay- 
ed, other is a solid white 
male, nuetered. Both cats 
are very gentle. Giving a- 
way because of allergies. 
Need very loving home, 
older couple preferred. 
Call 541-5268 after 5 p.m. 

FOUR CUTE black, furry 
pups in search of a good 
home. Mother-Golden Re- 
triever, fatber - big, black 
terrier. Please call 488- 

KITTENS, 2 grwr, female. 
Give away. CaUT 424-4252 

pre-schoolers that ex- 
plains good eating habits 
and nutrition, "The Thing 
The Professor Forgot. 
Free C(q>ies are available 
from: C(»isumer Informa- 
tion, Oept. Q., Pueblo, 
Colora<to 91009. 

FREE-^wcial 2 year old 
story hour at Chesapeake 
Heai^uarters Library in 
Great Bridge. Every Tues- 
day at 11 a.m. 

FIVE pqipies free. Five 
weeks oU, mother Ameri- 
can ^x, father G<4den 
Cocker ^piuiel. 2 lulelrik 
three females. Call 499-- 
8843 after 2:00 week days, 
and tU week-end. 

Private tM-eedor will 0ve 
frw tflPfeto itti gf ls. 

wanted hf owner. Alsilfiree 
care ft>r injured birds. Sta- 
te permit no. 00064 Write: 
Rick at P.O. Box 13428, 
Chesqienke, Va. 23325. 

TVK) G«raan Schnauers. 
Both are prtput. House 
tHTOken. Separate or both. 

FREE-foor Latvador Re- 
triever pogps. Free to a good 
home. CaU 539-0422. 

FREE MOVIES every Wed- 
nesday at 12:10 p.m. at 
iOm Library, 301, E. City 
Htil Ave., NiRitolk. 

FREE to good home-female 
pqvy 6 months old. Part 
Terrier and part Siriti. 
Loves children. Small-good 
watchdog. Blonde with white 
forehead. Call 487-8363. 

TAILPIPES. You wudone. 
we've got a large selec- 
tiOB. FREE, first come, 
first served. These are 
vintage pipes to flt many 
makes and models. Suggest 
you bring your old (ripe 
to make yottr choice of one 
<tf Ihese fine old pipes. 
Call Captain Cash, Fraift- 
Un, Va., 562-6171. 

3 yr. old mediom siie dec 
Mixed bre«d. FeBUlt, 
9<iyed. AH shots. Lea| 
reddish brown hair. Loves 
outdocn^-needs yard. Llk> 
«s childrefl. CaU 543-8191, 

FREE WO(M>-Us«l. Urge 
pieces. CaU 427-22U or 

FREE LECTU8E.(^ea fo 
the pubUc, on Sundqr at 
3 p.m., sponsored by ^ ■ 
Scientology Mission of Va. 
Beach. This lecture con- 
cerns "The Potential A- 
bilities of Man and How 
He Can Realise 1%em." 
and the eraottmnl tone 
scale. CaU 428-S231 Ibr 

FREE PUPPY - Medium 
site, part beagl*. Apiuroi- 
imately 5 noaths oM. Very 
(tttle. Needs a goodhome. ■ 

tion and assistuct. CaU 
between I am. and 4:45 
p.m. Telqitoae «l-3770. 

and give yon' love ud 
home tor our animals. We. 
need yoor h^. Pnts - 
mouth Hnmaae Society. 

FREE-Part Geraun Shep- 
herd, 9 month oM female. 
Good with children, house 
trained. CaU 484-8^7. 

l^to-the-hour. Bampten 
Roads area forecast. Dial 

^rlffiOD GERMAN S^tf- 
hards mBOgsftrnmai did. 
CaU after six 545-6692. 

FREE-Balqr Jars. Most are 
jimior sise, tew smaU jars. 
Good for.mafcing JeUy. CaU 

FREE-piwies, inixed and 
shepherd. Both malM and 
females. 9 weeks old. CaU 

FME lltES-Citt yourself 
snttable for firewood and 
timber. CaU 463-M48 af- 
ter 4:30 p.m. 

^, old part shqiherd and 
retriever. WUtenule.V«7 
piayftal, very good wtth 
chiMrett. Exc^entwateh- 
ddg. Necito hone with room 
to nm and i^y. CaU 426- 

PUPPIES-Biack, one male 
and one female. Ten weeks 
old. Itotber Keesbouad, fa- 
ther St. Bernard. Must see 
to aHM'edate. CaU 340- 

Elijah Coming Before 
Christ." Write Mcgiddo 
Mission, 481 nnirstouRd., 
Roctester, N.Y. 14619. 

WRITE femate ralMt - 2 
yrs. oU. Nice pet. Call 

White oit, mak (nerter- 
ed), 1 y«ar m, 1 yelhw 
eye and 1 Wne eye. Good 
home (mly. 42»-mA. 

ONE SMaU Md one large 
ecMBHmeW MMo pae^, 
CaU «4.»19ori93-4M3. 

TIABS pMipM^ul Ger- 
man S^iteN. Free to a 
good hme. CaU 547-4341. 

CATS-tW) bla^ - fiMi, 
««dd Itte to go as pair' 
CaU 4W-7519, 

FREE LIST ct home ^- 


iiiirgj eatu. m y<ev 
sett to 'G£i Ltte-Q^le 
CiAe n ^ Ap^lanees," 
•ffttt vOMww w Ne^, 
(mm tf (^Mner Af- 
k^B, WllHiiitQn, DC. 

FREE TO agoodhome. Fe- 
male Qick-a-poo, 18 
months old. 4M-3400 

Mixed breed fMttlepuppicu 
Pnrt leaky, sms ami 
wormed. CaU 423-6703 

FEMALE -Code- a -poo, 
spaded. 18 mudhs old! 
Free to a good home, loves 
clrildren. CaU 340-7243. 

FEEE BOnCLETwtthtato 
m meal pteadqg. feed 
Go^ nd ^offtat U^. 
B's aU in tte 21 pages 
of "Your Moan's Wortt 
to Poods." Wrtte tie Cou- 
soner taCmcHmfloa Cater, 
Dept. 637E, Puebto, Coto. 

FREE-l 1/2 yr. obi male 
dog. Mixed toecd, nediam 
sixe. Good pH. tttiattf 
and ^ayfid. ffM<to §oet 
home wMi faced yard. Bas 
had shoto. dffl-sra. 

FOUR mixed bre e d pu p pi es 
Eight wmta oVL Anfuas 
who on give tt«B a good 
hMie mkMMd. MsiBnm 
^teed dog fan he seia 
uiifiimt at laMbawhrUte 

nvE year old fiMMie ser- 

eu^ iriA no «awr mtf- 
MU perfurad. Ott li- 
ter 6 p.m. 6M-Wf«. 

a«*»rt R. K^itf g,j^: 

Xbmt in adnmeevDvi 
MoMl -p^PsW-w 
M^ pertoli-kMryMlids 
mi JOB m ' 

^ hew «» tit 

tonieMM. A- 

*^mUt. Wrte 


to : Rok^ t. 

. lie. P.O B« i», 

AMWe, RY 14069. 

juA maUing Usts. Write 
to the Direct MaU Ibrk^- 
iag Association, 6 &ist 
4Srd Street, New York, 
N.Y. 10017 and ask for tbelr 
"name removal form." 
They'U get the job done, 
no charge. 

you're in the market for a 
used car, there's a firm 
law to protect you against 
octometer fixUg, rolling 
back the mUeage comter. 
Write for Uie fi^ tokh»-, 
"C<»sumer Protection Un- 
der New Aatitampering 
Odom^er Law," from the 
NaUoaal Highway Traffic 
Safety Administration, 400 
SevenUi St. S.W, Washing- 
ton D.C. 20590. 

I'ABRAOOR Retrlem. 
Mtcfc male, 2 jrrs. old 
Gaatle. Free to goad teme 
«tth no (ftOdreu. OaU547- 

FREE-Dog, mixed breed, 
6 mos. old male. Very 
^feeUonate, loves ddl - 
dren. Free to a goodhome. 
CaU 483-4583. 

TWO DOGS-Part uerman 
ShqAerd, 9 months M. 
I male and 1 female. FREE 
to a good home. CaU 482- 

FREE trees and stampe 
tor firewood. Cut your-; 
self. CaU 494>6629. 

FREE-Bnes of elothes- 
worfc clothes, appitni- 
matdy sise 40's, AU sises 
of GhUdrtBS dote and 
dmses. CaU 420-3844. 

VITIIS-Story and movies, 
craft days and puH>et shows 
Call Children Co-ordina- 
tor, Peggy Forehand at 

FEMALE frish Setter pqt- 
W. 9 moatlM old. Good 
Witt ohUdm, tjree to a 
good home. «3-16|2. 

NINE PART CoUie p«q>- 
pfes, 6 weeks (dd. Both 
male and females. Free 
to a good home. CaU 421- 

FREE pi9py to pwd hfHae. 
Male, 6 months (dd. CaU 
493-2212 after 5 

BEAGLE PUP-6 monUis. 
Greet wiUi children. Free 
to good home. 486-7246, 
after'6 wedntays. 

ONE WAY to make a tret 
imt distance teleplnae 
calk dial 800-559-1212 to 
find Old if the ptrty you're 
calltag has atdl-firee(900) 

One r^rigente> to begiv- 
CB neay; Banri^ "'•nltMim 
You titk op. CaU 4iS- 

FREE TRAVEL- calendar 
tistiag evotsschedaledfor 
the mfd-AUantlc area this 
winter and luring. Copies 
are available 1^ wrtting 
ClKsaiwake Bay Bridge - 
Tunnel, Dqit. RB, Cape 
Charles, Va. 0310. 

FBEE Ubrarw card ertlt- 
IM yon to dl flm books 
you am reed. Cmne to say 
of our four k>catlcaa: 300 
Cedar Road, Civic Ceitor- 
Taytor Boad k PortsaKwth 
BM. - Western BraaiA- 
VoMexter A Deeidar, 
SBHlk Norfi^ • ttUaa 
Bftner itoad k Vfutmr 
itoad. New loc^toa to Aa- 
aary Id Georpe WaaM«tiw 

"Provoker" magasine. 
Y^alde laiof-mrttoB rtOBi 

POwMBS IB prOC0^Sflo ftWrot- 

li^BAL remedies. Write 
nwreker PreM, St. Ca- 
theriaM, 315, CMario 1^1 

fiMH^, ^otf mMk ta. 
he aU Ws trtota. C^ 




ml0 pndiid aiHt iM^ 
U aMd raw, MM, aaBod 

BE THERE when the boirs 
wato qd Free cdor bro- 
chwe tells you about va- 
caUoQlng in Uie Great 
Smotdes, in %n1ng or 
aaytlme. Write AdivUle 
Oiamber of Commerce, 
1(»1, AshevUle, N. C. 

FREE hone mamire for 
i^rdeas. CaU 4U-25M. 

FREB-Fm- aide peoidewho 
«IBt to bec«ne more i^e. 
Learn how to impnn^your 
Ufo, handle pnMems and 
adteve yonr pototialsw;- 
eett in life. AnUabte now 
ta VUiiaia Beach. Seven 
hoars p«±edftiUofitt(HfMe 
data ou coramadeition, 
pnrposet and goalsandhow 
to ai^^re Uwm. Take ad- 
vantage of this ORXMluiity 
to leafu how to uiia^ nn- 
wuM eoodltions In yonr 
eftrtroiUBent. Free. With 
no obUgatton, to iMrwfoce 
scieati«9gy, the ^osqpky 
yoa can apfdy to life. Re- 
gister at 206-22nd Oreet 

FREE-Coamndal hatt 
racks. Five lift. (^4l4h 

Two pqipies. MoUier is a 
toy poodle. 6 weeks (fld, 
taUs d^iped. Seaify to p. 
Itogn^ good hmne. <SU 
4n=0BraftM^ 3:30 p.te. 

Pawies-Mtaed, 5 wto. te 
lUeaadfonale. CaU4t2- 

FSEE-Vlslts to Ow Vir- 
p^ Beadi pimietartam 
evoy TaMday and Simtey 
dariag March. The Pro- 
pMi is "As tte forth 
1^ which btfin at 7 
p.m. tach aWit. CaU 4M- 
1971 for i^ervaticas. 

tnt - Fame dog, 9 
■MM* dd. BmaU. IMm 
^Mm aad ooHtomi. CaU 
S«-im after 9 p.m. 

FMU- LMnrter nM- 
tMf, i ]«an old. Gand 
fit, aiate a good home. 

FBSS DOGB-fraiale Chi- 
m, MIe to part CU-ts« 
ad MUKhester. Both five 
yeara. ciA. {teed a good 
hmne. QUI «7-6975. 

DCW'T PAY fta- U. Get it 
free tf the HMdqfuarters 
am^m» PsMte Li- 
toury: or^uIpaUdiagsby 
toiaa artMs, HoUywood 
movies, and scoljiture to 
deomde voor home. We 
also have loaite of free tn- 
formation to decorate yonr 

MAlCE SMOKEY a word 
that mtans a friend near- 
by. Re^ drive crocks 
crasyl For free member- 
ship Iftlnrmatioo write: 
Smokey Bear 1, CB Posse 
Beadmwrters. wo ne 
12Stti St.. Miami. Fla. 33161 

-■-■ ■ ■ .1. 

FREE GAMES - to check 
out. Pit, Probe, Monopoly, 
Sean, Baokgameh, Charlie 
toown, Raggety Ann, 
Chess, Sahber pussies and 
mmy more at Chesapeake 
Headquarters Library, 
Great Bridge Children's 

FREE FUm programs for 
Uds 1^ Gnat Neck, Wla^ 
dscNT VoQlfai and Vin^ 
B«tctf4nneh Ubrariw ev- 
ery ittuday nforiiag. 
CoAW I40>M7 kw In- 
tormiAco M film Uttes, 
timM and dates. 

TYPqes . iB m.imie 

Mamweri^ rtc. CidliM- 
7599 iB^^ PM we^iays, 
uirtlnw iml»nds. 


NES) A FILM or speaker 
for your nextdidimMting? 
The Chesapeake PiiMicLi- 
toary offers free {Hrograms 
on cnttnnlafbirs, movl«s, 

FREE poppiea, 9 i*s, (dd 
tadti to leave. Beea at 
IMaaBHUB 8d. Owsa - 
paafce. after 5:S0pjn. 

NEED TO USE an (Hit-of- 
town telephone directory? 
We have a ton of them at 
the Chestpcake PidiUe Li- 
brary Headquarters. 

FREE COUISE . On per- 
sonal effieteney and 
character traits for peo- 
0e over 21. No oblig^ioo. 
CaU 428-5231 or register 
at: 200 640j^.,Va. Beach. 

3 fMaales and 2 liilles. 
2 morthsold. Half sismese, 
witii Siamese marfdngs but 
not colors. FREEtoigood 
hrnoe. CaU 488-6819. 

AUTO CiPi»ER-A.l jmdc 
car reWMlng. AU cars 
towed away free. Fast ser- 
vice. 955-4011. 

Check ov prices and 
sn^ipy offset quality. We 
also print newspapers for 
collegei.hi^ schools, mi- 
litery hasme, churches, 
anjiKNty mafing a pntfes- 
sional proAid. QaaUty 
low pttte, fut SMTi<%. 
ComjdeJte tj^esetUng lac- 
Uitles. iPor estifflate eaU 
Ken CBrley(547..45Tl)or 
Norris Bly (627-»»0}. 

AUTO JUNK-We bay junk 

5«°1'-Jr"**' •«M».Call 

BUY, seU, traite. SiqppUes 
^ (df, stete appraisals. 
Virgijya Bea<^'s com - 
idete ooitt, and stamp shop 
BUI BuU, 1516 nwroa^- 
good Shopping Center. 464- 

smoHag firqdaces. Okl 
flrqdaces rejpalred. New 
flrqilaces anddensdeslgn- 
ed and bnUt. CaU 429- 
7350. Vlrgtoia Beach Flre- 
jdace and CUmaey Sweq>- 

facts everyoM Aould 
Imew i^eut vn OMW frtna ... 
file VfiiAda Society for i $ 
the Preveatton <tf BUnd- 
ness. Fm* yonr five copy 
of "Your Eye tor a Life- 
time of Sight" wrtte:Pre- 
vent Blindness, B<» 2020, 
Rlchmood, Va. 23216. 

6-AntoaioMles for %A* 


Aitomatlc, V-8, vinyl top, 
AU-FM, power steerii«. 
power brakes. Excellent 
coadttion. |1,695 or best 
<^er. 427-5314 nitfits, 
940-0308 days. 

1972 MGB Roadster, low 
Bilnage, orange witti idaek 
Interior, MGB stripes. 
AM-FM 8 track stereo! 
chrome jag-wlre ««e^ 
'■RBge rack, tonnean «>- 
ver. ExceUoit cottUtiOB, 
12900. Must seU immed- 
iately, 423-4406, 423- 
9396 or 4n-0923. 

1967 RENAULT R-10 
Needs minor rqiair, hut 
good nmniag coadtttoo. 4- 
speed mamial: MidteUn ta- 
<fi«ls, good conditkm. ^50 
CaU 499-6777. 

DODGE-Maxi Van, 1971,. 
tifirUe t(v, fully insulated, 
roof top camper air-coB- 
<lttloner, 3/8 automatic 
transmission, power ste- 
ering and brakes. 12.000. 
«4i-1145. . 

a^mattc, 4 dow^ fiiUy e- 
^P^ped, A/C, power steer- 
tog, power brates. Excel- 
leat condltton. CaU 499- 

BWCK LTD, 1975, Ught 
tdaewfth white ladau top 
•Ir-coBdttl<wd, aU power, 
att witeel, emlse eoatn^ 
r^llaal owaer. |5,875.CaU 
5«-9374 after 5 p.m. 

PCHtTIAC - 1973 Le Mans 
qiort co^e, 350 V-e,pow- 
& Steering and imafces, air 
MBditloniag, AM-FMra- 
Ao, vinyl nxrf, nOlye 
ateels, bucket snts, ex- 
e^Mt oadlUtm, f2.500. 
^iM a^toUabte. 494- 

HHTO - 1974 »atfeB Wa- 
fOB, exedteid eoafitka, 
aaw flres. ^095. CaU M^ 

19W 0Ui8M0Ba.E - 4 
do«-. Detta 99, radto, alr 
Neeito body wort 9690. CaU 

- DA^ER • 16,000 
Un new, urtoaatte 
air. 2 dOM-eo^e, 
nf Mh wWe ^irtor, 
^rlflee tf $1,900. CaU 

WkWWAGEIi- 1915 Baa, 

27 ft. FuU bath with tub. 
Air ooodltioaed. AU-FM 
radio withUpe. Fiberglass 
top sod ends, ^re tire. 
Phone 547-1820aft*T6p.m. 

LARK-Mini Motor Home on 
Dodge chassis, 1972, fully 
aelf-coatala«d, only 20,000 
mUes. Sleeps 6, fnlly air 
condlUoned, gas stove, gu- 
electrie refrigerator, bath 
with shower. TV aateana, 
9' attached canopy, 30" 
steel extensioa bad on back 
for storage, many extras, 

COACHMAN - 1971, re- 
creaUoml vehicle, 20', ful- 
ly contained, sle^s 9. Ex- 
celleot ecodttion. CaU 491- 

SANTA FE - M it. travel 
traUer auaper, cmudete 
kltohoi. Call 497-9939 , i 

72 PROWLER - Tiai^l 
TraUer, 19 ft. New copdi- 
Uoa, eaU 497-4912. 

buUtiqrKadas, Vs. Bead!. 
Air, cruise control ikt. 
26,000 mUes. QUI 597- 

9-Metercitlas-gceotera . 

1972 HOWDA-SL350, peart 
PbM, very {oed coDdttton, 
very tow mllette, $500 or 

1970 KAWASAKI - 250 • 
Eleetric start, good coadl- 
Uon. 1275 cash. CaU 421- 

CHHIS CRAFT - 1965, 36' 
Cruiser, twin Chris Craft 
engines, 225 Iqi, Onan de- 
mand generator, 5 kw, fly 
bridlge, muy extras. Must 
see toappredate. CaU 499- 

SAILBOAT-O'Day Widgeon. 
13 ft., wtth traUer, |900. 
cm. after 6:30 or week- 
aids, 490-1596. 


oottUttoo. Qalvaaiaed'^ 
traUw. CaU ««-2671. 

WORK AT HOME in spare 
time, EuattiftAOMrlOOO 
stufOiiKa^^HE Send 
25( plai^Mi|i» 
dressed envelope to: R.P 
SALES, P.O. Box 9327 , 
MerrillvlUe, Indiana 46410. 

PARENTS- Excellent 
earnings. World Book Cbil- 
eaminta. World Book 
Cblldcraft sales repreaeo- 
tatives aeeded In Chesa- 
peake area. For local in- 
terview caU: 397*9370 or 

COSMETICS* - a MarshaU 
Field famUy owned eom- 
PB« ta MQaa^iar to Va 
Fi% CrsiMaw bie. Part- 
time Misidtairta needed. 
PossUdc to ean |100- 
il'lRl. Commini(« sales. 
S^ name, address, and 
telepbow naaiher to: Bmt 
13^, CAJ Oiesapeake 
Post, CwssBeake, Va., 
mm. yaMU iBWstm«mt 

BELP WANTB) - Insar- 
aace sales, no dOtt, nesd 
reww^ng caiakr a^ one 
of the krger tonmaee 
coa^anies to America. 
CaU 997-7061. 

EARN AT HOME addres- 
sing and mallBig. Bnsh 
stamped, self - addressed 
No. 10 sov^cM. SUPE, 
Box^)69, Ft. Wayne, tod 

BVTOR U heltJiaK magr 
persons Min mon^ woit- 
Ing two to four houn a 
day. We can h^i tou. For 
appcdidment, call 42O>-0977 

M(H}EL8 - toterviewli« 
models for art classes. 
Saturday. U-9 p.m. caU 

<■ iiLL I mc rvi aniiAL' 




No selUna or exnerieaee necessary, you wiU restock- 
beautlfiil dlsptays with the xountry's fastest saUlag 
nattooaUy advertised tors to high traftte oompnay es- 
tabUshed aecoaato that wUl be taraad over to yoo. 
Your reoiHera wiU be computer proceaaad bv om of the 
oMust aad largest bread name toy whdesalera ia the 
U.S. ApplleaHs mast ha respoasibte, able to make da- 
cisloas, and be caoaUe of maUaa nlatninm^eash to- 
vestmeal, of |S290 - 100% mercheaSse buy back. 

CaU Mr. BaU: ToU Free any time. 1-800-621-7725, 
Ext. A121. SUDday caUs accepted. 

TYPST - For Mi« cardU. 
60 i^m, Bseded nr ten- 
ponry em^iiiyrgMft. Apidy 
nerntM 9 t.lB. aid 3 p.m. 
BOHSh H^, MaMk. t^ml 





• nuSd 

qiare time, stnfnag envel- 
opes. Ittkmnatton rush 
91.00 and stamped self ad- 
(bessed envelope to MO- 
NEY, 44U N. Hancock, Ba- 
venpwt, Iowa 5i907. 


Composltlcm, lay-out, 
cataera dnpartment. Exc- 
eUent posftton witti youm 
ptnrtog prttttog.flrm, to- 
cated ocean fsm. Vir- 
^Bto Beach. Must have 
eqierience. CaU Linda, 
Peter Kwlck Copies. 486 

W^ AT HCaiE to spare 
time, &u:B|250.00perlOOO 
rtaffiag mnelopes. SMd 
2S( ptaasteimed, self-ad- 
^h«ssed foreb^e to: TER- 
P.O.Box 299, Hobart, to- 
diaaa 463«1. 


For lie B^ Person 
If yon would 1^ to earn 
$15,000 - $XO,000yoift-firat 
fkU year with aa exctttac 
otfaalsatloB and have the 
duM» to move lato liaaa- 
gm^ to tnm six to nliw 
noaym-.ttsB eaU 

Mr. Raymoud 
Qoog ^stance eaU eol^t) 
CaU: Mmday Om Friday 
We^ of April Uto-l^ 
9 a.m. - 5p.m, 

SVMl Oppm-taaity 


HoiMss, s^toeas.cock - 
t^ waltriM. Ei9M«ce 
fttStmi. (nta to wrt rer 



Itaay bmMa, ccnqilM 

CALL 424^t02 




I, jaMarhert 

*(, i^Oeat MidNte, 
m^m air, AM-W wee- 

WANTED — |w1 ttae. 
$3.00 taw to telif^Biic 
tMtaws firns. Ex^tat 
MhiMn aalars wtt^. 
•4i«M ^ dttlAw. Vite 
AMM CM-, li«ktt«Hf 
SattHl, ftormism N^w J*r- 


Lifo Agents 

This It your 


We have ear heads Adl 
aarelBag agrtivoCavM' 

40^ aswloyeaa to a life 
iB furaac a baatft exeto - 

m 9H^lM5 he- 

10 a.«. aad 
fu' appotakiMMs aad per- 

BABYamMI - m Home 
«ad(dm, Biqndlto Park 
area. Ctdl 

aad up. tut limchea pro- 
wktod. Duoadlp Afit. area. 
CaU«9|.^r ■ 

lacing pajmil, my home 
or part time to dtBce. «6- 

BAfilffiTTQIG-My home, 
any ^, days or tmaiat*- 

EIPBRBQiaB) IS yr. «dd 
bi9 iriU eat lawns or ha- 
byalt oa weekiMdawweek- 
daya, MerrUlelii' or 
E«efield area. (^ «*- 

CARE tor two aad .possi- 
bly three aiderly ladies 
ta my home. Call 547- 

IBM Sfelectric. My home. 

EARN Exmkwanm- 

SeU sabscrtpUou to your 
honetowa uw^paper, 
Chnaiwake Pod ahd Va. 
BmiA^^. Big cMittlss- 
tow. On dam a midi as 
$200 a WiME to yott'^are^ 
time. GaU Jim Browa at 


WHfcoirt laavtaf hfl«4^ TN 
eaaa i|^ atgasf tu year 

get to it am graari Hoaa. 
raaikMl oitoill^iB r 
rii l ii ate l&i Ma iBusat- 
maaL CaU oSa Baaaa 147- 

WAR MOnr? SeU tWws 
yoaneikkgw need wm 
gH^^CtaasWed Ad. Call 

19-Local ksMettoi ClasMs 

BATOf Twiritog, mar«h- 
lag and ito^U^. Snail 
etanes and private les- 
aoBs. For ftuthvlatDnaa- 
UoB, caU 496-4909 after 


TENNIS - by^ professlooal 
wetn^ court. CaU 429 - 

ROOK, BQAI^ aad care 
for aldari^. Pfinte home, 
no italrs. ental afr coa- 

HAM) aad orgaa iastrae- 
area. CtU «ll-7925 


BABYSITTING iBoqr home, 
^, irigtta, weafcends. 

WANTED - start atfaa Im- 
medtat^ with locy Great 
Bridge a^ncy. Leaita tera- 
Ished. CaU Mr. Frank 492- 
2992 or 547-3759. 

PART TIME-Avera^ cmu- 
alsalOB, 6.50 per tamr. No 
e^rieaee needed. Phone 
S40-5M3 between 2 aad 5 
for ^ipototiBWt. 

moyock area-Eara extra 
aM»^. SeU siAscr^ons 
to your hometown news- 
paper, ChraapMke Post. 
Big commissions. Can ears 
as much aa ^00 a week 
in your spare time. CaU 
Jim Brown at 547-4571. 

BABY8ITT1MG - my home, 
aagr afas, days or b%Ms. 
CaU 420-7736. 

to my hmae. Hilltop area 
of Va. Baadi. C^U 429- 

GOlTMl.^BatdB, ptaao, fli-- 
gaa aad drum lessoas. M- 
nto m group tostita^toa. 
BsgUmnw aad advaaced. 
Aeoedited teachers to 
Charddaad, Va. Beach aad 
JtoiMfc areas. CaU 4M- 
4922, U ao aaaWer 599 - 
5608> . 

Barses Aides - Orderilea- 
Osk ma Medical Traltist 
School, GraidBrti%e. 547- 






start mm OB joh traloliv, 
raidd wlnaeemeat. 



Pttm Sharing, paid vaca- 
tion, maay hei^Us. 

CALL 424-4002 

CRURCHLAXD area r^- 
IdeMs en ean aioMr Wf 
taUdag to you- aeMbhcn 
Ci^^de Booae 54^^-4971. 

BOME mams - Ean 
$90 weel^ ad^mwtag od 
stafttag aavribii^ Dttotts 
ruA »$ imd self addres- 
sed turned mtmm; 
BESTCO, IIB9 ll.mBtt 
Tem^fiat, 4^m, fhA- 
Ifwoei, nam $1024. 

BIG MONET BMiliiv our 
aalM lattan. Gevataegna- 
rantee free m«pUm. Rash 
■elf addraaaedstiamedea- 
vdope to pratST, 3109 
Denglaa Rd., Ch«M]wake, 
Va. 23»2. "■■—- 

I/XIKHK FOR anhttlMs 
bariaeat miadadpaoplefttU 
or part ttma a&oqiaUfy 
to eataiillAtag a partaer- 
sUp Witt a h^ growing 
hnsineaa. For latonrtsw 
amdatgiant caU brtwaea 1 
•BO 4 p,m. 499-9767, 
I WeiMaysoBly. 

fnOTT RAM yds M Be 

jMn to aaekthelMmtoeas- 
"W tor nto tatotey'sOas- 
iUtod Ads. 

ified iBstructor. Norfolk 
area. CaU 423-4413 

22-DoM. Cato. aad Ofew- Pete 

POODLES - ran bia^ 
dandud, 9 wtta old. AKC 
RoctatefMi, ahoto/worm- 
ed/eUpped. HOO each. CaU 

i9t«red, good pei^rae, 
abate aad w(»-med, 7 we^s. 


BABYSIT MThome tor e^ 
CaU 429-40647^ 



Woedir,oiil fttrmt 










DW S47.4671 



43-MobUa Hon* SiUt 


Horse Trailer. . 



* One stands out. Hartman 
I was first in the fieW ^0 years 
'**tgb . . .'and retains that 
position today. 

J^oyr bars* is suf rounded in 
safety and comfort through 

("WW qualttylJulH into a Hart- 
man Trailer, 

Quality aptly applies the 
WgH {ftgree of excellence 
attained in every manufac- 
turing feature. , 

Before investing in just any 
herse trailer, invest in a 
f^ommunicaiion with mc 

S«e the All-New 1977 
Harhnan Trailer Here 

t. W. RAWl$,iNc. 




2 END TABLES - Maple, 

. Early American. Mersman 

^0. 1 Xiomfflode antl dough 

-bm. CaU W«-2062 after 

MOVING AND must sacri- 
fice. Sinmbns Beauty rest, 
NEW, BeantifU cut out pe- 
can beadboard-Tvo seta of 
gotigeoas sheets and pil- 
low cases, 2 new foam nib- 
^wririUows, Lovely sprad 
totel.eost over |800, will 
^aell eiMBplete for |475. 
This bed is from an im- 
maculate and outstandigg 
home of deccMSfr^l- 
8559, wks. after 6, any ' 
time weekends. 



Pounds and 

It can iappen to You With 
Our fUgii Protein Natural 
VltaOin Weight Loss Pro- 

idttoirt exercise 
wittoit stbtatKw dleta 
Tkis U a U|& {>ri»t*ii, nu- 
tritioas, ftMd aovce with 
-No a«Mlcal additives. 
Hoaey Back Guraatee if it 
opaM't work tof you^ 
at 117-mB 



natagan graadfather 
«hMi $US&, carved ml- 
a^ arsidre |4AS; i wal- 
art bwatu |306 each; ma- 
hogany dresser |225. 4t0- 
2234-3 to • p.m; 

check ttie Want Ads weekly 
for rare values. Tun back 

QpM daUy. 3204 High St. 
Portmoirth. All types of 
aittiqnes, out glass, ^ina, 
lUviture. Ba^mericard 
and Master Charge. Call 


iKEMMORE WASH^^ |160; 
~MBW« gasdi^rHllOO; 
1^-^ frweser, |1S0. All 
; WCT ^Od COBdfflOB. 499- 

SEABS-Portable Komiore 
KriiwadKr. Eicellenf 
condition, like new. Har- 
r^ gold with dark brown 
forraicft top. IBS. CaU 547- 

mmm mcxmmte - Ma- 

hepuy. Dman-Phyfe 10 
^kx sat. Odsa caUnet, 
bitfM, serMT. taUe and 
Mb chairs, ^m. Call 461- 



i CA» Piyro-ter foml ■ 
|to», tools, ^welry, or 
iMf tmmtm ItM. CaU 
|^M4 *y «- ^U. 

fcu. WW tmmmmjo 

* ^-rrkts" to tt» W^ AA, 

■Mit COINS - 
iiost complete, 
'■''.', 3^11 icade, buying sil- 
ver coins, 42 Soitthera 
'■*>*>Ppii« Center, Norfolk 

ipMi^- .«.- fdtk 

»ase 11. Mid- April. Look 
for grand q^ning. Untoy- 
ette Ckiln ^. 420-«»7. 


TOACLET Watch, 14 K., 
GeU 1" vide with pear 
shape oraam^ aad dia- 
m(»ds Oh tqp., Ttry valu- 
aUe. CaU S47-1802. 

Ri^- ladliis^diammid mA- 
Itaire. Platihttm s^l^. 
Center sttffle 3.85. Side 
»totos, M »ch. Ap- 
praised in im for 
$H,550.<» Price-|7,2«, 
CaU 489-1748 or 423-7113. 


OYSTS^aiiM^ed IhlMr 
own jui^. Across tnm 
Surd's Sttfood tintteun^ 
off of Litae K«k M. Call 
Earl Smith i4 340-5171. 

35'Hwa aad CaNae 

LA2V ,;e corner 

lot, Cw to Oceana, 

«55. Call 426-6902. 


ness lady,1mintevlaite aad 
metlculOQS, non - amoker, 
wouM Uke nice bedrotm 
and j^rtnte birth to fine 
tomt la beaubfm lloro- 
good area oa a perma.- 
mnt bi»is. C^ Ml-I5§9i 
before M* ^r5:30 
p.m. or MqtUnia inMric4»te. 
Eieelleat r^rences. 


CRADOCK - 2 bedroom, 
stove, ' r^rigerator, no 
pets, dqxait required. 

VA, iEACi 

ApartiMtt Metri 

Bffidteaclts, eae aad two 
b«droom apartaunts. 
C«ap^ ktteheu, large 
n^a^ratora. W^ to 
ttens aad beacA. We^y 
rortals. 4a-3633 or 423- 






Rewarlog Skrobs 



724 CeArRd. Great Bridge 

Phone 547-2244 

TOP SOIL - dark, rich, 
loose, loamy sand and flil. 
Call 587-9077. 

40-MobUe BoBfs In- Sale 

ZlMMER-1974, 12X60', 2 
biditoms 2 baUui; com- 
pletely carpeted. Partial- 
ly furnished. No etpiityjust 
assume payments of 
1154.70. Poasilrte to stay 
on lot. Talk to maaacer 





Finance Co. 






fr-fm- Rant or Sale 

MOTOCKN.C. -Laitere- 
<»«ttlonal swiffiodng po(d 
fi» iSent. Great tiff group 
C»U 547-5117, nights 424- 

room and ootstaading tnOi 
la quiet and beautUiBl home. 
I deal for proftoslonal or 
retired man. Mature and 
reqxmsible. (Locatlai - 
NMr KogerEzecutive Cu- 
ter) Refer«ices cfaedced. 

CXEm RUN - Contempor- 
ary 3 bedroom, 2 bath house 
on canal and open field, 
included carpeting, fire- 
Idkce, heat iMup, live-in - 
panelled k^chen and patio 
tennis and pool privileges, 
1349. 427-5576. 

5i-Fw Sale Ya. Beach 

KINGS POINT - 7 mo. (dd 
4 bedrooB ranch, 15300, 
assume VA loan available 
in 45 days. Owner 463- 
QSS. ir?n''Jti.tat'«iJs'P| 

W ' l ' ' I' , ! . ' j I ' ' H ' I I' I 

^AOOWLAWN-Immacu - 
late 2 bedroom townhouse, 
fully equ^iped kitchen in- 
cluding washer and dryer. 
Carpeted. 8 blockstoocean. 
Owner will help with fin- 
ancing. 428-1588 (H- 340 - 

5 bedrooms, 2 baths, cen- 
tral air, 2 story, den with 
flreidace. 340-9611. 

KEMKVILLE - Pretty and 
plash; a spacious 2 1/2 
bath towahouse with gar- 
sge. Poca privileges. Easy 
to assame, |3900. Call 

bedrooms, 2 baths, living 
roem witt fireplace, (ttn- 
ing room, and den, fully 

earpeted. 428-1754. 486 - 



2 yr. old brick laacb, 3 

bedrooms, 2 baths, den with 

fireplace, hardwood floora, 

fenced yard. Western 

Draw* area. $49,900. 488- 


GREAT maxm - Pres- 
^ arM, attivetive 3 
bedram brick nuMA, flre- 

See, funily room, cen- 
I air, large treed lot. 
Reasowble - 482-3808. 

bedroom, 2 baths, brick 
nach. Entrance foyer, Uv- 
ing room, formal dWi% 
area. Wall-to-wall ear- 
1^. Oil heat, central air. 
Gterage. 547i-8969. 

S9-Fer.S«I* Chesapeake 



brick ranch on 90' i 160' 
fenced lot, central air, gar- 
age. Call 547- 4975. 



Dob Pope Hut openeda real 
estate cMce in the Pem- 
ta-oke Office Park across 
fitJm Sears in Pembroke 

1 List ^em, Sen (iiui^ 
Raatlhela, aad Bvf kttK, 

P«nbroke Office Partt 
Pembroke One Buildiic 
Virginia Beach 



l''or a wide ckA^ of buy- 
ers, renter*, woiliers in your 
neighborhood, toe low cort 
classified His in yourteme- 
town new^aper. Get results 





"" • iAND AIR 





.Air Compressors 
.Space Heatairs 
.Chain Saws 




Choice waterfreat homes 
For the first time you can 
buy a beautlfol home on 
moving water in Great 
Bridge. Dodc your boat in 
your own back yanl. These 
custom brick homes in 
elude econimical heat pump 
custom kitchen cabinets, 
bay window and many ex- 
tras. , _ 

147,950 aad up 

Models Opea 
Sat. aad Sim. 

Ricarck) Realtors 

351 Johastowa Rd, 




« Cartom BuUders 
333 Providence Rd. 



rwiaiEO o^ncE Um 

1 flalshad ofBcc sites 1>« 
acre each. Water, aewwr, 
OBt * gutter teduded. 

McCabe A Lester 


65 - For Sale - Real Estate 

LOT for sale at Massa- 
nutten in Virginia's Shen- 
andoah Valley. Enjoy a 
beautifully-green summer 
and a spectacular fall. Best 
of all, get ready for win- 
ter and the best skiing 
between Vail and Vermont, 
^cial price. Call Nor- 
ris Bly, 627-5020. 

Sf'i: - .-J- - i i. -t. a , - . .4 .' J 

10-Hbme S#rvlc*; 

W30FW6 - CUn^MNO - 
AU typtti, HA tar, gnvd 
a specialty, leaks re - 
paired. 25 yaaiv ^q^ri- 
ctt^ irwwMmMi, 4M- 
wce, tree MUnatu, 480- 
1042, 486-7911 aqptime. 

iatnior, exterior, acoustic 
Iriowa ceiUi«s. FREE es- 
timitea, n8-8319. 

FIREPLACES, all labor, 
$675, Dave Martin, 399- 

BRICK, BLOCK aad stone. 
Fireplaces, porches, stqis 
gara^, utility houses. 
Reasonable rates. 545- 
2814, call anytime. 

' I ■ '■^ — '■ I ■ I If ■11-... — 

LOT wiearug, Grading, 
Demolition, Acreage 
clearing. Small or large 
Jobs. By the hour, or ^b. 
FREE estimate - call 547- 



teekiag «aMU |As M^ at 
liHetag, las^ «rtti, 
ponA oKteare, btflAat 
^uages, mteor i^nalrs. 








Home ImiHwrem^s 
Garage Builders 
Room Additions 
AlttiBiaam Siding 
Ro(^ - Caiports 
Kitchen Remodeling 


Hugh E. BUek, Sr. 
1800 PariE Avraue 
Chesapeake, Va. 

■«* MiMbn nsMuu^LHIG 
*Att sises of pngas and 
attacbsd garai^. 
*CoBv«rt prage to a dea 
or faaiUy roMa 
Canuale Tile, Brick, k 

We vedaUsTla 
Heaae I^vrovonaate! 


Home laqiraveneat Co. 
8M-MS9 397-7178 


General dining, steam 
extraction carpet clean- 
teg, floor waxing and 
sirring, window cleaning, 
caipet and upholstery 
sittmpooing. Bonded and 

1971 or hone call 487- 

TREE ntimAL . E.E. 

PAINTING - Top ^^allty, 
low ovukead, low ^^ei. 
CaU 583-9U8. 


ALL types ranodeUag, 
plumbing, etectrical, aia- 
soeary, no job too saiall. 
CaU 587-1301 anytime, itey 
or night. 

vice work, new woric, re- 
-wire, service change. Free 
estimates - 20 yrs. ex- 
perience. CaU 424-5647. 

Saws of all descriptioa, 
chisels, DriU Bits, Call 

Carpentry, roofing, siding,'" 
room additions, storm wte- 
dows and doors, plaster- 
ing, electric, concrete 
work, plumbing, guttering, 
remodeling Utchens and 
bathrooms, brick andblodi 
work, aluminum sidiag, 
flr^laces, carpettag and ^ 
paintii«. Serving fllTFide- / 
water. 623-3733. L /^^\ 

Use this coubon 


O.K. hometown newspaper, I've been reading about how your newspapers | 
sell, rent, find and inft^m with classified ads. | 


I Here is my classified ad: 

I The cost IS only $3.20 for 20 words for one week. 16(i for each additional 
I word. Your classified ad will run in the CHESAPEAKE POST the 

< ) issues 


payment enclpsed 
pfttiase send bill 


l^ltaase-'f^un my ad for 
|9ir untircanceTTed ( 

I My name: " — • — i^-^— ^ ^ ! 

! Address : r— — '-- _— -__ I 

I I 

I City: .. -State:-T Zip: I 

! Phone 547-4571 for informatibn or to place your classified ad ! 

20 WORDS FOR ONLY $3.20 — 



You can trust aFJ^ 






4704 River Shore Rd. - River Shores 

Ezecatin's Tri-tevel home, 5 bednxHas, 3 baths, 

Uviag room, formal dbiing room, ^-ia klMMa, 

Idilly rorai with dr^bce. Attached doMde gara«e. 

ScreoMd porch. In lov^y neigtt»rhood. 

SascerlUatty «4-6€90 
FkaliagGdag 418-5948 

ne RMOtMH Mem art pntfiastoMla te raal Mtato 
whes*M*a to a rirfet wda n< aBdes as awrtw s 
Id toJalMirtrtaheatiteMidaftta ltaMa a il Aase^Baa 

Profct ^w ln¥0stimntl S90 om of tho^ loading aroa RoaltorsI 

Taylor Brothers 
Realty Co. 





two ^seedy Ave. 
Chtsapwke, Va. 23320 








Gettins the CoM Shoulder? 

That's tfw on« thing you wm't get when you call your hometowm 
omimwity n«wt^O»r. Wh«n ymi call us for a low-cost, quick- 
wting clatsifiMl ti^ you'll b« greeted by a friendly ptrson who's 
r»iNly to listen to your situati<Mi and help out as best she can. 
BecMsa when it comes to personal hometown service, wm're 
cm ^^wr tida. So (Mwys a call. We' retire to help. Fm-gImsi- 
fted. tel^jhone 547-4571. 


rtli BmcIi 


A Michael's creation Is rare one of a kind 

Mm^ tf fw're looking {or 
ttv ri^ pTMB^ for yoar 
tMf», tte gift that's itni<Vie, 
tift i^ UKt wUl stand out 
■Bd M OM else will have 
aaytMiv like it, then try 
lUcteel's Cr^itiOBs in the 
LoaiM BrM^ Shof^ng 

MkAuI's Creations fM- 
tsre s«ae o( the oiost brll- 
Uki^jnd beaatiM hand- 
itade rings, pembits, neck- 
lic^ bracelets and the 10% 

ttiM «U1 knock 3NW and jroor 

1^'S i^ 0^. 

"IHf^el" is Mite Ifin- 
ner, irito owns the business 
and does all the made-by- 
hand items Wmself. Using 
^ms Uke fir« i^tei ud 
turqMdae, l&h»el creates 
Ms ori^ijaals «^ tte ap- 
idiqae lawess: mtkiog each 
tiny oraaudrt uitt tta ip- 
plying it in a pattern to tte 
kgtHrj irfece. 
«|di crMtkNB is made 



Speolalzing in unique and f in©iy crafted 
handwrought Jewelry Cr.eations. We ateo 
carry chains, gold Items, scrimshaw, Indian 
Jewelry and much more. Now featuring 
beautiful pencil drawings by Clark Ashtpa 

Come in ami look arotuKtf 

Hoars 10:00-I:M 
T«es. Otfoogh &L 

110 Lenta Bridg* Canter 

^Merwlly. tiiv swirls of 
sQ^w lEM'ttlng ttBli|M de - 
^is, vh^nr ttecreatkn 
be a riiv. a delicate pen- 
dant or t bear-elaw mek- 
lai». Mtehtd is so proud 
or ttt^MMIi <m he otfeni 
Uie purchM^ « signed cer- 
tificate stating it is an orig- 

MicfaMl ivened Us unlqfae 
shop alwM two years ago 
after <todctt« that the life of 
a phifflber was wA for him, 
and te voold rathH- fcdlow 
his new hiriiby of cirtting and 
mounting stones, fie omldn't 
yways find the right mount- 
ing ( to feels the stone and 
its motrnt riMddc<»q^taDent 
eaiA ether), so he decided 
to start his own business 

and make Us own mo^s. 

Earlier, as a Navy avia- 
tion dectrtetan he Miunied 
wOTkIng wttb tiny al|ect5, 
and his knowledge gal^ a- 
hout s(M»tiK and <»iiWroUing 
heat ilk i^mldiv ha^l^ad 
him in ftpfdyivg his fecial 
pa^nis to a aoimt. 

Atthou^ ba also Airries 
differed Unes dconlaerci- 
aUy made Jewelry siu^ a* 
gcad rings, chains, pattdSi 
and eaiTtags, he de«i not 
8to<± any imitation i^(»<». 
Tley're all genuine, from the 
line Id hand-mad« W3m 
jewelry (vhidi he sfalpa te 
fitnn Vidian craftsmen) to 
the sUfoes he moui^ Urn- 

When ho gets the chioce, 

Mictael dlsidays his wares 
in vaiAoas gem and Jewel- 
ry alMVS arowid tte iittte. 
In fat^; he fteu to mH^ 
In the show in Richmood, 
slated for tl» «itf M A^l. 
He wiU ^so «M»tt at the 

"ftMMlUilrCMm and Mn^ 
AssociatiM it UMi Mrgtta 
Beach D(^e. He belongs to 
the liMeiiNtrQiV. uri d^gh 
the ume has Jwft beM 
0uged to "TidMi^,'* 
most of tte elidi's members 
are from VirgiUa ftadi, 
Most of iiM oiibuMtssIre 
vomra, says Michael, be- 
came tbief sdffiia to kaw a 
better apprecialion ior the 
delicate, Indivldtial touch 
that go^s into each of Us 





2256 Va.B«acli Blvd. 
Virginia Baach, Va. 23454 

PHORE 340-0740 

RES. 411-iyiS 

En^oyer - RBmembBr 

National Secretaries 

Week April 24th 

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Appliquing requires the right combination of heat and t^fjch. *j 

ereatfoAs. *'8tm, a lot of 
iNes," hi am. 

Whatever ttie occasl(», a 
birthday, auDiversary, 
ChrlBtmas, Mother's Day, 

mr Mist an "I Ioto you" 
KMlBt. a gift from Michaels 
CrtUions will be jost ^ 
tttag tor your wife. (Or 

vlves: thM« is a variety 
of maseullac Jewelry Just 
1^ for your basl)and or 
tajpfrieod, Itte a newUne of 
solinshaw with custom de- 
sign mountings.) 

Michael's U Just one of 
te reasons London Bridge 
is such a great place to 

Z' — -— — -— ' s 

Va. Beach's besf-dressetf 


Ov line ef 100% polyester deaUtkiM 
i» ^ start tor aqr smart wardrtiii— 
Uglsr iten $4.49 yd. If s Ugh 
fl^UiDn lor a quarter (tf tte cost! 1^ 
eaa ^w^ dTMsmUcers' naaiM. . . 
te^ ytMT favorite patters! 


"1^ MO L(»iD(»I.BS. ?TR. 
^ Va. Beach M0-SO7O 

Mchael holds a completely hand-made sHver bear claw 

300 London Bridge Center 
Virginia Bemih, Va. 23454 


London Bridge 
Hardware, Inc. 

244 Lfliioon Bnoga smof^Ni^ uaniar 

340-8300 OK 
Lawn ami Gardm Iteecto 


TV and Radio 
Sakis and Service 

308 London Brldg# ShopfMng Cant^ 



"Saa ua laat for tlio tMHit^y' 

A black and white photo doesn't do justice to the brilliance of hand-made 
creations by Michael. 


Bary FtOertfm, Editor 
Tmf $^0S0, Adwt0Hir* 



tmrmi m rtm pa(x. 

S^tm Shrimp . . . 

AH you can aat t>or paraon ^i^^ 
B ^^^lare^ad Inb* of atoA 

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(CteMi* ^ ad^t iH^m) 

Free isttTiat«s on R#pats By 
factory Trawned Techr^Mns 


228 London Bridga 
Sfioppbig Cantar 


Com© see our 
selection of 
swffTistMts and 
coveri^ by Sea 
Fasftos of 

F^d btousbn mai^t, 
waist and tie belt. 
87% nylon 13% 
L^ra Spandex. 
Szes 5/6-15/16 

• 18 


*- - 



LIP q i- ff^-m M v-HP-^-p'Wii^-i^ 


fA STAfl W»W«t 
HICHlO^fr ¥A »3219 



Beach uome lands pro boxing 

SUN Sports Editor 

, Professtpnal boxfi^ is comii^ to Vir • 
gNiia BeacU on a r^ularteais. 

Aceoking to DiUts T<^1, pres- 
Weat of Sports PromottoM Sirviees, 
iftOBt U professlwttl dirds #|Ii Be 
'tfllfld at the Vtrfinia Beacfc Dome 
WtMn the next y^r. TTw first date 
is Jane i, with 31 nHWCts of boxing 


. ToWll, alMg with Ed Owens, vice- 
pMsh^'nt and secr^ry/tr^suref of 
Sports ^romrtions Services, is financ- 
ing Vsi pn^^, and has hired State 
Boxi^- ConiJBlssiqii Inspector Wally 
Kaigh as general manager to run the 
operation. Haigh will soon resign his 
present position in order to work for 

■ Sports Promotions Services. 

'" Tohili, a Virginia Beach resident 
told the SUN, "We want to getprofess- 
tooal i^rts in this town, and we 
mak boxing is a winner." He ex- 

plained why he thinlcs the venture will 
be a success. "There is no place 
for area anMUteurs to turn pro, and to 
my understi^tog, I'm the only pro- 
moter in Vir^ia," • 

Haigh ag»es Hat B«ch boxii* 
should SeccMd. "I M tteufht about 
doing the same type of toii< for years 
since Tidewater has a number of kids 
ready to go pro but can't travel. 1 
really think it's gfA^ to go. We will 
have to devel<9 ytnuv talent, but we 
should do well." 

Tohili is qptimistic «i that score 
as well, 'in the next c<Mg)le ywrs we 
hope to develop) a heavyweight cdn- 

The June S card will feature five 
four-round fights and two six-round 
Ughts In the Dome, which will seat 
l,m spectators. TcfcUl sew the rel- 
atively small sMting capacity as a 
plus. "There will be no bad seats airf 
everyone will be able to see clearly," 
be said. 

Tentative dates lor iq»omii% bouts 
at the Ikime are Jaw 16, July 21, 
August 25, Seirtember 29 and Novem- 
ber 3. Ringside reserved srats will 
cost abott 1$. 

Haigh iai^oned a 49-5 record dur- 

ing his Navy career, and was the At- 
lantic Fleet light-hwvyweight cham- 
pion in 1962. He f^ls that altbcHigh 
there are a number of military l^ers 
in the area wifli a desire to turn pro, 
there are an equal number of civi- 
lians with the same desire. "I'd s&r 
it is about 50-50," said Haigh. "There 

are some excellent civilian boxers in 
Tidewater who have indicated they 
would like to fight professionally." 
Haigh also feels that boxing has 
little to prove in the area. "If the 
public response td ainateur boxing 
is any imiicatioh," said Haigh, "then 
wrtill succeed." 

Tmil is already looki^ to the 
future, sayii« with a lai«h, "I would 
even like to daU>le in pro womoi's 

Perhaps in the f^ure, but for n^w 
Virginia Beach has a professiomil 
sports identity all its own. profes- 
sional boxing. 

Serving the world's largest resort city 


^* BCftcr 

51st Year, No. 16 Wednesday April 27. 1977 

Virginia Beach, Va. Two Sections 15 cents 


Council scurries under threat, 
holds public budget ineeting 

a nepfime i -iimn 

How would your club or organlsattoi like 
«p mU a t7 MftMt Festival T-SUrt, awl 
jf ,tt», sAm tliM, fvppwt Am Fistinil 
m tiAi. jNwr €t^ gem mati^ sm 
^peorter Mut 8letard«MMsflM«dor- 

m f^am, im « mae^i«y» fi<0B Festi- 

vil vtAH- Ctttf Foirfui^ds. IHe Airt is 
jHie «f 4tmm-ta^^uiKf wUte vitt Une 
tHn aroind tlw mtk aad arias, and iiai 

tte NeptiHM logo la griM on the front. 
Fefttiwl oflleiab ettfanate Oe retail val- 
M of He skirt Is |S.9S. hot woiAl be will- 
lag fo let Virgin BMcb camnaUf groups 
lw«e 0» shirt la Mock orders tar coasl- 
Alrablr less. Sipport tbe Festival aad eera 
yoair grmq* s<»Be noaey. Calt^ 490-1014 
lor taiormatlOB « file shirts. 

Reports of an executive 
session to discuss the bud- 
get produced a scurry of 
activity Monday momii% 
with CommonweaJth's Attor- 
ney Andre Evans spelling out 
the provisions of the Free- 
dom (A Infcpna^on, Act for 
the m^iiSmJ^iM^ (M 
Cfeiwir"-: ' ^^""- ■ ^ ; -^ 

DjaacU did mmt at It 
a.m. iionday to discuss the 
boc^t and a possible real 
estate tax Increase, ^t tte 
meeting was open, and was 
plamed to be c^n, Mayor 
Clarence A. Holland said. 

What the auiouncemeat of 
the meeting was madeaiUst 
week's Council meetly, the 
press generally understood 
that an executive sesstoa had 

been called to discuss taxes, 
the biKlget, salaries and per- 

Not so, said Holland, The 
Council had called a special 
meeting to discuss the bud- 
get and taxes, possibly fol- 
lowed by ^ eMCutive ses- 
SlQB t9 4ipii lijftpK.fM 

He pomM <fft tm CottBcU 
ted already had. two (^n 
briefii^s on the budget as 
well as a public hearing and 
Monday's sessicm was Just 
another one of these. 

After the regular Council 
was over Monday Holland 
said he had yet to read Ev- 
an's letter in its entirety. 

Tbe letter was delivered to 
^ch Council member just 

before the 11 a.m. session. It 
stated that if the Council 
intended to take up the mat- 
ter of taxes and budget ap- 
propriation in executive or 
secret session' in its meet- 
ing today, this would be a 
violation of the Virginia 
Freedom of InfornMitioh Act 

Councilwpman Meyera 0- 
berndorf remarked later that 
she was "dedicated to the 
Freedom of Information 
Act." She said that Council 
members have no way of 
knowing what was being dis- 
cussed "because we do not 
get an agenda of what is 
being discussed in executive 

Evans' letter continued: 
"The tendency of Council 
to discuss taxes and budge- 
tary matters in private las 
long been of concern to me. 
What could be of more inter- 
est to the peq;>le than to 
know how and how much they 
shall be taxed, as well as 
"^lOw tbrtr-lMr*iliiB»'-aw^ 

Evans said H)at he had 
looked into tbe matter almost 
two years ago and received 
an opinion from the Attorney 
General's Office. Evans said 
in a discussion with the city 
attorney afterwards, the city 
attorney said hetboughtsucb 
an executive ses$i(» were 
allowable since it could be 
considered a legal matter. 

In a letter dated Nov. S, 
1975, Assistant Attorney 
General James E. Moore 
states that there is no pro- 
vision ofthe Virginia Free- 
dom of Informatiim Act which 
would authorize discussion 
of appropriations or tax levy 
ordinances in executive ses-. 

The 1976 General As- 
sembly added a section which 
makes the law more oner- 
ous for elected ofttcials. In 
cases of violation the person 
or persons involved in his or 
her individual caj^cities 
may be fined not less than 
$25 nor more than $500. ^ 

'Doubtfullfor real estate 

ax increase 


A real estate ixf. Utcri^se is un- 
likely in Virgiaia ieaeh dunng the 
next fiscal ywr. 

When City CMieU vrtes oa the 
proposed $1«,^8.3S9 budget on Hay 
di odds are Httt the city's 87 cent 
real estete tax rate ^IMM valuation) 
will remain the same tor another year. 
. Mayor Clarence A. Holland, «ho had 
Ihvored a five cent incretse^to pro- 
vide i ^gjger reserve, said Monday 

aftenuwn that an increase had little 
likelihood of gok« throuj^. Council 
discussed tbe budget and the possible 
increase at a special meeting Monday 
aftereoon when, Holland said, ",Um, 
PQssMe five were in favor of the in- 
crMse, five were against it and one 
didn't express an (qdnibn." ^ 

Opposed to the rate increase were 
Councilmen Goerge R. F^reU, J. Cur- 
tis Payne, Floyd E. Waterfield Jr., 

Councilwoman Meyera Obemdorf and 
Vice Mayor Patrick L. Standing. 

Councilman iotot R. Griffin later 
said he would have favored a three 
cent increase if the city manager 
"f^t we ceuU not survive." He noted 
that tbe city had to draw $2 millio n 
to balance tJUs yrar's budget, and if 
tbe city has a sbort&ll it could be 
in aerious troi*l^, biit "we can't levy 
tans alvnys eqieetingemergenicies. ' 

will be ne w 

• TMs ^twitey.evMtag at First Cofto- 
Bial Ugh Schod seVM lovely youi« 
MMtti will be siMMed to r^^e^t 
^Ut k^ s<*)ol as the 1971 Vto^ 
1^^ im«MR Fwtiind PriMe^. 
-J^TwM^-<»e $Dn^ UwUesart wHrln 
^bi^ettt^ tor the ri^ f r^wwM 
*^ festival A evetts tbrcM^a^ the 
; city this year, pM» acccMtfaay King 
^Heptune lY during tbe festit^ this tall. 
•'. Th«21hiciischtolstadeBt$wereMl- 
from ttO aippUeaat* fttti Qtt, 
fropsville, First Colonial. Princess 
Bayside and Keltem ^h 
ibhools, plus Cape Henrjr C^l^^e. 
The selections will be a iMj^ l^ <^ed 
.at the ceremonies, whichs^rtMI|A. 
. 'Tbene oi the ceremonies wiU1}e"Ctr- 
'cus." vitk entertainment pro - 
vide4 by Ansa Marte Smith, tottl vo- 
calist, the Don Meeker Clown ^Ml, 
the Bob Sheppard Trio, andCer^ltor- 
sbaU of WVAB radio as RlnnH*ter. 
TbeM« of tbe evaat «U1 b«^ "Cfr- 
cue." Susan Z«kf, vtll-hwmTlte- 
water artist, will paint ter 
animals oa klag-slaa 
io Mrry o^ te diww MoM 

At Satu»lay's seleetMb^eMr^onles, 
each of the 21 yovag U^ will be 
JtKiges in three categories, poise, per- 
sonality and app^rance. Fashl<^ will 
be provided by Rices-Ni^mitttt ^ 
Priiwess Anne Plasa shonrtngiNMt«r. 

Jodg^ for the 1^1 selectton wUl 
be Mrs. PMrt Smith, director ^sp^- 
lal enn a U tor Bices^MK^naM, Mr. 
ChaiMi iUlit, aseteti^ direi^ irf 
persofMl for the ViijtaiaB«»ch Public 
scko^; Mr. CMrWs Itews, music 
dirMtor at te Cei4er for Elective 
LMThiflg; Ms. Mi%anifl^»», iB- 
smiMt M M oifls Ine.; alM Mrs. 
Mirlwn teMi, ae^ive dirie^r erf 
the Miss Portsm^-Miss Ameri^ 
^■eUmiaaii. Mr. Ckrles Foit«s, 
Ki«E N^we in, will be tt boMrary 

Ewh jN'M^M »iU raeelve, i «»- 
ortkttted inMP#^ «Meb wiU Im wwn 
tert^ all ^^val ^pearanees. A 
^.000 »^^$ ^jMtf till be tk- 

b« e»«^ iMl also be te last 

The girls se^ng tte seven prin- 
cess ^les are: 

Bajntde*. Nancy Lynn Bat», EUra- 
aore Mdl^aad HarrtiMt Reid. 

Co* GtMtiCamjd»ell,Lori Sue Jones 
and Skanami S. McCormick. 

Fli^(^OBlal: JfMleMorrissLaMt, 
Patricia Maria mev^m «d Cyn- 
this Mary Wwoert. 

K^am: Uuvie An Fm, Ai<^ue- 
Itee Cartotta McQm aM Tfaer^a Lu-' 
^ Thunna. 

KeniOTille: Valerie AMrose,Shar- 
OB ais^ett Cw tad XIa Worley. 

Prtauis^M: KiUltt^MaryCal- 
lan, Mary KftteriM FoMr ud tk- 
Mriw <^yle n»e. 

Ca0e muhn ^Mn Bradto«4 Man. 
MldMefrra^ Mau wd LMa Lo- 

' TiAM for tte ^Oa f^ are avaU- 
Me athte Vtaf^ ^^(A NqAhm 
Mtiet, taMtod ia M CktMrtw ^Com^ 
mer^ lalldiBg ^ ^embrolw Mall, 
from all tte PrlMMM candidates, and 
A tte door that evMli«. OoMtMs are 
|i.M ea^. 
Cone iM to^^MT ytnr caudate. 

Since City Manager George L. Hanbury 
said that he could (qienite with the 
reserve, Griffin said he could go along 
with the present tax rate. 

Councilman ^^ L. "Buddy" Riggs, 
who said he was the only one who didn't 
express his opinion at the meeting, said 
he was against an increase. If he were 
sure that the city were operating in 
an efficient manner, if all the fat 
were being trimmed and if the water 
and sewer bond referendum were suc- 
cessful, he might vote for an increase 
in UK tax rate. "But 1 don't want any- 
thii« to je<q>ardize the bond ref- 

Otherwise, he said, he wouldn't hes- 
itate to vote for an extra cushion -- 
if he were coavinced that every de- 
partment was (derating at the "height 
of Efficiency. Even with no iwrease, 
Riggs pointed out, there is a good 
chance that the city will end vip with 
a bigger reserve than provifed for. 
More revenue nuy be forthcoming from 
an increase in the tourist trade, more 
busin^ses in the industnal larks and 
other revenues. 

Holland was concerned about the re- 
serve in tbe prqxtsed budget of 
$2,500,000 which represents two per 
CMt of the budget. He said businesses 
have at least five percee^ in a re- 
serve fund. 

Councilman i^m A. ftiun, «^ sup- 
ported RolUtBd's praiUon, said the 
Beach will teve tte smallest reserve 
wsr.^^'Wobody fewrs tax IncrMses," 
te said, but he tboaght it was impor- 
taM to aatie^te pcosibie catasttt^^s 
likeburrici^. ' 

ns a m«Hter ^ pers^ jMlosoiAy, 
Holland s^ "How (to you think a 
$130 milli(M) business slMold bi nm?" 

See ptigm A'-e, A-T for 
Mn^ss emHilt^tm. 

lastiMetor Joe 

assists Eileea Newcomb la 

lauidag beas^iold repairs. 

See story on pa^ B^ 

Time to register 
for June primary 

May 14 U ttie d^tae tor rater 
regi^rati<m la tbe c^ erf fir^^ 
^aek. Cl^ G. UveniM tf ter^> 
trer's office said I5,tt7 persoKi are 
regl^ered and as fte d^dUae Ip- 
IMm^is tor tte itms tocal ^m^obs 
An expects nmie UstninufteregMn- 
tifffi in the last week. 

AbcMt IS persons are regirterftigpu' 
per weA aad ONit Mnlier wUl prrt>- 

aMy iMrrase to MO in tte last ve^ 
(g reglMratibB. f^ i^(Mr«r's c^m 
SB C^wUnuM IMt^ la «m Mm- 
Fit. Mm 9-1. knMN^i $m W9 r^- 
M» al My ef ft^ to^MM; ^W - 
viBe Itena^r. tt^A* ftffMir* 
Oee^ F^ aad BaMhnue, ^ ft> 
toMw-Ar^pw PtanH^. V^^a 
BaiA W^tora Ai^ 
1^. and Aa^'s Grocery 






^^irghaa beach' 

May 14-16 

ipiSC stone 
rguui. fageznt-and Vir- 
al produc*^^ two Miss 
ne runner •!:» in the past 

coordinator for 
f mas Virginia beach pMiMiit, said 
-■^nt the sert«Btnc of the apvUMOts 
nice place this weeltend. She ei- 
»i. hai/o 7ft or 30 applicants al- 
ine ijuaim cations for tte Miss Vir- 
m» Beach Meant are ^nltor to 
the Miss Amelia ^istt. 
must be sii^te, Mmw tte 
' aod 27 and «t profM' Boral 
.wr. The Miss Vir«Mi BMeh 

r—scint differs in !„„ ■,- 

talent etitry where the Miss World 
and Miss Universe contests do not, 
Also, all monies won as a result of 
the Miss Virfinla Beach pageant will 
go to forwarding the contestant's ed- 

The }iid|e's interview is the most 
important fketor in the selection, of 
Miss Virginia Beach, following the 
swimsvtt, ev^if gmm and talMt 
showiaKs. Mrs. Pifree said that tte 
i«4N$ wUl M Mttmc ter tke girl 
«Ae eu Ijnrt be ^0eM Md taw the 
permnltt^ hnM to he a piito 
re^e^Btetive for the pag^M smI tor 

Tlw ^d|*s fEO- the iK^At «iU ia- 

ley Patters 
MISS LiAHvUle and Qmen of lotiacco 
Land, and Kenneth Alexander from the 
lioard of the Miss Portsmouth pageant 
will be on the reviewing panel. Thoma- 
sine Draper, Juanita Hove, director 
of the Richmond pageant, and Dan Haf- 
ling, director of the Norfolk pageant 
will also participate in the selections. 
AU of the Miss Virginia Beach 
i^^Bt cuteitents will be sponsored 
by local, bttriaess^ andestiMlsbaMts 
and their snpport is tlw foutetiw for 
tte ^eM, accordii^ to Mrs, Pterce. 
This r^r's patent will te heU May 
SO at the Plaxa Jr. Hi^h School at 
• p.m. 

for festival 

Whitehurst seeks 
S branch at Beach 

Mai Security AdmthistratioH 

Has bwif uttd bf CMgrenHiMi MU- 

liam Whttcinrst (R-Znd VA)Ws«lect 

'irtinia Beadh as the site Ibr a new 

""■"h office. 

\ letter to Jam^ B. CaidweH, 
ociai Sectulty Ailmini^rvUM Con- 
ilttteBer, WMtehnrst says he has 
.araed that the social seculty <rf- 
ce in Norfolk will protel^ not g^ 
.)oagh space in the new ie^altadld- 
log now aatfer coastmetifMi to Mcoara- 
date fvesent staff perMinid, aad ttnt 
e aasigned space is aok eaum^eak 
■> handlcappfd persons. IMMargt 
loted the dUtfeolty for scaior cM- 
sas to cMMRiM torn Vb^iitfa Bea^ 
- NorlOlk, and urged tt« MCtal m^ 
irity administration to ^aUish a 
• ancb office in the reMrt city. 
In tMtetter to Catdwefi, White- 

hwst says mu^ social secw^ b«e- 
&:iartes watkleaml a «Q dUb rNod 
tr4> to tte iNr^ oIKce, and that 
mail are retaourt M travel tet dis- 
taiKe becanst dt ttelr hutdlbcaiiM and 
traKpMtiMw Realties. iW^iRU*st 
a^^s a \mmik «m» la Virgiria Beach 
woald ^tivJMt better service to VbA 
grewtiraiaMer of rMTees. 

Wdt^o^ ays he feris Wrongly 
abMt'the prcMm and is wrltiag to 
a^ia lA^ Mil ra^e^. He had coo- 
teeted co^tBriwier Cardial last 
year. In tbiA letter Whttebiirst noted 
tkat Wifinte Beadi has becane a pop- 
abr r^«ttal am IvoiiUtery re- 
ifrcM MdttiAttwaocU ««ttity «<»rk- 
hiad i^^a^ ia Am dty tea dy- 
rodteted evw the past decaite. He 
stid Vuk rw^dente of sone Mctioas 
of Oe »S SiHttAaUe cttF«<sItrav«l, 

3d miles to reatA the present social 
s^nrtty (Mce WHortolk, uid Oat pub- 
lic transpartatfon for many pec^de is 
either ww-existent or ira^vctt^. 

"Tte City Of Virginia Beach con- 
tinues to grow by leaps andbowds, 
ud I stronj^ urge ttat it be approved 
for a teraach office in the next re- 
vlew.M WWetarat eov^ided. 

In a stateme^ on the matter White- 
hunt said, "In planni^ for tte fu- 
ture add seating tetter wways to serve 
Second District c(mstitu»ts, I te - 
Ueve tte Norfolk social secari^ oi- 
fiee needs a teaach <Mce bi Viiiinia 
RHch. I ta^e tftatponmissianer Card- 
well win clostiy review tte pn^lems 
facing social security teoeficiaries in 
Vir^gia Beach, «9d that my nqoe^wUr 
te givift every posstttle consideration? 

About W craftsmeii from 
Virginia Beach n state 
aod al(Mm the coast 

lave sign^ up to parttci- 
j»te la the VmMi Beach 
Parks anj Recii Folk 

Arts Festival,' slated for 
May 14-15 at Princess Aane 

The festival, *hich un - 
officially kicks off the tour- 
ist season in this resort 
city, is telttg held as a 
celebration of our ndtion's 
rural cultural henta^^e. All 
of tte craftsmen invol vctJ are 
involved with old world 
crafts which have been hand- 
ed down through the gener- 
ations or learned anew by 
this generation. 

Of the 80 craftsmen and 
women wto have register- 
ed to display and sell their 
wares at the two-day ev^t, 
27 are from Virguia Beach. 

The Saturday and Sunday 
show wiU (q)en at 10 a.m. 
each day a»i last until 5 
p.m. wifii (»tttinuo«s en - 
tert^ttment scheduled and 
wrioos *'vitttos" available 
at food bo(4fas. Rain dates 
tor tte Festival will te May 
21 and 22. 

Those Beacters showing 
^1^ crafts will te Vina£.ou 
Hayes, aHAehead dolls ind 

miMtwe ftirriture; Gayle Le 
BUtnc, latft; Martha Heni y. 
calligra^y; Janet E, Hurt. 
camUe Wicking and hand 
iqunolni'. Hay Boniiey, china 
^intli^j SaUy Tipping, eop- 
,^ Bh^elii* and cloi - 
soi^' ilnlaid metal); Eva 
M. Iteiley, macrame (fltier 
art); Judith Jdinson, roac- 
rame sculpture; Carl Mac- 
Quarrie, nature plaques, 
creatures aod shadowMxes: 
Jeanne Caddy, needlecrafts 
(original designs); Susan 
Carden, band and wheel 
throwA pottery* Itottle Lucy, 
quilting; Rosalyn Boxley, 
quilting and antiqued pil- 
lows; Mrs. DoHglas Ohl - 
man and CindaCNilnan, quil- 
ting; Charles Caravello, silk 
screening; Peimy Connor, 
SOK^ «akii%; Geeitiann 
Grober, stained glass; Bar- 
tera Grow, Swedish weaving 
and temstltching; Oonnella 
WlUiams, tole (Minting; Au- 
gusta Gerhardt, crafted 
dolls; Joan B»ll, erecteted 
toya fod stewls; Ann Harney , 
weavii«; Wiiliain Dickinson, 
wildlife miniature wood - 
carvtags; i(M and Sharon 
Charch, woodcraft originals; 
ani P«& Graves, woodwhit- 
Uing mA metal craft. 
Merchants from the near- 

by Farmer's Market will 
also display how to make 
peanut butter and apple ci- 
der (with free samples), plus 
bow to raost peanuts. 
This is the third annual 

Folk Arts Festival, anc 
Parks airf Recmt^ aflNc- 
ials are hopi^ lor a^cort 
turnout, iMt onlyfrom'Craft- 
smen but in attendance at 

Here's Trant woods Ideas 
pnboundary changes 

Thr pwHrta at Trastlrood 4a Mt.^ft an iltenstive 

We wish 3NH(: noiAl jpil^ m m adittttaal sahlMt*; er, 
if #11 mm and as UO sMants. sead » il or f addtttoMl 
teachers to 1^ wtth these sladMU. We wMt MBidter cjtatfs- 
nnm», not larger. In qiite of "anutived'' maiiaHBs, 
wt kMw atdi dttd aee^ a greitf deal of ivttiMinl nt^ 
te^M, sMik 'mm ttaa itm tt&eSttn can give •ov. &Mi 
s^i«nfe ^ aitt takes away ttaa att tke fitters. B aU ite 
^mm ame^tove avn-age InleUeetatetty, and aU vmv 
pH^fe^y teteved, ud all mre eqvUy auitirated, perha^ 
^ae wnift a»t natter. M foa knew ttnt tUa i« not tte 
•dise. We U» ddr ssaU sehoid; m «IA ^ tte dasvea 
were lite mt «h grade classes- aiw i l g MndMb mA. 
Vii^inia Beach should te giving its citfieia tte b^ of 
every^ng—espeeiaUy tte best e<hic«^oe. 

Wm ttis has aoUUac to do iMli^ yonr prosit rcAs- 
mMm, tt ts a irtpi of tte eoatfttMnrttea^oalsyMMD 
aa > i^lie, uk! »> neeib rawtio^g, Lyrnhhavan Am^ 
High Seho^, to wUch all of oar TraMwood sttdnts go, 

te enrcrovdad and as dodble sm^»s, as are aUtte 
jmMtff Ugte in tte city. Help is needed at ttis leiwl as 
i^llail^ttej^iii^4u7 schpcftlevfl, .,.,: , , , , ., 

Alt we w^. m same for aU ,^g^§qg^^tte^^.jpe 
iBti It is a disgrace ttMt an ar«i * as rich as Vir^lia 
BeacA spends as little as it does per child. Instead of 
a canmolias <^iter, which wUl teiag m(»% trarlsts td an 
alreaidy (nrercnnrded r^ort area (teve you ev«- tried 
te ttnd a pnrktal qmse at tte Beach Aniag; tte saminer?), 
M^$ baild a new sdhool or two, or eqiand LlnkhMH and 
L^nhaven and ail tte otter overcrowded scteols. Add 
qxlate uid revitalize tte curriculum, equips 
fuilttfes; hire the most (pallfied teacters you 
eu flai— tcTs five all tte children of Virginia Beach |te 
very best edncattoa we can afford, not tte very least. 




Trantwood Elementary PTA 

Holland Co. 
moves taoai^l^ 

IHial I. GmvM 9t Vlri^nla BMdl is 
Tlr^nla and tte Car^Uns fw bla voed-adMIM 
twM and Ida wand trartB«tt of mb^U aal 
la ^st e»M MMNr;|iui l^inftsaMtt dli^igftap^ 


Ifesry KiUIaiid Co, Inc., tea 
annouMd ttat his co^iany 
has moved to a new two- 
oaUion dollar facility in Vir- 
ginia Beadh's Airport In - 

■ 1( . • 

Tte official ceremony o- 
peaiag (te new ofBee and 
warehousing &cility took 
^|4ace April 4. 
' to adAtin to now housing 
tte OT^kidsatton's several 
operatfons Oder <x» roof, 
tte new facility wiU allow 
Hdlaad Co. additinial i^ce 

'*'Mr iu inviAy eqpandlBf 

One of tte largest distri- 
botors of wire rope on tte 
East Coast, HoUand also 
handles steel shelving, 
ctein, Tvtiier products and 
(Mher indnstrial and marine 

Atttffldttag tte rtUwn cat- 
ting for tte opei^ were 

"Virginia B«t(di aajw Clar- 
aee A. OjlUnd, R^resen- 
tatlve WUliam WUtelnrst, 
company presktot John H. 
Holltod Jr., and Jolm HoT-^ 

Arts F< 
piMte is ttvtt«L 




You Can't Beat the Price 

Beach Jr. ROTC 
to march at ODU 

Tte CM BoniUini Univer- 
sity Dqsarti^ of MUttary 
ScieuM, U.S. Amy Re - 
serve (Mficer TraMng 
Corps ^n'C), wiU ^louor 
tte uuMi President's Re- 
view on tte (HXJ camiws 

at yn a.m., t<»norrow(Apr- 

•y Jnntor ROTC uiits tr(m 

ae area high schools ham 

been invited to participate. 

They iMl^ Cox Hi|^ 

Scteol, KenpsviUe High 

F** *•¥» s<Mft##iM^ to give away free, gtw ^our 

^o^m nm^t^r «c«fl, 547 4S7t. W«'H inctude 

yr FREE BEE fectw» m tfw cl»sified 

m tMtfrt swmi^ing free, like « ^ m- a 

,». Urn FREE BEP r■r^h,rnn^ .n »V«^S»ie tif 

JJ^^ •• j4^ •• jfe •■ %u '■ %1L •■ %u 

t • » 



24-4-8 MMHMp 

Formula used by turf As \ 


■ BuiWs green, healthy 


«te., Tfl.MO m rt 

^MhlfTe^jorumi luu ycum 

Seted, Bayskte H^hScbool, 
Prtteess i^e B^ School 
and First Cokntfal High 
Sk:booI in Virginia B«ich. 

ProvkUisf mareUngsraaic 
for tte drUl ocoB^Mftttiw 
wm tettwUitftedStatesC<»- 
ttne^al Amy Band Md tte 
Frederick MiUtary AcaAuny 
Dram and B^le Cor|». 

Amrds will te present- 
ed at 3 p,n. by Dr. iU- 
fred B. RolUns Jr., pres- 
ident of ODO. 

^ m 



News Editor 

Business Manager 


l^rts Efitor 

Circulation Manager 

Adverttsing |touger 

MUiahad every Wednesitey by Byerly Publicattons wltt 
audn «Htoe loatod at lU Baienent M., Vlrf^idaBMudi, 
Va. tSISS. Seeoad class pMti«e paid at Lyaatemi 
Stttton in Vtrgli^ Beai^. Sl-wetft sri»criptk« 1^ mm-. 
$7. Ott«r nUm piMidwd » legal page. 


-CUP 1VSIIVE-— — "^ 


Pick your own-bring container 



Mrst call 547-3346 oeiore going to field 

Bwrtos «IM» iMekMl - 65#/qt. 
CM on« of nm youngtt«rt In yow area. 4 

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rillti nil 

i#i..iiLyp ipi|up_jp-^-piL| i i|iBjy, |i pi4i- ». gy^Pipyy*^p^^p^^py^iy^^p^w^^^p^i^^^pii^^^ L^ P ^i^ y^p^^l^^^pwp 



Viiflnia Beacb Sua, April ^,197? -A-3 

Historic, beautiful 

Tour beautiful ^ach homes 

The Summs' House in Chelsea, one stop on the Virginia Beach Garden Club tour 

' Mrs. Markham ' light, 

A review by Alice DuBois 
Special to the SUN 

"Move Over Mrs. MarUiam/' the new Tidewater Dinner 
llieater fu-ce, is light as air. However with first-rate 
perfomaaces, nifty packaging and a gourmet buffet it 
is aa affordable deUgbt for ttwse who want good enter- 

jHie play originated in England and iis suchis welcome 
toWbe local dinner tbeate? scene satiated ipritta realms 

MaUlllirirwithdIonrttT4iKldlhowat(p<m. ' ^^ 

Complete^ xany at time with four doors qwntog and 
etasiiiff consteuUy, ratrances and exits to a bedroom 
where amorous advei^ires never succeed, its absurdities 
aevar let vp for a nmen^ TIm action starts wiUi Mrs. 

Yvonne De Cetrfo 

Markham arriving with two new dresses for an affair 
she and Mr. Markham will attend that night. The affair 
never materialises and it is this cimtemplated abse«:e of 
the Markhams from their borne that is the basis of the 

It is flimsy and until tte Maithams tie vp the loose 
HDds tt is a juggling act with everyone involved trying to 
0^ ttie bedrOMD for an adveotare. With all tbt mistaken 
ii&e^ty the play gets more and more lively until the action 
^M^ Uk% a cork from a bottle into a sort of frothy 
blur of laughter. 

YviMme DeCarlo plays btr part straight and, alttoi^h 
mora mature ttian reineabn^ in films an! TV, maMpw 
to be s<rft, supple and se^. It is good to see a WMUpi irt» 
aitaiita to being fiftfish ^teto OMvev allure a»l rwaance 
by Mi« herself, it was eiotctiy what the amliMce wimted 
and Uie ovation at the end of the play was a tribute to Miss 
DeCarlo and berxharm. 


. . . tSY us F(» TREMENDOUS 

skvam ... but Moiri 

special This Week On 

Stoni Windows and Doors 


Awiiafi ti aU tyiws 


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Call These Mas Fw MnmHl fcrviee 

M.L ,KM.LEY 9^^132 
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zany farce 

Tomorrow, Thursday, Apr. 28, Virginia Beach residents 
and visitors are invited to participate in the Princess 
Anne Gard^ Club's tour of historic and beautiful Beach 
homes and aiKirtments. 

The tmr is part of the 44th annual historic Garden 
Week in Vtrginia, held Apr. 23 to May 1. Yesterday visitors 
toured homes in the resort area, courtesy oi the Virginia 
Beach Garden Club. 

The Princess Anne tour, to be held from 10 a.m. to 5 
p.m., will feature visits to the Bouchayer House, the Stifler 
Garden, l^imras House, Merritt Hous^, Mandelkom, Show 
and Ednay i^rtments at Seagate Colony, and Thorough- 
good House, 

Block tickets are available at each house along the tcnir 
at a cost of $6. Single house admission will be |1. SO. 

The tour will also feature a boat tour aroiuid Broad 
Bay, which leaves from the City Marina on Vista Circle. 
Please call 428-9155 in advance for reservations on the 
boat tour. Coffee will be served on the dock at the City 
Iforina. Luncheon will be offered at 12 noon at the Eastern 
Shore Chapel, Episo(^» Church, 2020 Laskin Road. No 
smoking is allowed at tour houses, and it is advised 
to wear low heels. 

Features of the tour are: 

Bouchayer Rouse, 1449 Woodhouse Road, Alanton. The 
original part of this house was built in the 1800's on prop- 
erty that was part of a land grant from the King of England 
in 1637 to the Woodhouse family. The present owners 
who moved here from Paris, France have created a con- 
tinental ai9>eal throughout the house and garden. A guest 
cottage Mar the house makes a perfect setting for Mrs. 
Bouchayer's art studio. Noteworthy here is a collection 
ot very old Chinese tea boxes. Mr. and Mrs. Marc A. 
Bouchayer, owners. 

Stifller Garden, 1525 Shorehaven Court. One of the many 
interesting features of this beautifully maintained garden, 
planned with easy and minumum maintenance, is the ef- 
fective use ot naturalised areas. Although not indigenous 
to the Tidewater area, the unusual plants have become 
readily adaptable and the focal point in this relatively 
new garden. Refreshments serveid U a.m. to 5 p.m. Mr. 
and Mrs. Robert Stiffler, owners. 

Summs House, 1809 Green Hill Road, Chelsea. An archi- 
tectural gem, this home is a cc^y of George Mason's 
"Gunston Hall". Designed by the owner, the interior has 
beaatifttlly crafted details of moldii^, paneling, cabinets. 

wide pine floor boards, and casement windows with blown 
glass panes which offset the traditional furnishings. The 
;ooms are planned around a Urge central bau, the largest 
room in the Jiouse. Mr. and Mrs. Jahn Summs, owners. 
Merritt House, 1908 West Twin Cove Road, GreatHeck 
Point. The serene setting of this home , located oa the 
water, is surrounded by several hundred azaleas and high- 
lighted by a formal bulb garden and a quaint herb garden. 
The exterior and interior brick walls are the same hand- 
made oversized bricks as used In the Governor's Palace 
in Colonial Williamsburg and were laid by the same masc». 
Mr. and Mrs. Manning C. Merritt, owners. 

0^ Mandelkom Apartment, Seagate Colony, 2828 Shore Drive, 
"La Petite Chose", is a blend of contemporary and vintage 
reflecting the many and varied interests of the owners. Floor 
to ceilii^ windows on two sides give a feeling of spacious- 
ness as well as a lovely view of the Chesapeake Bay and 
Cape Henry. White walls are an am)ropriate backdrop for 
many interesting oils and lithographs. CajAain and Mrs. 
Robert Mandelkom, owners. 

Snow Apartment, Seagate Colony, 2828 Shore Drive. 
Over looking the Chesapeake Bay this apartment has a 
balcony entrance from every room. In the bedrooms and 
den the owners have utilized all available space to the 
utmost with attractive cal)inet units. Art work throughout 
the apartment includes paintings by Charles Sibley, Robert 
Vick and Malcolm Brown and Mrs. Snow. Mr. and Mrs. 
Wesley Snow, owners. 

Edney Apartment, Seagate Colony, 2828 Shore Drive. 
This summer and weekend home was decorated by the own- 
er, with contemporary furniture. Potted palm trees, glass 
top tables, and shades of yellow and white with touches of 

orange velvet portray a summery, light, and sophisticated 
look. The spectacular view from this anartment encompass- 
es the airport,. Hampton Roads and the Ctesapeake Bay- 
Bridge Tunnel. Mr. and Mrs. Galen A. Edney, owners. 

Tborougbgood House. This house, built by Adam Thorough- 
good in 1634, has been restored and furnished by the 
Tborougbgood Foundation. Ir is built of brick, English bond 
on three sides and Flemish Bond on the fourth, with a 
beautifuUy proportioned A roof and massive chimneys. 
The 17th century garden was restored by The Garden Club 
of Virginia in 1958. Owned by the City of Norfolk. 

Other places of interest: Lynnhaven House, WishartRoad. 

Rick Bite as Markham her husband is low-key and stuffy. 
No so lam ThompsM as AUister Spenlow, decorator , 
whirling like a dervish from scene to scene with a young 
Danny Kaye flair to his comedy whidi switches from the 
innocent to the ribald with lightnii^ speed. 

ThrOo^KHit his y^rs on the stage Tom Story has ttianaged 
to blend a fine cut of diffidence with seething wolfishness 
and a choice blend it is in his prportrayal of lover Walter 
Pangboume. Vera Moore in a rose and mauve outfit from 
toe tfl^aL her head to the tip of her shoes conveys a be- 
tnHtmm^ ^ chi«Jf|P'ji boQjt§. fitb 1. c(ptc,atr |hat 
^tts we second «et. 

Chris Rhodes as a drop-in guest does a dnqi-off part 
from bikini to buff wiggling into peach sheets timing the 
wraparoiuid in pro fashion to the delight of the audience. 
Completing the volatile cast are Deborah Fezellie, Ian 
Stuart and Susan Lougran. 

Hank Sparks caught the mood in a St. patrick green set 
with Dutch blue accessories which zing into a peachy 
pink bedroom suite. The chlorophyll loot of the living 
room is an interior decorator's dream. There are neg- 
ligees, balqr doll pajamas and clothes that sparkle and 

Combined, all this nonsense adds up to a funny^gay 
comedy. It is spring and time for a little foolishness. 

Ray Tracey is Joe Panther 

Plumbing Repairs 


sucTuc « «tt wk^ mans 
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•RESDEm-IAL Emtmm Upair Work EEMOOELDiG 

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C.O.S. Service Charge $16.50 Tine starts 4 mis in 
y(Mr drivvway. 


Phjmbing & Heating Co. 

'Joe Panther' >^ A Review 


SUN News Editor 

It's not often I get toe chance to see a movie, much less 
a good movie, so when I was invited to review "Joe 
Pantoer," which premiered last Thursday night at Pem- 
broke Hat the PenAnroke Mall, 1 must admit I mks looking 
forward to th6 ocdastbn. "' '«' ' ■" 

On hand to drum up publicity for toe pictore was toe 
stor, a new-comer naiped Ray Tracey. lUght away toe 
assignment became toteresting. 

Joe Panther is toe story of a young Seminole Indian boy 
in the Florida Evergaldes facing toe dangers (rf capturing 
a monster alligator, dealing wito the white men, and watch- 
ing his best friend die. 

Ray Tracey is a young Navabo Indian from Arizona who, 
until a year ago, was a student at Brigham Young Univer- 
sity seddng a civil ei^ineer degree. He readily identi- 
fied with toe role of Joe Pantoer because he believes toe 
movie portrays toe Indians as real peq;)le, not "half- 
naked savages" as so many Hollywood movies have done. 

The film is ratfd^."G" which is unusual for most films 
new being produced. Tracey says although toe film has a lot 
of acfion, it is a wholesome story of two young kids grow- 
ing up together. "Any kid can ..relate to Joe Pantoer," 
said Tracey, "But if you were to ms(ke a movie of my 
Navaho tribe, you would have to i;ate it 'R' because of toe 

Joe. Panther is Tracey's second film. His first was 
Indian" which opened last year. He was one of five final- 
ists chosen for toe part of Joe Pantoer, Producer Stew- 

art Beveridge saw him on BYU campus and asked him to 
screen test for toe role. Stocethe film hast two roles, Joe 
Panther and his friend Billy Tiger, two of toe five would 
get the roles. "Fortunately, I was teamed wito A Mar- 
tinez who had a role to 'Cowboy', ami we just had toe right 
chemistry, ' ' says Tracey . — -— — 

Ttte mm 'also stors Riea'rto iihmtalban, wbo-playt'toe 
role of an*aging Seminole, and Brian Keito as a charter 
boat captato who befriends Joe Pantoer. "It was very 
easy working wito them boto," relates Tracey. "They're 
boto so professional and so great." 

Most of toe movie was made on location at a Seminole 
village in toe 'Glades. "Making a movie sure is differ- 
ent from what I imagined. You get everything set up for 

a shot and that takes hours, then just a few mtoutes on 
toe scene, and you're back waiUng to get set up for the 
next shot," said the blossoming star. 

Ray likes acUng and will stay with it long enough to 
finish paying his way torough college. He said he wanto 
to stick to his original committment of getting a civil 
engineer's degree. In toe meantime, he says, acting is 
helping him and his family financially and "it's a good 
way to express your feeltogs.". 

Thursday night's premiere at Pembroke II was a bene- 
fit showing for Kings Daughter's Childrens Hospital. Joe 
Pantoer is a film that your kids can relate to - anyone's 
kids - and toe whole family can enjoy it, too. Although 
toere are some draggy moments to the beginning, the 
action and excitement picks up when Joe and his friend 
Billy fight and captore a 14-foot alligator. From toen on, 
it's torUling. 

Gary Fullerton 

Jr. Womans Club news 

The Virginia Beach Wo- 
man's Club enjoyed a foot 
stomping good time at their 
spring social at the Pem- 
broke Community House on 
April 1. The hoedown, spon- 
sored by toe club's social 
and ho^tolity committee, 
included a clogging and 
square dancing demonstra- 

tion by toe Thalia Stompers. 
Mr. Keisler called toe steps 
while club members and 
their guests learned toefas- 
ctoating art of square danc- 
ing. A special lasso demcm- 
stration by lasso expert 
Bmce Williams ton>ed off 
a fun evening. 


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Check into the Work Incentive (WIN) program 
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aU us at 463-1401 


vgHMo Ein^oynivnf 


Dc^ In and day out you 
find you need that extra drink. To 
help you through that meeting. To ^ 
t^ you face the family. And 
everyday that exHro drink becomes 
CNTOther extra drink. And It hurts. 
Write or call In confidence 
for facts on the prop'om for 
the treatment erf alcoholism. In a 
comfork*)le. caring atnno^hwe. 
Specialists can help you fcK^ ttw 
day without that extra drink, Isnl 
that a soberhig thought? 


cijimi Of n MmiM 

170 WM-OWtapOWM. Vto^nlaaeoOh. Vb. 23454. 
Col 481 12)6 

A c cf e an d loy ^> JolN ContTt Hi OM »tm 
A p p roy edlB fgn e Dew, Oiomput, Medtecw 

III ir III III mil I] ITT IM» 


-~"~ ■- - - 

ts^he i 


toy f4-1d 

^'rginia Beach' 

is « sttppinc stone 
^rgiola Pageant 4iMt Vir- 
>M producfw^ tvo Miss 
-ne runner -'i:) In the past 

^ierc«, a coordinator for 

^Ms Virfinia B«ach paftant, said 

*he ficreeoiaf at ttw applicants 

place this weekend. Sbc ek- 

>%ve 28 or !iO> applicants al- 

Tbe quallticatioiM for the Miss Vir- 

irta Beacli piCMflt «re simiUr to 

'he Miss America contest. 

must be single, lietween the 

. and 27 and of proptr moral 

a«r. The Miss VirgUiU Beach 

iMgMflt Offers in ui«i ti > '"■«»•• <- -> » 
telMt mAtf where the Miss World 
and Miss tMverse contests do not. 
Also, all main won as a result of 
the Miss Vtrguya Beach p^wM «U1 
go U fM-vari^ the cwtesteM's ed- 

Tte ^rip»'» irtentev ts the most 
unpUiaM AmAch- In tM i^MtiM of 
Miss ViTfl^ Beach, to|towi{« the 
svinsait, ev«^ gown vui talent 
shewiiei. Mrs. Pifrce said tlbit tte 
Iwitn viU te toeking tor the ^ 
1^ can }ast he kerscM Md tew the 
pentMUty nee(M to be a pMfc 
r^^sw^tive tor the pi«eut ynd for 
tte ar«u 

The M^t lor the p^MSftvUlln- 

judges. Shirley Patterson, the formT 
Mtss, DanvUle and Queen of Totwcco 
Land, and Kenneth Alexamier from the 
bMN of the Miss Portsmouth ^«ant, 
vUl l»e CM the reviewi^ iniwI. Itena- 
sine Draper, Jiuanita Hove, cttrector 
of the Sie^MM pageant, and Du Haf- 
li«t, director ol the Mortolk pageant 
wUl also ^rticl|»te in the selections. 
All of the Miss Tirglnla Beach 
pagMnt cMtestants will be s^nsored 
tff local badness^ andestaWshttents 
and ttelr s^pport is the fowdatbn for 
tte CMtesl, acmrdi^ to Mrs. Pierce. 
This year's pageant will be Md May 
W at the Plana Jr. H^h School at 
( p.m. 

features fare 
for festival 

Whitehurst seeks 
SS branch at Beach 

.s:iai Security Admihistntioa 

has b«» naked by C«Bgress»nn WU- 

llam Whltclnirst (R-2nd VA) to select 

/irginla Beach as the site for a new 

ranch office. 

In a letter to itnm B. CantweU, 
1 Security AdministralbH C^m- 

..^oner, Whtteharst sa^^ be ,tas 

amed that the social scorify vf- 
tce in NorfoUt will piftnMy not ^ 
noogh ^ct In tile new ietenilbiiUd- 
•ig now MMler coutnietlM to ncctno- 
ate present staff persondl, ndUM 
';e assigned space is net ^wmieit 
hmdtcapped persons. mMmni 
lOted the difficult; for se^v citt- 
ens to oCMMiate torn Vi^fite Wmck 
n Norfolk, and urged ttc social se- 

irity administration to e^tdisha 
ranch ottiet in tte runrt cttf . 

in tliAvtter to Cardvea, VUte- 

ImnH. nys Baay wcial secn^ bem^ 
ficterim iMit tnvel a 60 m& round 
trip to tke NortoJk office, and tittt 
aai^ are retaeul ol tniTel that dis- 
taiwe beotuse of tteir huMttcaws and 
transpof^^B ^WeidtiM. Wi^iurst 
sa^s a ^mefc dttet te Vlii^iin Beach 
woidd frmMb bMor servtee to the 
grwilniwaiftep of nrtirees.- 

untttAwst a»^ he teds stroo^y 
abori*tte pnUltm and is wrttiag to 
Kfain rtcte Mi ruqpert. Be had «»- 
taeted cenMhteskHier Cardwtf last 
year. In thiA letter Whttctar^ noted 
ttat Vlrg^ Betdi has hecone a pop- 
ular rerieiittal «^ lusttflilary re- 
te^M ttdttatttetoctelieettrity wnt- 
lead or^toa^ to toe dty lus akf- 
rodceted over the past decade. He 
nid that c^dMto of some m^ioi^ 
of toe 255 svMfonltte ctty uMaf tnvel, 

30 mites to rea^ the present social 
secnr^ ^ee la Norfolk, and that pub- 
lic transportatiM for muy peo^e is 
either non-eiistent or impractical. 

"The City oi Vlrgyua B«ich ctm- 
ttoues to grow by Iwgs a wto oa nds, 
ud I strongly uiige toat it be approved 
fn> a braMh office in the next re- 
view," Wfaft^Rirst CMdnded. 

In a statement on the matter White- 
hurst said, "In planning for tte fo- 
tare and se^ng better wways to serve 
Second District constttuents, 1 be - 
lieve the Norfolk social secur^ oi- 
fice needs a bittich office to Virginia 
BeadL I hope that commissioner Card- 
well will closely review the problems 
facii^ social security beneficiaries in 
Vlrgii^ Beach, a^d that my reqMst wiU 
be gltm every pffiisttle consideratiw? 

About 80 eraftsmen from 
Virginia Beach, the state 
and aloi< the east coast 
have s%n^ up to partici- 
pate in the Virginia Beach 
Parks ai^ Recreatbh • Foils 
Arts Festival," slated for 
May H-15 at Princess Anne 

The festival, which un - 
itffictaJiy kicks off the tour- 
ist SMSM in this resort 
City, is beitf held as a 
celebratitHi' of our nation s 
ranil citftttral heHtsf e. All 
tf M craftsmen invol vetl are 
tovolved with old world 
crafts which have been bail- 
ed down thro^ tlw gener- 
^(^ 9» lei^mi mw by 
t^g^ralim/ I 
\of the 80 craftsmen and 
women who have register- 
ed to display and sell their 
wares at the two-day event, 
27 are from Ttrgtota Beach. 

The Satur&y and Sunday 
stow will i^n at 10 a.m. 
Mch day and last until 5 
p.m. wiUi continuous en - 
tertaiiiment scheduled and 
various "vitUes" available 
at food bo(^hs. Rain dates 
for tte F^tival will be May 
21 and 22. 

Tho^e B^chers showing 
ttelr crafts will be Vina&ou 
Hayes, applehead dolls and 

minature fondture; Gayle Le 
Blanc, batik; Martha Henry. 
calligraphy; Janet E. Hurt, 
candle wicking and hand 
spinningi May Bonney, china 
painting; Sally Tipping, cop- 
^ler enameling and cloi - 
Sonne' (inlaid metal); Eva 
M. Oailey, macrame (fiber 
art); Judith Johnson, mac- 
rame sculpture; Carl Mac- 
Quarrie, nature plaques, 
creatures and shadowbOxes; 
Jeanne Caddy, needlecrafts 
(original designs); Susan 
Canton, band and wheel 
thrown pottery; BiMOleLucy, 
quilting; Rosalyn Boxley. 
quilting and appliqued pil- 
lows; Mrs. Douglas Ohl - 
man ird CtodaCWman, quil- 
tiig; Charles Can vello, siUc 
screen^; Penny Connor, 
soap oakii%; Geei^iann 
GnAer, stained glass; Bar- 
bara Grow, Swedish waving 
and hemstitchii^; Oennella 
Williams, tole painting; Au- 
gusta Gerhardt, crafted 
dolls; Jwui Beal), creciKted 
toys ad shawls; Ann Harney, 
weaving; William OicUnson, 
wildlife miniature wood - 
carvtogs; J(M a^^Sharon 
Chnreh, woodcraift originals; 
and Pad Graves, woodwhit- 
tlii^ wd metal craft. 
Merctatfs flrom the near- 

by Farmer's Market will 
also display tow to make 
peanut iMtter and a^ls ci- 
der (wito free nt^sles), plus 
tow to raost p^nots. 
This is the thin) annual 

Fott Arts Festival, am 
Parts, and Recreation offic- 
ials are topii^ for a recorc 
turno^, tot Mlyfrom'Craft- 
smen but in attendance a: 




Hme's Trantwmds ideas 
Qn boundary changes 


Dear ftvertatoodeiA Jbricfc^: 

Tto partes at Trattwwd (|o wt.^we pa ntteniati^ 

4iga aa»n|<iitfiijc»iliMlif»^a%ii»ii^b*wiwn. ^> -^lo-* 

V« WU jpujiiMdil send as m Mtt&Mil sidtefltf; wr, 
if you must scad us W stateto, se«t us 7 or taddfttoml 
teaetors to go with thise Hudnds. We mwt saaltor dass- 
nxns, Krf torger. b ^te at "ap^oved" oazimums, 
we taMW wA mki Me^ a greiA «m1 ^imttvlitoBl tt- 
t^$^, mtA awe thui toe teachers cm give now. Ea^ 
starieat you aH* tok^ away tnm ^ tte otoen. tt aU the 
iriMento im» tixm avenge liMle^iatty, and aU w«« 
perfectly b^ived, and all irere eqanUy iMtlnted, ta^tfB 
aite WMft not natter. M you knew tout tMs to not tte 
ase. 1^ Ueb dir smaQ s^otd; we vtorffl toectoaes 
were like our ^ gr»te classes~idxNd 25 studento each. 
Viigtota BMch^ shovk! be giving V^ citisens the best of 
ewn^tog-^e^eeiaHy toe Best ed u ot l ou 

mdto tois baa nototog to do iMk jtm pr^eat ndto- 
trifitag, 8 is a sign of tti #o|tf tt« «f tte sdMOt aj^tea 
a< t vAiite, aad so needs maaUMng, L^bAuvm im^ 
High SchoM, to whteh aH of ou- Tratfaeod stadeato go. 

to orercrawdad and oa doiride sesstons, as are aUtoe 
>tok» MglB ia to« city. Help is needed at this level as 
feAM«!deji«^t|urrsel^ tovfl, ,,„. , 

Bat w «ttl1I« «uiK for ail^^^$jiug|^4njllke^| 
Hti it to a dtsgraoe ttat an area as rich: as V^ir 
Beadk qieads as little as it does per child, tosteul (rf 
a eoavMHoa c«der, which will being more tourists to an 
already wrererowded resort area (have you ever tried 
to ftod a paittaf i^itoe at tte Beach during the sumner?), 
let's bitfid a aew schxfl or two, or e^qpaad Liddnm aad 
LrmMwa aad all the otoer overcrowded sctools. Add 
gyaiaanlwas; update and rttvitolixe the curriculum, eqaip- 
mtaA, lad tociUtii»; Mre toe most qua^fied teachers yew 
can find— let's give all the children oj Viiginia Beach ^ 
iwry best edneatioo we can afford, not the very l^ist. 


CanAMedlto, ^ 


Traotwood Elementory PTA 

Holland Co. 


' I^dto' HdliMd ^; V of J. 
Bitorf H<Mlaad Co, toe, tats 
amioaiced that his Coeqpany 
has moved to a new two- 
ralUi<» dollar bctiity to Vir- 
giida Beach's Airport to - 

dustrtol Parte. 


The (rfficial eer^nony o- 
pening the new OCBce and 
warehousing tocility took 
^Idace April 4. 

to addition to now hmising 
toe (Mganisaticw'si^veral 
q;ieratK^ under one roof, 
tte new tociltty will allow 
Bi^laadCo. aditttional ^jiace 

Paul J. Gravel of Vii^ato BMdi to 

Virgtoto aad toe Canritoas far Ms «ood-iMMa« 

tarn aad Us aaasuri trartlMrt of aiMrd 

to ^ «» at «Mfv1lMW^€ffaftsiMB tf^liq^' 


Uk Its ii^pftty f^qpaadliv 

Oae of tte largest distri- 
butors <rf wire rqiie on the 
East Coast, HoUaad also 
haadles steel delving, 
chato, nAber products and 
otoer ladustrial ud marine 

Attnding the ribbon cut- 
ting fbr tte (pening were 
" Vittinla Bncb mayor Clar- 
ice A. Hallaad, R^iresen- 
totive William Whlteterst, 
company presMent J(^ H. 
Holland Jr.. aad Join Hol- 
land fc 

Arte fi 

pabMe to toiWad. 


You Can't Beat the Price 

Beach Jr. ROTC 
to march at ODU 

Tte OU Donli^m Univer- 
sity Dqiartraent of Military 
SdMce, U.S. Army Re - 
serve (Hflcer Training 
Cons (ROTC), will qpoasor 
tte amnal PresMent's Re- 
vi^ (w tte (XHJ canpos 

at 10 a.m., tcMnorrow (A|nr- 


Jentor ROTC wtts £rom 
16 area h^h sdiooto te^ 
bem invited to participate. 
They iMlude Cox H^ 
Sdmol, KempsviHe High 


y«j Ni^ somtfttvng to give aw *y free, gtve your 

town fw»^r»ptr »c«fl, 547 4S71. Ilf#*ll inclu* 

«r FREE BEE tecticm in ^ ciMiilied 

V^fmt KMVrt Mm«ffiirrg free, like » dc^ or a 

wfc ^ FREE BEJI r"i •^~' - tN$^J^e<rf 





■Formula used by turf 

■ Builds green, healthy 

turf. , 


iSm sq. ft 


^^thjfTe^forumrluu yearn 


900 Tidawaler Oriv« ^ 

op*" ^n thru M S^LM MliWfr 

School, Bayside High School, 
Prtneeu Ana Bi^ &hool 
aad First Colonial High 
School to Vliglnto B^ch. 

PrOTkUng marcUng music 
tor tbe drill oconpc^tim 
WiU tette United Sates Con- 
ttnental Ai«y Band Md tte 
Frederick MIUtoryAca^temy 
Drum and Bugle Corps. 

Awards will te in^sent- 
ed at 3 p.m. bf Hr. Al- 
fred B. RoUtos Jr., pres- 
ident (^ ODU. 


News EAtor 

Bustoess Manager 

G«Deral Mawger 

Sports Editor 

Circtttotioa Maaagcr 


Adverttoing Manager 

PAUahed every Wednewtoy Wf Byerly PidiUcattoas wiMi 
iMto office located M 13t B«mieat Bd., VlrgiatoBMCii, 
Va. 13451. SecMid class postage paid at Lywtavwi 
StatloB to Vliglato Beach. 5t-we« sitecripttoa ^ aatt: 
%1. Otter ratal pdWshwl oa legal page. 

-CUP •M SHWE- ^ 


j Pick your own-bring container 










I Larry RllMMr Ul-Ua JeffMiUcr 4iO-01i| 

I Curtto CMBmaiter 4tt-lil« NiteMattevs S41^nP 

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j Ckrto Hhto Ml^mt Kea tWMto SW-Mll 


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hirsi can 547-3335 before going to field 

Bmf^n ^to ptekMl - 65#/qt. 
CM CNM of tiM youfiQStM'S In your ar#a. m 

I wo 




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VlrglnU 9each Sua, ApriJZ9f,l»7?-A-3 

istoric, beautiful 

Tour beautiful Beach homes 

The ^nims' House in Chelsea, one stop on the Virginia Beath Garden Club tour 


' Mrs. Markham ' light, 

, zany farce 

Tonorrow, Tluirsday, ^r. 28, Virginia Bwch residents 
and vlsHors are invited to participate in the Princess 
Asm Garden Club's tour of historic and beautiful Beach 
homes $M apartments. 

The tour is part of the 44th annual historic Garden 
Week in VinKinia, held Apr. 23 to May 1. Yesterday visitors 
toured homes in the resort area, courtesy of the Virginia 
Beaeh Garden Club. 

The l>rincess Anne tour, to be held from 10 a.m. to 5 
p.m., will feature visits to the Bouchayer House, the ^ifler 
GanteD, Summs House, Merritt House, Mandelkom, Show 
AQd Ednay Apartments at Seagate Colony, and Thprough- 
good H(wse. 

Block tickets are available at each house along the tour 
at a cost of $6. Single house admissicm will be $1.50. 

The tour will also feature a boat tour around Broad 
Bay, which leaves from the City Marina on Vista Circle. 
Please call 428-91S5 in advance for reservations on the 
boat tour. Coffee will be served on the dock at the City 
Marina. Luncheon will be offered at 12 noon at the Eastern 
Shore Chapel, Episcopal Church, 2020 Laskin Road. No 
smoking is allowed at tour houses, and it is advised 
to wear low heels. 

Features of the tour are: 

Bouchayer House, 14|49 Woodhow^ Road^ Alanton. The 
original part of this ^se was built in the 1800's m pr(q>- 
erty that was inrt of a land grant from the King of Ei^land 
in 1637 to the Woodhouse family. The present owners 
who moved here from Paris, France have created a con- 
tinental appeal throughout the house and garden, A guest 
cottage near the house makes a perfect setting for Mrs. 
Bouchayer's art studio. Noteworthy here is a collection 
of very old Chinese tea boxes. Mr. and Mrs. Marc A. 
Bouchayer, owners. 

Stiffler Garden, 1525 Shorehaven Court. One of the many 
interesting features of this beautifully maintained garden, 
planned with easy and minumum maintenance, is the ef- 
fective use of naturalized areas. Although not indigenous 
to the TMewater area, the unusual plants have become 
readily adaptable and the focal point in this relatively 
new garden. Refreshments served 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mr.*^ 
and Mrs. Robert Stiffler, owners. 

Summs House, 1809 Green Hill Road, Chelsea. An archi- 
tectural gem, this home is a copy of George Mason's 
"Gunston Hall". Designed by the owner, the interior has 
beautifuUy crafted details of molding, paneling, cabinets, 

wide pine floor boards, anl casement windows with blown 
glass panes which offset the trai|itional furnishings. The 
;t)oms are planned around a large central bau, the largest 
room in the Jiouse. Mr. and Mrs. Jabn Summs, owners. 
Merritt House, 1908 West Twin Cove Road, GreatKeck 
Point. The serene setting of this home , located on the 
water, is surrounded by several hundred azaleas and high- 
lighted by a formal bulb garden and a quaint herb garden. 
The exterior and interior brick walls are the same hand- 
made oversized bricks as used in the Governor's Palace 
in Colonial Williamsburg and were laid by the same mason. 
Mr. and Mrs. Manning C. Merritt, owners. 

Mandelkom Apartment, Seagate Colony, 2828 ^ore Drive, 
"La Petite Chose", is a blend of contemporary and vintage 
reflectii^ the many andvaried interests of the owners. Floor 
to ceiling windows on two sides give a feeling of spacious- 
ness as well as a lovely view of the Chesapeake Bay and 
Cape Henry. White walls are an appropriate backdrq) for 
many interesting oils and lithographs. Captain and Mrs. 
R(A)ert Mandelkom, owners. 

Snow Apartment, Seagate Colony, 2828 Shore Drive. 
Over looking the Chesapeake Bay this apartment has a 
balcony entrance fnnn every room. In the bedrooms and 
den the owners have utilized all available space to the 
utmost with attractive cal>inet units. Art work throughmit 
the apartment includes paintings by Charles Sibley, Robert 
Vick and Malcolm Brown and Mrs. Snow. Mr. and Mrs. 
Wesley Snow, owners. 

Edney Apartment, Seagate Colony, 2828 Shore Drive. 
This summer and weekend home was decorated by the own- 
er, with contemporary furniture. Potted palm trees, glass 
top tables, and shades of yellow and white with touches of 

orange velvet portray a summery, light, and sc^sticated 
look. The spectacular view from this apartment encompass- 
es the airport, Hampton Roads and the Chesapeake Bay- 
Bridge Tunnel. Mr. and Mi's. Galen A. Edney, owners. 

Thoroughgood House. Thishouse, built by Adam Thorough- 
good in 1634, has been restored and furnished by the 
Thoroughgood Foundation. Ir is built of brick, English bond 
on three sides and Flemish Bond on the fourth, with a 
beautifully proportioned -A roof and massive chimneys. 
The 17th century garden was restored by The Garden Club 
of Virginia in 1958. Owned by the City of Norfolk. 

Other places of interest: Lynnhaven House, Wishart Road. 

A review by Alice DuBois 
Special to the SUN 

"Utnre Over Mrs. Markham," the new Tidewater Dinner 
Theater farce, is light as air. However with fi»t-rate 
performances, idfty packa^^ng and a gourmet buffet it 
is 40 affordable delight lor ^se who want good enter- 

T|ie (day originated inEq^lahd and as such is welcome 
tb^ibe Ipetl dinoAr thM^c jtQent $9}iated fith renms 

u^LW^NrWr^ffinnr €tr AiKldlMw 4t » p,m. -' t-'* 

Compieto^H^my at time with four doors opentag and 
closUg eoQstMtly, entrances and exits to a betroom 
wjhnre anoroos adventures never succeed, its absurdities 
nww let HI lor a mommA. ^ i^i^ioB staits.fdth Mrs. 

Rick Hlte as Markham her husband is low-key and stuffy. 
No so lam Thompson as AUister Spenlow, decorator , 
whirling like a dervish from scene to scene with a young 
Danny Kaye flair to his comedy which switches from the 
innocent to the ribald with lightning speed. 

Thro^hMit his years on the stage Tom Story has managed 
to blend a fine cut of diffidence with seething wolfisbness 
and a chc^ce blend it is in his prportrayal of lover Walter 
Pan^XNirne. Vera Moore in a rose and mauve outfit from 
On top of her head to the tip of her shoes conveys a be- 
iliifewi^ <rf j:hil<ip»'& boo|5 ftth ic^fc, air that 
ip[%!^ second stct. 

Chris Rhodes as a drop-in guest does a drop-off part 
from bikini to bt^ wiggling into P^ch sheets timing the 
wr^iaround in pro fashion to the delight of the audience. 
Con^ileting the volatile cast are Deborah Fezellie, Ian 
Stuart and Susan Lougran. 

Hank l^rks caught the mood in a St. patrick green set 
with Dutch blue accessories which zing into a peachy 
pink bedroom suite. The chlorophyll loot of the living 
room is an interior decorator's dream. There are neg- 
J^ees, balqr doll pajamas and clothes that sparkle and 

Combined, all this nonsense adds up to a funny, gay 
comedy. It is spring and time for a little foolishness. 

'Joe Panther' » A Review 

Yvonne De Carlo 

Maricham arriving with two new dresses for an affair 
ate and Mr. Markham wUl attend that night. The affair 
never materializes and it is this ccmtemplated abseme (A 
VM Marfctams from their home that is the basis of the 


It is flimsy and until the MaiiAams tie up the loose 
inki M is a ]v«sUng >ct with everyone involved trying to 
0^ ttte bednxMtn for an adventure. With all the mistakra 
identity the play gets more and more lively unttt the action 
e^^M Uke a cork from a bottle into asbrt MCrothy 
lAar ei langhter. 

¥w^ DeCarlo plays her part straight and, althc^h 
more nature than rememberai in films and TV, m«na^s 
to be soft, suwile and sei^ ft is good to see a wMiaB wtoo 
attanlts to bei^ VtScfis^ iMe lo vme^ allure and romance 
^ ttM« herself. It was enctly what the audi«H:e w»nted 
and 1^ ovatioB at the end of tte play ms a tribute to Miss 
DiCarto and her^^rm. 


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%Mial TUs VMe 0| 
Storm Wlntevi and Doors 

ALUMmuii snnuG k pemcing 




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BNJ. .KH.LEY §iS4li3a 

WM C^IANK M7*550t 

mWAW> KMCALAim 4S4.6633 

SUN News Editor 

It's not often I get the chance to see a movie, much less 
a good movie, so when 1 was invited to review "Joe 
Panther," which premiered last Thursday night at Pem- 
Intd^e n'at the VenA>nske Hall, I must admit ms lotddng 
fdrward to ti6 dc6iStbn. ' ' '' *' \. " 

On hand to drum up publicity for the picture was the 
star, a new-comer naiped Ray Tracey. Right away the 
assignment became interesting. 

Joe Panther is the story of a young Seminole Indian boy 
in the Florida Evergaldes facing the dangers of capturing 
a monster alligator, dealing with the white men, and watch- 
ing his best friend die. 

Ray Tracey is a young Navaho Indian from Arizona who, 
until a year ago, was a student at Brigham Young Univer- 
sity seating a civil engineer degree. He readily identi- 
fied with the role of Joe Panther because he believes the 
movie portrays the Indians as real pec^le, not "half- 
naked savages" as so many Hollywood movies have done. 

The film is rated "G" which is unusual for most films 
now being produced. Tracey says although the iilmhas a lot 
of action, it is a wholesome story of two young kids grow- 
ing up together. "Any kid can : relate to Joe Panther," 
said Tracey, "But if you were to maxe a movie of my 
Navaho tribe, you would have to xjAe it 'R' because of the 

Joe. Panther is Tracey's second film. His first was 
Indian" which opened last year. He was one of five final- 
ists chosen for the part of Joe Panther, Producer Stew- 

art Beveridge saw him on BYU campus and asked him to 
screen test for the role. Since the film hast two roles, Joe 
Panther and his friend Billy Tiger, two of the five would 
get the roles. "Fortunately, I was teamed with A Mar- 
tinez who had a role in 'Cowboy', and we just had the right 
chemistry," says Tracey. 

The mm'' also stars Rtcardo Montalban, who plays' the 
role of ad'a^ing Semfiiote, and Brian Keith as a charter 
boat captain who befriends Joe Panther. "It was very 
easy working with them both," relates Tracey. "They're 
both so professional and so great. " 

Most of the movie was made on location at a Seminole 
village in the 'Glades. "Making a movie, sure is differ- 
ent from what I imagined. You get everything set iv for 

a shot and that takes hours, then just a few minutes aa 
the scene, and you're back waiting to get set up for the 
next shot," said the blossoming star. 

Ray likes acting and will stay with it long enough to 
finish paying his way through college. He said he wants 
to stick to his original committment of getting a civil 
engineer's degree. In the meantime, he says, acting is 
helping him and his family financially and "it's a good 
way to express your feelings." 

Thursday night's premiere at Pembroke H was^ a bene- 
fit showing for Kings Daughter's Childrens Hospital. Joe 
Panther is a film that your kids can relate to - anyone's 
kids - and the whole family can enjoy it, too. Although 
there are some draggy moments in the beginning, the 
action and excitement picks up when Joe and his friend 
Billy fight and capture a 14-foot alligator. From then on, 
it's thrilling. 

Gary Fullerton 

Jr. Womans Club news 

The Virginia BeiLCh Wo- 
man's Club enjoyed a foot 
stomping good time at their 
spring social at the Pem- 
broke Community House on 
i^ril 1. The hoedown, spon- 
sored by the club's social 
and hospitality committee, 
included a clogging and 
s<}uare dancing demonstra- 

tion by the Thalia Stompers. 
Mr. Keisler called the steps 
while club members and 
their guests learned the fas- 
cinating Art of square danc- 
ing. A special lasso demon- 
stration by lasso expert 
Bmce Williams to|^ off 
a ftm evening. 

Ray Tracey is Joe Panther 

Plumbing Repairs 

•oMrLETt pLvmnw amuMfnm AMDSERvicf 

ILWCTSIC * 6AS MflS ttMns 

PAST jttrim snVKE 

»REffl}EiniAL EMT^y SilMlr Wvk AEMODELDIG 


C.O.D, Senrice Charge $ll.M. Tine starts 4 m^ in 
your driwvwty. 


Plumbing & Hea^g Co. 





Employers who give people on public 
a^istance a chance to work again g4^ a lot 
more than willing workers. They ^t Federal 
tax credits of 20% of those, employees' wages. 

Check into the Work Incentive (WIN) program 
at your nearby WIN office, 
au us at 463-1401 

Hi^P Virgiffim bnplo/nMiit CommisMon 


Day In crid day out you 
find you need that extra drink. To 
help you through ttKit meeting. To 
help you face the family. And 
everyday ttiot ©dra drink becomes 
another extra drink. And it huts. 
Write or ccril In conflcterxie 
for facti m the program for 
the trecrtment of alcoholism. In a 
comfortable, caring atmosphere. 
Specialists can help you face the 
day y/ifhoutthat exfra drink. Isn1 
that a soberlr^ thought? 


170A miO'^N^Oil^m. \nigMa Beodi. Vb. 23^4. 

AcowdHsd by Hw JoM C^mmMorK» lh« 

I ai Til t\l I I W I 

11^ offen thew Akxhot hoMkM oi 



— ■ - 

'^^-"— - -^-^^ — i.atj-._. 


m career night 
s quebi:ionb 

^usi^hetirneof the year 
i^^l^bciiool seniors am 
Ii^H^TOf futar«, whether 
it ege or a i<* aft w 

graduation. As 4 awtinii- 

mg effort to hetp th«se sen- 
iors find a suit«Wt career, 
Virginia Beach *l|h schools 
spfmsof Career NtgMs, ask- 
teg loeal tmsiMsMsen to at- 

tend and answer questions 
by the seniors and their pa- 

Last Thursday night, a* 
bout 2(W students and m- 

rents aittended Kellam High 
School's career night. Thir- 
ty two local l}usiHess repre- 
sentatives, including the 
Viffiua Beach SUN, were 

on band to resi»Dd, 

According to Miss Jkidy 
Ailee. Kellam coordinator of 
the career night, the re- 
sponse from students and 

parents was "very gc^." 
Miss AUee indicajMtltat 
many students /^ppreci - 
ated the opporl«nity to talk 
with the businessmeo.;,' 


to J. 

^ Fro^ VestarXtnM Co. 
B. Joaes of 

inly Gnfl flwl> Mt^mit 

le retailing business £rom 

Mr. CbmA UnH. 

n cnecr m Ute l^. s. J 

Afloette liiisii dtyotisis 

Ite lad Klit ^ott of Kirbr 


}-1 n,^- 

doabie exposure j 

Karen Htrmoo, a tenth grader at Keltam High, sceni tot 
be dnped in tte AmtriGaa flag tai this dotfUe ei^s«re t 
taken abont favo meBttw ago in one of Kellan'js iHtt elii»* ^ 
es. FeUo« matt stadent Arttur Bedcer. Sil9 Brei^iMi«^ 
Crescent, took the doiiUe exposure witti his Mii^ E 
camera. The flag is also in the matt class. PhotograiAic 
experiments like ttis leads Arttur to plan for a career v 
in lAotof raphy. 

Help Cross ^ 1 

Riverton Club hears Agtips 



By Mrs. D. L. McCurdy 
Special to the SUK 

At the April meeting (tf the Rivertcm Garden Club, 
Mrs. Judith M. Mueller, VPI Extension Agent, talked about 
the various services provided by the Virginia Beach De- 
partment of Agriculture. 

Soil experts are available to analyze the soil and reco- 
mend nutrients. A horticulturist can help with plants and 
various diseases, also houseplants. Help inay be obtained 
for landscaping. Mrs. Mueller's specialty isjwme econo- 

Classes are sometimes offered in flmiitBre refinishing, 

food stepping, child development, money management, 
and iKAie repairs for women. 

A comput^zed management network runs a variety of 
programs. For instance, as an aid in nutrition, what a 
fomily has eaten can lie coded into numbers. The computer 
program will break every item down into protein, car- 
Ixihydrates, and vitamins. 

Another computer program can compare yo«r family 
budget with that of a typical fomily in a situation similar 
to yours. The GRISCO program for men analyzes the risks 
of having a heart attack. 

An automobile program lets you know how much per 
mile the car is really costii%. Still another program de- 

teFmiMSihow much money to put away each month for 
your children's college ' education, l^sed on their ^es. 
The Department of Agriculture offers petting uxs at 
some of the schools. The R-H technicians spmsor, among 
other things, the fishing derby at Mount Trashmore, 
bicycle safety project, steer Mow and sale, and a trip 
to the state fair. 

Other divisions of the Virginia Beack D^artment of 
Agriculture include environmental service; awl the farmers' 

The meeti^ was held at the home of Frthcies McCurdy 
with Ann Duncan as co-hostess. 

Red Cross chapters in the 
five states with areas af- 
fected by the recent Appala- 
chian flood and tornado are 
launching disaster fund cam- 
paigns to raise $3.8 mil- 

The states inclwl^ Vir- 
ginia, West Virginia, Ken- 
tucky, Alabama, and Tennes- 

American fted Cross costs 
for disaster aid to the strick- 
en area may reach $10 mil- 

Four pe<9le from Noiiott 
are on the scene with 50 
other Red Cross workers 
managii^ sMters, sup- 
plying food, assessing dam- 

age and aiding in emergenc 
nursing needs. - 'h 

They are Ms. Geiwviev«:- 
Volpf , director of hom« mr- 
sii^ and health prograsu 6t ^ 
Tjtewater ehai^r, Horfolk; 
Mike Lander, national repre- 
sentative of First Colonies 
divli^on head«ptartered at the 
Tidewater diapter; Dave 
Leboard of the Tidewater 
chapter Disaster Action 
Team; a»i pick Fyles, de-^ 
puty c«>rdintor of CivU De-* 
fense, Korio^ 

Cash centrttwtlons should 
be sent to your local Red 
Cross Chapter maiked "for 
Apps^hiaa Relief." Your 
gift is tax deductible. 



Oceana gate guards rough, tough, pretty 

Signs over the wooden box- 
es at Naval Air Station Oce- 
ana's gate exits read; "place 
passes here. "Now that some 
female sentries are guard- 
ing the entrance-exits, some 
motorists may interpret the 
sign to include sentries. 

Females standing sentry 
duties, a ftrst for Oesm 

took place recently when the ' 
Security Department, head- 
ed by LCDR T(my Casci- 
ato, assigned non- rated per- 
scmnel to daytime shifts. The 
change from petty ofUcers 
to non-rateds became very 
evident to motc»ists because 
three xA tie bm guards 
are let^. AimM Judy 

> Whitcomb, Seaman Betty 
Pettenger, Seaman Recruit 
Sttzune Lavote, and Sea - 
man Apprentice Kenneth 
Bryant are tte newcomers 
landing sentry doty at the 

Accordi% to Lcdr Casei- 
ato, cross-traini% non- 
rated personnel for daylight 

guard duty on the gates 
leaves petty officers and pa- 
trolmen free for other 

Airman Judy WhitONDb, 
interested in law etforce- 
ment, had her first taste of 
traffic control during last 
year's air show and open 
bouse, ^e ettj(ved the job 
and asked for sratry duty in- 
land of h« «Mc Job. It 
was not MMlilMrltf feasttle 
then; R^^aajr, vfth tte as- 
signme^ tf addittonti ncm- 
rated persMmel, the cress- 
trainlBg cMcefA bectme 
practical. Judy, finally 
wteM slwiwds tobe,N|)^ 
tibi} till "vst^ a few daorr 
for the rest of the wmnet 
on the base." 

After fliw ilays of tnUn- 
im IV ktmm MacMnfBt't 
Itete Se^ Class Jc^ipft 
Ri^,^ members of tteg^om 
«wrf asstpwd a p{»t i^er 
sqiervistoB. TM was the 
ira€*«nd It niaed cMttnu- 
«l^! mm ^^w« ahoiA 
stanAig duty ctartag imin, 
steA and skv J«^ res^« 
dm^, "I asked for it and 
I'm oM going to complain." 

Putting women as sentries 
was oo< wtfi^JtJ 
for the 
Setman Kecnui '. 

is petite, was swallowed by 
the smallest Jacket, avail- 
able. Her wave-ttrough to 
nK^rists ctmsisted of live 
finger-tips pddi^ out (rf a 
t<x)-loi% Sleeve. Helmets 

were a problem, too. Be- 
cause the smallest helmet 
was \m big, vision was con- 
fined to the inside of her 
helmet. The prdjlem was re- 
vived by dispensing with 

helmets and wearing either 
combination cover or beret. 
Seaman Pettenger enjoys 
standing sentry duty at the 
back gate l>ecause "people 
passing thrwigh the gate are 

cheerful and frieiiilly." 

With two mwths (m the Job, 
the new setttilesappeAi' con- 
fident and they tendle as- 
signments with thie ^se <A 
a professional. 


^'^' — 


— ■ - j-aJ».— — ..,.. 

^i^p^^^^M^i^^PPpi|IIIJIIil|l| P^^ 


I I i a.yji^^^^mmmm^f^^mmmmmm^^mmmF^'^'^^ 

20th annivmsBry 
WBayside Baptist 

Bayside Baptist Church 
win bt celebrating its 20th 
tl»iv«rsary May IM5 with 
tn iatormal time ol tellow- 
ship, slide show, sharinR 
and refreshments with cur- 
rtrtt and former members. 

The anniversary activi - 

at 7 p m. 

Pastor of Bay-Mill- R,iijti->; 
the Rev Ddvui L H^niy 
said the Sunday morninn 
worship servire will fcit.-. 
several former .s'.iff r 
bers m 1957 

catered, so i! is .■, 
persons *;shjiii; 
make d i eservjiiyn and 
chase tickets in u-l'., 
Call ilii.' chunh ot'i 
ike reservations 


illl r. 

Beach pastor honored 
by Per rum College 

Rev. Robert A. Rose of 
Virginia Beach, |iastor(tffte 
Community United Metkottlit 
Church and a graduate of 
Ferrum College, was award- 
ed the "Distinguished Alum- 
ni Award for Service to 
Church" by Ferrum College 
on Alumni Day, April 23. 

The award was one of five 
presented diirii^ the day by 
the Alumni Association. 

A graduate in the class of 
1M5 at Ferrum College, Rev, 
Rose was recognized for his 
outstanding service with the 
Virginia Conference of the 
United Methodist Chwi^. 
. Now in his thinl y^r as 
pastor of the Community 
United Methodist Ghiu-<^. 
Rev. Rose has also served 
as pastor in the West Franlc- 

lin Ctarge in Callaway, 
Betta^ Ctoge in Clover- 
dde. BetabnAe Oiurcb in 
Pembrrfe, Christ CJwcfc in 
Norfolk, UwrMcefille 
Church in Lawr^seviUe, 
Wesley Memorial Church in 
Noi^olk and Wesley Heights 
Chureh in Colonial Heights 

He is a former member 
of the Virginia Conference 
Board of Ministry, former 
trustee oi the Hermitage 
Homes of the Viitfinia Con- 
ference an] a former mem- 
ber of the Board of Church 
Locations and Buildings of 
the Petersburg District. He 
is past president of the Meth- 
odist Ministers of Roanolce 
auii Norfolk districts. 

l^ollowii^ graduation from 
Fermm, Rev. Rose earned 

degrees frop^ Roanoke Col- 
lege and Emory University. 
He and his wife, Lurena, 
tave a son, R(^rt, and a 
dai«Mer, Harpiret, all of 
whom are Fermm alumni. 

The alumni award was 
presented by Dr. Josei^t. 
Hart, president of Ferrum 

Additifmal alumni awards 
were presented to Mrs. Iti- 
gon Ross Brammer of Roa- 
noke for Service to Educa- 
tion, Mrs. Elsie Brogan Ev- 
ans at Winston-Salem for 
Service to Ctdlege and Alum- 
ni Association, Dr. Robert 
S. Murphy of Richmond for 
Career Achievemmt, and 
Wayne Hall of Stanleytown 
for Service to Community. 

Top Beach violinist 

JiAnathan^ A. Sturm, the son of Dr. and Mrs. WilUam A. 
Storm, Virginia Beach, has been invited to partic^tate in 
Boston University's Tanglevood bstitute tliis summer. 
The eight-week iastifaite, eooducted at Lennox, Massa- 
clinsetts, in coc^etvtion with tlie Boston Symiriiony Cto'cbes- 
tra, is one of the nation's leMttng snmmer music prognms. 
Sturm, a 16-yetr old sqpbomore at Nortblk Academy, 
viU be sbidyinc vltti Jos^ Sllverstein, tbe concertmas- 
ter of Oie Bostaw Symphony, dnrlag ttie institute. Hems 
selected for the program Mbrwing aadlttons in Mar^. 
A vUlnist, yooi^urm is a member of ibe Nbrfiilk ^- 
phony Orchestra and a sbident of Peter Zaret, SymiAooy 
coocertnaster. He will be altte institute fkt>m July 3 throi^ 
August 28. 

Beach arrivals 

Mr. and Mrs. I^vld Mi- 
chael Bums, daugMer; 

Mr. and Mrs. DoiflasRoy 
Wehner, son; 

v. Mr. and Mrs. Ikvid Rey- 
inoUa A(kms, son; 

Mr. and Mrs. J<Ma Le- 
taod Beaelam HI, sen; and 

Mr. and Mrs. Michael 
Keith Warren, (&ii«hter. 

Mr. and Mrs. Anton Os- 
felk, son; 

Mr. ani Mrs. Ronald Dev- 
on Smith Sr., dai^hter; 

Mr. and Mrs. Malviii Gor- 
don Sc(^ III, s(m; 

'Dr. and Urs. R(rt>ert Ar- 
^r Gormley M.D., son; 

Mr. and Mrs. Dot^las Br- 
yant Bowdoin, daughter; 

Mr. m Urs. WiUtom Er- 
^Jiii Sehwi!%bammtr, sm; 
^Ut. aal Mrs. Louis Ray- 
imXKl Avallone, dai^hteri 

Ur. and Mrs. R(*€rt F. 
fttterir, ,son; 
tMr. sad Mrs. William 

Mr. and Mrs. James Leo- 
nard Rosenhauer, son; 

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur E. 
Roth II, daughter; 

Mr. and Mrs. Larry Mit- 
chell, daugMer ;>: 

Mr. and Mrs: JosefA 
James Rhodes, sm; 

Mr. and Mrs. Pablo C. 
Cacho, sot; 

Mr. and Mrs. Raymond 
Windly Conway, daughter; 

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Lee 
O^Brten, daughter. 

Boy's Club 
in walk 

The recently formed Key- 
stone Club of the Boy's Club 
of Virginia B^ch raised 
$6S.0O for the March of 
Dimes in the Walk-a-tton, 
SuKlay, 4|>ril 17. 

Members participating 
wei^ Ri^rt McKinney, 
Jteith DdMg, Paul Weimann 
and l4»is1i«figin. 

The Keystone Club is un- 
der the dii^ction df Mr. 
Thomas Rubin. Sincerely, 
Thomas Rubin. 


ilr. andMrs. 
07 Smift, mm; 

Mr. and Mrs. 


R<*ert Em- 

Jose]^ ttei- 

ley Marten, sw; 

Mr. ami Mrs. Raymoul 
Lea Mvrt. 3t M^^w, 

In Windsor Woods- - - 
Plaza — Green Run 

Tht Catho^ Parish 
of th« l%My Spirit 

7 pm. Sat; 0:30 ft 1 1 Sim. 

Trt^hont 340-7122 

Virginia Beach Sun, April 27, 1977 - A-^ 




Eastet prize at Wiiliamsburg 

Purii« her Easter visit to Williamsburg, Emily Yidias 
(second from right) of 328 (^ Aventw, Virginia Beach, 
won third prise in Oie 3-5 year old category of the first 
annual Easter Egg Hunt, sponsored by ttie Williamsburg 
National Wax Museum. Other winners were (left to right) 
Ann Marie Archer, KeUy Tyler, Kimberly Nunn and Karen 


At their May Z lundieun 
meeting, guest speaker for 
the Virginia Beach Women's 
Aglow Fellowship will be 
Kay Colville, president of 
the Falls Church Evening 
Aglow chapter. 

Mrs. Colville, who has had 
a prayer group in her home 
lor ten years with teachers 
from all over the world, 
was brought up an Episco- 
palian, married a Methodist 
graduated from a Baptist 
college and then attended 
a Catholic university. 

The luncheon will be held 
Monday, May 2 at 11 a.m. 

at the Cavalier Hotel on the 
ocean front. Reservations 
are required by Apr. 29. 
Price of the luncheon will 
be $3.50 per person. The 
Women's Aglow invites you 
to attend the luncheon and 
bring a friend. Call Bar- 
bara Terry, 481-6630, or 
Janyce O'Brien, 420-3244, 
for reservations. 

Nursey care for mothers 
with infants to school age 
will be provided the day 
of the luncheon at the First 
Assembly of God church on 
the corner of Great Neck 
Road and Old Donation Park- 
way, .^.i. 

Beta Sigma Phi 
celebrates 46th 

Apr, 25 to May 1 is Beta 
Sigma Phi week, and the 
14 Virginia Beach chapters 
of the social, cultural and 
service organization are 
joining with their sister 
chatters in the rest of Tide- 
water and the world, to cele- 
brate their organization's 
46th anniversary. 

In addition to various lo- 
cal projects around Vii^inia 
Beach, the local chapters 
also participate in a variety 
of major projects through- 
out Tidewater. Some of the 
yearly projects are selling 
chrysanthemums attheShri- 
ner's annual Oyster Bowl 
game, and for the past 25 
years this has raised 
$17,663.89 which Beta Sigma 

Phi has coiBhibuted'%Q'4te 
Crippled Children hospi - 

There are 20 chapters 
which represent the Tide- 
water Council, which has 
also sponsored the annual 
handicapped picnic held the 
first Saturday in June and a 
lioliday dance in December 
and February. 

Beta Sigma Phi is the lar- 
gest woman's sorority in the 
world and ttiis week's cele- 
bration will l>e recognized in 
25 countries in which 250,000 
members in over 12,000 
chapters exist. Tbe organ- 
ization is non-academic, 
non-political and non-sec- 
tarian. The keynote to Beta 
Sigma ^M. is friendship. 

New Baptist 
Oceana church 

A new indepemient Bap- 
tist church has been formed 
in the Oceana area, and be- 
ginning May 1 will temper - 
atily meet in the Derby Run 
Recreation Center at the 
corner of Harper Road and 
Derby Run. 

Tbe church is called the 
Oceana Baptist Church, ami 
pastor Is Donald W. O'Dey. 

Services May 1 will fea- 
ture Sunday morning ser '- 
vices at 11, Sunday evening 
services at 7:30, and Wed- 
nesday evenlhg services at 
7:30. > 

All interested persons in 
the Oceana area are invit- 
ed to attend. For informa- 
tion, please call Brother 0- 
'Dey at 422-59^0. 

Rivers of Livha Water 

tat you shall remember tbe Lord your God, for it 
lis He who is givlat yM power to make wealth, that 
j He may eonftrm His covenant which Re swore to your 
laUiers, as it is this day. 

"Give, aaA it will be given to you; good measure, 
^{R-esaed down, staken togetber, naming over, ttiey will 
pour into yirar lap. For whatever BMsure you deal 
' wt^to others, it will be dealt to you in rebtm." 

Now this I say, N i^ sows s^ttriivly shall also 
'reap qwri^ly; ud he who sows bouatifuUy shall also 

Let MCh one do just as he has purposed in his heart; 
gradgi^[ly or uater impulsion; for God loves a 
f^eeiful giver. 

Aid God is aUe to auke all grace aboud to you, tbat 
tmtf§ taitat an sufficiency la evcrytbleg, you may 
^tew and AuacbiMe for everv good deed; 

Beloved, I pray ttat in all respects joa may prosper 
land be in good health, just as your soul {M-ospers. 

}(I^t 8:18) (Luke 6:38) (8Cor. 9:6-8) (3 J^s 2) (NAS) 

tat lAoever drinks (A the water that I shall give 
him sball never thirst; but the water tbat I shall give 
him shall become in him a well oi water springii^ 
^> to etnwl life. J(riin4:14 

COURTSEY OF 546-8423 

P^CISKH^ Ei^lfw ft MachtaM 

Several Virginia B^cb 
stwients attending colleges 
here and across the coun- 
try have received honors 
from their respective insti- 

At Virginia Wesleyan Col- 
lege on the Virginia Beach 
Norfolk line, senior Brenda 
Diggs, daughter of Mr. sod 
Mrs. Luther S. Diggs, and 
Robert Sutton, a Beach sen- 
ior, were selected as char- 
ter members of the Virginia 
Wesleyan LMdersUp Hmor 

At Madl«(m College in 
Harrisoidnirg, Va., Margar- 
et S. Majer, 2204 Ebb Tide 
Road, Virginia Beach, has 
been inducted into the Percy 
H. Warren Senior Hcmor So- 
ciety, a chapter of Motar 
Board, a national honor so- 
ciety recognisiog service. 

leadership and scbolarsblp. 

At Evangel College in 
Springfield, Missouri, Mai7 
L. Snydfr, daughter of Mr. 
and Mrs. M. E. Snyder, Iw 
merly of Virginia Bead and 
now of Yuma, Arizona, has 
won a place m the acade- 
mic honors list for tbe 
school's fall semMter. Miss 
Snjnier is a 1974 graduate of 
First ColonUl High School. 

At Virginia Tech in 
Blacksburg, Va. WiUiam R. 
Kam Jr., and WUUam D. 
Almond, both of Virginia 
Beach, were initiated Into 
Tau Signu Delta, a natioaal 
honor society in arcldtec- 
ture, landscape architec - 
ture and allied design arts. 
Kam is a fourth year ar- 
chitecture student, and Al- 
mond is a fourth year build- 
ing construction major. 

"And, ye fathers, provoke 
not your children to wrath, 
but bring them up in the 
nurture and admonition of 
the Lord." 

-Ephesians 6:4 

The family that prays 
together stays together. 

— AuMor Unknown 

Is there a generation gap at your house? Have the lines of communication and under- 
standing between parent and child fallen into a deep chasm of selfistmess, intolerance 
and mutual mistrust? Take your family to Church and let them all listen to the word of 
God, who sent His only Son to preach the gospel of faith and love to young and old alike, 
so that both may better understand the meaning and purpose of life. When family needs 
replace individual desires, your faith will provide answers that will benefit all. Let your 
Church span the gap of discord with a bridge of love. 

Charlie's Seafood Restaurant 

3139 Shore Dr. 491-9863 
Mary E. Rehpelz & Employees 

l^rlce's Incorporated 

4580 PembnAe Mall 622-3706 
Brand Name An>liances-TV-Stero 

MWers Plumbing& Heating Co. Rosewood Memorial Park 

1629 Salem Rd. 497-8794 .... i.i«i..^. 

Sewer & Water Connections A Specialty 

Haynes Furniture Company 

5324 Va. Beach Blvd. 

631 Witch Dude Rd. 
C. C. Kirkpatrick 


Bayside Motors 

4747 Shore Dr. 464-4563 
Charles C. Hale, Sr. & Staff 

Kempsville Pharmacy 

5266 Princess Anne Rd. 497-3516 
Robe.-l W. Clybum-Lynn Leavitt 

Lindsey Bros' Inc. 

Plumbing-Heating- Fuel Oil Del. 
865 Newtown Rd. 497-4633 

Contractors Paving Co., Inc. 

3779 Bonney Rd. 347-1161 
Clinton Teets & Staff 

WilKs Furniture at Hffltop 

1712 Laskin Rd. 428-5951 
L. H. Bums & Staff 

AH Star Electric, Inc. 

1425 Air Rail Ave. 464-6231 
Commercial & Industrial 

Home Federal Savings 
& Loan Assoc. 

1635 Laskin Rd. 426-0327 
Church Accounts Welcome 

Smith Sales & Service 

460 Battlefield Blvd. N. 547-2929 
Elwood Smith & Employees 

Kellamfit Eaton' Inc. BIdg. Supplies Mill-End Carpet Shop 

4740 Va. Beach Blvd. 497-4854 

Princess Ann Station 427-3200 
Frank & David Kellam 

Andy's Plumbing & Heating 

1003 Canal D/. 485-5000 
State-Registered-New & Old Work 

Kellam-Eaton Insurance Co. 

3111 Pacific Ave. 428-9161 

Furniture Showrooms 

828 E. Little Creek Rd. t 

2981 S. MiUtary Hwy 
Sandy Bolin & Employees 

Taylor B. Carr it Employees 

Townsend Fuel, Inc. 

James Van D^e and Employees 

Hilton Appliance Service 

4737 Honey Grove 497-5707 
"put Of Whac}t - qall V^f^" 

' Preston's Pharmacy 

1401 Poindexter St. 545-7337 
James L. Marshall and Employees 

Chesapeake Savings & Loan "''ocid Electric Company 

Frank N. Wood and Associates 

Engineering Media Inc. 

606 R Liberty Street 
Charlie Hackworth k Staff 

Brentwood Restaurant & Lounge 

1312 Geo. Wash. Highway 
Chesap^ke, Va. Phone 487-0611 
Tom k Linda Rapier k Co. 

R. C. Greer Plumbing & Heating 

Sewer and Water Hook-ups 
2293 Indian River Rd. 420-7003 

Plasser American Corporation 

Management and Perscmnel 

Astro Realty Corporation 

1800 Speedy Ave. 424-3720 
W.C. Barlow and As»>ciates 

Henry k Moses Todd k StafT 

Higgins Realty, Inc. 

6620 Indian River Rd. 420-3126 
Cecil M. Harrison k Assodates 

Linda's Hair Boutique 

846Providace 424-1975 
Linda Hoicome k SUif 

Overton's Market 

1419 Poindexter St 545-9496 
The Overtims 4 Employe«B 

J.D. Miles & Sons, Inc. 

J.D. Miles, Jr. and AsKiciat^ 

Southern States 
Chesapeake Co-op, I Inc. 

1764 S. MUttary Hwy. 420-2841 
L. ^imtnt WUUams ft PersoMM 

TNs feature is made possWe throu^ tt» GO<^«ratfan 
of our ministers. It is paid lor ^)^^es| area firms who b^ve 
our churches are a vital part of twr comnfitrtty He. 


J-> .- — — ^ ... -.1 — _ _. .. ^ ^ J ^, ^; ^ ^: ^^ ^t -, 

-^ — — -^' 

7 of 21 to be 

77 Neptune Princesses 

From Kellam high school, Neptune Princess nominees [I to r) 
TtmesaM^mm, Jacgu^ne McGue and Laurie Fox. 

From Fnrst ColormI high school, Neptune Princess nominees 
to rX^mm Stevenson. Neate Land and CHnHif: 

From Kemps ville high schg0, Neptune Princess nominees 
rt to r) Sharon Cox, Kim'Worley and Valerie Ambrose. 

Cynthls Wermers ' ' ■ 

CyiiUs Hut Wenners of Fir^ CoknUl Hi(h Sekool 
aad duller <rf Mr. wa^ Mrs. Lyle G. Weraera is ttirl 
«to flBds maqr (rf \m acttTttles veit revwdlBc. Ciaidjr, 
hs ite is <^ed Iqr ter trtoids, is a m^riwr of tte Ra- 
iioBal HsMv &)eietr «M aa av^^> of A-. Ste njc^s imr 
CfMUBOBitjr tondveaMt sack as toackiof Srd grade Snday 
School aad siagtaf ia a ctarck guitar gro^. Her leader- 
yMp atriUMs Aow as ste is i»^iiteat of iwr^aaidi 
WAt Aata' iptwi <^-dHamaa aad is tiw aaonl stair 
asrtstart adtor. Cindy Ukes to %w aad daace as «^ 
as piMv tte irfsM. ae is ooe to look alwad to tte ftdov 
AS sfee poiatcd oirt tlw seboiar^p eUgiMUties that hciag 
MtoMt to pvte^tte IB tte KqCuae fe^lval voM gravida. 
:ti|ri|t 1^ 'fthe SMse «if pi^a I fart ia ajr eoUaHHtty 
aad MhtM^ alM ^«avtod im to aMdy foe tte hoKB- (rf 

&umHm B^Kiotmldi 

CWMiiore M0ff 

Tha datq^r of Mr. and Mrs. Joim R. Moll, EUeanore 
portrays tN girl <rf action arouwl the Marlin halls of Bay- 
side. 5' 6" tall at 130 pmAds, the le-year-old EUeanore 
is involved with the sctraors Atlantic Ecology and German 
eUa», tte Ring Dance, sings in tte concert chorus, par- 
ticipates in the Keyettes, and is a member of the girl's 
track team. Elle«w»% lov^ miMoor sports like camping, 
svteQing. and tttt^eadi, |d^ ^rammiqg a guitar. Carry- 
Ing a 1.0 prade average (out of 8.0), EUeanore says "There 
are so mkay mv activities each day that I feel I'll never 
Im aMe to ftilly i^^irb tte atmosphere and learoall 
about tte city in my last year before 1 leave for college." 
If selected, EUeanore says, "By being a member (rf King 
N^iM's Cwrt. ULte able to meet and reach out to the 
eittsens and also the visitors of Virginia Beach." 

MIctmk Umn 

Michele Yvonne Mann of Cape Henry Collegiate High 
Sdiool is an htnor roll student wtu> loves <»mping, horse- 
\m^ riding, and travtlUi^. She has worked oo her school 
ySartKxA, newspaper, and literary niagasine. Michele was 
class vice-prestont from 1974-75 and class secretary 
.1975-76. She feels like participation in iOng Neptune's 
Cwirt will be a leanrti^ ej^erience as well as a great 
time to meet the iMders of the city. Michele says, "It 
would give me a feeling of respcmsibility to my school- 
to rq>reswt Uiem pn^rly and a sense of bel<n%ii% ami 
involvemoit to Virginia Beach." 

Mary Foster 

FromXybx highschodi, Neptune Princess nom^ees Oto r) 
Coral CampbeU, Shannon Mc Corrnick and LoriJonfis. 

Mary Katheriae Foster is a girl of many talents and 
languages. Maiy is tte daughter of Mr. aiMi Mrs. Donald 
P. Foster and a member fof the French and Spanish Na- 
tional Boaor Socieities. Her high schidastic average has 
l^ced her in the National HonOr Society and she plays 
varsity soccer for Princess Anne High School. Mary also 
plays tennis, rides bikes and participates in gymnastics 
just for taa. The Nepbme festival has been one of the 
inlghtest events for Mary at the beach and says, "It 
is a great ofvortunity to meet pe(q)le and become in- 
volved ia a community activity. Last year I enjoyed being 
a part of Heritage Day and this y^r I would like to in- 
volve myself in a different way by being ontbeKi^'s 

Nancy Bates 

The duighter (rf Mr. and Mrs. 4ohnA. Bates Jr., Nancy 
is very active in MarUn activities. Sie Is r 6" taU, 
weighs 105 poQwte and loves dancing, gymmistics and 
"The Beach." Carrying an A-grade average, Nancy is a 
In^Aher of Sigm Theta Delta ..494 ^U)s Nat^ULH«|9<i> 
St^ij^. The I^ilan si^<]ld«'lie«l^:»tk* sel^N&sOtiK' 
of Bayside Jr. hitfh's ten outstanding students in 74-75. ' 
"U would be a tremendous honor to represent Bayside 
Higji, which means so much to me," says Nancy, "I truly 
believe tbit tiie Neptune Festival has brought Virginia 
4d<^er together." If selected ss a Nq>- 
ncetSi NaBcy says "Ifost of lU, t iloiffil ^ 
mcourage th^se who are new to Virginia Beach to try 
to meet the peafis of Virginia Beach for they are very 
special in their warmth, diversity and friradliness." 

Lorl Jonas 

The viiwcious, talented 5'4"' Lori Sue Jones is ^z 
B^ Skdnol's candidate for the Governor's School for the 
Gifted. A natural selection, since she carries and "A" 
scholastic average and is a member of Cox's Hoaor Roll. 
The dai«hter of Mr. and Mrs. William R. Jones, Lort 
also loves to grow plairts, emloidder, do needlq^^nt, 
sew, sii«,- play Qie iriano and diet (to look good wMle i^ 
sunbattes and shops—two other favorite pastimes). "The 
chance to do this (become a Neptone Festival Princess) 
will never come my way again, since 1 will only be a high 
school senior once," said the Cox 17-year-old, If selected 
as a Pnncess, "It is the oiq;»rtuBities to meet muflketf 
pec^le and hai% the chance to do so many new things Uat 
inspires me to become a member of idng N^itune IV's 

Princess nominee photos 
by Ds¥ld L St. aalr 

^ rt" S^am S. M^^MvMt is the <&n^ter ai Mr. aad 
Mrs. A. J. iM:wBM;, Md ttt M-^m^-MI Oca ^rior 
«■<■ her i^hool hoars Md M^re tin* dwdi- fUl erf 
ttt^ to (to. ae carries a 95 gnde avwage, aad Mi 
iMi ttMi to partievate to to l^in aad Fine Arts cMw 
mt wwt part-time at HaMdaa^ at Peaftrote Itall. 
B^^ a 0msp UOta ita^Ml, ttWJtiH is atoa a a^^r 
M Oc IMftiMl Sctola^to ■aMF ind^ tmt um M- 
^tt. SIM ttono^iy e^<9s playiag the f*mo, aeete- 
Mt aad MaiMi^aaU to grw, "The (Na^ae)tatt«l 
a^wf for to ^1^ in <d f tr^ Mtfh 
in It we^«e to ^r «flWjfc«si 

r«^ed wa nfa«^. "nwamtm • ^vtt^ 
J. art mtf M> ^ fMMMIM^ottl 

•wU receiTt hit fv to feMMIa fl^^had «M1- 
^tod to a taller fttan ^^Wll B«M| ' 

From Bayside high school, Neptune Princess nominees [I to r) ' 
EUeanore Moll, Harriett Reid and Nancy Bates. 

Laurie FoK 

One of three Kellam Higb School selectims for Neptune 
Festival Princess, 16-year-old Laurie Am Fox stays very 
involved witii to cMolngs aad ^ings around Kellam. The 
5'6". 115 lb. dauber of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald E. Fox 
is a member of to ^wtor Senate and is Junior class 
reporter-historian. JFHA tr^jurer, and a member of to 
Spanish, Latin and Uterary Art cl#s. £%e is a KeUam , 
K^etie and active in to Jwior AchlweraeM program. 
Laurie also lovw art and eamfdag. aad she was a cast 
member of KeUam's drama ^Dd^m of "AU to World's j 
a Stage." She feels, as a NqituBe Princes, she would; 
"be able to ^in new perspective from tte individiuls| 
tot Ae me^. ia ad(ttlff» to <tffertog ter own id^s to| 
^ers." If selected, Lanri;WOukl lite "to participate and ^ 
te a member of to eoiamttiity itf Virginia B^ch throt^b;; 

active inv(rive^^ as a mwab^r of King NeiAune's Cmrt."% 



From Cap€tHmry Collegiate high school, Neptune Princess 
nominees [I to r) Linds Osburn, Laura Mam and Michele Mann. 


HarrMt Ae/cf 

lie 4Ngi«> of Mr. and 
Mrs. muTf^. tkU, Ibrrtet- 
hetter kamm as IT-J.* • 
to v«7 msOttjuitttUt' 
tta Itte at BajnMdt. Tla 5' 
6". lA m, $matf^f» irttt 
to Wum muttmmitm. 
wrt haad ud kutf^mu 

Mlected to be a 

rt to Ne rtatt tote Yorth 

U M$m llM 9^ Md 

^tt, as iM as toMidMrt 
pWOTMMH. At i^s^ Jr. 
■l^ fttrrlttt WMt Aim 

Major and received m<^»ic 
for her superior band p» 
lemaacas. She lovas sutg- 
tag, ratoiag animals, eol- 
tocting magasines, and not- 
•0- secretly loves to watch 
pro wresUing matches. "I 
tatow (beiflc a priacass) will 

irive ne flw ^^ortM^ to 
leet to #Mf^ ^^e to 
virginto MA' Ae «mmi. 
and if sete^ted, "win 1^ 
very yma^ to i^raMtt 
my scbo^ tt m» vtry re- 
spectable tfert." 

Athletic and talented JaeqaeUae Carlotta McGue, ^ 
.. "Jackie" «• aM to kaovn to her KeUam classmates,^ 
to a aataral eboloe for Heptane Festival Princess, TheS 
S'6 1/2" 17 yaar-old daagMsr of Mr. and Mrs. John W.f 
IteGae is a Kallam Kayatte, a menber of to Junior i 
Mmte, KtUaa Band, aad Mftteal etrsara dak. She pUyed f 
M to glri'a socear sad aeftbaU teams thto year, to addltton 
to eoMMlHy voUeybaU. Natnrally, her hoUiies lean 
towards sports (also sirinuaiag, skiing, horseback riiUng, 
skating, loakay aad g)nuMrttM)i brt sto idw ^M to 
collect eoto, bugs aad <Ad r^OTds, A d^Uv tolM^^ 

tirlti. «to Mjw "I'M ntf jt^ tf to Mrt^Ii^Md 
Md I fori tM ^ puftt^teg to to Ik^bm F^val. 
i 1^ irt Mid tie fr:^ to h^ M]^ Md to^^ <» only 


-m-t^w--v^*'v-if^m^m*^w9'www-^^ ^'^w-^T'^'f v w * f t » 

» » ^' » »- 

y«r*^** ' ^'^'vp«^p»^^^^p ^'^ '^^'^^^mmw'mw-m pjp 

VirflBia Bwc^ M. AprU 27, 1977 A-7 

S«//or ofiheY^w 

Who was that ma^ 

A "StUpr «t the ¥#tr" 
nust be probssionalism, 
4eActtioh an] civic mind- 
M|ps» p«i^e4 togetbtir In 
ft Haval u^orm. Possess- 
in! all th«^ qralificatiou 
is Teoman Second Class 
DeMis "Dmnf Siemers 
tiM teeing OkH^ Navri 
M^ maUm^n ikaioi tor the 
&ulor of the tear award. 

^Denny, who woi-ks in the 
wininistrative division dt 
tte Aircraft btermediate 
Malateaance I^epartment, is 
tte senior yeoman respcusi- 
ble for the major admin- 

istrative workload of the de- 
partment. A recent perfor- 
mance evaluation termed the 
Aitltin, Minnesota native as 
a "confident, decisive In • 
dividual, possessing the good 
judgement reared (rfaaen- 
ior petty officer." 
. The M yetr-ol4 petty of- 
ficer Merolses direct' su- 
pervision over two adotin^ 
Istrative yeomen ami In- 
direct supervision (tf stiad- 
dltiiMial dlvtsim yeoim. 
Employltf exeellmt mana- 
gerial techniques, be ar - 
rives at work befbre his 

cfew, establishes the daily 
routine, and remains after 
work to 'insure all tasks are 

A quick wit and a senM 
of humor are probably D«- 
ny's best assets. He finds 
some humor In ordinary 6r 
tryii« situation. On the way 
lione frt>m work recently, 
Denny ^ssed an apartment 
complex and noticed smoke 
pouHttg from the garage. 
He turned his car around to 
see if he could be of as- 
iristance. The manager 
wasn't available, so Denhy 

man at Oceana a jr station? 

called the fire department 
and then put out the fire 
himself. After the arrival of 
the firemen, apartment man- 
ager ami assistant manager, 
he explained what transpir- 
ed and then left. Disheart- 
ened tlat not one "ttenk 
you" was uttered, E^ny 
mused "but I'll bet that af- 
ter ! left, they all wondered 
'who was that masked roan?" 
Last year was a twsy one 
for Denny. He volunteered 
to sing in the Billy Graham 
Crusade Choir in Williams- 
burg. Denny, a tenor, $pent 

many hours rehearsing lor 
the event. He was als6 as- 
sistant leader of Cub Scout 
Pack 406 in Virginia Beach. 
Denny is the past president 
of the Virginia Beach Navy 
Federal Credit Union's 
Yoiith Involvement Council, 
He stepped down from the 
post when he was elected 
clairman of Youth Involve- 
ment Councils, Tidewater 
chapter of Credit Uniwi 
In August Denny and Nan^ 
cy Lee Ruppel tied the knot 
in her hometown, Webster 
City, Iowa. They now re- 

side in Viiflnia B^cb. 

As "Sailor of the Year," 
Siemers will i^iresentOw- 
ana in the Commander Naval 
Air Force 1' S Atlantic 

Fleet Sailor U tte Yiir 
competition. Denny vUl alS9 
represent the station 
throughout the jwar at 
special functions. 

You're sure to get a bite 
if you drop a line in the 
classified columns of your 
community newspaper. Your 
calSsified ad is part of the 
Ivwiv wants to read as well 
as tlie ntjws oj the com- 

For a wrWe choice of buy- 
ers, renters, workers in 
your neighborhood, use low 
cost classifted ads in your 
hometown newspaper. Get 
results quick! 

Princess candidate is your choice? 


Coral Canml^^l 

Theresa Thumma 

Kim Worley 

Seventeen year-old Laura Bi^dford Mann from Cape 
Henry Ctttl^Elate is a girl irith jiburnalistic ambitions. 
Unra l»s worked with her school newspaper, yearboc^ 
and IHerary magasine. Laura said, "The Neptune Festival 
means a lot to Virginia Beach because more and more 
residents are gettii« btvolved each year. Chie must realize 
that it is not the actlvlttes which make oftheNqrtune 
Festival, but it is the paftlcipai^ as weU. ' ' 

Katharine Rose 

Katherine Gayle Rose has had experience on courts. She 
was May Queen 1976 and was oh the Homecoming courts 
of 1975 and 1976. The daughter of Capt. and Mrs. H.N. 
Rose, Gayle has also played varsity i ^ckey, softball . . ^a r\ Mm. 
and track. A member of the National Honor Society, her |.|||Cffl OSDUm 
ixA^es include carapii%, boating, horseback riding, life- 
guan^ng and guitar. Says Gayle, "Having represented my 
scbocd by cteerleadii% and {ttrticipating in varsity, I rea- 
lize it is very important to set forth a good image and at- 
tttode. I would like to show my civic and school pride by 
being a member of the Court." 

Being S'3" taU and weighine HO pounds just describes 
the Outside of Coral Campbell, one of three lovely young 
ladles nominated £rom Cm High School. The 17-year-old 
Coral carries a "B" average on Cox's honor roll and is 
a member of Young Life. The «teughter of Mr. and Mrs. 
Charles Cami^U, Coral lovei to sew and dance, but 
mosi importantly she loves to meet people. She says she 
would like to become a N^une Princess because "it 
gives me a chance not only to represent my school, but 
also to represent the people of Virginia Beach." If se- 
lected, she feels "this woald be a once in a lifetime 
han>eoing to be selected as a representative of my school. 

Theresa Luvin Thumma, or Terri to her friends, is a 
candidate from Kellam High School whose outstanding 
quality seems to t>e achievement. Terri is a member of 
the National Honor Society, the Junior Senate, an SCA 
representative and a Junior Achievement secretary. Her 
public speaking hobby carries over into he^ shscholastic 
endeavors as she has placed 1st in the Novice Switch 
Tean Tidewater Debate League and 2nd in the Debate 
District meet. She liked the beach, doodling, children and 
collecting elephants. For Terri, being awarded a place 
on the Neptune court wold be a lasting memory. Says 
Terri, "I would like to do more for my community. The 
Neptune Festivities would enable me to fulfill the desire." 
Terri is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs, John H. Thumma. 

Valerie Ambrose 

Sharon Cox 

Wtth^* B Idas average, Sharon Elizabeth Cox has k^ 
herself/ <m tl» hoapr roU and ha$ be«i a member of the 
swbomore and junior class councils, ae has been a cheer- 
leader at Kempsville High School and enjoys modeling 
sad sewii*. Sharon is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed- 
ward « Cox and has adeepteelingfor Virginia Beach. "At 
the end of the busy, active summer, the Virginia Beach 
residents, both youi« and old, can enjoy the acUviUes of 
their mm city, renew old acquaintances, and rekindle their 
civic pride," says aaron, who has attraded nnay of Uie 
Neptune events in the past. "I love Virginia Beach and 1 
would consider it an honor to be on the King Neptune IV s 



up a copy 
of the SUN 

Get fxtra copies of.^e Virginia 
Beach SUN at the following list 
of ne¥ysstands located throughout 
the Virginia Beach area: 

Ocean Front 

i-n-BlnlBeck Rd. 
PEOPLES*Uskln Kd. 
MEDCO-Laskin Rd. 

. MARINER llOT£L-Mth St. aod Atlantic 
HOUDAY nOI-S4ih and Atlaatie 
fflERATCM-Oeeaa Front 

nnaUM's pharmacy-imi st. 

HOyOAY niN-SStt St and Attantic 
P(»T0FFIC£-2S^SL and Attaatie 
NEWS CENfRE-Oeeaa Front 
BARR'S PRARMACY-Atlaitflc Ave. 
HILTOR nm-AtlMttC Ave. 
RAMiUDA nOf-AflHtie Ave. 
SCBOCHKER IK)TEt-^¥aciflc Aveime 

Court House Area 


Kempevllle Area 

... F|RM FEE^-KempsvlUe 

NorfoNc-Va. Beach Une 

lmWM6H^EL-Norlta»pto. Blvd. 

7.U-telM^ S(l>- , „,_ 

HOLIDAY DIN-Northampton Blvd. 

Bayelde Area 

NAVY UHJGE-Ltttte Cnek BtM 
PE(VLi3-bytnod Shop Center 
REYCO«^Mte«ri» Me«io«s Smd Center 
PBOPb^-Fentei^ MaU 

Plaza Area 

7-11 • tsmmn Ri. 

7-lt - Lynn SKKM Rd. (Thalte.) 

7^11 V 1^1^ Gmt 

HaI ' MfMittvitRd. 

bElO'S - tmKn Plate TnU 

7-U - SMlii Plasa Tr^ (aMf Ittrary) 


JR, MMET - Lyintown Rd. (MW IWl) 

PBOfLn - PUia 9mf Cwter 

London Br^pe Area 

PKOPLitt - BnMr«i# Cenlnr 

"«• mm- «B^ Shop Cirtet 


I mm ■ Lenion %Mgt Am ^ 

Linda Lowell OsWrn's goal in life is to become a vet- 
erinarian. She enjoys studying animals and reading and 
is active in her high school as captain of the cheerleading 
and basketball teams. Linda is the daughter of Cmdr. 
and Mrs. David L. Osburn and has lived in Virginia Beach 
eight years. Besides basketball, she plays field hockey, 
Softball, and is the treasurer for her student government. 
As for the festivities in October, Linda said, "Tome, 
the Nq;>tune Festival is a chance for the people of Virginia 
Beach to lay aside all of their troubles in order to relax 
and meet new people but most dl all it gives the chance 
for everyone to join together in happiness and festivity." 

Valerie Ambrose's energies seem to lie in athletics. 
This seventeen year-old has played var^ty hockey fbr three 
years and varsity track for two. She has played lacrosse 
for a team and plays recreational voUeyvall and soft- 
ball. She also has hobbies of sewing and arts and crafts. 
Val is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph W. Ambrose 
and is a newcomer to the Virginia Beach area. She would 
like to be a member of the Neptune Court because she 
would have the chance to meet other people in her com- 
munity. Val says, "It would be a great honor to parti- 
cipate in spreading the feeling of community pride and 

>rf It i te ^K' " - ■ -' - • ■ ^■•'. ■■ 

[Above and below] Neptune Princess candidates practice their clown routine which 
rthey win per form Saturday night at First Colonial high school. 

Kim Worley has lived in Virginia Beach all her life and 
enjoys the people, schools ami community. She is a mem- 
ber of Tri-Hi-Y, DECA and Junior Achievement organi- 
zations. Kimmie has taken part in sctool fashion shows and 
has done local modeling. Her hobbies include growing 
plants and crafts. Kimmies' experience on the school 
drill team has given her a taste of festivities. "I've 
been in parades for schools and I've always wanted to 1^ 
in the King's Court and to get the chance to get acquaint- 
ed with the other girls representing the beach." says 
Kimmie. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene 
Lee Worley. 


Neale Morriss Land, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Langley 
Land, is a young lady whose hobbies take her outdoors. 
The 5'9" cheerlwider from First Colonial High School 
likes swimming, bike riding, water and snow skiing, horse- 
back riding and tennis. She maintains a "B" average 
while participating in the French club, the Junior paper 
drive, the Homecoming decorating committee and is also 
a member of the track team. Neale is very familiar with 
the Nejrtune's festival and said, "I watched the festivals 
in the past, and each year they grow largef and more 
elaborate. I know the IV festival wiU be even greater and 
I would very much like to be a part of it." 

Patricia Stevenson 

Patricia Maria Stev«ison is the 5'7" daughter of Or. 
and Mrs. Donald Stevenson. Pattie's enthusiasm and leader- 
ship is evident in her participation in aU junior class 
activities such as the prom preparations the Junior Jollies 
talent show and the Homecoming Hont committee. Pattie 
is also secretary of the junior class and is diaplaln of 
the Tri Gamma sorority. She models, j^ys the piano and 
dances as well as enjoying softball, swimming, jogging and 
tennis. Pattie believes that inv(dvem«it in the Neptune 
vai aUo|rs a perscm % chj^ee to raeetMwpeopte 

a chance'to grow. Pattie tefil, "To be a member of 
King Neptune's IV Court wold be a great homn-and 
would give me a chance to actively participate in a commun- 
ity aftoir." 







































































stop fooing around and cut it 
out— the subscription blank 
betow, thatis. "" " 

Your subscription to the SUN wl 
give you the whole picture... You 
can enjoy reading about the people 
down the street„.fresh and bright news. 

You'd be dolars, ahead, too. 
Your $7.00 investment in the SUN 
wl be returned with the advertising 
values youl find your very first issue. 




Enjoy reading about y<Mir ftlrads and adghbors—ddngs S 
you and your temily won't read elsewhere! Fill oat the ! 
form below and mail it with your check fa>: Virginia I 
BMCh Sun, 1S4 R(»emont Rd., Viifinia Bea«A, Va. I 
SS452. I 


-—ZIP I 





Wlthta l-elty Tldewatet area: 

Six Moaths-|4 
One YeM--|7 
Two YMrs— 112 

All other areas: 
Six MonOs— 15 
Om Yatr-|t 
Two Yeara-flS 


-"'■-- — 




m^wv^' i!m uu JWN>iM>iiii!n 1 1' I' 

BWfftTfaBWt^ *< 

'-l^iy-.W'ra-gflttaiJ-^L .'.TtiBH.-. 


10 include your grot^'s »ctivitiet in aJNOlAL, 
mail to ^N. 138fte»fiw»rt Road, V». BmcH 2a«S2. 
Motif ioition of events taking place after Wackiesday, 
ttw SW*& fx^lishing day, must be received by 
5 p.m. tf» previous Friday. 


Th« Viiiiiua Beach PuhUc Infor- 
iMtiOB (XBce Ms begun providii^ 
dook^ uifomation (or witnesses wto 
are to appear at the circuit, general 
district aad juvenile and domestic re- 
lations CMTtS. 

The I^blic Information Office will 
sui^ly iatormatiott for the next days 
docket. Office ^oms are Mwiday 
throi^ Friday from 8 a.m. until 9 
p.m. and Saturday from Sa.m.toSp.m. 

The Public Information Office wiU 
not take the place of the courts or tt» 
Commomfealth's Attonwy's Office, but 
five aner-hours information to wit- 

The Public Informtion Office num- 
ber is 427-4111. 

Dteters ple^^ 

Virginia Beach members of the Diet 
Workshop, an international chain of 
weight -ccmtrol classes, are raising 
money for Muscular Dystrt^y in a 
"Pennies for Pounds" promcMon. 

Ten classes of Diet Workshop have 
100 Iter cent participation in 
moticm which will last through l^y 6. 

In addition to, Virginia Beach, the 
classes are located in Hampton, New- 
port News, Norfolk and Portsmouth. 

Members have pledged to doute a 
given amount of money for each pouid 
lost during the promotion. The contri- 
butitms are placed in canisters in tte 
classes durii^ the weekly weigh-ins. 
Diet Worksko)) has pledged to match 
members' chMtatiODs. 

Anyone interested in participating in 
the Diet Workshop "Pennies |br 
Pours'* fund raising effort should con- 
tact lo<aI area manager Mary Bare- 
foot. In Norfolk, caU 4M-1202. 

Nurse workshop 

Virginia Beach .nurses will have ah 
c^portuBity to learn the skUls needed 
for disaster nursing in a special work- 
si^ planned by Tidewater chapter, 
AmeHcan Red Cross, Nursing aiid 
Ktalth Programs office. 

Ms. GeMvieve Volpe, director of 
the Tld^imter Nursi^ AtA Health Pro- 
grams office, who has }ust returned 
front two weeks in tlw Appaiachiin 
flood n«as serving in disaster nurs- 
ing, WiU tM tM instructor. 

ne worksbc^ is planned for Thurs- 
day, May 5, at the United Way Fam- 
ily Service Center, Virginia Beach. 
Tte sessi(His will last from 8 a.m. 

"rtose attendl^ must be registered 
nurses or licensed practical nurses, 
and should call the Virginia Beach 
Red Cross office, 499-2311 to enroll 
or f(Hr further IMormation. 

There will be no charge for the 
training and the class will be limited 
to 40 persons. 


An educational program will be held 
Apr. 30 at the A.R.E. Center Library, 
67th and Atlantic, ^starti^ at 9:30 a.m. 

The program will feature serious 
researchers in the field cornering the 
asd^ musti(!al traditions of Indian 
and Christianity with contemporary 

Guest q^ieakers will be I. C. ^arma., 
Ph.D., chsimun of the ODUidiilosophy 
dqmrtmratafid formerly a profossor at 
U&lpbr Uniyersity in India, and Her- 
bert B. Paryear, PI1.D., presi<tent of 
Atktttic University. 

ToitioB Is 115 for adults, $7.^ for 
students. Call 421-3588 for more in- 

VWC speaker 

Pr. Oded Eran, a native of Israel 
ami currently visitii^ professor of gov- 
ernment at Georgetowu University, will 
speak at Virginia Wesleyan CoU«p nn 
Friday, April 29, at 2:30 p,m. in room 
214 of the College Library, 

Eran, former associate director of 
the Russian mml East European Re- 
search Center at Tel Aviv University, 
will discuss "The Soviet Union and 
Israel." His lech»re is being sponosred 
by the CoUi^e's Political Perspective 
Series, acrording to series coonfimtor 
Dr, Edmund D. Carlson, assistantprd- 
fessor of political science. 

Milky Way 

May's program at the Virginia B«Gh 
public school's Planetarium is entitled 
"Beyond tto MiUiy Way," and the pub- 
lic is invited f!ree of charge to the 
weekly Showing* on Tuesday and Sun- 
day evenings. 

During the planetarium showii^s, the 
nrious types of galaxies aromd and 
beyond the Mflky Way. an! their class- 
ificatioB, will be reviewed with slides, 
Also, the unusual pulsars, quasars and 
mysterious black iKde stars will be 
discussed. A short film showing ef- 
fects of distance and time on travel 
in space wiU conclude the program. 

The pUuMtoriuniL is located «t the 
Plaza Junilr High School and ^ch 
SuiMlay's affi Tuesday's shows start 
at 7 p.m. ^ 

Plaza Junior High can be r^ci^ by 
taking the 44 toll road to the Lymi- 
iavm Exit to Lynohaven Paricway, and 
then turnii^ right cm South Lynnhaven 

The planetarium seats 120 peq>le, 
and reservaUms are a must. Call 
m-Ull for informati(Hi. 

The fourth annual 
Tournament, sponsuttni uj um *u- 
ginia Beach Department of iParks and 
Recreation, will be held at the Bow 
Creek Municipal Golf Course. M.jv 18 
and 19, tee off at 10 a 

All contestants mn.M is 

of age or over and reg the 

tournament by May 14, Registratlm 
can be coftfirmprf ti'- cutitaetlne Mike 
Bonavita at 486-i 

Trophies will be iw^raea loi cowesl 
gross and net tor both men and women, 
low gross and net for mixed doubles, 
and runner-up low gross and net. 

For further information concern!^ 
this tournam^t ccwtact the Virginia 
Beach Department of Parks k Rec- 
reation at 497-4884. 

Churoh su^^^ 

The formation of a new chuxvh spon- 
sored singles group has been amuHUC- 
ed by Ms. Rita Hutton, executive chair- 
man. According to Button the new ^r- 
denominational groiQ) wUl hesc^!^ be 
called Jaterfyth ^ni^s of IWewater, 
and wiU provide social activity for 
sing^ over the «ge of 24 y«iis. Ini- 
tially, social functions will tw held at 
participetihg churches on an every- 
other-Friday night basis. 


Norto&'s ^venth annual Jateraat- 
icmal Axaltt Pestliml &aiag Repttta 
competition is scheduted to get imder^ 
way Saturday, April 30, at 10:30 a.m. 
m Willoi«hby Bay at the Naval Station 
Sailing Center. The races will re- 
sume at 9 a.m. Sunday moraiag. Ce- 
cilie Countess Lambsd(»^, Quera of 
the Azalea Festii^l, wlU present rtro- 
phies to wiimers in each of the 10 
classra at the conclusion (^competi- 
tion. / 

Classes involved in the Re^tta will 
be Lightning, Thistle, ^arks, Wiad- 
miU, Hobie 16, McAJack, Himpm. San 
Jaaa 21, Iatemati(»al505afldAn«core. 

The ptOtlic is iDvited to att«Dd free 
of charge. 

College on May 6 at 8 p. 
College's Science Auditorium. The trio 
from .iMmes Madison University in 
"g, consists of Paul McEn 
'H'liii, violin; Robert Ashby, cello; 
and Steven Buchanan, piano. 

The Trio's program at Virginia Wes- 
leyan will Include Mozart's Trio in 
G Major, K. 564; Duo, Opus 7, for vio- 
lin and Cello by Zoltan Kodaly; and 
Mendelssohn's Trio in C Minor, Opus 

^rlng tennis 

The Virginia B^eh Department aS 
Parks ami J^reaUon annoufiees the 
jTben^tatfc Itecreattoa Spt^Tmnis 
'Tournaneat Siiturday, Apr. 30 at 9:00 
a.m. d the Center for EflecttveLeafl]- 

This tournamert is the culmination 
of six wetes of tennis classes for 
emotionally diturfoed, learning dis- 
abled and mei^dly retarded children 
involv^ in the thetapeuti6 reemtira 

TiM! Van der Meer teachii^ method 
of tennis is used dnrii% these weeks. 
For further iitforibatton ci^tact Nancy 
l^odkit 499-1281. 

TM iectwre 

The lateniation Meditatimi Society 
invites the pubUc to a free intro- 
iad^T} lecture on the trahsceai^iitaji 
m«ditttim ^^egnm. TM is a intural, 
meiM technique iriiich allows the 
iadiridual to ejqperience profound rest 
and rejuvenatiai. The prisclples, goals, 
and scieatWe resrarch oa theTIf pro- 
gram will be discussed, fhe lecture wUl 
be iKld t(»)ight Wednesday, Apr. 27 
at im p.m. A the center for the TM 
pragram, 224 Gnwelaad Rd., Vl^inU 
Beach <aiqaceBt to Princess Anne Plaza 
is the EzecuUve Building). 

For more inf(»:iplioD call 340-0400. 

- taciiity of the Viiginla Beach de« 
partment of Parks and RecreatlonyM- 
nounces rate changes for court plft? 

fiffi-i^f 1 vti May 

fes will l« as follows: $3 per 
court per hour - ^ults;|^.50per(mirt 
per hour - juniors/seniors (i#a«wtef; 
60 and over). 

Reservations are reo^mmenMI and 
can be made by calling 422-4716: The 
tennis complex is loeiited at ^ Snth 
Birdneck Road (intersectlM of S, Bird- 
neck and General Booth Blvd.) For., 
forther infornifttltw contact tte Vir- 
ginia Beacli D«pirtm«at(tf Parks and 
Hecmtiott at 497-4884. 


the Kellam High School Parent Tea- 
ctwr Assoctattott will hcdd an prieota- 
ticm session for in-orailBg t«rth 
graders at the sCAoolmThur^y.ilajr 
5, at 7:30 p.m. 

11^ pmgrwtt for students wto would 
be a^adiag JCellan next fall i4U N 
pressed ^ tte pii(bnc» depiFtneot. 
tt will cover guidance services, ^ub 
activtMes md qxtfts. 

AH atudeatsandpareats are cordially 
lavltad to att^d. 



fkirslng workslK^p 

The Tf(teirater chapter, Amerietn 
Red Cross is {Running a diskater mus- 
ing workstop on May 5 at the Virgbia 
Beach Red Cross omce. 

The workshop, opm ^ R.N. 's and 
L.P.N.'s «iU begin it 8 a.m. and Ust 
uBttl 4:30 Ttet^^is no cost to 
those who register but pertic4>aiits 
must bring thir own luaches—driakt 
will be provided. 

To j-egister, call the Virginia Beach 
Red Cross (XEfiee at 499-2311. Class 
size wiU be liratted to 40 nenybent. 



Says Beach Jn League 


Plan now to attend 

annual Azalea Ball 



'iiM t<..-:. 

DMglas ThOTatoe(le^«idAMett»IHller 
htfd their |»ises won ia tte rccoitVirgiiite 
BMch OfHiaiat's dvto public spMdcIng cm- 

ItsL TtemrtoavoBttetpr'sATisiflaaad 
MiUer woB the giri's. (SUN photo by Gary 

Beach students are 
Optimists winners 

This aturday, Apr. 30, 
the annual Inteniational A- 
zalea Ball wUl be held at 
C^hiinsler Hall in Norfolk. 
^ The lavish extravaganza 
B(morii« the Azalea Fes- 
tival and tte North Atlantic 
Treaty Organization tUs 
year, as in years past, will 
be sponsored by the Junior 
Le^ue of Norfolk- Virginia 
Beach and the International 
Azalea Committee of the 
Norfolk Chandler of Com- 

The classified section (4 
your hometown iKwsi^ieris 
essentially the bulletin board 
and market place of ^com- 
munity. It locates the in- 
terested customer as no 
o»h« r advertising^ can do. 
This is because the cus- 
itmiers in your neigldMr - 
hood tium to the classified 
pages and seaf eh out the 
advertisement for what he 
or she wants to buy. 

Music Saturday night will 
be provided by Tommy Gwal- 
tney aad his Orchestra, plus 
the Hot Cakes, tip flrstttme 
the two local bands have 
played at an Internatioml 
Festival Ball. 

Azalea Festival Queen 
Countess Lambdorff of Ger- 
many will be in attendaace 
with Iter court and at- 
teadants, escorted by mid- 
shipmen of the U. S. Naval 

The baU is scheduled to 
begin at 9 pm. and end at 
1 &M. The ptflOte is in- 
vited, aad aU tidcets (per 
couple) will iaelwle free 
dri^, hors d'oenvres and 
champa^pne. Tidiets may be 
reserved throq^ Mris. 
Richard L. Mcintosh, 425- 

This is the Wto year the 
Junior League of Norfolk- 
Vit^nia Beach has sptmsor- 
ed the Azalea BaU. Both 
the League and the Norfolk 
Chamber wUl siore the ex- 
penses, workload and profit 
of the event. 

An organization ^f co... 
munity dedicated young wo- 
men 21-35, the Junior League 
will reinvest their proceeds 
from the Ball back into the 
communities of Virginia 
Braeh aad Norfolk ttrMgh 
its varlQas i»oJects. Some 
projects which the Lemuels 

currently Involvea m are 
establishment a a g^l's 
group home uadk" tie a^^- 
ces (tf the Norfolk Javenfle 
and Domestic Relations 
Court; the MetropoUtaaArts 
Congress; a dtvg oouiaelihg 
and referral agency; c^lld 
advocacy program; Vir^nla 

Beach Arts Center; Livii«' 
Puppets who present plajrt In 
Virgitdfr Beach and Norfolk 
setoffs; aad the Valw^ry 
Action Ceater. 

All of the League's pro- 
jects are supported by moa- 
ey-raisers, such as the aa- 
aaal Azalea Festival Ball. 

A Kempsvllle Junior High 
riudent aad a Bayside High 
Schoid pH were tte wia- 
aers <d tte recent Virginia 
Beaek - Norfolk Optimist's 
Club i^lic sp^kiag con- 

Douglas G. Thorntm, 14, 
w» tte iKty's corapetitiai 
wtth his speech m "Tcget- 
ter We WiU." Also speak- 
tag (» tte same s^ject was 
tte girl's wteaer, Annette 
MiUer, 16. 

Both studeats w^ on to 
ew^iete ia tte Tliterater 

Opttmist's Club public 
qpeaUag eoirtest teU ia 

As tte winner of the Vir- 
giaia Beach contest, both 
'n(»'atoa aad MiUer re - 
c%ived a trophy and certi- 
fleate, plus a nvings b(»d. 

lis. MiUer is ttedUfhter 
of Mr. aad Mra. Sydaey Mil- 
ler oi 4702 Poolside Road 
ia Haygood Balls. 

Tbert^km is tte son (rf 
Mr. aadMra.Warr^Ttera- 
toe oi 5iX0 Hemlock Ave- 
aae in Keiq»vtUe Colmy. 

fttottm- Nature Says: 

'Se healty. be happy' 

U(MmT Natare &yj caa fiU yewr 
ma : 

?/ Ini/olved- Help the Blind! 


across ftvm 

Tt^KlAY thru FRIDAY-MAY 3-« 

Not ■ omtribution! You get full value 
from ^Sntm ^witMt* oftor^ \^ your 
local Lions Clut; memtMra, Best of all. 
your pufclwM of Mm Ivooma and ottiar 
itvms ttiat mt% made at tha Virginia 
Ws^h^ tor the ttiml anaMw a MIM 
Vi^inlan to ntaka a livir^. You will alto 
Iw BMitting imm arM L^M Cl^ in 
Ihair Sight Cwtaarvatioii 0ro^rim 
That's a lot tor ^Mir (fKMWy 


5 to t |i.m. — XMPM 'immPmm L^^t On 


it% 1^ easy 


Frten<Uy, helptui tns&uctors... 
a proven program of fun-to-do 
exercises and sensible eating— 
personaiizad for your special 
i^eds: A complete pro^m in ju^ 
13 ymtH—bx 01^ $4.00 a w^k! 
B^mPamm m^ it iea^ to get 
back in shape... «asy to keep 
loddn' ontl^^^ef 



13-week progrmn. 

inr an q^ointinieirt! 

*n»iiii riNiw njiin »wiiiii 1^ 

EkifMPopm J^ Kwpkf tton 





8ult«30t ^SO^ttC^MM 422-3133 




' J, .|„ll||,.^ piip # ^^ ^ 1^ 1^ pJl^ ^(^(ppupuij^^yj. 

f !J r „. ^. .^.1^.,^. 

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1^*, p lr>vpi V P V J ^•^W^P»s^»^»'^pi^^>F^P^pipi^^^P|Bi^< 





MaTf Boiler Techi^ckn 
Firtnaa Ai^mitice Delbert 
J. Krasey, sDQ of Mr. and 
Mrs. James P. Keasey of 
6049 Cleafspring Road, Vir- 
ginia Beach, bas completed 
the Basic Boiler Technician 

A 1976 graduate of Kellem 
Higb School. K^isey joined 
the Navy in September 1976. 


Commander Stanley P. 
Striddand of Vli^nia Beach 
has assumed cQinmaiid of Na- 
val Investigative Service Of- 
fice 0^6, a Naval Reserve 
Obit at Norfolk Naval Air 
Station. Prior to accepting 
command, he was the com •< 
manding Officer of Fleet 
Ocean Information Unit 106. 

Strickland is a project 
manager for Systems Con- 
sulta^s Inc. of Washington, 


lli'?5hi{»nan SeconA Class 
Kiel L. Norris, s(m of Mr. 
and Mrs. L. Wayne Norris 
of 909 Bobdlidc Dr., Vir- 
gima BMA, is a member 
of the oreh^itra iortheU. 
S. Naval AGititeny Ma^foer- 
aders' prodvetimi^ Ok San- 
dy mison saUre on 1920's 
musicals, "The Boy Frigid." 
The musical comedy will be 
presMted at the Academy 
April 29, 30 and May 6,7, 
13 and 14. 

Midshipman Norris plays 
the trwiBbCHe Ui the orctes- 
tra for the production. A 
mattenatlcs major at the 
AcMl^iy, he graduated from 
First Colonial High School 
in 1974. 


Navy Gunner's Mate Sal- 
man A{K>reBtic0 Douglas P. 
Carr, »hi of Rdbert F. Carr 
of 127 B(* Lane, Virginia 
Beach, was graduated from 
Basic Gunner's Mate S^ool. 

During the 16-vert course 
at the Naval Trainug Center, 
Great Lakes, lUr, Carr re- 
ceived an introduction to the 
we^jonry currMrt^ Installed 
aboaid Navy wan^ps. He 
studted the operation and 
raai^enance of missile and 
rocket launchii^ systemsand 
naval gws, including the ele- 
ctrical, mechanical and hy- 
draMBbc systems oi each. 

dirr joined the Navy in 
Sqrteaber 1976. 


Marine Coipo^ Ian B. 
Mdntyre, s<« (rf Mr. and 
Mrs. Andrew Mclntyre of 
5224 aenstow Drive, Vir- 
ginia Beach, has recwtly 
graduated frMi Noa-Com- 
mlssioned Officer (NCO) 

During the cwirse at the 
JUrine Cori» Air Statiw, 
El Two, &y^ Ana, CaUf, 
Mdirtyn statt^ peraoiml 
administration, Marine 
Cmie history and ti^ti<»s, 
nltttary cou-tety f^ tte 
pIl^^K ud tHMvwK ^ 
^^ttve l^ftorstti^ 

A 1971 gnrt»t# <rf Wty- 
sMe l^h Sctool, he j<tod 
tt» Marim Cw^ in I^- 


jtevy H^itelnan Ap- 
p<«Mce Lute A. terttaid, 
am (rf M^ I CtuHuA vt 
4M Ww*WTy Road, Vir- 
0^ Bi^, tea nfwM 
for Mr vtt te M Force 
Strvh^ ^»art Grov. 

A 1975 gradwtc <tf Keltam 
Hllb Scteol, he }^«d m 
HtTjr It Ftbrary ^. 


Marine Sergeant Michael 
A. Ci^vey. whose wife Jan- 
ette is the Ai^hter of Mr. 
awl Mrs. William Lowery 
rf 3566 tkm Lane, Virtinia 
Beach, prticipated in the al- 
lied exercise "Team spirit* 
JB the Western Pacific. 

Garvey is serving as a 
member erf Marine Air Sup- 
port Squadron-2, homrtwsed 
at the Marine Coi^s Air Sta- 
i/ttoB Futeraa mi Okinawa. 

Tte combined U.S. awJ Re- 
public of Korea (ROK) exer- 
cise was held durii% March 
Md April. 

Garvey joined the Marine 
Corps in May 1972. 

Navy Ensign M*ry A. 
Neaton, daughter of Mr. airf 
Mrs. William i. Neatw of 
3600 Ki^4tom Court, Vlr- 
<ginia Mich, has eomplrt^ 
the Officer IiKloctrinattM 
School at the Naval Educa- 
tion and Training Center, 
Newport,*R. 1, ' 

The six-week course is 
designed to prepare newly 

commissioned oWcers for 
duty in the Kavy sta» fti^ 
corresp(^ii^ to their ci- 
vilian profession (e.g. med- 
icine, law, nursing, etc.). 
A 1976 graduate of Itepaul 
Hospital School of Nursing, 
Norfolk, Ms. Eaten jcuned 
the Navy la November 19*^. 


Navy Chief Yeoman Lee 
R. IHmcan, son of Cora Don- 
can and bust»nd of Eula G. 
Duncan both of 50S1C Pem- 
bert(m St., Virginia Beach, 
♦as graduted from the Hu- 
man R«source Managemrat 

The 12-week course at the 
Meniphis Naval Air Station 
MiUbigton, Tenn., was de- 
signed to prepai^ students 
to serve as command Humaa 
Resource Managem«)t spec- 
ialists. Students received in- 
struction on organizational 
development, Navy equal 
OI90rtuBity policy, plusdr^ 
and alcc^l abus& pre- 
vention. Additionally, they 
studied the technii^es of 
military instruction and 
people-to-people diplomacy 
in overseas situations. 

Duncan joined the Navy 
in June 1959. 


Marine Second Lieutenant 
Patrick J. Behnke, son of 
Mr. and -Mrs. C.A. Btduke 
of 108 Kerswick Court anl 
whose wife Theresa is the 
duaghter of Mr. and Mrs. 
Cari W. Carroll o^ 9532 
Kpl^o# Bfris^/ iU <a ^- 
ginia B»ch, was gradu - 
ated. f^-om ttie Navy's Avi>- 
atiol Inctoctrinatlon Course 
(AJC). — 

During the tour - week 
course at tte Naval Air ^- 
tion, PeB«<»la, Fla., train- 
ees stodied basic aero- 
dynamics, aviatUiB i^siol- 
ogy and engiaeeriflg. Tfe^ 
also studied land tiod sea 
survival tectaiqB^ aiMl par- 
ticipated inanextoutivepiqr- 
sical fitaess curriculum. 

A 1976 graduateof tte Um- 
versity of Texas, Austin, 
with a bachelors dq^ree, he 
joined tte Marite Corps in 
May 1976. 



Airman MUshael J. Koi- 
H^, wtose motter is Mrs. 
Anne B. Kenney of 1404 Rut- 
land Drive, Virginia B«»ch, 
has been selected fbr tech- 
nical trainii^ at Sh^qiard 
AFB, Tex., in the Air Force 
medical service field. 

The airman recentlycom- 
pleted tesic training at 
Lackland AFB, Tex., and 
studied tte Air Force mis- 
sion, organization and cus- 
toms and received special 
instmcti(Mi in human re- 

iUrnao Kem^ is a 1976 
graduate ot First Colonial 
%b School. 


Marim SecMd Lietrt^aat 
MichaM D. McMilkn, whose 
wife ^eri is the dai^hter 
of Navy Captain and Mrs. 
B,J. McKee of 6397 Co% 
Way, Vii^inia Beach, was 
graduated from the Navy's 
AvtiitiM Indoctrination 
Course (AIC). 

AIC is the first step in 
tte Naval tUght training pro- 
gram l«uAq; to des^nation 
as a naval aviator. 

A 1976 gradwte of tte Uai- 
verrity of &juttern Cali- 
foroia, Los Angeles, with a 
tectelor of science (^m, 
McMillan joined tte Marine 
Coti^ in Jime 1976. 

VJriginla B*icl i«, Airttlf, 1977 - A-9 


Navy ttorekei^r Smond 
CiMS JoAft F. Kubi«:l7, 
wl^ ihkt teitera is tte 
dai«Mer (rfBaxleMcIraor- 
aey ol 969 <M Forest Court, 
Virginia BMCh, has darted 
tot an ex^ided iii^a//mmH 
in tte Meditn-raMan ^. 

Re is servtag as a crew- 
BMmter aboi^rd tte aircraft 
carrier VS& bdc^wndettee, 
homeported iaNori<Ak, Va. 
While deployed, his 8b4> will 
operate as a imit of tte U.S. 
Sixth Fleet. 

He joined tte Navy in Feb- 
ruary 197S. 


Navy Machinery R^air- 
lun Fi»t Class Charles H. 
Fryer, whose wife EUeu is 
tte dai^^ter (rf Mr. and Mn. 
Henry GiteM of IflOOCtec-' 
taw Cmot, Vittinia Beach, 
it currently on an eirt^Kied 
d^loyment in tte Mediter- 
ranean S^. 

He is serving as a crew- 
Member aboard the comtMt 
stoi% ship U^ Sylvanla, 
homeported in Norfolk, V«. 
His ship is assigned as a 
unit of tte U.S. Sixth Fleet. 

Fryer joined the Navy in 
April 1963. 

Navy Lieute^at C(Mn- 
auader Mer D. 7k(Mun, 
vtose wife Kathleen is tte 
(Mughter oi Mr. and Mrs. 
George i. Parker of 3329 
Eagle Nest PolHt, Virginia 
Beach, has rqwrted for duty 
at tte Headquarters of tte 
Commander in Chief, Atlan- 
tic Command and Atlantic 
Fleet, Norfolk. 

A 1973 gra(hiate of tte 
Naval Post Graduate School, 
Mimterey, Calif., with a 
bactelor of arts degree, he 
joined the Navy in Septem- 
ter 1961. 



^Ciriw Corporal Wkt - 
^ l^owm^ M4 Deft Ct, 

Navy Eiiflwnaa FirenUia 
MI^Ml H. ^y Jr., aoa 
<A Peggy M. Gray <rf mm 
iQK^am Road, Virgin 
Beach, participated te tte 
U.S. slxtt Fleet (^ration 

He is a crevmemter a- 
board tte am^dMoiK trans- 
port dock USS TreatolL 
homeported at N(»iEolk, vii 

A 1975 f Mtdutfe td Frad( 
W. C(» nib Scfaocd, Gray 
joined the Navy in May 1975. 


Airman Henry A. Srtitli 
Jr.. son of Mrs. Cora L. 
Rivers of 416 E. Adams St., 
Sanducky, Ohio, has been 
selected for technical train- 
ing at Cory Fi^, Field, 
Fia., in tile Air Force com- 
munications systms opera- 
tions field. 

The airman recemlycom^ 
pleted basic trainii* at 
Lackland AFB, Tex., and 
studied the Air Force mis- 
sion, organization and cus- 
toms and received special 
instruction in human rela- 

Airman Smith graduated in 
1970 from Finney Higb Sch6(d 
and attended tAe University 
of Detroit. His wife, Vera, 
is the daughter of Mrs. Bar- 
bara Brown of 1240 Peace 
Square, Virginia Beach. 


Navy Yeoman Seattan Re- 
cruit Rotert D. ScUer, son 
of Mr. ami Mrs. R(Aert M. 
Schier of 44M Canibria a, 
Vl^^nia ^db Jm^ cm-. 
vMed tte IbiMc Yeoman 

During tte nite - W6A 
course at the NanU Tech- 
nical Training Ceiller, Me- 
ridian, Miss., Schier re- 
ceived instruction on of - 
flee organisation, Eq^lish, 
typii%, and filing. He also 
stmlied correspondoice pro- 
cedures, rec(mls prepara - 
tion, adminifitrattve r^ort- 
ing retirements andolKce 
management procedures. 

A 1976 graduate of Prin- 
cess Anae High School, 
Schier joined the Navy in 
Septerater 1976. 


Marine First Lieutenant 
Attert D. Palmer Jr., son 
of Mr. and Mrs. Altert D. 
Palmer of 1(^3 ftoiord Ave., 
Virginia Beach, has been 
promoted to his presort 
rank while wertiot at tte 
Marine Corjs Air Station, 
Mew River, Jacksonville, 

He is a graduate oi Frank 
W. Cox High Scho(d, attended 
(M Domini(w University, 
Norfolk, and joined tte Mar- 
ine Coii» in December 1969. 


Tte son (rf a Virginia 
B^ch couple has been se- 
lected to receive specialised 
training alter conpl^ing 
air Force basic traiaiag at 
Lackland AFB, Tex. 

Airman Heni? A. Bartcm, 
Jr., son of Mr. and Mi^. 
Henry A. Bart(» of 1209 
Burlit^ott Road, now goes 
to Corry FieW, Fla., to at- 
tend tte Air TnMi« Com- 
ma nd ' s c(xnnunicatt(»)s 
systems tqiei^or course. 

The airmn isal^tgrad- 
inte of Kempsviite Hif^ 


VirglniaBmeh, tes ke • 
ported for dirty witt ^Mar- 
ttie MvlsMi, MariM On^. 
tew, JCu^ L^^, N.C. 
He is a I^ p^ftte of 

Ma^e Lance Coiporal 
MctadI W. Etter, sm of 
m^m t. IMer tt 4H7 
O^Ms ClR^, VIrgttii 
ANwh^ parM^ted la tte 
U.S. MM ^et QpentfoB 

le li a mfBitef (rf tte 

W^tie DMl^KMi Off. 

n^ eaidri^d ateardte 
^Med m^mmitm US 
MwQP, hoB^M^ in 
Ga^, ttal^. 

A 19n gr^oM «f IMi- 
(m* Auw 1^ S^ocrf, Et- 
m JoMM tt> Hwtoe Coiya 


Cud Qwrd Ci^f Boat- 
sinta'4 M^ Jese^F, Pur- 
oeU^ Mtfiiaad olMn. Kleko 
Puraell (rf 5703 Accomac 
Sqoare, Virginia B^ch, was 
graduated from Senior Petty 
CWIcer LeadersUp and Man- 
agement School. 

Tte three-week course at 
tte Coast Guard Reserve 
Training Ceater, Yorktown, 
Va., tttroduced Pnniell to 
tte latest leadership train- 
ing phil(»ophies and tech- 

He joined tte Coast Guard 
in March 1957. 


Airman Paul A. Montgo- 
mery, whose motter is Mrs. 
Barbara L. |.oveallof 8^r- 
tan St., Virginia Beach, has 
been assigri«l to March AFB, 
Calif., aftei: completing Air 
Force iMisic training. 

During the six weeks at 
Lackland AFB, Tex.,theair- 
man studied the Air Force 
mission, organization and 
(^stoms and received spec- 
ial instruction in human re- 

He is a 1976 graduate of 
Princess Anne High School. 


Navy Instrumentman Sea- 
man Recruit Frederick E. 
Saudi Jr., son of Mary J. 
SmaU of 433 Malibu Drive, 
Virgtaiia 'Beach, was grad- 
i^ed (rom tesic Instru- 
mesUnaa Scteol. 

During tte i7-week course 
aUbe NavU Traiaiag Qwter , 
Great Lakes, DI., SmaH re- 
ceived instmcfiOB on ^ 
procwitares to iurtall, ser- 
vice aad repair small office 
macMaes, electronic calcu- 
lators, clocks and mimeo- 
graph machines. 

Small joined tte Navy in 


Mftriae Serg^uit Jos^ F. 
Backo, son of Mr. and Mrs. 
Joseph h. Backo of 240 
Presidential Blvd., Vir - 
ginia Beach, participated in 
(^ration "Ckx* work-77" 
in Norway. 

He was (me of four U.S. 
Marines that took part in 
the four-week exercise witt 
ihemters of tte 4Stt Com- 
mando Brigade of tte Brit- 
ish Royal Marines. It was 
the first time a group of 
U.S. Marines have partici- 
pated in mountain-arctic 
warfare training witt tte 
Royal Marines. 

Backo is currently ser- 
ving with tte 2d Battalion, 
2d Marine Regiment at Camp 
Lejeune, N.C. 

A 1973 graduate of Kel- 
1am High School, Backo 
joined tte Marine Corps in 
Novemter 1973. 


Airman ^ul T. Badar, 
whose nurther is Mra. Aleeae 
M. Wicter of 424 Tory Road, 
Virgiatt Beach, has beea se- 
lected for te^udcal traiaiag 
at SteHwrd AFB, •tex.,-ia 
tte Air Force aircraft main- 
tenaace field. 

The airman reeeirtly com- 
Id^ed tesic training at Lack- 
land AFB, Tex., and studied 
tte Air Fcvce raiasloe', or- 
gaaiutloB and cu^fis and 
received special iMtruction 
in humaa relattons. 

Aimaa BaAtr is a 1976 
gnuiaaUr <d Princess Aane 
High SOuxi. 


Micteel WUliam Redus. 
son erf Mr. aad Mrs. WU- 
lUai C, ^ta of Vir^aia 
Bea^ ias bem named to 
tte Deaa's Ust for Uie 197* 
tell sea^ster at ^ Rosi 
%^ lMlv«r«ity la AlpM, 

E«ius is aMpteaoreaMi- 
jeriag in wlMltte. He is a- 
MOi« 2^ ilMtate^MMd to 
tte Ust by tte aifenity's 
iMrii^ anfahn JeOce. In 
drder to qwOi^, rtidenU 
■ait taiw maWrtaiaed a 3.0 
or fei^ gmte PoM aver- 
t^ Iw ^imaeclM-. 

around the world 


Martae Sei^eant James 
E. Slantis, son of Mr. and 
Mrs. James E. Slantis of 
3709 Old Forge Road, and 
whose wife Miriam is tte 
daughter of Mr. ud Mrs. 
Rotert Williams all of Vir- 
ginia Beach has been a- 
warded a Meritorious Mast 
while serving at tte Mar- 
ine Corps Air Station, Cher- 
ry Point, N.C. 

A Meritorious Mast is of- 
ficial recogniti(m from a 
Marine's commanding of - 
fleer for siqierior individual 
performance. It is issued 
in the form of a bulletin 
published ttrou0»ut tte 
command, and a c^ is en- 
tered in the Marine's per- 
manent service records. 

Slantis was cited for his 
performance as production 
controller with Marine 
Transport/Refueler Squa - 
dron-252 from April to Au- 
gust 1976. 

A 1967 graduate of Kel- 
1am High School, he joined 
tte Marine Corps in August 


Navy Midshipmen Third 
Class J(rtm R. Hartzag, son 
of Ursula M. Hartzag of 4009 
Rampart St., Virginia Beach, 
has been named to tte Dean's 
List at tte U.S. Naval Aca- 
demy for tte 1976-77 acade- 
mic year. 

Tte Dean's List hoaors 
midsMpoiMi wte achieve aa 
academic averse of at least 
3.4 of a possttle 4.0. 

Hartzag is a 1975 graduate 
of F. W. Cox High School. 


Navy Electronics Tech- 
nician First Class Kennett 
. R. Merctent, whose wife Rita 
is tte daughter (rf George B. 
Williams of 2340c(meeAve., 
Virginia Beach, participated 
in tte U.S. Sixtt Fleet opera- 
tion "National WeekXXH." 

He is a crewmemter a- 
board the amphibious trans- 
port dock USS Trenton, 
temeported at Nortolk. 

Merchant joined tte Navy 
in April 1964. 


Navy Machinery R^talr- 
man Third Class Ertc T. 
Dell, husband of Brenda L. 
Dell of 2 Aragon Drive, Vir- 
ginia Beach, participated in 
tte U.S. Sixtt Fleet open- 
ti(Hi "National Week XXD." 

Dell is a crewmemter 
aboard tte guided missile de- 
stroyer USS Farragut, 
homqmrted in Nortolk. 

AdditionaUy, he and his 
fellow sh^unates had tte op- 
portunity to visit Dubrovnik, 
Yugoslavia during a six-day 
port visit. 

Dell joined tte Navy in 
Septemter 1974. 


Itevy Lieutenant Paul C. 
Striffler, seta of Mr. and 
Mrs. WUlard C. ^riffler of 
2361 S. WoUsnare Drive, 
Virginia Beach, participated 
in tiw U.S. Sixtt Fleet op- 
eration -Nattoial Week 


He is engineering officer 
m tte destroyer USS ters- 
field, h(»ieperted in May - 
port, Fla. 

He exercise took {dace 
ta tte Tynlwabm and I(»- 
iim Sms, near Sicily. 

A 1972 graduate of Vir- 
ginia Teclw>loglcal Univer- 
sity, Blacksburg, Va., witt a 
bacMor (rf arts degree 
Strimer j(riaed tte Ibvy in 
De<%mter 1972. 


Navy Y«»MBSeowi Class 
Rots' C Feraudn, sea (rf 
ItlaMd C. Feiwdxtoz (rf 
3S« hon itoad, Virgil 
B^h, tes parted for aa 
otoaded de^cTnept in tte 
MaMemaean Sea. 

Be JriMd tte Navy ini^ril 


Second Lieutenant Joel W. 
Miller, whose parents are 
retired U.S. Navy Chief War- 
rant Officer and Mrs. George 
F. Miller of 404Ticonderoga 
Road, Vii^inia Beach, tes 
graduated from U. S. Air 
Force pilot training at Col- 
umbus AFB, Miss., and has 
teen awarded silver wings. 

Lieutenant Miller now goes 
to Eglin AFB, FU., for Hy- 
ing duty oh tte C-130 Her- 
cules and will serve with 
a unit of the Tactical Air 

The lieutenant, a 1970 grad- 
uate of Princess Anne High 
School, received his B.S. de- 
gree in 1975 from the Uni- 
versity of Virginia, Cter- 
lottesville, where te was 
commissioned through the 
Air Force Reserve Officers 
Training Corps program. 


Navy Boatswain's Mate 
Seaman I^inlel P. Toomey, 
son of Mr. and Mrs. Tte- 
mas P. Toomey of 425 Tory 
Road, Virginia Beach, par- 
ticipated in tte U.S. Sixtt 
Fleet operation "National 
Week XXII. " 

He is a crewmemter 
aboard tte tank landing ship 
USS Harlan County, home - 
ported in Norfolk. 

"National Week XXH" was 
an eight-day exercise to -. 
volving more tiaui 30 sixtt 
fleet ships, Itj^l^tfiiu- 
dnms and a iSmM^maUiw 
landing team. 

A 1975 graduate (rf Prin- 
cess Anne High School, 
Toomey joined tte Navy in 
Novemter 1974. 


Coast Gkiard Chief Mach- 
inery Rqairman R(A»ert G. 
Benson, whose wife Pamela 
is tte daughter of Floyd F. 
MitcheU of Virginia Beach, 
tes been promoted to his pre- 
sent rank while serving at 
tte Coast Guard Base, Sault 
Ste. Marte, Mich. 

He joinei^tte Coast Guard 
ttFegruary 1973. 


Navy Chief Data Systems 
Technician James E. Tra- 
vis, whose wife Beverly is 
tte daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 
Arnold R. Walker of 736 
Carriage Hill Road, Virginia 
Beach, has departed for an 
extended deployment in tte 
Mediterranean Sea. 

He is serving as a crew- 
member aboard tte aircraft 
carrier USS Independence, 
temeported in Norfolk. 

Travis joined tiie Navy in 
February 1958. 


Navy Radioman Seomd 
Class Jlmu.le D. Watklns, 
whose wife Pamela is tte 
daughter (rf Mr. and Mrs. 
G. Mackey of 5832 &U(|^- 
hanu Drive, Virginia Beach, 
has dqtarted for an extend- 
ed dqiloymMt in tte Me(tt- 
terraBMa Sea. He is serv- 
iag as a crewmemter abcard 
tte aircraft orrier USS la- 
(^lOideBce, homep(»ted ta 

Wattlas j(rfaed ttie Navy 
to June 1963. 


Navy Data S]«tems Tech- 
aiciaa Second Class James 
F. Yaaus Jr., son of Mr. 
aad Mrs. James F. Yanus 
of 845 ^. James Drive, Vir- 
ginia Pea^ tes Awaited tor 
aa beaded dq&^rnwt to 
tte Medtterraneaa Sea. lie 
is wrviag as a crewmemter 
ab(»rd te aircraft carrier 
USS ladqwMtaice, home- 

A 19?) gndaato of Prin- 
cess AMe High School, 
Tamis J(tfwi tiie Navy In 
Jidy 1973. 


Coast Guard Lieutenant 
(junior grade) Ro(taiey B. 
Bowles, son of Madeline D. 
Bowles of 428 Gottem Road, 
Virginia Beach, was gradu- 
ated from tte National 
Search and Rescue (SAR) 

Tte four-week course at 
tte Coast Guard Training 
Centerm Governors Island, 
New York City, was design- 
ed to prepare students for 
duty in rescue coonfination 
centers or aboard rescue 
ships and aircraft. 

Bowles is a 1969 gradu- 
ate of Princess Anne High 
School, and a 1973 graduate 
of tte U.S. Coast Guard A- 
cademy, New London, Conn., 
with a bactelor of science 


Marine Lance Corporal 
Ricterd J. Snyder Jr., son 
of Mr. and Mrs. Richard 
J. Snyder (rf 1009 Antioch 
Circle, Virginia Beach, tes 
been promoted to his pre- 
sent rank while serving at 
tte Marine Corps Com- 
munications Electronics 
School, Marine Corps Base, 
Twentynine Palms, Calif. 

A 1976 graduate of 
Kempsville High School, he 
joined tte Marine Corps in 
January 1976. 


Navy Seaman Phillip L. 
Ricks, sm of Mr. aad Mrs. 
Otis Ricks Jr. of 5145 Cad- 
doan Road, Virginia Beach, 
tes completed tte Basic En- 
listed Course at tte Naval 
Submarine School, Groton, 

During the six- week cour- 
se, he was introduced to tte 
tasic theory, construction 
and (^ration of nuclear- 
powered and diesel submar- 
ines. In preparation for his 
first assignment, he studied 
shipboard organization, dam- 
age control, and submarine 
safety and escape pro- 

A graduate of Kempsville 
High School, Ricks joined tte 
Navy in Octoter 1976. 


Airman Wade W. Webb, 
whose parents are retired 
U.S. Navy Chief Petty Of- 
ficer and Mrs. Cterles H. 
Wrtb of 3760 Starlighter Dr. 
Virginia Beach, has been as- 
signed to9>en)ardAFB,Tex. 
after completing Air Force 
tesic training. 

During tte six weeks at 
Lackland AFB, Tex., tte air- 
man studied tte Air Force 
mission, organization and 
customs and received special 
instructi(m in human rela- 

Airman Wel^ will now re- 
ceive specUajiM training in 
tte metal wondi% field. 

Tte airman attended Floyd 
E. KeUam High School. His 
wife, Pamela, is tte daugh- 
ter (rf Mr. and Mrs. ioba 
Snyder (rf 441 Presidential 
Blvd., Virginia B^ch. 


Navy Aviatton Fire Con- 
trol Techniciaa Seeoad Class 
Vincent A. Bied^er, whose 
wife Carolyn is tte daugh- 
ter of Mr. and Mra. Henry 
M. Beasley of 3320 North 
Gate Drive, Virginia B^ch, 
tes d^arted Im- an exteaded 
dqdoyiMM to tte Meittter- 

He Is servlag as a crew- 
member tfxsard tte aircraft 
carrier il^ bid^»deace, 
hom^(^tod iaNorf(rtk, Va. 
While d^lojwd, his ship wUl 
(^erate as a ult of tte U.S. 
Sixtt Fleet 

He ](Mned tte Itavy tt Telb- 
mry 1970. 


Airman Ned P. Laramay, 
whose parents are retired 
U.S. Ifavy Chief Petty Of- 
ficer and Mra. Ned J. Lara- 
may (rf 341 Barcelona Lane, 
Virginia Beach, tes been se- 
lected for technical train- 
ii« at Chaaute AFB, HI., in 
tte Air Force aircraft main- 
tenance field. 

Airman Laramay is a 1976 
graduate of Princess Ann 
High School. His wife, Karen 
is tte daughter of Mr. and 
Mrs. Lorran S. Hatton of 
516 S. Gladstone Drive, Vir- 
ginia Beach. 


Airman Tommy L. Morton, 
wtese parents are Mr. and 
Mrs. Ivy L. Morton of 3421 
MacDonald Road, Virginia 
Beach, has been selected for 
technical training at Chan- 
ute AFB, m., in tte Air 
Force aircraft maint«iance 

Airman Mortem is a 1976 
graduate of Kenqisville High 


Navy Chief Yeoman George 
C. McCartney, whose wife 
Kattleen is the daughter of 
Patrick Henry of 501 Larry 
St., Virginia Beach, tes re- 
tired from active duty after 
20 years of service. 

McCartney most recentiy 
served on tte Staff of Com- 
Biaader Naval Surface Force 
Atiaatte Fleet, Norfott. 

He joined tte Navy in June 


Navy Midshipman Second 
Class Jonathan E. WiU, son 
(rf Navy Qyrtain and Mrs. 
Otto W. Will m of 1624 Rid- 
ge Road, Virginia Beach, has 
been named to berth tte Dean's 
and Siqierinteadent's Lists 
at tte U.S. Naval Academy 
for tte 1976-77 academic 

The Dean's List honors 
midshipmen wte achieve an 
academic average of at least 
3.4 (of a possible 4.0). The 
SQierintendent's List honors 
those midshipmen wte, in 
atjklition to earning idacement 
00 tte Dean's List, teve de- 
monstrated superior leader- 


Navy Dati Processii^ 
Technician First Class Mar- 
tin J. Lafave, whose wife 
Nancy is tte daughter of Mr. 
and Mrs. Ivan P. Jorgensen 
of Dylan Drive, Virginia 
Beach, tes departed for an 
extended deployment in the 
Mediterranean Sea. 

Lafave is serving as a 
crewmemter aboard tte air- 
craft carrier USS Indepen- 
dence, homeported in Nor- 
folk, Va. While deployed, his 
ship will (^erate as a unit 
of the U.S. Sixtt Fleet. 

He joined tte Navy in . 
i^ril 1962. 


Marine Lance Coiporal 
Donald P. Frangenterg, son 
of A. M. Fraageirtwrg (rf 
640 Raff Road, Virginia 
Beach, tes reported for duty 
witt 3d Marine Diviskm, Oki- 
nawa, Japan. 

A 1975 gn^te of 
PriMess Anne High Schoerf, 
Frangeri)erg fsiati tte Mar- 
ine Corps la Jwe 197S. 


Navy Midsh^ea Foortt 
Class Daairi J. Law, am (rf 
Mr. aad Mrs. James R. Law 
of S«t au^ovwood IhiM, 
Vlrgtttt Baa(*. tea Nm 
Msed to tte OMa's List 
at tte UM. nanX ikadeay 
lor tte IVN - 17 aeaiBiito 

T^e Oiu's IM iman 
tt^^^mm lAo a^en u 
aotemic avmi^ M at leurt 

Ba is a MN «rad^ tl 
Bayrtie UghMmrt. 

yyyfyyf»yfyfffff^y^yy| [ ffyyyipyfyyffffyffff»yyyfyfyf¥Tf¥ffff»»| i f| p f»#f¥¥f¥¥f¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥f¥f ¥¥¥¥¥¥¥»¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥ ¥ ¥¥¥ ¥ ¥¥ ¥ 






ol payments 

JttRe I, will bring checks at 
tlw «Kl of the month rather 
than at tta« b^lnung to Vir- 
ginia BeaehTet«(rHi$,d«|ien- 
dents, awl sdrvieemeoibers 
enrolM w VetffnRs^viB- 
istration eAwatioftjK'c^ratn. 
These uA otter c^^«sare 
bei!% explained in a "stuf- 
fer" e«l«sed with checks 
mailed in April and May, 
aceordit% to tte RwikAaVA 
Regional Office. 

Ending of the prepayment 
system ||iH have the ipo^t 
nnfirpahi* pfffct mi Rearh 

eteraa-sMents cwtinu - 
ously enrolled this summer. 
Ttey will r^tive their last 
VA check under tte prepay- 
ment system on May 1. <»v- 
eriif eoroUment for May, 

The next checks, «overii% 
Jhw enrollment, will be Is- 
sued July 1. Subsequent VA 
checks will follow eachad- 
^tlooal motth of enroll - 

The law also discoatinues 
automatic advance payment 
of tv to two mMthsfil Bill 
alliM|Mce prior toit^i^fcrt 
ni «;<^wii A npw pr»3fee<h(re 

will l»rmtt advance^yment 
at ttie beginning of a schiwl 
term for the first month or 
partial m^i, |Avs tte fol- 
lowing month only if the stu- 
dent makes a written request 
aiMl the sctool agrees to pro- 
cess the advaMe ^yme&t. 
or . the dependents educa- 
tional assistance program 
who wish an advam:e payment 
^ould contact their school, 
because the student's written 
request for advance {»y ment 
must' be iocl^ded OQ the 
sttagt enrofiihMit eertifi - 
catl<i suWiitted to VA, 

May events planned 
at Pembroke Mall 

Sales on upswing 
for Metro MLS 

Beach btood donor hits 3 gal. 

Sheers at Pen^roke 
MaU eu «Qeet to se« a 
wt^ of eimits and dis- 
l^ys <tou% the month of 

May i'^ an iatiisknalarts 
stow mU be AeM ttiroai^- 
<wt tke MaU, eovrtesy ol the 
ViFgUAi Beadi putAicsf^ool 

Maf It-lS. tte Clyde Be- 
atty IMe tot^hers circus 
will p^s^ a tag-top cir- 
€H onplele inlh teretet$ 
di^ InMe Om MftU. 

Mkf M-tt«UlbeaeUth 

art show, with youngsters 
from over 50 schools ccm- 
trlbtttiiig their art works. 

May W will be a special 
Memorial Day sale Mall- 
wide with special hours actf 
8 a.m. to 10 p.m. 

On May 2 Mcintosh Studio 
will display its 1977 Photo 
Display for the last day of 
its exhibit. 

Oo May 3 the Virginia 
Extension Homemakers will 
^^^ a day-long slide/au- 
dio exUblt oir the Bicenten- 
Dial atapestry that travel- 
led all over the state. 

On May 14, shippers can 
get a preview of Ute Great 
T? AartiOB by WHRO-TV, 
with ayide(«ta4iepr«seotatk)n 
of last yeu''s event. 

On May 13 and 14 hearing 
tests will be oflered free 
to the public I9 the Lynn- 
haven lAaa's Club io the 
c«iter Mall. 

On May 14 a blood pressure 
testing clinic will be offer- 
ed free to the imblic in cen- 
ter mall io r^ognltioB ol 
National fio^tal Week. 

A rH«>» siworter-of m btood profrua 
in fte Norfolk Mml SH^trd, JauM P. 
Metvta Id Vtaflida BeMht a Mval areU- 
tecture ^MiaielM la nmfifai^at d^ict- 
rnent, %ic«§i» f Bfv jta Md Mood iteaor 
card frwi wtelBistntf ve (^cer Ci^Mato 
FrMdc L. EtcMson Jr. during a Ueod Do- 

wr award ^reaoqr. MeJflB'sawat^ marks 
a 40Mrtk» k Otf** galj^ of ttn jtrectons 
lif^^^ &IA. and ht is le^Htig for tte 
IHVHPU^ n«^- Melvla, Us vKe Carole. 
aad ttuMr Im ekUdrea Uve oh Madf Drive 
in Vlrflda Sneh. 

live d WtS 

Inc., one of the large multi- 
ple real estate llstiilg ser- 
vices in Virginia Beach, has 
reported tMt real estate 
sales in Virginia Beach an! 
the rest of TM^wter over 
the ftrst threemMttsof 1W7 
Itts imprwed by a signlfi- 
e«nt maifiB. 

M^rtt MLS inc., reports 
that net »^ estate sales 


Victoria Station Inconpor- 
ated, the ^n Fraw:iseo 
based restaunmt chain, tas 
promoted Bob Shaftoe toOie 
position of general mam^er 
of the Viiglnia Beach r^- 
taurant located at 4525 Col- 
ombus ^reet, Virginia 

In June (rf 1975. Staftoe 
JoiMd the compaoy'a man- 
f,ffomont fpi^ininp program in 

16 (J^'J i.'i;ill (ivci iiir laim. 

period a year ago. 

The net sales by (tollar 
volume, acconUi^j to Wells, 
WU $74,3M,dOO, tA li - 
crease of 25 per cent over 
flrst (parter 197€. 

Metro MLS Inc. serves a 
major s^meot of the Vir- 
ginia Beach and Tidewater 
real estate indostry. 


Lake Tatoe, Calitomia. Af- 
ter successftUy comid^li^ 
the tiainl^ cmirse. Me man- 
aged the Victoria Statlcm 
restauiaots in E^rten, Con- 
necticrt, and Virginia B«ch. 

The Virginia Beach 
Victoria Stattonls^mMen- 
^y thrm^h SSturday for 
limch and every tdgfat for 

BBB sets new system 
for mail order compldints 

The Tidewater B^er 
Business Bureau Inc. has an- 
Mmnced the implemoatatiot 
of a new compUint-haiKUlBg 
system, designed q>eciti- 
cally for mail order com- 

This new system, comidete 
with newly designed focins 
and procedures, requests thai 
the consumer direct his com- 
plaint to the company , with 
a copy to the BBB. Normally 
the consumer returns the 
comjdaud form to the BBB 


tor reylev and further pro- 
ces$ii«, which will Still be 
the procedure for all other 
types ot ccnnplaints. 

"We have long felt that 
consumer involvement in 
handling their own problems 
vn port of the answer to- 
wards develc^ing and main- 
tainii^ good consumer busi- 
ness relations," advised 
Polly Martin, BBB office 

With this new maU order 

complaint system, she con- 
tinued, the company knows 
we are aware rf the pr{*lem 
b«t is asked to comraont- 
cate directly with their cus- 
tomer, adrising the Boreao 
of his rei^nse. 
Develf^ by tbe Council 

of BBBs after comultatloD 
with the maU order ImIus- 

* ** 

Alow you can spett 'Realtor' right! 

Virginia Beach Board of Realtors president Jack Robertson presents a Webster's 
Ccrfegiate Dictionary to SUN News EcRtor Gary FuBerton, recognizing the cooperation 
between the SUN and the Board. 

This boy knows how 
to use Elmer's Glue 

Michael Hastings of Vir- 
ginia Beach has been a- 
warded ibe tqi st^ |Bize 
in his class divlsitM of Uie 
Elmer's "Natural Wonders" 
National Glue-Craft Con - 
test. State winners' crafts 
projects are now in New 
York City for tte nati(»al 
competition, which con- 
cludes on April 12. 

Mici»el, age 9, of Har- 
per Road, Virginia Beach, 
received first place in the 
grades 3 to 5 diviston with 
his miniature model of a 
jet airplane made with 
clothespins, popsicle sticks 
and other items. A third 
grade sti^fe^ of Cordelia 
Holt at Princess Anne Ele- 
mMtary Scb(y>l, he will re- 
cite a cassette recorder 
as his prize. 

Tte theme of the Wk-TI 
glue-craft coated, "Ratoral 
Wonders," was designed to 
racour^e stsdent interest 
in enriroomental study. Stu- 
dents were requested to oi- 
press their own id«ks on the 
topic thrmigh individual cre- 
ative crafts saeh as collages, 
dtoramas, plaqms, papier- 
macbie objects and oUMr 
craft forms, ^xmsored by 
the Consumer Products Di- 
vision of Borden Chemical 
the national comp^iw was 
(^n to stadeats in pre - 
primary through grade 8. 
Some 60,000 classes 
througtamt tbe U. S. par- 
ticipated in the ccmipetitiKm. 

The grand prise in toe 
April 12 national competi- 
tion is a $l,0(X} U. S. sav- 

ings bwA and an all-ex- 
poise pafat trq> to New York 
City for the wiimer, his or 
her teacher and a parent. 
Each of three naticmal class 
divisicm winners (from which 

the grand prize winner is 
selected) will receive a $500 
U. S. Savingsbtnd. Teachers 
kA all natioqal winners re- 
ceive matchii^ savings bond 

Jack R. Norman 

New of f ice 
for Kennedy 

Houston attends 
planning meet 

GSH honored, 
in top 1 firms 

Carroll W. KeaiMdy an- 
aiM)Baced that constuetion on 
his second oftlce baiUii« 
on LynnhavraBwdju^ north 
<d toe Virginia Beach/Nor- 
folk E^ressway, is uoder- 
was. The buiMi^ has 10,0<» 
square toet of ^ace divMed 
iito vai^ws Si»s for l^se 
to businesses. Kraaedy has 
appelated Thomas C. Kyrus 
4 As«ctates R^ty Jiu. as 
his abusive leasi^ agent. 

Clay Nicies, losing agent 
for Kyrus Realty, eq>ects 
space to be avaUable by 
May 1st. 

Kennedy, wtose main 
c^ce is to Virgtoia Beach, 
is currently Inilding single 
family homes to CcMintry 
Place-Green Run, Lamidi^t 
Mamr, Wellini^ Woods 
Norto and Chels^ in Vir- 
ginia Bnch, ud WUdwood 
Heights to Ches^eate. 

&m Hou^oo Sr. of Vir- 
ginia B^ch will be one of 
the partici{ttnto at tte 27to 
amunl i»>itfer«kpeof the Vir- 
ginia Cittz^is Pluu^ As- 
soctotktt to be held May 1-3 
at FredwifdC'rtNirg. 

Hmtstim, first vice pi^si- 
dent of the assodatim, will 
listen to a ^^tiui aad $ie^- 

At the recent UMwal con- 
vMUM of IfattoBvide-FlM- 
A-Home Service, Inc. held 
m Phoenix. Arizoaa, Good* 
maa Segar Hogan Residential 
Sales Corporattaa received 
an award for being one of 
the top ten real estate re- 
ferral ttnu in tbe mtioa. 

in yrananttng the award to 
GSR President Oscar B. 
Ferehee Jr , Nationwide 
Fiad- A-Homa eie cutive vice 
P. Nie- 

rerrafs arrf its efficiency In 

handling these referrals. 

Nattomride - Find - A - 
Home is a nati^al reloca- 
tion service with 1,100 mem- 
ber offices and 14,000 licen- 
sed representetives to major 
nurketo thnMgfeout tBe Uni- 
ted States. 

With Wl sale projec- 
tions of 160 mUUon, Good- 
man Segar HoiiBRetidenlta] 
Sales CorporatlOH to Tide- 
water's largest real estote 
firm. Its 150 satoiassocaftos 
Mt of 10 offices sit- 
IkrougfeOHt Virgtoia 
and South Hampton 
Raids and m the PeninMla 


^SsB&j Aftor Church ^w:ial 
Childrens mena 

Shrimp E|g Foo Touqr i^to ft^l#tof 

^•et A Smt Pork Witt ttm rice 

1^ per ^M 

Take o«t orters call SM-I^O 

ll:M-miO wanteds 



for your 

Dining and Dancing Pleasure! 

9 PM TO 1AM 

try and oto^r groi^, the 
sj^em is designed to re- 
duce handling costs and speeA 
qi processing of mail order 

PersoiiS desiring to re- 
gister a complaint r^ard- 
ing a mail order jMirchase, 
may contoct toe BBB at their 
Norfolk office, 627-5651. 

Jack R; Norinan has been 
named pitolic relations di- 
rector of Sttunark be., a 
Iforiott - based adver- 
Usisg, pddic relations, and 
graiAic art firm. 

to his new posi^m, Mr. 
Morman will be respon - 
^e'fbr managing and de- 
i%l4^^ the pobUc reto - 
ttens fonctktts cS th« twen- 
Ijr-yearOoId i^ency. 

Mr. Norman, 32, wasiwb- 
Ucity r^Hresentotive for toe 
Busch Garden's divlstoa of 
Mtenser-Busch Inc., WU - 
liaioslmrg, before joiitfhg 
the Seamark a^w^. He also 
served as diibector-pro- 
dncer, and accourt necu- 
tlve at WTAH-TV. Norfolk, 
ftiHn IMS toro^h 1914. 

A native pt Grerasboro, 
N.C., be currently n»ides 
to Norfolk. 


PhU Hart invites you 


Virginia* $ First 

Smorgasbord House 

Little Creek Yacht Basin ^ 

in ShoreVrive MaHna, 

Phone 583-3311 
.OpenSP.M. tolOP.,M. 

ver panel attended by toe 
stote's three major guber- 
utorial candUates, John 
I^tott, Henry Howell and 
Andrew Miller, 

The cmference wUl focus 
(» recent stote and iederal 
diai^es affectl^ teustag, 
commoAity development asA 
local and Stote plaaniig. 


MSI Vir^to Beach Blvd. 

Steak Special $2.95 

Marinated 8 oz. Skirt Steak With 
Baked Potatoe. Salad and Cocktalt 
of Your Choice (Bar Brand) 
,5 pm to D pm Sunday. Monday. Tuesday] 

Cocktolto, Wtee, a»l Beer 






■Jf ■ ' 



m^^mmmm i p p i ■ mmwwmm^i^mm^mmmmT'mt^^ 

aeacn # wwiit Classic l^Ufl /pOf 1/ 


SUN 8wrt« ^^r 

For eight scant mmuies on CBS Saturday, following foot- 
age of the Human Fly, the Virginia Beach Tennis Classic 
was wUnessad by the nation, Pat Summerall rapidly lead- 
ing the viewinur nudience to the match po;nt. 

But f f-om Virginia Beach and surrounding areas, 

who attenaea ue five-day event, the match point was the 
culminatiOD o< one of the most eiciting sporting events to 
ever take place in Tidewater, 

For one week, Virginia Bweh ^ayed host to a handful 
of Q^ most colorful, vwtrovflrataa and talented t^onls 
players in the world. Tl» likes <d Bie Hastase, Guillermo 
Vilas, Vitas Gerulitis, Bob Luti art » l^ture supersUr 
in John McEnroe graced the clay cMrts <d the Virginia 
Beach Racquet Club. 

When it was all over, after Nastase . ted bem tempera- 
mental, Vilas had beM stMdy, lieEarM ted been sen- 
sational and Gerulitis ted been namboyant. It was steady 
tint won it all. 

^GoiUermo Vilas of Ar(^itt«i bMt "Nas^" NasUse bf 
Runatla, 6-2, 4-6, 6-2 before a sun-drenched near- 
eaptdty crowd. 

: Vilas, the No. 4 seed, toleratedNaatase's final day airtics, 
^nvived a cut knee ami iMtticd «M he says is his b^ 
rarface (clay^ to win a rieih $11,000 pursl. 



Section B Wednesday April 27, 1977 Section B Page 1 

/ECTIOfI fi 



The Virginia Beach TeiiiiisTottraamertwas...Highscl^iol 
MOior and anuteur John UcEnroe bnting professional 
Charles PtsareU in the openii^ roimd...Nastase wearing 
AddMa's t«ii-jrtdrts..Cli& Richey rei^c^ng a call infavbr 
of Us sppefert, Kay RufTels-./'Did th« linesman see ttet 
tell?...Eatl^ peanuts and drinking beer in ttie sttn..Sur- 
priSe as a woman exits a men's toilet.. The lights tailing 
to woit prq)erl]^ w Tiwsday night. .Vitas Gerulitis cram- 
ming a tennis bell in Us mouth... "Will the spectators 
PLEASE be seated"... Nastase giving the finger to the 
cro«il...^^tlttiJdng v(dleys.. Eating a hot dog«nd drink- 
ing beer while shivering at night.. .Hearing a press-tent 
IMi^erby shout "You're iiimmNa^e!" and Nasty shout- 
ioi^i^, "Sntt i9GeniUtis!!%..JoW]fcEaroebfM^ag secolKl 
M#S(^L^...Na^Ueb«iger1nglinesmeo..''WilI you yield 
to tlN^diiir?"...Siisliing to the concession stand for re- 
fresuRnt, and waiting two gamesMo get bade to the 

ing lite car od the way 
to Saturdaiy's ftnl round and missing the first set... Wait- 
ing, antil next year with anticipation. 

Gerultis 'eats' baH 

Club touring pro Ion Tiriac watches action 

Iceless ice skaters ready 
for any and all competition 





Doubles partners McE 

atrice Dominguez argue cal 

Virginia Beach ice skaters 
are learning how to skate, 
and are competing on iceless 
ice, in wtet is the only 
program of its nature tai 
the country. 

The Kellam Road Ice 
Skating Rink wiU hold its 
third Ice Sacating bstitute 
of American intra-rink 
cdnp^tion on May 1. 1977, 
starting at 5 p.m. Compe- 
titioa wiU pit the Kellam 
team against the Beach Mall 
IM acatteg^Kttoteam widch 
has w(» tte first two meets, 
held in F^MTttry and March. 

Al Gr^lno. ^«slitotf of 
AljMn Recr^UMttl Eiter- 
prises, be., vbich owtti tte 
two rinks said. "TUscom- 
petitton is the last ^se 
of tte e^perim^ stage and 
tte tnms are now mdy to 

p^ttkn starting Udsmn- 

"We teve been i^ry 
patient bi tte building and 
Mcperiffle^l ^i^e», snd 
now feel ttet (W skivers 
can and ^^^^hM f»V^« I- 
^ast m Vmb « uqr IM 

TteM Tatars' hMM M is 
i^pMMc vktmc aaW On 
ice, and GriMtao te^^^ 
ttt wetfMsfftiftsI 
ed tte Antav itoveUt 

stronger and faster than 
many skaters using natural 
and artificial ice mirfaces. 
He points out ttet the eco- 
wanical control <a tte ruks* 
envinmmoit is tte singM 
most importut reason fbr 
the quick progms of tte 
students. Ttere are no c<dd 
or w^ness probl^» inter- 
fering witb tte sutdents' 
concMtfratkw whUe team - 
ing, dr <» tte instmetors' 
teaching. Cons^nntly, ttey 
are aUe to trtfliie every 
miwite m tte ice. The sor- 
tace temaads th^ tte sta- 
^sis tee power strddag and 
otfrMt i(»4i, tenee a bet- 
tef steter is dev«l(viag 
at as earlier age. 

GrtsslM- believe ttet ttic 
Virginia Bench steters will 
hold 'Uieir own in Inter- 
legnt nmip^tta. and «iU 
te amp^ng co tte ctete, 
re^mal and Mttaenl lewla 
as early as tUs fill, "that's 
a beM prediction, " aid 
GriiBiio, "brt thM« Waters 
are u wra^ gronp. T^ 
art MMttlBRi to mate 19 
torl^ tt»« and to ftf Vlr> 
giiil ta^ dnttiei^l. "nMf 
IMW ttey arei^Mtfctt 
get b^er tor a It^ less 
MBiMf tkm a«rt skaton, 

te ofportmtlles to iM^e^ 


Tte two rinks teve compe- 
tition from agn four toadolt. 

and can field teams to com- 
pete in aplte, beta, gamma 
and freestyle 1,2.3. 

• ^< 


s g9tin 



first Colonial Hi(ha|ip«trs stroof 

9i . .<, coach Ken Barto is in the 

baving two of tlie best leapers uwut 

itai Ron ZoUicoifer. 

nh etch other? "Oh verjr much so," repltsd 

are competitor;. They hate to lose, even to 

i^'sav but right ix>w, Lawson has the best 
at the Beach this season (4C-t) «Bd ZoUi- 

gt ioruf iiitnri f22 6^ 

lH$m% have aaoitite iwMalm ceanodity- 

hu registered the Cutest 440 tiae (49.4)so 

^each this season, while ZolUcotter mos a 

|8W-rei*y teem at the Beach. 

»r of that 880-relay team is If ike Pelton , 

f»k5 ago ran a 9.5 in the 100, tyivg him with 

Anne's Heet Jesse Williams, for the top tiaac i* 

ir A sprained anUe prevented a Feltott-WIUians 

~>Tp in last WedMstfay's First CoIoDlal'PiipMM* 

3l meet, but it intensifles the aeiteiMMt H Am 

irt »eet. 

iiUf Uvm the r^i^r MO-relay t«un UMuy 
iras JMb VariMT, lAo brake a Uood vesitf 
rMtisi^[ ^Ule tte long jump. Ftiker t6M» 
ady for district " 

.tvs that the regular four (Feltoo, Parker. 
.uxl, James Lawarn,) are thioyag about wtaulBC 
title, vowing he'll be ready. "!'■ goiag to work 
: says that Parker is his regular, but that Fenaado 
doii« an exceUeit job llUiag ta^ud tttt 
to see bow soon Parker eas be iMirkeS kifo 

i,4.awi>uHJames is bis brother) is hard-pressed 

; *hat event he tblnks give Um the best eppoituB- 

«od state eompetitioB. "Ob. the 440. 

hp triple jump." Pause. "Or the lai< juap." 

avalier golfa^s 
ing regionals 

Leon Lawson wins 440 at Princess Ame 


AnttMir's flairs id 

s Ante ^h are jast 

n away k«m re<^v- 

a oye to the Eastern 

pion Toornameflt. 

r beat Btyslde 

the Cavaliers 

" season uode- 

teaoi would 

of traveling 

^Toitals tx a whole. 

• -Mdow^ki.the 

said Anthony. 

at Betbel by 6 

"and they lead the 

I District." 

Cavalier htork Rainey h^jipps in rmet ' 

Alaa Kii«'s T4 led P.A. 
to a aot-SI2 irtetory 0^ 

Last week the Cav8to|gwd 
KempsviUe 3tt-S<S. witk 
George Ma c DimM winaiag 
medalist bonrs (74). 

Aflftboqr sees First Colo- 


view is tke beat la Me 
antf we bMt flHW liy It 
strokes. CbarcUaafl could be 
food ia the SoaliBHrteniDi&- 
trict, but that dlctriet isnt 
gmieraUy toe stroug. " 

KempsviUe coac 
survives thtiHer 

I'i i^'s soc- 
cer eowiiiaf iaige^^fts to 
have sNdinud at least "a 

'-(irwaU'rs (inly 

■oM) wm 

\M Radio Station 

Local boxers 
to vie at Base 


Two Viigl^ BeaeH Bia- 
ov. Sicky Bolts wd BiUy 
OoHNW, wtil 4^ Wkm» 
t's Wn Vifi^oia AAD 
AsdM f^ai- 
Wri Bei^ Cka^plQort^ 
tf tte t^HQe Crack kmM- 


wm SMAHf 




Ov^ m boons are a- 
'pa^d to Mtt «!<■ aadOM^ 
toe fkamjiiflOiMi ie to tfwea 
w^ dtvlotoio to theTlde- 
intw ia^v Boitag As- 

ovM 00) wiU he figUtog 
to flto flpeo rai^, DoKivim 
tor tte SnA tlow. Dmoraa 
twcMlfy woo tte Itrr QuxH 
Uka AAD aad GoMeo Gtoves 

7k» i^oerrt pnblle to to- 
tMM to tttead the bouto 
wMi 00 adadsiaoB eban^. 
Bouw^, Ikttite »e re - 
qikm «Ml ft lifiMttoa wiU 
WtaettmH toe «}er to 

<»qde (tf heart attadcs and 
strikes," as her girls bat 
tied Priaeosf Aaae, but Om 
aiiMiiv tol^wneovered as 
MuT Cleared sriilwtt 
15 secoods left to overtime 
to ato P.A. Z'l 

"He wto left Keapsville 
with a 3-0-1 noasdf mtk- 
tog tttfs week's eaeonter 
wtth mmnM KeBan ui 

AcMWtfag toKlBg, eerier 
lalftaek aann Bun»tt 
^yed oArNBely well, aad 
godto Any Braoa idayed 
her beri d«Ensive ^une to 
date. Bnm, i^ Rtog says 
"goes afttf the hall irtth- 
oot mlttog In- it to «nie 
td h«r.'^reglrt«redasaves. 


The Kempsvile soccer team rests during halftlme of PA. game 

fhria iUllette ''■mn'^nkm 
MaeOoaad cMit. Wa i^ 
be tfe first jmt ttat the 
taampinaahlps have beao 
beU to &mtmmm i«hthe 
R««>tt tol^BatiMal Antoa 

The Bayside Jaator n# 
Ariifcall tia« tmmA Mow 
a a-4 lead ow UMpo • 
iriM Mator tost iMik to 
•Mtet p^, hot h^ flotor 
a 11-M ila aod took m« 
nn^-f^tet to tote prewsa. 

the toltow- 

j ^toctol iir- 

aaA the RwtoUt reer^i - 

litft - wultarwiigkl ^mm- 
aliaf j^stt mnud tor ite 
to tori paw's 
h to e^«et - 
ed toMtf Ms yoar'a'nde- 

te Cn*. whhii ae^ to 
retofli ItMMtf tor ai^««o- 

aooMw ^ar, eoaited by 
mA PoMpnw. TMa year's 

Ba^de ftPtor etoMgadoBh 
a 4-0 Ate.Mtoysiiipa»ina 
Jvtor drofpod to'aoeeod- 
ptoce at M. 

Aceorttog to BoyaMe J«- 
lor's coach Bit Muto. tta 
ilaulat of 

itoHey atseeooi 

T«rt to ^ 

m m, »«» fm 

^ »« MnMB Orehv 
047 too), J^ Mwft (rW 
m) mi a^4RMMKto 
toe hM»in^^ dsM. 

DoMld SpeUmaa, Rich - 
, Charlto 
aad WiUton 

corraotly po- 
siOfstaff iMtooal raokiags. 

lie seeking berths 


who re- 

Plaza carnival, 

parade Sat. 
at Beach 

ne naa I^tttto Lc^m panito aad (v^ag day cere- 
Bwoto wOI be bald tUs Satorday, AprU 30, at 9 a.m.. 
wtth a (artf val tfirt to sekedal^ to last BotU daric. 

yH pafftde rorte begte at ^sa Jr. H^, goes dovit 
Old Lyaahotea Rd., right on Lee Highlands Blvd., left 
00 CUb Boooa Rd., r1|^ oa Lake Crest Rd. and onto tte 
EtoM Uttlo \vttm field. 

The Grand MarshaU wUl be Otis Stotmak of the Super 
Bowl Chaa^ptoa "■*'**"i ftoktors. 

Other cntrMa to the parade will bet the Va. Bch. PoUce, 
the Ptaaa WmUmr Fire Dept., a fire truck and rescM 
Unit, Mr. flteoid Whitehnrst, Parks A Recreatton of Va. 
Beh., KeaiiyTlIle Rtgb School NROTC Color Guard, PUm 
Jr. High Boad. aad Drill team, Bertara LoCUer A Vaail- 
to, Vontrito^^ and P«peteer, the 1977 DIDY 500 pace 
car, The DelU, The Americana Gymnastic Center, nt 
Jack to the Box Ctowaa, Holy Spirits' High Spirits, 
CtowBs, Fields Daace Studto, tbeMtoi-Siittares,TheShakeys 
PUsa Car, A special car from Victorto SUUon, Tte 
Dtoeo Siprcss with JoJin Thornton, Chwk Morris Kar^ 
Sladlo, this years and last queen and atten* 
festants, sad of course all o< the Little League teams- 
f^ana, Minor, Uajor, Senior Minor « Senior Major to 
fall nitorm- 41 teams to ai: ~i<)reds eC 

Va. Beaches' fin*" -'"-- ^"•'■ 

The parade i- 
booths cS all klndk, fooU, Uriiiks, cal^ snies, ana lois of 
tea for all. Tbe winners of th e Chieen and Banner cffltrt^ 
wlU be 

will b- 







(A wetii3y tot* at Beach Ugh sdnol ^mU) 

ArwnuDid 'nw JMammml 

LeaiMHi battMt 

(IMtig avenges thr^^ gunes «tf 
tttarday, April 23) 

Ibaa (PA) .W; TownsMd (PA) .511; 
OtoMii^iaH tPA) .m-. a^^ (FC) 
mi M^ ^«^) .m-, BbMi (PA) 
.4tt; a^ (Kfl^O .429; GQfltairi (FC) 
.«0; SiuMi OMp) vM; Aeftlaan 
(Kemp) .i7S; GwM (PC) .^; j^ 
(B) .HO; OOjmm C^C) .Ml; ArtM 
0CeI) ,352: M««»rK*mp\ i45;Seissom 
(B) .m 


iM«lHM sttmili^Ni 





PrlM^ AOM 









FirM Cnlmitil 














Princess A) 





Vln^ita fl^* Sm, AlMrti27. IS77 -B-8 

Loonev ain inspires PA, to top; 
Keltam ties for first Falcom win 

SUM Sports MUoT 

Princess Anne basfbUl coach Don VanBenschotett cop- 
pUins that running a Ugh school team is more like Ha* 
ning a zoo, what with kids from his team ia the bandjoa 
the track team, with i(rt», takii% vacations, growing beards, 
and a dugout crew that rivals the gang from Looney ttfms 
for total insanity. 

Soffiehow, Coach Van (as he is called by his chargM|ta8 
Riolded 8 winning squad out of that groiv, ami last Friday 
beat front-running Keinpsville 1-4 for f share of the Beach 
District lead. ; 

The Cavaliers have a strong startii^ nine, |ood tiwugh 
to have fashioned a 9-1 ovenll record thus for tUs<S£a«(», 
but the presence of tmth, elevrath and twelfth ai^ pore 
men in the dugout nay have something to do with PA. 

LOcd Rock«tte9 ? 

Tte grow d<»8n't have an oficiil name (Holie O'Brien 
InsUts t» "H<A4e'8 Qai«"), but it is organlaed. While 
sitt!^ in the di^^, watchii« their t^unmates on the fieU, 
they cwss ttelr legs on cue, with the precision of tte 
Hockettes WeU, maybe dnmk Rockettes. / 

Precise or otherwise, tt»ey are vocal. They cheer Cala- 
Iter pitdUag ace Jimmy Howerin's every move With screams 
of "CMU bean, chlU bean, " and tend to dlsn«rt tte think- 
ing of cwosii* iflayers. 

"Coach Van didn't like us much at first," said O'Brien, 
"Nt I think he does now." 

As toof as tte Cavaliers stay nterthetop, hepr<rt»tty 
iver will mind. 

Cm wrecked 

On his way to school last Fritof , Coi jrttcher Jon Rowe 
destroyed Wa Wi, aM that afteiwto, First Colwiial de- 
stroyed Rowe en it»te to a 12-2 Btech mstrict win. 

"My mind really wasn't on the game," admitted Rowe 

The victory evened the Patri<rt's district record at 2-2, 
keepii^ them vei^ much aUve in Beach ««petition. ^irst 
Colonial harler Bm Smith ni^ Us peraonal recprt to 3-1 
with the win. 

That game came on the heels of Cox' flrstwlnofthe 
seasOT, a wild 18-8 decision over Lake Taylor in a non- 
district game Thursday, Tim Conner* and J(As Smith 
clouted home runs, whUe mowrismen Benjl Brown, Eric 
Steentofte, Roweaolllikfe Lupia all saw action. 

KsHam tops P.A. 

Earlier in the week, Kellam handed Princess Anne ita 
only district loss, 5-4. Matt Sinnen went the distance for 
Kellam, fuming six Cavaliers while upping Ids personal 
record to 4-2. 

Tommy forrell wtnt three-for-three for the Knights, and 
collected three RBI's. 

Kellam stood at 3-1 in the Beach mstrict at tiie Hreek's 
esA, good enouj^ for a first place tie with Kempsville 
and Prino^s Anne. 

'Chili Bean!' 

Tbe Princess Amw Looney Bin, L to R-Stevfr Grant, Don 
Dougterty, Di^ Cnaningham, Jeff HoUingswortti, John Gre- 

(SUN piiotos by Blair 1%arman) 

Benny Reeves, Brennen Ahem, Gary Misce, Hobie 
O'BrlMi, Brett WUUams, Gary Ahem and Roy Uydea. 

Reap tri 
for early return 

Coaching first tese for 
KempsTiUe last «e^ was 
r^idar thirdbaseman Tojn 

The r^son? R^p brtrice 
his fo^ test week. 

How ^mg will he be oiA 
off actlfi? iltt doet(H- says 
six w(«ks, Reap says that 
by the time this paper comes 
cot, he will have alr^Mly 
played once again for the 

Reap, an All-City selec- 
tioalast year, broke the axcb 
bone in his 1^ foot while 
romung the bases durbig 
^tice two Wednesdays a- 
le was put in a cast ud 
difSM the Cctt 104 Firj 


out of actio! 

cess Anne game, which the 

Cld^s lost S-4. 

"1^ doctor said I 
sbotOi&i't {day basebaU for 
six we^5,"said the deter- 
mined sluoer, "but I told 
Un I wanted to play. He 
said I could bat I9 neiA 
IHisMiay, so t bq>e I'll ^be 
05^ as the DH (desigiAt- 

Reap was batting a torrid 
.429 b^re the injury, and 
the BMch District aspdring 
Chiefs need his batintbeir 

It will be inter^ting to 
see if they reap the bene- 
fits of Tom's sti<&. 

Tom Reap 

Cox pitcher Jon Rowe 

City gymnastics meet lield 

At the Virginia Beach City School's All-City gymnastics 
meet held at First Colonial High School, more than 300 
youngsters in grades one through seven competed in tumb- 
ling, balance beam, and parallel bars competition. This 
meet has been conducted in previous years and is a con- 
tinoatioo of the elementary schools extramural program. 

The two cat^ories of competition were beginner and in- 
termediate, with the boys competii^ in tumbling and 
parallel bars and the girls competing in tumbling and 
balance beam. 

Listed below are the category and event winners with 
grade and school: « 

GIRLS BEGINNING TUMBLING-Samuja Stallings, 1st, Lux- 
ford; Gamette Casey, 2nd, Arrowhead; Stacy Depew, 3rd, 
Court House; Sean Thompson, 4th. Cooke; Teri Barber, 
5th, Woodstock; Kim Herold, 6th, Cooke; Myra Lilley, 
7th, Lynnhaven. 

Windsor Woods; Jodi Heine, 3rd, Green Run; Tracy StulAs, 
4th, College Part; EUzabeth Sullivan, 5th, Kempsville 
Meadows; Gail Wheatley, 6th, Trantwood; Sandy Southard, 
7th, Baysidft ^ •« . «* 

GIRLS BEGBmnreTBALANCE BEAM-lverl^Tetlkls,' 1< 
Woodstock; Leigi^ Higgenbotham, 3rd, Woodstock; Maria 
Binford, 4th, KempsviUe; Angelia Adkins, 5th, Woodstock; 
Sandra Basham, 6th, Kempsville Meadows; Christine De- 
Long, 7th, Bayside; 

2nd, Alanton; Lauren Booth, 3rd, Kempsville; Kim Shirley, 
4th, Woodstock; Victoria Howard, 5th, Point O'View; Pau- 
rie Zirkle, 6th, Holland. 

BOYS BEGINNING TUMBLING-Donnie Hyle, 1st, Court 
House; John Godwin, 3rd, Holland; Joe Matyiko, 4th, Court 
House; Ryan Pierce, 5th, Court House; Garland Harris, 
6th, Court House; Bobby Peterson, 7th, Old Donation. 

ton; Ryan Mktys, 3rd, Trantwood; Danny Gaskill, 4th, 
Point O'View; Danny Elam, 5th, Fairfield; Eddie Lewis, 
6th, Windsor Oaks. 

Woodstock; B<*by Carmine, 3rd, Woodstock; SrSteven 
Parker, 4th, Woodstock; Joe Jinkler, 5th, Woodstock; 

Scott Tomlin, 6th, Holland; Art McGuire, 7th, Old Dona- 



2nd, Holland. 

Ice ^ 



Ice Skating Lessons 

Kw sessions: Momlay, Wednesday and Fridays, after- 
noons and evenings Saturday from 10 a.m. to 42:30, 
^ j>,m. Feyrjspaces avai^ie. Call immediately. 

Youth ice Hockey Program 

All equipuient provided. Games each week. Age 
groups: 4-7, 8-10, 11-12, only. Registrations at rink 
during normal q>erating hours. 
First come, first serve basis. 

New Operating Hours 

Monday and Tuesday closed, except for special ■ 

group and class acittvites. 

Wednesday and Thursday from 3 p.m. to 10 p.m., - 

Friday from 3 p.m. to 11:30 p.m. 

Saturday from 12:30 p.m. to 11:30 p.m. and Sunday ' 

from,^12:30 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. 

Beach Mall StucHo 422-3741 
KeHan Road Rink 499-4004 

Registratton must be made in pers(» at the rink 
before classes begin-igcating Club Available, s 

Wrestlers win 
in Falcon tourney 

The Falcw Wr^tling 
Festival fpr Elep»itary, 
Jtnior H^ and H^b school 
wrestlers drew competitors 
trtm as for away as Falls 
(^irch to Cox High over 
the test two weeks of com- 
petition, and these were the 

Jay McGowrn(5S lbs.). Todd 

Top time 
for Tata 

Generally speakiq^, high 
school tim^ in track are 
better tlttu Junior h^b 
times. CweraUy ^leaking. 

Last wed[, KwteU Tata 
Ml tte testest ^I's UO 
atte BmA thte seaK», 
^ddUi^ t;^3 , as her 
KHMXtrtUe .takr Hlgb 
teste teeed Ptexa Jwrior. 

Htes Tate ms last 
^r's Stete AAU 13-and 
M^ <ten|4on in ttet •- 

Haynes (65), Steve Martin 
(65), Pete Wagner (70), Jim- 
my McGovern (75), Timmv 
Harrell (80), Billy John, (88) 
Demi PaH»s (105). Greg 
Bums (112). 

JUNIOR HIGH - Jimmy Mc- 
Govern (80), Joey Biarnes 
(88), Kevin McGhee {%). 
Mike Fuesser (102), Mike 
Derring (110), Scott Randolph 
(116), Joey Rainey (124). Steve 
Green (132), Sean Stuffel - 
bMm L(I40), Kip Davis (150), 
Brett McCoy (170), Darrell 
J«mii^ (HVW). 
RIGfl SCHOOL -Jolu Ed- 
wards (98), William Gay (112) 
Roy Malonson(lI9),BobPas- 
sino (126), Chris Taylor (132) 
Gary Wei* (ISt), Mike Ar- 
nold (145). Kiffl Wagner (155) 
J(^ Hanrahan (167), Tony 
Mann (185), Mendel Tyson 

Princess Anne, Bayside 
track records topped 

lis**: -'A)' 

In Princess Anna's girl's 
track meet last week, in 
which they beat First Colo- 
nial 72-38, Carol Lester 
bnAe a P.A. record, run- 
nteg the 440 te 63.8. The 
previous record was held by 
Paige Young, who set the 
standard last year at 64.4. 

Double winners for Prin- 
cess Anne were Itetty Van 
Patten (mUe and 880), and 
Marilyn Smith (shot and dis- 

The P.A, girls also fea- 
ture a jumplng-JackinMari- 
lee Russell, who has high 
jumped her height (5-2), and 
alio cleared 5-1 in Qie First 
Colonial meet. 

In bayside's 83-27 vie - 
tory over Kellam, Harriet 
Cook put the shot 37 feet, 
four inchK, besting her own 
school record mailc of two 
years standi^:, 35-11. 

Luanne Jordan ol Bay- 
side bndce the school 220 
record, sprinting the quar- 
ter mile te 25.1. 

Meanwhile, Cox 
Kempsville 58-52. 

^ * 


P.A. soccer Improving 


After allowing seven goals 
to First Colonial while los- 
ign 7-0, and givteg isp two 
pMls in a 8-2 conquest of 
^ysfde, Prtecess Anne 
soccer goalie Tom MacDcm- 
aU r^Eistered hteflrst^tut- 
out(rftbeseas(», the Cav- 

aliers bested Kellam 4-0. 

Scoring for P.A. were Pat 
Foster, Jota Garcte, Sean 
O'Leary, and Mike Ownly. 

According to Cav coach 
Brtice Frye, MacDondalddid 
an "outstanding }ob at goal- 

Mo <^r meMm te ^smt 
19 with the f v«i7day file d 

Home Improvement 

Cwtrptntrj, rooflK, iMiag, rem aAUttcMS, storm wte- 
dpws sal doors, ^tariM, wlMtrtf, i^MKte inmK. 
IhuBbteg pi^M«. fVMd^it UMMS wd^flffoems, 
Mek a^ Mode mt, ataateM* sMit, fir^^ces, 
^^tiag and petettef. Senritai«tt ndeMter. 

For rrM Ettknats CM 

Hmm hnproviMmfit Ck). 
of Virqlnta 

5324 Vtfginia B«ac»i Blvd. 




HOMES IN 1976 


Check Yw/»^oofiihg 

Residential, Commerical, industrial 

• Shingle Rooting • Slate Rooting 



• Root Repairs 

• Buildup Rooting 

• Aluminum Siding 

• Chimney Caps 

• Wood Shingles 

• Power Root Vents 

• Seamless 

Gutters & Downspout 


hone 487-8854 


720 Geo. Wash Higftway North 

» ^ ■ •■ i ti 

. 1 . 






o ■--. 

a norse 
lovers dream 


leit Ca^rto. mU knew 
AnMui Inm l«^^ aad 
sinv t^ner, teld a nlai- 
^ov lor MmAs attl pres 
t» ^>w lAit ft» Arab cu 

tu m t^TKstve Ugo • 

sM t^ kMM tes M ol- 
t»stv« Borsfr «4»-. tt'sfil- 
M wiUNiraMMc. ccdar 
^iviapi, in^ioilite ceo - 

mste, udb^irtilttlstalUcMis 
mmm i» tb^ ftdlaceiit 
<^Ma-Utt«d pAdHocks lite 
tojrs ift a ^ys^tool bann. 
^ aialtvayftortteste* 
were (t«»>nMjtt^ttiA stall 
door vttb stmr Miyi ased 
^ tables s^ wit^ l}Q«tr 
amig^i^s Mrr^Mwilqr 
grtMery. Kkjr onage paxwr 
stn^Ked liMmtti ^cettiflg 
idiM a eaaq^r <tf «dor aad 

pUetr. Bvt tlie ^recatcher 
still wu almirs tbe bm-ses. 
b tt« secwd aisle, a tem- 
porary bar was set up o?er- 
looUiif tilt teood mare staU 
Mdl^ Niiliwi ua ber 
ama oM colt. He Joinet 
Uie party as best kt cam 
tbrw^ m restralalng 
t»n ^ go^ to iadlTUoal 
iiierested gaests aad ati>- 
bUBg iaqttisltlye nngen. 

Tbrou^iMt Uw luMwb 
b^ mart and baty ^yed 
ca|m. Tte &M nm$&lL'ta9n 
^veral tlvM to ^ lAav- 
Ugs, r^ed over aad sent' 
<dwd Ms backt Us legs wa? - 
ii% ban^y at tbe crowd. 

LMViag tbe bam, tiw 
guests followed Herb to a 
sftfiag greea pi^ffc atere 
be MrodhKtd ti|e iMster of 
«<enoiiles, lioa^ Evaas, 
arm mani^r. Tnte ritow 
jegaa aad as MoMy said, 
tte borses were tbe stars 
id% traiiier Jerry liodlia 
tfmiaUm w producer. 

Wttb tbe tbeme of Wbat 
Aa Anb On Do, ' ttiey 
Aowed OS. Efnftblflg from 
HOter dai^ to pait Md- 
ifie dasiife; InAi westera 
fftasare fidiag to jumplBg. 
Aad tbey woD everytme of 
OS wtettn- wewerettroagb- 
bred people, qautor bane 
peo^. of ao ytruf people. 
As ea^ «mi^le Mt ttie 
rbig, tbe crowd borst tato 
mdaose. Tbe borses were 
beairtUtal, fiery, aad wellbe- 
baved dass on tte boof. 

Herb Cadivao is haTliv 
a boi^e s^e at Priocess 
Aaoe Stables oo Loodoa 
Bridge Smi oo May 14 and , , 
IS. Both days am free aad ^ 
<vai to tbe public. Saturday 
startiog ai 10 a.a^ iocludes 
a iM'eTiew «f toe borses aad 
traioiag eliaics byRooPale- 
Idc, Jerry Hodlio, Jim Taa- 
saas aad Jerry ^ragow- 
sld. Suoday contiottes tbe 


IWtr 4MW aiaii ^ta B- SldHMi ter iffi Old via be 
Hta«« te kuHk Tbe staBloa Am star, of Casbvao's sale 
is tte ItoglM IS Cbyntoi oa Hay 14-11. 

Sara Lee RotHigbaa takes 
"Conat &tart" over ttie 


J«r, a WmMi innsare stal 
Jar, a awsMra neasure 


tMte Nr tost 
Jerry IMUft 

Jeray IfsNWaMves "Bajn^" 
Refills OaaqtoiVkas- 
«re OrtvlBg ^m for Vm. 

Painting tite Beacli 


with€ric Stevens 

It I evM* i^ lay owa aitesp(rt tbe sMtt^ wlU be in tien; 
it wiU Ml Mitter mwnom mh- a eb^rt; floe ^iiitegs 
win ^MS m iMs; tbe ceHtagaad tte l^rbts wiU behw; 
tiuek oj^m WiU ^mu tbe aMOties: tbe band aad 
m mitrMses will be siMrtly attind; it will twiaa 
coiniM^ ^HtfM; aad Mmecwc rMcmiag u mnm . 
Nia ^a fi^Md^^ ttf gaetts. BA Xm^^mM^ 
JaaMhm's M Ai Wlttut S^nu Centos tes beatea ne 
aU teae w^^. 


lireU, aad a aegative 
by Boae, may 

to tbe ceiliiv^ 

ifvu jwriormea. 
tastefally smoky 

altrahip timbre of 

im rea(ter-Sbode$ ttortrie laaao wwtril^rf fnrtber to 
tti^ MilMtarted s^. mm first few oito^ Vw« 
fran fl^ ^^ga of ^1 aid Crt^. LcQ^MMd i^ittia, 
aad tte tn^ BnMets, Lite w»ium tuA, ttey ^^wked 
ia tMmtmtekm' ftin-ites tt^we aaiiag raacMsims 
totte '^aitt pwple " 

^ Tte ermNi ebanges «»ste^y, ta mood aai bi iMtten 
aad la types; iMt^r Itey Farloa^ seeoMd to be ealliig 
taaes for this dynamic sibiation tbe way a catcher calls 
te aertaifl pitches aecordiag to tbe strike-ball cout aM 
tbe way the basenouMii biba?e. As if to say "Wbo says 
t*!»v dm't write 'em '(lie wav thev usmI in"" t hay treats 
u Are n elins," 

wDicii (wckad the oaoce iioor. iaea lac- laevualQe re- 
qwffU for "Bid Bad IioRoy Brown" and "Pregd Mary." 
'^^ ?e Wonder with '-Isn't She Lovely?" 

Some Lm Bawls, George Benson's "Mai^(apra(^" vitb 
Farloa^ ae^ag alMly. No doubt if it bad Wa after a 
Frktoy wuM»,^tf WMld have really cat lonm. 

You'd 1^ a ^ed car from Danny Furlm^h. He has an 
ho^ &M, Ogm aad p^Mant. Q^fy dags weU...fest 
<St stow. M bwAtt tti^tte as an^tf^mett, in additicM 
to j^yl^l aeoq^ pitu- and tanboorine. Akbittrygrad. 
he's M# at nSwaterConmuBity Ceil^ie ma}ortag ia 
ItastaMS A(tatWistratit». Me wisely has taken coorses in 
^iel an MMvart m»^mmt, Ming bis jobs to gain 
flnt^oAMlititftoB. AMpfeet Tanras.. vocals and mmev 

Ail aludeBli in t^ir eirjf 

t^«ii^ . -reeU Is M ,ftiei ^a 

1^ Ami A#^ N^4o CMf^l^ 
wten W too is stM#i% 9MiMf!%toMlf i^ 
to y.A., ud Is aowat TCC. I^a Mwe 

is stNtii« to be a l^^te tetrwtor, lavi^ ma^ered 
el«ttirtcs Mi the keyboanlj te went to First ^iMlaL 
ft'^nM- Qiiw KMa^, like Ki^, a C^rteoi%^MMsi 
Norview Wgh. Th^ i^y busy tocally, aad ^ tte^lNe'^ 
mtot^iMIJ^ ]^^ring plMv^re. 

JmA^'s e^ges bwls every muith or so, wiA music 
aigbtty czc^ Simday, « to I weekteys, ^ mUIIm 
w^mds. Higbl%bU8g the meiM are toef Kabtt aad 

BMllM^. mi 

Ua l^fte «aa flm* ^« 1Mb. C^r rec^ «Mrs- 
Mff^^W Whitehwst, Nortolk Mayw Vlne«l Ttenas 
uA o^ l4^hH#o. ^i; Wtowlag their a^ly m^Uis 
^^Mk^ fl«| a to* m ^m» torn "ItameB 

' " "fcilaeti ' .f^ 

tia Taylor. Why did I tew to go w tto MW^EMtH? 






At Beach Methodist Church 

Viff inia Beach Sun, April 27, 1911 B-5 


Program teaches blind how to co 

SUN Reporter 

We usually take for granted the 
ability to do such things as puttii^ on 
make-up or shaving, cooUng an egg 
or even sewing on a button. But for 
the blind and partially blind these 
daily activities can become tiresome 
and frustrating chores. 

Tlw Viitiaia Commission for the 
ViswOly Htaiadic^^ (VCVt) has beeif 

holding a two-veek evaluation and 
trainii^ pwgnwtt April 18-29 in Vir- 
ginia Beach designed to help the bliwi 
cope with such pi-(*lems. The pro- 
gram is being sponsored by the Vo- 
cational Rehabilit^w andtheR^ttbil- 
itation Teachinf dfpairtments of the 
Commissi(»>. dirteen clients of the 
Commissioft are ttklof jwrt in the 
program Eigi^ are totaUy blind and 
eight are partiftlly sighted and their 
ages range from M to 73 y^rs. 

The trainee ^rticipants are engag- 
li|L iA six 10- minute classes Uot^y 
i^igh Friday at the Vii^inia Beach 
United Methodist Church. The classes 
are dally living, communications, rec- 
reation and crafts, orientation and mo- 
bility, kitchen activities, homemaking 
awl minor repairs. ' 

The daily living classes Include such 
tU^s as personal ^[^araace, table 
etiquette. Commuiications classes 
tMCh sw^ things as how to use a 

Maifart* Ibyo is helped by 
Ral^ aMUntt vitli table 
tttquMte, (SUN i^otos by 
Malt Richard) 

BUI Parker and LiUiaa Chap- 
man woit tofelber on a bas- 
ket project while Nancy White 
ket project while Nancy 
White learns a loom. 

telephone, write a check and an intro- 
duction into reading and writing in 
Braille. Card games, Chinese check- 
ers and even chess have been demon- 
strated in the recreation and crafts 

, Orientation and mobility show how to • 
get about without assistance and kit- 
chen activities include cooking bacon 
and eggs and using electric and gas 
ranges safely. Homemakii^ and house- 
hold repair classes help the handi- 

capped better run their own home in- 
dependently b/ instructing on bedmak- 
ing, changing a fuse and such things 
as fixing a I^ky faucet. 

The program is for rehabilitation 
rather than for vocational training it- 
self. The services result in a better 
personal adjustment for the trainees, 

many of whom are newly blinded and 
are in the process of adapting their 
lives to llvit^ without the fundamental 
sense of sight. The primary goal is to 
establish the greatest amount of inde- 
pendence possible in all the areas of 
^^tcaining. The program coordinators 
also'hepe^to Ji^lp the handicapped to 
live the fullest life possible, to get 
back into public affairs, to take part 
in outside activities and to become a 
part of the community. 

Debbie Vincent: 


Artist of ancestral energy 



She rvnches through her 
watercolors and touches her 
great grandfaOer's peq>le, 
'the Indians; He was a Cher- 
tkee chief whose spirit and 
sense of harraoiy has fil- 
tered down into her. Her 
grandfather's fascination 
with die movements of the 
planets and the stars left 
a lasting impression that can 
be felt in her acrylic ab- 
stracts of energy. 

She is Debbie Vincent, a 
24-year-old artistftom Vir- 
ginia Beach whose energies 
and creative abilities se«n 

Debbie has been interest- 
ed in art woiic all her life 
but did not receive formal 
iastraetiM «ptU thU yMr 

MM* toldi "Emtrgy of Ctdor" u abitnet 

whMhwf h« afaKlled for Jine 
weds' witti Robert ipQlis 
of the Vli^ginia B^ehT Jurts 
Center. She has painted with 
Troy Strait, another crea- 
tive person who is also a 
clown for the Ringling Bros. 
-Bamum and Baiiley Circus. 

Sbs began her work in wa- 
tercolors and has since pain- 
ted in acrylics. Her water- 
colors of Indians show a 
depth of care that comes 
from a concern over the 
plight of the American In- 
dian. Once established, she 
plans to take a percentage 
of her profits from paintings 
to siqqwrt an Indian child. 
Last summer Debbie spent 
several weeks camping on 
an Apache reservation in 
New Mexico. She is greatly 
inflnenced by the outdoors 
in her work. 

. Recently her worl^ has 
been on display at the Ghent, 
Hilltop and Chesapeake art 
ibows where she has sold 
•everal of her works. Looks 
West commissioned her to 
paint their signs and she has 
tren- turned her talent to 
motorcycles and vans. 

Her energies are not con- 
fined to painting. She is an 
«({Destrian, she has taken 
ballet and writes cr^tively 
from which has come many 
ideas for paintings; thoughts 

and concerns that may be 

limited by the written word. 

Art World Lts. on Cleve- 

land St. is hosting 
of Debbie's work 
May 20. 

a show 

At Cavalier 

Rotariahs have gala 50th, 
charter members honored 

SUN Reporter 

The Ri*iry Club of Vlr- 
^a B^ch celebrated its 
SOth anniversary April Z at 
the Cowtry Club. The guest 
*H^ker was the Hon. Mills 
E. Godwin Jr., Governor of 
the CommMw^lth. 

Other hnutfed guests were 
Jodge and Mrs. P. W. Ackiss 
dri Mr. R. J. J(rtiB»», both 
eharter meaabers (rf the club 
wlwn it TCS estiAlish^ <» 
March SO, IfIT, 

The MteribM^ecMmmo- 
rated tte oecaston with 
• sitable d nation to the city 
of Virgil BMch to go to 

a use <tf m naehte that 
aid thoae children with 

Edward i:). lirickell, super- 
intend^ of s(A»ols, acced- 
ed the cbck on behalf of the 
Virginia Beach scIkwI sys- 

Over tte yMrs the R(^t7 
Club has maite many elvlc 
acconidishmwto inclodli^ 
the estabUshmMt of tte an- 
nul Itotary^mrockMara- 
thrni, s9port for tite Vir- 
ginia ^^ Rescue &pwl, 
scholarsh^ programs, for- 
elga student exclaives and 
fiaaKial sin»rt for (Hter 
wortlNrhile eanses. 

Itoyor and Un, Clai^Kt 
A. ^^nd w«<e on Mad an 
weU as IXstrict &nwrMr 
and Mrs. ^er A. Beane, 

the VHt^tt Mn^ n« Nor- 

IuIm, ^ leverl nen- 

bers of the Norfolk Rotary 
Clob who were members 
when tte Virginia Beach 
charter was issued. 

The Rirtary Clnb is an in- 
terMtiMal cuvuiisaaion fd 
hwinipl rid ytifesaiflnal 
men i«tt(»tod to service 
to tlM MHnnuiity and ^od 
feltowM^. The Rotary CM 
of Virgil B^^ m^s Mch 
Thur^ay eveniaf at tte Hil- 
ton bm. 



dishriet g eferanr Re^r 

Bmm were prtMit at the 

^terten §iMim a^ve^ar; 




Walter J. Leveridge erf 
Virginia Beach, Va., repre- 
sented the Virginia Wildlife 
Federation as the Virginia 
delegate to the 41st Annual 
Meeting of the National Wild- 
life Federation, which con- 
cluded its 1977 convention 
recently in Washington, D.C. 

for TCC 

William D. Jenkins Jr., 
Associate Professor of Bus- 
iness at Tidewater Commun- 
ity College, Virginia Beach 
campus, was recently a- 
warded the degree of Doctor 
of Philosophy in Business 
Administration from the U- 
niversity of North Carolina 
at Chapel HiU. 

His dissertation was in the 
field of marketing and was 
titled, A Content Analysis of 
Children's Print Advertis - 
ing: 1948-1974. 

Dr. Jenkins had receiv- 
ed a Bachelor of Arts in 
English H(»iors and a Mas- 
ter's degree in Business Ad- 
ministration, also from the 
University at Chapel Hill. 


Upto30%off fine 

Featuring famous 

Convention delegates, who 
set policy for the year for 
the Federation's 3.5 million 
members in all 50 states, 
Guam, Puerto Rico, and the 
Virgin: . Islands, adopted re- 
solutions on some 30 energy, 
environmental, and con- 
servation issues. During the 
three-day meeting, the dele- 
gates heard speeches by top 
energy and environmental of- 
ficials of the Carter Admin- 
istratfdn. Also, 12 "Connie" 
awards were bestowed for 
outstanding conservation 

In its omnibus resolution 
on major conservation is- 
sues, the NWF called first 
for "substantial sacrifices" 
to conserve on energy and 
sui^rted mandatory con - 
trols, "if such a program is 
necessary to prevent the U.S. 
from l>ecoming more depen- 
dent on foreign sources of 

The varied contents of 
your hometown newspaper 
give it a readership that in- 
cludes every age group. 


No other medium is bound 

up with the everyday life of 

your community mwe than 

your hometown news{nper. 

otith oriented Fashioii ^ 
urieiileti - Atjrtl,ixy<i((liHliii<iK/»' 
patterns and stvles foi Wkty rin»u plus 
discounts on pr«)fessional quality Bolta adht'sives 



Painting « Dry Wf0 Co. 

6506 College Park Square 
Shopping Center q REED 
420-4056 - \ 

.A .. 

t Princess Ann* 


delights atl 

Perftct ridi^ waiter 
bTMgM a r«cor(l nomter of 
EafUsha^ Westeni riders 
to tbe btysidt Jinior Wo- 
mto's Cl^ Cfeuity Horse 
stow h«ld tt Frteess AM» 
Park on ^tuMtej, AprU 16> 

For tte Qrst ttnre gaue 
ud terrel bw^^ classes 
were Mer«d a^om witb the 

nsval horse aal ymj bunter 
and western pleasure class- 
es. The c^De race va^ an 
especial cron^ pl^ser. 

Btib Brom Jad(^ the 
nonii^ hi^r classes ititb 
Qvy Walters takug oyer as 
Jw^ ior itm Mmum «m- 
tern wi fame class«i. 




-■ B^- 


|J| 1 1 } 11 IP* II f I If I P^^iP^W^^^^^^F^FP^^^^^pp^^^^pppppppppppPi^p^lPI^ 

Vineloia BMcb Sw. i|)rU 2?, 19?? 9-7 

More Sun Dial 

The Gr«tt H«ck bnncb of tM Vlr- 
flBk B«icii public Ubrtry iriU pre- 
*Mi ft iffof raia on skat^t^ntinf lor 
ptrsws ol all g^s on WedMsday, 
May 11, at 7p.m. 

Mf. Lee Jcmes ol the ITttj' Street 
Surt ^op wtU preseiit the program 
which i4I! imawte films on skatiiwtrd- 
iBf, saf^ tips antf a dii^lay ot e- 
<iuipme»t iwoived in the sport. 

This |«-o|ram is free a^ requires 
no registration. 

; Tto Ubrary is located at 1211 Bayat 
Drive opposite tte Lytiiiiteven Junior 

mgh School in the BUltop seetton of 
Virginia Beach. 

Spring tminis 

On SMwIay, April 30 at 9 a.m. 
tte pepartmeM of Parks aad Reerear 
tion will hold a Therapeutic Becre- 
atloQ S|>ri]« Tennis Toumaaitfiil at the 
Cwttr ft>r Effective Learning, 217 N. 
^itcHtack Road 

This touniament is tb/e ciilmiMtton 
of six wifks of tennis classes flinr 
emeUquaUy dlstaited, lea^ng dis- 
abled and mentally retarded children 
Involved in the Therapeutic Recrea- 
tion Program. The Van derMeer teach- 
ing method of temiis is used during 
these weeics. 

For additional information contact 
Ifs^ Nancy Dmock with the Depart- 
ment of I^rks and Recrratlon at 499- 


Hie C^ostttotion of Virginia ;-eqiiires ttiat yOn be re- 
gisteired in the precinct in which you live In order to 
be (pialilied to vote. 

k Tou are rairrei^y living in Virginia Beach and you 
^«»I jnd^eQ ytntr* place df residMnce, either irtUitB^ 
(he dty or f^m another Virginia City or coimhr, ymi 
fflujrt cmtact your Goieral Regictrar at the address 
tSarnn below <» lloa^y through Friday between the 
hdvirs of 9:00 am. and 5:00 p.m: on or before May 14, 
1977, to elaulge your votii« registration to yow current 
placa ot rtnuence or yon may not be qaMifi«l to vote 
in the %to 14 DemocrtQC Primary Electtoo. 

pio'sowr who moved their residence since the 
\r^ im teoenlr eleettoB auv ^ PcrRttMir 
^im^ precinct to vote. 

ttrs.Cleta G. Lbthnaa, General Beglstrar 
i^C««rtkiiM Drive 
VfirgUia BMck. Vlrgbia 2M5t 
TelepioBe ottpber: m>4ll7 


,The Constitution of Virginia requires that you be re- 
gistered in the precinct in which you live in order to 
be (|iM|lfied to vote. 

In order to be eligible to vote in the Democratic Pri- 
mary * Eleetioa to be held. on Tuesday, June 14, 1977, 
pM must register no later than 5:00 p.m. on Saturday, 
Majr 14, 1977. 

YoQ are hereby notified that the R^stration Office 
fli Virginia Beach located at the address shc^ra below 
will be cnen tor registration on Satnrday, May 14, 1977 
bom9-M a.m. to 5:00 p.m. for the purpose of regis- 
terttg qn^ified pers<»s. 

YOU are fttr^r notified Uiat I shall sit on Saturday, 
June 4, 1977 and Saturday, June 11, 1977 from 9:00 
a.m. to S:00 p.m. at tiie address shown below mdnly 
kar ttw pupose of accqiUng i^lications for abs«Uee 
ballolk f(Mr ttiis Primary Electiw. June 11, 1977 is the 
laiit ^y on vUdi such tyiplications for tiMWrtee ballots 
nay ^ m^e in person Isy qualified apidieairti for tills 
Priiniry EleMton. 

l^.tCteteG. yveraan- . , . . .- — .. 

6a»Mld Baglstiar 
mi eotfttaase Drive 
VtriMi B«i^, Vtn^Bia 2S49I 


In tte Clerit's Office of 

tte Circuit Cwat of the 

City (d VirginU Beach, Va. 

w tte 20th day of ^ril 


Jack 0. Clark, Jr. 



Sosatt J. Clark, 


Tte object of thU suit 
is to obtain a divorce a 
vinculo natrimwU from 
tte mU detantast, i^ob 
ttftjpreuds 9(^atiMowt> 
sePratioo fd owr i»e 

And an afiMarit havtag 
hew tnade nd filadttat 
due dUigonce has been ued 

Uiitiiul, AiHi {la wbal may bti 

neceiaary to protect ter 

inteewrt in tMs satt. 

A eoiy-t^te: John V. 


By: Patti A. K^ieham,De- 

puty, Clerk 

Bastera A HiMard 

* Trade Bl^. 

by or in behalf oi theCom- 
plalBaitf to ascertain in 
which c<»nty or Mipora- 
tion tiie (Miendaat is, with- 
out efiect, tlw last kitown 
post ott« address tMigg: 
1503 ChatikifflLaM,^. 
204. VliviniaBetidi,VAlt 
is ordered ttet she do i^ 
pear here within tei (10) 
(kys alter due ps^eam 

inA ta^. -.u 

VBi i/zi, 3/4, l/lt, 5/ii 


asmSL OF PVM«!CAT10if 
Cirmi CeinI <4 tte City 
<rf VUflida B^*, VA. OB 
UMttat day tfAlra, 1177 
Va#» miUaib itaaioid. 

BaaM iHden JCwford. 

fto o^«t of ttla ^. 
is to <MBtt k mwvt a 
vlBtato Mtri^irii tnm 
m «M MMtM, ^oa 
m ttmm * <m mr 

Vrrginfe Beach Public Notices 

='i^m^!S^i: ' • "iritiiMii'iiiliMili < < . ^^ * 

And aa affidavit having 
been made and filed that 
tte dttwdant is a noo-re- 
itdeirt of Uie SUte of Vlr- 
giBia» Uwlaatkaownpost 
ofHea addreu being: P.O. 
Boa I4S^ Leaolr, North 
CaroUBa it is ordered that 
•he OB apfiear here within 
ten (iO) days after due 
pdbUcatlon hereof, and do 
what nay be necessary to 
protect hBf interest in this 

A oapy>TeBte: John V. 

By: Bam A. Keenehan, De- 
puty Cltrii. 
lUelMiil H. Dflls 
t04 Board of Trade Bldr 
Morftdk. Va. 23510 

VBS-4/27, 5/4, 5/>l, 5/18 


In the Clerk's Office of Uie 

Circvtt Court of the City 

;ofVit|iala Beach, VA.ont 

Calvin Steley, Jr. 



Minilca Ann Scott, 


The Object of ttis suit is 
to obtatt a divorceamensa 
et thoro witt proper iq>- 
i^ttoB nay be merged 
11^ ai^Mido BuMflumli 

And an affidavit having 
been madt and fflod that 
tte defendast la a non-re- 
sideirt of tte SUte of Vlr- 
(inia, tte last kaom post 
office addrwa being: llso 
N.E. 167tt Stmt. N. Miami 
Beach, Florida It is mtier- 
ed that she do i^ppear here 
within ten (10) days after 
due putdicatiM heretrf, and 
do what may be necessary 
to lUDtect her Merest in 

A capf'T4sl9: John V. 

By: nitti A. Keeneban, De- 
puty. Cleili 
Gav E. Milius, Jr. 
524 iDdqiendence Blvd. 
Virgi^a Beach. VA 23462 

VBS-4/27. 5/4, 5/11, 5/18 

The oti^ect of this suit 
is to obtain a divorce a 
vinculo matrimonii from 
the said defendant, vq^tte 
grooda of one year's se- 

And an affidavit bavii^ . 
been made and filed that 
the defendant is a non-re- 
sident of the State of Vir- 
ginia, the last known post 

office address beh«: 
Algulf Ltd. 32 Great Port- 
land, London WIN.ADEag* 
land It is ordered tiiat he 
??«v*?P**'' **"* vithto tw 
(10) dus after due publica- 
tion JUfeof. and do wtet 
may be necessary to pro- 
tect his interest in this 

A c^-Teste: John V. 
Fentress ^ 

By: Patti A. Keenehan, De- 
puty. Clerk 
Richard G. Brydges 
1369 Laskin Road 
Virginia Beadi. VA 23451 

2: Ai^Ucation of Leo J. Martone and Leo J. Uartwe 
and Associates, Inc., for a Conditifflial Use Permit 
for a ctmstruction equipment storage yard cm certain 
property located(»theNorthsideofGreenwichRoad 
beginning it a point 1500 feet more orlessEastof 
Newtoirn R(»d, tmO&i a dMance tf 129.36 feet along 
the Nortt side. of Greenwich Road, cunning a distance 
of 354 feet along tte Western property line, running 
a distance of 149.40 feet along the Northern property 
line and ruoniI^t a distance of 277.81 feet aloi^; the 
Eastera prtmerty line. Said parcel cratains .94 acre. 

3. AteUcation of Edna F. Hunley for a Conditicmal Use 
Permit for a hcnie occupation (botdiy ceramics) on cer- 
tain prtqwrty located on tte South side of Potters 
Road b^lnning at a point 375 feet East (rfGatewood 
Avenue, running a distance of 69 feet along tte Soutt 
side of Poors ,road, running a distance of 200 feet 
aloi« the Eastern pn^rty line, r«nnii« a distance of 
69 feet aloiv the Southera prtberty line and running 
a distance of 200 feet along the Western pn^ry 
Une. Said parcel contains 13,800 square feet. (Gate- 
wood Park Area). LYNNHAVEN BOROUGH. y 

4. AniUcatioQ of Harry SpruiU for a Coaifitioi&l Use 
Permit for recreattonal facilities of an ^utitoOrnature 
(fishing) on cert^ prq^rty located at the Southeast 

portion of Lot B-20 as shown on the plat entitled 
"Re-plat of Rudee Heights, Princess Anne County, Vir- 




la the Clerk's Office of ttie 

CircBit Court of tte aty 

of Virginia Beach, VA., on 

ttie 22nd day of i^iril, 1977 

Nancy R. ftstt^lder. 



David H. Batchelder, 


In tiie Clerk's Office of 
the Circuit Court of the 
City of Virginia Beach, on 
Uie 19Ui day of i^rit, 1977 
Charles R. Pitts 



Thomas MacConnell and 

RiAert Leary 


The object of this suit 
is to have the Court ad- 
judicate the rights of the 
parties hereto in and to a 
52 loot yacht, tte "Liber- 

And an affidavit having 
been ma<te and filed that the 
defendants are not re- 
sidoits of tte State of Vir- 
ginia, tteir last known post 
office addressed being: 
Thomas MacConnell— 1359 
Beacon Street Apt. 5 
Brooklfaie. Massachusetts; 
Robert Leary"lS59 Bea- 
con Street, Brookline, 
Massachusetts it is or- 
dered that Thomas Ifac- 
CoaaeU ft Rotiert Leary 
do anwar here within t«i 
(10) days after due pub- 
lication hereof, tmddowhat 
may be neceisstry^ pro- 

A copy-Teste: Jdm V. 

Fentress, Clerk 

By: Karen A. Xei^rt D.C i 

Smitt k Cochran 

25tt ft Pacific Avenue 

Virginia Beach, VA 


VBS-4/27, 5/4, 5/11, 5/18 


Oil M<imlay. May Id. I'J77, .il 2 Oil |t.m , Ihe'cite 
(.Council of the City of Viijiinia Hpiirli. ViiKiniii, till 
a.sscmblc in th<.> Ciiy ('iHimil ('haiiilH<i s. Cily Aiiminlti 
halion IliiitdinR, MiiiiuiimI ('<-iilcr. I*riiir«>.s.-, Aiiiii' Qot* 
DinrI). Viifrinia Uvu-b, lu hold a pultlir lii'ariii|( I'ugwl9l(v' 
tiiK the fullowing ordi|iaiici> coiu eruiiiK an aiiiendmenth^ 
Ihe Mo.squilo Control Ordinance. 

AN ordinancf: to amknu and KIORDABI 




That Section 21-S of tlu: Cmk ot Uu> City nf Virglfl^ 

Beach is amended ami rHt)r(iained Id read as foUCiiil 

Section 21-5: Prince.'i.s Aiuu'-Piintid Mo.sqmh) ContM ^ 


Thi' Princess Anno-l*uni;<i M(i!><niil.> Coalioi District 

.shall include all of IIm- art>a williin lh«' l>niH-o.s.s AnBe 

Horo^h and that acva ui Vim'o KDrniiKh .is si>l forth 


(a) From IJuin Biidt^i- l\.ia<l run lli in l>riiici'.s.'. Anne 
Doroiigh line. 

(l>) All lots, par;;el:> or pieces of property abuttii^ 
Charity Neck Road from the Intei-section of Gum Bridge 
Road to N«ai6yCf(j€k Road ■ 
.(c) All iots^ parcels or pieces of property abutting 
on Munden Point Road from the intersection of Munden 
PoiiU Road witt Princess Anne Road west to the North 
Landiag River. 
Section 21-5.1: Rate of Tax 

The tai shall be a.s e.staldi.slicd in the nai e.state lax 
rale fcir each year 

Persons desiring tu address City Council regarding 
this matter, should write or lelephone the Office of the 
City Clerk (427-4304) on or befoie ftiMp.m ,on Wednes- 
<toy, May 11, 1977. or reuislw at the t:ity Clerk's 
desk in the Council Chambers before the opening of the 

Richard J. Webbon 

VBS-4/27, 5/4 2t 

ginia", dated December, 1950, which is located on the 
East side oi Soutiiside Road. Plats with more detailed 
information are available in the Department of Plan- 
ning. (Rudee Inlet Area). LYNNHAVEN BOROUGH. 

5. Application of Charles R. Pitto, Jr., for a Conditional 
Use Permtt for a skateboard park and pro-stuqi on cer- 
tain property located at the Northwest intersection of 
ViiYinia Beach Boulevard and Byrd Lane, running a 
distance of 230 feet along tte North side of Vii^inia 
Beach Boulevard, running a distadce of 415 feet along 
the West side of Byrd Lane, running a distance of 229 
feet altmg tte Soutt side of Oconee Avenue and running 
a distance of 480 feet along tte Western property line. 
Said parcel contains 2.22 acres. (Oconee Park Area). 


6. Application of Hiram L. Overstreet for a Condi- 
tional Use Permit for a bulk storage yard on certain 
property located on tte North side of Landstown Road 
beginning at a point 692 feet East of Princess Anne 
Road, running a distance of 138.60 feet along Uie North 
side of Landstown Road, running a distance of 455 feet 
along Uie Eastern property line, running a distance of 
138.60 feet along tte Northern property line and running 
a distance of 455 feet along tte Western pr(H)erty line. 
Said parcel contains 1.4 acres more or less. (Green 

7. Apjplication of Stackhouse, Inc., for a Conditional 
Use Permit for a building contractor's yard (parking 
of constructiMi equipment) on certain property loca- 
ted 259.3 feet South of Indian River Road beginning 
at a point 210 feet more or less West of Kempsville 
Road, running a distance of 400 feet more or less 
along the Northern property line, running a distance of 
204.7 feet along tte Western property line, running a 
distance of 400 feet more or less along tte Souttern 
pnqierty line and runn iat a d istai»:e of 204.7 feet 
almg tte Eastern prMSfW^. sm parcel contains 
1.8 acres more or leR. (B<ftmey's Comer Area). 

8. AK>Ucation of James Proferes for a Conditional Use 
Permit to operate a parking lot on certain property 
located on Uie East side of Atlantic Avenue liieginnlng 
at a point 70 feet North of 11th Street, running a dis- 
tance of 130 feet along Uie East side of Atlantic Avenue, 
running a distance of 150 feet along tte Northern 
property line, running a distance of 130 feet along Uie 
Eastera property line and running a distance of 150 
feet along tte Souttern property line. Said parcel 

feet along tte Souttern property line. Said parcel con- 
tains 19,500 square feet. VmOINU BEACH BOROUGH. 

9. AHtlication of Water-Boggan International, Inc., for 
a Conditional Use Permit for a recjreaticmal facility 
of an outdoor nature (water slide) on certain property 
located on the West side of Atlantic Avenue b^inning 
at a point 150 feet South of Third Street, running a dis- 
tance of 349 feet more or less along the Eastern pro- 
perty line of which 279 feet is the West side of At- 
lantic Avenue, running a distance of 496 feet more or 
less along tte Western property line aiuf running a dis- 
tance of 187 feet along the Northern pn^rty line. 
Said parcel is trtai^ular in shape and contains 1.64 
acres. (Rudee Inlet Area). VIRGINU BEACH AND 

Richard J. Webbon 
City Clerk 

VBS-4/27, 5/4 2t ^ c 


"m regtfar m«mng of tte Coucil d ttw City of Vir- 
ginia Beach wiU be held in Uie ConaeU Chambers of 
the AdiBttlBtrrttoB MmAu, City Hall, Princeas Aane 
StattoB, Vlfiliila Beach, Wrgiaia, on Mofiday. May 16. 
1917. at 1:00 P.M., at v^ch time tte Mtowingap- 
ptteatiOM vtti btJNtrd: 

I. J^^erttta 41 Boier L. Longmire aod Cterles &- 
kiomm m a OattOiaal Use Pertttt for a boUc stor- 
fafil «• cttlatt |ff«erty locaM m the East sUe 
SNAnto ATCHt B^mJdiv at a pdtt U feet Rorft 
^maad Sbemi, rtt^ a diataw^ otlStt^ along 
tte Ei^ iMe itf Souttttte k^imm, ra^ac a dlstaaa 
St in fm^ atapc tte llorttm intyer^ line, nmning 
a tfMuist at n 9m llsBf tte l&Mn propBrty lite 
aad nmrfai a MMbbm jC lU tmtHsmt^ SaaOMm 
mv^ yu». IkM far^ eoMi^ MS Bqatre tmk, 



The Virginia Beach Planning Commission will hold a 

PubUc Hiring on Tuesday, May 10, 1977, at 12:00 

Noon in tte Council Chambers of the Administration 

Building, Princess Anne Courthouse, Virginia Beach, 

VircMt- The following ai^licatipns wiU aiq;>ear on tte 


MARCH 8 1977' 

1. Petiti(Hi of Gordon B. Potter, D«m S. Potter, Jr., 
Lucille B. Potter and John Ray Potter for a Chai«e 
of Zoning District Classification from R-5 Reshiential 
District to B-2 Community-Business District on cer-' 
tain property located on tte North side of Laskin Road 
begiuiii« at a point 528.46 feet West of Winwood Drive, 
running a distance of 193 feet aloi^ the Nortt side of 
Laskin Road, running a distance of 1010.93 feet along 
tte Western prqierty line, running a distance of 187.32 
feet aliMig the Soutt side (A Laurel Lane, and running a 
distance of 1056.58 feet along the Eastern property 
line. Said parcel contains 4.45 acres. (Hilltop Area). 

2. PetiUtm d Gordon B. Pcrtter, Dean S. Potter, Jr., 
Lucille B. Potter and Joim Ray Potter for a Chai«e 
of Zoning District Classificatim from R-5 Resid«itial 
District to 0-1 Office District on certain property loca- 
ted on tte North side of Laskin Road b^inaing at a 
point 250 feet more or less West of Winwood Drive, 
running a distance of 271.60 fe^ alMg Uie Noftt side 
(d La^ Road, running a distance (tf 1056.58 feet al(»g 
tte W^ra property lim, running a dUtance of 204.42 
fert aloAf ^ Soutt side of Unrel Lane and nwiaga 
distance of 1119.29 feet aloi« the £ast«^ property line. 
SUd parcel omtains 5.839 acres. (HUttqi Area). LYNN- 

3. PetttiM <d Gordon B. Potter, Dean S. PM«r, Jr., 
Lwmie B. Ptrtter and Joto Ray Potter for a Chaj^e of 
Zoning District ClassificaUon from R-5 Resbtoitial 
n^rict to R-S Residential District m certain property 
loc^d at the Norttwest corwr oi La^inRMdand Win- 
wood Drive, rmuing a distance of 254.63 feet alMg the 
Nortt sMb <d LK^tiA Bm4 nMlag a distance d 1119 J9 
iwt ataBg tte WeMen ^^per^ line, rwaing a tts- 
tance of 250.36 feet al(^ the Soutt side (tf Laurel 
LaM and ruui^ a distance o< U53.5 fe^ ateog tte 
West sm ai Wttwood Drive. Said parcel ovtete I.S35 
acres. (HlUtop Area). LYNNHAVra B(»OUGR. 

4 f0mm at B. Bruce Tayta* uik DAaey B. mi 
te a Cfet^ tf Zorag mstri^ CbmMMMM ino« 
A-1 MuteMA mstrid to B-1 ftolM^s-tMMfltel 

IMstrict (m certaio pnverty leckiei at tin Northeast 
<H>rner of Bosmioot Road and HoUaad Road, rwiiBg a 
distance stf 82.S4 feet ^oq( the East side of RosMMMi 
Road, numUig around a carve a dlMace (tf 18.55 
feet, m^Ong in a Soidherly directttm a dlstence of 
11.90 feet, runnitt a distance rt 141.90 feet along 
Uie Nortt sUe of Holland Road, rwalng a dUtance of iect ato^ the Eastern property Une and nm^ 
a distaBce ol 197.ts feet along m Ifortiam prc|>erty 
Une. &ld' parcel contains O.H acif. (Pecan Gardens 

5. ^ifdicatim of A. Stanley Mmidy ft Company lor a 
Condltiwal Use Permit for a butt storage yard (t^p- 
orary) OB certain property lontod 390 fe^ more «r 
less WMt (rf .Soutt Birdneck Road begiimlng at a point 
1400 feet naore or less Soutt of Beartlfiil Street, run- 
ning a distance of 150 feet along U» Southera property 
Une, runBl]« a distance of 150 feet aki^; the Vntera 
pn^ierty Une, running a distence of 150 fe^ atoog tte 
Northern jntperty line and running a dirtance of ISO 
feet along tte Eastern property Une. Said parcel con- 
tains 22,500 square feet. LYNNHAVEN BOROUGH. 

6. AppUcation of B. Bruce Taylor for the discootin- 
uance, clMure and aband<»me^ of a portion of Lttcoln 
Avenue beginning at a point 120 feet Nortt of HoUand 
Road, running a distance of 133 feet more or less along 
tte Westeni pn^ierty line, miming a distance of 55 
feet more or less along tte Northern property line, 
running a distance of 142 feet more or less along the 
Eastem prq;ierty Une and running a distance of 55 
feet more or less along tte Souttern property line. 
Said parcel cmitains 12,580 square feet more or less. 
(Pecan Gardens Area).PRnfCESS ANNE BOROUGH. 
APRIL 12, 1977: 

7. Petition of Boddie-NoeU Enterprises, toe, lor a 
Change of Zoning District Classification from R-8 
Residential District to B-2 Community-Business Dis- 
trict on certain pn^rty located at tte Northwest cor- 
ner of Cape Henry Drive (formerly Holly Avenue) and 
SeasheU Road, nmoing a distance of 225.07 feet aloi« 
Uie West side of Seashell Road, running a distance of 
150 feet along tte Northern pr(q)erty line, rwming a dis- 
tance of 286.32 feet along tte Western pn^erty Une 
and running a distence of 150.17 along tte Nortt side of 
Cape Henry Drive (formerly Holly Avenue). Said parcel 
contatas 33,750 Square feet more or less. LYNNHAVEN 

8. Application of Richard Croul for a Conditional Use 
Permit for recreational bcUity of an outikwr natare 
(watersUde) oa certain pnqierty located on tte West 
side of General BooUi Boulevard beginning at a point 
1100 feet more or less Nortt of South Birdneck Road, 
running a distance of 1170 feet more or less aluig 
tte SouUiera property line, running a distence of 618 
feet more or less along tte Western property Itte, run- 
ning a distance of 194.03 feet along tte Nortterii pro- 
perty line, running a distance of 879 feet more or less 
in a Soutteasterly direction, and running a distance of 
50 feet along tte East side of General Boott Boulevard. 
Said parcel is irregular in shape and ctmteins 9.31 
acres more or less. LYNNHAVEN BOROUGH. 

9. Petition of Robert L. and Margaret C. St^enson 
for a Chai«e of Zoning District Classification from R-5 
Residential District to B-2 Commumty-Business District 
on certain property located on tte East side of Princess 
Anne Road beginning at a point 330 feet more or less 
Soutt of Hanover Drive, miming a distance of 155.6 
feet along the East side of Princess AMMtoad, nmiqg 
a distance of 516.0 feet altmg ttie l^ieni imper^ 
Une, running a distance of 369.2 feet along tte Eastera 
property line and nmning a distance of 472.7 feet aioag 
the Northern property Une. Said parcel coidalns 2.86 

10. AppUcation of tte City of Virginia Beach for tte 
discontinuance, closure and abandonment of portions at 
Eastera Shore Road. 

Parcel 1: Beginning at the Northeast intersection of 
Wildwood Drive and Eastem Shore Road, running a dis- 
tance of 1899.61 feet in a Northerly direction, running 
a distance of 33.71 feet alcmg tte Soutt side of Old 
Donation Partcway, runnii^ a distance of 1899 feet in 
a Soutterly direction and running a distance of 30.11 
feet along tte North side of WUdwood Drive. 
Parcel 2: Beginning at tte Southeast intersection of WUd- 
wood Drive and Eastem Shore Road, running a distance 
of 958.07 feet more or less in a Soutterly direction, 
running a distance of 33.84 feet along the Southern 
boundary, running a distance of 989 feet more or less 
in a Northerly directfon and running a distance of 30.15 
feet along tte SouUi side of WUdwood Drive 
Sid parcels coi^att 2.07 acres. Plate witt more detaUed 
information are available in the Department of Planning. 

11. Subdivision Variance: Appeal from Decisions of Ad- 
ministrative Officers in regard to certain elemente of 
Uie Subdivision Ordinance, Subdivision for E. Ray Water- 
field. Property located on tte South side of Munden Point 
Road, 300 feet West of Lettie Street. Plats with more 
detailed information are avaUable in tte Department of 

P lanning 

12. Subdivision Variance: AM>eal from Decisions oi Ad- 
ministrative Officers in reganl to certain elemente of 
tte Subdivislcm Ordinance, Subdivision for Thomas W. 
and Martha W. Mustin. Property located at tteSoutt- 
east comer of SheU Road and CuUen Road. Pteto witt 
more deteUed Uiformation are available in tte Dqiart- 
ment of Planning. 

13. Aibdivislon Variance: Appeal from Decisi(ms of 
Administrative Officers in regard to certain elemente 
of tte Subdivision Ordinance, Subdivision for Mkryl." 
Caulfield. Property located on the South side of 43rd 
Street West of Pacific Avenue. Plats witt more deteUed 
information ara available in tte Dqiartment of Planning. 

14. Petition of The Estete ofW. W. Oliver, Sr., tor a 
Change of Zcming District Classification from R-5 
Residential District to B-2 Community-Business Dis- 
trict oa ceriatt prcqierty located on the North side of 
Haygood Road bq^nnu^ at a pottt 317 feet more or less 
East of Ferry Plantetion Road, running a dtetenee 
of 392.24 feet along Uie Nortt side of Haj^ood Road, 
runnii^ a dtetance of 217.86 feet along the Eastera pro- 
perty Une, running a distance of 423 feet along the 
Norttera property line and nmning a distance of 219.5 
feet al(»g tlM Western pn^rty Une. &id par^l con- 
tains 2.1 acres more or less. BAYSIDE BORDUGH. 

15. Petttioo oi BP OU, Inc., and B. Bruce Taytor AA- a^ 
Change of Zoning District Classification frtm B-2 
Commanity-Basiness District to B-3 Central-BisliiMS 
District on certete pn^erty located at the NorthMst 
quadruft (rf VlrginU Beadi-Norfott ExfnnswKf and 
Newtown Road, r«ulag a distaiKe oi 277.64 feet aloi« 
tte East si^ ol Newtown Road, rooing a disteace ti 
520.34 feet alow tiM NorU»ra prqiwrty line, rumting 

a (Usance d 1M.83 fort atoag the Eai^ra ^of»rty 
Une, and rauiag a distam^e of StO.a feet aloagtte 
Southera luroeerte Itte. Said parcel c(^atts 2.9 acr^. 

16. PetttioB of Jdm L. and Qsle M. J«lge for a Chaaie 
of ZoBlng m^rict Classlfi<»U(m from B-2 Oxnm^^ 
Kisiness ^strict to A-3 i^rteuft Ustrict oe t^rttte 
ntyerty toeated at tte NwthMir^twr of PtaBBww 
Hoo^ RMd aMi PoweUs P^t Road, raniag a (ttstaaec 
of 256.24 l«et along tte East sMi afftaiMrw ioaie 
Road, nmlag a dU^uice <tf 170 fMl ds^rtib Mmttm 
ptiperty Itte, nma^ a ^aOsux of fMJ4 (^ i^h 
ttie Eastera mmt^ Um aad rw^ U^mmmMm 
feet alOBg tte N^tt siife d Poi^to MM BoM. Sm 
parcel caaiaim 1 acre. BAl^K BQMVML 

17. PetlttOB of TraaA-BerksUrt 1 
tiM ftnr a CAun ^ Znttg tMlr 
R-1 MMBBlttl Mrtrict to R-S 
^rta ^irMtttt %a^M^ tte I „___ 

bdywnMw Md aad Shkcl Mv«. raaMflPSHWW 











n <» ■ VirRi«iaB»8ChSun,Apnl2',!9'77 



t»4I.N iHt tlone the EtsI iM« of j^f I Drlv«, nwnii^ 
a dlsUnce of 2S4.48 feet in a Southeasterly direction, 
nmalnt a distance of 212.53 feet Ui a North«ist*rty 
directloB, ruii0lq| t JlgUMe ot I2H$3 (tat along the 
Etstera prapfi^ Um aad ntuiiJiK a distance of <19.04 
feet alohc the Soiitli aide oi Wtyaintitw tmA. Slid par- 
cel coBtains 14.36 acres. (Robinhood Forest-Southern 
41. Pefltron of Trant- Berkshire Development Corpora- 
tion for a Change of Zoninc District Classificatioo 
from R-1 Residential District to R-3 Resideotial District 
oo certain property located at the Northeast intersection 
of lalynaviev Road and South Spigel Drive, running a dis- 
tinee of M9.32 feet along the North side of Inlyjuview 
Road, ntaoiag a distance of 1721.95 feet in a Northerly 

jureeUM. rwaug a outance oi aw.M ieetina westerly 
Uredle*. nnpdng aromd a curve ia a Northwesterly 
S'fS?*!!!:^"**^ **f 1444.M fteet. nmita««dlatMH% 
of ltt.4B iMt to • Mortterly directidA, mudag 1<&S< 
^pee of 5?.S0 fi^ la a Morthvesterly dta^cUoa. reaiyng 
£ dtoteMse of 4B0 feet te a Nocttoasterly direction, 
l^wutog I dlMaaoftitf M.fi3 feetlaalfeitter^ direetleB, 
IWBiag a iSstaai^ of OS fleet ia a Weeterly ittfe^ae. 
TiuiBte#<tt^taee^3l8ftetiaaSoiiaMnsterly dtoettea, 
nauthg a dt«iaM» oflMieetiBaSoetNiMterly dtrectiea, 
reaalBg a dUtaaee of HI feet in a So«th«^teriy dlcec- 
tloo. rvwiag a c^tanee of 186 feet ia a Southerly 
(ttreettea, ruasybig a dl^aace of 351 feet in aSooth- 
^erty dlrecttoe, ruMtag a A^uce (tf 359 feet In a 
Mn^erly dlrcctlm. raantag a dlsteacc of 693 
9^ ia a SottttMsterly dlrectioa, ruMtag a distaw:e (rf 
^ tact ia a Westerly dlrectioa, raanisg a distaace of 
|M feet tai a Soi^inrly tfrectlQa, maaing a dlstaaee of 
!r.!^i5 • Southwesterly dlrecttoa. ruHilag a dlstaaee 
of 11^.30 itat la aa Easterly (ttrecttoa.r«aniK a dis- 
taace M 200 feet te a Seatheasterij dtrfctloa, nwriM 
a dlstaKe of 155 feet iaaa Easterly dlrecttoa aad rw«h« 

Ldlitaaee of 30SJ7 feet la a Southed dfrecUoi; 
d parcel eoatalas W J2 acres. (Rohtabood Forest 
19. P^lttoa ol Traot-B«tshire Developneid Coipon- 
^ for a Chaage of 2oBiag District Classlflcattoo 
ttdai R-H^sUenUalDtstrtcttoR-SResldeatial Dis- 
trict oB eertaia ^operty located at ttw Northwest in- 
«N^»dtoa of lalynaview Road aad Fire Ptdats Road, 
ri^ag a distaace of l^X) feet more or less aloi* the 
iKHp skfe of lalyaaview Road, ruaaing a distaara of 
»72.2» feet ia a Northwesterly dlreetiOB, rvaaii^adia- 
taace (tf Ml feet la a Nordieasterly directka, ruaalw 
a ^staaee of 11.07 feet la aa Easterly directloo, maaii« 
a distaace of 660.12 feet ia a Sootiieasterly dlrectioa, 
naaiag a distaace of 1041.04 fe^ la aa Eagerly dlrec- 
tioa, mndag a distaace of 526.37 feet la a Somberly 
^reetlM, nantog arouad a curve ta a Westerly #rac- 
tioa a <U^i^Bce of 499.40 feet, ruaaijv a distaace of 
331.17 feet tai a Southerly directioe, raaalag a disteace 
of ^) fec^ la aa Easterly directioe aad maalM a dia- 
taace of 601.01 feet In a Souther^ directioii. Said / 
parc^ coBtelBs 43.213 acres. (Traatwood Shores-Traat / 
Berkshire Areas). LYNNHAVEM BOROUGH. 
20. Prtittoa of First Americaa Svnn^ A Loaa Assocla- 
ttOB tor a Chaage of Zotdag District Classlficatioa from 
R-6 Residential District to B-2 Coauaeaity-BaaiaMS 
District Ml eertaia prqwrty located oa the South aide 
of bdlsa River Road begiaaiag at a point 644 fM East 
^KmpsvUle Road, ranaiag a diStaMe d 110 feet aloi« 
the So«h aMit of Indian River Road, ruaaing a distaaee 
of 250 feet ali»g the Eastera property line, raaalag a 
distaace (rf no feet alwg the So^hem property Uae 
aad ruaaiag a distance of 250 ftoet along the Western 
gwp«5rllne. Said pared eoatalas 27.500 sqoan fei«. 

n. PetlUoa of Wilbur W. Whitehead and Carolyn J. 
Wblt^ead for a Chaage of Zoaing District Classmca- 
ma fhnsi aG-1 Agrlcoltaral District to B-2Commnalty- 
ni«ttitess District oa eertaia mnperty located oa tte 
ft^ skte of Oceau Boulevard begiaaiag at a poiat 
lZ7r feet more or l^s Soi^ of Harpers Road, numbw 
a distaace of fS.lO ftat jUoog the Wea« side of Oceaaa 

miOiieli^ttiBT^ ' 

of lil.60 feet akOg the Horthera property liae.Saii 
pmowtf^MBftitts 19,446 square fleet more or less. Mm- 

£• P*ttMo; ol Allaa Brock for a Cbaive of Zoalat Dis- 
Wct OaMdficatioB from AG-1 Agri^iral IMi^et to 
R-2 Re^dntial District oa eertaia property located 
2.^ IS^ ■** o* "*'»«■*«' '•S*"^ «t * Potat feet East of Prlacess Aue Road, maaiag a dif - 
teaee of 700 ftoet aloog tlM North side ofMalbMiSold. 
nmaiag a distaaee of 4M.16 ttoet aloi« the Eastera 
property Itee, naubig a distaace of 700 feet ak^tte 
Morthera ^aperty liae, aad naalal a distaace of 489.31 
ft^ aloag the Wntera property ttie. SalTparceleQataias 
7.K1 acres. PUNGO BCXKMJGH. 
a. AppUeatioa of Muddy Creek Huat Club for a Coodi- 
tioMl Use Permit to ere<^ a boat home oa i^rUa u«- 
pwty located oa the EaM side of Muddy Creek Road 
bcgOBiag at a point ^0 feet mon or lessSooUiaf 
. *^ W*e Road, nualag a distaaee iof 167 ieet 
aloag the East side of Muddy Creek Road, rnud« a dis- 
tace of 46 feet BMm or less along tile Sovthera property 
Uk, ruaaing a distaaee of 167 feet more or less abac 
me &stea pn^erty line aad mming a instance ofS 
feet mmr» w tess akeng tte N(»1hera property Uae. &id 
gggt glatas 9.011 square feet more w less. PUNGO 

21. Aii^uieatioa of Creative Displays, tac. for a Coadi- 
tioBal Use Peroiit tor two 12 foot by SO foot bttlboania 
OB eertaia property k>cated at the Mortlwaat coraeret 
namood ^iags Road aad Badea Road, ruaaiiv a (tts- 
teMe of 12$.67 feet aloag the East side of Oiaaibad 
^rtegs Road, rmmiag a (fistaaee of 336 ftet akam tbe 
A^thera property llae, nm^big a <tt^ace of 149 95 
feet aloag fbe Eastera property llae aad ruaaiv a dls- 
teace of 307.59 feet aioi« the North side of Badea 
Road. Said parcel eoatalas 1.14 acres. BAYSIDE BOR- 

25. AMdi<atl(a ai Jmeph L. Just, Jr., tor a Coaitttlawl 
use raiatt for a home occtq^tloa (family mwHatioB) 
OB rartaia jwoperty k)catal on the Soidh side (tf Woody 
Couil begtaaing at a poiat 100 feet Eaft of Dylaa Drive, 
iwateg a distance or M.4» ffeet aloi« the South side (^ 
Woo^ court, ruaaiag a Mt^aee d ItlM fe^ aloag 
ft ^f^..P«>P«'^4tBe, rumiiBg a disteaee of 12 
MM alOBi the SoirfhMii jntifierty line aad mayic a (tts- 
teace of 125 feet ak»g the Westera property llae. 
Bald parcel is kaowaasKtl Woody Court aad cMteias 
^|B aqaare toek. (Braadoo Area). ICEMPSVILLEfiOR- 

». Ap^eatioa of Jerry Tibbitt and Robert Welsbard 
Inr a CtmdttiMal Use Permit for a hair ^Uk aad 
eatttag aakrn oa certain property located at the South- 
en^ coraer of LaddaRoad aad FreemaelMve, ng^m 
a (ttstsKe of IQO le^ more or less aloag tte Soua «bie 
tf Laskla Road, ruaaiag a distaaee of^ toet aloi« the 
Eastera peoperty Uae, roaaiag a distaace of 100 feet 
UMT te Soiriftera property llae aad ruaaiag a distaace 
^*" 'S?!."®" o*" 1«» «»«« tbe East side of Freemae 
™i^Sp«»^ co^las 19.6M square kd. auaw or 

S:.iiS*^ ** ***^ ■ 0^«*» *» a CaMttfoaai 
£ta ^S^ 2?!^^ * tenwrary pari^ lot oa car, 
r" •'?S^. y>cai»i oa the East side of Atludfe 
^M^ bMMg at a |mM 100 foet North of 4th te«et, 

Me, rtm ^ a ^tea» ef lOO tet aleag fte^^^ii 
WWtf m, rmmiag a dii^aee d 150 «^ akMC the 
MHVMa p«ptrty Itee aad narite a ttiAm^^ 101 

•H^mmM ^ Of AtiS^Av^B^ 

^^ 11^0 a«mre feet. vm^Nl| BE^^^- 
H: ^1^^ ^ W^-Bowa tatm^nl. tee., 

of mktmmjmf^mm m^) • ^ ^ ^ 

ieaterp m ttmMttM Mmm 

at a p^ 1» feel MM of TMrd im«i.niwiHa 

a 4t^^# m awt i^ tr 
totegiter to ^^^V nf ei^te i 6i 

" Ana). irmamMkcnmbvnm' 


29. Application of Winner Corporation for a Conditional 
Use Permit for a recreational facility of an outdoor 
nature (skateboard park) on certain property located 
«K) feet East of Hollaad Road beginning at a poiat 640 
feet more or less South of North landstown Road, run- 
mng « distance ot 500 feet more or less along the Wes- 
tern property line, ninnUig a distance of 260 feet more 
or lebi along the Southern property line, running a dis- 
taace (^ 500 fe^ more or less ato^ t^ Eastera pro- 
perty llae aad iwa^ a distance itf 260 teet more or 
less aloag the Norttera pn^erty IIm. ^d par«l cm- 
teins 3 acres more or less. PRINCE® i^E BOR- 

aO-^AnttOitloa of wmiam H. Pallette. IH iad Rachel 
S. I^iUette tat a Coatfttbaal Use Permit for a dmOex 
OB cMiyBjpr^rtytbcaMoatheltorthsideQf Lake 
Drive hetfaalag at a po^ 175 i^ West of Medlterna- 
eaa kmnt, tmmtg a dlstai»% of 75 fedtatawg tite North 
side (rf Lake Drive, nuaing a (Hsteace <rf 110 feet 
along the Western ^t^rty Um. ruaatog a dlstMce ol 
75 feet aloag the NorOera {Nropiwty Uae aad rmmiag a 
distaaee of 110 feet aMt the Eastern intmerty itoe. 
SaM parcel coateins 0.189 acre. VOtGDIIA BEACH 

SI. AppUeatioa td OUv«- B. Odraa for a Conditfamal 
Use P^rmif tor recreattawal facttltfes of an oubkxtr 
aature (AaMMmrd parit vdth a ]^ slKq» aad smick bar) 
OB eeriato property on the North Me of Htflty Itead 
beglnalag at a poiat 478 feet more or less Northeast 
of the iatei;sectloa with 26th Street, raaahig a distaace 
9f 317 fM more or less in a Northeasterly directtcn, 
raaaing a distance of 78 feet more or less to a Soi^- 
easterly directtoa, nmaiag a distaaee ctf 230 feet m»9 
or Jess to a Northeriy dtrecttoa, rwaiag a distaace <a 
41g feet more or less to a Sonthw«Bterly direetlOB, 
and nuntoga<tetaBce of 248 foetmoreor Ins to a South- 
erly dlrectioa. Said parcel coirtains 2.3 acres more tv 
toss. VDUaNIA BEACH B(«OU(ffl. 
fZ. AppUcaUoB of Club Brtttaayp toe, fbr a CoadiUoaal 
Use Ptivit for recreatiOBal todUttes of aa o^doinr 
aatare (swimniag potd. clrtiliouBe> teaato ecrart) oa 
certato property located at the Southern ejrtremity of 
Five Potot Road, numiag a dH^aace (rf 32S.04 feet 
atool the Horthera property Uae, rwni^i a dlrtaace 
of Slt.70 feet atoag toe Eutere iHr«|Mrty llae, maata« 
a dtotaaee of N4.87 feet more or less alMg the Sonthera 
prqmrty Uae,nnito8adistaBceofS32.Mfeetto a Norto- 
o-ly direettoa, rmmtog a distaace ot 145 feet to a 
Kortheast^ly (tfreetiOB aad randag araund a curve a 
(Ustaaee of 2S0.QB feet alMg Five Pdm Rdwi. Said par- 
cel eoatain 4.131 acres, (ftarth^a Pc^rts Area). LYNN- 

a. Motioa m the Plamiiag Commisstoo of the CUy of 
Virgiato Beach to amend tie Master Street aad Highway 
Ptoa regarding the right-of-way widths for Laskto 
Road, nuMe Avemn and aMHre IMve. More dialled 
tofnnaattoa is avaUable to the Dqnrtment of Plnatog. 
24. Resdirtloo of the CouacU of toe City of Vlrglnto 
Beach to amend aad reontoto Articto 1, SecUoa 102 
of toe Comprehensive Zoning Orttaaace in estobUsh- 
tog Articto 15. Arte A Contermice IMstrict. More>to- 
tailed itformattoa to avaitoble to toe Department of PUm- 
ning. . 

Ptote wlto mx^ ddaUed totormtfion on toe above »p- 
pUcattoas arc avaUatde to the DqaulaieBt of Pla^l]«. 

All totCTested paraoos are tovlted to i^ad. 
VBS-4/2^^ it 


ti\a,t\2 jsu W\i» kv 


The CcMBaiisstoa of Game aad btoad Fisheries at a 
meetiag held to Rit^moad. Virgiato. on April 15, 1977, 
adapted the fUlowlag ameadad regutotiai pursnaat to 
Sactfoas 29-125. 29-126 aAd 29-127 Of the Code of Vlr- 
gtoto, to becmae ^toctive May 15, 1977. 

CHAPER 18, Turkey. 

R18-2. » shall be towfal to huat bearded tarlrays 
ealy from April 16 through May l4, 1977, boto dates 
ladusive, from oM-half hoar beibre aitoriae to U 
o'clock a.m., eicMt to ttm (»aitiei of Le« aad Meck- 
lotoarg, wUeh idiall be cloeed to taaUi«. Beared tur- 
keys shall be heated by callii«. tt simll be imtowfai 
to use dogs or orpmtoe drives, for the porpose of 
Thtoameadmeat elective May 15, 1977. 

Ralph L. Weaver, CImirmaa 



«i?"!2*^ *° ■ *•*«"• oi the Circuit Court ofthe 
City of Vlrgtola Beach, Vli^toto, made aS^irtenri 

AU(HOTUS sum, et nz, et ate. Chaa^rv Doekirt 
Itoe. 16879-E aad C-1810-75, I wUl oatoT 8rtlJ?S 

S^ **!?•-•* "=~ <''«^ iooa^t toe frtiJdSf 3 
tie Court House of the Circuit COart of ChoMOMte 

SL??** !!^ Sl**= ^^'' Cbe8apeake,^irSS 
toe faliowi^ described real estote: ^^' 

ALL THAT CERTAIN piece or parcel d toad 
attoated to toe Cit| of VirgiiitoBeach, ffiSerty iSal 
^Am» Comrty): aad Sl^to of Tirg^^artadM astte 

Itodder parehaij of OavldCwsrtw'^SK^^'^ 
two acres, atore or toss, lylag near the head af Bla<i- 

ss .SirSi s? ^r** "^ "^ -"^ "^ - 

SUewttect to coaflnaatlOB by the Court. 

THttB: CAffl 1/t CM depodt reqidred at sate by 

gBjjmaer. Batoaee wltoto totety (3^ days S« ao 


aecMWag to Law hvAHB givcB. 

PMtOttMfta l»lil 
Otes^aafta. VH^iM Bai 


Th» ranlar meetirv ef the Ceoatt d toe City <rf vir- 
1^ Beach will be held ia the C^aa^l ChaMen 
of the AdmimstntiOB Bulldl^, CH» Ml, Pria^ 
Anae fitatloa, Virgitoa Bea^, Wigtaa, m Um^; 
May », 1977, at 1:00 P.M., at vhfaA ttmettelUkMrlw 
•gJi««oa8 wui hetord: ^ 


Petition of Junt, 
a C^nge of Zoning District Classi/icatjipn tvom A-1 
Apartment District to B-4 Resort-Conimerclal District 
on certain property located on the South side ol aSrd 
Street beginning at a point 100 feet West of Pacific 
Avenue, running a distance of 100 feet along the South 
side of 2Srd Street, nmning a distance of 140 feet along 
the Western property line, running a distance of 100 
feet alo^ the Jmtherf) property Une am runntat a dis- 
taace of 140 toet ^Rg the Eastern prepertyHae. SaM 
STi^L.^?'***" W,000 sqiare feet. VIRGBilA BEACH 

2. Mittea of Braa#ilto# Coi^., T/A JAmestown East 
Apartawate, to- a Oifeage of Z*ing District Classlflca- 
tlpi^^m A-2 Apartoicat District to A-3 Apartment 
Dtotolct m cwrtaift pr^rty located at toe Southwest 
iKersectloB of Norfolk AvwMie and CarlMwan Avenue, 
ruartnra distonce «rf 524.WAtoet Woi^ toe Soato side 
<rf No^Mk Aww, rrtBlng a tMstonee of 388.12 fiet 
f^*^^ .*!!^"* P9*f^y line of which fitSO feet 
is toe East sMto (^Riidee'AVMue.riuH^ni'adaito^of 
510.0^4eetaloai tliffSbitfierii property]^ «d rim^ 
a dtotonee or 267.56 toet along the West side of Car^^ 
iiXtS^.u!^J*"=*^ coatolns 3 acres. VlRGmiA BEACH 

BAY^t aORtWGtt: i 

3.PetitioaafB<n^BCooi$rttctlon Company for a Chance 
of Zoning District CtosslficaUoa from R-2 Resid^^^ 
I»strict to R-3 Residwtial Diatrist oa certato Mtmerty 
located oa toe Sonto aide of EweU Road begtontogat a 
point 220 fe^ mot Oft leas Eaitt«fDui^m1dtM. 
runatog a distoace ct 1573:67 feet aloar the Southera 
g-operty Uae, nmaiag a dtotaacfe of Ma.82 feet Atoag 
toe EMtem prwcwtt Itoe, rmmlm « distaaee efI3M.0] 
toet atong toe ifortoera property Itoe and nmatog; a 
^stance o(.llM.44 toet atong toe Western property Itae 
of wUch^ 240.22 i«et nm« or less is the Soutt side of 
EweU Road. Said pareeL coigns 12.02 acres. (Thorourh- 
good Ara^BAYto BOROUGH. ^ 

4. PetltloB of Wrfe Baaeh tovwtiaeBt.Compmiy for a 
CIttaee of ZoBiae tAgtrtd Ctoaslfleation from A>1 
Apartment Dlstri<;f to Btl,C(»nmadty-BuslBess Distoict 
on certato BToperty. to^tted East of Soqto MUitory 
Highway begMiC ^ tti totersectioo of Old Pmldeace 
Road Reloaited, i^itotoi i distaue of 235.84 teet to an 
Eaatoriy «|lrectlon, irittitog a dls^nce of 45 f»et to a 
Soutoerty directim, rdudag a dtotaace of 74 feet in an 
Easterly tfirecOiw, ruaatag a dtotonce of 189.55 feet in a 
Southerly dlrectidi^ tiiaaing a dtotaace ot 107.40 feet 
to an Easterly 4inetioe^ runnim a distance of 102.96 
feet to a SouUwrly directt()n, running a distance of 529.40 
'!*li".5^'f^^*®^y diriBcUon, and ruahtog adistance 
of 21.85 feet in a Northeriy direction, mi parcel con- 
tains 0.923 acre. K&MPSVILLE BOROUGH. 

5. Potion of Carlton E. 8ad Josq^iiM Gowersmito by 
Metro Realty Corp. of TIdevwter,f(Mr a Chaage of Zon- 
ing District Classilicatlonlrom R-S Residential District 
to 0-1 Office JMstrict on ieertato prqierty located at toe 
Sontoeast comer ,(]irPri>ridence Road and KempsvUle 
Road, running a distance ^100 feet almig toe Souto side 
of Providenee Ri9|d, rtomtog a distance of 188 f^ alone 
the Eastera jM^jpirty llnej nmnlng a dlstoncte W 100 feet 
alooi the Soiitherh property Itoe ^nd running a dlstan<» 
of 118^ feet alMg toe East side of Kemi»vlUe Road 

tsirss^E'XB'' '"'■ <^""" "™' 

6. PeUticm of Rozitlcas Compaay by Raytoond M. Bar- 
f«tt f^ * C'lMte o* Zoning District Cto/Bsiflcatloa from 
hi Ll^ ladoi^i^ District to B-2 Cdnrnuaity-Bnstoess 


feet'iii . „„ „ 

rj-* TTLTi— ^ .-w-» a di^aaee of 5Sl.()4 ieet ateig 
the Eastora pr^rty uae. ud run^a dtotince cif 650 
feet along the East sbie'<^E:q>ressway Drive. Said parcel 
eoatolBs 2.744:*^es. KEMPSVILL BOROUGH. 

7. PetititHi oi M^iH Qglesby iai Roceo J. Lasstter for 
a Chaage of Zcnlng Dlstriet Classiiflcirtion from B-1 
Buslaess-ResldeQUail District to , B-2 Community-Busi- 
ness IMstrict da eertaia jo-operty beglnalag at a point 
ISO feet North of the totersectiai of Level Green Boule- 
vard and Drew Drive, rumUng a Astance of 375 feet 
aloag the Westora property Uae, runaliv a distaac^ <rf 
86 feet aloag the Northera property Uae, nmnlng a dis- 
taaee of 405 fe^ al(Bi|( toe Eastern property Une and 

* running a distance of S41 feet aloi«toeS9utoeni property 
Une. Said pareti eootoias 2.508 acres. (Level Green 


8. .^licatloii of David Qglesby and Ropco J. Lassiter 
for a CoiMtitioa Use Permit for mtoi-warehouses wcer- 
t^n pr^rty beginnlnt at a point 150 feet North W toe 
toterseettott <rf Level ®een Boulevard^ Drew Drive 
nmnlng a distonce of 375 feet alot«theWesterii property 
Une, naming a distoace of 86 feet along the Noi^rn 
poverty llae, raaaing a dtotaace of 405 teet along toe 
Eastera pn^erty Uae aad running a dtotuce of 341 
feet atong toe Smitoera pnqwrty Une. Said parcel con- 

}^J,'^ ■*'"*■ <^***^ G*^** Area). KOIKVILLE 


9. Ai9>llcatlan of Crown Central Petroleum Corporation 
aad James l^ver Rnlty Corporatiim for ft CoadiUoaal 
Use I^rmit for aa atdotfobile service stotion on certato 
I»t)perty located at the totersectloo(tftheNorthernri£lit- 
of-way Une (^Lyaahavea Parkway and the Eastern right, 
(rf-wmr lliw of Sonto Lynnhaven Hoad(ReloiatedX ruanimt 
a distonce of 155 f^ along toe East side of South lynn- 
Road (Relocatod), ruhali^ a distance of 175 feet in a 
NorttMsterly direcUoo, rmmlng fi dtotance of 175 fert 
to a SouthNlstorly dlrecUon, rmmtog a distaaee of 155 
feet atong tte Xorto stoe of Lymtoaven Parki»yand run- 
ning tronKr a ewe a <iistaace 9f 20 feet. Said parcel 

omtalas .701 acrt. PRDf CESS AHHE BOROUGH: 

Richard J. Webbov 


VBS-4/20, 4/27 - 21 

JSLI!'^,^^^^ 5**°« BoaM idU <^er the 
2f2^1?^ "** ** paWlc auettoB for cash 

M-Pasiea^ Buaes (IA Modato 1964 
M-Pamogey Bw (1) 1^1 1964 
Vaa (I) Model 1969 

f^*%'^!^^V^^^ 1«^ »W3. aad 1964 
F«tlto&(2)4,flfl0ft8.aad6,0»toa. . • 

iK!!?«2??Sii& ** «^ "• " '^^- 


Cafeteria Tmw wtt b»ches 

iato at AiAoot tea G«rage 
gii^ Nm9^ Tii|^ (4 
im, tf «« Mfc^-. Valtf^M mqrbeiaqwsM 

1617 tottaat AvaMa. Yir- 
• Mwday. A|M 3^ 

ABtoy^ ^Mto Mrtity ^cles aad^ f^ttidtare 
^^^L^^^^ *»• «to'»^tort«Uaatofy me. 

^i» ar^«irt oa 4t9 U s^sKl<ftH« 
tte t«M to n^A uf mkfn all tMr 

YwawA BiACi arr public k^ols 

1. The City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, win rec^ve 
sealed bids for the furnishing of all plant, equttmwA» 
labor and material and toe performing of all worit for 
the above described project uaUl: 2:80 P.M. curwnt 
time on May 5, 1977 at toe <^ce ofthe Utilities En- 
rtaeer. Department of Publit! iitiHties. MunicipJ Center, 



mmm of the city of viRGonA 

|39,900.0M A 

There bivi^ been presented to toe Cmirt a certified ; 
(^ of an ordinal^ ^Mttted by thKCoweUof tbrCity ' 
of Virginia BMOh <rt AipriJ 11, I97t,reque^& the COart 
to order u election on toe (jpwstim of issung gi^ral 
oMigattoa beikto of the City to the maitonffl^BwWit ' 
of |39,9ffi),000.^ addftUmaiy ^rared by h ple^e of tte^ 
rtveaues rtf tte City's iwter aod sewer system, W fin- ' 
aace a portlM trf toe cost of.a japltolln^rovement 
proipvm for water and sewer, and it aj^earing ^toit r 
svch ordiaaace has l)een duly adopted in accontonce wito ^ 
^cto VH, StaMim 1 ol toe Coostitattoo of Viiflato, 
it is lvn% ADJUDGED and ORDERED as foUows: 

1. Sueh ordlmtoce Is hereby fUed. 

2. The regalar iffecUMr Mtti^rs of toe City of ' 
Virgiato Beach shall on the l^Mi dMy of June, 1977, J 
that'betog a day not less tMaslity days from the' 
date hereof and not wlthto sixty days prior tea ' 
general w primary election, c^t^i a ptdl and take 
SMise Qi the qialified voters of toe City <rf Vlr- ' 
gtola Beach on the questioo of c(»traottog a ^ i 
and issttiubCMds -of the Ctty to the maximum • 
amount aod for. toe purposes s^ forto to toe afore- i 
saldordiminee. ! 

3, The ^ng machlMs and/or baltoto to be us^ at * 
the^ectioa ahaU fioM toe qmstimi to substantially the I 
foUoviiv fcmn: 




Sjpectol ElectioB 

Amel4, 19s77, 

QU&SrnpN: SluU the City of Vlittobi Beach, 
Virginia, contract a d^t aod issue Ito general 
obUgati(w towds to toe maximum amomit 
of |39,90p,000. a<KUti(maUy secured by a plectee of > 
water and sewer revenues, pursuant to Article ,< 
VH, jSectton 10 (a) (2) of the Constitution of Vlr- \ 
gini% the City Charter and Uie PubUc Ftoi»ee , 
Act to finance a portion of tiie cc»i c^a capitol ; 
improvement prqgram for water and aewer? , 

D Yes .;- ^^ 

PNo.; , ; 

IrThe election ishaU be c(»ducted and toe balh^ ^ 
counisd and the retorna made and caavassed to toe > 
nttaaer provided by tow, and toe resalto ttereof shaU ? 
be certified to iWs Court and to toe City Council. '^ 

5. A copy of this order shaU serve astoevfltof 
♦m.a>erl e City tf Vlir^ia^^cb^^ 

Vft-^nto Beach. The Secretory of 'toe: fileetoral B&rtl - 

dMl toeretqxm fortowtth cause oertifiM cofitos^tl^ t 

wder to be posted at each voting ptoee and at three ^ 

otoer pubUe ptoces to toe City. The Slueriff and toe ' 

Secretonr shaU make their re^ectiw retoras to the ; 
Pvo^ that th^ have executed toe same. 

6. The Clerk of this Court shall cause a certified 
roiqr of ttds order, preceded by the captfoa *Nia«ia i 
a fiood Electicm," to be pubUshed twice in Uie Vir* 
gate B«K:h Sun, a newspaper having pneral circuto- ' 
ttoa to the CUy, at least one of whiiA pubUcations shall > 
be Biwle aot less than ten (toys bef<ffe toedLecttoaf 

7. The Clerk of this Court shaU forthwith senda cer- 
wsdeowr of tiito order to toe Stote Board of Electiraa. 
ENTER 4/13/77 

Acopytesto: Joha V. Featress, Clerk 
By: Doris S.Hhle, D.C. 

VBS-4/20, 4/27 2t 

to toe Clerit's Office of 
the Circuit Court d toe 
City «rf Virgiato Beach, VA. 
on toe 13to day of AjvU. 
1977. ' "i' . 

Laura Gayle Dunn Green- 




James Ron^ (h^nhUl, 



The object of tiito suit is 

to (Mato a dliKMroe f vto- 

cdb nutrimotall from the 

said defendant, iqion toe 

grounds of raie year 


And an affi^rit havii^ 
been made and fiM ttoii 
the defendant'stost known 
post office address to 613 
DeLaura Court, Vlrgtoto 
Beach, Vlrgtoto, aad that 

due dilig^^ nas been us- 
ed by aad m bdialf of tte 
plalntlfi to asi^rtida to 
what wunty or conKuatfam 
tl» (Pendant to, wtthenit' 
effect, tt to ontored that 
te do q^ear here wittoa 
ten (10) (toys after4ftMpid»- 
lication tere<i aadifot^t 
may be Beeenary to pro- 
tect htoii^resf totttosait. 
A C(^-Teste: J<te v. 

By: P^ A. KeeMhan,!^- 
puty, Clert 

Tltewater L^al AU 


147 Graatyy ttreet. 

Office 350 

Itofcdk, VA S»10 

to ^^^'ff (Mbe d 



004 Mlren mmll. 

The object of UUs sult^ 
is for toe said ccmiplainaBt .* 
to secure a divorce a vto- ' 
culo matrimonii frMO toe* 
Defemtont, Dale Marc^i 
DanttU, and it decessito-' 
ted by the fact that said • 
Defeadaat is not a resi- 
dettt of the Stote of Vlr-i 
glida and cannot be per- 
sonaUy served wito pro- 
c«irr 1 

Aad an affldavtt having' 
been made aad fUed that 
the dWindant is a nwj-re- ' ' 
sidart d the aate of Vlr-' 
glnto, Uk last known post 
office KMress beii*: 1537 • 
Daitoe Drive, San Jose.- 
Calttm^a. It ir ordered 
toiit he do appear here ' 
wlfhia tea (10) days aftei^ 
doe pobUcaliOn terec^, aad ' 
da irtat may l>e necessary^ 
to pnrtect his toterest to' 
tMssutti f 

A WJpy-Teste: JtAa V 

By:PattiA. Keeaehan.De-: 
puty, Clerk 

George M. KeUey, m 
936 Watowrigtt sidg. 
Norfcrik, VA. 

VBS-4/20. 4/27. 5/4, 5/U 

ym»mk: « THEci^t.^,-^ 
offk:e of toe OBaawa 
ojwff w THE era? c^ 
2tTM DA¥ wwamfWm 

to re: kSo^m d*tmm 
Naomi teas (withort dM^ 
d uaut) , 

By; Romolw Base iM S^ 







*» v^ » -f- 

f # I f f p p^py^f^^^^^pf p « 1 p f 

1 1 1 1 1 p 1 1 1 1 1^ 1 1 1 i FP^PPPP^^^P^^^^^^PPPPPPPI^^^PP 

Virglala Beach Stu, A|>rU 27,19?? B-9 

TUf day cine RomuJns 
gW «W», R*l» Carrington 
B«. Petitioners, and re- 
presented that the object o( 
this proceeding is to effect 
the adaption of the above 

named Inftitt Penny ttaomi 
Bass, by Romalu4s Bass and 
Reba Carrlngton Bass, hus- 
band and wife, and affidarit 
having beeh made and filed 
that Bob Jackson, a natural 
parent of said child, is a 
non-resident of the State of 
Vlrgiala, the last known post 
office address being: IMl 
Parker Avenue, Portsmouth, 
Virginia It Is therelbre Or- 
dered ttot ttesaldB<AJa^- 
vm a|)pMr tiefore thlsCo^rt 
vithto tefr(M)itey8 after yrt>- 
Ucatlon d uis Oi^r and 
iMilcaite hUr vttltttkr «}«ard 
Hit 9n$otm mintt^^oit 
otherwise donhatlsaeces- 
MfT to protect U» intermit 
t»^ natter. 
X 1^ t«le: John V. 
rt^iUs, Clerk 
By: P^ a; Ke^ehan DC. 

ngo llaittaoh 

12^ tjmvi Ya. Bank Bolld- 

tag.> KorMft, Va. 

VBS-V8, 4/13, 4/20, 4/27 

3Ist CMJf OF MARCH, 197? 
b re: AdoptlOB of Adrimae 
KrifteenCantreH and 
Chaise of Name to Adrieime 
KrisleB Sehnnidt 
Bfi R. Dirk SchmMt A KinL- 
berly B. Schmidt 
To: Glibert E. Cantrell 

e/o bod R. Felts 

Joetton, Tennessee 
to Chancery 
#C 7t-459 

TUs day came R. Dlit 
Schmidt aad iOmberly B. 
Sdunldt, Petitioners, and 
represented that the object 
of Ois proceeding Is to ef- 
leet Mm ado#tioB of the above 
immed infiint ($), Adrienne 
KHste«ii CiBMll, b)rR. Dirk 
Schmidt and iQmberly B. 
SchmMt, husband ad wlfi», 
and a^davit haviag been 
m«l9 and fUed that GiQjiert 
E. Cantrell, a nati^ par- 
ent of jttid chlld(ren), is a 
n(»-Mpi»t of the Stete cf 
Vin^ia. .n» last knownpost, 
oQice aifcl^^ ^ 
Bi* %, Ffm,Mtm^4o0r" 
ttoB, Tom^see. It is ttwre» 
ton OrdM«d that the said 
Oyhett E. Cantrell appear 
b«4Mre this Court idthln ten 
(10^ Ays aJter p^cation 
of ^ Onktr and indicate 
his/her attlMe^^omrd the 
invpoMd «lo|ition, or other- 
wise do whtt is necessary 
to protect Us interest in 
tU matter. 
A oofif taste: John V. 

By; P^ A. Keeaehan 
ThOBMs B. sautftleworth 
2U PMibroke m B% 
Vlrginit Beach, VA. 23462 

VBS-4/6, 4/13, 4/20, 4/27 


In the aeit's OfUM of the 

ClRjuit Court of die City 

(d Virginia Beadi, VA. on 

the 29th <tay af Iterth, \Vn 

Teresa Am :^>lln. Harrell, 



MarshaU P. HarreU, 


The oi^ect tfthis salt is 
to olA^ a dimPM a vlacalo 
fhatrtnuitfi Arom tte said 
detendaurt, t^no tte grancte 
at living separate and imrt 
for a period of men nan 
mte year witheirt interrqn 

And an affidavit having 
been made, and Hied that 
tte jtetoidairt i$ a.aoB-re- 
ridnt ^tf the Stat* ef Vir- 
ginia, the last known jlost 
offi(^ adilress being: Mi 
W. Lee areet, WUsoii. N. 
C, 27to3 it is ordered that 
he do miMr here wttUn 
ten (10) days after due piA- 
llcatiM hereof, aad do wM 
may be necessary to protect 
hie irter^ in this a«tt; 

^ fim A. Keeartaa, De- 
puty, Cl«* 
Roia^ F. Hammers 
I69 8e^ adi<4e Mve 
ViJ^lnia Beach,. VA. 2S4a 

VB8 VI, 4/i3^ 4/20, ^ 

ORDER OF rmucATtm 

m tta Clert's Offin of the 
OMntt Covrt <tf Hm C^ 
of n«iM ttea^> VA.. on 


The <!^et of m nit is 
to <^Bta ft^NlMBVlNMMi 
watrtwarti from te said 

dan Road, Virginia Bear*^ 
Virginia, and that due d; 
gence ha? been mted by ants 
on behalf of the pUiiiUff to 
ascertain In what tiowity or 
corporation the defendant is, 
without effect it is ordered 
ttet he i» aiwesr here witUn 
tw (10) days aittrdue pA- 
Unti(» terwtf, and (to what 
mav be Mcessary to pro- 
tect his intenst in tUs suit. 
A C(vy-Teste: John V. 

By: Patti A. Keenehan, De- 
TMewater Legal Aid 
NorWki Virgliite 

VBS 4/6. VW. 4/20, 4/27 

Virginia Beach Pti^c Notices 

Virgiaia: In the clerk's 
ottfce of m Ciroiif Court 
of the City of Vlrglida 
Bea^ on the 29ith day of 
March. 1977. 

In i«: kio^tan of Jordan 
Miban Popp 

Bii JoMflma P. Gibbs and 
LesUe Mae GIbbs, 
Petitlooj^ ' 

Tot'^ibmaa Walden Po|» 
CaU*MediM «9 

In Chancery 


This day caqie Jonathan 
P. Gibbs and LesUe Mae 
Gibbs, P^tioaers, and re- 
pi^swted ttat the (AJect of 
this proceddiag is to effect 
the adivtioD <rf the dwve 
named iafairt, Jordan Nathan 
PQ^, 19 JooattMn P. Gibbs 
and LesUe Mae Oilto, hus- 
band and wife, and affidavit 
haviag been made and filed 
that Tieihns Walden Pote, 
a natural ptreM of saiddiild 
is a non-residrat of the State 
of Virginia, the last known 
post office address being; 
CaUe Medina #3, FoeiKir- 
Ola, Malaga, Spain, tt is 
tterefi»« Ordnred that the 
said lliomas Walden Pc^p 
appear before Hils Court 
within ten (10) days after 
pabUcatlim (» ttls Orderand 
indicate his attttude toward 
the prqposed adaption, or 
otherwise do what is ne- 
cessary to protect his in- 
fwest to this matter. 
A copy teste: J<dm V. 
Fei%^s, Clerk 
By: Patti A. KeenehuD.C. 
YloeeBt R.4)U«toH;:p.^ 

'»-^TIr|falaBe«aii!'Vai---' -'^^ 

VBS-4/6, 4/13, 4/20; '4/27 

In tfie clerk's Office of tte 
General Dlstrtot Conrt of 
the City of Viz^ Beach, 
VA., m the »tb day of 
March, 1977. . 
MAR REALTY, t/a Ban- 
croft &11 Apartments. 
Plaintiff. . 

Lawrence V. WEILL and 

The (Ajeet of this suit is 
to obtato a lodgment aipUnst 
ttte dtf eadaots tor reitt and 
damages duettie idaiotiff by 
reason of the defendants' 
breach of lease. 

And an afltoavit having 
been made and filed tlmt the 
defendants' last Imown ad- 
dress is 2212 |»th Street. 
Virginia Beach, Virgiaia 
23451. ft that a diligent ^- 
toft hu been made to to- 
^fte the def endante without 
effect A that thedefendanto 
cannot be served with pro- 
cess witoto th» state, ills 
ordered that Lawrence V. 
and Shelda Ann Weill do 
appear here witUn ten (10) 
days after doe pAllcation 
tereof. and do trt|t maybe 
. Mcessary to protect their 
interest in this suit. 
Am^-'TMte; ^ithMar- 
titttx, Deputy Cleit. 
1^ Mm R. Ward, Csq. 
PaMMg. St^ea, Uoom ft 

P. 0. Box 3321 
Nwfolk, Virginia 23S14 
\«S 4/6. 4/13, 4/20,4/27 

Aad M t^MMM^.hiMig 
t'j test 

btheCtorfc's Office of the 
QwMral UstricA Coort <a 
the City of Vindaia SMch, 
VA., m the ^Tday of 
March, 1977. 

M * R REALTY, t/aBaa- 
enrft4|Ul Apartm^s, 



to 4Mata ujfUStimmt i^dnrt 
tM4Msniil tol- r^sad 
ttmagc»^ the pWMtUt 
bf fWMi^flw ikrfnitoBt's 
brMch <rf:Mse. 

Aad aniMAvit havtEf 
be^ msdi tad Ulti teat 
ytk idriMdm^tlaM tavm 
^dr«» Is VM ftwriarge 
Cdwt, Vlr^ BMeh, 

y^0^ msz; m tet 

ttie iteMdaM ciMBot 1»e 

a ^Mmai eA>r( tas been 
1^^ locate tteit^a- 
iMi witeut ^iit Mi^ ttiat 
V^ M^ftM @MMft fee 
MftM UMi voi^ vi^k 
the mt. R b oNwradttat , 

«N^Wfntt»feMot. nd 

te what may be necessary 

to {M^ect her l^erest to 


A cdvy-Teste: RnthMar- 


By John % Ward. Esq. 

Parsms, ^^en, Mora-e ft 


Attorneys at Law 
P.O. Bm 3321 
Nortolk, VA. 23514 
VBS 4/6, 4/13, 4/20.4/27 

to toe Ctorit's Office of the 
Clretit Court of the City rt 
Vlr^iria Beach, VA„ on toe 
29th day of March, 1977. 
Neman L. Moore. 

Oneida Kemp WiUiams 



The object oi Vbis wOtU 
to ditoto a divorce a mensa 
et thoro to he at the proper 
time morged iirto a decree 
a viMulo ntttrinKNUl tnm 
the said defHidant, 1900 the 
grouiteof de«Nii(». 

And aa idfidavit havii« 
been made had filed that 
the defemtont to a non-re- 
sident of the Stote of l^f- 
glato, toe last known pbst 
office address being: 8253 
Sage Drive, JackseaviHe. 
Flortd*^ 32210 It is ordered 
toal ^4B>a^ttt»<t here wito- 
to ten (10) ^ys after due 
pdiHcatldn hereof, and do 
irtmt may be necessary to 
protMt iMr Interest to tMs 

Virginia: to the Clerk's 
Office of toe Circuit Court 
of the City of Virginia 
Beach, on toe 28to day of 
March^ 1977. 

to re; adoption ot Daryn 
iark Watson 

By: John Charles Pastuf 
and Karen Elatoe WU - 
Hams PastiQ) 

To: Kirk Marvin Watson 
302S Royal St. #325 
Los Angeles, California 

to Chancery 
This day catoe John 
Charles Pas^ and Karen 

AND I^CREED tMt this 
Order be putdiiAed in toe 
Vliglnia B«ch Sm, a . 
wwiyjaper having general 
Circulation in the Vii|;toU 
Beach area for a period 
Of one (1) time each week 
fo;' four (4) consecutive 

INTER 3/24/77 
A Copy Teste: John V. 
Fertre»8, Clerk 
BypattlA. Kemiehan,D.C. 
I ask for this: 
James R. McKenry 

VBS 4/6, 4/13,4/20,4/27 
4t ■■ ■ 


Order of publicatk)n 

to m Clerk's Office <rf the 
Clwuit Court <rf the City 
of Vlzfbda Beach. VA.. on 
the Isf day of April, 1977. 
DonaMR. Rogera, 

i^utost ]- 

lArethhS. Rogers, 

The object of thto suit 
is to obUto a divorce a 
vinculo matrimonii from the 
said defendaiU, iqxw the 
grounds of desertim and 
sqiaration tf more than one 

And an affidavit having 
been made and filed that the 
defendant due diligence has 

been useo or m behalf a 
tte Comi^atoant to ascer- 
tato to which county or cor- 
pontini toe defendant to, 
without effect, toe last imown 
ppit office address being: 
217 Tiyipon Ayeaue, Hamp- 
ton, Vifgtoto it to ordered 
that she doqipearherewito- 
to tea (10) d^ys after due 
piddlcatfoB hereof, and do 
what may be necessary to 
protect her toterest to this 

A copy-teste: 3(M V; Fen- 

By: Patti A. Keenehan, De- 
puty, Clerk 

A. Andrew Ege, Jr. p.q. 
1369 Laskto Road 
Virginia Beach, VA. 

VBS 4/6, 4/13, V20, 4/27 

sented toat tlM» object of 
this proceeiiihg is to ef- 
fect toe adc^non <rf toe 
above named iafhirt (s), 
Darya Kirk Wateon, by 
John Charies Pastuf,: and 
Karen Elaine WllUams 
Pastuf, husband and wife, 

and affidavit having been 
made and filed that Kirk 
Marvin Watoon. a natoral 
parent ot said child (ren), 
is a non-resMent of the 
Stote of Virginto, toe last 
known post office address 
being: 3029: Reyal Street 
#32$, Los Angeles. Cali- 

It to toerefore <Mered 
that the said Kirk Ifarvto 
Watson appnr b^re this 
Court witoto ten (10) days 
after publlcatton of tois 
Orderbd todic«t« hto/her 
attittide toward the pro - 
posttl adopfioa, or otoer- 
wtoe do w^t to necetsary 
to protect hto interest to 
this matter. 

A mpy teste: Jo|m V. 
Fentress, Clerit 
By: Patti A. Keenlfhah, D.C. 
Charles E. Poston., 
6210 Pardue Court 
Vlrgtoto Beach^ Va. 

VBS 4/6, 4/13, 4/20. 4/27 




Vlrgtoto: to the Circatt 

Court of the City«r Virginto 

BewA on he 24to Day of 

March. 1977. 




Responttonf. ^ ^. 

to: Chancery No. 


THS CAUip came 00 
thto day to be heard on tte 
AffitevU Qi Thoma» Al - 
Ired Drewett, the Cnn - 
ptoiui^ and the matter 
was agrugcd by cowsel. 

COimr that Kay CoUier 
Dreii^, w^oM last known 
p(^ office addrMS mw 
4609 Austto LiM. Vlrgtoto 
Beach. Virriidi, does acA 
resi^ to n» Cfmmtm - 

IT Ft^firalPPEAlt- 
DiO 10 nC COURT that 
an actioa Aar pisiraaifer 
mIfsUmer Us b^ fUwl; 

AMD D^EB) mt toe 
Re qw a d e at^ Aqr rO^^ 

mtmmmtv^bdm thu 

Cewf WMH te H) d^ 
after due niiUcattQaotWs 
Order aaaaaiwttte Ckn- 
^tM or ifate piJMte ot 
drtmte ttireto. m* ^her- 
wtoe do irtmttoao«^»ry 
to ^^^ ter Merest 
hw^ aad ft to ftirttier 

toe^Sty of Vlrgtoto 
Beach, on toe 26to day of 
March, 1977. 
to re: Adoption of Infant 
Boy, Michael Christopher 

By: Richard P. ft Deborah 
To: Daniel J. King 
U.S. NaW, 315-54-4878 

BUD/S, Naval Amj^bious 


Coronado, San Diego, 


In Chancery 
Thto day came Richard 
P. Berube andDeborahAnn 
Berube, Petiti<»ers, and 
re^esented that the diject 
of this proceeding is to ef- 
fect the ad(q>tion of toe 
above naihed infant (s), 
Michael Christivher King, 
by Richard P. Berube and 
D^rah Ann Berube, hus- 
band and wife, and affi- 
davit having be6n made and 
filed that Daniel J. King, 
^ a natural paroit of said 
child, is a non-resident 
of toe Stote of Viigiato, 
toe tost known post office 

address being: U.S. Navy, 
31S-54-4878BUD/^, Naval 
AmphtoiOBS Base, Corm- 
ado, 1^ IHego, Callfomto, 
It to toereiore Ordered 
toat the said Daniel J. Kii« 
apiiMr before thto Cnirt 
wlthi^ ten (10) days after 
IwbUntira of thto Order 
and indicate hto attitude 
toward toe proposed ad(H>- 
tion, or otoerwise do what 
to necessary to prote<^ hto 
iideiwt to thto matter. 
A copy teste: StM V. 
Bentrem, Ctert' 
Hr Phttt A.Ke«iehanD.C. 
Hi^rt'^B. Cromwell, Jr. 


Guy, Cromwell, Beta, 

Smito ft IMckerson 

A^mwy s 1^ Law 

Suite 525 Pembroke One 


Vi^to Beach, Virginto 

VBS 4/6,' 4/i5. 4/20, 4/27 ♦ 

ginia. the last known post 
office address beii%: 153 
School St., Coveirtry,Conn. 
06238 it is ordered that 
she do appear here witbto 
ten (10) days after duep^- 
lication hereof, and do what 
may be necessary to pro- 
tect her interest to this 

A copy-Teste: John V. 

By: Patti A. Kennehan, De- 
puty, Cleric 
Barrow ft Lowe 
3104 Arctic Avenue 
Virginia Beach, VA 23451 

VBS 4/6, 4/13.4/20,4/27 

In the Clerk's Office of the 
Circuit Qmrt of the City of 
Virginto Bm(A, VA., ottte 
llto day Of March, 1977. 
11mua» C. Kich, 

Hitman Kuch, 

The obje<4 of tois suit 
is to i^MUi A (fiTOTM a 
vinculo mata%^Mi from 
the sato dstalul, apoa 
toe gmm^ <t Me y^r 

Aid an affitevlt having 
feMi Mrie aad filed thS 
tto d^ihtoM to a K»-n- 
sldent <4 the ^m of Vir- 

to the Ctork's Office of 
the Circuit Court of toe 
City of Virginto Beach, VA. 
on the 12to day of April, 


Judito Stone Rainone, 



Alexander F. Rainone, Jr. 


ine object of this suit 
is to (ditoin a divorce a 
vtoculo matrimonii from 
the said defenctont, upon 
the grounds of living se- 
parate and apart since Oc- 
t(*er 1975, a period of 
time in excess of one year. 

And an affidavit having 
been made and filed that 
the defendant is a non-re- 
sident of toe Stote of Vir- 
ginto. toe last known post 
office address being: Hq. 
Co. WTB (MCRD). Ed - 
son Range Area. Camp 
Pendleton, Callfornto ^ 
92055 it is ordered that he' 
do appear here within ten 
(10) days after due publica- 
tion hereof, and do what 
may be necessary to pro- 
tect his interest in this 

A copy-Teste: John V. 

By: Patti A. Keenehan, De- 
B. Burt 
1369 Laskin Road 

Virginia Beach, VA. I 
23451 _„ 

VBS 4/20, 4/27, 5/4, 5/11 
4t ■ 


In toe Clerk's Office of toe 

Circuit Court of toe City 

of Virginto Beach, VA., 

on toe 14th day of April, 


John Robert Bodnar, 



Lana Dean Bodnar, 


The object of tliis suit 
to to obtoin a divorce a 
vinculo matrimonii from 
the said defendant, iqwn 
the grounds of that toe par- 
ties have lived separate 
and afATi for more than 
one y^r. 

Ani an affidavit having 
been made and filed that 
toe defendant is a non-re- 
sident of toe Stote of Vir- 
ginto the last known post 
office address being: 1326 
Third St., N. E., Minor, 
North Dakoto it is ordered 
that she do anwar here 
withto ten (10) days after 
due publication hereof, and 
do what may be necessary 
to protect her toterest in 
thto suit. 

A copy-Teste: John V, 

By: Patti A. Keenehan, De- 
puty Clerk. 

Thomas W. Goodman, Jr. 
1213 Laskto Road 
Virginia Beach. Va. 23451 

VBS, 4/20, 4/27, 5/4, 5/11 


to toe Clerk's cmice of 

the Circuit Court of the 

City of Vilfinto B^ich, VA. , 

oe toe 14to day of April, 


Dtone Mar^ret CarroU 




ifichael Lawrence Moore, 


The object of this suit 
to to (A^tto a (Uvorce a 
vtoculo matrimooii from 
Uie said deteadant, upoo 
the grtHmds (tf oi» ynr 

Aad aa affidavit haviag 
been m^e and filed toiU 
the defewtost's la^rt known 
pMt <M» addTMS to 616 
Sandy ^wtogs Lane, Vir- 
ginto B^eh, Virginto and 
that due dH^^etesbeen 
used by aad oa brtalf of 
toe plaMUt to asceitoto 
to wittt courty ori»rpora- 
tion tiie (totaitoat to. wito- 
Ml «ne^ tt toM-duwd 
Vm he m appMT tere 
witlda tea (10) days after 
dae f^Ml^ttm heratd. aad 
do iMt My be Mcessary 
to mt^ his lrt«rett to 
Mb sail. 

A ^p|r-Tc^: 3<M V. 

By: Pattt A. Keenehan, De- 
puty, mwk 

TidwfJrtW Legal Aid 
Socieftr p.q. 
147 dranbv Street 
Norfolk, Va. 23510 

VBS-4/20, 4/27, 5/4, 5/11 

In the Ctork's Qffleeofths 
Circuit Court of the City 
of Virginto Beach. VA.» oa 
the I4th4lya| April. 1977. 
Ctoire Leii^ Oaagl^ 



against . 

Michael Angel Serrano, 


Tl» (AJect of this suit 
is to obtain a divorce a 
vinculo matrimonii from 
toe said d^endant, upontoe 
grounds of one year 

And an affidavit having 
been made and filed that 
the defendant is a non-re- 
sident of toe Stote of Vir- 
gtoto toe last known post 
office address b^m-. 
Clevetond, Ohio it to order- 
ed that he do appear here 
witiiln ten (10) days after 
due publication hereof, and 
do what may be necessary 
to protect his interest to 
this suit. 

A copy-Teste: John V. 

By: Patti A. Keenehan, 

Tidewater Legal Aid 

147 Grai*y Street 
Norfolk, VA. ^ y V 

VBS 4/20, 4/27, 5/4, 5/11 


April. 1977. - 

to re: Adoption of Chiis- 
topoer lismar Storling 
Charlene Sterling Carlto 
. By: Edwto Hill Carito, Jr. 

To: Carroll LamarStorling 
1000 E. Ocean View Ave. 
Norfolk, ViiwMa '"- 

to Chancery . 

This (toy came Charlene 
Storling Carlto and Edwto 
Hfll Carlto, Jr., Petition- 
ers, and r^resented that 
toe object of this proceed- 
ing is to effect the adoption 
of toe above named infaut 
(s), Christopher Lamar .' 
Storling, by Charlene Star- 
ling Carlto and Edwto Hill 
Carlto, Jr., husband and 
wife, and affidavit having 
been made and filed toat 
Carroll Lamar Storling, a 
natural parent <a said child 
(ren), is a non-resident of 
the Stote of Virginto, toe 
last known post office add- 
ress beii«: 1000 E. Ocean 
View Ave., Norfolk, Vir- 
ginto It to toerefore Or- 
dered that the said Car- 
roll Lamar Storling appear 
before thto Court within ten 
(10) days after publication 
of Uds Order and indicate 
hto/her attitude toward the 
proposed adoiAion, or 
otoerwtoe do what is ne- 
cessary to protect his to- 
terest in this matter. 
A copy teste: Jolw V. 
Fentress, Clerk 
By: Patii A. Keenehan, D.C. 
Charies Duffie p.q. 
Suite 1020 One Mato Pla«a 
Norfolk, Virginto 23510 

VBS 4/27, 5/4, 5/11, 5/18 

VKGDHA: to the Circuit 
Court ot toe City of Vir- 
ginto Beach on the 12to 
Day of April, 1977 
John Heuneman, 


Sylvester Josei^ Smito, 
Administrator of toe Es- 
tote of John Yungkunz, de- 

to Chancery No:'e>76-4S2 

The object of thto suit 
to to declare thecomptoto- 
aat to be the owner of the 
stock certificates listed to 
the biU of ctmplaM. now 
UMsd to the name <tf Jolm 
Yw^raos, by reasm (rfgift 
Aad an affidarit havtog be6n 
m^ that the heirs, de- 
risees aad successors to 
tiUe, if any, of J(An Ying- 
kws areuiknoTO, exc^ 
lor Ibry RettMaan wto 
^Hm to Vir^ato Beach, 
Virgiato, it to MDSRSD 
the peraoM ktnbf ma^ 
<MMaato bytti^aeiia 
description of -par^' n. 
taown", betog toe heirs, 
«vise« and mccm^s 
to tttte, if aqr, of John 
Ynglnnx, deceased, do ap- 

Ungftiiitt, deceased, do 
appilM' wiMh tea (M) (toys 
after due ^blication of this 
order and do what to ne- 
cessary to pr(^ect their 
interests. It IsfttrtoerCnt^ 
DERED that the fonfcriag 
portion of this order be 
pirt>lished once a week for 
foqr (4) successive we^s 
in the Virginto Beach Son, 
a newspaper {Hiblished to 
Virginto Beach, Virginto. 
ENTER: This 12to day of 
April, 1977. 

A c(q)y teste: Jaba V. 
Fentress, Clerk 
By: J. Curtis Fruit, D.C. 
Fine, Fine, Legsm ft Fine 
Law BuUding 
Norfolk, Virginia 23510 

4/20, 4/27, 5/4, 5/11 4t 


to the Clerk's Office of Uie 

Circuit C^rt of the City of 

Vlrgtoto Beach, VA., on toe 

Virginto Beach, VA., on 

Uie 14to day of April, 1977. 

Leslie CtoytonAnders(», 



Marion Pyles Anderson, 


The object of Uiis suit 
is to obtoin a divorce a 
mensa et thoro from the 
said defendant, npoa the 
grounds of desertion. 
And an affidavit having 
been made and filed that the 
defendant is a non-resident 
of the Stote of Virginto, toe 

tost known p(ffit office add- 
ress being: 15 Cortland St. I 
Springfield. Mass., 01126 it 
is ordered that she de ap- 
pear here withto ten (10) 
days after due publication 
hereof, and do what may be 
necessary to {Hvtect her 
toterest to thto suit. 
A cc^y-teste: John V. 

By: Patti A. Keenehan, De- 
iwty. Clerk 
Mason ft Robinson p:d. 
Suite 1612 

101 St. Paul's Blvd. . . 
Norfolk, VA 23510 

By: rattt A. Ke«etia,D^* 
Vnitj, Clttk 
Grey A Grey, LTD 
2476 Eai^ Uttte Credc Rd. 
Norfolk, VA 23518 

VBS, 4/13.4/20,4/27,5/11 

In tito Clerk's Office^ the 
Circuit Court of toe Ctty 
of.yir0nto Beach, yA.qB 
Uie 7to day of April, 19^ 
itassn (Bartee) Hughes, , 

agaiaiBt ' > 

Daaa Karl Hughes, 

The c^ect of. tois s»& 
to to obtain a divor(ai ^ 
vinculo matrimooii froi|i 
toe said defendant, npop 
toe grounds (tf one (1) yitar 
s^iaratioo immedi^ely 
preceding tostitution of the 
suit filed herein. 

And aa affidarit having 
been made and filed that 
the defendant to a non-re- 
sident ot toe Stote of Vir^ 
ginto. the tost knowa post 
(tffioe address beii^: Route 
2, Cordova, Souto Caro^ 
Una it is ordered that he 
do ^ipear here withto ten 
nO) days after due piiblica'- 
tioB hereof, and do what 
may l)e necessary to pro- 
tect his interest to this 

A copy-Teste: John V, 
Fentress " 

By: Patti A. KeeMhan.DeT 
puty. Clerk 

Riciurd J. Tavss . 

P.O. Box 8291 
Norfolk, VA 23514 

VBS-4/13, 4/20, 4/27, 5/4 

Virginia: to toe Clerk's 
Office of the Circuit Court 
of the City of Vlrgtoto 
Beach on the 8to Day of 
April, 1977. 

to re: Ad(q>tion of Robert 

Richard Sager, m, by Ai- 

leenM. Sager .U'., 


VBS-4/20, 4/27, 5/4, 5/11 

4t '■■ '.-» - -■■ . *„, -'.... 


City of Vlrgtoto Beach on 
toe 30to Day of March, 

to toe matter of toe aiap- 
tion of Travto Timotoy 
Morton and Arliss Lyle 
Morton by Alrin Nelson 
Orem and Jos^ihlne Vir- 
ginto Twiford Orem 

The object of tois pro- 
ceeding to to separate Tra- 
vto Timotoy Morton and 
Arltos Lyle Morhm, to - 
tout children (rfGemia Anne 
Couit Morton, permanently 
from toeir parent, parents 
or guardians and to have 
toe Circuit Court of toe 
City of Virginto Beach, 
Virginto to grant toe Pe- 
tition of Alvto Nelson Orem 
and Joseiditoe Virginto 
Twiford (H-em for ad(q>tioa 

witoout toe consent of said 
infanto' l^al and biologi- 
cal tother. 

And an affidarit having 
been made and filed tiiat 
Michael Arthur Morton, 
^KbDse last known address 
is Grand Stre^, N. E.. 
Grand Rapids, Michigan, is 
toe proper prty to this 
proceedings; but due dili- 
gence has l>een used toasr 
certato in what county or 
corporation he is, without 
effect, it is ORDERED tiiat 
Michael Arthur Morton do 
ai^iear here withto ten days 
after due publication here- 
of, and do what may be ne- 
cessary to protect his in- 
terest to this suit. 

Floyd E. KeUam, Jr. 

4/6, 4/13, 4/20, 4/27 4t 

THIS DAY came Aileen 
M. Sager aiKi Robert Rich- 
ard Sager, Jr., Petition- 
ers, and r^resented that 
the (AJect of this proceed- 

a..ia|P»,o9t^ ab(rJ|e,ati»ad' 
ger, or, by Aileen M. Sa- 
ger, and affidarit havii« 
been made and filed that 
Debra K. Sager, a natoral 
parent of said child, to 
a non-resident of the Stote 
of Vlrgtoto, toe last known 
post office address being: 
1505 S. W. Secom Street, 
Apartment 202, Fort Lau- 
derdale, Florida, 

It is toerefore ORDERED 
toat die said Debra K. Sa- 
ger appear before thto 
Court witoto ten (10) days 
after publication of this 
Order and indi(»te her at- 
titude toward the proposed 
ad(q>tion, or otoerwise do 
what to necessary to pro- 
tect her interest to this 

A copy teste: J(dm V. 
Fentress, Clerk 
By: Patti A. Keenehan D.C. 
Richard F. HoUaday, Jr. 

Suite 211, Pembroke Four 
Pembroke Office Park 
Virginto Beach, Virginto 

VBS-4/13, 4/20, 4/27, 5/4 


to the Clerk's Office of the 

Circuit Court of the City 

of Virginto Beach, VA, 00 

toe 7tt day of April, 1977 

Breada H. EUto, 



Nerf»n T. EUto, Jr., 


The object of toto suit 
is to ot^ato a dirarce a 
mensa et ttwro to be toter 
merged toto a divorce a 
vinculo matrimooii trmn 
toe said defMdurt, tpoa 
the grouaite of teserttoo. 

And aa sffidavif htmg 
boM made andftledttatthe 
defeaitont is a aoe-rMi- 
(tert of the Itete of Vir- 
gil^ toe lai^ kaom po^ 
<^Ice wtt-KS bring: Lcrt 
21 Beasley's Traitor Cowt 
Rwy. 32 ScMito, Plymoatt, 
NC it is ontered im to 
(to ^^Mr here wfttt ^m 
(10) (toys after daepiMica- 
aoa tereof. aad do wtat 
W9 be M^sary to pr»* 
taet Us interest to toto 

A cow T^e: John t. 


In the Clerk's Office of 
the Juvenile and DcMnestic 
Retotioos Court of the City 
of Virgtoia Beach, on ttie 
5to Day of April, 1977. 
Comm(mwealto of Virgil 
to re Bal^ Giri ThisseU 

The <4)Ject(rfthispro- 
ee«(fing to, to sqarate the 
above named infant, child 
of Janese TUs^U and Un- 
known totoer, permanmUy 
frwi ito parent, pareoto, 
or gaanfias and to coaa- 
mlt said intent to ttw cari^ 
and custody td Qie Vir^ 
ginia Bnch Department of 
Social Serrices wito Uie 
r^ht (rf said agency to 
(»ttseDt totoelnfant'sadop- 

And an afihtorit haviag 
been made aad filed toat 
Janese TMsseU ad a - 
kMWB totta* to a proper 
party to Ms promdiag; 
but due diligence Ins been , 
used to ascertato to mk^ 
<xmtf or (rorptMratf(» he 
to, w^Nt ettect, tt to 
ORDOtED that JMMe 
Thls^l wd QUKwa 
Fatter do vpiar here 
withto 10 $kjt after daa 
puhUcatton hweol, and do 
wluii laay be necessary to 
{»tstect ttieir i^rest to 
Oris «M. 

A mgf'^^'. E&ttbMh 
El Aa^, Clerie 
ItoMqr S. Bn^hers D^^ 





^pip,Li . i.i(.iu^i^i^ju|||j|«^||pi!y,u|||piji(j^u;i I-HJIJ^IPIJ! 



tt yiM yte I dof or eattfaa^aiini 
«ut t» 0v» amy, v« wiUnHtMv ^ass- 
UM ri TtoetaltiT FBEE. Tm. VM'a ri^, 
tn'tt na KKT «i la Mff popdtec mc KE 
sadtaB, Yfas ts t pMic s«nli» pftivHIcd 
iffjott kraittowB ajufflUBity wvsp^ier. 

T^r FREE BEE ad vtU cneh |art tt« 
rli^ ptoi^ wfeo ^U protrtd* » rinlnat Ah- 
your sMmal. Aal U it's somMrin »tae i«n 
tavt to glTC •»•! , TOUT MMtt «Mi Mo- 
tors will appreciate jroor mnroai^. So oU 
M'?-4Sn to i^ct jtwr FiftE BEE ad toitey. 

cUtdm to help work- 
faf pannts, for cbildrui 
.)^*s 3 ^ 6, on Wettoes- 
' days at 7 pm. aad &itur- 
"^dajtat U a.m. Cbmpeake 
Kratlinarters Llimry in 
Groit Bridge. 

FREE - Tvo catr Om ts 
a solid bk^ taHto, spay- 
ed, oUwr ki a sittl white 
nita, w^Hred. B«Mi ato 
are. vur, ieirtle. Giving a- . 
way because of aUergles. 
Hteed very loying bone, 
older couple preferred. 
t»U S47-52U alter 5 p.m. 

FOUR GUTE iJlack,' ftirry 
pt^ fai sMreb of a good 
boae. liotber-Goldea Re- 
triever, IMkcr - 1^, Uadi 
tnrier. Pleese caH 4tt- 


KITTER8, 2 nay, tMta^. 
&n mn- ^ «4-«5S 

|H«-seboaters Uut ex- 
ptaiiBS good aotiag habRs 
and BidrttioB, "The TUag 
Tte Proiessor F<»rgot. 
Free copies are availabte 
tron: Coasamer laforraa- 
tioo, Dqit. Q., Pueblo, 
Colorado S1009. 

FREE-^iecial 2 year oU 
stey hour at Cbesapeake 
Headquarters Library in 
Great Bridge. Every Toes- 
day at II a.ra. 

FIVE paniM Arte. Five 
weeks dd, aadw And- 
ean ^^tta. tatter Goj^ 
t (%dnr fl^aaiiL I nakrit 
' tla«e mMbM. a& 4M^ 
MIS aAcr t^ week days. 

1^$^ iMMiar vtt l^iNi 
Me tibwle «^ aibt, 
Iw^ # tm MniB aal 
witodbrawef. Aliwfrae 
ttre ter ia^B«dbMs. Sta- 
te p««ltw.MOMVrttit: 
Rkk at P.O. Bn 13«N, 
Cbesapeake, Va. S33S5. 

TWO GtfBM Sclw a aaera . 
Bea are pfnaaar maav 
bnta*. Septrate or boUi. 

FREE-toor Labr»tor Re- 
triever pups. Free toa good 
home. 0^539-0422. 

FREE MOVIES every Wad- 
■•adM at 12:10 p.B. tf 
Kli« LBirary, 301, E. Ctty 
BaUAve., N(»iblk. 

FREE to good bOBM-feiaale 
pnppf fi BMaOa <M. Part 
TerriN' aad part %tts. 
Loves cMibvB. SBttB-tood 
watchdef. Uwh! vMi vMa 
forehead. (^U 4l7-nC3. 

ve'va nt a lazgc wt^tC' 
tkM. met, first e«ae, 
first s«r«e4t llase are 
vMafe p^es to fit 

yea briif yoar old pipe 
to ai^ year choice of one 
ef thMC file old ftpts. 
Call Captata Cash, Fradt- 
Ua, Va., SC2-6171. 

KTPPOS-Black, om Bttte 
sad QM to«ale. Tea mttt 
(rid. Mottw Keeshonad, fa- 
tter St Barnard. Mast Me 
to appndate. Catt 340- 

FREE nCK-xpropket 
^* &«ia| B^re 
dritt." K^ttTlle^ddo 
Mksleii, m% TbantaaRd., 

WWn feaale rabbtt - 2 
yrs. m. Mice pet Call 

VMe aAt aaale (tmiim- 
ed), 1 year ^ 1 y^low 
cyr MM 1 feiat q«, Gmd 

OK jpidlMd aae ^Bfe 

■ifli aaiSi fiT FM*l»v 
pad MM( Call MT-^ilft. 

'CAT8-tw> Uaek - fiiad. 
voaM Ufet to go M pair 
CaU «H-m9. 

ran ucT <f 


For yair 

to 'GBA LUa-Cyela 
CoaMK of AppUaaccs," 
write CoBSMMer ' Ifewa, 
Ofllce of Cgasoaer Af- 
taira, Waalitagtoa, DC. 

3 yr. iMaatfaaaaliedog 
Wxad Mndd: Foada, 
M^yad. All s iwto. Loag 
rwnA tavanhalr. Lovw 
oaidoors-aesds yard. Lflt- 

FREE VCX» -^Uaad. Large 
V^Kt. <^n 427-S211 or 

<m-aoo. . 

FREE LECnnftE-OpcB to 
the piMic, oa Smtey at 
3 p.m., spOBsorcd tqr'tte 
ScieMology jU ssjoiirt Vt. 
Beach. VIbs leetwe eoa- 
eeras "Tte Potonftial A- 
lAUties o< Man and How 
He Caa Realise Then," 
and the enoticoal tcme 
scde. Call 42a-S231 for 

sise, part beagle. Appna- 
imaely 5 tatMut old. Very 

ale. Weeds a goodheiae. . 

FEDERAL TAX inftirma- 
tton aal assistuee. Call 
betmen • vb. and 4:45 
p.B. Ttiepfeoae 4Cl-srro. 

BE OUR tmam- Adavt 

and giv« yoB- lava and 
koaaa lor oar hniauls. Wa 
naad yaw fe^. Porta - 
■oiM Baniaae BodMy. 

FREE-Pari GerMBaMp- 
hard, t nionlft old female. 
Ciood w^ ^lAren, hoaae 
trained. Call 4»l-t2e7. 

Op-to-tha-hoar. HaaBtaa 
Roada area fbracaat. iNal 

3 ittED GEWAN Aep- 
hwda feaale- la iaa ks oJd. 
Call alter six HS^MM. 

FREE-Baliv Jars. Mostare 
jaaior^ae, |a«aniall)ur8. 
Goad tor aaidng J^. CaU 


diqterd. Betb nales and 

taulas. 9 watts old. CaU 


FREE TRESI-Ciityaarsdf 
sntb^e tar flrcwnd and 
tlmbar. CaU 4SS-144I a^ 

ter 4:30 p.B. 

4yr, old part aiapkerd and 
retriever. HMtenala. Very 
idayftd, wnr lood willi 

to m and ptay. Call 420- 

FREE TO agaodlKMBa. Fa- 

(^ek-a-po«, U 



Free to a goad hoiM,l«paa 




coats ani 
tt's aD la tta a pagna 
of "Tear Meney's itolh 
to Feoda."1MtelkeCan- 
snaMr hiuwatten Ccatw, 
Dq«. mE, Pnrtdo, Coto. 

PREE-1 1/2 yr. old Bale 
dog. lUsad Bread, aa^taa 
^e. Good p^ Menfiy 
and ptofM^^^n* good 
kdeM iMB Imeadjprd. Baa 
had lAdto. ffirlm. 

ami dog. Caa kr 


juok naUiiv Usta. Wrtte 
Ing AssQciattoB, ff East 
43rd »nNt, Mew York, 
NY. iooi7BMlaaktorlfeefr 
"name remoml tae^." 
They'll get fl» ^ dose, 

ycii're in tbamaitait tor a 
osed ear, ttara's a fira 
law to pratcet yoragaiast 
udometer fixing, rdliag 
back the milMge covnter. 
Write tor the tt«e toldef , 
"Consamcr ProtecUoo Ua- 
der Hew Aatttamperiag 
Odometer Lav," from tte 
Natioaal Bl|^y Traffic 
Safety AdBtotstratiOB, m 
Seventt St. S.W., Waahiag- 
ton D.C. ^90. 

LABRADOR Ratrtevtr. 
Blai± aak. 1 yn. eld 
GenQe. FreetogoodlMM 

FREE-Dog, mixed bread, 
S mos. oU male. Very 
aflectloa^, loves cU - 
dren. Free to a goodhome. 

TWO DOGS-Part (iermaa 
Sh^hard, 3 moaOis old. 
1 Bale and 1 toanle. FREE 
to a good home. Call 482- 

FREE trees and stnova 
tor firewood. Cat yoar- 
adl. Can «4-MS». 

FREE-Bwes at clotbes- 
vorfc clnliwa, i^vaa^" 
of dUdraaa #Mla and 

VITIES-^ry and movies, 
craft daysaadpqipet shows 
Call CWdrea Co-ordtaa- 
tor, Peny Forehaod at 

FREE - Hale dog, part 
poodte, 9 aoaiha idd. Ex- 
celtait vttk dildren and 
houe tooiMB. Free to a 
pmd hme. CaU S4S-64SS. 

FREE papnr to good tome. 
Male, < moiAs (dd. CaU 
413-2212 alter 5 p.m. 

BEAGLE PUP-« liHBths. 
Great ti^HlKldlft^. Fran 
to gead Mme. 4M-724I. 
after $ weekdays. 

(HIE WAT to ftete « fine 
loag dia^ma tMofeeaie 
eaU: «al M0*9SS-B&to^ 
caUtof haa ^m-t—(V») 

FEMALE - Coek ^ a -poo, 
' II aKflth* (M. 

listiag avoids aehedid^l tor 
the mid-iUlantic arei this 
winter and apriag. Capias 
are avaitAte by wiling 
Ches^atte B^ IMdge - 
Tanari. Dipt HB, Cape 
Charies, Va. 23«0. 

FREE Itoary card antlt- 
lea yea to aU tte books 
yoa ean read. Coaaa to any 
of oiff to«- tocnUonK MD 
Cadir Read, CMe C«rtv- 
Tayku- Itoad A Xostapodft 
mv4. - Weaten ftwA- 
PdIbAi^H' 4 Daaftff, 
Bona IHH«tt - li«ii 
Uvw Read * Sfmnm 



to procaMad toads. 

PMaa. aiV Ca- 


Bm m I 



WKtE DOGS-female CU- 
m^ male ta paft CM<tai 
mt MM^cctwr^ttb five 
«ain. OU. Med a good 
ioM. Cdl 4l7-tt7S. 

DM'T PAY !«• it Gat it 
fr«e at tte BaUiiirtM^ 
Ch sa apaakf PubUe U- 
hnvy: otMhalpattiilagilqr 
lam amsn, noiiyiraoa 
aMvles, and sad^ln* to 
4aWrM« War |H»a. We 
also have laa^ at ft«e a- 
farmMtan to decorate your 

NEED A FILM or apeaker 
tor year ant (AitaMetiBf? 
Tte Owapitiw M^Ll- 
bitt^ flOwi free programs 
on odtwtfaflUrs, movies, 

FWQE palpiaa, S ^Ms. old 
Rialy to laave. Sean at 
TBllteOBto U Owaa - 
paake. alter S^p^m. 

NEED TO JiSE » oot-of- 
towa teUptene dtrectwy? 
We have a too (tf ttem at 
tlB CbHApa^e Priflic Li- 
brary OmlqiMtera. 

FREE COURSE - On per- 
sonal eOti^feoey aad 
cterader tratta tor peo- 
ple ovarii, llo obUfliion. 
CaU 421-5231 br ^[ister 
at: 200 S^St;^Va. Beach. 

3 femalw aad 2 Bates. 
2 HKMrtteold. Half alameee, 
Witt siaaese Barktega but 
not ootors. FREE to a good 
home. CaU 4M-M19. 


pptea., Saall 

BOtter U 



CaU S45-I54X 

alter 5 p.B. 




IStha.. MiaiBl. Fla. 33]e! 

CB Posse 
tlOO NE 

FREE GAMES • to check 
out, Pit, Prote, Monopoly, 
Scan, BackgaBMA, Charlie 
Brown, TUfgitf Ann, 
Cteaa, Rabter paailaa amd 
man Bora at Cteaapaato 
llaaaaaartwra Library, 
GNtt BrMge ChUdren's 

wnx Film progranu lor 
Uds ^ Great Hack. Wia- 
imi Wtott aad Vioteia 
Baac* bnn^ Ubrarian *v- 
ary Sabuday aoming. 
Coiteet 3«»-M7 for ia- 
Hn-matian oa filn tttles, 
tfima aad datea. 


ItVW^E^SAFE and iut 
wm GoBeae TiyMte and 

ttr RHnovlBg. AU cars 
towad away free. Putaer- 
vi«. M5-40I1. 

Oteek oar prieea and 
aiSfta (rfteet W0^7- ^* 
al$b print M«i|qers tor 
oAlaite, hi^scte^,ml- 
Ifiary bas«i, charchea, 
anybady waaUng a profes- 
tJMtl in!t>dn^ QiBllty 
loir price, tut Mnrtce. 
Complete typ«Krttlng tec- 
UtHas. For e^l^e caU 
Kea Cariey(547-«^l)o^ 

AtlTO JUNK-W*buy ^a* 
aator. tmckl, iteses.CaU 

BUY. adl. trifle. Sw«M 
tXH «fi, stete appn^aala. 
Virgiidt Beadk's com • 
pUte $«at aMataa^ ahop 
Wtm. tS^ Thonai^^ 
tood Shopptag enter. 4S4- 

Il2t '-^__21. 

"■#■■■ I.I I ••^•m n il iMiii mu !■ -iiMi wi, Hill I ' l 

GUiUftANTEQ) to stop 
awdclK ,fir«NiMies. OM 
{lra^te<!B£ nfMred. Haw , 
ad ui butt. CaU 42S- 
7IM. VirgialaAaachFlre- 
plnca and ddnmay Swaap- 


Sm Cfverfteie riMMldT 
know Mftmik care from, 
tte VinM^ Soci^ tor 
tte Pravaitfae of BUad- 
Mss. For yoar tree copy 
a( "Yoar Eye for a Lito- 
ttmeof ^U" wrtteiPre- 
vant BlUiMs, Bm »H», 

N»S PART CoUie pi^- 
piea, C wades (M. Bott 
■Mte and famates. Free 
to a good teme. CaU 4a- 

BE THERE when tte bears 
vidte t^l Free color bro- 
efeare tdla yoa abgat va- 
eattoaiag to tte Great 
SaK)kies, in Spring or 
aaitime. Write AAvUle 
Ctember of Ctmimem, - 
1»1, Astevttle, N. C. 


PREE hbrM Bumnre tor 
^jdMs. <^ ia-2S«. 

FREE-Fw aUe peqdewbo 
wjbd to baeoma more liAe. 
Leara how to taqNraveyour 
life, Iwifia prebtens ad 
atiileve vow poteirtlalsne- 
eaaa to uto. Avalldto aew 
to Vlrgiala Beadi. Seven 
hoars padcedlUlaf asetide 
oa eoai^catioo, 
I and goals and how 
achieve item. T^ ad- 
n0at* of tbia cfpwtaatty 
to lean bow to oBaga m- 
wjudad eeaittiatette fCMT 
enviroameid. Fra*. Witt 
no obUgsttok to tatfodKe 
sdeatdogy, tta p l ao a e^ 
yon caa »ly to fife. Re- 
giatar at »l-£2nd Street 
W CaU 42975231. 

FRK-ruaaBarrlal b^ 
nete. FIvwlattCaUdM' 


BUICK LTD. 19%, U^kt 
Una vrttt wMe Itedan ktp, 
air-candtUenad,-a& power, 
m. «1ied.^nittaeoiirQl, 
eaMatte i»iMtm»Wi, o- 
i^EtoidowMr. 9,87S.CaU 
543-9974 alter 9 p.B. 

Itn MGB Roadster, km 
ail««e, oraate fitt bla^ 
tetntnr, MS iM|M8, 
AM-FM 9 tndc atarao, 
dBtne Jag-wire' wte^ 
kagfafa lAek. toaaau eo- 
vw. ExnOant eaadttten. 
|«9Q0. Meat mSl tmmad- 
i^dy, 423-440S, m- 

«W1 BUGGY iw aala, 
To«iiBg-T-BoM, BatalMc 
red, Witt Uaek t(», rCbalU 
VW wginc, line. C«l 

DCHXSE-Maxi Van. 1971, 
tnrtte top, Adly teBdUdd, 
roaf top campwr dr*«oa- 
dittoner, 3^ aatmadie 
traaamissim, power irte- 
Mlncand brakaa. $2,000. 

du, exeaUant sMMtilBi^ 
fectory air, AM-FM caaa- 
wtte. aoUd bteek, |9800. 
C$n 597-S$7l. 


FSEE pifflei to nod 

hMie. 7 WNte fM. "Ave 
mUes, ate Inuln. €^ 

nks c^, btecfcandwbtta. 
HMril. FrM tofoadbeBe 
iM M tUUtm. %»-mt*, 

mB-Vlatta to m Vlr- 

197^ - DASHER 
aMlaa, Ute new. i 
fi^rtory air. 2 dddri 
rid w^ wUte tetwn« , 
aacrifice ^ 1^.900. CaU 

fOmikC - It73 Le Haas 
gfort eonpe, UO V-|,po«- 
» rtoMiif aii hra^.kb' 
.conMeidag, AH -FHra- 
ito,' liifl roof, riUlye 
wbaib, bwtat.teate, «c- 
edUaat waaMHon^ PSOO, 
Prtoe aagoU^».lNM In- 

in ra«ala,|n^orbMt 
~ CaU^-iW^ 

Mu^. Ite ftre- 
am to *Aa Oa Eartt 
1^- «M(ft bttUi at 7 
1971 tar r^«n«ttgte. 

lin (M4»f(»Li - 4 
door. D^a M» n^ air 
poiw atowtar andbrakea. 
IMMla bo4r wofk«no. (^ 




boyr iaiMll^yaaHt iWfc 
it wm^WmtM, mmat 
to rtfdBitt, rnfted ii M 

fBEE- UMMbr reM- 
t yaaM oM. Gaad 


detector tor yonr hoBe, 
acnd tor a stady report 
giviag critical aaaeaa- 
Baate of tte dtflarant 
makae aad andala. Free 
froB PMc Cittern Be . 
saareft Ora#, 1000 P St. 
N.W., WsaUagtoa, D.C. 




Dodpi ctaatis, 1912, taU: 
sall-c«ntaited, oaly 20,0C\. 
mllas. Slaips I, luUy air 
eondltlonad, gaa stova, gas- 
electrie relrliantor, batt 
Witt atewar. TV anteaaa. 
t' attnehad canopy, 30" 
steal aalanalott bed on back 
for atorate, many extras, 

TUmTY PASS you by! Be 
sure to ahackttabaatoess- 
es for sale in today's Clas- 
sified A4s. 

SANTA Ffi • 14 ft. travel 
traUw aauer, «m|dete 
ltfcMa.^m 497-M39 , 

72 PROf^Qt - Travel 
Traflw^ill ft. 1M»4Q0ifi- 

IMim l«^du. va. 6eacK 
Atr, etji^ae coatrid etc. 
99;M1 iiflas. CaU 597- 

^M^^chHt 4g a te^ 

HONDA 50 • iffii«teatti 
exceUe^ coadMoi^ tend 
v^ UfOa: 114$ jr bast 

4 pNo. WadHlays, ai^fimr 
veeteadsi V 

I I I ■ 11 i i iiD III i ■■■■! I 11 -J i w 

19% mWASAia- 290- 
Haetric ilart, gaod eondt- 
tton; |Z7S eaA (^ 421- 
2719. ?^ 


CWaSGUsFt -1965,36' 
Craiaer,^ Ma Chrfa Cmti 
sni^naa.Ji|hp, Outt de- 
nted ganHitn:, S k«.l^ 
brldBa,rHUiooT eadnu. Unal 
ne to^pTNiate. CaU498- 


REMCEK-im. ir.i 
120 kp. I^.r Sal« 
fraUer, Uke new. %«m. 
CaU 497-1134. 

ofltHfBjHn Gaivaaiaid taw 
tnU«i>.CaU4S4-irrL . 

UvUle. l9(UaM4«41< 

p«r 100 ttvmag 
at home, apare 
time, information msb 
91.00 and atempad Mlf - 
addressed anvtfopa to 
MONEY 4411 M. Haneoek, 
Davenport, town 52907. 

' MKi*t%WirK\ < 

COSMETICS* - a Marshall 
Field faraUy owned caa- 
ptay U evandlng to Va. 
Field Creattote Inc. Part- 
tltee ooaattttuts needed. 
Possible to earn $100- 
$175. Commission sales. 
Send name, addreas, and 
tal^taoM auBter to: Box 
1327, C/D Cheaapeato 
Post, Ctesapaake, Va., 
23320. "Small investment 


No aeUlM or aiwrtenM bacaaMiT, T^3>^^^'^ 
bte^ dtaplaya wttfc tte oowtry'i ttefwt seUteg 
oattoaiUy sdvertteed toys to Ugk tniflic coaqiany as- 
teUtehad a«eoarii ttet wUl te tamad over to you. 
Tow f«»rt»w wOl te oompBtor prooaanf* by OM of the 

oideat BBl knait brairt M»a tiw wWja^ to the 
U.8. AtvUdante muat te rasptedUe, able to mate de- 

sssi.'s'ia.'^ss afflLS?«&"* "_ 

Call Mr. BeU: Toll Free any time )-a00-621-^i|n 
Ext. A121. Sunday caUa accepted. 

HELP WANTED - laanr- 
aacie salaa, no debit, need 
salaa paepu tooUaf tor a 
rtwardlHt dalvar "rite ow 
ol tteh larger inaaranca 
oQBpnaiw . te AmaMca. 
CaU 997>706l. 

sint and aaiUflg. Rash 
stuipad, aalt - addresaad 
Mo. 10 anvdape. 8UPC. 
Ba S969, FtTWa] 

M-PaaMtote Waatad 


te my homa. Hilltap area 
of Va. Beach. CaU 429- 

CARE tor two and possi- 
bly three dderty tediea 
hi my home. CaU 547- 
8947. ._ 

BABY8ITTDIC in my home. 


ll-Loeal hatraettea 


BATON Twirling, marti-'^ 
ing and strutting.' Si^l'' 
claasas apd private lasi''^ 
sonk. ForfurtMriaforBaa'> 
tion, caU 496-4908 tf«r ! 
7:30. ' 

Sl.Privato tastmdloil'«>^ 



cal, Ute^rc. and 
lar, mieropkOM tact 
que, eleaaOteqr pluoit^'< 
eonaervatory ccadenUiili.' 
481-2015 or 422-9941. 

Vayte, tod 

BUTQR ia telpinf many 
partonc earn nuway wtnk* 
iq; two to topr WMra a 
day. We can telp yon. For 
ifpointmant, eaU 420-0977 

EARN |900.00-iioaiMy at 
bona apare Uma BalUnf . 
ewratopai. Iplonnatlon: 
ROm %\Mb and,4iaBMMI 
mU addraaaad aavdmto: 
EAJttmiQS, P.O. «0XS42. 

BKj MONET malliag oar 
salaa lattara. Qaaaiaegua- 
raalae free aappUea. Rash 
a^ addroMadMBBpedM- 
vtiflpv to PSRWr, 8109 
Ooui^ Bd., CteM«Mte, 

Va. 12112. ; 


PLUfO and oit«> 

tton te yoar horn*. Va. Bteth 

area. CaU 461-7925. 

GUITAR, Bteto, piano, or- 
gaa aad dnunlaaaote.Mo* 
vate or f roop Instniction. 
BagteneTa and advttewfe* 
Acefadttad taacteriLjL, 
Charehlai^, Va. BeadnDT 
Norfolk areas. CaU 
4n2, if Matter 


m^i< .<i 


Twill jrijiiir 


[; tABTSrmNG - S daya a 
^vaak w part ttne. AU 
agM. Iiarry Oitva, Waa- 
ten Branck. Cdl 494-9043 

Wa lava «v 

aardNag a fraa p at.avwr 

«wy^^W wV^M^WB H te MW 

kateflt axdtf - 


— ®^si.'Sfy5 

OSTRUCnOlf CLilStt*'' 
RBranr AMI ^<M«irlMr^ 

Oak Hilt Madlcal TnM4 
School, Great Bridge. 947'^- 

inad itetra«ftor. No 


POOEULES - raiw black 
Ragtetered, aliote/wi^ 




BABinmEB - alter 
a^ool akfil 6 p-B. and 
aadUMr. B. M. WUma 
adtoal dtotriet. Rafivftew 

OFFIOE HELP vmtod. Re- 
ce ii ttartat - aaoMter]^ toU 
tim». W a weak ^nrttef : 
M(9oek N. C. OU(919> 

time. Earn up to ^00. a 
week. No lavaMniattrCall 
Marlya CaUM at 421 - 

D«lly«r T«lt0liOM 


Mm or WoeaM over. U 
1^1 aatonebitea aradiM^ 
ed te Tir^di BiBck, 
Cheaape^, botte Ubtel, 
Prinaaas Aane, and sar* 
NBMfiag areas. Dtflite^ 
rtcrte tf)QatMaySl«t.Said 
addraaa, age. 14*- 
«, ^ofadb, 
ratepaay and 
bntfa MaflaHa ok a ««« 
ea«l lolfcD JL 0»p., Btti 
B, .Ite Su, lU mumiM 
M*,^*. Jaa^ T«. KdSS 

Jif m^&Ltmot^ 

dadft needs tbrw Indtea 
to jtelp .Md (teriai tte 
sprim nab, IbU lute or 
parf time, ear naeiiaary, 
wiU ti»te. For 

WAMTED - flart aatea im- 
teedlately vltk teeal Graat 
9^m ifteef . Lands lara- 
teteTcaUlfr. FmkdSt- 

- ■ ' " ' . I : !■;' !■ i . I ]. 1 1 , ■ i 

cuRRnfuOK oMnrrTA 
mgotk nrte-Ean eidn 
mnay. Ml mibaa^ttoaB 
to year kmnptown ten* 
m>u-, Chteapeate rat. 
a^ cnmariaatoM. Caneam 
as meA as |»)0 a MA 
te jnar spare time. CaU 
Jim Brown at 547*49^. 

Sril tebaeiMttau to yoiv 
h«mato«n nawqiap^, 
Omif&ikit PoO. aad Va. 
Bench San. Big commiss- 
k«a. Can earn aa much as 
|2D0 a week te your spare 
time. CaU Jim Brown at 

ers Witt "Help Wanted'ada. 
CaU 547-4S71 MNr fotJBmr 
imick reaiOte) ''*^ 



Ib^ddaU^ Mate «r Faatete, aaadad Ml ^ aaHHite 
to diatrMBte wwld femou Kodak ttm and o^wrpMoT 
ptedadt araogli coMmny artabyaked loe^iate. Make 
ftttm^vw tor ted a pand a n c a 14199.00 teraateMat. 
Gautettid It nontt wwTtendlte rqpu^ue 

Odl W. IttrtteJTell Praa) l-90O-8itt-lt:0O ar cMk 
M14-ll».ini ii^ to'prtday. 9 ».te. to mS- 

*>""**• RRKTONE FMOTO CO., ."i 

nilt9TOWMfltWiO-«NCIiaM "■«• 

' ' ■ " mtm^ 

ttaM. ^ini|8d.00parlQP0 
Mdltof eavalopw. Sttad 
»jpite aiMyad, aatf-ad- 

jy^teK-M, IMH^ In. 


start Bo«r Ok Job tratadag, 
nvid mteutefflMd, 



Profit iterteg, paid vaca- 
ttM, mn^ binenta. 

CAU 424-49t2 

(^URCBLAK) area rea- 
ea aim many ^ 
to Nar telghwHS 
(^ Sate BoowSi?-«7L 

PART 1^ME-'Avan«e eOte 

191 WMl^ 

* nn 

Driw Witt mn, dM'f te 
a ip a adi r. yteirigM r^s- 
vwr teat ad read a ri 



Bo^aMi «aito«M» oaek \ 
taU mmmt. Aoartetea 
' (lUi is not re- 



Itag^Mn^M, teteplcte 




FRAMEBS - wtth at tenst 
two yaare MvartaM*. Two 
opaategs laaaiadtately, alx 
mora te ahoit two Boatte. 
Codtaet Rapeo FoaB of 
TidtwatM-. Qraat Bridge 
Skoppiag Canter. 4«t-aa. 

WAJrrSD ~ part ttaM. 
92.00 liaar to tete^M 
txulnMs firms. ExeeUaat 
tor ho«e Bakers aittpra- 
aekool age ehUdren, Write 
Aladdte Color, 3rd A Broad 
Street, Florence, New Jer- 
sey 08S18. 

EXPERIOfCED 15 yr. otd 
boy wtu nl Uwu or ha- 
byatt M vaakanda or week- 
days, MerrtfleMs' or 
EdgafleU ares. CaU 494- 



4 yrt. 

terminal, lyrg. 

Mrs. Parrts, 4M- 


¥0U GO 


Yoit've taken ilock of ail the iteim your family nd 
itefsr iHM . . . you'vegatfiafad ikam togatfrnr . . . imm 
«ilH«e da yoM ga? To yow tela a liotet Ttiat'f ri|M 
.. . M9"*W*adaMand«MWfinMpmiiweid,BdB 
pteM a eiatoHiad atf whidh often aB ttett \mm VW 
Nte. Ifilhaaanf. tew^ceetway tootf intmidiwMi 
oiker famStes wn« aan we ite vwry iMAa ywifW 
toMBf need ... and H briiMi caih ts youl DaanLt 
tlHftMiwIWctagMdinover ^*' 


J, H'- ij i -i^piyii^piyiyi^^p 

I f I JfJ ■ I 

»»*iM ^ftfi^jy*** f Jiii#fPPj 


to Ocean' 



ture, silver, cut glass, (Old 
and diamonds, tools, any 
fhing. Call Mr. Vick, 89 




U)lMk»tands out. Hdrtman 
wMfirit in the field '0 years 
■,-. . and retains that 
in tndav 

iOrsfl IS surrounded in 
seffity and conifort throug]> 
th|)^aiity built into a hlan- 
msp.Jrtiief. ' 

OtiSiilty aptly applies the 
h<9t(i49QtH'oi excellence 
attained in every manufac 
turing Mature. 

Mar* invetttng m just any 
noma trailer, invest in a 
tHMnunication with hmv 

Norfolk's mat vmUM*, 
buy, sell trade, burte sU- 
ver oolBa, U 8oiM»ra 
fiMVpiac Carter. NorftUk, 

pm B. IM-^^ teek 
t«r mad gMta. Uiay- 
Me C<A a^. «»^«mi. 

neaa lady, inatacnlate and 
neticidooa, aoB-atoaker, 
woold like nice bednom 
and private batH in One 
borne ifl beiBttAil ntoro- 
good area on a pema - 
neat baaU. Call 491-1559 
before I a.n. or after 5:S0 
p.m. or anytime weakemls. 
EiR«ll«iit references. 


M|»h« Ail-New 19771 


Hon Trailer Here 



«ai tM fraww. 




m. Its 




K'tiaB happen t6 Ton Witb 
- Bigl Prated Nitfttral 
V«^ Losa Pro- 

Far Ma 

BRAa.Bt WliJik. M K., 
(Md I* vMa^lMpear 
aii^^ mfaaoMt and. iQa- 
mgmta oa top.- V^ vata- 

Rtag- lai&M ^amoDd a^- 
ttaire. MMmu settii«. 
CMt^ asm S.IS. Sde 
sttiM, .a aaeli. Ap- 
miaed in 19^ for 
|U,S9d.OO. Prtea-r7,2QO. 

Call m-iiu^Tm-nii. 

Amaa finmi 

a SealMAlai^anat 


&url anM at M0-$171. 


garden. 4M-ax» or MO- 

ABLE TREE siirgtry for 
your tree, slurnb at laira 
aaeds^ 420-1979. 

TOP SOIL - duk, rtdi, 
loose, tottiiy attd and nil. 
Call 597-9077. 

ZmMf^-im, 12X60', 2 
badNMna; 2 bidbs, ceai- 
BbMriy canetad. Pailial- 
ly IbridaM. No equity jnat 



AiwifiniaWl MQti'l 

SfBeJaadaa, dtta od two 
b«dr«oBi t apartaaarta. 

8te<M and M^ INiiik^ 
r««dB, 4il-ms«> 421- 

*S«bsta»tlal aafinfi oa 

talves, qpttrtera. 

'*C«t, wrappad to yMr 

*Oar peraeaal, n^a^- 
back gtiaraatee trltli aveiir 

Woodmont Farms 

rtedroom. 1 1/2 batba 
brick ranch on 90' i 160* 
fenced M, central air, gar- 
^%. Call 547- 4975. 

Dob Acga tea (V«eda ratf 

t^tm «m» tt m p«b- 

Wtt» QHtoe Park acroM 
frt»B $«uii In Ptmimia 

Bwt AMI, aad My iaat. 

^HBbnke CHBtee nrk 
Vinlida Biadi 

Gal 490.1500 




Talk to manager,. 

''^vmqeuuf mtkhies 

f^^ eafva*-«al- 

,£«■ dally. UMU^SL 
'WtanoiA. An tirpM of 
■umpm, mi 0aaa, dtaa, 
fmfeire. ltertaa»CTtcard 
nd Matfer Omr^. Call 

aiAM-^rtaUe fonawe 
Sfadnra^m-. Excfeileat 
eaHWkm, like mw. br- 
v^g^ with 4Kft tmn 
flomiiea t<9. ^^Call S^- 

hofaqr, IWat JPIylit Ml 

kts daira, HSO. Qffl 4a- 





Finance Co. 




Wll VM 


ft^Tw Baal ar Sale 

IIQtOC^ N.G. - Laifsn- 
crMdteaal nrtnntaf pool 
IR' mt. £Mt fnrfraap 
Ctii 5»-5llf,i^«aa«- 


OCEANA GAIil%l»- i 
bedrooma, 2 batta. Utrlag 
room vMi HrqiliM, itta- 
IBR reini, airf den, Adly 

«JP«W. 421-1754. 496 - 

Virginia Baaidi? Keep iq> 
vidi tha hoaMlo«n neva 
with a avbaetipttoit to tte 
•VlrgiiiU Bead[ SUN. De- 
livered to your inall box 
for an entire year (52 
weeks) for obly |7.00. Call 

5 bedrooaoa, 2 battiai cen- 
tral air, 2 story, den irtth 
firaplace. S4II^96U. 

KINGS PMNT - 7 mo. old 
4 badpoom niK|i| 

,ii 4S«^'^ 

4 bedrooma, 2 1/2 batta, 
redecorate, (ikipato, 12' 
ahed, stDnge,^n(,vood- 
ad, feneed. Mt(«% Mteutf , 
Aaoraisad |40,MO, 4M - 



^ - , AND AIR 

Jjf*^ .Air Compressors 
ff .Saaea Heatora 

4^3 Bainliildgs Blvd. 






2 1/2 
with gar- 
1^. Po(d ifflfttegas. Eai? 
to aaaona, moO. Call 

It's K>«aay...adyartiaetbe ; 
tUags ypH pa toafarMad in 
tiie daavlBad eotioins of 
you homatom aew^^per. b 
^vetteally ae time at all, 
peosie in your adgUboiteod 
will k»>w wh^ you hare to 
sell. Yov're oa tte.radf^ 
extra cadi... SMaaboify will 
rrad ytwr ad and buy! 


B^ktos ^ 

Home InqaofMBants 
Room Additions 
AhHwIf B "^ Sidinc 
Roofs - Carporta 
Kitcha Remodeling 


B^h E. Black, Sr. 
1900 Pait Avemtt 

*AU aiaaa of gwafaa ami 

attached garafaa. 
■*Cmmti garafa to a dan 

Canmk TBa, Briek. A 
Blotk work 



m-mf 9ft-nC ' 
ANmtt EmooMs 


General clcaAlnKr steam 
wd^dlon carpet dean- 
lag, floor wadiag and 
atr^|4ag, windowelaaaiag, 
oupet and qphdstery 
akaa^o^Bf. Bimded mid 

rva EnnufE. caii 

DCMESnCABi u m- 
rni or ham* eaU 497- 


Because our 
to us in 
search of 
items they 
is a powerful 

If you're 
to gat results, 
look to 

Call us'ttiday 
to |4aee your 
low-cost ad. 

4«k mt dmir, 
sutte, Mmtims 

rA/CffikJR. eoifee taUe 
m^bmfffl@ • CaB Wl- 

Mii, m-mn.m-Hu. 

thOmm ft— mage 

T«BMtfe Bnanel H^r- 
El,EPHAirr SALE. 1M - 
aaaday, May Jib. 10 a.B. 
bfjfr Tpmiila l^wi- 
« Social Hall, eorw^ 
tSK St. ami Battle Aw.. 
Va. Beach. CiothiM, alsas 

hoaaewarea, upIiuBM.' 
(gw, plaata. CJJLbSSAL 

ll«inday,Uay5ai, Ma. 
Mgtft It nam oaty. AU 
MTOudiaa aold tf ^. 
R9r*ovB]mf AiO, 

;•;;. 29-WatadTaBiy 





Furniture, aUvar, du- 

moads, gUsa, china, lampa. 

tools, tnr hooaafeoM tt- 

raatad la 

atea Day 

*• 4 ]««*, tpi -til t, ■srvfi'i 

You can irust a^^ 




TAYU3SnO& " 

Lot fi - im ^Mgm Hffl Iktn-Fmm^ mm 
Three beAmnta, 2 batte, L-iteqmd talA ramA. 
QittiMwd roaa over pr^^. OmUe car faflce 
C^inMI JsMUag with qpsMd haamt I* ^tm 
room wd mOm. Owrriial bay wfndov in UOim 


tie B«nan hriaw are . 

la a jiMet caAa 

tonal iMrta 


Tomy lr««idkiMd<MNta 

Rlcardo hK. BaaHorfcOWr' 
otfeaa art in tha Wleuiia 
buildiBgat 9H ^ghaMnm 
Road, Just off Baitl^M 
Kvd., acrwa trom S^b- 
«ay Ibikot la the haul 
We ara j^mbefa of Nar- 
^Chtaiiaake Boatd of 
ie&»» ml* Hdl^ 
UMtog SM'vfea. Mjfn - 
aeat, awearatwoBrpfean 
mid ts^fa BaaHen to ear 
llna. We raver all (tf the 
TMemter ana bat mostly 
i^edidttia to Ches^aaka 
ia g a a a ra l, and Great 
BrMpa lisMi^anavsc- 
ialty. If yoa aead aay real 
estate service aad have 
friends or nlatlves tUnk- 
lag ef ^Itog or bqring 
to tha fitan, I'd ap|W«- 
date you calUng either of 
these two numbers, any- 
time, atyoarcaaveaiaaea. 

Ricardo RMritQrt 




ipaiB sma fob sale 

.» JUmMtl Rd. 


7 flaiahad a«ee altea 1/2 
sen each. IMw, m 



99 -F< 


Real Estate 

LOT for sale at Ifaaak^ 

aatten to Virgiato's Slien- 
aadoah Valley. Enjoy a 
beautifully-green summer 
and a spectacular fall. Best 
at all, get ready for win- 
ter aad the best skiing 
b^ween Vail uid Vermont. 
Special price. Call Nor- 
ris Bly, 627-5020. 

WOOnUi " GOTTERflie ^ 
m ^aa, hat tv, |»avel 
a wfm^, msu n • 
pilnd, S9 ^an mqwt- 
apea. flraa aatt|#a«. ¥»- 
maati Craam^MM^. 4N^ 


Mewa e^Uap. n^E es- 
tlmitea, 9M-9S19. 

FKEPLACU, aU labm-, 
H75, Dave liartto, 399- 

B8K3C, VUXMi wd atMW. 
Firaplaeaa, pordwa, steps 
ongM, mU^ hnmaa. 
Reaaoaabla r^es.S4S- 
2914, c^anytiflte. 

LOT. cmridg, Gnutfag, 
Demolition, Acreage 
clearing. Small or large 
Jobs. By the hour, or job. 
FREE estimate - caU 547- 

Every weel^ advertisers 
get results from classified 
ads placed Id your hometown 
community newspaper. Re- 
member when you have 
something to buy or sell, 
have misplaced something or 
have pr(^rty to rent, let 
a classified ad in this news- 
paper prove its ability as a 
speedy, efficient salesman. 

REmn cAB^ns 

; aBHtt Isba Mtoli M 

tlEB RBM>VAL - I.E. 
BalMr, «9-19«. 

PAINTOKi • Top qpmltty, 
low ofartaadi, tow ^ieaa. 

ALL typaa rwaodallag, 
pfanrtitog, deetil9l, ma- 

CaU 99' 

sells fast with Claaaifled 
Ads. Call 547-4971. 

mid^ moa^ AdvartUa 
yaw garage aate yMk a low 
cost Waat Ad. CaU 947-^1 

Carpentry, rocAng, siding, 
room additioas, storm wto- 
dows and doors, plaster- 
iag, ..electric, concrete 
work, plamhiiig, gtttteriag, 
remodeling utdMnp aad 
bathrooms, brick and block 
work, alumtoam siding, 
fireplaces, carpeting and 
painting. Serving all Tide- 
water. 623-3733. 

Use this couDon 



O.K. hometotwn newspaper, I've been reading about how your newspapers 
sell, rent, find and inform with classified ads. 





j Here is my classified ad: — • ' 


I ;i~~3::::r::::.r~rir; "T" 

i : \ 



} The cost is only $3.20for Swords for one week, 16<J for each additiooai I 
JWFd. Your clljssiffkt «d will rurvwth© CHESAPEAKE #OST. the f 

I I 

I Please run my ad for ( } issues payment enclosed ( ) | 

I or \g\i\\ cancelled ( ) please send bill ( ) ! 

I My name: ' j 

t Address: • j 

City: -— :^t9te: ^>— — — Zip: I 

Phone S47-4S71 for information, or to place your classified ad. J 

20 WORDS FOR ONLY $3.20 

Pmfet four lK^mm^!$mwm of tft^« Mt^v ^m AMttort/ 

Taylor ftt^J^rs 
Realty Co. 







iti ftitft 

Getting the CoM Shoulder? 

Thrt't ttia ant tti^ you wwi't gat v^m% you call your IwmataMi 
eaiMiHMty mmommr. Wm* yoy cail u» for a lew-cost, quick- 
actwg clMsift«rA yoM'M Jm orMM Iry a friendly per^n^'t 
rpa# to IJAn, la yew titewtran mi help oM as bMt At (m. 
BwMM vrfMl it coifiBB to personal hometown ^nric*, we're 
on yoiM- BiA. So oiv* ut a call. We're here to help. For classi- 
fied, tel^ahmt S47>^71. 




I ^ I ^^ ■fimiii i|iii1i'|^l^B||liliiW"i!''l'" """W!; 



tf yon kfte a dog or eat «■ MvMif VM 
«MA t» 0y» Awy, «« will m jmr titas- 
«M iM fefettf ift^ PKEE. T«a, VM's ^, 
WU fw wiF ad tai ear pepitac CttS Ki 
smUm. ma is a pablle scntee ^ovMid 
^ four toa^otm cennaaity M«qpN»r. 

Imt FRE! SEE ad vttt r^ ^tte 
ri^ paaite vto vUl proYida« itoloait tor 
3NMr aUml. AN. tf it's sonsOdiK Mm ^m 
kafe to g^ asay» fmir Mawig ami m^" 
tors wfll q9f««iate70Br mMro^. So catt 
S47-4S71 to i^M IWff FREE BEE ad tfid^. 


cWdrra to i kelp work- 
^ panats, tor chiUren 
J,afes 3 to 6, on Wadnes- 
^diys at 1 p.m. aod Satur- 
'^<lays at 11 i.m. Cbesapnke 

RMdfaarters Library io 

Gn«t Bridge. 

WEE - Two eats. One is 
a solto black ftnala, i^y- 
«<}, etker iaa s^i vbtte 
aa^, AHttred. B<4h cats 
are, 1^7, gentle. Giving a- . 
way because of allergies. 
Meed f«ry lovlag bone, 
older coiqile preferred. 
Ctii S47-52«8 after 5 p.m. 

KHIR CUTE bUck, furry 
pi^ks in search of a good 
iMMBe. Mother-Goldea Re- 
trievn-, bOer - iHg, UacA 
terrier. Please call 4U- 

■ KITTEH8, S gray, 

I Giro avay. QUI 4l4-«5t 

pre-sdMXriers tbat ei- 
^yns good eatiHg fciAlts 
aad BUtrtttoB, "Hie Thing 
Hie Professor Forgot 
Free cofdes are available 
from: Coasvmer Informa- 
tion, Dqit. Q., Pueblo, 
Colorado 11009. 

FREE-apcdai t year tiU 
^ory tour at Chesapeake 
Headqpiarters Library is 
Great BrMge. Every Tnes- 
dky at II a.m. 

FIVE pivpias tree. Fiv^ 
weda M, ■oihnrAnfri- 
ean S^s, tether Geldn 
Codm- S^uiA X ntlirit 
tferw IMriM. CaU m> 
^ alter £« vaafc days- 
aadtf wgafc nd . 




kaite, tir 1^ Mrdt m 
nuladbf OMMr. Alhofrae 
mn tor lajfoMtMB. Sla- 
te paeiaitn.oaSI«Wtlte: 
Rick at P.O. Bra ISOI^ 
Otosapaake, Ta. 23^. 

BoSi are 

Bapuate or both. 

FREE-fiHir Labr»lor Re- 
triever pops. Free toa good 
home. C^ 539-0«S. 

FREE MOVIES every Wed- 
■eaday at 12:10 p.m. at 
Kira Ubnrj, 301, E. City 
Ban Ave.. thrtOk. 

FREE to good hoote-fenale 
pnppy t noBths eM. Hii 
Terrio' aid part SfiSa. 
Lovea tiUtina. Sanll-iiood 
vnteUog. UoKle e^ «htte 
fordMad. OOl *Kt-»3a. 

we've got a lairge srtee- 
tioa. FREE, fint eeam. 
first so'ved. iWse are 
vlflt^ p^es to fit 

yea briag yoo* old pipe 
to aake yow choice &I one 
of these flae old pipes. 
Call Cifitaia Cadi, Fraak- 

ua. Vs., va-tni. 

WPtma-muk, one Bate 
and Me feiMle. Tw vedu 
oM. Hottw Keeshooad, fa- 
tter Sb B«wird. MastMO 
to ai9Pe<^te. CaU 340- 

FREE BO(«-"Prophet 
^^ril C o B B lag B^bre 
CtiM." Wrtte MegUdo 
malaa, ttt Thiif^aM., 

WSTE t^Mle raUM - 2 
yrs. oM. Riee pet CaU. 
4M-ttW. ^ 

DIM eat, male (aedta-- 
«d), 1 war s)a, 1 yeOo« 
«f9 ami ttm eye, Good 

tmn pappiM-pttt G«" 

aw SMiMd. PrM to a 

CATS-tvo hAack • flxad, 
voaU like to go as pair 
CaU ««'Tf It. 

FKt UReihowe 


oaatt (pwdMM frtee psus 
eaeriy eoM. For yoMT 
copy to 'GKA Life-Cydt 
CodOH of AppliaMta," 
VTtte CauwMr ' He«s, 
OtBcc of CoMiaer Af- 

(■Xrs, WavhinHnn T) C 


IjT.M awttUB rtw dof 
UtaEOd kcstd^ Femle, 
^ayid. iUl shots. iMg 

raMA hum hair, liffiras 
oaidoars-aecds yard. LBt- 
m tMUn^. CaU 543-4191. 

FREE «0(»}- Used. Large 
Ideccs. C^ 427-X2U or 
42S-OI0O. . 

FREE LKTmtE-OpMi to 
toe ptiiUc, m Sanday it 
3 p.m., spo^ived by -the 
Scientology Minion of Vs. 
Beach. "His leetnre con- 
cenu "The Potential A- 
bUities (tf Mm and How 
He Can Realise Then." 
aad the emiMi»aI tone 
scale. Call 423-5231 for 

FR£E PUPn- Me««m 
sise, part beagle. Ap^u- 
im^^ S mouks old. Vor 
gentle. Heeda a goodhone. . 

F^ERaL TAX Intoma- 
tion and ass t s toaee . CaU 
between I k.b. uid 4:45 
p.n. I^^plaae 401-3770. 

aad gtft yiwr torn aad 
hoaM tor oar taiaals. V* 
seed yoo* ha^. Ports - 
BKWlh Aunaae Sedsty. 

FREE-Part Gemaa 8h^ 
herd, 9 nonth dM fnaale. 
Good wRh children, hoaae 
traiaed. CaU U^na. 

Up-to-the-hoiB'. laaaiaa 
Roads ana teeeast. Dial 

3 iaiE& GEKttUf Shep- 
herds fHaale-fwMks old. 
CaU after six S^j^MS. 

FREE-Baby Jara. Mostarc 
Junior ^ac, few anaU jars. 
Good lor toaidag Jel^. CaU 

FREE-paipias. aUxed aad 
8h9h«^ Beth aiales and 
females. 9 weda old. CaU 

FREE TREES-Catyearsdf 
anit^fle for firewood aad 
tinber. CaU 403-1441 a^ 
ter 4:30 p.m. 
for ml 

4irr, old part Aepherd aad 
retriever. VUteaude. Very 
Idajdal. v«7 good wRh 
ddidrea. Fifwaiiwftdi 

to raa aad phy. CaU 420- 

FRER TO ageodhoaM. Fe- 
■Mle CodtHt-poo, It 

Ptart iaal9. Shots aad 


FEMALE- Coek-a-poe, 
qwdnd. 11 nooths idd. 
Free to a laed home, loves 
cWMrea. QM Itt-7i43. 


it's tf to tta a ngaa 
ol "Tenr MoMy's italh 
saner MonMlfon Ccatcr, 
Dnt SSTE, Paa»o, C<do. 


]»& maUtaig U^. WrUe 
ing AssodatioB. S East 
43rd Street, Mew Y«i1c, 
NY. lOonaadaAlortteir 
"name removal tm^-" 
They'U get Hm K* dene, 

you're to toe flMitd ftnr a 
ttsed ear, a««'s afina 
law to protect yovagatoat 
udomrter fixiag, reUiag 
bad fiw aUleage comder. 
Write tor toe trwe mSm^. 
"Consumn' Protection Od- 
der New Aatltampatog 
Oitometor Law," from toe 
Natioittl lUghway Traffic 
Safety Admitfatrattoa, 400 
Sevento St. S.W., Washiag- 
too D.C. 20S90. 

LAKUOCtt Retriever. 
Black BH^ X yn. old 
GeaUe. FreetogoodhMM 

FREE-Dog, Biized bcced, 
6 moa. oM nale. Very 
aflectleaato,^ loved ddl - 
dren. Free to a goodhmne. 

TWO OOGS-Part Uermaa 
Shepherd. 8 moalhs old. 
I nale aad 1 fernile. FREE 
to a good hone. CaU 482- 

FREE trees aad atamps 
tor flreweod. Cat year- 
sdf . CaU 4M-ilt>. 

FREE-Bous of dothes- 
worfc ctotoaa, vgmit- 
audety sise 40's, AUjdses 
of dWtbwdS dlMs taii 

VITIES-Story and movtos, 
craft daysandpuRiet shows 
CaU ChOdroi Co-onfiaa- 
tor, P^ggy Forehead at 

FREE - Male dog. part 
poodto, 9 Boalhs (d4- Ex- 
ceUwt wOk tmsiw nd 
hoase brdwa. Free to s 
good houe. CaU S4S-6433. 

FREE pvn to good home. 
Male, 6 raoalhs dd. CaU 
483-2212 afiw 5 p.n. 

BEAGLE P0P~8 nonths. 
Great iMi OOlnt. Free 
to goed home. 4i8-7248, 
after weekdays. 

(»E WATtotodwAfree 
loM tfatUM* Wqteae 
aS: ttA 800^S-l£2 to 
eaUii« has aatt-b«e(800) 





to tnrter 

; Had 

their ahoto. CaU S4S-B542 



Uatiag evantoscheddedfor 
toe Bld-AttaBlic area this 
winter aad ^^iag. Copies 
are avaiUble by witting 
Cheai^eake Buy bridge - 
Tnaad, Dept. BB, Cape 
Charies, Va. Um. 

FREE UWWF card ealft- 
les yea to aU the bodB 
yon en read. Coaetoaqp 
of oar fMB- toealtoH: 300 
Cedar itoBd,CMe 

FREB-1 1/8 yr. oldja^e £!£" 
dsff. I^ndlresd, awdljia ""■" 
Ae. Geoi pet, tr^^ 
aad pMH. Mads good 
hOBM rth liaMdjird. Baa 
had Adto 4X1^1(0: 


Uvd. - Wealm Btmm^- 
Petadator * 
Hlver toad 4 Stutrm 
Road. Haw tocaftoa ta Jaa- 
aary (^ Gaoffe IMttigtoa 



old. A^foae 

eaaitoe Man •.good 
I wdeotoed. Ht^km 
dMd dog. Cm ha aeed 
aapttoM at UMKea^aviBi 






mtt DOGS-fenale Chi- 
t»i» male to part CM*txa 
mt anadHftor:^^ Both five 
ftlrs. oil Med a good 

DQM'T PAY In- it Get it 
free d the Headvarters 
GhmpeaW V^lto U- 
hi«ry: etiffinl patoUngt by 
toed artfS7 Hdlywood 
toflviee. aad andptare to 
d9eM«te fear booe. We 
alao have loads etfiiwe to- 
lomatiaB to de<»rate your 

NEED A nUI (»■ weaker 
ibr year antfddipaaetiag? 
The ChedUMdee Pddlc Li- 
inmry offns free programs 
on edtiaidafikini.mofvies. 
and new htnks. 

FREE p«iptos, 5 wks. old 
Raady to leave. Sean at 
1M StalhUB iU. Cheaa - 

tdwn tdeptoane mi*doirfl 
We bare i too of toem at 
toe Cheadpei^e Pdblic Li- 
brary ReddqaMrters. 

FREE COURSE - (te per- 
sonal efficSM^^ aad 
character traM for peo^ 
pie over 21. N9 obligp^. 
CaU 428-5m or rciider 
at:«)0 6«hSt.,Va.B«ach. 

3 temalea add X laatos. 
2 BMdhsold. Half Siamese, 
with daatose BMitlnp bd 
aot ooknv. FREE to agood 
hone. CaU 488-6819. 

lids everyaaa dMdd 1 
know iiim^%ik earetroto 
the Vli^^a Society for 
toe Preveotioa of Blind- 
aess. For yoor fi<ee conr 
of "Yoor Eyefor aLite- 
tiaieotadd" wrtte:PTe- 
v«d BUatt^, Bos Sno, 
Richmond, Va. 2^8. 

NDtE PART CoUto pq»- 
piM, 8 weAs <M. Boto 
mate ad females. Free 
to a good home. CaU 421- 

BE THERE when toe bears 
wake iq>{ Free ^otor toe- 
daure tdto yoa abqat va- 
eattoning to toe Grcd 
tetoUes, to Spriag w 
aaytime. Write AAvlUe 
Cinfflher of ^mttem, 
MRl. AsheviUe, N. C. 

FREE horse mamire tor 
gardens. Cdl «9-l5«. 

FREE-Fw aUe peoplewbo 
inud to heeome more al^. 
Lean how to toj^arovejNwr 
Uto, hmdte peottoBS«sBd 
addeve year poleatialsae- 
e«a to Uie, AvaUdde bow 
to Virginia Beadk. S«««n 
hoars pedcedtoUofaseabto 
data oh edotanhfcatioa, 
purposes aad risl> sad kiw 
to achieve ttem. Take ad- 
vantage of ttdsoppntu^ 
to learn how to diaa^ aa- 
widad oea^tms'to wiv 
eaviroamed. Free. VKk 
BO obltoatloB, toiBtrodm^ 
sded(»)gy, the p^oMRhgr 
you caa apply to mt. Re- 
0d«r d 2»42adStred 
9r CaU ^brSEXl. 

FREE-CetotoareW hdt 
racks. Five Mt CaU 484- 

FIBBE mrkm to good 
toNU. 7 mM ^d. 'Kree 
amies, oas toa^. <^ 

F»E eds, btodiaadwMteL 
Mdl. Free to feed heme 

vM ae ddlfraa. «»-«8i. 

REE-VMs to fito Wr- 

ite n^- 

mm hi "As toe Etftti 
^e" iMiA tm0m tf 7 
mt toe rwerMttm. 



Robert R. Ripley aayw: 
Kaowtot ' 

for the 

FREE to 

to add fwf. lattad, sdlted 
to dtoshdl, roHMtotke 
dua aad to 

tioB «■ heir toilgiw 

FREE- l^rador retrf- 
erer, X yaafw oM. Gaod 
pd, aeads a gaod home. 

101 [ Hi^ns a If 

by. Help drtv» 

a»»ft " 


Smokey tteer i, \.o yo&si 

HehdMartors. UOO NE. 

WSthaT MUml.Fia.33K ! 

FREE GAMES - to cheek 
od. Pit, Probe, MobdimIv, 
Scan, Backgamea, Charlie 
Brown, BaMetp Ana, 
Chess, Robber paidas aad 
maav more at Cheaapaaka 
Haadqaarters Library, 
Great Bridge CkUdren's 

FREE FUm prograau for 
Uds d Great Neck, Wto- 
dsw Woods aad Tir|i|da 
Beaoh bnach Ubrartea ev- 
ery Satarday aioniiBg. 
Coatod 340-ni7 for to- 
tomaUoa on film UUes, 
times SBd dates. 

X-Specid lldtoH 


RUDUCE.SAFE aad lad 
Witt GeBeae Tabids ami 
E-Vap -wder piUs" Mar- 
den Drag. 

ear removing. AU cars 
towed Sway free. Fad ser- 
vlee. 855-4011. 

Check our prices aad 
saapiiy oflkd qoality. We 
also prld aewapapers for 
eoUegu, highschools, mi- 
litary bases, charches. 
aaybedy waaUng a pcofea- 
sioad product QaaUty 
low price, tod aervlce. 
Compide typesettiag bc- 
Ulties. For esfidute caU 
Kea Curley(547-4S71)or 
Norris Bly (687-'50X0). 

At}TO JUNK-We bqr Judc 
aa^, trudto, tttses.CaU 

BUT. siffi, tinde.«ip0ies 
XOf «B, stde v^atoato. 
Viri^, Beidi's coat - 
dito' iiwiit add staav shiv 
m^Hiltt, ISlt Thafo«k^ 
good ShofH^ C^er.464- 


■* Illlill ■■ fc ^ H III^IMWiIIi«I I fH ■■ ! »■■ 

snoktpg Hrepliees. OkA 
flre^ieeir: n^dfed. Meiv , 
flrcflicM dldddasdes^iB- 
ad ud bdtt. CaU 4X8- 
7»e. VirgiBto BaaiAFliie- 
piaee dd ditotoey Swdv- 


MICK LTD.. 19fS, U^ 
idne Witt wi^lndBD top. 
air-eeiidtioaad.-afi power, 
titt wked. tonttitMrol, 
easadleddll^nwhHr, o- 
rfflnd owner. |S,87I.CaU 
543-9374 aftw 5 p.B. 

I97X MGB Roaitoter, lew 
aaitoage, orun iltt b|adi 


AM-FM 8 traek dweo. 

chrome ]ag-«ir« whwds 

IdXlani ^ck, toaieaa 9>- 
ver. ExeeUeat eMiltoh, 
^900. Mad seU ttonwl- 
iatdy, 423-4408, 40- 
<»8 w 489-a8». 

DURE BUGGY tor sale. 
Tooring-T-Body. oMtaWc 
red, Witt Ua<^%retoiUt 
VW engine, $1^. CaU 

D(»]GE-Maxi Van, 1971. 
tmlie top, fdly iuulded, 
roof top eampw drj-bw- 
dtttoaer, ifif sdooatic 
ttaannisdoa, poweri^M 
Mtogand brafcM. $2,000. 

daa, excellent iwadittwi. 
factory air. AM-Qf ouw- 
etto. aoUd Ua^flOOO. 
CaU 587-35n. 

1978 - Di^ira - if,000 
w&tt, Uke new, nMtoiMe 
fhrtn? air. X dddr«li», 
iwh Wani wnv fUmtwKt, 
sacrifice d |3,800. Cdl 

PCMITIAC - 1973 Le Mam 
qiOTt Mtye, 3$0 V-8,pm- 
tx steerfac tai hnkM,kte 
. eoaOttodaf . AM - Mi ra- 
€k>,' VI19I roof, rUlfe 
wheib. badHd.,#ads, «- 
eeUed eoaittM. 1^0, 
Prtoe aagottdto. 3iaA to- 
qiectod. «4-(»S7. 

rai j ateto^^pNl'dr JMt 

1A7Q (X4)akMm.E - 4 
powtt ^Mtoc ndhrdns. 
Meads boifywMfclOOO. CaU 

flBVI inn CARE 
Mm Witt mm, 4m'% be 
a 9aed«, jwiid^rwe- 
vtf wutadraMtof 


gly aeearate. Write 
tor IMT FREE no- 
CRBSkS to .- Robert R. 
npl«y, toe. P.O. But in. 
^xvlile. Nri40M. 

altag Witt a selaatlN M \ 
to " 

I, P.O. 9m lin. 
Rii'htoend, Va. XXIDt 

detector for yoar hone, 
SBBd for a stady report 
glviag critical aaaeaa* 
neato of tto diflarad 
aukes aad wadds. Free 
from PdUle Ctttsea Be - 
searefe Ora^TttOO P St 

ir.w.. Waswittoai, ac. 




It, SELL f 


Dodge dMsds, i9fX. Mi 
seU*coatatoed, oaly 20,0c 
mOet. Sle«pa 8, tolly air 
eoadlttoned, gas stove, gns- 
electrie rMrigerator, bato 
Witt sto)wer. TV aateBaa, 
I' attaiAod-caaopy, 30" 
atad eoilaasioa bed on back 
tor atocage, many extras, 
SaOOO- 397-1841. 

TUNITT PASS you by[ Be 

sure to dhaekttebustoess- 
es for sale to today 'sCtos- 
sifled Ada. 

SANTA FS - 14 ft. tnivd 
trtUef canrner, convleto 
kttehea. Call 497-8939 , 

pe iO: Ai* 
i'.j Boat Km 
livUle. iMtitaadHlt 

•> Mr,ltWetHffla«; 
«i>m«. spare 
time. iBfornatlon rush 
31.00 and stomped lelf - 
addressed onvatope to 
MONEY 4411 N. Haacoefc, 
Davenport, <ow* 5X807. 

COSMETICS* - a Mardnll 
Field (amUy owned don- 
pany to espudiag to. Va. 
Field CradiMtoiBC. Part- 
tine eoaaaRuia aeeded. 
Poasttle to earn $100- 
|17S. Commtoaioo satos. 
Sad Dane, address, sad 
telephoiM rinaher to: Bos 
13X7. C/0 'Chesapeake 
Pod, CMSapaakei Va., 
23320. "S«aU tovedmed 




No aelUnc of 
beadifd dt^ys ^. 
nattoadly advertijMd toys to i 
tabUshad a«ed«ito that wttl 
Tour rendeni «0I be ecnpotor 
oMed aad luged braad name 
U.8. AppUdaNto mud be raipqactole, 

, restock 

t aeUiag 




rf tothe 

able to make de- 

dsioasV a«l be canaMe of iuklai intolaini^cash to 
t of $5X90 - 100% toerciiaatBseSiybtck 

CaU Mr. Bdl: Tdl Free any time 
Ext. AI21. Saaday caUs accepted. 





72 PROWLER - Travel 
TraUer, 18 ft. Newoondi- 

HOTOi^ ROME- CttStOtt 
Ddtt by Kadas. Va. 6eaeh. 
Air, cmise coatrd etc. 
28,000 mUes. CaU 587- 


9.M«8arcycieS'S c a dars . 

HONDA 50 - IUBi-tl«U» 
esceUad coadtUoa, aead 
very littte. $l«~or bast 
aftor. Cdr 647-507$ after 
4 pito. Weekdays, anytime- 

1870 KAWASAKI - 2S0 - 
ElecMc dart, ifioi coedl- 
ttoa. fX7S cash, t^ 421- 


cam otAFT - im, w 

CrdseEjt Iwto Oris Craft 
eai^aas^ X|$ t^ ana de- 
mad tdMMH*, $ ta^ fly 
brUge. Binf edtda. IftiMl 
see tommeide. Cdl488- 

REHKSN-l^. M'.deepV. 
120 l«i. trO, gdvddled 
traUer, Uke new, $4^. 
CsU 497-1134. 

HELP WANTED - laaar- 
aaee tales, ao debit, aeed 
sales psopto ipdciirlBra 
rewtrdlBfe eaiwn* wtth oae 
of the larfdr iasaraaM 
npa ip ai i l e a to Aawrica. 
(M 397-7081. 

sing aad tohUlag. Rash 
stomped, adf - addressed 
No. 10 eiiv<4spe. SUPI^, 
Box 5088, Ft. Wayne, hd 

to my hone. Hilltop area 
of Va. Beach. CaU 4X8- 

CARE tor two and posd- 
My three elderly ladies 
to my home. CaU 547- 

daya, dghta, weekeods. 
CkaMpaake Vaaeh. CALL 

Il-L«cd iBBlnMaoa 


CtoM di 

BUTOR to halptof ipaay 
pardMs oara nflnoy vrork- 
|0I two to Ipr hoars a 
day, WecMihelp|2».Fdr 
qipoiBimeBt, esu OO'^Mrr 

JiflrfWjffta^' G^tT eilBBil - hm 
ttaU^. CaU 4X4rli7l. 


W» lave pv 

sttdtt« a tni0tt,9m 

11,801 WjlifeaHihBto 

iaaimwi ^SMflt aseur - 


qid pti^toeil^ 



EARN $800.00-Moathly d 
hoHM spare time aiaUMg 
fiwelnpai Intonaatlni: 
fOJmtiJOb sad stompad 
aaU admsaad wrdopeto: 

BKi MONEY maiU^ oar 
aales letters. QeBuinegna- 
lUtoe |reesi«alies. Rash 

v*i^»to nRmr, sm 
paugbto Rd., OtoMpwke, 

BABYSTTTDiG - S days a 
weak or part ttae. AU 
l«as. Tsrry Drive. W«$- 
tmBam^. (^484-i64X 

BATON Twirling, marfch--'*- 
li« and druttlag.'Sdka'' 
claases a«d prlvikte tes"'^ 
sooa. Forfurtoerintonaan.^ 
tion, caU 486-4908 aftor ! 
7:30. ■ ■■•' 

Xl- Private lBstr«dtad'<-i 


VOICE TRAlNn(G-ctoSd«— , 
cd. UMdre, ami pout^. 
lar, mterophoae tecfiu- ' 
que, eleniediry piaaOiCMd ; 
coosfrvatory cradsBliliU." 
481-2015 or 42X-2$41. 

PUNO aad oifka lBB&ae> 
tioa to yoar homa. Va. Beaeh 
CaU 481>792S. 

GUITAR, Baato, niaao, or- 
gan aad dram leasDBS. M-^ 
vato or f roup lastractlaa. 
BegiaaeA and advuMdi* 
Aeef«lttad teacinr ' 
ChnrdUalid, Va. Beae 
NortoUc areas. CaU 
^. if ao awwtr l^^, 

^ ' '■ ■ ''' -' 1 ' '*fl i L 

Nuraes M«»^ ^fdM-lMTi^ 
Schod, Gred BiMie. Sdr^^- 

.5188,,:, ,,; , ,, ,.,,.^ 

mmt^iSKm , 

tiled toB^nwtor^ No, 

sre8.K^4t$.4«3 i^ 

IVHbMlf MMi|itaBe. Toe 
Cam M|i Miqr to yoar 



!• •^•e grimd iaar. 

Ijdfi Itt to ■ 

SH^y Ha 





BABinSTTIR - after 

saaiw. B. M. WHUdM 
sdnddtotrid RafisaMas- 

O^FIC^ lELPwaatod. Re- 
utUmm- seo^ary ftdl 
tone. $M a we* darttof: 
M<vott N. C. Qdl»M> 

WANTB) FULL or oart 
tiflie. EMn upto$Xlora 
week. Ro tovestoMd^ CaU 
Mar^ Catlett d til - 

D«llvtr TateilKNw 


thn or Women over 18 
wtth aotoodiUes aretoNd- 
dd to inigdd Saa««. 
Oft afwitT. Kaotts Uiaf, 
PriaeMs Aaae, aad sar* 
rnaadtng areas. OilMMnr 
darts i^Qd May 31d. Sam 
tape, .address, ^e, tale- 
pame BMBmr, gVsoiaiHD, 
UMraaM eawpaay ^ad 
hotfd w»dMleaiaj«# 
card to D4>.A. Oirp^, Km 
B, The Sua, m Ro s eiaca i t 
M^JIfB. teadi, Va. XS^ 

AM :Mtm. rnxm- 

dWdft leedi three todiM 
to Mp o» teim tte 
Vrlag rvehf Idl i^ or 
part ttoM, ear aectpakry, 
wUl trato. For ifitt - 
vtow 486-29X8. 

WAMTED - Mart aatos toi- 
bnO^ wtth toeil Grert 
Mdti stean. LaidB ton- 


Btoiodi «r«a-Ears eaMi 
Butoqr. HU 
to ' your liMi^owa 
mf», ChMBpeake 
Big wmadwioBs. Csseam 
as BiMh as $200 awe* 
to yoar i^re tiaie. CaU 
^nm BrtMB at 547-4571. 

GaDllde BeSM 147- 

'-- ' ■ -f. ' r.i:': 

Sttl sab«eti^ii»«ps to rnu* 
hdtostowB Bdwspape-, 
rheaapeahe Pod aad Vs. 
Beatft San. Big ceniBDiss- 
ipu. Cut ean u tm^ as 
^BO a week itffam spare 
tine. Cdl llffl Brown at 

POOIHLiES - rare btock 

danlard, 9 weeks oU,AK 

Rigtotored. siwto/w^ 




. — *- ui> . . 

ers wmi f Be^ Wsatod* aft. 
GaU S47-IS71 aov tor^jonr 

. "-:. ' .I, ! ',.! , f| l -.. 1 ....^. i. mp • 


todMdad^ Utie «r Peatfa. pafdad Ml Or j« 
to didribato world totooBi loddclOto sad o(h«r] 

pndads threagli M«p|y eitdiiUbd loeattods' , 

im$«Kjmit tor ai e paa aeB i.e $m6.0B iavedned. 
Gauantoad tX modi awn^udise r^purdase 

gfl"^ «tojlii»dn Fre^ l-M»-lll-IX:00 ar C 
gtt^MXWm llaad|y to 'Friday, 9 to 8 


manomwmkmm'mmnmt Hi 

iiaw.aid»t, ce tiiwh M» ,oiiioeai» 


wcwK AT mmi to mara 

fine. INrB$XiO.0OperM»O 
ddBTtof eaeelopii. tad 
'mum MaMd, sdf-ad- 
dKaa a tt iwiaMp a W. TER- 

RlP.I.«il _ ^. ^ 

SlBt^ to'!' 

PART TDS-A^rage eooi- 
ntodtoi. 8.50 ifir hMfc M) 



Mart BOW oa Job traiaiag. 
r^dd ' 



Prdfit dwitog, naU nea- 
ttoa, nMf haaefits. 

CAU 424-4tt2 

CSURQU^An) area res- 

toHtta to im toSon 
SUDato BoesMi^^^ 

WORSBRS * llril 


HoateM« TCitreasv eeck - 
tatt wi^rass. tqwrtoaee 
iweiaaied . (This U not re- 



Itaf hMdUs, cootplete 

CAU 424-4802 

FRAMna * Witt « toad 
two i^wf MsartoM*. Twd 
opadags iaiBMdiatdy, sto 
■ore to shod two Bsoatts. 
Coatad Rapeo Faato of 
Tldewatnr. Ored BJIdis 
Shopptog Center. 4it-fl«. 

WAITTSB — part ttae. 
$3.flO IMT to tela^WkM 
''sstaeas finni, ExceUent 
M ho«e naken wtto pre- 
school age (Alldrtfl, Write 
Aladdto Color, 3rd* Broad 
Stred, Floreace. New Jer- 
sey 08518. 

EX^BlUElfCD} IS yr. oU 
boy wtU ad towBS or ba- 
bysit oa wwMBdsorweek' 
dm, Merriflelds' or 

m^ *"* 1 


Prii ttiM, on MMiwk, 
4 yrs. mihiiii **u 
temjaal, $ fn.m. 
Mrs. Parrto, 4*8^ 



: f^l 

Yaii'w wkw stock 0* sR die ttems yeurfemilyAd 
lenpriaee . . . you've gadiefed diem to^tlier . . . ndi 
eMendayaMier To youf tdephonel Thet'i right 

plaea a dBNNled ad whidi often SH dma HmXiw. 
nto. Ifi 111 aanr, Imrcest way to get in toudh widi 
odMK faiMias ailto ean «»e the very ItMM yaii'w 

RABIHrnUKi - m9 hOtoi, 






' W-y « ' U****;.!* ' * ."»" • AUilJJU*! ••MPWJ 


»ntique«, i^uuu unu ivim 
tare, silver, c|itcUsi,gold 
and HUmoodx, tools, asy 
ttaiDg. Call Mr. Vlek, S9 

'.ot, coovenieot to Oce«M, 
'SS. Call 426-6902. 


AJtKf * LJt4 A I 

mn 1 vii\&< WU4I- 


'nrMraanr-M foitoik't moct oonptat«, 

{RiMEMBER... SfSii^^'nS; 

?rtfw ctanri* mil Mar»m!>« Aopptac Center. Norftitk. 


iOHUjtancU out. Hartttian 
wMflrtt in the field '0 years 
VMH'. . and retains that 
CKf^ today 
"Tour horse is surrounded in 
satfty artd comfort through 
thfi^ality built into a Hatf- 
map./railer. ^'^ 

Qti«^ty aptly Applies the 
hi9ir:<togre9 '6f axceiJence 
attainw) in every manufao- 
tu rim -Mature. 

Mife tnvestmg m just any 
hort* trailar. invest in a 
Aunication vi^ith um. 

COMING TO CoUeee Park 
PJbaSM n. llM-A»rU. Look 
for craiKi ofwiiai. Lafay- 
ette Cola mpr4Z0-9037. 

MBS lady, iranaculate and 
BMriieidgHt, wM-iaHlwr, 
amild lUn liet iMrtrooat 
and prlnte little la tine 
iione im b«wittfU Tlioro- 
good ana en a pema > 
Dent baaU. Call 461'I55» 
IMbre • a.a. or aftar 5:10 
p.m. or anytiine wcakeads. 
EieaUent refereneea. 


^ghe Alt-Nev^ \977\ 

wn Trailer Here 




WACLftlbMi. 14 K.. 
GoU 1* ^te'vMpaar 
aktft MraaaMBt Mil <tfa- 
amta M tap.- V^r rata- 

RJm- ladi^ (Uantni a(d- 
ttaJm. J^itam sctu^. 
Cma Mm S.iS SMe 
aMMi. .i» ei^. j^ 
j^tfied la Ills for 
m,^M. Prlee-rr,»». 
Can 4lf.l?48w4»-?113. 



iaetaneto, «M aal tm> 
kedrboBi aptftmnta. 
Coa^rte Urmih, large' 

ri<a«f aaftJMa^ Wt^y 
raMOs. 4B-MSSor 4tS^ 


■ ' ■ k.Ar^tUjpria, 


aid t«o. traMMi. 


^4dMite oonr, aM 
i^Uaefc •kare 
Qmd eoodttioa. |79 


iir^taB kaiipaB to You Witb 

' Hi(k Praleia R^md 

' Wefglit Loss Pro- 

ORft^i-AiCiBad iitttir 
OM MM; ttlNM Mb 
Bpn SaaiaodBa^awaBt 
off of Utttoifwi M. Call 
Earl teM at 3«I-S17i. 

H-Mw a«d Owiaa- 

gartoi. A90-Zm «r 340- 


-'■• '■■' '■^' 

ABLE TREE sargery for 
yow tr«e, slind> or lam 
aeeds, 420-5979. 

TOP S(»L - dait, rich, 
loose, tadsy saati and fill. 
CaU 597-9077. 



ZlMiBt-1974, law, 2 
l»a d roc ii a. 2 b^is, com- 
^-. ca9<M. Paifal^ 


7 mo. old 

I't work itr yea. 
t O'Laary 




I* ■alamT mndfatiw 

;BnBelra |4H; 2 vtf- 


to 2 p.ii. 

|2». 4I0- 


hi <«•--■ 

dally. 2204 m^ 8t 

AH typ« of 

■affqaaa, eat flaaa, eUaa, 
Affittare. Badanmleard 
Hd Ma^M' OMfe. CaU 

nalHmAM'. Eitftlleat 
eoKMtlon, Itte anr. Mt- 
v^ 1^ vttk 4uft Mwa 
fomiea to^. |M. £aU 547- 
2205. . 

iMgMy, DMcMk'Plvte 10 
BiMa sat. CUaa eabiaet, 
baflirt, tarvtr, laUe and 
all ckalra. |250. CaU 461- 



w Auk tai dulr, 
avite. other iteflfis 






Finance Co. 




4 bednxMna, 2 1/8 tatts, 
redecoratea, eaipets, It' 
• 18'd«i, paniij.iiiife, 
dwd. storag«^cMU|,«ood- 
ed, fesMd, atna, nacant, 
Aniraised $10,000, 4IC - 

KEMPSVILLE - Prettyaad 
pla^: a ^Mlew 2 l/i 
baft to w nhOH la wtOifu- 
a^. Pod priiiteas. Ea^' 
to aaaoM, ^MDO. CaU 


It's so«iqr...adf«rtiaeflie ; 
thtogs yoH m toacar aaod in 
tbe clai^aed ec^aos of 
you bmrtom newapqper. In 
practically no tine lA all, 
people in your neii^antteod 
will taxnr miai y«n hatajto 
seU. Yoi're on tiK.i^dFto 
extra cash...aoaiebo^ iriU 
roul yonr ad ud twy! 





bedroom. 1 1/2 baths 
brick ranch on 90' i 160' 
fenced lot, central air.gar- 
^e. CaU M7- 497S. 



*$abstaatial aafl^ w 

InlTes, qaartera. 

Hiat, mapped to yoar 

*Free honM delivery. 
*Ovr peraonal, auway- 
back guarante* wltb every 

Don tae Mm o^neda raal 

h^iM Wl(» Park acrsM 
flxm Sean in Fibroin 

Rant Itoai, and ^ Hmn, 

Woodmont Farms 

Great Briitee 

P«ttbroke (MHee Park 
P«DlH-(*e (tae Baihlii^ 

m Cal 490-1500 



a«attanl wrt a watog pool 
IR- reaft. Grnat lor grMii 
CaU M7-511?, rii^ 424- 


baifroima, 2 bi^ Uvisg 
nmn »Mi fbn^ii^.dto- 
tm rmm, aad dan. Adiy 
^•»«i 42I-I«4, 42S - 

Virgiida B«ch? Keep ap 
vlUi tha hnBetQani ne«a 
wiUi a admitotiim to toe 
•Virgfida Bea^ SUN. De — 
Uvered to yoar maU bos 
for an entire year (S2 . 
wed^ tor oUy H.OO. CaU_ 

5 bedrooma, 2bntha, cah- 
tral air, 2 ^ry, den with 
flreidace. 340-9611. 

I WIB8fM M.4 . 

t^npioMT K&irr AL 






tin Save 




l^Mne ImprovMnofts 



Soon Addttiona 

Sodfk - Caiporis 
iiltclm RmodeUng 


Bai» E. BlaiA, &. 
MOO Park Avanae 

♦ Catait gnrafa to n dan 
Cfiviite fte, Mdc. A 
Buck vort 






■owarwoiy got tou 


General cleaniag, steam 
«dl»ettoo oa^ cteao- 
tog, flai»- vuiiig and 
striiving, wintovetening, 
caipet and vholatery 
rtaapo^^. Bonded aid 

1971 or hMBO edl ^• 


leaden turn 
tout in 
search of 
is a powerful 

If you're 
looking for a 
to get results, 
look to 

to irfaoe your 
low-cost ad. 



To my I rtamlirM driiaata 

ncardo he; tamwt.CMr' 
eff^a art in flw Rhwde 
todiong tf mMaMran 
R«Hi. Jut off BrttMMd 
Uvd., aenwa frmi Sait- 
apay Maitat to toe hsnrt 
We atn-wamhera clWer- 
teU^ChaaMnata Baud of 
K^ton Ml». airily 
Urtte Mnrtea. iM^m- 
aeat, wwaaratoPoBniwn 
and twdvt Baaltora to onr 
firm. We eover aU <d tte 
Tldevater araa bat moatly 
speetoUie to Chaaapanke 
to general, and Great 
Bridga Itottaparaaipac- 
iatty. If yoB need My rwd 
e^ate aervice and have 
IMenda or relativea thtok- 
ing of aeUiag or baying 
to the totnra, I'd upre- 
etote you ealUag cither ol 
these two nunbars, uif- 
time, atyonrconvantonea. 

Mcardo flMltQrs 

211 JehMtown Hd. 







m PtmMam m. 
Qril 464^317 

WOOrmi - GUTTBROK -■- 
AU 4rpM, hot tar, gnrnd 
a MBciiMr, ttaka f« - 
pairid, 29 ]rann opwi- 

I »e,|W-^ai9timr. 

la^riw, Miwltyjrmnatic 
Uom e«Btopi. P^E es- 
tiBHtoa, 922-2219. 

1 Bniakad aOee attaa l/t 
y? Mch. Water, aewer, 
MM» McCMe A Laator 

•9 - F»aMe - Real Baffle 

LOT far aato at Masst^ 
nttm to VirginU's Shen- 
andoah Valtey. Enjoy a 
baaoUfnUy-greea summer 
and a spectocolar faU. Best 
of aU, get ready for wto- 
ter and the best skiii« 
betwoM VaU and Vermont. 
S^ecM price. CaU Nor- 
ris Uy, 627-5020. 

FIREPLACES, aU tohor, 
1675, Dave Uartto, 399- 

BKKX, BLOCK ami stoM. 
FireidMM, nrdMs,st«|« 
garages. idOttf honaM. 
Reaaooabla nUea.54S- 
2614, eaaaqrtime. 

LOT, ciearug, Grading, 
DemoUtioo, Acreage 
clearli«. SmaU or large 
J(to. By the hour, or Job. 
FRE£ Mtimate - caU 547* 

Every weelT advertisers 
get results from classified 
ads i^ced in your h(Hnetown 
community newspMcr. Re- 
member when you have 
something to buy or sell, 
have misplaced something or 
have property to rent, let 
a classified ad in this news-' 
paper prove its ability as a 
speedy, efficient salesman. 

RETotB) ctsn^mm 

tailllBg MWtf jofea wtek M 
P*— jtogt tntida mm, 
trnk anuanwa, hitfdMg 

CaU m-«M uqiS 

nn KEMOViU. - t.E. 

PAOrUNG - Top qaaffiy, 
tow ovartaa^ tow prteM. 

ALL typH nnodeUag, 
pIvNMng, eleetrtoal, an- ; 
noattry, m tab too gmaU. 
CiU«7-1201 anyttoM,day 


seUs fast wito Claaaiflad 
Ads. CaU 547-4S71. 

making nuMy! Advartfato 
- nraga aato wUk a km 
Wart Ad. 


. Call 941-4VII 

Carpentry, roofing, siding, 
room additions, storm wto- 
dows and doors, plaster- 
ing, electric, concrete 
work, plunUng, guttering, 
remodeling UtdMna and 
bathrooms, brick and Modi 
work, alumtonm siding, 
fireidaces, carpeting and 
patotlng. Senrtog aU Tide- 
water. 623-9733. 

FA. C8UR. eem* tdUe 
ffaiwrHnh tank with 

2211, 424^01, «l-?4t4 


TMVte inmnd itt^^ 

hnM RinmAOi-imra 
^^muFt mm mm - 


m p,m. "hm^ bM- 
tm m. mTamt tat., 


8f Wuf^ 9W| vV m* 
naMflifr. AU 

am ^m. 


VANm; "no 


Fnmiturc, sUver, dto- 

monda, gUss, ehiat,l»mM 

tools, uy hnai^nifll it- 

\lao iDtaratrtad to 

•ntlre eatates. Day 


You can trust af^^ 





lOkn-WS Eatfn BOl Driva-ForMt OiUs 

Three befttioBU, 2 baU», L-Avad toridt ratodi. 

OitfaMtod rem over pr^t. De#le ear mm_ 

C^Mttil aUing witti aqponad hiMMt to tu^ 

room iM fcitdiM. Oveniied bay w^inm to l^hM 


TAYLM mOB. REALTY - «4-«a. 

/»romst fwir m¥mm^$mwm of Mm^ Im^9V ana HaMotal 


Taylor Brc^rs 
Rm% Co. 






»«^>wa».V«. 23320 





Use this couDon 

— *- p. 1 




O.K. hometown newspaper, I've been readingaboui how your newspapers | 
sell, rent, find and inform with classified ads. j 

■ \ 

I Here is my classified ad: ^-^ J 

! =z=z==:z:z== i 


1Tt»e cost is only 13.20 for 20 words for one week, 16<1 for each additional 
iMOFd. Your cli*4ififed dd wilt rurv in .t>»© GHESAPEAKEI>OST the 

Please run my ad for ( ) issues 
or until cancelled ( ) 

payment enclosed ( 
please send bill ( 

My name:- 
City:- — - 



I Phofte 547-4571 for iftformation. or to place your classified ad. 

20 WORDS FOR ONLY $3.20 


Getting the Cold Shoulder? 

That's ttia sm Mt^ you won't get «Awn you call your hofratawn 
conMnwity ntwai^iai Wwn you nil us for a low-cost quick- 
aet«9 ^M«m«tf ad. you'li Jw V«^ by a friwdty pe is<ww N o*> 
TM^ to Mkm, Id your titii^M «iri halp dut as best sM em, 
B«cai^ wHmi it gorws to parsoral hometown service, we're 
Ml ycNir Bt^. So «v« u» • call. We're here to help, for clM«i- 
fied. teldphem $47-4571. 



-vV-^.iKjair. ■ 



1^411 1^1^ pil ^g^u^iffmifgifgiim 

■r°5Piw-a,*fc *\\. 1 vtB'Liit^.'-gRjfUw^i' 




2324-C VirglfiiffBMCh Blvd. 


340-9S51 340-3981 

Frosh Ocdiin Fisli • Dr^secl FREE 

Complete Line of Seafood 
Retail - Wholesale 

Sho. thra nax. 11 to 6 
Fri. tad &t 10 to 7 

/./// Robinson's is 
exclusively yours 


OSillaei 'SlmiiM 

Specialzing in unique and finely crafted 
handwrought Jewelry Creations. We also 
carry chains, gold items, scrimshaw, Indian 
Jewelry and much more. Now featuring 
beautiful pencil drawings by Clark Ashton 

Come in and look around! 

140 LoBdM Bridp Cait«r 

HOBTS ltl:00-t:0O 
TttM. tknwghSit. 

-14U S^MtNi's women's 
apparel ^^a-e at 228 Lmdm 
Brieve Shewing Center is 
the antithesis of today's hy- 
ped-q) modera clothes 

lasted of scouring racks 
of "targajB'.' clothes, fight- 
ing off shof^rs for the (me 
dress that catches your eye, 
at LiU R<^bson's it's ex- 
actly the qj^wsite. 

Comfortably and leisure- 
ly, you can browse tbroui^ 
a select bat plratifol array 

of dresses, |»at suits, 
sportswMr, %%im wear, 
gowns, costume Jewelry and 
even haremdreaaes if you're 
into belly dan^. 

A^ if the heat's got you 
down, just paiBe for a mo- 
ment io (Nw of ^ com- 
fortable wicker touges \o* 
cated strate{^catt]4tbrough- 
out tte pl^tSiBt; air con- 
ditioned sfai^i Have a cup 
oi c&Rm and ci^l«:t your 
ttMWgUB before (^OKttiiig that 
"^ial" dress that Ull 




2256 Va Bmc^ nvd. 
Vlr^iia Bttach, Va. 23454 

raCHIE 340-0740 RES. «1-Ct75 

Robins(n's carries. 

Lill Robinson's is tm^ 
by Carol Garrett aM |&y 
Watson of Virginia Beaeb. 
It is, according to attrac- 
tive and personable ma^er 
Saodi Bain, a wonen'ssj^'? 
iaity shop carrying mai^ 
excltntve lines of nM-tbb- 
cbwp and ni)t-too-ex|k»glve 

The accent is on custo- 
mer contact, says San^ 
M|rii« the cvstoner s#w^ 
eneUy wtat sliis vaatidii* 
oat presmre. "It's the(m-> 
to««w personal reJIatton - 
sl4p tknt's important bere,'* 
says Saadi, eaptesiiH^ttw 
IMlp (ivep to Mch anr^ 
«ry cnstOBU-. 

"Wo enriT. ob piirpc*!, 
Una* ol cMUnclkntnooaMr I 
ralnll ston It tko trot cj^-' 
rtM." potat«« o«t Saaiti: 
Mm Kkn Uforie. £y«' 
PnnklM svln softs trf (ii- 
liftWirin, Hattio CtnM^ 
J«w«lry, qiedal order gowi^ 
by MUte Bennett for girls 
participating in beauty pag- 
eants. Sporty JumiMHiits.iiSd 
paatsnits by Hiss Jane of 
Miami, and long dresses by 
Jank Hartley of Miami witb 
a built-in -bra that are per- 
fect f^ proms. 

"Right tow one of the 
hottest items we have is the 
one piece swim suit by Son 
Fashion. It gives a leaner, 
softer look^^ibu the two - 
Ptece." Nojjfter store car- 
rys the S^^BiHBftdtaiLU) 

ical price, you can wwr an 
exclusive on the B^«^ and 
not see, tte »ae thing « 
another woman. t 

"\lte also try to provilo 
^e<^ orders for oor @is- 
^n«w. If iM4oe«i!taee 
what sikt waiUs, we wUl or- 
der tt." Sandi saM. 

There's alw«fs WMoetUlg 


rive daily, and nuuqF wcunen 
like to come la nK»t every 
day and browse throiq^ the 
new selections. When they 
see that "sometliing spec- 
ial" then it's all worth while. 
From May 2 to 7 Ull's 
will featare a Mother's Day 
Sale with tea pen:e«t off 
all items ezceirt the nor- 
mal sale items. There's a 
sale table, and "you can 
always find a bargain" ev- 
ery day. 

If ]»M)'r» 10 totMUjr 4uiQ- 
tn^ iM are loql^liil lor a 
oDibune. try LlltllObinsott's 
Tbejr are the only stati la 
Wffgiuia Beach that stocks 
■iMraB dresses. 

Most men feel very un- 
comfortable in dress shop, 
but Lill's is designed to 
. help in that area, too. They 
eaa relax on those wickers 
utt feave a cup (tf c(^ee. 
(ezc^ <a course^ ti^hnli- 
bf's qriiiins is Ke<M.) And 
^b«A>re Cbrtsta^ I4U's 
Ww9a, a. Men's NigM with 
tm r«e^hma>ts and free 

I^Wjif er 9attf tas be^sin 
tte HiUon bittb^ lor:4<-a 
futs. awi is iptte ttw ^- 
l«rt. Blk6 and ovists Canri 
Hi Kaf ^er fr«e £i^ib» 
ttows, fn- c^arit^teip-a^pr. 
to UarekUll'sdirect^sneh 
a4i^(»ishowforttae Prin- 
cess 4we Womans C)id», 
ortflt^ did) members to 

tte eonuBeMnry. 

London Bridge 
Hardware, Inc. 

244 London BrhlgkShqppIng Ctntir 





HTH PocN Chmtidte 

216 London Bridge 

Shopping Center 



to a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Mon. thru Sat. 

nw ona Slop sbop for all 
ymo- creative stitchery needs. 
We feature needle point, crewel, 
Wm hooking, blocking, plUow 
nUEifig, special desiging, framing 

Stop by and taka advantaga 
tf ow 50% off ^yal 



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Free Estimates on Repairs By 
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SM Londiw ^rUt* ttopplnr CMter 
Ftone4H-»U OpenS-IDally 



Va. Beach's best'drBSskd 
start with us! 

Our line ^ m% ptdyester AmUrtnit 
is the start lar any smart wardr*^- 
ootUng hii^ Oan $4.49 ji. If s bigh ; 
fiMUan for a onrter td ttie coiipe 
can provl^ d^smaters' wmi 
<Mrli« n«r JMoitt^^iiaiL^ 




228 London Brtdga 
Shopping Cantar 

Vlr^aia Beaek, Va. 
10!M.|:M Men. - S^ 

Come see our 
beautiful ^ 

selection of 
swimsuits and 
coverups by Sea 


ffed blouson ma 
with elasteized 
waist and tie bei 
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azas 5/6-15/16 


sportswear and swimwear. 

WM. F. -waie- I All You Can Eat . . 



Steamed stwbi^ $59S 

oar pareoii 


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TV and Rai&> 

^ 340-0551 

sates an d service 

?5P»iMft SALE ON NOV, 
"^a us Mst for tha bast buy'' 


Gmry Fuller ton. Editor 

Tom Singco, Ativt. Mgr. 
FOR FffT P Riiaf:r.tu»Tuy fif rn 
